The Language of the Birds, a Mystic Perspective - Anthropology

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welcome to the green monkey nature Channel the language of the birds does not simply refer to the wondrous song of birds in a literal sense but pertains to mystical allegory found globally many religions philosophies and folktales tell stories of heroes sages and kings who gain power once they understand the language of the birds a multitude of global sacred sites depict scenes of birds off bird humans and their song connected to divine creation many myths behind the language of the birds have figures that were said to understand it and therefore rose to power placed by divine sources multiple interpretations are provided as to what is meant by this feature however some explanations seem to create a theme throughout the globe these themes pertained to the power of the voice and the power of symbolism on the human spirit this video will take a brief look at the language of the birds in global spirituality in certain African mythology it is the traditional healers or shamans who learn this language and understand when a bird is warning them of a trickster spirit or friendly ancestor in the vicinity it is also said that once a soul has incarnated seven times as a human or an animal they will be blessed in the next life to live as the freest of all creatures the bird in Norse mythology - Ravens named huggin and Moomin act as informants to Odin while many Greek errors such as Teresa and Anaximander were blessed by the gods to speak the language of the birds many European folktales pertained to uros who through a magical transformation was able to understand birds who then aid them in multiple ways such as being warned of danger or the location of hidden treasures the most prominent of which is the Russian story literally named the language of erets the talmud states that king solomon is granted his wisdom by understanding the language of the birds while in kabbalah mysticism this language is also known as the perfect on green language the mysteries of alchemy are also closely associated with what they - called the green language or the language of the birds where what they write sing illustrate or bold has a deeper significance underlying the obvious not divulge and overlooked by those without the correct perspectives in Egyptian mythology and consequently adopted by other major religions and mystic schools the symbolism of the swallow holds a deeper meaning it is said to be the first to call when the Sun rises welcoming another day the Rising Sun of course is a powerful symbol of divinity the hieroglyph for the swallow means great while and added candlewick hieroglyph means to anoint this is similar to the title of Christ adapted from the Islamic world caressed which means to anoint as a symbol of illumination the Egyptian goddess Isis is closely attributed to the swallow and to wisdom magic and illumination through the song and voice the swallow symbol has been adopted by Christianity - all the same meaning and can be seen in most holy sites in reverence to Mary Magdalene as stated in the gospel of Mary Magdalene each morning a group of angels lifted Magdalene up above the summit of the cliffs where she could listen to the entire choir of angelic hosts the divine sounds of original and continual creation a diversity of myths and explanations are related to this language some explanations attribute the voice to the principle of a vibrating reality as modern science also claims the relation of harmonic sounds to numbers shape and all other natural phenomena is held to be based on the harmony of cosmic law and creation this is what is referred to as the locust or the word of creation in certain mystic teachings others refer to this language as an understanding of mystic symbolism and allegory or even divine intuitive sense at face value this seems like pure mysticism however today we understand far more of a harmony sound geometry numbers and celestial rhythms affect us on a practical basis the modern scientific inquiry into this subject has illustrated the beneficial effect of Armonia stunting in mandalas on the body and the mind it has also been shown to alter the states of human consciousness such as entering gamma brainwave states attributed to meditative mindsets and divine experience chants and sounds of different frequency alter the mind body and as is claimed spirit in different ways whether there truly is an underlying value to these philosophies and myth is up to you to decide however it is quite a remarkable coincidence that birdsong is so prominent in synchronous in its meaning nevertheless a simple birdsong outside the window is always welcomed by those who appreciate the value of nature and its beams thanks for watching and if you like what you see like and subscribe also check out our website green monkey Safaricom for more information or if you're interested in booking an African safari adventure of your very own
Channel: Green Monkey Safari
Views: 2,511
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: mysticism, language of the birds, sound harmony, folklore, mythology, african myth, eurpoean myth, egyptian myth, principle of vibration, power of the voice, chirsitianity, cultural stories, enlightenment, karast, christ consiousness, magick, bird lore, bird myths, know more, fun facts, history, symbolism, chanting
Id: n7zem26lP08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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