The Korone Stickmin Experience (All Episodes) [Hololive]

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What's with that face www Ah bank! Buiui...ah he acted quickly No good? Oi that's how it is Bomb! Bomb! Where did he carry all this? Oi that is dangerous www Of course it's dangerous Shovel That's from Zelda. It's from Zelda. Is this OK? What's this? Gasu...carfull it will explo... Laser will go bibibi here. Nice, nice, I did it! I have to say he is an extreme idiot. Teleporter. Let's see where it teleports us. You're kidding me? Wow? Looks like fried shrimp Good morning...Ahh! He has free time now www I can go? You're kidding? Liar www Ah thats how it is. I'll go wor the window. www You're kidding! Ah this are bomb. This are bombs. OK, let's go You idiot!!! www You idiot Rope~ Isn't this dangerous Your hands! Your hands... Do your hands hurt? Hehe...idiot Parachuuute! He went back! wwww Don't go back! Don't test it on your face! Poku Poku Poku Poku Oh well he will fall Poku po... he didn't fall No, no, no No, no, no...This OK play. OK? Play, play. This...this story play. OK? Drink...Energy drink Huuu~ What is this? www Why isn't he opposing...Ah donuts. Donuts. The strongest! You're kidding me? This is the strongest...ah Where am I? I did it, I'm out! Huh? No~ Rocket launcher Let's go! Let's go! PAFUA~! PA... www It's a little grotesque What's this? Oh, aha...aha... ...aha...OK?...OK!... So that's how it works WUAA~ Still going throught the middle...wah iI don't want to go there! Ouch, ouch hot, hot www wait www What should I do. Wait a command...AHHH! More commands...Wait they will shoot me! Won't they shoot me? Spiderman Go, go! Dangerous...this looks dangerous DURURU~...Get ready...Get ready HUH? Get ready Eh, wait I'll loose. 1,2,3,4...AHHHH! wwww One more time! One more time! DURU...AHHH! Wait! I cliqued way too slow. Difficult!...Seno. DURUDU~...AH!...WOWOWOWOW www HUH? He is scared! He is scared! HEHEHEHE! I am strong now! Bang www YAY wwww I wont select anything! That hurt! CALL ME, CALL ME BABY! Stop it! Not Guilty wwww EH? You're kidding me? "Stealing the diamond" Wow! Stealing the diamond! Oi, Oi this is impossible! This is impossible...Kick! Jump! This isn't good. I did it! Lance, Lance, Lance Was i too slow? Lance, Lance, Lance! Let's go, go go... Ah shield! Let's go on the offensive! Good! Good! Did I do it? Did I make it? Oraio! Load it? Oraio...www You're kidding? Pick it up! Pick it up! Finally! Oraio! www This is GTA. I just noticed. It's GTA! I just noticed. Oraio! Put your hands up! Ah...Your kidding? Put your hands up! Dude! Ah and the diamond? I'm glad! Pick, Pick! Nenene! Oh Minecraft! It exploded...www CREEPER! Shut up! Oi, Oi, Oi, this is wrong! Don't give me your dueduedue...Luigi! This is Banjo Kazooie. Is this an ocarina? What is this? It makes ching, ching. What is this? It's bugged. It's bugged. This, this! His head is full of spots! The eyes are cute, arent they? Button? Hmmm...this! Wait, this will...this will... You overdid it! Ehm...aha...aha...this All of this are overkills! I don't want this. Oh my god! Jesus! Oh noooo...www Ah he run away. He managed to run away. Ah it droped here www Do your best! Do your best! What is this? This! Press it! He messed up He did it! Falcon Punch! Ah he couldn't do the Falcon Punch! Drop! You have to consider where to land! Eh? This! What is this? Doom? No wrong it's not doom. Ah thats what it is. I seems to be portal. This one! Cutter! Cheese! What? What is it? WTF?! Wha..W-what? Wha...W-what? Cannon! You're kidding! Plank! Pi-kon...What? Like that? Jump! Here we go! The worst! Rifle! Eh? Diamond! Is that it? Ah poor guy his head is all messed up! I did it! Penny paradise! Money Paradise! Wow Episode 3! Let's do it! Yahoo! Sopping Well, well Yes?...Charlie?...OK...OK Uhu? What should i do? What is this? It seems to the same safe from Among Us! Yubi! Yubi! Isn't he an Idiot? This is? Ear! Well it's not an ear but he is an idiot, isn't he? Ah he is not an idiot! Ah I'm glad he's an idiot! Ah this is the Aircraft from Among Us Bomb! Let's go! Ah wait, this is Bomberman! You did a good job with this! Go, Go! Yabe! Ah that wasn't good! Wait! Huh? Nice! Wait, isn't this Civilization? Don't do it! This is really addictive...See! It makes you forget the time! Stop it with the teleporter. Ah Magic Pencil! What? Ouch www www Poor guy! Wizard Magic! Or something Huh? Freeze! This is? Hacking? Let's hack! That's how you do it? He couldn't do it! Wait what was that lol? Let's watch it again. What? Why? Why? Dodododo! Let's watch it again! www that's fun Let's go! Still an idiot That's strightforward! Umbrella! Byebye! Hu? Are you kidding me? Armor! So cool! This guy is cool! What is this? This is... He died Goodbye! As far as this one goes it feels painful in a different way. What should I do? Amazing! Eh? Poop! WTF?! Punch! He has 2 hats! Beans! Whua! What? Stinky? www stop it! Wait, I have seen this before. It's Final Fantasy. Magic! You can't! www You can't! www Yoyo. I haven't used Yoyo yet Wow the sound Beef up! The legs! The legs are gone! Will the legs Oraio! Wait is this wrong? He died. Absolutly... Dead or Alive? Alive! What's this a recite? Thank you...but where am I? I did it! Innocent! You are an Idiot Henry!!! You are an Idiot but it's funny so it's ok. Henry! Idiot! The wind is also blowing! What is this? Tails?! I will select as last! Tails?! Wait! Wait! Wait! This... Up...down...up...down...down? This is dangerous. It's grotesque. Alright! You idiot! www Hello Mr. Spider! Push! What'cha gonna do! Make! You're Kidding? Ah that's how it is! There is no more electricity! Wow! That was bright! Idiot! Huh? Cool! That was cool! That was really cool right now! Wasn't this the coolest today? Hi! Wall I don't want to! Are you kidding me? Why! No! Dead www I died! I'm die Stop! No, no, no, no, no... You are kidding? Let's use the teleporter here. Orarararaion! Yeah! Come on brothers! www Eh? This is scary! This is? Noooo! Hahaha Magnet Are you kidding me? Let's go! We did it! You're kigging? No... He betrayed me. This is a little sad. It's a bad end! I wonder what this is You did a mistake! It's not "Good, Good"! This here, right? I wonder if will be "Good, Good"! The perfect plan This is greatest plan! That was strong No, no, no Sonic? Sonic! Sonic?...Sonic?! www Sonic! What is this? Spider...! Ah right his hands are in iron. Wow this is boxing! It's Punch Out www www This is Punch Out What is here? What is this? Ahhh! He isn't it anymore! This is? Did I clear it? Are you kidding? Haio! Oraio! Let's wait a little and see! Wait and see You're kidding me? Huh? So doing nothing was the right answer! Yay! Oraio! Did you see that? Nice! Still an idiot, really! www This is... He put his hands up Put your hands up Hohoho! Put your hands up Hohoho! Put your hands up hohoho! Let's go Welcome back! www He went back to the beginning! Friend! Kiss me! Chu chu www Kiss me Cute. The faces are cute That was cute Eh this is cute, right? Again This is so cute! Wait! Let's do this first. That wasn't good! Did I do this? What is this? Tall Guy Hello! That was wrong. Either way let's go back to this Wait this is here is a little interesting Melon...Watermelon! Ah one each. I can select one each. I did it... www Yolo Ok then this and this Let's go! That was cool What is this? What is this? Really I don't know what is going on! What was that? What should i do? A-do-ra-lin! What's that? The other one! Ma! he is really an idiot, isn't he? Knee! Cool! She is cool! Amazing! Wonderful! It's too cool Nice! www No....nno...nnnnnnoo No! Zelda, stop it! Stop it with Zelda www Stop it with Zelda! Balance Give your best! I wonder what this is? Among us! He cam out. The idiot! Nice to meet you! Pa-ta pa-ta! This feels good! Pa-ta, pa-ta! We can't enter! Wasn't good...ah it wasn't good Wait this... Wait, wait How is this gonna be ok? This is bad he is gonna die! Ahhh... The things he carried with him. Some bread...that's steak. He had steak on him. Donkey Kong! Still the wrong one Like this. Yes, yes like this. Ah I see bananas...we did it, right? So, so, nice! Feels good, right? Combo time! Net! Ah that wasn't good the net wasn't good! Combo time! High touch Fusion! What did appear? Stop it with the music! Of course it's Yamcha's Death Pose It's the proper Yamcha Death Pose Wait, wait, wait. Dragon Ball Ah, I see Mario and Luigi! What was that? You don't see them If you don't see them it's pointless! They are fellow fools, you know? www They are fellow fools. What Idiots! Ok then your plan! This is impossible www Serious You're kidding? Prop! That's cruel! Magic Hat! Mr. Rabbit...oh amazing! Amazing This Hat is the best! Stop it! Stop it! This guy is the worst Making him small. Ok, making him small. Nice! Ok making him big again. Nice! Good, good, right? Ah the fool www Henry What's up? Fools. Foolish brothers Yes Fool, Fool! That was wrong! No, no, no...ahhh! Meatball Please stop what you are doing. Your head is bad! Don't, don't...that was dangerous! Fool, fool Don't! Did we get in? We are inside YO-KOI-SHOU! It's all messy! Here! He is riding with them! Ah, can't push it? Isn't this for 1 person? Is this ok? Not too much? Oh don't! Ah, ah, I don't want this! You're kidding! I don't want this! You're kidding? Eh wait I don't want this! This is super sad! This is super sad! Here! Poop! That was the only way to clear it. It's like that *sigh* Eh? What should i do? Nice! Cupcake! Idiot! Okeydokey You idiot! Nice isn't it? It has to be the button, right? Press it! This is? Please stop it! Mario! www stop it with Mario! But i didn't notice it at all from this. Sniper Rifle is nice, right? 0 chance to hit Henry...oh what's going on? You idiot! Will you hit him? Will you shoot? Ah Charles! Wait a minute You don't know me! You don't know me! You don't know me! This is getting dangerous...No...www Flanksteak www shut up! Charles shut up! Ok, Ok, nice Ah poor guy www It's like a car Oh I did it! Yay! Wuw! Nice! A good Team! Ohhh! Oh beatiful girl BCC what's that BCC? Ah it looks tasty Ah that was Star Fox And this is? What is this? Oh dangerous. Ahhhh! Many, many. I wonder what this is? Noo! That was not good Rocket That was not good! Of course it's the telep...Cannon, Cannon Go, go! Sopping This is? I don't do it half the speed...this is? Car! Go, go! www www the speed! Let's go! www I did this, and this, and this, I didn't do this. Of course it's the teleporter, right? I wonder what he will do? Can't go through? Ahhh...oh something Amazing! Smash! Go, go! You don't need so much Are you kidding me? Ya nice! Wasn't that good? This could be good Did I make it? Nice What should I do? What should I do? Rope? RPG, Rope! Not good! Controller! Turning a lot...Ah, no good! This is? Huh? There you go That's pointless www You are serious? Ehm? This! Are you kidding me? It hurts! His hand! This! Many Mario references Dangerous! Dangerous! Dangerous! What can I do? Stop! Idiot, Idiot! This Ne this is Mario Kart! Idiot! What is this? Ah explo...ahh! Then next I won't choose anything. Wait and see. Look, look, Among us He changed the hat! You won't know who is who if you change your hats. Drill Brrrr...Steady, steady...ahhh! All Hammers! All Hammers! Why? But why? This one! Amazing! Full speed! That wasn't good after all! Shot! Noooo! www Nooo! Huh? This! DangerOUS! Among us! Not good? That wasn't good at all No. no, no, pick, pick, pick Why are you making me do this so many times? Idiot! This is? Are you kidding me? Cloud? Un...unbelievable Launcher! Ah I did it eh? It wasn't good Cloud Final Fantasy This one! Whas this Fantastic Four? And this is? ItaOuch That hurts! That hurts! That's long...OK! Smash Brothers! Ah this looks fine! The other way around! Idiot Hot! Hot! Hot! No good...ah look! www Toasty? Nice! I did it! Payday! This is cool! This is cool! Oi,oi that's too cool Isn't this dangerous? Oraio! Fire Nice shot! Halo! Ah cute! Money, Money! Huh? Needle! Ah this will only your own life...ah it was not good, Idiot Wicked combo! That's from Mario RPG It will be difficult to move the carrier...Nice! Yay! Hihihi...This looks like a Marshmallow Fire! Ah it's not a Marshmallow Pow Ah that's good, that's good! However one guy died. Hello! Please help me up. Ouch, stop! I don't want to! Oraio Wait, wait, wait...www It won't let me run away! It didn't let me run away, right now! Hai! 1 damage? Are you kidding me? Again it won't let me run away Item...Mirror Nice! That's how you do it! I did it. Look www Under the sea! Under the sea! Feels good Under the sea What is this? It's like watching a movie. This is a movie Ah so this is Metal Gear? He? Amazing Nice to meet you Ah this one I know. www Snake! Dancing! Ah he found me! I wonder if this is also Metal Gear? Dance Time! Are you kidding me? Are you all right? Can you do it? Stop with that face! What is all that about! Nice Triple Kill! Yeah! yeah! Are you idiots? Idiots. Let's go! www Dance time! You're kidding me? Nooo...No!...Yes! Dance Time! Why?! Ah it's Zelda. Zelda, Zelda stop it! No, please! That wasn't good! Chainsaw Wowowow Oraio! Are you an idiot? www Are you an idiot? Me! Wait. Isn't this Mario? Please wait! Me, me! It's Mario? Super Punch Strong! Idiot! Put your hands up! Put your hands up! My Friend What's gonna happen? Idiots! Boomerang! You Idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot! Don't let them through, men Henry Please! That was too cool 3...2..yabai Dangerous Henry? What can I do? Wait! What can I do? I go with this one! Explain it to me. That was wrong...and this? Let's go!...ah,it's vanishing, it's vanishing, www Amazing it did vanish. OK then it's this. Oraio! This is a little too amazing Eh, why? You idiot! It's bad to make a joke like that. What was that? Why did you had to scare me like that right now? Rope! Can't go further, right? What should I do? Orange! Which one...Pooop! So is this one the copy? Oraio! This is? What is this? What is this? Lag? wwww Lag? That's how it is? www I will use this! Hijack! He went backwarts... This! New Tube What are you doing? What are you selecting? What are you doing? Wait it's just repeating...www I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't know he wouldn't stop repeating himself You're kidding me? I was honestly waiting for something wwww but it was just a loop I'm sorry, I'm sorry We watched 126 seconds of this Sorry, sorry! Sorry, human! I want to chose this! Heart! Zelda again? It's Zelda again! That's a little... Huh? Stop it! Wow, it's a big disaster! Ah it's an egg! A companion? What this is amazing! It's super fast! www What is this? Jojo? Wait. Is he talking in japanese? Jojo! Wait this is...ehm...this is funny. Is this also funny to the oversea viewers? Hey guys Fu...It's fun? Fun, fun? I wonder if it's funny Ah this is a bat Come! Come! Pitcher bibipiru Let's go! turns around and then it comes back. Like that. Goodbye Idiot! He is an idiot! He's alive Oh...that's how it is It's a little bit sad I watched everything. That can't be true! I watched everything I watched everything I saw it all I love this so much! That was fun! It was very fun! Thank you everyone! Ah this one. You wanted to see this one again Where should I go? That was fun Ah no! That's fun guys. It was fun! It was fun!
Channel: Murasaki Ringo Vtuber Stories
Views: 344,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inugami korone, henry stickmin, hololive clip, korone, hololive, hololive korone, vtuber, yt:cc=on
Id: Z3m6V9uBdy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 14sec (4574 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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