The Kayfabe History of The Undertaker and Kane

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what's happening guys and welcome to another video it's American Andy filling in for Scottish Andy the Brothers of Destruction are one of the WWE's longest-running institutions with the Undertaker just passing his 29th anniversary in the company and came going 22 year strong at this point we thought now would be a good time to look at their kayfabe back story now I can already hear some of you saying that there's no way it can ever make sense as it's become so convoluted over the years but there is actually something of a canonical history and it's just as ridiculous as you would think much of the information in this video comes from the official graphic novel Undertaker rise of the Deadman and the WWE's book journey into darkness the unauthorized history of Kane with the remainder being filled in by what we've seen on WWE TV over the years including some of the greatest promos of all time from 1997 s maniac preacher Paul Bearer character go back and check this out they're some of the best ever so with all that in mind let's get started at the beginning because today we're going to try and make sense of the kayfabe history of the Undertaker and Kane picture if you will a funeral home in late 1960s Death Valley two young brothers spend their days doing work on their family ranch fishing and helping out their father at his mortuary Kane the younger of the two idolizes his older brother who teaches him many important lessons about becoming a man mark the older sibling wants his brother to grow up strong they play games where they each hold their hands over a fire daring the other to pull away first but despite his attempts to strengthen his brothers resolve mark only seems to win though afterwards he always makes sure to put the fire out before it can cause any real damage Cain won't quit though he's desperate to be as strong and as brave as his brother so he practices holding his hand over the flames while Mark sleeps timing himself to see how long he can last one night mark wakes up to see this and berate his brother shouting that he could start a Belize if he isn't careful this is until their parents break them apart and make them promise never to fight again it all does no good though because one night while Marcus out chopping firewood Kane accidentally burns the house down while his parents are asleep in the next room all three of them die or so we think five years later mark is now a man and working for a mortician named Paul Bearer a former employee of his father who adopted him after the disaster one day when local thugs try to shake down Bearer mark fights them off making his adopted father realize that he has something special on his hands Bearer starts him out training and quickly signs him up to underground fight clubs here mark finds an outlet finally able to release the rage he feels for the loss of his family particularly his younger brother who he was so close to Paul Bearer uses the money that mark Winson fights to keep the lights on at the mortuary but it isn't enough for him his greed takes over when he sees an opportunity to make more from the boy he takes mark to visit Ted DiBiase a WWF superstar and millionaire who liked to flaunt his wealth he's looking for a new wrestler to add to his Survivor Series team for that year over dinner Bearer and DiBiase reach a deal and mark is signed to fight for the million dollar team however he still needs a ring name DiBiase asks what he does for a living when Mark tells him he works at the mortuary DiBiase decides to christen him with a name he would keep for the rest of his career the Undertaker while all this is going on Paul Bearer has another secret Kane is alive not only this but Bearer is actually his father Bearer was a close family friend of Kane's parents even working at his father's mortuary and had a secret affair with his mother when he was just 19 unbeknownst to anyone else he even claimed to have lost his virginity to her nine months after this cane was born but as the affair couldn't be revealed Baris Parenthood is kept secret from everyone as a result of the fire kingdom SAFF Orme of body dysmorphia he comes to believe that his face and body are covered with scars as a result of that fateful night apparently having no memory of the incident or possibly having been manipulated by his father Kane also believes that it was his brother who started the fire that scarred him and killed his parents and he veils his revenge Bearer keeps him in the shadows for some time though waiting for the right moment to strike the two brothers live parallel lives for a period mark now going by the Undertaker climbs the ranks of the WWF quickly breaking away from handlers like Ted DiBiase and brother love he proves to have a dislike for those trying to own him and soon finds a better Alliance by partnering himself with his father figure Paul Bearer when in the ring something happens to the Undertaker with the help of bearers increased manipulation he finds himself being sucked into his character gradually starting to lose himself in it and believing he really is the undead he feels no pain from opponents offense and his almost supernaturally drawn to the power of bearers urn which contains the ashes of his dead parents this acts as a talisman of sorts and a reminder of where he comes from and is often used to keep him in check and allow him to draw extra strength when needed his look that of a zombie mortician shows just how successful Paul Bearer had been in manipulating him into believing what he wants him to believe that he is the Undertaker and cannot be stopped during this period the Undertaker wins the WWF title from face of the company Hulk Hogan and begins an almost quarter century long win streak at WrestleMania the Federation's premiere show at one point he loses a casket match to rival Yokozuna a sumo superstar who had taken the WWF by storm and the Undertaker seemingly dies in the process only for it to be later revealed that he had survived the ordeal after he returns to defeat an impostor brought in by his former manager Ted DiBiase upon his return the Undertaker now sports a slightly different look to mark his spiritual rebirth during all of this Kane bounces around various foster homes and mental institutions rarely making friends and being kept under the watchful eye of his father he develops pyromania as a result of his childhood trauma and falls into a life of petty crime Kane is an outcast to almost everyone but he does have one saving grace he like his brother is drawn to the world of professional wrestling and carves out the time to learn his craft becoming a great fighter in his own right though unknown at this time to his far more successful older brother but it isn't all bad for Kane during these years in the wilderness he does fall in love once while at high school he becomes smitten with a girl named Katie Vic Katie even attends Kane's first wrestling match in support of him and according to Kane she is the only one who cares when she sees him getting hurt the two become good friends and it seems for a while that sparks may even be beginning to fly or at least that's what Kane hopes she makes him forget about how hideous he is and see the good in life again one night they go to a party together though katie has too much to drink and Kane wanting to protect her decides to drive her home unfortunately due to his years in isolation is unfamiliar with how to drive a gearshift car when an animal jumps out onto the road he panics and swerves causing the car to crash his arm is broken in the process but more tragically katie dies on the scene this causes even deeper emotional scars which cane will carry with him for years it isn't helped by the persistent and nasty rumors that can Allen able to let go of his love for Katie had actually broken into the funeral home where her body was being held and committed acts of necrophilia on her corpse The Undertaker meanwhile already proving that he does not want to be held under the thumb of anyone is starting to grow weary of pallbearer and the string GLE hold he has over his career he feels that bearer is exploiting him and his fighting skills for money Bearer noticing this begins to put his plan into play he approaches Mick Foley a man who has also been going through a mental breakdown of his own which has manifested itself in the form of an alter ego named mankind Paul Bearer brings mankind into the WWF with the intention of destroying the Undertaker this allegiance is eventually revealed to the world when he turns on the Deadman blasting him with his own parents urn and costing him a victory over Foley the Undertaker vows a revenge against both of them something which eventually climaxes in a buried alive match between him and mankind The Undertaker loses and finds himself buried alive but somehow what through sheer tyranny of will and desire for revenge he survives clawing his way out of the dirt and being reborn once again from here he continues his battles and even wins the WWF title once more it's during this run as champion that Paul Bearer reappears demanding Undertaker join him again Bearer seeing the financial opportunities of managing the WWF champion threatens to reveal his dark family secret if he doesn't accept the Undertaker initially turns the sulfur down even throwing a fireball in Barras face however he eventually acquiesce 'as in fear of the world finding out about his childhood trauma and the two of them team up again with Paul Bearer now acting like a complete tyrant the Undertaker tries to make it work but can only take his new manager for so long he eventually shuns Bearer causing him to reveal his secret to the world Kane is still alive and not only that but the Undertaker was the one who started the fire that killed his parents The Undertaker denies these accusations and continues on but it has a strong effect on both his psyche and his performance he loses the WWF title and from there enter into a blood feud with new face of the company Shawn Michaels which ends in the very first Hell in a Cell match a match that is also for the number one contendership of that same title the Undertaker had recently lost Paul Bearer seize this opportunity at the end of the match a bloody and savage war the likes of which fans have never been seen on WWF television before he hits the Undertaker where it hurt the most just as the Phenom is about to win the fight the lights go out and a now familiar organ sound starts up signaling the introduction of King to the world he purposefully walks down the aisle with his father in tow tearing the cell door off its hinges and laying his brother out with his own finishing move the Tombstone Piledriver costing him the match and his championship opportunity afterwards the Undertaker privately visits Kane and tries to explain to him that father is using him he asks came to join him instead as they had been joined together as children they could rule the WWF as the Brothers of Destruction he reasons keen however will hear none of this he believes that his father is telling the truth and that his brother killed his parents and almost killed him in turn he can never forgive him on television pallbearer challenges the Undertaker to fight his brother one-on-one but he refuses telling the world he can never fight his own flesh and blood this had been the wish of his parents before their death this causes came to go on a rampage throughout the WWF taking out the likes of mankind and Vader both former prodigious of Bearer who now served no use for him but despite this for a brief moment it looks as though there may be hope on the horizon Kane rescues his brother from an attack by the d.o.a a motorcycle gang turned wrestling faction and it looks like they will be reunited however this is quickly revealed to be a ruse when Kane costs his brother yet another match with Shawn Michaels after the match he choke slams the Undertaker into a casket then sets it on fire with him inside crew members rush to douse the flames and save the Undertaker but upon opening the casket they find it empty it seems the dead man has lived up to his reputation and cheated death once again a month later as Kane's path of destruction continues the Undertaker returns and decides that enough is enough his parents wishes be damned he will fight his brother at WrestleMania the two faced off and it turns out to be the Undertaker's toughest challenge yet eventually he is able to beat Kane but only barely after 3 tombstone piledrivers he manages to best his younger brother again in an inferno match the next month after Kane's arms catch fire forcing him to relive his childhood trauma though the story between them is far from over Cain competes against the next face of the company Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF title in a first blood match a further stipulation is added by Kane requiring that he set himself alight should he lose the bow once again tapping into his greatest fear to find strength Kane eventually wins the match in the title with the help of an inadvertent chair shot from his brother which begins speculation that the two are indeed working together after all after months of intrigue this speculation proves to be correct with the Undertaker reasoning that he helped came to win the match as he did not want his brother to be burned again this reunion is short-lived as this time the Undertaker turns on his brother to side with Paul Bearer once more he reveals that Kane never started the fire and that it was him all along accusing his brother of being too weak and needing to be put down this results in Kane being alone in the world for the first time ever and looking for revenge he eventually finds this by helping to bury his brother once again in a buried alive match between the Undertaker and Steve Austin with this demon now slayed Kane can move on with his life and away from the negative influence of his family the Undertaker meanwhile manages to somehow survive again this time metamorphosing into the demonic cult like leader of his own ministry of darkness this period sees the Undertaker focus on WWF chairman Vince McMahon and his daughter Stephanie terrorizing them for months he even kidnaps Stephanie and attempts to marry her in a black wedding before she is rescued by Steve Austin McMinn goes on to criticize the undertaker on WWF television for losing himself in his character and causing serious harm to both his family and the federation as a whole he blames this ministry takeover attempt on the Phenom growing delusion that he is the character who had been created for him by Ted DiBiase so many years ago Kane meanwhile finds a new friend in x-pac and an allegiance with his stable d-generation X the group formerly led by Shawn Michaels before his retirement he even falls in love again this time with newcomer to the company Tori this however is once again short-lived as all of them turn on Kane with expec and Tori revealing themselves to be an item in the process King gets his revenge on the two and goes out on his own once more but despite all the negatives that come from this period it does help him grow into a stronger person it even marks the first time he would speak without the aid of a voice box this was the first sign to the outside world that his wounds were only inside his head The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness eventually scatter to the wind after it's revealed that the higher power they have been answering to has been Vince McMahon all alone which is probably the most nonsensical sentence in this whole video the whole thing it turns out has been a ploy to screw with Stone Cold Steve Austin I'll let you try and unpack the logic behind this one for yourselves because I still can't figure it out to this day the Undertaker briefly teams with the Big Show a seven-foot - monster who alleges to be the son of the late Andre the Giant before walking out on the WWF after refusing to fight degeneration X's Triple H in a casket match something which isn't helped by a groin tear he's suffering from at the time one thing is for sure though no one is prepared for what will come next at the Judgment Day pay-per-view in 2000 after a series of strange vignettes had aired in the weeks leading up the Undertaker returns to destroy the McMahons though he now looks very different he shuns his previous Deadman garb in favor of a biker aesthetic even going as far as to ride his motorcycle down to the ring the Undertaker it seems has finally shaken off the demons of his past and has rid himself of the manipulative pallbearer once and for all showing his real self to the fans of the first time his personality changes with him now cutting promos like a regular person and altering his moveset this results in him dominating the company while this is happening Keane is also going from strength to strength and the two eventually mend fences and reunite as the Brothers of Destruction in early 2001 destroying all comers until they're separated by the draft came being moved to the raw brand while the Undertaker eventually became exclusive to SmackDown following a brief undisputed world title run it's during this period where the WWF morphs into the WWE that Kane goes through his hardest times yet the death of Katie Vick is revealed to the world by Triple H and the rumors of necrophilia are once again brought up Triple H even goes as far as to recreate the alleged incident by wearing Kane's mask and making love to a mannequin inside a casket at a funeral home yes that really happened and just for the record it happened while a real funeral was taking place in the next room Pike's aware I'm not making that last part up this feud eventually results in Kane losing his mask revealing to the world that his scars have been psychological all along but causing something deep within him to snap and turn on the entire roster he wagers a path of destruction that lasts for months this includes him setting fire to commentator Jim Ross and even electrocuting the testicles of Vince McMahon's son Shane with a car battery I'll say that one more time he electrocuted the testicles of Shane McMahon with a car battery but throughout all of this Kim can't forget about his brother he once again costs the Undertaker a buried alive match this time against Vince McMahon himself but yet again the Undertaker survives proving himself to be the Keith Richards of the wrestling world with the inability to be killed by conventional weapons this time when he returns to face his brother at WrestleMania it's as The Deadman with Paul Bearer by his side once again the Undertaker realizing that in order to defeat his brother he has to dig deep into his darkest days and channel that fury after beating Kane the Phenom once again rids the WWE of the slimy Paul Bearer by burying him in concrete something which Bearer would later be revealed to have miraculously survived two seemingly having learned some of the Undertaker's death-defying skills over the years from now on the Undertaker keeps one eye on his dark side and the other on his true self working as a hybrid of his Deadman and biker personas while he continues to build his WrestleMania winning streak Kane goes through more trials and tribulations on the raw brand he falls in love again this time with top woman's star and alt icon Lita only to be spurned as he had been before he retaliates by kidnapping her and when she later escapes and announces to her boyfriend Matt Hardy that she's pregnant Keene claims that he is in fact the father beating Matt Hardy not long after in a match where the winner gets the right to marry Lita their baby unfortunately dies in a miscarriage caused by noted wrestling foot fetishist gene Snitsky who knocks cane on top of his wife after I match Snitsky will forever go on to claim that it wasn't his fault while kami and Lita actually bond over this falling in love until she eventually turns on him to start a relationship with former vampire and current Money in the Bank contract holder edge Kane and The Undertaker settle their feud once and for all in 2010 when Kane injures his older brother and uses the opportunity to win the vacated WWE world title that the Undertaker had been in possession of at the time the Undertaker eventually recovers from this attack and the two siblings have one last fight for the ages which ends in the Undertaker being buried alive by his brother for a third and final time after recovering from this it becomes clear that all these close brushes with death are starting to take their toll on the Undertaker and he finally begins to show the accumulated wear and tear each year he defends his streak at WrestleMania but with his opponents getting younger and him only getting older every match becomes increasingly difficult for him still he manages to beat all challengers including his old rival Shawn Michaels and his brother's infamous enemy triple age over on Raw Kane has taken to wearing his old mask again he to channeling into the strength of his older darker self he forms an unlikely partnership with beloved WWE Superstar an ultimate underdog Daniel Bryan which lead to the to attending anger-management classes together and eventually becoming friends after the death of Paul Bearer the brothers come together in private realizing that fur as manipulative as he was Bearer had made them who they were in many ways they even teamed together again to defeat the Wyatt family a villainous stable led by Bayou cult leader Bray Wyatt who had been targeting Kane for months but it isn't long before Kane falls back into his evil ways siding with the authority who are led by the now heir apparent to the company and son-in-law of Vince McMahon Triple H this time Kane appears under two different guises it seems the attack from the Wyatt family has caused his psyche to splinter with him appearing at different times as corporate Kane a suit-and-tie clan stooge for the authority and the demon Kane a masked monster hell-bent on destroying everything in his path much like his original persona all the while this is going on over on Smackdown The Undertaker's time is drawing near enter Brock Lesnar former UFC heavyweight champion NCAA heavyweight champion IWGP Heavyweight Champion and the at the time youngest WWE heavyweight champion in history he is the Beast the Conqueror the final boss of wrestling in hindsight the Undertaker never stood a chance after three f5 s a series of German suplexes and a brutal concussion the streak is over the Undertaker is mortal after all now it can't be underestimated hell monumental a moment this is for wrestling fans it's been described both as the most shocking moment in wrestling history and as the WWE's red wedding The Undertaker streak was a constant for wrestling fans for 24 years for some of them this was their entire life it was a comfort that they could always rely on no matter what else was happening imagine waking up one Christmas morning to find that it had suddenly been cancelled forever that's what it felt like this was evident in the reaction of the 75,000 plus fans in the arena after the pinfall there was a stunned silence you could hear a pin drop the look of shock and grief itched across the faces picked up by the cameras was very real many of them felt there had been a mistake but there wasn't it was over nothing lasts forever it was perhaps most eloquently put by Matthew of bachi mania when he said that it was a moment where millions of wrestling fans watched something they knew was fake and said to themselves this can't be real since then both men's careers have wound down the Undertaker has made sporadic appearances but in the eyes of many fans his career ended that night in New Orleans he would still go on to fight at WrestleMania but would eventually lose a second time to current face of the company Roman reigns Kane would still show up too but this would happen less and less the two brothers teamed up a few more times for old times sake but by that point in his life after all the trauma and all the subsequent growth Kane had something else in mind Kane who had at some point in the past discovered that his birth name was Glen Jacobs decided to run for mayor of Knox County Tennessee in 2018 and in a strange turn up for the books considering his history of kidnapping grievous bodily harm pyromania and attempted murder he would win still holding the position of mayor to this day the Undertaker had recently felt more comfortable returning to his real self and has let the dead man's side of his personality go more and more talking about his private life and sharing memories with old rivals Steve Austin on the rattlesnakes podcast his last enduring appearance to date was when he teamed up with Roman reigns to defeat Shane McMahon and drew McIntyre in the summer of 2019 is this the end of the road for the Brothers of Destruction has two decades of domination finally come to a close one thing we can be sure of in wrestling is that we can never say never these two have seen so many different eras come and go remaining a constant through lund for fans so it will be sad to see them both eventually hanging up but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the two warring brothers have won west clash before it's all said and done just no more necrophilia and miscarriage angles please okay guys well guys what did you think of the video let us know in the comments below don't forget test Stunner that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't already as well as follow wrestle with Andy on Instagram and Twitter thanks for watching guys and we'll catch you in the next one
Views: 265,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, kayfabe history, the undertaker and kane, the undertaker, undertaker, kane, glenn jacobs, the undertaker and Kane kayfabe history, Paul Bearer, the undertaker story, the undertaker documentary, kane documentary, wwe documentary, wrestling documentary, wwe wrestling documentary, wwe undertaker documentary, wrestling storytime, undertaker and kane, undertaker and Kane tag team, wrestling bio, wrestling bios, undertaker bio, kane bio, Kane broken skull podcast, kane return
Id: TQq2iGjVhW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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