The Largest Black Holes [4K]

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In 2011, scientists using the South  Pole Telescope in Antarctica observed   more than two-dozen distant galaxy clusters,  twelve of which had never been seen before.   Among them was the Phoenix Cluster, a group of  about a thousand galaxies bathing in blistering   radiation- with its biggest and brightest  galaxy unlike anything we’d seen before.   In the decade that followed, the  Phoenix Cluster enjoyed a meteoric   rise to become one of the most extensively  studied galaxy clusters in the universe,   shattering a number of cosmic records for X-Ray  emittance, gas fractions and star formation.   But lately, it has taken on a significance of  another kind… because, at the heart of the Phoenix   Cluster’s unique central galaxy, lies perhaps the  largest black hole in the universe… one with a   mass claimed to exceed entire galaxies, and dwarf  the inner-Solar System with its event horizon.   The question is, why do people think that this  black hole is the largest- and more to the point,   who are those people, and what information  did they use to draw their conclusion?   Furthermore, just how large can the  biggest black holes really grow?   And if this one is not the largest, which is?   These are the questions we will be answering as  we search for the universe’s Biggest Black Holes.   Black holes are volumes of mass which are so  densely compressed that their gravitational   influence deforms the space surrounding  them. Inside a region of warped spacetime,   the force of attraction becomes so great that the  escape velocity needed to leave exceeds the speed   of light, and thus not even massless photons  can break free to meet the eyes of an observer.   Instead, they fall straight towards the centre,  resulting in a lightless sphere of un-rendered   space around the concentration, known as an Event  Horizon. Though the concept might sound ominous,   the science is anything but- any time we  compress enough mass into a sufficiently   miniscule volume of space, an event horizon  of sapped light will form around it. And in a   universe dominated by gravity, there are a number  of ways to achieve a gravitational collapse.   Mini-quasar binary systems  like GRO-1655-40 provide us   with compelling evidence that black holes form  from the leftover cores of collapsing stars.   When a giant star goes supernova, only its outer  layers ignite, leaving the inert core exposed,   which collapses in on itself in  the absence of an energy source.   If this collapsing core weighs more than a  few times the mass of our sun, then it will   continue to compact and compress its volume until  an event horizon forms around it. This gives us a   Stellar Black Hole, with a mass ranging from  a few times that of our sun to a few-dozen.   By far the smallest and most common kind,  the Milky Way alone may be littered with   the corpses of millions of its bygone stars.  While the majority of these remain invisible   and undetectable in the vastness of space, some  stellar black holes light up as they feed on their   surrounding gas. Black holes grow via accretion-  the shredded matter closest to the event horizon,   under the greatest tidal influence, collects into  a thin, rotating disk along the black hole’s axes.   On the inside of this disk, a small fraction  of excited particles will eventually experience   enough drag force to guide them below the  event horizon, where they plunge towards   the centre and grow the black hole’s mass. But  the majority of the disk’s matter will remain   outside, instead orbiting the horizon at  obscenely high velocities and temperatures.   Thus, the process of accretion is a fairly  slow-burner for a Stellar Black Hole,   allowing it to accrue a few-dozen extra Solar  Masses of material over many millions of years.   Eventually, it may reach 100 Solar Masses,  at which point it would be classed as an   Intermediate Mass Black Hole. Considerably  rarer than their stellar counterparts,   Intermediate Mass Black Holes start at a century  of Solar Masses, for the largest collapsed stars,   but they can grow to tens of thousands,  for those beasts we see lying at the   hearts of star clusters and disrupted  proto-galaxies. But at this insane weight,   Black Holes of an intermediate mass are  surely too large to have been built up by   accretion alone- there must have been another  mechanism supplementing their runaway growth.   And indeed, we do see evidence of such a  mechanism, realised when black holes collide. When   two of these monsters find each-other in space,  they soon begin spiralling in on one-another as   their orbits decay, ultimately destined to join  their event horizons and merge their masses.   This facilitates the snowballing-like growth of  gargantuan black holes on a variety of scales-   in binary systems, during chance encounters,  and even during the collision of galaxies.   Lying at the hearts of most galaxies,  we find the largest type of black hole-   a Supermassive Black Hole, with a mass  greater than at least 100,000 suns.   Almost every large galaxy houses one  of these beasts in its nucleus- and   for particularly large, mature galaxies  like the Milky Way, Andromeda, and M-87,   they can grow to millions of times the sun’s mass-  large enough to swallow stars in a single gulp.   These black hole nuclei are thought to have  played a vital role in establishing the shape   of their host galaxies, particularly in the core  region, with the highest concentrations of stars.   And thus, where we find massive, over-sized  galactic cores, we can expect to find similarly   massive monster black holes. As such, it is easy  to see why the nucleus of the IC 1101 galaxy,   has long been viewed as a principal candidate  for the largest black hole in space.   IC 1101 was once thought to be the largest galaxy,  with a diameter of around six-million light years,   according to early, overly-generous  estimates. This figure has been reined   in by more than half in recent years, but in  any case, the galaxy still boasts one of the   largest nuclei we’ve ever seen- extending  about 13 and a half thousand light years.   And this massive galactic bulge weighs in  favour of a similarly massive black hole   at the centre of it all, believed to have  a mass in the region of 40-billion Suns,   corresponding to an event horizon radius exceeding  the orbit of Neptune dozens of times over. For a   black hole this insanely large, “supermassive”  doesn’t do it the proper justice… and so,   for those monsters whose mass exceeds ten-billion  Solar Masses, we refer to them as Ultra-Massive   Black Holes, or Stupendously Large Black  Holes, a.k.a. “SLABs” in special cases.   And like the black hole at the heart of IC 1101,  many of the largest SLABs we’ve pinpointed tend   to lie around this 40 billion Solar Mass  mark. A handful with even greater masses   have been proposed, but none with conclusive  evidence derived from direct observations.   In fact, scientists aren’t even sure whether  black holes larger than about 50 billion Solar   Masses can exist, due to the physics playing  out in the accretion disks that grow them.   Above around 50 or 60 billion Solar Masses,  the associated disk feeding such a black   hole would become so enormous that its  matter would likely condense into stars,   long before it reached the event horizon.  The resulting radiation emitted by these   stars would then severely hamper the conditions  in the rest of the accretion disk for feeding,   curtailing Ultramassive Black Hole growth around  this threshold. Thus, we weren’t expecting to   find a black hole larger than about sixty-billion  Solar Masses… that was, until we found TON-618.   The 618th entry in the Tonantzintla  Catalogue refers a radio-loud Quasar-   the brightest and most energetic type  of galaxy, which is drowned out by its   own blinding emissions, stirred up  by its black hole’s accretion disk.   This enduring light source shines from a depth  of more than ten-billion light years, yet it   is so luminous that it was mistaken for a local  blue star in the Milky Way galaxy for more than a   decade following its discovery. However, in 1970,  radio surveys revealed the source to be a quasar-   powered by a colossal, accreting black hole.  When scientists attempted to reverse-engineer the   properties of this black hole from its spectral  data, they discovered that matter must be crossing   its horizon at more than 7,000km per second,  in order to generate its profile of emissions.   Such ungodly speeds and their associated  temperatures could only have been the   product of the gravitational influence  exerted by a record-breaking black hole,   with an unfathomable mass of sixty-six  billion times that of our sun.   At such an extraordinary weight, the event horizon  of this beast would stretch for little under 400   billion kilometres, with a radius more than forty  times the distance between Neptune and the sun.   Unfortunately, however, this estimate has  been rolled back somewhat in recent years,   now more aligned with the mass of IC 1101’s  black hole, of around 40 billion Solar Masses.   But either way, it is TON-618 that has enjoyed the  most success in capturing the hearts and minds of   amateur astronomers. Appearing in size comparison  videos, news articles, and on discussion forums,   this black has become something of a  “people’s champion”, a designation which   instantly springs to mind when contemplating  the largest black holes in the universe.   And yet lately, there have been murmurs of  a new champion, with a mass that smashes   TON-618’s previous record… and its name is now  also starting to crop up on sites like YouTube,   Reddit and Wikipedia, claimed to be  the new largest black hole in space…   the monster lying at the heart of  the Phoenix Cluster of galaxies.   The Phoenix Cluster is some way  closer to home than TON-618,   about half the lookback distance  at 5.8 billion light years.   As we mentioned, this 1,000-member galaxy  grouping was discovered in 2011, and in the   years since has rapidly risen to become one of  the most intensively studied galaxy clusters.   The Phoenix Cluster is unique in a number  of ways- it was the most X-Ray-luminous   cluster that had been identified at  the time, with some of the highest   fractions of gas and rates of star formation,  particularly in its dominant central galaxy.   Ordinarily, Brightest Cluster Galaxies, which  lie at the hearts of certain types of clusters,   are not very hospitable environments for star  formation, igniting new stars at a rate even   slower than the dormant Milky Way. While they  do house large quantities of intra-cluster gas,   this matter rarely cools to a temperature at which  it can break out in prolific star-birth. Rather,   BCGs tend to be hives of hot plasma, with an old  stellar population flooded by ionising radiation,   owing to ejections from an enormous, centralised  black hole. As the gravitational focal point of   its galaxy cluster, a BCG is usually grown via the  accumulation of progenitor galaxies, concentrating   at the heart of the cluster along with their  black holes. This leads to a proliferation   of seismic black hole merger events, eventually  yielding a tremendously oversized beast tens of   billions of times the mass of the sun, surrounded  by multitudes of gas upon which it can feed.   And as matter crosses its event horizon,  enormous amounts of gravitational potential   energy are released, manifesting in the  form of a series of high-energy outflows.   These outflows, erupting from a pair of  astrophysical jets, cascade through their   surrounding interstellar gas for thousands  of light years, heating it up in the process.   This keeps the majority of a BCG’s interstellar  medium too hot and energised to condense,   strongly suppressing the formation of new  stars… ultimately rendering the galaxy’s   morphology as some variant of an elliptical  galaxy, with flat-lining rates of star-birth.   But rather unusually, that’s not what we  see in the Phoenix Cluster’s BCG- Phoenix A.   In fact, this galaxy is a stellar factory,  grinding out stars at a rate hundreds of   times higher than the Milky Way. Phoenix  A is classified as type II Seyfert Galaxy,   the second-most energetic type of Active Galactic  Nucleus, where the core is overflowing with excess   radiation and light, but not enough to drown out  the rest of the host galaxy, like within a quasar.   Phoenix A derives most of its  centralised luminosity from a   packed population of freshly fused stars, atop  thick blankets of radiant star-forming gas.   The first evidence of abnormally high  star-formation rates in this galaxy was   detected in 2012, and soon after, NASA’s Chandra  Telescope saw trillions of Solar Masses’ worth of   rapidly-cooling gas concentrated around the BCG,  greater than the mass of all other one-thousand   cluster constituents combined. This gas expels  heat as it glows in X-Radiation wavelengths,   allowing it to cool to a temperature  better-suited to the production of stars.   As mentioned, the Phoenix Cluster was the most  X-Ray luminous that had ever been identified-   with the highest rate of cooling gas ever seen  in a BCG- more than 3,000 Solar Masses a year.   And this cooling is what enables the unusually  high star formation rates seen in Phoenix A,   as it grinds out over 600 suns’  worth of new stars per year-   compared to the measly single Solar  Mass churned out by the Milky Way.   And when the Hubble Telescope focused its eyes  on Phoenix A, it saw these stars arranged into   an enormous series of great filaments,  measuring 330,000 light years by 160,000-   both longer than the entire Milky Way galaxy,  and the largest such filaments ever discovered.   Such unusual features point to a lack of black  hole activity in the galaxy’s recent past.   If it were any other way, we wouldn’t see  such big breakouts of star formation within   the swathes of cooling gas. However, if we  observe Phoenix A in another wavelength,   we do see signs of active galactic outbursts,  imprinted upon the cluster’s emissions profile.   Above and below the stellar filaments,  we see a pair of cavities carved in the   structure’s X-Ray footprint, echoing areas  which have been emptied of their cooling gas,   most likely due to an eruption  from its black hole feeding.   The larger pair of cavities, in particular,  point to an extremely powerful outburst about a   hundred-million years ago, which sent an enormous  shockwave cascading through the galactic medium,   hollowing out the region of star  birth by dispelling cooling gas.   The question is, what could’ve caused this  black hole to undergo such a powerful outburst?   To answer this, we need to probe the apparent  “double-personality” of the galactic nucleus,   which derives around half of its energy from a  pair of astrophysical jets, like a radio galaxy,   while the other half is powered by friction  in the accretion disk, like a quasar.   Scientists believe this fifty-fifty split is  likely to be the result of Phoenix A’s nucleus   “flipping” from Radio Galaxy Mode to Quasar Mode.  A hundred-million years before we are observing   this galaxy, its radio jets would’ve ignited  into a hyper-luminous bout of quasar activity,   producing the shockwave which  permeated its surroundings,   before settling back into “Radio-Mode”  for a second, less significant eruption   tens of millions of years later, echoed  by the inner cavities. And ever since,   the black hole has been lying dormant, unable to  reheat its surrounding gas… allowing it to cool,   and enabling this brief, fleeting window  of star formation we see to commence.   So, where does the proposed size of Phoenix A*  come into all of this? Why, almost a decade since   these revelations, has it only now been  assigned as the new largest black hole?   Well, it is the size and scale of  these larger cavities that point   to an eruption amongst the  largest we’ve ever detected,   the likes of which could only have been produced  by a black hole with the most extreme properties.   With this in mind, in 2015, scientists at the Max  Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy developed   a new framework for locating the biggest  black holes in the universe by searching at   the hearts of galaxy clusters. In the paper,  the authors highlight the black hole at the   heart of the Phoenix Cluster as a candidate  SLAB, which based on their model, may warrant   a mass in the order of a hundred-billion Solar  Masses- more than double the theoretical limit.   And it is this mass prediction that has shaken  up conversations surrounding the largest black   hole in recent months. At a hundred-billion  Solar Masses, Phoenix A* would be more than   24,000 times the mass of our galaxy’s central  black hole, Sag. A*, and about 7% of the mass of   the entire Milky Way galaxy… not to mention more  than double the mass of the Triangulum Galaxy.   Such a description-defying weight translates  to an event horizon stretching for more than   half a trillion kilometers, with a  diameter [3,900 AU] one-hundred times   greater than the median distance  between Pluto and the sun [40 AU].   Such a beast of a black hole would present a  serious challenge to what we thought was possible…   however, one has to examine the context of  this estimate before getting carried away,   as it is not based on any direct  measurement of Phoenix A’s dynamics.   In fact, this paper gave the same ballpark  estimate of a hundred-billion Solar Masses   to no less than three central cluster  black holes; not just to Phoenix A*,   but to IC 1101*, and the black hole at  the heart of another BCG, Holmberg 15A.   But we know that IC 1101’s black hole  is probably not quite as large as a   hundred-billion Solar Masses, more likely  to be in the range of 40 billion, perhaps.   And similarly, our most intricate and precise  measurements to date of the Holmberg 15A galactic   nucleus also suggest a black hole of around  40 billion Solar Masses- not one-hundred.   With this in mind, it would not be unreasonable  to cast doubt over the claim of Phoenix A’s   black hole being so large. In fact, the apparent  inability of the black hole to prevent star birth   en messe with its ejections, has some proposing  that Phoenix A* may be undersized compared to   its cluster, and thus unable to sufficiently  reheat its gas. In reality, the true mass of   the Phoenix A central black hole is likely to  be much closer to the 40 billion Solar Mass   mark predicted for our other Stupendeously Large  Black Holes. But as enthusiasts, we are always   intrigued by the thought of a new record-breaking  discovery, and a new largest entity in space.   Unfortunately, however, the notion that  Phoenix A* exceeds 100 billion Solar Masses,   which has been so widely touted as a “new  largest black hole” in recent months, is not   based on any “new” research or discoveries. It is  in fact an outdated, indirectly derived estimate,   which has been plucked from an older paper for  the purpose of inflating a new largest black hole.   And ever since, this figure has been swept up by  the Internet, gaining virality in a manner similar   to TON-618, appearing in black hole comparison  videos, news articles, and cropping up in online   discussions- often citing the 100-billion  Solar Mass figure given by this paper.   But the truth is that the Phoenix A  central black hole is probably not   the largest we’ve ever found, and is almost  certainly less than a hundred-billion suns.   The problem is, is that we don’t yet have  a reliable direct means to conclusively pin   down its true mass. Sadly, the more distant  Active Galactic Nuclei at higher redshifts   are notoriously difficult to study, and we are  limited to indirect estimates for the time being.   But new, more reliable and innovative techniques  are being developed and applied to other galactic   cores slightly closer to home. Just this year were  scientists able to pin down the mass of another   ultramassive black hole, some 2.5 billion light  years distant. Early in 2023, scientists used   measurements of gravitational lensing to constrain  a precise estimate for the mass of the monster at   the heart of the Abell 1201 Galaxy Cluster  BCG, as being about 32 billion Solar Masses.   Though slightly less massive  than some of the aforementioned,   this figure comes with a much lower  margin of error, and will likely pave   the way for the technique to be expanded  to more distant Active Galactic Nuclei.   There’s also that other Ultramassive Black  Hole we spoke about earlier, Holmberg 15A,   within a giant elliptical galaxy  700 million light years from Earth.   The black hole at the heart of this  galaxy is another whose size has been   historically beefed up by overly optimistic  predictions, with studies in the early 2000s   proposing its mass to exceed three-hundred  billion suns. But in 2019, this figure was   substantially reigned in using our most detailed  observations of the galaxy’s nucleus to date,   to a more modest 40 billion Solar Mass  figure, in line with the aforementioned.   Something that may be a fraction larger is  the unnamed Stupendously Large Black Hole   designated 4C+74.13; an Active Galactic  Nucleus at the heart of a BCG around 2.6   billion light years from Earth, in  the constellation Camelopardalis.   In 2005, this galaxy was found to have  experienced an enormous outburst, which   churned out the equivalent of hundreds of millions  of Gamma-Ray Bursts, over a hundred million years,   also giving rise to a pair of X-Ray cavities, both  measuring 600,000 light years in diameter. Such an   extreme, far-reaching eruption resolves to an  Ultramassive Black Hole growing at an alarming   rate as it devours a progenitor galaxy- at least  15 billion Solar Masses, but perhaps as much as   51 billion- where it teeters precariously  on the limit of our theoretical model.   However, with so many unpredictable, unseen  variable factors, it is difficult to tie down   the ejecta of eruptions to precise  estimates of a black hole’s mass.   There’s a lot of ambiguity, and it will take many  more years of observations before we are able to   definitively establish the masses of the largest  galactic nuclei. In the meantime, however, we are   forced to conclude that no known supermassive  or ultramassive black hole that we’ve found yet   defies our theoretical limit of 50 or 60 billion  Solar Masses, and that includes Phoenix A*.   As it stands, TON-618 is still our best shot for  the largest black hole in the known universe,   not least because of its extraordinary depth.   Explaining how a black hole could grow so massive  is one thing… but so quickly, is another question   entirely. It truly bends the mind. But what is  even crazier to consider is how large that black   hole must’ve grown today, in the 10 billion years  since its light we are observing was emitted.   It must’ve cannibalised billions of extra  Solar Masses in that time, which would   render it by far the largest-known black hole  to humanity. For now, though, we can never know.   If you liked what you just saw, then please  consider subscribing to help the channel.   But otherwise, thanks for watching,  and I’ll see you in the next episode.
Channel: SEA
Views: 815,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sea1997, Space, astronomy, science, black hole, largest black hole, biggest black hole, TON-618, Phoenix A, Phoenix Cluster, 100 billion Solar Masses, IC 1101, SMBH, Ultramassive Black Hole, Abell 2029, Abell 1201, Abell 85, event horizon, accretion disk, relativistic jet, BCG, galaxy cluster, star formation, plasma, cooling gas, stellar black hole, intermediate mass, supermassive, size comparison, Holmberg 15a, 4c+74.13, agn, radio galaxy, quasar, nasa, collision, merger, documentary
Id: gIvGSW1Mlm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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