The Knitters' League :: Episode 43

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hi everybody welcome back we're at the knitter's league it's episode 43 and i'm laurie i'm sophia i'm elisa and i'm julie and it's been a while since we've been together so this is really really a minor miracle and that's not even a joke yeah no not um so anyways so welcome back to our knitting show thank you for watching yeah i'm so excited i'm hoping people are excited that we might be back a long time i almost wondered if we were a group anymore yeah well i think we're a group we still got together in it and we're still chatting but are we a podcasting group we are this is covet has been really messing everything up really well and then school's starting it's not it's not easy no yeah no no we could talk about school later but i'm gonna tell you that is making my life fall apart a bit so it's like crazy times again but in a different way so yeah so what's everybody been up to as far as knitting i haven't been knitting i'm going to show you guys i don't know if we're going to jump right into that but uh well do you want to do okay well let's i'm ready to show you some things okay well let's talk about fos all right i got one okay i have one actually i do have one yeah no don't go crazy when you see you'll be like okay yeah but you'll see okay if it was an fo so that's great that's right okay so do i who's going to start lisa i can i mean it's already known what it is i'm holding scooching back a little bit yeah oh yeah it's my rocket tea it's awesome i've worn it i finished it and worn it worn it is that wrapped it wore it um the rocket tee i love that lori you know what census is is see how beautiful it is with this camera yeah i know because we all got to see it in person yes um but it's um consensus and at least my consensus is that the mohair is warm like if it's a muggy day it's hard to wear but um it smells really good that would have been perfect for today well part of today like earlier in the day but then it got hotter later in the day and i was like hot but but yeah so there we go all right i love that that is my only fo but i mean come on before the end of summer so that was my goal right and you've been and you've been knitting i have been knitting for the past six months right what's that you you've done the most knitting i think potentially wait till you see well okay anyway yeah that's my only fo can i ask a question do you have to wear a undershirt underneath that is it um it depends i mean i didn't sexy well i mean i you know like if you wear like a pretty bralette thing yeah i mean i don't i don't have a problem with it personally um oh and then just to reiterate um the yarn so it's the rocket t by tennis fiber arts and the mohair is pearl soho in phlox the their mohair the colorway is flax and then the the fingering is giggling gecko i want to say to booty is the weight i can't remember the um yarn composition but it is an purple craze so awesome i think my opinion on what you have to wear under that like i think like yes you can you can if you're careful at with which type of like bra or kind of sporty bra you wear under it oh it's acceptable i mean i think it's acceptable like are you wearing it to work acceptable no no no no no i wouldn't have i mean for that like absolutely i agree i wouldn't wear that without a candy under it to work i will no i think even for me as a just outside of work i would still wear a cami just like it's it's a little too like i'm a little too old it's a little breezy it's breezy yeah i don't think it's comfortable without no i'm trying to get too close but it is brilliant it does look crazy yeah but she could wear it like that at home for work i mean for work because she's at home but when elisa wore it it didn't look like oh i mean i think it was a dark you were a dark brown when i saw you my i would have personally picked a lighter color but but it wasn't like oh what's going on there yeah i mean it wasn't exactly that so good lori would have told you if there was something going on there yeah yeah i know i know yeah it almost actually kind of you can kind of have fun with making a contrast under too right that's you know good point yeah so yeah that's really awesome all right awesome anybody else julie joley for me to go okay i have about this this has been finished for a while i don't think i even mentioned this in the last podcast the felix pullover yes i don't think you mentioned it in the last one either i was going to wear it but like elisa said it got a little too hot mm-hmm so i love that yeah so this is that this is by amy christopher's and i used oh wool classic worsted which is really aaron oh dear anyway this is the best part right i love that for the raglan sleaze that's yeah we're like i'll wear like white under this just so this kind of pops you know what i'm saying that's really cool i love that yeah i like that glitter butt just has that awesome detail here and this is a knit does that call for aaron or does it call for it does it does okay yeah so like on my project page if you click on the oh wool it says aaron but then the tag says oh well classic worsted why can't wait so wait i you feel like the classic wool oh well worth it it's really an errand well not only that it says it on like i said on her like unravel in ravelry it comes up aaron wait for this oh it's categorized that way yeah right even though it's labeled bursted it's technically an errand does the sweater technically call for aaron or technically call for worst karen oh yeah yeah so and this is um the color begonia it's a good color beautiful this is what i got i don't know if you remember i bought it during the quarantine remember it was like early on oh i do think it was during days was it during maryland sheep in wall and they she offered the free shipping yeah we all bought yarn we're like we're making something i didn't make what i said i was good i didn't buy yarn then i i did the uh isabelle kramer i was gonna test it oh right like always i have one scheme left over you know how that always happens yeah okay um yeah that's all i have for fo awesome hey you have got you've got something right that's something am i the next one i don't know so i have i have one foot and this is why i and this is the only reason why it's because it's this little it's so cute i love it i can all finish things that fit in my hand um yeah i did the x and o's oh so cute came out so this is not really the milo little vest and i'm going to a baby shower tomorrow so this is for my one of my co-workers christine at work she's having a little girl and i managed to do this this is my only crowd you're winning winnie yeah this was elise elisa gave it to me because i was looking for i wanted like a purple and i needed a soup i wanted a super wash i always feel like i want to give someone a super wash because you never know what they're capable of doing or what they want to do so and i need a dk and i didn't have anything i was always and it was a little short on some of the ones that i did have lisa do you remember the name of it it is madeline tosh the one i used with my um suldotna um uh uh it's on the tip of my tongue purple man talking about it i don't know what it's called i'm just saying it's fantastic um but i love how look how well it takes hey that came out great really like it variegates really nice so anyway i was really excited it's just adorable and i bought this little onesie this little yellow onesie with like pink and purple flowers and little um uh little like denim like they're not really denim like leggings with ruffles on the butt just because it was hard to find clothes for baby um to go with it so but anyway i'm really beautiful liar oh see i was lying it's not purple magic it's she know you um we're knitting her something the baby something no no no i got her some other things like some other shower gift items but no she doesn't know i always like to make baby stuff is easy you know it's like fast and it's satisfying and so darn cute it's really it is and that pattern in particular is super fun i love that i love it haven't we all made it i've made it i've made it yep i've made it five times i made it for the triplets my cousin's daughter in spain and this one it's your go-to i think for like baby gift you know why because when you're putting a sweater on a poo really putting a sweater on a baby a little baby is not a go but this is great because it's really a body warmer and their arms are still kind of like free you know comfortable and free and then you can kind of have you know i just think it's a smart a smart net for a baby and you're not locked in with size like that is a nice flexible can you know grow with the baby kind of outfit or best yeah you which size did you do again i did the three months because her b she's gonna be born in december and i thought if she fits into this like by february let's say if she's a small baby or march it'll still it'll be good maybe even april but then if not i have to make like close to a year or and then just i mean there's nothing ugly about bigger but it's just cuter smaller yeah so i just want to make it smaller and you know something she could wear this winter you know i kind of think of like the first winter not like the next winter yeah my dog i'm sorry for all the noise but my dog is trying to get in here if you hear like if you hear like snorty under the door she said i'm not letting her in so no i i don't i'm doing the same okay okay so that's it i think what's really great about that pattern is it gives you three choices for the cable it doesn't know it gives you more more i can't remember it's been a while since i made it there's like say what it was the milo milo and um i don't i forget who makes oh wait hold on i know the tin can no it's not no you can do it you can do the x's and o's you can do a traditional cable you can do a heart oh yeah there's a couple dif they're like circles aren't there like well there's the ex so there's the hugs and kisses which is this one there are hearts they're the owls there's the there's the twist cable there's also the braid like there's like a three little i think i did them there's also the pink and then i think there's three little braids oh okay i think there's like sev i think there's seven i haven't looked at it in ages but it's just awesome how it's such a great functional pattern and they give you so many great choices yeah yeah i love it i absolutely love it so so anyway and i have a little bit of good news i found these i found these they said i know you lost them i didn't know you lost them where you lost them i do but i do have a surprise i do have a surprise not for it's for julie it's a surprise for julie oh you must like me best maybe surprise for julie hopefully it's not it's it's a good surprise do you want to know it yes i feel right now yeah yeah i'll tell you right now but i'm gonna first show you what i'm gonna show you an image and maybe julie can guess can you see this no way yes again i bought two ten packs of suri silk so i got you one awesome julie's been me and julie been thinking about well julie's been dying some stuff i don't let julie talk about that but she's been dying to get her hands on suri silk and wool to die for it's been like out of stock on everything and she's been keeping her eye on it and i don't keep my eye on it so i want to die to die yeah so it's just it's yeah it's dyable surrey silk so i bought two 10 packs of so we have 20 skeins of sorry silk okay do you have dye laurie i haven't well no i don't i don't have dye that was on my list of things to do this summer which didn't get far back well you don't have everything else yeah i have everything else i just have to do that but um i'll get to it either way i'll give it to all of it to you i know you've been trying that stuff has been like crazy i was shocked i even got it yeah we started thinking about that in june right yeah that's exciting yeah so maybe we can have now we can have siri silk for our anything you know we have a project we want the story stuff because that's so that's really what people want like it's what they're using right now for their mohair all the time it feels like so anyway so just an idea yeah so was that anticlimactic was that a little anticlimactic the surprise was it wasn't awesome i'm excited but for the rest like for sophia and elisa where they're like oh yarn that's it it was a julie surprise it was a julie surprise it was i don't have any i'm telling you i'm not very um i'm not very interesting these days so no i don't think that oh my god it's true well so what's up what else everybody anybody i have some acquisitions i have some acquisitions okay so julie do you have acquisitions what are you segwaying into what do you have to say since you said you got the yard and you say here's some yarn that i already did die so is this now is this yarn from your sheep also yeah so i think i've showed in the past i got a bunch of um of my sheep's fleece i got the yarn back from the mill and our friend carrie she had some um from irish creek farm she had some indigo that she um wasn't using and she knows i have been wanting to do natural dyeing she does acid dyeing she uses greener shades for her yarn so she gave me some indigo and i tried it out it looks beautiful so i did this i this was on the um you know natural and then i actually over dyed over the gray that i had from our gray sheep so which came out i don't have it with me but it's just like a little purpley it's cool and you and you that yarn you have you when you send it to the mill you have that's a blend of your sheep this is um a little bit it's i think it's something like 80 percent lester longwell and finn that's my that's buttercup and um so now i gotta make sure i get it right 15 percent merino and then five percent silk oh right that's why it looks so shiny yeah it's glossy so it's nice i mean it's still very rustic but it's nice and i actually i'm i started a um i i want to see how it works up so i started this project this is obviously you can't really see what it is but it's a cardigan it's going to be the the shandy is that what it's called shandy by thea coleman and i'll put a little picture on the screen of what that will look like but it has some cables i thought cables would be nice it looks good so far i thought you're making a blanket drop bottom up bottom actually really fun it's really time consuming you have to with indigo you have to do a lot of different dips i wanted it dark darker and um yeah so did it come out the way you wanted it to like the color so it did but one thing i knew because i had bought indigo dyed yarn from winging the prayer years ago and um it rubs off on your hands and my goal was i didn't want mine that to happen to me so i did a lot of research but it still it still happened so i was actually gonna ask if any viewers have any tips on how to get indigo to you know natural tips yeah yeah i think there's got to be something out there i forgot what i did use i think i used vinegar afterwards to set it but i mean it's usually did they say vinegar did they recommend vinegar afterwards to set it to make it color fast they recommended vinegar as what i'm asking someone recommended vinegar yeah oh my grandmother used to use vinegar to get stains out of things i think they could just ph so whatever the ph was of the that the indigo vat and it works okay yeah but i know i think i could try citric acid too i haven't done that anyway if anyone has any tips out there it's cold that's cool and by the way can't wait to see in person i think i use vinegar now i'm not so sure it was so long ago well i don't know i just know like my grandmother used to for sure it's a cleaner i use it to yeah i use it like if i use the word like i used to have this like bag from my mom and dad brought me back from some trip that they went on when i was in high school and it was this like a mayan kind of like weave and it had like this hot pink and i went to a concert and i was wearing a white shirt and it rained and it all bled on my shirt and i was like and then my grandmother from spain she's like no problem she doesn't talk like that she didn't talk like that but anyway she threw it in a pot with vinegar and she's got every stain out i don't know yeah i thought she used vinegar so yeah like white vinegar yeah or i don't i don't remember she just boiled it with i think she boiled it i i don't know if you boiled it she got you she used vinegar i know that yep but yeah so i'm learning i have a bunch of other dies i want to use as well that's exciting yeah so that's it for that what about anybody have any whips i have a i have a new whip i've got some whips i mean i have all the usual whips the ones that i've talked about that i have done enough i do i do so i want to talk can i can i may i go okay so i have um i picked up my dad's sweater again remember i don't know if you guys remember but i put it down because i had a mistake and i couldn't process it and i got really upset and i just stopped okay so i pre truly stopped no i prematurely stopped for no reason because i didn't have a huge mistake and i was like okay let me read this again but so anyway i so here it is it's a it's a cardigan and i've three needle did one shoulder so one shoulder is done um and i have to do the other shoulder so it's not together but so there is a problem on this side i decreased too many times on the front and i'm keep looking at it like how far do i have to go back to fix my decrease problem and i like i look i literally look at it and i'm like god i don't want to go back because it's got a like a pattern in there then i'd have to remember or figure out like where the pattern starts or whatever so but the good news is i know what i did i know what i have to do so i guess my question is do i just rip back until i realize or do i kind of like stick the needle in there how many are you shy how many um i need to have um two more so i really need to go down one one one not one because it the decreases stopped and then i had to it's not it's not a couple of rows you think i should make a couple no yeah how many stitches are you off is my question two two oh stop like i say make a couple you make it up like yeah oh elisa or or do i do like when i close it together do i just instead of making a couple stitches just just stitch two on the back with one on the front are you sure heck yeah i think two is hardly noticeable yeah two is if you said five i wouldn't advocate see that one done all right but anyway so basically i was like i have i mean i am an i but not this one yeah so so bottom line is is i picked it up again okay and i'm happy um so that's that's my goal but because i was like kind of like stuck on that little part like what am i gonna do or let me show you what i have been knitting on [Music] and then i'll tell you my problem yay that's beautiful what is that it's my rhinebeck sweater oh my god okay i've gone back once already because uh the stitches were the count was off i think i did uh the increases in the wrong spot and i noticed like something weird was happening on one side and i was like ah i don't know and then i like made up for it i just added an increase in one spot and then i'm like about to um split first see sleeves and i look at it and i'm like what's the bleep i know what i did and i have to go back i have to go back because you're one stitch off no well i'm a couple stitches off but i don't know if maybe i just miscounted i um i put the increase you're not gonna be able to see but i did so this is like the this is kind of like the raglan part this part with the pearl and then the knitting again the increase is supposed to be after these knits here yeah but there's a couple parts where i did the increase before the knit and it's in the pearl so like it's just got this funky thing going on no it's not it's not even about can't seeing it's about i'm off like somebody i counted i don't know sorry that's me here it's in the front it's in the front so if i have to go back i have to go all the way back here well that's when you need to do some um magic drop just down there or something oh no no no i don't i don't do that with increases just rip the whole thing out as is a frog no i mean or live with it i mean listen here's the thing here's the thing when i noticed something was weird on one side i was like kept looking at it and looking at the other side i'm like is it going to bother me and i decided to leave it and i kept going in this out you know i'm like yeah i'm about to split for sleeves and then i looked at it again and i'm like oh no it's worse than i thought so i think i have to go back good we're not going thing is back so but i will tell you that knitting with this yarn is lovely oh also yep it smells good so knitting with it is also fun because it smells good and i do like this pattern but it's a little it's a little confusing like just the way she has it like okay so for instance normally when you have and this is just maybe me what i'm used to the patterns i've done normally when you have a pattern where you're doing increases it's like you've got your markers there the increases don't it's like she has or let me rephrase that you have your front your sleeves on your back so the front goes past the stitch marker but there's no like it's just it's just a little confusing like why can't you just put the stitch marker there or put two stitch markers to to say this is the beginning of round because it's not really the beginning of round because it goes three stitches past that stitch marker so it's a little like what pattern is monkey to me it's the lavor louvre like the bathroom the lube i think it is the museum yeah so it's um those twists i think it's a very pretty pretty pattern but it's just it's just not written the way i'm used to and i know that she's not english is not her first language so i i get it and it's not it's not didn't we meet her no that's not who what who is this i'm gonna butcher that as well what's up thea coleman i was thinking we were talking about that this is not their coleman no oh why do i think you said it would say a coleman sweater okay okay i just said it again yeah she said too oh i mean i mean it says it says in the pattern that you know english is not my first language please forgive me whatever um so it's not poorly written it's just confusing to me like how it's set up okay so i kind of had to like almost reprogram my brain does that make sense yeah but we should announce that we are not we're not trying to make these rhinebeck sweaters for this year anyway right i just wanted to start it so we're doing that next year we're using so i can stop is what you're saying jim frog yet and start over plus family yarn for next year yeah okay so then the question is in all honesty i could probably semi live with it but do i live with it i'd have to see it just go back you won't live with it so yeah we know you you have time so i had a i started my sweater too remember i was doing the intarsia i was off the sleeves and i've had a rip back too so it just makes me sad because i was really excited how far i had gone i was like oh you know i might have an fo you know sooner than i thought yeah but yeah anyway those are my whips mistakes and my whips all right so do we have are we done with our whips i have a whip i have a whip i have a spot i've been working on from forever too i can show maybe i think i should go before oh sofia go oh really i've shown it but i'm almost done and it's like oh i'm telling you i have um really been in a knitting rut but my coloring book yarns i love those i like those colors yeah i know they're like manly but not that i know i think i'm gonna give these to amir yeah those are awesome that's good this is a little pinky pink but i think it's totally manly oh yeah those are masculine and it's satisfying right to do those yes this um has been just all i've been able to handle lately i don't know why i'm still in that knitting rod i'm having a hard time but these are just great and this is coloring book yarns night owl i like it i like easy and i actually i don't remember maybe i just have a bad memory which could be true but i don't remember seeing them before maybe there wasn't enough like the different colors right i just want to hold them up because i feel like yes i have done something so sometimes i'm like did i see you buy the yarn or did i see the surprise like and i i have no memory anymore of anything i feel like that's what i'm trying to say you know what i think it's and it's it's more memorable when we see each other in person and see i would agree there's a wow factor i think each other and you can touch yes yeah obviously like i couldn't tell that that was like pink i thought that was cream same same yeah yeah hey sophia what are you wearing around your neck because i know people are gonna ask oh the alejandra shaw by hokie i think you guys haven't even seen this one in person no we haven't i don't think so fabulous oh i love it it's with the pearl soho it's cozy yeah and it's it's calls for dk weight but i held um two strands together yeah easy okay thank you thank you all right lori what are you working on well i actually tried just i tried to do this on camping never didn't actually get anywhere but i did start my did you get the colors i got different colors so this is the one that's going to happen so can you is that pink it is pink that's what it's going to have pink and red in it no purple purple is that julie's purple right did she have this purple and this is a walled are you saying did you use this purple somehow i think in that same sweater you just showed julie right no that's that's begonia did you say right that's okay maybe it looks the same yeah this is it's thistle i think it's called thistle and i forget what this looks darker yeah this is purple and hers is more like pink yeah all right i'm sorry it's hard to yeah these are the three colors and i forgot thistle cotton tail i think and i forget what this one actually hold up your sweater julie yep let me get it i still have it yeah it looks the same it it it does but i i mean and i'm like trying to compare it's different lighting different cameras so it's kind of hard to tell yeah right it is definitely this is called begonia this is called thistle okay all right but then it's very similar at least through this camera these cameras i think it's i'm pretty sure it's called thistle i have it i have that color for my lunae shawl i bought that for my lunae shawl too so i know that's why i remember oh i bought another thistle that you know because i have a good amount of wool all wool so but yeah i'm about i'm just about to do the pattern yeah yeah and i can't wait to see in person yeah and i'm really excited it's a great red that is so pretty i love you you haven't you haven't done red really is this your first red yeah it is my first red i don't have any red yarn this is my own this is my only red card no well you've done i got a red yarn for tim's hats okay i was like i did buy red some at one point in my life but i don't i've never knit anything red but i don't you know for yourself yeah and it's i do it's going to be good when it's together i can't wait to see the color the first color i'm going to do is well it's in this order it's white purple blue is how i'm doing it so pretty i love it i'm excited so that's i thought about it are you liking it yeah it'll go quick once you uh yeah i mean and then it's all it is is literally stockinette the whole time i yeah i was hoping to get the color work done for this but it was just a crazy week so yeah i'm gonna knit tonight this weekend that's on my list of give back to lori to do yeah we'll be happy wearing that this fall i know i'm excited i'm excited to be only in december because am i hot am i hanging by the way hanging what am i like lagging you weren't talking no i didn't notice you your screen seemed normal yeah you weren't frozen okay are you having problems with us oh there she goes you just did and i hope i didn't look creepy well we're gonna julie you're froze okay am i okay now are we all good yeah you're good now but you did freeze so warning my internet connection is unstable that's what mother said it kept saying that to me okay so lord says i have to start this over yeah okay quick yeah okay all right i am working on the mare shawl you did so much yeah i'm almost done the smaller beautiful you animal very soon i love it yeah i love those colors i love it so um i don't know if you guys saw but the caddy jacks guest and um debbie she had all these shawls it was so inspiring and this was one of hers so i love that show brought me up to webs a couple weeks ago they have their summer yarn sale and i got this is cloud nine fibers yarn have you guys ever worked with that i'm so inspired it's so pretty it's wool 80 wool 20 silk it's not superwash and this actually this color they call begonia as well and then this is linen closet they're like little honeycombs yeah yes so i'm almost done it's it's a pico bind off so that's going to take a while right oh you could skip it put some tassels you think so will it take it's not that bad really all right it'll just take a while i've come this far though i like it i like it can't wait i can't believe how much you've got done yeah so this actually has brought me back to like loving joying yes enjoying knitting that got me excited i think for a change i may have been the only one that was knitting right usually i'm not the one knitting yeah this summer and you guys were like i can't hit a thing yeah i'm like man this is crazy i know you held it together for us right fine all right everybody gets a turn sometime yeah yeah yep but i think that well i have is that what about acquisitions oh we got acquisitions going on okay okay okay so pearl soho had a big sale and i did not buy anything during this coved period you guys all bought yarn and i sat watching clapping and i just you know i just went i just bought yarn i bought stuff because i don't know so this is the first thing oh that's right i remember oh it's beautiful i didn't think it was going to be as big as this um it's called a paperback and it's the japanese you see that i'm not going to attend now yeah okay paper bag and it literally is made out of paper it's so cool and of course i love that it's gold yeah but it's fun it's just like you know does it open all the way up yeah it does it opens all the way up and you can fold it down it takes some doing but it feels sturdy it feels sturdy i mean it's like you know it's so interesting so what is is it just to be like a bucket to sit next to you while you knit so i think really what it's all about is that it's made of kind of this thick sturdy paper that it's lined and golden and it's kind of bling blingy and that's really about it there's nothing else fancy about it it's unique love it it's pretty i like it i do like it and then i also bought this pouch oh my god i love it and this is from sky clad quilts on etsy and the reason i bought it was i saw um the inside lining fabric and i had to have it oh my god oh that's so cute there's like tigers and cats or cats oh they're like the tigers tiger kitties yeah but um yeah so you can look her up on etsy she's not a knitter but she makes these beautiful quilts and i think i discovered her through my new uh stunted quilting off and on fits and starts but it has brought me joy but i have no quilting to show so i do have this and then i purchased um from our favorite fuzz family oh that's right yes and you guys i bought like every color thinking okay we need to talk about this just for a minute i know what i'm gonna say to you yeah no it was i started i knit i was almost ready to split for sleeves you guys and this is really pretty in theory but wow no it's not i mean not that the yarn isn't pretty and oh my gosh buzz family beautiful and the yarn is gorgeous um and i posted on instagram so if any of you viewers um don't know what i'm talking about i got super excited it was an impulse buy i bought all of these i had my birthday and a little bit of break they are awesome together you just didn't like it for you you thought it was too young i thought it was like 1980 bad okay i don't think so you know what i i was going to say to you and i think will solve that problem is you alternated with white if you had done just white as his own color or not put the white in at all i also think um thicker stripes bigger stripes okay tell me julie and i didn't put the yellow so i left that out and i had this all going on it doesn't need the yellow like the greens with the what did i say i said i like the greens together with the white maybe i forget but i think they can't you know i love all those colors together so maybe you just have to play around like do i need a gray i need a black like my shirt i mean i need to eliminate my daughter was like illuminati would be good see i would eliminate the other pink and keep that the other one personally yeah personally i like the darker pink but like this is do you have to does it have so this is why i think you should do thicker stripes like does it have to be we're alternating stripes like why don't you do stripe of each solid color that's what i'm saying so don't go back and forth yeah i think because you had color white color white color white i think if you had just not done the white every other and it was just colors or or not use the white at all like you could do the white as its own stripe or not do it at all julie do you think you could would it be too much to ask you to insert a picture of that craziness yeah maybe we can show our viewers and because i obviously frogged it um and then got frustrated and this is not the fault of our beautiful dyer oh my god no i'm jealous i love the look at those together look at the pink and oh my god if you just didn't alternate the white in between and just made white its own stripe yeah and this is actually like a pale baby baby pink yeah yeah so we i put it aside and also you know what happened also the weather got a little cooler and i'm like what am i doing with these colors i would still wear it what are you talking about i don't know what is maybe covid i don't know i feel so affected by the weather and colors and like i don't know what i can't explain and i'm in a rut and but anyway i'm so happy and the customer service on buzzfamily yarns you guys 10 out of 10. yeah she's so good awesome chris and the dye are so so good and um this yarn is alpaca and silk and it's like oh it's good yeah it's good so something will be made whether even i buy a handful of a gray or something we'll figure it out well if you really are feeling at a loss i'll gladly take it all i know right so um so there you go and uh those are my acquisitions love it awesome okay i have some so okay so we've done fos we've done whips are we done with acquisitions or at least no i have some oh okay okay so um as you know well as you know we're gonna i'm just gonna remind everybody we normally go to the village will uh fill a bag nice which they don't they didn't have this year because um kovic so they did a month long i think it was like about a month long where it was 25 off everything in the store including needles and everything so i went with my sister and i wasn't really needing yarn i mean i don't need yarn we all know this and i was like yeah i'll go with you why not so i went with her and um i didn't actually buy anything off 25 but i did buy shibuy it was this was 75 off or 70 off because they were i think the um the color and maybe even the um drift i think might be discontinued but so i have i'm just continuing that that that that line of yarn either that or the colors i don't know i think it's the line but i love that line so i got eight skeins this is um it's 85 extra fine merino 15 cashmere um what is the color no i think i'm jealous i know oh color is brown stone it is so soft i'm telling you and continue that i'll be depressed because that is i love that combo and it's a worsted mm-hmm so good how much escape did you pay how much did i pay per scheme got my receipt right here um i paid hold on yeah they're normally like trying to do this normally it was 21 uh 21.50 2160 that's how they had it there so i think 584 what how did you not text us this i think they bought them all i did well so my total was 55 13 for a sweater of this stuff that's normally 21.60 yeah that's really great because i always get it i always buy that whenever i'm and i get it for you know ten dollars this game i still i buy ten skeins per sweater to make sure i'm good it's still a hundred bucks you're spending yup you've got almost what i buy for half you know it's like wow unreal awesome so so i bought i don't know exactly what i'm going to make at and i'm not really worried about that i mean we don't always have to buy yarn with a pattern in mind so um so that's that so then my sister sends me this instagram post about this dyer doing this likes mystery sailor moon dye skein thing and i'm like i have to do it so um so if you don't know i love sailor moon and that would be why my email is you know my username so i was like you know what julie doesn't know who sailor moon is oh it's uh anime she's so cute she is she's got these two blonde balls and then long hair well i'm sorry i'm looking for oh sorry i was just looking for a sticker because she said a sticker so this is second vice versa okay good sheena from casual fashion queen out of florida and so i got it the other day i mean and like like i said this is one of those i don't know what to do with this and i really don't care oh that's pretty is that supposed to be sailor moon that's the sailor moon it's not silly it looks like inspired by silver moon so she sent me a sticker of sailor venus and i don't know if sailor venus is the yeah they are silly women it's too beautiful but what's like whatever what she's on a show it's called sailor moon yeah but she's an old anime character it's an old it's an old one yeah yeah but so yeah so i was like you know what i don't normally do a mystery thing um but i think i'm going to try to make this um find other yarns to go with this to make that um stephen west pattern um i think it's upstairs um that new one that he has i i i got let me pull up real quick i have to get i think five four or five other colors excuse me and i feel like it's called raven or something sound right at all but um bless you i should have been prepared for this because i didn't really prepare to say oh here it is i found it lava lake it's this big shawl oh yeah that's right all right very very very bright really pretty so i think that i want to do why did it get all dark anyway um i think i want to try to like find something to go with this which is like blues oh it's blues there's a shock well you could do like an ombre with blues and grays or like yeah i can bring it because it's got like some teal and it even has like a little like pinkish so i can you know see if i can find some yarn that kind of like transitions some black yeah so this is the first time i've ever purchased yarn from her um and it's very nice it's um it's a superwash merino fingering 490 yards awesome 590. yeah so those are my acquisitions love it all right so we have any other acquisitions no no okay so what about do we have uh like a book or media or a tv show or product i have a show if we have one or the other to add to uh talk about yeah i have a show i've been watching okay tell me cobra kai all day i've been watching it too i started it yeah did you have you logan and he was like yeah because he they have you have to have this connection to karate kid yeah it's gotta be party and and it's not even just like you've watched the movie like you know part of the whole thing about karate kid it's not like okay it's like you've watched the movie it is our jam it's like our childhood you know what i mean and and like it's it's like watching any classic from like goonies or anything you know any of those and so when you watch it there's all these throwbacks to the show and then they kind of put it still in the 80s kind of cheesiness that it is and then the the humor is actually funny like johnny like the cobra kai like from the bad guy from the original movies like he's so like outdated now but he like he says things that are still like 80s kind of stuff which is really not acceptable at all kind of a little sad also yeah but not totally sad i feel like he's like he's i don't know i we're hooked we're hooked oh yeah i i don't have many more episodes to watch in the second season so season three is coming on 2021. awesome okay so that's my show tim actually tim and i've been watching it together so i've been watching a lot of shows but i'm not going to mention them all because there's way too many yeah love on the spectrum i ended up watching that like you said elisa too yeah wasn't it so good oh my god with all those kids so michael love michael love him like i want to be their friends like i mean i just wanted i watched actually episode one over again because i love michael so much right what about you guys great sophia you wanna do you have so i had to plug it one second right here okay all right i'll go just go quick okay so i had a great summer reading this is the last thing i read it's um breath so it's non-fiction very informative but like really fun to read as well did you also go to the library yeah i love the library sum it up breathe through your nose people don't breathe through your mouth second thing quick out of pure coincidence this is my favorite book of the summer sophia and i both i actually did the audiobooks sophia of the dutch house by ann it was my favorite for the whole summer and i was starting the same time i didn't tell julie about it i was like oh my gosh i've got this book i listen to it and tom hanks narrates it which i think makes it so special um because he's like acting as he's reading i don't know it's so hard to explain but he's an excellent narrator and i was so excited to tell julie about it and she was excited to tell me about it which was kind of funny yeah that is so high i think when you get a narrator that's familiar your voice is familiar and you like them like that's like when i listened to the michelle obama book like it was so much better because she read it yeah i was just gonna ask if she did oh yeah okay but sofia what did you go get okay harry potter enjoying this it's a reread obviously but uh we bought the illustrated version and let me tell you the pictures in here are so so pretty and it's not a bridge the artwork's like just it's just like it's the it's the book but with illustrations yeah wow and can you get all of them can you turn a page like show them is it like every page you have a picture or like okay oh but it's like like a bigger font but it feels like it could be like a whole different experience it is it is it and it's not abridged it's the full book and it's fun and it's it's beautiful and it it smells good and it's got even a fun like little red bookmark oh yeah yeah yeah looks beautiful how much was that book i don't recall does it say on the back it should say it does it say anywhere on the inside and then i have paid the same amount well whatever whatever it's listed for 39.99 but i don't i think i got it off amazon well whatever but we are we are really wanting to buy all of them yes yes and so um i bought it for actually one of my daughters and then i was just like oh my gosh it's so look at this one so beautiful wow that's cool i would i've never read the harry potter books neither i've watched we have them yeah you know why because i we i watched the first two movies i watched him tim hadn't and tim was like i want to read the book so we have the whole series like the whole set and he read them and then after that he wouldn't watch the next one until he had read the book but i'd already watched the first two and i couldn't it's like i can't read a book after watch the movie or i can't sometimes watch the movie after read the book it's like it kind of ruined the reading for me like even though i wanted to read them and i it's one of my biggest like hang ups about those that series because i really wish i could i could say i've read them but now you also yeah you also feel that way i cannot stand the movies of harry potter i hate to say it i know i'm probably in the minority maybe because i've read the series multiple times and i've audio booked it i think twice and now i'm starting again with the illustrated version see it's just it's so much more detailed like when i read the books i'm like it's like it's like it's changing the story for me and i just was part about it for me and i know this may sound silly but i have trouble imagining um fantasy stuff in my head i i just struggle with that it's a it's weird i know but i do and having these illustrations so so cool yeah hopefully we'll be back again soon yeah well we were really hoping i think we were in a place where we could potentially be together for a podcast i mean we would maybe wear a mask for that depending on the time because now the school started again like that's a little concern for me but but um but yeah i'm worried that we're going to run out we're not going to be able to do it before if and if when things maybe return i don't know like there's numbers don't say it i know but i live near uconn and it's they're kind of it's happening yeah yeah i know and so i don't know i'm worried that this might be stuck where we're stuck but i get it [Laughter] yeah so it's a bummer we didn't get one in because we we could have like maybe could have but then it got crazy again and then now it's like school it's really crazy again so it was it was very difficult just to find a time to get together so i know and this almost still didn't happen tonight all right yes yes we better oh not you it's just it's crazy so anyway so my point is fingers crossed we do something soon but well we should probably get going right yeah bye everyone thank you for watching bye bye ladies miss you you
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Rating: 4.9083095 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: 28cg3bmO3-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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