The Largest Chord (sUpEr UlTrA hYpEr MeGa MeTa LyDiAn)

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man, i wish i knew music theory, ive tried to read books on it, but it's so boring cuz you know it just words talking about sounds

this video made me realize maybe youtube videos are the answer :O

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/jurble 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

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So you know a C-Major chord

ok I'm lost

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/marvk 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
so you know a c-major chord it consists of a root third fifth but what about a C major seventh root third fifth seven what about a major ninth root third fifth seventh and ninth but what about the eleventh well that's a problem because the eleventh clashes with the third eleven so what about a sharp eleven hmm nice how about a thirteenth and that is AC major 13 sharp 11 chord the major 13 sharp 11 chord is one of the most extended chords commonly used in jazz it's derived from George Russell's leading chromatic concept on the basis that it is a parent chord for the C Lydian scale so what's a Lydian scale again it's a normal major scale where they raised fourth degree so yes this chord when compressed makes a Lydian scale what's the pattern in this chord so we start off with our root C we go up a major 3rd to e we go up minor 3rd to G go up a major 3rd to B go up a minor 3rd to D up a major 3rd to F sharp and up a minor 3rd to 8th it's basically a repeating alternating series of major and minor thirds here we have a major 3rd and here we have a minor third major third one a third major third minor 3 hmm what if we keep going let's take this down an octave and let's go up a major 3rd up a minor 3rd to e of a major 3rd to G sharp up a minor 3rd to be and up a major 3rd to d sharp let's bring this down again let's go up a minor 3rd to f-sharp up a major 3rd to a sharp up a minor 3rd to C sharp up a major 3rd to eat sharp and up a minor 3rd to G sharp let's yet again bring it down another octave up a major 3rd to be sharp up a minor 3rd to D sharp up a major 3rd to F double sharp up a minor 3rd to a sharp and up a major 3rd to C double sharp we're almost there let's go up a minor 3rd to E sharp up a major 3rd to G double sharp up a minor 3rd to be sharp or just C and that chord is AC major 21 double sharp 47 struck 45 double sharp 43 sharp 41 double sharp 39 sharp 37 sharp 35 shot 33 sharp 31 shot 29 sharp 27 shot 25 sharp 23 sharp 19 start 15 sharp 11 it is the most super ultra mega hypermetabolic Pike out there it's 24 notes seven octaves that takes three people to play on the piano that as a matter of fact and nearly covers the entire piano only seven of these chords fit in a standard 88 key piano [Music] yep there are two ways to construct this court the first one involves the repeating pattern of major and minor thirds which we just did the second way comes from close observation of the first abnormal extension of AC major 13 sharp 11 chord 2 AC major 13 struck 15 sharp 11 chord that chord is basically a poly chord or two chords stacked on top of each other AC major 13 shot 15 sharp 11 chord is basically ad major 7 over AC major 7 if you look at the big stack you'll see AC major 7 8 D major 7 which is below an E major 7 years below an f-sharp major scale which is below an a-flat major 7 which is below a B flat major 7 this might be hidden by the weirdly written notes like B sharp and F double sharp and C double sharp and G double sharp etc if we take there and harmonic equivalents we get a chord like this that is a little easier to split into these parts and look right where the cord ends you come back full circle back to where you started C major 7 so C major 7 D major 7 E major 7 different major 7 a flat major so that would be flat major 7 but stacked there are repeated notes in this court and as a matter of fact each note is only repeated at once so remember how to see Lydian scale is the compressed version of C major 13 sharp 11 if we were to compress C major 21 double shark 47 sharp 45 double sharp 43 sharp 41 double sharp 39 chapter 87 struck 35:33 sharp 31 sharp 29 Shep 27 sharp 25 sharp 23 sharp 19 shot 15 sharp 11 we get this so it's better to think of this chord as a spectrum of Lydian and not a chord itself the court is so big that it's outer extremes are not ideal placements of thirds they sound mushy in the low end and on the high end even if you have six hands to play this it's easier to hear it as a spectrum by arpeggiating it like this or like this if you'd like to hear more about impractical harmony or harmony more in general consider subscribing to this channel and liking this video this is similar to the chord jacob collier mentioned in his second interview with to me stuff that i've gathered move this crazy crazy notes that you've added to chords like this is one chord i know that has all 12 notes in it so I'm sort of it's already I don't think so so this call is so it's like D 7 but it has every one of the top notes and my voice my range doesn't be enough to do the whole core but it goes I was just like and somebody already saying it [Music] question of the day can you sing this chord or do you know someone that can let me know in the comments
Channel: Leon Waves
Views: 4,989,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music theory, world's largest, largest chord, jazz harmony, lydian, modern harmony, piano, piano harmony, Simon Åkesson, June Lee, Jacob Collier, Super Ultra Mega Hyper Lydian, Rick Beato, Adam Neely, Aimee Nolte, Super Ultra Hyper Mega Meta Lydian
Id: HeTygKpi6pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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