The Last 25 Questions I Asked Google

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good morning john so a weird thing about modern life is that i can certainly forget what happened to me two weeks ago but google never will so because i can let's go back through my top 22 most recent questions that i asked google starting with the where's so i was actually curious about where world war ii soldiers pooped when they were in cities like did people let them in their homes or did they go to the cinema or something or just poop in the gutter what do they do but i found no information about that i just found a lot of pictures of dudes pooping in trenches which was looked awful looked very bad the nitrogen and the atmosphere came from geological processes in the earth and then it's pretty heavy and stable so it sticks around for a really long time that's why there's so much of it and the lunar landers tend to be really interesting the landers they would launch and then they would take back off and reconnect with the command module and then be jettisoned and almost all of them were crashed into the moon to do seismic experiments except for apollo 13 which was used as a lifeboat and then they crashed it into earth's atmosphere and apollo 10 the mission before the one that landed on the moon the ones just flew around the moon they actually jettisoned that lunar module and it went into solar orbit so it is currently out there we could go get it it's just in space now for some what this first one is just me trying to figure out why when where and what can be answered with then there and that which just it can't be a coincidence and i'm getting closer to the answer to this question i'm not quite there yet a pine cone turns out to just be a pine cone i thought maybe it was analogous to some other structure it's really not it is a conifer cone is a conifer cone that's what it is it's an organ of a plant but interestingly physiologically those little uh pollen things on conifers are actually pine cones is physiology something you can apply to plants i don't know if that's just an animal thing i can google it okay i typed in is and i didn't think about using is the first one was is a puzzle a story which is a wonderful question and i don't remember asking it and also is aphid honeydew edible but yeah plant physiology is definitely a thing uh and now it's the 25 most recent questions i asked to google the oil lamps that romans used were the ones that sort of look like genie lamps except they were made out of clay and there'd be a wick in there and it would wick the oil up and you could light that on fire and the oil they used was olive oil meat more what's protons taste like sour cicadas eat tree sap but not the sticky kind you're probably imagining the really liquid fluid kind that's just the water that travels up to the leaves and what is college like i don't know but i think we should be asking the question who we only got one who who recorded the first noise and you might think that that was thomas edison it kinda was technically the first audio recording was not replayable it was the pressure wave of noise being transferred into a waveform edouard leon scott de martinville i don't do french developed a device that could turn sound into an image and actually very recently for the first time we were able to turn that waveform back into an audio file and here it is i do not like that wise honestly i am still completely dumbfounded by all three of these hows always asking questions about the structure of the online media ecosystem phone gyroscopes continue to baffle me and yes we are now at the point where i have no idea how long we have been in this current situation oh there's this catherine thinks that googling things about animal crossing taints the experience so i have to sort of be quietly googling and be like well let's try this and finally just because i guess there needs to be an end to this video john i would like to present to you a poem when did luke perry die when dove's cry when would the moon crash into the earth john i'll see you on tuesday wait another question has appeared how much money has the awesome socks club raised well john google doesn't know the answer to that question but i do over 600 000 and remarkably that is just a side effect of this dang amazing service that will send you a pair of socks designed by a different independent artist every single month they are lovely high quality socks that i wear now almost exclusively and right now subscriptions are open but only for a limited time at
Channel: vlogbrothers
Views: 156,134
Rating: 4.9867473 out of 5
Id: M_pLwm-wYng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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