The Kadence Theme Builder

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hi this is david mccann for web tng in this video i'm looking at the new cadence theme builder that's part of cadence pro in this video series i've looked at a lot of options for creating the single and archive templates for custom post types up to now generate press has been the only theme that had a theme builder now cadence has released their theme builder which is really nice and easy to use so let's do a quick walkthrough to show how it works and then i'll share some thoughts about cadence the cadence theme builder and full site editing i've got a demo site here i've got the cadence theme you can see i've got a bunch of sample content here for posts and also for books here's the best i could get using the cadence theme not too bad but this image is huge if we look at a single post we see that the image is huge and there's no way to show any of the custom fields so let's go take a look now at the plugins real quick you can see i've got cadence theme pro add-on i've got cadence blocks and cadence blocks pro and then i've used custom post type ui advanced custom fields to make the books custom post type i have a bunch of book records we'll look at one here here's the title the content a link to the author's website the author's photo it's got a custom taxonomy genres and here's the featured image okay so that's kind of what we have to start with now to access the theme builder it's here under elements and you see there's all element items sections fixed items html code this templates option is new so i'm going to add one and it's going to be template and first we'll do the book single and over here there are options then to set what the template is for so we'll set that it's for books and you can select a record for preview so that's nice okay and then where you want to place it so you can build up a header you can place it above the content as kind of a hero section place a single post place a loop archive item sidebar 404 so we're replacing the single post content and then we want to show it on go down the list of possibilities single books okay so i'm just going to save this and now let's go ahead and add first a some columns here now gutenberg is adding full site editing so we do have some post kind of placeholder items for like the title the date the featured image they're kind of beefing this up a little bit in wordpress 5.9 but some of these are very limited so i'm going to use some cadence blocks here and cadence unfortunately doesn't have an just a simple image block but i can use the info block so i'm going to do that this is kind of my work around for not having a dedicated image block i like the cadence blocks better so i'm just going to select one of these here and then for the [Music] container settings i'm going to remove the border remove the radius remove the background for media settings i'm going to not do an icon i'm going to do an image and then i'm going to use a dynamic data option here to pick the featured image inherit the image aspect ratio and then i don't want to make it a round image or anything like that we'll get rid of the background option let's make this the width let's say 200 the reason why we can use this info box is because we're able just to turn the extra features off and now we just have an image that's our featured image there now let's add our advanced heading we'll do dynamic content and it'll be the post title now we can add our post meta and cadence dynamic content it allows you just to concatenate add fields in line so that's very nice i'm going to add the post author name your author display name and then the post date now let's add the post content and for this one i am going to use the core block so we have that one more thing i'd like to add here is i like to add some of the custom fields so i'm going to add another image box and let's go through that process again let's go to media settings and we'll pick image dynamic data and this we want a postcustom field and our custom field here is going to be authors photo then we can have a round photo i guess if we want let's just go simple okay and then i'll turn off the title and text settings again for that and now let's add a button visit authors website and we're going to do a post custom field and its author's website all right so that's our button and let's save this now and go to the front of the site let's take a look here we still have these probably haven't done the archive yet but let's take a look at a single and we have our single here looks like i should probably make this whole column have the background or remove it around the images so let's do that and [Music] there we go update that and go back okay so there's our custom post type single that was real easy now let's go and do the archive so i'm going to do add new do template again this will be book archive and then let's go and set our preview settings again now want to be books and we just create a single record that's what it uses for the loop so i'll choose the same book for the preview and then we want this to replace the lark archive loop item and we want to show it on the book archive okay so now let's do kind of the same type of thing again so again i'm going to use the info box because i don't have as many options with the core featured image so it's a little bit cumbersome but i like the final result better so i'm just going through and adding some of these or adjusting these features these options so we want image dynamic data featured image good don't want it to be around and let's make this again let's do 150 pixels 150 150 pixels width and then turn off the title and text and let's go to the hover here and set that for white so we're not getting that good all right now let's do the post title again all right and we'll do the same thing for the post meta by author display name on post date okay and now we'll add the let's see we'll do the post excerpt okay so we've got that then let's have a button and this will be read more and we'll do dynamic data and i'll link to the post url and we'll align it to the left okay so this is kind of what we're looking at now let's make the image just a little bit bigger let's try 175. okay and now i guess you know we can add actually some dynamic data in here as well so let's do that because that's been one of the ways i've tested to see how flexible the archive builder is so we'll put that there and here we'll add our info box again and we'll kind of go through our steps here let's make it 10 for padding and we'll use image dynamic data and this time we'll use the author's photo okay but no we just want it to be let's say 75 okay and now let's turn off the title and the text options i guess we have too much padding there huh so let's go to turn that off that might help all right let's update this and go to the front end and take a look all right this is what we've got obviously it could be tweaked a little bit but you see how easy that was i had some thoughts about cadence and the cadence theme builder and full site editing that i wanted to share first of all you saw how easy that was to create the single and archive custom post type the only thing that could have made it easier would have been if cadence had an image block instead of having to kind of pare down the info box and maybe there's another block that would have worked better but other than that this was smooth sailing i think this is one of the easiest theme builder options out there i'm happy to see cadence not waiting for full site editing to come out a lot of plugins and theme authors are waiting for full site editing so kudos to them for jumping in and making this available to their users a lot of people use things like tool set blocks or a page builder just for the ability to create content templates so for some use cases this will do away with the need for a page builder we've seen a cadence is just really hitting this out of the park they are consistently releasing new features the features are powerful they're innovative they're useful they're what people want there's so much creativity and ingenuity being displayed i'm really happy that i got the cadence membership package it's been one of the best investments i've done in wordpress two thumbs up to the cadence team now let's consider this in relation to full site editing as you know full site editing has been delayed a month and when it comes out in january it's still going to have a lot of rough edges and it'll be a while before block based themes start to catch up with what site builders need for themes so i'm happy to see what the gutenberg team is doing but i think it's going to be a while before full site editing is really a viable option to things like the cadence theme builder or the theme builder features of our premium page builders okay so that's a quick look at the new cadence theme builder i hope you're excited about it as much as i am there's a text version of this going to be available on the web tng website along with other walkthroughs reviews videos and resources hope you found the video useful thank you for watching
Channel: David McCan
Views: 1,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kadence theme tutorial, best wordpress themes, kadence wp theme, kadence theme, webtng, kadence theme builder, templates for custom post types, wordpress custom post types, kadence blocks
Id: 8Hpz09f3ARI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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