The Lake

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VLOGGER: H-Hey what's up everyone! It's your boy Joe, with Phantom Keys Paranormal Investigations! And today we are here at the highly anticipated, Lake Roberts! Now, what is so special about Lake Roberts you may ask? Well, let's take it back in time just a bit. See, Lake Roberts was founded by a man named Samuel Roberts. Back in 1885. He uh- at that time, Mr. Roberts had met- had met a young lady by the name of Cecilia. The people here at Lake Roberts already knew that she had something to do with being a witch. Although she was accused of being a witch um, He still decided to marry Cecilia. Afterwards they attempted to have children, but unfortunately after attempting several times to have children uh, every attempt just led to a miscarriage. So with that, he started to believe that Cecilia really was a witch. And... did the most heinous thing you could possibly think of. Um, on their anniversary night he decided to take her out into the lake on his boat. And uh... that's where he decided to torture her to the point where she admitted that she indeed was a witch. Now, after she admitted uh, he threw her off the boat and basically held her down till she could no longer breath. Uh but right before he threw her off the boat though she cursed the lake and everyone who lived there. So, with that being said decades later, people have realized that this lake is truly haunted. Since then there have been many boat accidents, many jet ski accidents, many mysterious vanishings, um... murders. People thrown into the lake. And uh, most importantly the reason why I'm here is because of ghost sightings. Um... people believe that they have seen Cecilia walking along the edge in the dress that she was uh... murdered in. Along with her wet black hair. Uh... you know and such just recently since then um, I believe there was uh group of people celebrating a birthday where they went onto some paddle boats and... mysteriously one paddle boat just uh, flipped over leading one person to die. And uh, I believe when they did the investigation her body was not found. Which is the weird part out of all of this. But that's why I'm here why I'm here to investigate all these ghostly happening things and debunk whatever is going on here in Lake Roberts. Also known as Cecilia's Lake. So now that I'm here, let's jump into it and see what we find and debunk. Let's go! MAN: You here for someone? WOMAN: Yeah. Family. Hasn't been long. MAN: That girl that disappeared this spring, I'm real sorry. WOMAN: Are you the man that comes looking for clues? MAN: It's a couple of guys too. And uh, private company from Burbank. Think those guys might be treasure hunting though. WOMAN: Treasure hunting?! I fucking hate people sometimes! And what about you?! Aren't you treasure hunting?! MAN: I like to think of it as seeking answers. This lake's a thief. You know, maybe if I find them. The lives that it stole, I can free them. Those souls don't belong here. WOMAN: I've had a lot of bad dreams about this lake. And my sister. I kept seeing her face. She was dead. Drowned. After the accident, I realized it wasn't my sister's face that I saw. But her daughter's. (Sniffs) And the water... it looked the same. But I was confused. MAN: That's a raw deal miss. My father's canoe crashed when uh... a Sunseeker slammed into his fishing boat. Worst part is, and I apologize if this sounds cruel. You're gonna be stuck with this the rest of your life. Doesn't go away. Ever. WOMAN: It's getting dark. VLOGGER: Um... guys I think I'm lost. Um, don't know where I am. Trying to find my way outta here. Um... I think it's that way. CECILIA: (Groaning) VLOGGER: Oh shit-
Channel: Maggie Acquaro
Views: 24,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0r0sItBfri4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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