The Jump Weld Technique for Axe Making

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[Music] [Music] in this video we're going to try a really cool Forge welding technique so I prepared a mild steel body right here and I've also prepared a piece of patter wed Edge steel and the idea is that we're going to forge welding together straight on like this without need of a taco or a scarf or anything like that all right so the pieces are in the fire heating up and the idea now is that I'm going to try to press them together to see if they want to stick just a little bit and if they do I'm then going to take them to the anvel and try to tap them together and force well them together w [Music] [Music] all right so everything is stuck together now but I'm trying to shase all those little you know spots where it didn't take uh it's quite tricky uh and I have no idea how strong this will be but it's definitely a fun [Music] [Music] experience [Music] [Laughter] n [Music] my friends I have some fantastic and some terrible news the fantastic news is that the edge steel seems to have been forged W it on really well the terrible news is that we have cracks all around this area now I saw them appear while forging and I didn't think much about it I thought that I could just grind them off however as I kept forging they kept kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and eventually I just had to stop and think about it so I called my friend toan Oman and we started talking about it how could this have happened at first I thought there could have been a manufacturing mistake however after some discussion we figured out that most likely have to do with the fact that this part was forged before the set down was already made and I was Forge welding on the blade creating a lot of heat and stress on this smaller area of the axe that could have been the issue you know this part going back and forth like this while forging up here creating these stress stress fractures in the steel it sounds like the most logical answer to me I'm not 100% sure and the really sad part about this is that this is actually number two I already tried it once and failed with the delamination on top here so what do we do now well I thought about it and I thought hm what if we for on the edge steel before we do anything else so I have prepared a Billet and an edge steel and I'm now going to try to forge weld these together and then continue making the ax from the ground [Music] up [Music] [Music] n [Music] e [Music] [Music] right [Music] is oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] d [Music] all [Music] [Music] n [Music] is [Music] all right so I have been really scared to see a delamination popping off somewhere on the blade however that has not yet been the case so I'm very excited about that however the blade is still pretty thick and it's now time to get into the finer details where we're going to to draw out the blade and make it a lot thinner and I have no idea how the well is going to hold up so wish me luck and let's draw out that [Music] blade [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] is [Music] all right so I'm done forging the axe and it seems like it held up yes there is however a small small little place where the well didn't really take it's only about a millimeter and it doesn't go deep at all so I think it will be an easy fix I did leave it a little bit rougher than I usually do and the reason for that is because I failed two times already and I really didn't want to fail again so it's going to need a little bit more refining than usual and after that we're going to establish a rough Edge and then we're going to heat treat it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] he p thank you so much for watching the video I really hope you enjoyed it so in today's video we made a jump welded or whatever it's called welded ax and I'm also giving it away so subscribe to the YouTube channel and leave a comment including the word jump and I will pick one out at random that will receive this axe also make sure to read the pin comment all the information about the giveaway will be there when it ends Etc so make sure to read that if you're interested in joining the giveaway also be aware of scammers don't reply to anything that looks fishy all the information about the giveaway is in the in the comment I will not ask you to go to telegram or anything like that so read the pin comment and you'll be safe so this was probably one of the trickiest welds that I have ever made on this channel or in my life for that matter and it didn't turn out as I expected Ed now if you have been following me for a while you know that I've made a few tricky welds here and there and this is definitely one of the most trickiest ones that I've ever made and the biggest reason for that was probably due to my expectations you see I thought it would behave look and act almost like the reverse tackle that I made a few months ago and if you haven't checked that out you should definitely check that out and aesthetically I thought that it would go in a similar Direction with a super clear straight line from the body to the edge however that's really not how it turned out in my opinion I mean we have a clear transition from the body to the blade however it's not as I expected and I guess what it comes down to in the end is that I need to practice more I need to be better at keeping track of where the steel is during all of my hammer blows so I so that I can keep track of where it is exactly so that I can plan and make a a much neater transition and that's especially important when you're working with two different types of Steels when you're laminating or making a taco or reverse taco or whatever but it's especially visible here when you don't have anything covering up uh your mistakes so that's something that I'm taking with me from this and I hope there was something that you can take with you from this video as well I also want to take a moment to thank everyone who shows to support what I do here over on patreon or YouTube membership you guys help me create these videos for everyone to see for free here on YouTube so thank you so much for doing that thank you so much for watching the video and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Nils Ögren
Views: 146,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5YA3qoZ-obE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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