The Kings Dark Secret - Geraldo

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hiber welcome to the program you know perhaps you've seen The Inquirer or maybe you've heard its basic charge the charge is outrageous let's get right to it now joining us is D Presley who was Elvis's stepmother Elvis Presley's stepmother she was married to Elvis's fall of Vernon for 17 years and she claims the real truth about Elvis is so shocking so unbelievable that she had to wait until now to reveal what she alleges was the king's deepest darkest and final secret so before I even introduce the people sitting alongside her let me get right to D Presley D what is the secret the secret the issue that we will be talking about today is the love between Gladis and Elvis the incestous love that they were lovers you allege that Elvis Presley the king of rock and roll had a sexual relationship with his own mother glattus I know the truth I was told by three closest to him first by Alberta homman she lived for the Presley and took care of glattus until she died and remained on at Gracin for a few years after I came there by mother Presley when I say mother Presley Vernon Presley's mother I was his grandmother and last Vernon Presley himself you your your H ex-husband well he's passed away now the late Vernon Presley You alleg Vernon even admitted it yes it this didn't happen instantly when I came to grem it took a period of years and longer for Vernon to deal with it okay you married Vernon in 1960 yes and you divorced Vernon shortly before Elvis himself died in 19 no after after it was after the death I didn't know I thought it was before the death after so you but you were separated weren't you at the time yes I I was legally separated for at least 3 years from Vernon from Vernon yes okay now during the time that you were with Vernon you allege and you know it sounds outrageously uh you know that people adore Elvis many many people despite the facts and circumstances surrounding his later years the drug abuse Etc uh so you're saying you know it's almost like uh like spitting on an i an icon you know I don't want to be judgmental about it I want to be open-minded about it and I want to lead us through I want you to lead us through uh how you came to be convinced that Elvis and his mom had an incestuous relationship first of all uh now you and Vernon never had any children no I had a miscarriage okay now when you became pregnant in 1961 yes okay year after your marriage to Vernon how did he respond to your pregnancy well I had expected him to be happy to have a a child and of course um he was not happy he seemed to suspect that people would think that the child belonged to Elvis which to me was unheard of at that time I was not totally aware but I knew there was some serious problems in the family because seemingly Vernon was more or less the outsider of the family you're telling us that Vernon reacted in a in a violent and negative way very very violent thinking that Elvis might haveed the child and of course uh to me I found that most disturbing at the time but at the time that this took place I did not know all the facts that was later revealed to me about The Love Affair between of us and his mother it is shocking and it's to taken me a long time to deal with it but I ran out of the house and Vernon came in in a violent drinking rap and shook me and of course I was crying and ran out of the house and stumbled and fell and of course I had the miscarriage so that was my very first very first inkling that things were not well in that home in that home that it was a so-called dysfunctional home right you allege uh okay now let's take a take us through the other sources Alberta Holman Alberta Holman yes the longtime L time long time and nny at at graand what did she tell you well actually when I first came to graceand there was much talk about the unusual closeness between o and Gladis and at that time of course I didn't know that it had been unusual closeness but seemingly they would come to a point about the closeness and maybe someday Mr Vernon will tell you she would say okay so Alberta suggested something unnatural about the close have taken place now everyone knows of course that Elvis and his mom were very close uh Elvis adored his mom and later took very good care of her didn't he buy Gracin for GL yes uhhuh uh we actually have a clip a brief clip of Elvis speaking of his adoration for his mom it it's just uh 15 or 20 seconds Let's uh let's roll that now back to Elvis in 1956 I suppose since I was an only child that we might have been a little closer and mother was always right with me all my life friend a companion someone to talk to I could wake her up any hour of the night and if I was worried or troubled about something she'd get up and try to help me okay now I have to say d that does not seem unnatural he was an only child I found nothing at all unnatural that's the way that I myself felt the very beginning of me questioning this relationship was when I was told that they shared the the same bed until he was 16 or 17 years old Elis slept literally slept the SLE with his mother when I questioned this I was told that Elvis had been a very sick child that glattus comfort him of course in the early years three and four years old I still saw that that was not real really a problem but then I was told that he had nightmares and that Elis did sleepwalk then I began to really question myself and ask myself why but the point haralo that I would really like to make clear that Elvis was a victim all before you get into the victimization and all the jargon of of of dysfunctional families Etc uh what you're saying here is on a different plane D you're saying that Elvis slept in the same bed as his mom you do point out that he was a sickly child so again that would not seem seem that aberant that abnormal at the age of 16 or 17 well that's a different story I had never heard that one well I have and it was the truth and who told you that mother Presley being Elvis's grandmother Alberta the maid and Vernon himself okay now one of the problems of course is that all three people have passed away but why should I question really herado why would Vernon lie did Vernon himself ever admit to you that near the end he did what did he say exactly he told me that he was always the outcast The Outsider that it was always glattus and Elvis the love was always between the two and that he had lived throughout his life a lie but did Vernon actually specifically say to you that Gladis had sex with Elvis lovers they were lovers they slept in the same bed in the biblical sense they were lovers I think I met you back in 1979 when I was doing a kind of an expose about Elvis's drug problems uh in 1979 you wrote a book also Elvis Love Me Tender yes wasn't that it and you wrote it with the with your boys Elvis's Step Brothers Ricky um there is nothing like that in that book no haralo I could not talk about it if you noticed I almost refused to talk about the drugs it took me many years to ever speak about the drugs the tragic happenings throughout Elvis's life and I refused to talk about it but I felt like that this issue needs to be dealt with and I think that after dealing with this we'll have a better Insight Now The Inquirer cover and let me just introduce sitting next to d is Mike Walker he's been on the program before you've seen him he is the editor of the national inquire the magazine actually that broke this shocking story this the first of a five-part series and also joining us is uh L saterfield she is the co-author of uh of this coming book uh this is excerpted from a book I guess to be called what the intimate life and death um the I told you before we went on the air and I stated in front of this audience and in front of millions of people out there that I am not here to pick on you uh you know there'll be people coming uh Elvis uh Elvis's close friends and Associates will be on this panel shortly and uh you'll have to deal with their wrath uh but let me just play the devil's advocate for 30 seconds and and please don't uh don't take this as as disrespectful your main sour sources uh Elvis's grandmother Elvis's father and the longtime Nanny Alberta homman are passed away uh you wrote a book back in 1979 you made no mention of any of this aberant Behavior Uh isn't it possible now that you're doing this just to cash in on there's not enough money in the world har salacious charge that I would make me fabricate this story no it's do you understand the implications of what you said yes that Elvis the king of rock and roll the person who we know was very very troubled to say that he was he lived a trouble life if this issue could have been dealt with 15 years ago this would have been unheard of it was tooo but we're now at a time where this can be brought out and talked about and discussed let me talk to uh my uh fellow reporter here Mike Walker Mike you know I think that the national inquiry gets a bad rap I've said publicly I will say a million times I will say until hell free is over that I think you do at least a good job as any of the mainstream news magazines in terms of accuracy I think you get a bad rap and I think it's easy to smear you because you're a supermarket tabloid however this kind of charge as uncorroborated as any can possibly be do you sit there confident that what you have printed is the truth well people will always have a a problem with this we had the same reaction to this uh that you're having um and of course we were very cognizant of the fact that the three sources who could corroborate this are now gone are passed away and they're not here to to speak to this issue on the other hand uh we we looked for as you always do in things like this you look for the motive of the source that's important and we looked at D Presley and and we said well you know I mean it isn't it we didn't think that it was strictly a money motivation uh could be of course but we didn't think so also D Presley and and you'll forgive me for saying I don't want to put her on her on her deathbed but D Presley is I believe you're 67 now D is that correct right and and uh at this point uh in someone's life I mean people uh and again we hope you're going to be around for a great many years but I'm just saying as you approach uh you know the end of your life reporters often have this situation where people will come forward and things prey on their minds and they will they will talk to them we also did what you always try to do in this case we tried to check all the checkable facts in other words everything that was checkable we tried to take D story and kind of knock it down was what we tried to do as much as we could I mean obviously we couldn't go to the central issue and basically we believe uh that that D Presley story has been written she wants to tell it she's going to tell it somewhere I mean she certainly would have I mean the way things are going today the Washington Post probably would have excerpted this uh not just the national Inquirer but we feel that we can see no clear reason why she would come forward and make such a shocking claim the sh the the shock of it alone almost helps Propel you into the belief that that that she must be telling the truth I mean why would she lie she knows full well what she's uh going to face from fans my own wife when she heard this said this time you've gone too far what do you think is it yes applaud if it yes true false applaud all right stop if I could say if I could say one other thing um first of all Elvis Presley sleeping with his mother uh was also reported in Albert Goldman's book as far as I was always concerned Albert Goldman's book said that Elvis was sleeping with his mother I mean it didn't quite say it but the implication was very clear uh I have heard that charge before that Elvis did sleep with his mother and I'm sorry a boy sleeping with his mother until he's 16 or 17 years old is bizarre and unnatural also there were many lies surrounding Elvis Presley's life I remember you years ago fighting and I watched you on television many many years ago go fighting against what you saw were facts coming out you you did not want to believe that Elvis Presley was on drugs at one point I remember that you you really tried to deny that it was very tough there were a lot of lies around Elvis's life a lot of things about his sex life were brought out again in Goldman's book so this is not totally and completely coming out of a vacuum let me show you a brief clip now of Vernon Presley D's husband uh when did Vernon pass away 197 79 so just two years after your divorce uh Vernon talking a little bit just give you an idea of the man toward the end of his life this is Vernon talking about his divorce from glattus and later marriage to D roll that Jim I uh live with him till my wife died in 1958 his mother which we had uh been married for 27 years and um then in 1958 he went to Germany and service I went over there with him and when we come back in 1960 I remarried that's when I moved out of graceand and I haven't lived in graceand since then okay so again we point out that Vernon and D did not live at Graceland what she is reporting is what she heard and in a sense you're extrapolating from your own experience when his violent reaction but just a at Hara I did live at graand and what years did you 1960 I moved out before 62 bought our own home I did not look forward to moving into Graceland I found it very difficult was was Elvis's mother's room still sealed at that time yes everything had been left untouched in her room and and the door locked yes and I never went into the room until I had been there after i' come there sometime okay you can tell us about that visit into glattus tomb in a sense uh we're going to be joined uh by some people who you will recognize in uh in a couple of minutes to give the other side of the story we're talking about the king's deepest darkest secret that's the focus of this additional [Applause] [Music] falo that's all right Mama that's all right for you that's all right m way do that's all right that's all right that's all it's all right Mama Elvis sing before I get to your question I might have said that uh Vernon divorced glattus Vernon didn't divorce glattus glattus uh glattus passed away I I'm going to go back um I'm going to quote from the inquir now before I introduce our esteemed uh other guests this is about the night that d uh came home and tells us that uh she told Vernon that she was pregnant this is Vernon's reaction he grabbed d by the shoulders and shook her he said tell me de whose baby is it is it Elvis tell me now I want to know if it's Elvis's baby and he was ranting and raving Vernon's mother mother Presley appeared she grabbed Vernon and quieted them down with these startling words this is a quote from The Inquirer story Vernon you sit down and shut up if you don't I'm going to tell the everything do you hear me everything I will tell her all the deep dark secrets of this family that you prayed she would never find out I won't leave out one little detail I'm going to tell her right this minute right in front of you if you don't sit down and shut up that's the end of the quote attributed to Mother Presley uh that's when D runs outside and falls and has the miscarriage um okay now after that uh D tells us that she and mother Presley became closer she told D that the reason gladus began to abuse alcohol her well-known alcohol problem was because she missed Elvis so much gladus was so attached to him then she couldn't take the separation then uh then mother Presley tells D quote until Elvis was in his teenage years until he was way up in high school they slept together most of the time uh she said uh D asks mother you mean Vernon and gladus don't you no honey I mean Elvis and gladus slept together and I mean in a biblical sense those two had a close relationship I mean real close all right that's right from the inquir story it's lay out what do you think what I want to know is that Lee did Priscilla D did Priscilla know what was going on and did it continue during their marriage during Priscilla's and Elvis's marriage uh gladus died in 1958 did Priscilla know anything I'm not sure I want to know if you're not doing it for the money or the publicity why would you even bother I think the truth should be known let me look at this I love to hear this yes the truth should be known that gentleman is the esteemed country music star that's JD Souther right there he is s rather JD Su JD and Elvis were best friends since Elvis were 14 JD Sumer JD is a well-known uh everybody singer and no everybody know the truth sitting next to him Joo you the only one that lived a lie no I'm not hurting you Joo friend and confid best friend since why would you not deny if you ever heard of this JD we're not talking about drug we talking about your popey lie about him sleeping with his mama how can you sit there how can you sit there in America watching you and tell such your blooming lie how could you sit there and let him die with the drugs and not I knew him long before you did you probably did I was sung at his mother's funeral I attended church with his mom and himym and you are lying lady I was you repated a I was told by how do we know I was told by wait a minute first of all I would love Jo Pito Heraldo I would love to when I got the phone call about Monday about this article you have no idea how upset and I am as of today you had to know Elvis Presley and I'm surprised that she is really doing this I never thought she would do this she is sitting here making this story up in the first place you know um if we had a lie detector test that's what I really like to see her do right in front of us she I was told by her own Sons which I talked to yesterday her own son Ricky and David they think she's out of her mind her own kids now I was told I by them that she got $100,000 from the national inquired for this five story now ask her ask him he'll tell you she has no publisher for the book as I was told and I think she's doing this for a publishing deal she's broke her own boys told me she's broke she's doing it for money what other reason is to do this what would what would this help how's this going to help anybody if Ela slept with his mother e even even if it were so even if the the first anth degree was so which it is not it would take a low down person to reveal such I you cool cool cool cool cool I'm really mad I'm sorry I know that's okay we got plenty of show Mike you want to respond before I go to commercial yes well as to did we pay D Presley money yes we did uh there was syndic rights involved we did not pay her $100,000 uh but as to the the question we didn't pay her anything as as to the question of uh is she lying or is she not I would simply like to ask outside of the fact that uh both of these gentlemen like my own wife uh did not want to hear this charge but how do they know that it is not true other than saying that Elvis Presley was not the kind of person who would do this and why would she say this okay let me ask you this she says Vernon told her M Alberta the ma toer and Elvis's grandmother and tell first of all Vernon an outcast in his family Vernon Elvis had the greatest relationship in the world Elvis loved Vernon and he told us many times only reason I put up with d Presley is because she's married to my father quote by him he said he never was thrilled with d she came after him because she wanted him and he said I'll put up with as long as she's around but she'll never take my mother's place and I'll never call her mother what what do you mean she came after him what what are you talking about well ver okay she was married in Germany at the time to a sergeant in the Army when Vernon married her when Vernon met her when she tried to Vernon to leave her husband with he did she was married then well she left him for Vernon what what she left him for Vernon take a break [Music] [Applause] you ain't of rabbit you ain't no friend of mine [Music] that was okay yes I I just want to make a comment I speaking for myself I don't care whether it's true or not this man is great he's brought great joy to my life I loved his music and I always will I don't see why she's bringing this up at all it doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me whether it's true or not Len this is the co-writer of the book do you have a publisher no sir not that I know of okay but I would like to make something clear that this book has been in the works for over two years and this is a small incident in the book the book was not designed to assassinate Elvis in any way it has been de's story her love story with Vernon and the story of her three sons going from drugs back to the ministry uh it's filled with a lot of faith is filled with a lot of hope it's filled with a lot of God these things came out as she was going through a catharsis I've worked with her for 24 months and I have seen her grow and come out so I have no reason to doubt there were many worse things that she could have put in there oh my God don't even mention that that she that she said no um haraldo I would just like to say that I think it take it took a lot of Courage for D to come out and make an accusation like this I think that no I I think that uh she she's going to face a lot of personal abuse and just outrate hostility for this and no amount of money is worth what she has is going to have to go through that's not true that's not true when you don't have any money you got to eat that's not true you don't do this from you don't make this kind of a a a book for for take courage it's to make money she's claiming he's gay in the damn thing she claims he had G he had gay he was gay I haven't read the whole book so I don't know what it says in the paper is already a historical figure is already someone that we study that we look at we just dug up Zachary Taylor for God's sake to see if anybody had assassinated him during his tenure as president I mean the same thing is going to happen if this charge is not true then it won't stand the test of time and history on the other hand it is part of History everything else has been dug up about Elvis if this isn't true that will come out but this is part of history and it would explain all the dysfunction and how he ended up the way you mentioned you mentioned that Goldman had written something similar to the same thing Goldman book is a lie I I I was involved in go he even took some statements I made and made a lie out of them it's either the truth or it's a lie there's no gray area when you call a man a homosexual and when you say a man sleeps with his mother I just wonder that Judith portrayed Jesus Christ and got 30 pieces of silver JD did Elvis did Elvis sleep with his mother El sleep with his mother though with in no no until he was 6 no Jo until you were 16 or 17 I ask one question d a question did Vernon say when Elvis slept with gladus that he slept with her till she was till he was 16 or 17 he said those specific words Joe I'm asking you yes he said SLE her until she was 16 and 17 years old and she was his they were love they were making they were they had sex they were lovers they had sex you're trying to say happened listen Jo I don't believe that bur was a man to have lived in that environment I love my mother too the story is that glad as herself listen please to the story am was from an ancest family well now I did not if you really want to get into that no no forget really come on do what I'm trying to say is this de were was Vernon in the room when you say they were lovers Vernon saw them they were in the bed and then Vernon knew that there was this love in take a break I can't believe Veron take a break go cool him [Music] down if you're looking for trouble you came to the right place you're looking for trouble just look right in my face I was born standing up and talking back my daddy was a [Applause] [Music] green every clip just builds the impression of once in a lifetime yes good I would like to know how come Vernon thought that Elvis was the father of your child are you sure it wasn't the stepmother that was sleeping with him I have never now JD you alluded to you allege that D flirted with Elvis that he that what that D flirted with Elvis in Germany no I I said that she was living with her first husband Mr Stanley which I wish he'd go back using that name she was living with him when she went after Vernon and going after Bernie she was after Elvis okay uh let me just say one thing number one I address you is Mrs Stanley cuz you don't deserve to have the preslee name thank you if Stanley if Stanley was written on that book it wouldn't sell number one this book isn't going to sell cuz remember your brass brass can tarnish you'll never tarnish gold remember [Applause] that would I like to you know is on the cover it says forbidden love led to her death are you trying to insinuate that this guilt killed her I don't understand that at all glattus yes also felt the guilt but glattus was also an innocent victim an innocent victim at an early age you're not giving her a chance please if you'll sit down Elvis I mean I'm sorry glattus also had the problem of drinking and the diet pills so the mixture she could not deal with the guilt but that's your theory right de you don't know that for a fact I was told why should I distrust the people that told me it's the truth haraldo it was told to me as true and I have no doubt to no doubt in my mind D between you and your D between you and your sons this is the fifth book that has been written by your family when's it going to end I it's the fth book one you wrote One Elvis we love you tender and each of your sons wrote their own book and this the fifth come on the wells got to run triy sooner or later well now the truth for the first time the truth has been dealt with the this is for JD please my understanding is you were friends with Elvis when he you were young how young no not really when he was 14 years old well if you were a 14-year-old when you were 14 your mother was abusing you or sleeping with you having incest with you would you go and tell Elvis that it's an embarrassing situation for Elvis I'm not saying it was true if it was or if it wasn't I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt but if this situation happened to you would you be telling your friends you wouldn't if if I if this had happened to me that I was sleeping with my mother yes well my my mind can't go there right correct but when when Alis was 14 years old he couldn't conceive of this either glad she did not know glattus I went to church with Gladis I sang at glattus his funeral we were supposed to sing three songs they were a very religious family they had a glass covering over her coffin Elvis laid over her coffin and said Mama I'd give everything I got in the world and dig ditches the rest of my life just to bring you back for 5 minutes and then for somebody to come up here and tell a blasted blooming confounded lie like that is sickening and disgusting and every time take a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] break Elvis uncensored is what the quir calls it it is D Presley's shocking allegation of incest in the Presley home uh Jen white whitz is an expert she's the author of healing your sexual self she's an expert in the field of motherson relationships by bringing on an expert we don't uh in any way give additional Credence to D's charge but I do say could you stand up again young lady stand up again she she made a good point let's let's face it as much as we loathe the charge if in fact the charge was true who would speak about it isn't that Jan in fact and again the fact that there's an expert on incest or relationships doesn't mean that we give any Credence to it except to say Jan aren't they always the deepest darkest secret yeah and I'm surprised that so many people would know about it because treating families where incest is involved is so difficult because the only people that really know what's going on are the people involved themselves and they don't talk about it okay now you make a you make what ironically may be the most damning charge of all do you say that by saying that the maid knew about it the husband knew about it and the the grandma knew about it that's unlikely I think it's real peculiar I think the relationship that he had with his mother was very IM mesed and probably made it difficult for him to find other women as desirable as she but I'd be very very surprised that this information would go around a family the tightness yes even if it's true that that they were even if it were true that they were sleeping together in the same bed not necessarily having sexual intercourse even then would you find it strange if everybody knew this was going on these behaviors are generally kept so close that that's what makes it so hard for them to treat you think of it if you saw that kind of behavior would you not be suspicious of an expert if you saw a teenage boy sleeping with his mother in the I would think the relationship he had with his mother was a little bit too close to be usual yes these charges are a little bit more extreme of course than we usually hear so it might be an indication we never know we can't really tell we know you don't want to vure a guest do you Jen I I have no way of knowing but it just doesn't it isn't even necessary or relevant we know that there was a very intimate relationship we know that he was troubled we know that there was alcohol in the family and he behaved as the adult child of an alcoholic would so these details uh don't really have a lot of meaning except uh to uh to bring out things that don't make necessarily any sense it's not the kind of conversation that people tell people about in your uh capacity as an expert do you find that charges like this are often brought falsely by other members of the family is that a normal thing it happens and it doesn't happen it depends on what their motive is I mean if there's 100 Grand at stake though I think it would probably be more likely to bring it out hold it hold it come on I didn't I didn't do that I don't want this to be like a dance Meer let me introduce two other people Bill Burke met Elvis in 57 continued a relationship we're told until his death he's written 400 articles on Elvis three books he's the editor of Elvis world it's a magazine sitting next to him uh Janelle mome she's known Elvis the longest she's known him since Tupelo since he was two years old uh you're very upset aren't you you know B I can't hear very well are you very upset at this charge are you very upset honey are you upset are you very are you very upset about this oh I I just I've known Elvis pres since it was two years old the same doctor that delivered him delivered my brother and sister we went out on the third night he was born I was in that house until they left tupo uh they lived on Kelly Adams and Barry 10 10 North Green when they left uh when we're talking about a depression haraldo you're not talking about an indention in somebody's thing you're talking about people who don't have enough to eat enough beds um my brother slept we have a picture actually of the tupo house that's my brother slept with my mother from necessity um that's exactly right and if it wasn't for those two rooms it wouldn't be a soul here today I you say that again your brother slept with your my brother slept with my mother because we didn't have enough to eat when when the depression came and I slept on a pallet and so did my dad on the other side uh there was nothing anestrous about this and uh if you'll stop and think about it um you look back when Christ was on the cross who did he think about in the in Behold thy mother my mother take care of my mother that goes that's biblical uh I'm a boy mom a boy Mama's attack uh and if my son right now at the Agee of 46 needed me if he needed me and there was no beds and it was he needed me to comfort him if he needed me in any way he's little to me and I would be [Applause] there Bill what do you say come on I know you're a big Elvis fan you're here just to love the guy right I I was never an Elvis fan quote I was Elvis friend and I knew the man for 20 years and uh I've written quite a bit about him in the research on the book I did on the Humes years which is the high school years which puts us into these teenage uh accusations here uh no one that uh were Elvis's closest friends around the Humes high school years they said this thing about Elvis sleeping with glattus they never saw this and they stayed over at the house a lot and they never saw this and they they they just can't believe so you're saying that you've you have eyewitnesses in the house that say that they didn't during the high school years that they never slept together also so that would be 14 15 right and also in the story this printed very Qui in the story this printed uh D says that she ran outside the house and fell down and Anita wood picked her up and that's when she had the miscarriage not because Anita picked her up but I talked to Anita last night and Anita has no recollection of this whatsoever we never knew she take a I want to briefly uh mention three quick semi-commercial announcements number one the highly controversial Inquirer series part two of five uh next week and etc for the next I guess four weeks uh so that's the Inquirer on on sale in your Supermarket uh or wherever else uh JD suner has a new CD peace in the valley is it jitty yeah I'm I record with a Benson company on the River Song label and uh still doing lot of dates and our new CD is peace in the valley that's it and and you know Joe ESP bazito has never written a book um matter fact Joe uh has been the fiercest Elvis Defender I mean Joe didn't admit anything until he was drag Kicking and Screaming so I I say he is finally now reading a book it's uh Elvis and the Memphis Mafia which should be interesting we can look for that next year this will be a chapter and this will be a chapter the question that I wanted to ask was or I actually wanted to make a statement about glattus Pressley everyone knows if they followed the tabloids years ago that she had a very bad heart isn't it possible that Elvis slept with her to give her her medication because he loved his mother so D I'm going to let you talk for the next minute that's all I have in this segment well at the age of 17 16 or 17 there again I would rather think this strange and on usual I am only telling what was told to me by three people that I have no cause to doubt I felt like that this troubled Vernon it troubled the entire family okay D you look right people right here go all right now D tell them that you want tell them they want that you want him to believe you I want them to believe it because it is a truth I want them to also point that I'm trying to get across that Elvis was an innocent victim Vernon was a victim and glattus was a victim this subject was never mentioned could not be discussed and Vernon being the close Vernon was the closest one to me Joe pardon me the most intimate relationship and he shared JD you got 20 seconds they're the American people if you think if you don't think anything of your own family and your own boys which you you have made sick you have almost rned your son's Ministry which he's a good kid what about Lisa Marie did you ever love her let's get back to did you ever have any feeling for Lisa I love I loved all of them but JD let's take it back my sons have no no no no the point JD nobody lived everybody around always lived a life I have many sorry you can get I have been sorry too about the situation you're still doing a good job well this issue has to be take a break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks everybody I've got 25 seconds left all I want to do and all there is time for without any further editorializing is to thank our guests for coming on starting uh with you Janelle thank you I know you love the king Bill his old high school uh Chum Joe uh forever there for Elvis JD uh what a man uh Mike Walker the skilled editor of the inquir d uh you've said it the cat's out of the bag you have to live with it now and lne her co-writer thanks very much ladies and gentlemen for being with [Music] us long live the king of rock and roll see you next time [Music] [Applause] bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] n
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Views: 41,202
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Id: yiuGIgKimK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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