The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 146 | "Dancing Shoes"

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stay ready and got to get ready parks yeah ma it's my move today / man vibes Mic Check 1 2 1 2 Mic Check 1 2 1 2 1 2 hey just make us down hill I got y'all yeah guys anybody doing what up we good I'm in a real I'm in a real what's this I'm in a real regal mood with this music playing what up [ __ ] this down what's up what's up what's up energy high today Mic Check one two one two Joe button podcast we are bad episode 146 I'm your host Joe button in the building with me are all of my good friends Rory's here Mullis here parks is here Chris Brown is here save on is here bills is here bills was good [ __ ] out the whole of YouTube viewership people are hit the [ __ ] subscribe button somewhere on here right it's somewhere on here down or around okay I'll get a graphic got add some [ __ ] but as a buddy doing good how are you all right it's a little rain all right it's rainy out it's a little gloomy as you [ __ ] uh yeah but I know other people don't really respond well to this type of weather so is that playing a part in you know anyone's down are you down I know Rory isn't it Oh love now I know Rory's not down no what's up I talked to these [ __ ] Roble I was about to say you know you know what young rogue Oh Duke yeah Rory came up to me last night and told me he was a rogue oh do you respect that no but it was hilarious and then we found out way Oh Brandon what was Brandon he was Brandel pretending to be on the phone yeah he was a Brandon gold and then uh Imani is eagle yeah he was eagle but that's where we're at so so come on give it to us man I saw some announcement go out I saw I saw something I saw a low-key retweet today and blame that he is for this now you did is that you a bar honestly don't think I'm being funny he really tweeted I told you to get your jokes over last week I told you I'd be an all-star working I just wanted to land on the top chill Rogal listen man I'm gonna don't hurt him I'm always gonna be the only [ __ ] coming here with a chainsaw I mean I could talk to hope see what I could do give me some time when I get y'all some chains I just gotta you know gets annoyed by over there a little bit better I got you Joe you wanna you want to rock nice and snapback Jake my have Rory chokeslammed out his office okay but uh give us some backstory on this monumental event that happened occurred well the back stone with five young men started this foundation from us round a brownstone basement in Brooklyn it was I mean Harlem one day just bored we started this from the grass this back I could say this though we started this on a sheet of paper and today any time one of them big atella any Palooza story oh man they need a Netflix special some [ __ ] make this film titled hood special Wow got it gotta keep it a family though just in England no but for the back story the deal this has kind of been going on for two years tax was actually the first person to connect us would do say in Memphis Bleek in Brian and everyone over there but the timing wasn't right numbers weren't right so we just ended up doing the tour bar so [ __ ] was right right right all right I'm waiting for y'all you know you sound like a substitute teacher grow up waiting for you guys we get a job all right I could get I could employ you if you want no thank you send me your resume I'm fine well latest grade that you completed I'll see what I could do mm-hmm these bars they're gonna talk coming in coming out the girls okay hmm that's Wow anyway come on tell us more then anyways tell us more about the deal a year passed and man what's the numbers out of here for me with Jay Z is that okay I know Brian wasn't acceptable yo JD I know Jay Z is in my zeal column Shawn I mean to y'all I don't know if y'all know him as Shawn I'm walking out here if he stopped calling jeez right now howtechs Lenny and said why we work with any Palooza guys so then Lenny got us all back together and we made a deal and you guys are here to hate and I could give two shits I just don't like your wording or sentence it was better supporter unlike you I went to like this in the brownstone no oh you wasn't there you wasn't there from day one so way so I understand if you feel about this uh y'all don't care just interesting you say that they are not happy and sent a pretty angry letter to the Baqarah legal team which we're dealing with now so I will not say anything negative about Hennessey at all we're just focusing on to say Palooza and that's it oh man Brian you got your hands full [ __ ] Hennessy man Paul said that not me I said for Tennessee no Joe Joe we're doing real business lawyers are involved so I know I know you know I had to put you guys through don't go get fired like I don't drink at all I don't do nothing my [ __ ] no drink um all right what's him round of applause for for Rory so first one all-star weekend Joe I know you'll be out there in LA for all-star weekend I will definitely not be an all-star February in LA for all-star weekend 27 I won't be there tickets available do say Palooza calm hope to see everyone there this is the close of that plug now be music at the award show you trying to sneak in the Ticketmaster goddamnit just plan to wrap it up music yeah it would not wrap it up how long ago do you buy the website long time ago likes around the first time this is before two years or for two years this ain't nothing new Brian just right yeah it was a deal with the numbers wasn't there Brian got right in they got not here how are the numbers with complex how that go if we talking deals start eatin oh no Joe Budden eatin but I know stars you guys call each other friends but why do you I didn't even want to talk about the to say [ __ ] because I know they were just gonna hate all for it and I'm not I'm not taking a beating [Laughter] you you you're a hater listen I support the move and I will not be at all-star weekend but I will be checking someone's insta live to see what's going on thanks minutes what else what else is going on in the world oh you jumped right - uh yeah that was my segue we don't need to segue there there just yet uh well why we all never find out none of the over yo [ __ ] from you I tried telling y'all [ __ ] all the time I'm not o Bo you keep runnin with this i movi open oh yeah I got me a couple of couple guys over there [ __ ] call Joe when his phone pops I'm just gonna say mall ovo so that means you're oh yeah it does say that my father still yeah okay I've never changed no a couple couple guys over there [ __ ] we good guy right any any of them Brian no O'Brien's yeah no Brian's what's up now you fell in man yeah yeah I'm cool what you think of the song no excuse me nope it was dope score it snakeheads fine oh yeah that's what you guys that was dope you're trying to feel the room and he's trying to see where y'all look that we all good records though I didn't hear the second record he's doing a little me ghost adlib impression on the other record that was kind of God's plan yeah or the lil yachty broccoli soul yeah which I feel like Drake's been trying to catch that flow for a while this one's probably gonna hit though cuz he did that on more life on the last record that was kind of broccoli ish I forgot the name of it we don't know what I think I think this one of it I gotta hear it out like around people rather than just my living room yes it looks like people are feeling that record I love diplomatic immunity because I like when trick wraps and I thought the shot was great in clever and I'm glad that he made it seem like our friends and then did the shot I respected that more than a those okey doke chess move mmm listen I would just like to rewind the tape and tell y'all when I said Drake and Joe was going dance tried to tell them yeah that was him asking for dance by the way if you didn't know that I don't know if you accepted the dance or not okay where we are accepting the dick alright this just took a turn it just got just got interesting I was talking about talking about Tomo out the world is talking about he acts before dance he on the dance floor you still sitting down how many record you need to play how many songs need to play before you get up and dance but you know you're not saying that okay well first of all right now I said it you already mother's you're joking right now I'm not joking seriously he's asking for dance listen but in Joe's defense Joe was breakdancing on the top of his head for six months dancing in training but yeah your show time that is definitely true Joe was dancin he was [ __ ] I will he was sure in the byway video at the prom dress killing the dancers and everything now I'm out of school but let me just let me just say who throws out that I do I do not think that's what that was huh I don't think that's what that was at all maybe my interpretations are like jealous ones Envy was you that was 100% at this okay and what is what is this turn around who is he talking about budding careers and such this is wordplay I don't take this as a diss I think the newer generation don't really know what this is anymore so anytime you are directing this something towards somebody or or definitely a dish how I've seen budding careers turn into judging their parents where's the diff tell me where the dis is that whole bars at this how it's true the tone this is obviously my this is all good this is how I usually Trudeau I I don't I don't see what I don't see were you going here yeah I'm saying I've seen button careers uh turn around and start judging other careers I mean that shouldn't be a surprise or secret to anybody he clearly said how he felt about my career on no shopping when he said there was promise there and you fell flat on your [ __ ] face okay that was a diss right yes same sentence is not as I'll use no it's not a diss careers do you think someone could interpret sitting around judging other people as a good thing there's a little bit aside and I didn't know that I didn't know that you should judge it anyway there was some salt in the bar there's a little bit of salt in there a little bit no salt would not sea salt man alright well let me just say I didn't take it that way okay I took it as first of all and let's just dig deeper into this a little bit with nothing plan on doing you can't be asking me to dance two years after at that moment like no definitely uh you don't want to dance like Sears after the fact he do today oh no it's not he says he was not yes not beef I'm thinking I think you're thinking beef or but issue is not that no it's just like you know let me see with your pin it let me see if you still but hope is not wrapping really today he just put out boy he's not read he just put out a whole album and did a whole tour I mean that was kind of like a poetry oh I'm not that self-absorbed that I think there's no reason for me to think that he wants to dance with me huh I mean I'm not an artist so and I certainly don't think Drake is trying to dance with me two years after the fact he just sent two shot then he's inviting you to the dance he's not saying let's dance when we get there but I'd like to see you at the party sure I got on the shiniest pair visage he's ever waiting for you right now even after he DM me yes that was a chess move set you know and told me that he supports me yes seeks to support you and still wanna dance there's nothing wrong with that think you think you gotta be chief like it's not they don't have to be beat I'm nothing but I'm not I'm no longer dancing though I'm retired from dancing okay my feet are done this well you gotta come back to the tribute show or something it's fact and I believe that the next line and that's another reason I don't take it like this the line right after that I believe is directed at act oh that was a thousand percent directed at act no she's who you [ __ ] contributed none it is the air a cover my ears not Ian knowledge from people that contributed to none of this yeah yeah I don't think that was to me either so I mean I don't know I think that was an attack I don't take [ __ ] so personal personally like uh like the other rappers do you'll be you don't think it's towards nadeska I don't know don't we shot some desperate crazy by the way that's crazy star did it bro that was a crazy Wow the wait I don't want to move to that just yet I just want to make sure that we are properly closing this diplomatic immunity record that everyone seems to like what are do we have any thoughts about this not being released exclusively anywhere yeah it was on everything right away right yes any thoughts on that no I mean after the the freestyle with Wayne on the Family Feud [ __ ] obviously talking to Apple it is something to be said that this was not an exclusive it's a sick which I'm not sure what his deal with them is like what his what he can and cannot do that's some okay Brian yeah they're roaring low get the number stream that deal I could have worked out complex for you bro she just asked me thanks Ian Brian could've went up there got you what you wanted thanks Rory but no I think there's something be said about that going out on everything and not just Apple music especially after the shot he just took at Apple on the last freestyle yeah y'all just attributing shots ever yeah everything is a deep dive yeah deep down what but I mean it might be didn't putting music out everywhere ya know the shots at Apple correlating to putting music out ever we're I mean I could see why people would think that it's not far-fetched so this guy's gearing up to drop a album win I have no idea oh there that'd be more question I can't believe that you think hope wants to dance still you do cuz you still thought you brought it back up so think about that his foot is foot stepping using only because you say it you're your asset you're savvy no but I really believe that though so that's why and it's not the beef it's not no no no I feel of course but I've 100% thing he would entertain going on back and forth if you said something he would say something bad right would you say something no no bills no no no I know you type of des hommes I don't dance I don't dance no more gross crazy but then the dancing is over with your wall thank you guys really appreciate it so what I will ask you gentlemen is this right and can we try to have a fair and objective conversation always that's not trash that a [ __ ] just does that two years two years after yes trash come on more is it trash come on Moll I don't know but here's the thing though I don't drink would say it's tragic nah but his room okay so you says Chazz his just meet thinking he killed me for taking too long okay baby here's here's what I'm thinking you're pretty you're pretty hot right now this is probably the hottest you've ever been in your career or right along the same lines when your debut album came out big single big record was out no this is a broken nail okay so a pause you're bigger now I love you so Drake probably feels like this is the you know this is a better time to kinda know that job because they did the dance would happen when it's time for him to release more music yeah and it's and and not only that it's just at the time he probably just felt like you weren't you didn't warrant a response yet because he felt like he was so big and was like it's not gonna really beef if I go at Joe right now or but if I go ahead Joe right now I'm giving him light I'm making him high you wouldn't be oh yeah but it was didn't make me high it was a I'm just saying but but now if this if this type of part ever had hurt everything I'm trying to do right but if this type of ball would it came out back then it may have warranted a little more like mmm could have been more interested if wake hump comes out today well well yeah you know sorry comes out today yeah but you dropped the groceries on that know that I'll wait so much music way too quick and surgical though yeah but it was still was like you know you busted clipping was nobody on the block it's like money you save some of those from when the [ __ ] come but I went to the block but nobody was there so he out the block and nobody outside somewhere on the block and I disagree they got to be a basketball game something no no if you went to the block though and we're all upstairs in the house chillin and we just shot and we come downstairs and nobody's there but it's only shells on the floor it's like [ __ ] don't count you got a a doubt when we and we'll be having the cookout that's what yeah I put on such a surgical performance and it does you know you'd it doesn't count because because another gentleman wasn't ready to receive no no no that's one that's not why I say that I say that because well cuz I was too old no that was wack no no you like me like you let too many clips go if you were like one of those clips go boom and just let it sit a guy cool but you let clips go like it was a back and forth it was like I always thought I still think we should've stopped after the second one but it's cool I think afraid should I ended it cuz it came out the day after no shopping dude I just want you all to admit you're biased and if anyone else wanted to dance two years after the fact in y'all yo this is always climbing and and if you wait for a [ __ ] to get hot a little bit come on I respect it more with a [ __ ] that's coming at me get hot and then I go at him I respect that more then when you not hot to just be going at you killed cuz it's like I'm supposed to kill you I'm the hottest [ __ ] in the game right now you're not hot now when you got some momentum it's like okay let's dance now you I respect that more that's correct you can't play a [ __ ] 101 who winded there's only like what you mean that's that's not new that's kind of bad no you gotta go ahead make this one a hot night true that's not true everybody kills 50 after how to rob everybody Eminem was dissing Benzino yeah when he was on top how much personal [ __ ] though yeah that was person yeah but the 50 was and everybody went at 50 every single person that got dissed on how to rob went back at 50 when 50 was nobody when was 50 nobody went had a robber he wasn't really it wasn't nobody but he wasn't 15 yeah but then 50 when at he but that was that was that was the the the small guy shooting at the big guys first and [ __ ] knew who 50 was I'm not saying he was come rear was but he knew who 50 was hello claps cannabis but I don't even know what we're arguing anymore it's my mother saying it took two years for her mother it's dope to wait two years to clap it oh that's what I'm saying I agree with you I grew G but now I waited man long after wasn't no two years was a while though three months and remember remember people this is we're having this conversation just like kind of hypothetically because I still do not believe that this was an invite to the dance I don't I just think it was a play on words when you're clever and we listen he was the bigger artist so he was really the one calling the shots on whether he was gonna give life to that or not right now you are the talk of every [ __ ] thing for the past six months yeah I might say something now is the time for me to say some I respect that I'm saying I'm not saying that act is new I'm just saying I guess respecting it is new kind of like when we started respecting the negative got shot like that's like that shoot that's like that to me yeah I mean I mean I don't care I still I still like the record I like the record I don't think it's an invite to a dance and I don't dance anymore it's right if Drake would have put out a full diss record to you now that would be kind of corny to them then my feelings ribbon then I would have felt a little shot then I would have said damn undergoing DME and then turn around and like Dan that's craziness I do not think that in the current state in the current climate that he did that and then did that I don't I just don't feel like that oh now the black excellence bar who is that bar at I missed that but I would say puffs but you've been hanging out together a lot lately too and I wouldn't say puff who would you say oh I mean if we had to assume we would only ever assume one of those two gentlemen because none of us are excellent but them well or black yeah I'm black no more we already told you you like black satisfactory not okay what you need to tell me I'm black excellent all right another place see all this Melanie dripping you see this Melanie right yeah it's a black goal right there you're all for my feet but now I know puff has been vocally saying it more homes album was obviously that was a theme so it could be to either war I mean of course the Drake in ho shots have been going back and forth for three years now puffing puffing drinking been going on Instagram dates for the past month so they look like they're really good friends so I don't know if that would be directed at him I mean he just DM Joe and then dist himself chess moves strikes more chess moves you know it's fine there's another reason I can't really take that drink [ __ ] as a disc cuz we when you dysentery you can have that tongue that's home like that tone was real that that tone and the braggadocio style in which he rapped what do you up there what do y'all think about about that usually the last few times didn't ever heard charged up I've heard Shores up a little laid-back on it yeah it was as effective it was as effective is that you don't think that was effective I don't think charge that was really effective it was the setup yeah that was a tray I was like do you know it was effective it was like it was effective because it was a setup in that we check the temperature where meat was it all of that listen Drake laughter about too much rich [ __ ] [ __ ] now like all that just went to see solana the other night she bodied the performance she's a natural I hate first of all I know Drake googled scissors real name I know he didn't just know her name who knows his real name so y'all just said that I just said it and I still don't know I don't even know what that name that's a Drake sting though he always called girls by the government' name are you sure you sure I'll be sure before we dissect the bar and say the wrong thing let's just make sure he wasn't so my some artists we don't know about and he just put us on artists and with that a little more Twitter told me that was scissors Ilana there it is right there yeah according to just went to see some Lana that girl is amazing we know Drake we all bought our album we can love able to think you missed this this way what else is that ornate Robins favorite Italian restaurant yes oh man just went to eat at Castellanos they have the best member ronia me Bala Castellano what record wasn't when he called the the clams to die for yeah and when our clams - don about cleanser i know it's a bowl of cereal at the crib waiting from you right now just to die for I can't wait to get back a bowl of cereal puffs huh yeah well never was the cocoa puffs got really I don't like the cereal that turns your milk into chocolate milk I was never that guy's boozy with what he hates you know what the milk to change color yeah I didn't like cuz I never was the guy that just you know I'm saying like just drink the bowl of milk after like I wasn't I was never that wait wait wait you don't drink the milk nah cuz it's weird cuz I'm really lacked away I'm really not supposed underway with almond milk hers way everybody just yep you're not eating cereal and not drinking the milk I I just I just refilling until the cereal milk was gone so why you know why annually do you mean it's great you're not drinking the milk no what I do is I just I refill not I refill of cereal not the whole like to the top yeah [Applause] so that's a great move you don't need to do to have you drink the milk I can't just drink the milk straight I can't do that you put a milk first or cereal cereal psycho-pass you don't even know what type of beer you got to get the right ratio you got to milk the cereal ratios you don't think that they can get the right ratio by pouring let me tell you some if you watch if you ever see sin make a bowl of cereal never eat cereal you put all its height limits easily put all types of [ __ ] in a cereal got it you got a porter cereal first and then like Pat it down like so it crunches it make some room for the milk another thing about it last time we had this cereal talk and y'all tried to [ __ ] on frosted flakes frosted flakes with bananas who tried this [ __ ] on that that what definitely wasn't me that's what I think you had it read it as the best cereal ever that's one of my go-to frosted flakes with bananas it is probably to go to a necessity that's a top 3 siree the top 3 bananas the banana chains okay frosted flakes with bananas and peanut butter and jelly is nice changed the milk flashing that's colors that's like right people hang on line now I'm going home to me get on frost the flakes bananas you got to that's a go-to move that's the best yeah we need to do like a list of the go to go good meals it's amazing you know what I think I think that Maura said it on one of them what I'm not eating Ashton our food on earth guys I know it's funny he said no a ramen but but before ramen it was spam like in the 80s and they totally made away with spam spam spam is never a spam and we like do you like corned beef yeah then why don't that's not to say them corned beef hash and spam is not the same no way I'm about to tell me that I've cried you can of spam open just right person I don't care all right I'm just I'm not gonna yeah corn beef hash and spam no not safe I think spam is all that a day where he couldn't sell like the meat parts that they couldn't sell a thing as much as pig butts [ __ ] teeth and [ __ ] you say big bus like black people don't eat chitlins and way worse I mean a big ass yeah I was never the chillin guy meaning of our agent Lee all right whatever uh all right back to know what back to the drakes you real quick yeah cuz I don't know that's what that's what I think is gold about us we can just say something and that [ __ ] will spring another conversation about some [ __ ] went from Castellanos which is not even a real place it's not is didn't our but we went from that to frosted flakes and bananas now you know what's funny still still [ __ ] hit me about Joburg and China China sound like the fire law firm Joe bird in China is funny yeah bat back the Drake in scissor I mean that dream sizzle but Drake bit what do you think about JLo disses wait first of all how is that a JLo diss but yours wasn't it is I'm using the word loosely no I don't think that was a diss either that was him being hurt I don't like the way you flip that a Rotterdam trip had me I like that that was clever wait what did he say tell me it was a robbery at me front page Rory I'm trying to get alerts excuse me you just keep me up do say so myself a Rotterdam trip what it was a bra like that was a clever plan of words I'm trying to understand it move Rory's interrupting which [ __ ] like if I do say so myself right now seriously bro you bet not I bet I ever catch you tweeting that I better not ever catch you saying that no all the any pollutant [ __ ] are tweet really corny wack [ __ ] they do but I will Rory to different like Rory Katrina blow I do say so myself my sweet that [ __ ] right now if I do say so myself that was I was talking in the morning when I heard it and it's still funny now but I don't want Rory tweet please God well you heard that before worry dropped it just now that was a Jason it oh you could say if you own it it's different when Rory is saying even in my confidence today I think is crazy back to you Aubrey a Rotterdam trip there's a good line I like this prego prego sauce line oh I like the Maytag line I was always got the triple sub tandra the ODB shoutout was hard to know people a lot of people didn't catch that like Osiris jus Beto the gel buttoned is moved the wack bar hmm that was close pretty clever it was cute I'm hey that was dope it was Goku I made a little bit academic seem to be very excited that the all your Tiano academics man academics is happy to be here yeah I'm happy to be it but I'm not gonna be happy about an item you know what I mean it's happy to be up in the mix yeah I guess like when you're fair again when your favorite artists are mentioning you yeah and this and this is the other thing about and unfortunately I can no longer help act because you just powerless over the decisions people make but I want some [ __ ] with him and this Takashi kid again yeah that was a little weird hey what's up at complex complex in the Yahoo building for those that don't know now they moved they moved into the Yahoo building and Takashi and a car in there and I don't know Takashi takes his chain off puts it around act yeah but I think I think today and I'm old and washed so I don't know but I think that's how you son [ __ ] today put your chain on them yeah that's weird so I don't knows that it bills could tell me winnings like I'll put chains on my shooters somebody is saying that one of these young kids so that's what you do is like it sounds like a sign of respect no I put a chain around your shooter so wait actor looking for shooting people for me here's a chain AK is the shooter well act is not the shooter action shooter this is just staying a Howard I'm saying if you are attempting the Sun someone then it was almost like the [ __ ] that used to go to the store for you yet it was nothing wrong with somebody going to the store but by banning you all go to store for nigut dan you got shooting [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I think it's the same premise again huh I don't know cuz I'm out of touch but I think oh just a rim door from Joe I'm not letting no man put a chain on I was yeah I mean I get it well was rocket Rock filching I can put all my sand hand it to me notice you if it's yours to keep that's different you put put it on a [ __ ] and take it off that's a little nutty take the chain and then you keep asking them can I have it it's like I'm uncomfortable now that wasn't mine to keep yeah like no can I have it can I have it can I also want an Indian giver with that chain come on act me a little bit more you know me I just want to see at get his [ __ ] off one day just talk his [ __ ] yeah I try try to guide him then I try to give them all the advice that I can give them but at the end of the day you got to let people be you know I could 26:27 man I'm giving a [ __ ] old ohh old [ __ ] game like that works when you when you you know move a little different so I'd support him in this journey but back to our Bri I want to know what these [ __ ] gonna do when I get mad oh god what's gonna happen when you get mad you turn green yeah in podcast [ __ ] never laugh when Lou Ferrigno turn green say Candyman I tried to call parks this week he was sick yeah gonna get a bar off mm-hmm I wouldn't rap now anyway but it's just fun to talk [ __ ] I do think ok so that's just the rest of the room let's take a poll on when you think Joe is my actually put out like a verse or like music I say in another month yeah 2018 and says I'm gonna say in 2018 I'm gonna say in another month I mean whatever I just pull some up and put it out I was gonna say we could just leak some [ __ ] almost noted the whole the whole dance right now I just I just can't put a life of me I don't understand why you won't just don't understand why you won't well won't dance yeah why you won't just you know mean well you won't you do it rap me neither no you know you rap really well too so I don't understand why like you wouldn't just I'm cool good demand is at an all-time high I never rapped because I was in demand no but I just literally but I'm the same doubt now that it is got a capital Iseman no I'm not in the capitalism [ __ ] yeah you in the cab where you know it or not you in the capitalism listen man I'm trying to dissect this [ __ ] dis work if Vince card is still playing ball you can still rest yeah Dom just that's just my theory if he could still be whooping you can still be wrapped Vince could still don't you can still rap I'm chilling okay back to our brief anyway all right so what do y'all want what do you want to talk about next there's a lot going on oh well just to note they just put this out that Drake just broke the us Spotify record for most streams in one day that's another shot at Joe yeah Spotify break you know stream in a stream I am probably a top-five stream to stream to act right now though oh what a year 2017 of your music I'm not making music oh well we're talking about almost bass strings yeah I'm not my conversation is always about streams every week I'll come in here and talk about streams and has no difference ain't no different I must dreams they want to keep saying music is a dream that's a stream is a stream it's true I guess YouTube is a streaming they're all streaming services [ __ ] little [ __ ] joke anyway all right so all right well [ __ ] let's hit a round of applause for every man I mean black excellence [ __ ] Jewish excellence l'chaim Shalom yes you wanna go to go keep playing around all right so what else y'all want to talk about y'all wanna talk about Monique and what's up by everyday struggle star yeah let's get right to the everyday struggle man all right I'll stop you boy cuz I'm listen man listen that [ __ ] is not gonna last I'm sorry I don't see our he's a legend I love that he's the original like disrespect King but that complex can't they not gonna they're gonna lose too many relationships well they would stuff and they care about their relationships stars he's too much for complex way too much I don't think he could have a guest like who he's way too much wrong he's way too much respect he's way too much for Compline here's where complex might be able to win on the radio it was very difficult to edit and we never knew what star was gonna say this is all edited if star does some real wild [ __ ] that would [ __ ] up a sponsorship dollar they can easily edit that out I don't know how long they're gonna want to continue to do that but it is different than star on the radio like that Aaliyah clip never getting out on complex because you can be edited yeah but and it's just like a back academics cottages he just got to be a man like I yeah you can't sit down and just let a man talk to you the way star was talking academics I'm sorry like I get stars that's his thing he's the disrespect King but like come on academics you got it that's just it was uncomfortable like I felt bad facts they know I was trying to be that was the first episode so I can go off for the first episode yeah what's the first one I went out today and it was a very different energy oh I didn't see the one today then so that that's why you know alright what I will say well how do you feel about it Rory before it I enjoyed the first episode that I saw but I don't think that's something I could watch every day it was funny for like that first [ __ ] to see star B star against AK but I don't know if that's something I can every morning and I was I was not to cut you off I was looking forward to it once I because that was one of the guys when we had to talk here I told y'all was like they could put star in that see yeah cuz I thought star bacana you know me but he was he star and it was like but it it's it it became almost like cringe-worthy like just hand him talk to academics the way he was I was like damn like yeah I mean like that [ __ ] was uncomfortable to listen to after a while I was like come on money I can't you telling another man he want to [ __ ] they go he wanted to [ __ ] him and you wanna suck his dick it's like your daughter I can't like that's just that's like and we can I'm that startled so I can't be mad at that but it's like I can't watch it could change because star is one of the most talented media personalities I don't doubt that it could change but with Joe it just felt more of like the first take to bake show where we could really sit and talk about what's going on in hip-hop and this just kind of feels like star Josie being star to academic shock value and away the waste are used to treat people that would call into hot 97 be a co-host though that's what I'm saying yeah you talk to co-hosts like that is wild like I was like well I'm going off one episode in his defense in his defense some people would say I spoke to him act that very know you were no not not that way not that way you know was so cool hear you as you was talking to him more like a big brother like like you know I'm saying like that type of thing like like tough love a star was talking to him like I want you to get up and do something right now so I could knock you out like that that's the type of energy I was like you listen if academics get out right now I wouldn't even be surprised that's how I felt watching I said I'm like academics get up and walk off right now I'm not surprised well that's why I really wish y'all would have caught some of today's clip because today's clip was was so different that you think the producer sucks on someone 100% spoke to him or well today he said he went home and he spoke to his girl or somebody and said you know you looking a little tense up there so it was a different energy today mmm which means and we all know star star is a legend and star as an icon so I do believe that all people who are that great have can cut it on and cut it off so do you still feel that way even if he's cutting it on and off just for content purposes I mean I would have to go and watch the new episode because today today I'm only going over the first night today he said I misread I misread you saying that you were coming you were coming for me in pre-production so I was prepared for it and that's how I was on it that's what Starr said yeah okay but that's just that's just somebody had calling him and saying I yeah this is what it is now I say all of that to say I don't know that I necessarily agree with everybody that says you know star is star the father of trolling so this is never going to work no that's whose star was on power and his morning show I can't say that that's whose star is that he hasn't necessarily spoken as brash on his own platforms yeah I mean when that's the way that he used to which is probably smart because doing all of that you know got him in a position that he was in he was blackballed blackballed for a little bit so you know we had star in our podcast if you know anything about complex it just seems like an odd pairing if you know anything about star yeah what they're searching for somebody that's you know well no time out time out let's be very clear this disagreement with who me or more with you as far as star being an odd pairing for complex maybe but that's show in particular following you they need a new branch taking a brash and and people were saying I know star is known for older like early 2000s radio star is very up on what's going on right now if you watch his his stuff he's talking about what's going on now you're not getting someone and that is not aware at no point did I say that he was unaware well we mean I know I'm saying I don't think it's an odd parent but I didn't say why this is the corporate I never heard yeah I never yeah my point we now start feels about homosexuals we know any feels about white people he came up here and berated you for a whole [ __ ] hour and a half on our fight like we know who star is at his core unless that's not him but if that at him but if that is him and that's all about what happens on screen I'm just talking about the pairing of that person in complex where they hire nothing but homosexual and non-threatening black men side bar really quickly nipsey got in a lot of trouble to other week for saying something about that let me just point out that you can 100% recognize when white people are are hiring non-threatening black men or more homosexual men than normal and I don't think you're a homophobic to be able to recognize the difference difference and that they killed him for no reason they killed him they cause what I would call him a ho a homophobe they called him all types of [ __ ] and at no point did he say that but I mean [ __ ] yeah like just like they killed genuine when he didn't want to kiss a transsexual on stage Hey they killed him for that like so he can't say no so jenny was not allowed to say no right like men can't say no hmm see what I'm saying like yeah Coolio yeah this is like it's this it's like what did it what are the parameters here like what are we going by you know I'm saying like if a woman was in that position and she said no they would have killed the guy for trying to kiss her on stage but now in the transection she was trying to kiss a man who's not who's a straight a heterosexual male he doesn't want to do that you killed him he's homophobic or he's he's transgender phobic or whatever the name is for that like it's like what are we talking about what is okay and what's not okay since everything changes all the time now yeah like I just don't I don't get it but nothing is okay yeah like you don't have to be homophobic to recognize that an office space is hiring homosexual males and non-threatening met like that's not that's not what homophobic is homophobic is nipsey walking in a CNN Sao knives too many gain exam out yeah that's homophobic that's all forward you know I'm saying like and he didn't do that he just recognized the room in it is what it is like I'm I'm still here I'm not mad at complex like I'm here right well I guess they were saying and this is off on a tangent we'll get back to starch in a second I guess they were saying I guess his verbiage and how he worded it oh oh that's what they were saying because he said strong black men implying that if you were homosexual you were not strong that's why I don't like okay that's what that's why I don't even like the word implying I don't imply say exactly what I'm attempting to say because when you apply you leave space for people to kind of make their own decision on what you're saying yeah but I don't think that him saying that straight men are strong says that he thinks gay men are not strong I don't think that that means that but uh so back to start so that's why I say that that's an odd pairing there especially if I go back to thinking about you know what they're gonna do when some corporate dollars come in they couldn't have been thinking that the whole hire reeks of desperation only if you're listening to what was said in the show star said y'all had a whole list of [ __ ] that y'all ran down all this y'all didn't want to get to me and II kept saying I'm losing money up here but that's a lie that part is a lot you didn't when star was on our podcast you know his plans they were he was going in there a tool in the radio station I was like [ __ ] this sounds like the move he sounded like he was done with New York done wit I mean it's documented that's how he sound it so I took it anyway so you don't go from that to taking a job Monday through Friday and say I'm losing money that's just not true but that's why there's so many different ways to attack this because damos my point before we was just talking about that I don't know but a while ago I asked Ian and keep I said do y'all think Howard Stern could become Howard Stern today well I don't know about with the climate of sensitivity and but but but now we're gonna be able to see it today because that question the point of that question was I thought how would I think Howard Stern's one of the greatest radio personalities ever for sure right but would his journeys still pan out that way in the current climate star we know what he did we know who he is and we know why he was great will he be able to kind of shape shift that to fit what's going on today and today's climate also to respond to Rory's earlier point another reason it's a bad fit it's not a music show anymore yeah that's what I was saying with NASA now now it's not a music show now star admittedly is a rock and roll guy Drake and Drake and wale will tell you that act don't know [ __ ] about rap music and we know what some people think about what complex knows about rap music so now you have just a show without death for now yeah for now not saying that they can't get it together you got to give him give him some time to gel and all of that [ __ ] but stars start telling us that they went down a long list and he was at the bottom of it says that it's a desperation move that clip can't that clip that came out when he's referring to wanting to beat off on the desk his leg or wow that clip says that this is a desperation move a lot about a lot about it says it's just a desperation move but that don't mean it can't work now to that that clip that was before he took the complex that deal correct wait what'd you say that clip was recorded prior to it thank right shortly after well I mean that it's possible to change now that he knows what's at risk if he wants to continue doing that judge any woman in complex could walk in there and and and and do all that sexual inappropriate misconduct harassment she had based off that one clip oh yeah um you could get him fired now I mean I don't know I don't know that that effects complex at all because he's a vendor yeah but I'm just saying no no deska as an employee there even with a vendor could certainly say I don't want this gentleman here listen right yeah but I think they saw that clear that clip was like New Year's I think I don't think they saw that clip came to relevance once he - yeah that's doubt that's how it goes you don't pay attention to [ __ ] until somebody's in a position for you to talk about them now like oh look what he said like i 100% think someone at complex heard that clip and he played it around the office before he was given that job not 100% they didn't I don't think people at complex mix it's too many people accomplish that sit on line all day every day they're not that type no but the fact that he said in the desk his name they would have definitely tagged nadeska complex somebody on an on internet yeah I don't I don't think that was the first time they desk I heard that I was talk about the whole complex staff though well open the desk I heard that she definitely had a conversation about it before he was hired that was that I know I can assure you all in the desk I didn't hear that cuz that kind of leads to my next question if you know if you know nadeska a little bit you know how she felt about that comment for real for real okay so the reason I wanted y'all to watch today okay so now hey how was the rest how was energy today heard rested today I'm stabbing so came out late I'm sure they edited some [ __ ] out of there cuz I'm sure they turned up a little bit in the beginning because it still was a little awkward in the beginning was very awkward today looked awkward so that's why I say bad fit because if star can't be star and I don't think star can be the star that we know him to be or that he has been anyway then he shouldn't be in that seat he ain't the one for that unless you are looking for click bait or [ __ ] that's just gonna kill AK I really hope that that's not the premise of the show that's probably really hope on took me a really old complexes click me there all click there click bait yeah I hope the premise is not just at getting cheated on and that wasn't the case today so Who am I to tell what to do with their dimension who else was on that list before star no they wouldn't do that okay well I wasn't sure maybe y'all know I know the streets had a own list I saw the streets and I wasn't sure there was actual information that you knew no we kind of spoke about it one day off off camera though yeah and I thought was definitely somebody I thought Fat Joe was somebody I thought Lord Jamar was somebody I thought a lot of people said Lord Jamar um I said somebody like Ghostface I think would be dope for that um I just don't know how much these people keep up with current hip-hop cuz you do have to talk about Carnival what I think I think that's what academics is there for for the current and I think and then they're the cause I think the show will be good depending on what you watch the show for I think that that's what it is if you watched it just to hear some jokes or see two [ __ ] go at each other than year you might you might really enjoy this if you're looking for for a deeper dive at least currently you're not getting that the show yesterday you know the Drake topic came up they attacked each other the freedo topic came up rest in peace to freedo santana by the way that topic came up they attacked each other the xxx topic came up and they attacked each other it's now one time did they talk about any of the topics I saw stock pictures start turns around the xxx whatever conversation they weren't even looking at them I mean I don't care where he looks but at no point did they even discuss the topics that's all so they I'm sure that I'm sure that they'll do some watching back and figuring it out and and getting it together you gotta give it time to grow at least I'm sure I mean I think I liked your everyday struggle from the RIP but I'm sure going back there was a growth period yeah yeah yeah yeah you're gonna need that they got to build some type of chemistry and and start to act like they like each other or at least hide the fact that they don't like each other a little better yeah but it's hard to do that with somebody like star cuz star is gonna say [ __ ] that's like like wait hold up pammi he just going to come at you and say Kurt some crazy [ __ ] that's gonna mean anybody would react to that I would think you know me academics handles it pretty well though I think AK needs his own show and I think star needs his own show I mean yeah I don't know how many people would watch academic show by himself but well it has to be catered around him and his twitch [ __ ] with all these little [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that he likes they has to be catered around the [ __ ] that he enjoys then the audience will be his audience we're gonna see how this one goes but it be fun to watch yeah I agree I'm gonna definitely check out the latest episode though yeah yeah you should you should but [ __ ] that banks the quite want to ask this before we got off of that hole that star in the desc a clip though at what point at what point do you stuff your beliefs away for the job and the check everybody has a price which is why I'm asking at what point do you shove your beliefs away and your morals and your ethics you start looking at them bills on the kitchen counter yeah you start doing the math depends on which moral we're talking about ain't nobody trying to be homeless that's a fact more wasn't gonna have me homeless still Stas I don't think he can ever well he has he still has his own platform right he still has his job dude is he still alive how does that go is he's still allowed to do his well I would assume cuz he isn't allowed to do your own things what's that what's on stars deal I'll talk to Brian about it nadeska I'd imagine look you have to look at your boss a little strange if he's comfortable letting someone say something like that and come sit next to me the next day well this is what I'm saying I think that that was a talk before yeah that's he was hired I think they had that disaster I'm saying i 100% believe they had that conversation about that clip before he was given that job okay like they would have to protect and in this climate they would have to protect my desk in that way like are you okay are you comfortable let them to have a conversation but what if they did what if they didn't then she doesn't hit the fan eventually so are you guys are you guys are you guys giving it a time frame like Charlemagne gave us I'm uh I'll give him three months I got to see a little less than three what [ __ ] star said he two weeks he said it it kind of his mouth I'm not believing nothing that comes out of Stars mouth because it's his words and his actions are not magic well he said he might not make it past two weeks I'm someone that his words and it's asking what I'm saying is what he's what someone says on the screen I'm not taking as the gospel yeah especially a genius like him who I believe can turn it on and just yeah well I must say ro you say three months yeah that's just a guest percent of nowhere I'll say two months I do want to see how it shapes up the next two weeks though that might change my but Oh rip I'm three months I think it could be as short as one month if it's trash there probably pull it I want I would like I would like them to get it together Star has always supported me in in my in my career like the entire way everywhere that he was every radio station whether big or small like he was rocking so I do hope that they get it together and we'll see we'll see I won't I won't I can't talk about how to get it together cuz I'm sure some of them is listening this podcast and that's a check so I'm not doing that but I'm sure they will get it together so I mean let me leave that and you know on to some somber news we learned that frito Santana passed away co-founder of 300 music artists himself a lot of us are familiar with him through his affiliation with Chief Keef so I want to say rest in peace to him I want to send my prayers and condolences to his family but I want to take the opportunity to tell you know I sent his podcast a lot very important for young black men to go to the doctor to be 27 years old and died of liver failure was a liver kidney something fell see Judas idiot oh is that so the reports are saying it was a seizure now there they're attributing this to of course we have to wait for the toxicology and all that yeah for all of that but that don't stop the court of public opinion from saying that they attribute this to his drug usage what do you gentlemen think well I mean we've seen this we've seen this uh you know the the correlation with seizures to uh drinking lean and pills with you know Wayne cross I went to it at one point I believe um I believe you know temp C that's my thing with lean you have to drink a lot of lean for it to be effective yeah yeah and so I mean you know it's just it's one of those things again man will in the hood you know we self-medicate a lot but we don't realize that these are still drugs that you're putting into your body and we think because you know for a moment that it gives you this feeling of calm and relaxed and just you know that euphoric feeling but isn't that the data is consequences to that there's this there's you know long-term effects of these drugs and a lot of these kids are running around you know doing these drugs trying to party party and have fun but not realizing that you know you slowly killing yourself killing your bodies so you know it's unfortunate again rest in peace of freedom Santana president delicious to his family but you know we got to get tired of Santa rest in peace to young young cats you know because of drug use and and unnecessary [ __ ] like a lot of these dudes are dying and leaving us before their times man I agree not to get back on that uh on the everyday struggle [ __ ] would start in like how he handle that at all but that that's that's a that's a sore spot for me that just wasn't the time yeah I agree yeah that was yeah when when someone when someone loses their their life it's not the time that chastised them for for past decisions or you know it's just nice it's it's I'm not gonna say tasteless but it's pretty insensitive so all the people that love that gentleman so a and prayers and condolences I'm sure this affects many many many many many many many people and let's just try to be more conscious and aware of health physical health mental health health period as hip-hop I'm glad that hip-hop is is it looks like there aren't there are a few prominent people in hip-hop that are making it their business to keep that on the minds of consumers or health I just got my Obamacare yesterday man get right you should good Joe to your point I think this kid was definitely very vocal about why he was drinking lean and I think in the hood there needs to be much more focused on mental health and outlets that they can go to or because he it wasn't like something we didn't know about he said hey I can't stop drinking lean it's how I medicate myself too having lost loved ones mm-hmm and I think that's probably the only outlet these kids know cuz I'm I hate lean too I think that [ __ ] is corny but there's a real reason why a lot of these kids are doing it so much is doing it too yeah yeah some are just doing it because they think it's the cool thing to do but a lot of these kids that's really their only way to do it wheeze not gonna do it alcohol's so I think there needs to probably I I don't have the answer so I'm just really speaking at this point there needs to be something that focuses on mental health in those type of communities because it's not there and the only thing you can do is go down the block for 15 bucks and buy some lean which a lot of stories end out this type of way can you even get lean in Jersey get leaned anywhere blue yes sir yeah always drinking lean yeah that's another what's there for lean he was always instagram drinking lean surface stupid sometimes I got a follow served well almost her phone Instagram well he's not active now because you know no idea I'm jarring some lean when you get out I got a trick for him I was curry officer I [ __ ] him up I know you'd see the [ __ ] mobile calls mom do so he again prayers at prayers and condolences to uh all the family and love Friedel Santana hopefully we don't have to hear here one Easter you know it's real unfortunate cuz yams week was yams day was just what last week exactly and I mean just the irony of it no it's the real thing miss disheartening it's a real thing man and we got to address it in listen man cacif y'all you know need somebody to talk so don't be too proud to you know talk to people and let people know what's going on what's on your mind like we'd sometimes be too prideful man who's gotta let that [ __ ] go man that's my issue with the hold with this hold trolling error not trolling because trolling is super super fun the thing I never know when anybody serious hmm so sure if I don't know when you're serious I don't know when to be alarmed and when I should care and when I should maybe dig deeper every but we're in the era where every we're all just kidding and joking and just saying [ __ ] to say it well until somebody died [ __ ] that topic shouldn't be told about if we talk about the Internet what shouldn't be trolled all right and they're gonna troll you you can't tell them [ __ ] hopefully we don't have to hear one of these stories any anytime soon that's just the bottom line so what else what else is important the Monique thing had oh man Monique has been on a [ __ ] she's been doing a bunch of interviews to yeah see she's doing her press run about about the whole thing so what the backstory is she was offered half a million from Netflix to do her special and felt that she deserved more than that judging by how other comedians Diaz was the gist she felt colorism and sexism and Netflix has a different version of the story what's their story Netflix is version is we were in our office minding our business rolling dice and Monique and her people called us to see about a comedy special oh that changes that changes some things so he said they said though uh none of them really thought that this would be highly viewed and sought after because she's decorated they said we'll have her come in to audition for the for the staff I'm that's kind of crazy well to decide a rate okay whoops but still putting a comedian in an office and for a bunch of people is not a way to audition for something or someone that's been that successful in her career she what is what your agree with you all about it but they asked they requested this of her upon the phone call and she said no rightfully so I said no she said no and then they said okay and they said they offered her five hundred thousand after she said no because that's what they thought this better would be worth right now I'm not saying they're right or wrong and that but that's a different version of the story that is a different that changes a lot because if you're soliciting your I'll rip your negotiation point is it's off its off its off now uh five hundred grand is probably insulting yeah but what should you have gotten I don't know I don't know Teresa that is I know that Chappell got 60 million minutes Dave Chappelle it's like comparing Jada yeah I don't even think Dave Chappelle or Chris Rock's name should ever be me yes I think Monique definitely requires at least four Netflix special somewhere around three to five million based off what interesting I would need mean her her following her audience her work kabadi work things that she's done she's had specials with you like sherry I didn't and Netflix is such a big one I'm gonna play you're gonna make way more than 500,000 of Monique's special I'm gonna play devil's advocate here yeah but they're probably gonna have to spend more to I'll play devil's advocate here and say Dan what the [ __ ] was I about to say what were you saying just then won't remind me that Monique she at least deserves between three to five million for well I'll ask then what size theaters do you think she does when she tours outside of just doing the club night tonight [ __ ] that all comedians did I think she could definitely do the same size club that because the joint that Dave Chapelle didn't DC that was his first did it and that wasn't oh yeah that's what I was about to say you based itself off what when when when Dave Chappelle left right mm-hmm I if I had a nickel for every time I heard somebody say damn I'll come wish I could see her Dave Chappelle special I'd be a rich man never heard that with Monique I've never heard a damn I'm waiting for a Monique special yep and that is not to knock Monique who she said on a sway interview that she is the most decorated female comedian I think she's a comedian alive might be true that even female comedian I wouldn't I wouldn't doubt that and I wouldn't doubt it either but today way she says she's the most decorated comedian alive yes I thought you said alive male and female well let me find it cuz I don't want all comedians I can't see this ain't it oh she might set females you might say female yeah but yeah but even with all those accolades and everything that you're doing if I'm Netflix just because you have all this doesn't mean I'm gonna give you a whole bunch of money and not see anything on my return that's great know that you're disrespected I mean I'm trying to make money here she's been in huge movies you know I mean so it's like you gotta see your numbers your numbers go up when your body of work like maybe not for the comedy thing but just for me to come out and do a special period my number cubby that's not necessarily true yes understood you're from Romania for Oscars it doesn't necessarily mean anything is holiday okay how about standing you get you can Oscar seriously can you keep asking for the same bag you asking for no I agree with you there more right now oh please i watch three six get an Oscar and nothing happened right after that what do you told no no no no no not that nothing happiness that's not that's not I'm not saying that hosting hasn't but I'm saying that their number definitely goes up after that taraji Henson this number went up after uh-huh hustle and flow but it's Aaron's how I'm different of the hustle my field when it's just straight up stand-up comedy what you're saying is a fact if was Oscar your number is going even even getting you don't have to win being nominated your numbers go on when people get nominated for Grammys true on what I want us to keep it on stand-up comedy because I do believe that's a different beast you talking about stand-up but it's it's Monique it's her period and once Monique shows up in order to get Monique to show up to do something her number goes up after being nominated for an Oscar oh yeah yeah but it also when was she out we will she nominated for Oscars that's kind of important too this was a few years ago yeah okay so you're fairly recent so yeah but huge movie your value is what the what the market says it is exact that was also a serious role technically she wasn't she wasn't it wasn't a comedy and she wasn't the lead then that's not to knock her she was amazing but we told my stand-up comedy right yeah well you know what unfinished and it's unfortunate it's unfortunate but like today [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] about your resume like crazy and in the era of just today is will it can it will someone click on it now that's really just it is somebody going who's clicking on this [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] about resume today so understand our point about what oh yeah because that was her apply it to them saying come auditions you've like what about my resume and my accolades they said we don't go off that the audition is definitely disrespectful I agree with her for that that's crazy I mean that's super the number I can't really say cuz I don't know what like another comic that is not Dave Chappelle or Chris Rock is me well I was I was gonna ask what do you think someone like DL Hughley should get right please right what does he because he did have special well dear a said he got five million in Instagram comments now I don't take what people say I'm telling y'all what Deaver said Instagram comment you got 500 you for what for his Netflix special which was pretty hours a dreg million viewers you might [ __ ] but I don't believe that for a second your Netflix measure was shot with the Canon 4d and that's the good camera but still do you rate my [ __ ] I love him we should all [ __ ] on Medicaid [ __ ] let's take oh you get the secret rounds camera and it has it in the tuck all the time but but but let's say they get 5 million should give 5 million the DeRay know I don't know is he hot DeRay shouldn't get 5 million I was fully hot in this dress well do you get it based off your ability I know that I see his he's like social media yes he's hotter than only two girlfriends if DeRay okay so let's have fun if you throw we were everyone know we are but we're gonna have more fun if DeRay gets 5 million how much does little duval get romaszki who trying to make me hurt people I'm all stop stop Darnell Rosa come on it was it was a huge character wall great is small how many shows of all listen to me I could be wrong today I don't think that Don over Orleans or little Duval get their own Netflix special I'm saying if DeRay Davis gets 5 million dollars for a special how much does Ashley Lariat but diva is more current right now like do us in Twitter like he's constantly retweeted like he's in like the way things are going right now people faces everything we did listen man the Vols getting retweeted - I see her dad Damon like few lights as on the same level as dim like a lot of people don't even view him it's a real community limbs like as a guy on social media who's just a popular social media person like they don't even view him as a comedian does he still do stand-up yeah I know he used to do it but he just he just did something little Devore just had a show much longer yeah we are trash would are in for me I did something it was a bunch of people at his show I think it was like last week or something like that he had a show fine he's still doing doing he's still working for Senor little Duval consultant still working default I think he's funny okay so dear a gets fired man with what is mike epps kid he's a bigger brand I think Mike Epps is a bigger Brendan Deaver yeah this so I don't think DeRay would feel the way by here no I'm just asking so he gets more than do um I guess yeah well I would say long I don't know that DeRay got what DeRay said he got no we know do you write named if I'm I done I don't know I'm gonna say that I don't know I've never but you know what you know what the problem is like when you negotiate him your [ __ ] deal and Tony Rock said this on his little TMZ interview he did like why are you worried about someone else miles money did you know I'm not negotiating legit based off what was a lot II I'm not counting nobody else money I'm worried about nobody no no no but but I understand what you're saying but you people do it in all like even athletes do it and somebody gets 80 million and then you look at your numbers and what you've done you okay if he got 80 million it's a point to base off oh yeah like I can hold you I can only demand more the den like if Paul George gets 80 million like how much do you think khawaja tax for that yes you know I mean like oh I would have to go in there like okay look Paul just got eighty it's not a knock on Paul great player but you would have to believe that Co is gonna get Mara alright we're all we're we're off on the owner tangent you know I'm just saying but that because you're saying don't worry about wealth people but you kind of sort of have to wait up you have to I don't have to gauge it that way but I do understand people that do I'm not negotiating my deals based off what I'm so not comparing myself to I'm 100 you can't say that sure because i wonder i 100% believe that if Netflix told you they were only gonna give you let's say 10,000 a month and you find out that academics got 12,000 a month you would 100% have a problem with that no yeah I don't I don't I don't make my decisions that that way like I you would have a problem with that is what I'm saying what what what all right I'm a little I'm deeper than that what's my predicament how bad do I need my 10 is that right no I'm just okay how bad you need it you would still have a problem with academics getting more than you know if I need that 10 bad enough no you you would take it you wouldn't turn it down but you would still voice [ __ ] like you would have a problem it would come up in the negotiate 100 percent you can't sit here and say it wouldn't 1000% it would it wouldn't do we actually was it wouldn't no I agree with what joseon's me a little extremist though he's being a little extremist Joe with 1,000 percent have a problem with academics getting paid more than him that's real well that's not you know I'm not even mad about having that problem that's not a fair correlation yeah why is it not because if we're talking about no it's not Oh I'm a more than more than me my whole career what's the difference and you've had problems with some of these Rapids getting paid more than you never never if you heard I've never had a pro if you heard somebody was getting 8000 for walk through that you know you're hotter than and your brand is bringing it right now you 100% demand more than enemies hello you telling me about me I have never been that way I'm not saying that you aren't that way okay but I have never moved that way and I have been at the crackhead walk through prices before so I mean I've been there I keep it on me and some bum [ __ ] if I tell you all the [ __ ] that have gotten a higher bag than me throughout my career I'm saying you had a problem with it not saying you still didn't go through the walkthrough you had a problem with it though no I guess I never thought about it because I just always keep it on me right okay but she's doing an entire press run talking about what other people are making right now she's gonna come back for the 5 million now yes that's where difference I think in the meeting I may bring up hey I know this comedian I know you just paid this person this much money and look I'd sell out way bigger arenas in this person I deserve more I'm not going that's private I'm not going on a press run to bring up other people's names and what they're making she's smart she's getting hot right now what does the last time you mention Monique before this [ __ ] smack you yeah but if you yeah but if she too went out and got hot and and did did some other things and this day and age you'll get hot doing the right [ __ ] this is the age of trolling you get hot by doing some other shoes fair point but personally I agree you were a Z roll up I would not be even a tiny bit surprised if that was the roll out yeah when is the last Monique stand-up that you're watched that I watched probably the one she did for uh when she was at the on woman's prison okay she did one for the woman that was locked up not one of those prisons idolized well I don't that might have been her last one another thing I wasn't on that that was focused on her acting career after that right look rightfully so yeah that bag is deaf yeah so let me ask your what their alternate is when you are boycotting Netflix why where should she do her stand-up comedy central HBO no it's cool HBO she's about being cool it was cooler than Netflix really when it comes to comedy I know Netflix is doing cool learning Netflix their resume like that thing HBO is cooler than that yeah I'm asked if you have an HBO stand-up special that's different that's way better than the Netflix that's just different it's cooler it looks cooler of course things are changing but I think if you asked any comedian growing up or while they were doing [ __ ] getting their HBO special was probably at the top of their list oh how many comedians have gotten an HBO special Bunch it's gonna put them out legends yeah Chris Rock kind of my point uh you don't think monique is a legend of course she's a legend okay so I'm saying Netflix you don't have to just be a legend like DeRay is not alleged that's why I feel like HBO is cooler because that's a different that's a difference prestige it's like getting a BT hip hop award and getting a Grammy yeah you'll take the BT Hip Hop Awards HBO special I watch of tons of people who I've don't even know Netflix specials I've just because it was on HBO no Netflix I watched a bunch of books better bills like Netflix demands you wearing a velvet dad hat that says I'm working I'm busy with three wives sweet sweet case you didn't know swag them to go man oh man alright well I'm talking [ __ ] I wouldn't be watching that you know way and maybe see you're still watching it and like yo this is crazy oh please I watched the Katt Williams one last night I've seen everybody talking about it and it's last time you watched at HBO one I'm saying was the last time you actually watched that HBO special I don't know who the Katt Williams moment and I still watched her when they do like the little work like the shows the variety show [ __ ] they bow no homies wasn't my issue I think his own show - that was that was incredible bill burrows one of them either bill burr CK everyone not long ago yeah yeah I think Jerrod Carmichael was the one I watched I was thinking that was on Netflix that wasn't HP I thought oh so time so it was a trio that was the last one clearly we know what's going on listen to us they're getting hot man you can't knock her that's what she's doing another they did knocker well hotter this whole thing is because you've being not and we sound like we're knocking her oh no no I want everybody to get they must be coming back I want Monique to get the money I want star and act to get the money I want who's the first person we talked about today I want Drake to get dragged out the one about let's say Jerry got the money already how about Rory got the money - alright that's a classic white guy ad-lib yeah I appreciated them winch up when y'all first event all-star weekend Nellie come again [ __ ] you get past security why do I have to get past security to egg something cuz we have the whole street lockdown you can't even get to Rory is talking is [ __ ] bro you gonna go Hollywood on me when I DM you saying I need a place already went Hollywood those you vote what everyone knows someone mmm forget where I came from I think I deleted my mom's number when he said boy eatin different sleeping different some time I just ate mozzarella sticks right before yeah but that's cuz you're trying to remember to humble beginning yeah [ __ ] the humble be still trying to taste poverty yeah word now sometimes you gotta eat some ramen just to keep yourself around it balance yourself [ __ ] don't want no ramen smoke you right I don't ever want to eat ramen again in my life I still I just made ramen I made a [ __ ] this week last week on like a Tuesday [ __ ] was so good I doubled back on the Wednesday man let me tell you how you have leftover ramen why you [ __ ] even astronaut food on earth leftover ramen okay you [ __ ] is eatin Ashton I food on earth you don't owe me [ __ ] that [ __ ] believe that Matt Damon Jupiter [ __ ] ain't no ironic when Jupiter with wrong pill when you kill that Romney pack open that [ __ ] is dry and [ __ ] frozen and old sideswipe you put it in boy like that on earth you got chef it up Oh daddy I'll eat that fire you know send me to the moon or something I'm here [ __ ] crazy you are bugging our [ __ ] on Top Ramen up I hate you but and don't make that shit's expensive I open three-month three packs at the top ramen mmm took it out put it in the water put a little of flavor to the side and then somehow I lost one of the packets mmm so there's only two packets and three packs inside the boiling water that's really problematic no no he tried to high blood pressure from all that sodium into packs we're good good like to see like it's pressure high I opened up a whole new pack and stole the seasoning pack it out and threw it out wealth well yeah well put some salt in there I put a little bit of Sun in it I'm telling you put salt in Robin MMH and I can't tell you what I thought my top ramen I think is made uh well that my bed why would he make ghost okay cuz ain't laid he made it he should have made it even begging all [ __ ] season man boy has he been man these [ __ ] I know that they want they little all-star claws to kick in and get a little extra salary bump but I hate when they start begging and campaigning to be a all-star I went to three Nick games this year at the garden porzingis is a Monique right now I'm with the three big games at the garden porzingis ain't playing I want him and I know that so I got there yeah I mean I've been on the show Santa he's a great player and I think he's gonna average you know great numbers of [ __ ] but he's I don't think he's played enough to be a all-star to show who's better porzingis cat or am beat it is better than both of them he doesn't eat when is he gonna play though you don't know when you go back to back games he's been going he go over 30 minutes can his last it's too much alright but if he can't who's better a little 3om beat is oh and he's a problem be the moss so porzingis would be the third to others and B might be second I mean no pause things might be second yeah oh no the cat had better him alright that go Amazon store opened in Seattle and it was mad lines supposed to eliminate lines that's not hilarious this world the lines were around the block at the goal Amazon store in Seattle where they should not have lines yeah that's the world we live in man I'm a-goin Emma [ __ ] figure out it steals from [ __ ] that's all I was about to ask so with it in and they use both face recognition of some you know you're supposed to cut your Apple and when you go in there and you could just leave with whatever you want but I'm not cutting my Apple we're not going in I love the federal my same some stores now have the self-checkout thing yeah I don't know how much did I get for free now that's okay if you don't know the first light that [ __ ] going right in the bag bro he purpose he's a real own if it's white dude like mouthwash for the free this week believe that or you swipe it and then whatever you have your left hand just put that in the bag a little Spanish dude walking around checking it he's gonna stop me and getting this free mouthwash get out it oh they definitely got the old self checkout systems where you at in in Jersey you can't think here mister bag they feel the weight that's sir I'm not wash put it sir make a note out of your pocket their word definitely but I act like I might already scanned about it alright yeah I wanted I had the bad toothache one night and cinah give a [ __ ] she just laid in the bed I'm sorry baby so I got up drove a little 24 hours CVS down the block and she totally empty I'm like word about the self-checkout man new toothbrushes that [ __ ] Mike sir the weight of the to face is not and I believe that [ __ ] was causing such a commotion ran away from there you make a bit hot so check out [ __ ] you don't know what that is so check out identifies that don't do that what out what I will say though is in more recent more recent times recent as in probably last year or this year or recently like last week but whatever now sometimes may go out the supermarket put all the groceries in its trunk then back the car up to where they keep the wood outside taxes loaded up on all those outside yes wise outside god forbid they don't have a lock on the ice thing and you got to pay before a whole barbecue here hey I hate I hate when they have a lock on [ __ ] but they got a lock on the baby food like come on really the baby milk is what's getting locked up in here for sure baby milk is expensive though taking that [ __ ] yeah it is expensive people stealing a sell it back money from now well baby fool be right at the barber shop with that [ __ ] selling that [ __ ] [ __ ] sold me tried to tell me frozen bacon and I was getting a cut one day hey hey can was still I scarce know this [ __ ] just stole is still frozen I couldn't believe that [ __ ] frozen big is what I'm trying to get a shape of inch punch sling he told you a defrost by the time your cut was like to him like no I was just it was summertime I was like how does this [ __ ] have frozen bacon in the barman Charlotte that was the crazy [ __ ] of it in malls you probably good new barbers y'all what is this [ __ ] you know what your beard we mean Anthony Hamilton beard I'm gonna cut it off what girl told you that it's becoming you know that's what that's what [ __ ] change they appearance when some girl he like tells them you often truthfully it was because I had gained so much weight my face let my big row but now that you know took like a beard smaller yeah kind of gives it a little you know like an optical illusion when I said it Moll be dieting and his face is still big that's not what you say you said my face was still big that's a wild sentence you know do you know everything I tweet on Twitter now people just retreat retweet it and put your your voice and say yo that's crazy my big thing now it's my peoples somebody means one of your tweets and then put most face over it was good morning they said good morning is crazy yeah and it really sounded like more when they do that little stupid bump [ __ ] build was good man was good how you feeling it was good to see you last night yeah man definitely good to see you last night see you and your lady that's why I was a little jealous I had no lady to bring with me there last night everybody was all pooled up that's the new thing from 2018 be me Mall was alone what's the other year go smoke them all hung out with him he was totally by himself I had some skeletons in the building I thought I was on set of thriller bills you know there's a lot of old bodies walking around last night you had a few bad Hughes in math oh say their names crazy as [ __ ] so we call them but you don't really get the UM the urge to settle down man you run these to castle the urge no not the urge I mean I'm all foot I think that's the narrative on me that out I'm just not the relationship person but that's not that's not true though like I'm all for a relationship I just don't I think some people just jump right in their relationships and force relationships he would that they just met I'm not that mean I just you know I take you got it we got to be friends we got a be cool we got to spend time good to know each other before I had told me that to like you like this girl I was really interested in like you know she told me like y'all we need to be friends first and I'm like like your personality I don't think that we could be friends but we could definitely been a relationship well you didn't like a personality but you want to be in a relationship not as friends I couldn't be her friend but you could be her boyfriend yeah I definitely be her boyfriend because it's difference between being know someone's friend and being someone's boyfriend right I feel you know I'm the opposite though I got it I got to get to know you I got it meet the fam like and that takes a while like I'm not just jumping out there meeting your family like right away like you can definitely not meet mods right away that's not yeah that's still a thing that like people put a lot of weight into the whole you met my mom way into what your mom thinks so that someone you bring around yeah see that and that's where I met like I I put a lot of weight in today every to like cuz my mom me and my mom got that really cool never loved and I know it's a cool chick so let's try a manipulate my mommy nobody my mom has met women I've dated for sure but it takes it takes a while to get to that my mom just as phony as me I bring any girl I bring my mom I'll get flying just start telling all the business yeah oh yeah my mom says definitely done the whole haven't seen you in a while to a girl I bought around the first time this is the first time you ever met this young lady see so anybody be moms nah there's no hell no not anybody no there's one updated they've never met my mother that's like a sacred thing right of course the Queen that mean like you can't just bring somebody to the Queen right away I know but once you do it that mean like it's like a fishery oh yes seriously I use that as part of my game I bring girls around my mom yeah bless oh my god I met his mom he must really like me this [ __ ] this [ __ ] bills ain't [ __ ] it's [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] I thought that was like what it was now yeah everybody tom is moving fast like I meet a girl in like two weeks we're I'm already thinking about like listen how long is this gonna go like no I will say this knows except I'm ready to have a baby would I'm ready to get married yeah I'm like it's definitely like you date a girl now this age is definitely like you start thinking like cannot be long term can we build like it's definitely not just like you know I mean like I don't even have the time the time with a head space or the energy to just like me and my boy we just talk another night like when things about yo you ain't got no [ __ ] you think I know how don't you have the energy for that no more I don't have the mental capacity to deal with multiple women like their person now I don't like I don't even go out I don't go out for that reason no like I'm just like yo I don't that [ __ ] cuz the game is totally different now like the dating game is totally different I think texting might have ruined a lot of that yes to have to have women you have to text them a lot oh and that's really annoying you dropping germs or not like to be able to text with a chick all day and then have multiple of that sounds like the most stressful things on planet Earth text good morning beautiful 8 and 9 times in a row and then they're gonna respond and then you gotta respond oh my god wait I was wait I love how to young lady is peaking over there looks like a sand crab the sand just like oh you sees their eyes that's oh you see over there right now is all really okay I had eyes and forehead man - light from the phone on the face smiles she recording us I don't know what she's doing but something is happening I don't know what's happening but something's out yeah but nah but dating is different now man you got a is too much man I think I started following you in 2006 and you've been saying that I think this is the time that I don't really like that the women is something wrong with the women it's not me if I'm really like that I'm rolling I'm rolling with you is definitely something wrong with the woman exactly so the first I thought it was me but I owned up to my truth I try to be a better person I stop lying I stop I don't even like I don't talk to multiple women nothing it just doesn't work they'll have you Ananda [ __ ] and why the [ __ ] we keep telling my bishop trying to hopefully somebody here this tip like you know I really like that guy that guy's a nice personality him Yeah right you know the podcast I'm gonna take him out to dinner coming soon so this is like a dating profile right now yeah I like it like a second advanced tinder romantic my resume doesn't know about the advanced tinder I've never been on that but I assume that there is an advanced search in senators I was the king of MySpace advanced search listen now last week nine that last week the other day I was in my house literally on the floor laughing for 25 minutes trick could this [ __ ] posted a text conversation between him and a chick and he was dissing the chicken saying yo smilin even be texting this [ __ ] cuz she mad dry and he posted the conversation and then both both conversations looked dry right but this is why I was laughing because he said well this when the conversation was going bad he said WYD and she said watching TV and then he said without me why you a clown of use the without me or say wow with man no that was like his game that was it you can tell by the rest of it because she said oh here you go I should've been with him with you what at 6:00 a here you go my gosh you know yeah you gotta get off of that why guys can't tell when it's over over hope when is she not feeling yeah get off my jack get off my life because so many times this happened in later on down the line you wind up still getting this so it's like but see and a lot of the times you know women say like persistence they like yeah that's intensive and you know he shows interest but it's a fine line because they like those things but they wanted from the guy that they learn it from listen you can't without me you can't say WI D and end without me no you Wow you can't say wow I can't say what you can't say without me but you can't use the without me unless you and the woman have actually took taken it to Yap had sex like you had sexual contact if you haven't used it without me that's like that's a regular as if you used without me and you really want to go you already when you're ready to cross that line like yeah sexual with each other that without me is a joke I thought that without me was originated from women wanting men to do things with them and we don't really want to do it but we don't can't let them know that so I thought it originates that's what girls always say like if I watch some [ __ ] or eat some food or something that my girl likes without her she's gonna say wow I'm come out when men do it and they are serious you shouldn't I used to without me one time in my life and I never spoke to her again and I knew that to never use that again but I had never done anything with this girl I wanted to she was like yeah I'm out the shower was like without me why would you ever even disrespect a woman that way I make her feel uncomfortable shower she was trying to shadow I wasn't sure she should be able to I miss the part where I said I understood I was in the wrong and I shouldn't have done it y'all missed that part okay alright just checking is that your apology letter that's your statement she never responded to me that has always kind of late maybe she listened to the podcast we started talking I was trying to talk about the High Line event before bill just starts on my now having no holes anymore but it was good to see you there next the next time you should you should try to bring it was one of those bye yes that's why I was that was that was the ambiance and then I want to show when they're just standing with the fellas I mean one one and a half probably don't you throw yourself in the broth the [ __ ] gotta call you Brawley you kid you're on prolly Raleigh a [ __ ] making this [ __ ] funny so so last night or two nights ago that was Monday night I did my oh what a nice showcase in at Highline Ballroom in New York and it was real good I want to thank all the performers that came out all of the comedian's as she Larry was great her and mine was great all the up-and-comers they were great I wish them bit it was great I was a great joy to other comedian you had the first one right Anthony Moore and yeah he was really funny the second one wasn't bad but he wasn't as funny as the first first kid yeah and his comedy was a bit edgy you get out there and you start talking that transgender [ __ ] you better connect yeah you better have an audience already yeah yeah and hold you down so it was a different type of comedy but overall I liked it I think everybody left Santa had a great time I got a lot of text today from people saying yo it was amazing so I just want to see what happens next time and uh at the next one the band was great for that band really shelled out I want to shout out to Jackson and them [ __ ] man oh and the next one is February 21st at Highline Ballroom February 21st but I'll remind you all way before them so we'll talk about it uh the Grammys Sunday Super Bowl Sunday after that there's gonna skipper got them all yo more what's up with you man well something happened you know so we were joking around about mall doing the spoken word up there and the mall comes in there last night and I'm you know carrying on the joke I'm like what's up you ready for the smoke worried like yeah what stop was good you know I want to know when Moore walked in I didn't know he was gonna go up there but I did notice he was locked in he came up at me didn't say a word went right in the corner locked in was ready I was just way to stand and not be in people's way and watch the shows it wasn't many seats left well he already told you you could see uh ex-girl standing with your next girl standing by the girls you [ __ ] right now he said that he said he had skeletons in there sometimes you gotta get low okay that's not why I was standing in the car don't know I was trying to defend nobody's way I was trying to find some way back and still see the stage and not be in anybody's way I like their streets a lot that kid that did an ordinary love shut it yeah you know like I liked him a lot if I had time to actually sit down and write music I would write music family yeah I mean I I have fun no I like the texture of his voice pause you embrace a lady for next time though yeah we'll see how it goes you did body a little spoken word Thank You Maura you did a real good job you might be able to put a mixtape out was there bongos there was no bongos man but the band played the bank owned or they call it that caught on with me and a quarter first mole ask for quiet storm storm but it's cool they did they thing they caught it on the Dave East line was very funny I laughed out loud at that one it was very Trudeau and you know that's my guy but it's true and I only said that because that people I didn't write any of that now I know Joe Mike but I really fell off the dome that was it so freestyle [ __ ] but the only reason I brought up the Dave East LA was because I'm following someone on Instagram and she was at his showed of the night and she said it but she's she asked he's a Dave fan I mean she like most women find Dave to be attractive in you know but she said she was like it was funny being it because it was so many women there and they literally did not know any songs she's like they was just there because Dave is great to look at and you know each one see him in person so I that's why I said like that to me that's women hitting the like button they might not physically like it but they're go buy a ticket to Dave's show to hit the like button all night you know so it's kind of like I get it works with Dave they're like I would love to sell out a venue and nobody knows my records they just want to come look at me like and it's women like wait I'm I'm waiting that's like [ __ ] I'm up by the way I rap if you're I didn't know if you look at me I'm also a rapper you know mom I got my music out now like dude they've got a really promote his [ __ ] at a sold-out event with a bunch of women in the building this is what I was a day there's been I don't want his grind that's no trash but David's been working hard for a little while now yes she's like just with his output and the amount of music he's putting out with the amount of places I'm seeing him yeah you're doing a lot yeah no you definitely know what to say he hitting the road and he don't that's what you got to do as a new act you gotta just pound the road yeah oh I don't miss that [ __ ] at all prime to was announced March 2nd March 16th I think it's the day March 16th well something else came out it was March 2nd who announced something for March 2nd that's gonna really bother me who no he's February so uh hmm I don't know I'm excited about prime uh it's dope I mixed it yeah I heard a couple Rick Aquino played a couple records offer to join for me it sounds really good I'm sure this I'm sure the person kind of flew under the radar allows how dope that record was that to me more people should have been talking about that out did it commercial sale was in a commercial record but no I'm not a way from never told my commercial when I'm talking about Royce in DJ premier like I I know that's gonna be that's not commercial me they're not doing commercial songs commercial records but I'm saying like real rappers and artists that really listen to hip-hop more people should have been talking about that Oh - so - Moss point I think he did a lot more press for his solo project than they did for prime voice everywhere when that solo project in it wasn't a single media outlet that Royce didn't hit whoever handled that Oh Sears announced they will be closing a hundred stores left I didn't know Sears was open I didn't know Sears still had stores on PC Rich's came and got the money like Sears was the job I took after the Wiz shut down after I was we Oh my name ember the whiz Ibiza was nobody be that was the noloty beef there is I'm in by boy I think I bought no way out from The Wiz that down what they think I bought different ways I know I'm old cuz we having this conversation about the Wiz and I was kind of [ __ ] up when crazy Eddie's stopped thinking out of my age range I'm here for the Wiz the ways I remember you you from Queens crazy a New York thing crazy crazy crazy [ __ ] what you get at the Wiz Joe what was your job I was doctor stop away the wish okay it's good good job you steal anything I wish I don't know my story Oh a bunch of wreckage I don't listen to Joe Budden Rick Rory I'm stealing the dope from the Wiz what mood music project is that well I was a stock boy at the Wiz so I worked in the back in the stockroom of course but this was when laptops were new like really really like contact was this [ __ ] you had you across the Compaq a Sony all that [ __ ] this one flat-screen TVs that flat-screen but just the screen it wasn't flat this is when all of that was new I was throwing all that [ __ ] out the back door to stock room manager he need the key garbage outlet that was the big plan out the back door there was huge weeds and then I would just drive there late at night and pick all the [ __ ] up and sell in the street so as an 18 year old I have more money than every street [ __ ] in Jersey City except for like Sonic's definitely yeah I was I was getting it and that eventually led me to meeting so that's how I met Gabby uh who [ __ ] French Oh cuz I was selling him laptops when he was in loud Nelson when he was it loud but my point bringing this up is when I left there and went to Sears I was still on my kleptomaniac [ __ ] but see anything even have nothing fire to steal I still saw your the only thing and I used to say I'm like then the only thing to open here is tires Sears little tire section that gives your car right yeah but I wasn't driving and didn't have a car and couldn't steal the tire ok clothes was not the move speaking of that man for singing buddy listen I got hookups on TVs and [ __ ] let me know man need some tea yeah I need some TVs you to try yeah no he's still in contact with the Wiz no but I've always judged [ __ ] who wanted to hook up on TVs yeah I'm not paying full price for the new flatscreen the full price is a hundred and fifty not TVs are mad cheap 65 inch pause you could get a 65-inch 4k 500 yeah if I'm on it but if you if the hookups there I mean you can hit me to the electron sighs all right ask me the other day he said yo you know somebody who got a hook-up on one laptops and I was like damn people still use their lot laughs I don't even I don't use this [ __ ] to do nothing but doors use that time I don't use much at all like literally the phone is everything now yeah what else do out of Grammys we never told what the Grammys just talked about before who's performing this weekend at the Grammys let's pull it let's pull this [ __ ] up all the usual suspects Bruno Bruno's about to clean up a sacar D know every grave don't kill his live performance when every green I've never seen Bruno nails every field every live performance ever seen with not kill alone all right so let's see here we have Lady Gaga is performing I like David gaga that's why I said this looked like a former but a mix of last year and this is nice correct a mix of this is not right you're not telling me that Bryson tiller why yeah wild thoughts for that I mean shout out to them it's a good song I just didn't think it'd be a Grammy it's been quite some time that song that was one of my songs in the summer was this summer last summer this okay I stand corrected unforgettable another all right Lady Gaga pink childish gambino Little Big Town Ben Platt Patti LuPone Bruno Mars and cardi B DJ calorie on and Bryson tiller Luis FONSI and daddy yankee logic Alessia car and Khalid Oh Khalid is it Khalid or Khalid it's too many of them cally Assad oh I think it's enough enough enough scissor Kesha Kendrick you too I'm about sick and tired of seeing you two one you two gonna see my man you too might be a industry bully you two gotta go home they bleeped up the way you have their whole catalog on my phone somehow I would like to see Caesar clean up she's gonna kill it I don't think she'll clean up but I would like to see her win yeah other than that I mean I'm now gonna say I don't give a [ __ ] about the Grammys because I do and I'm 100% will be tuned in uh the logic record I get because of the importance of it but didn't they kind of get that performance off of VMAs and that was like a big thing do we need to repeat it yeah we wouldn't apparently who who's hosting that's how I know this song is trashed it's [ __ ] titles a phone number and I still don't have that number memorized is how you memorize the number though back in the pit it's not a jingle and a commercial commercial one in four kids I stuck my head every time I yeah I sing that commercial kids cars when I see that commercial sold our kids donate your car today that commercial is the worst control for me I don't want to have kids what is the most annoying [ __ ] what a birth control commercial no is hella weird we got what you was talking about you interesting the whole [ __ ] I wanted to say well that's why you're weird to me exactly as you wanted to see the whole book because y'all guys don't mean that the listeners got it yeah I'm here for the listener okay my bad bro get your [ __ ] off you just be dying to paint me as weird I'm gonna be I'm laughing because you had the little bounce to it's like bro you 37 don't do that funny I'm uncomfortable making me nervous you start bouncing side to side singing one eight seven seven college kids I don't like that I'm just being real with you I don't like that okay that's all I don't know if I can't sink it there ya know all right so all these commercials yeah I agree Rory's point they got this performance off at the VMAs I don't know I don't know I'm not excited I'm not excited but I will be watching I don't know if that makes any sense who's the host geez they remember Deez Nuts jokes [Laughter] I don't know okay okay guys like save on you they answering a question would they hand over their mouth does the carpool he's like the new Perez Hilton oh that guy is a comparison Sam I bet he does he does the UM the the car I know I know it's a MacArthur kid he could actually signal right there so why do Broadway yeah so one one join he was actually singing like I was like wait hold up he can actually sing yeah oh yeah they gotta get some Actos the Grammys of some [ __ ] back as an URL smack yes that will be the last history of grandmas smack smack Oh get up and plug every ass he gonna be at the Grammys no hold it down hold it down the dough hold it down they invited a dare laughter that album think Adele wouldn't be invited to the Grammys okay we'll be there this is it win every award wait so this gentleman here to tell me more about this hole just late night honey yes what's his deal battle here's a dope show where he you know the artists like they drive around wherever he's at and they sing some of their songs and he can really sing no he hasn't he has a nice voice so it's just funny to see him and he knows like he raps like he was on there one time I think with Nicki Nicki Minaj and they was rapping one of her songs like he knew every word like it's entertaining it's entertaining remember when that clip went viral Vidal rapping Nicki monster verse yeah yeah that was that show yeah oh that's entertaining yeah we're explaining who that is Joe first of all you think the kars4kids song is entertaining I've talked to me about entertainment you know so singing it shows oh sure Rory doesn't know the difference between memorable and entertaining I said memorable not entertaining all right I see you're very defensive about this company let this one go obviously you're on my bed sorry I know it was that close hey well good good good is there anything else happening important with the Grammys that we need to know about I really don't watch the Grammys in New York that's cool hos getting an award hopes getting some [ __ ] some some writers where's it at Barclays or is it like Radio City I don't know I didn't think they would do it at Barclays I can't just say we're all doing all you might be hoping his way yeah no but not at Bob no I hope you don't then lowing them definitely gotta get beers I mean I'll talk to Brian I know he knows the gravy uh dammit there was something else now I don't care about Action Bronson being in a movie with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro I was reading on the way Netflix has that now yeah [ __ ] that's delicious no no did we talk about same thing yeah the movie the Irishman yeah yeah I wish that's a that's a really big thing getting a Martin Scorsese movie on Netflix with Robert De Niro Al Pacino yeah that's that's the biggest thing they've done yeah that's crazy that's like when I saw that I was out this movie's gonna be a classic I don't even care what it's about De Niro Pacino Scorsese I briefly read it and said they sold it for something like 109 million which I thought was low for that right I heard the only awful news 400,000 yeah well you know what maybe maybe Martin will do a sway interview and we'll find out Rory [ __ ] knowing you should know no [ __ ] no sway you know who you are and I love sweet quiet no not you don't sway but should know and I don't know you should know in something I'm taking it if I'm feeling a little way about it no but is this about the kars4kids thing stick oh let it go no I'm over it I'm over it yeah so let's get the sports real quick just cuz it seems like a lot is going on in sports boy was I have said at that Jags game cuz I picked the Jags and they were handing it to the [ __ ] pants and that's the only game I watched cuz I'm boycotting but goddamn it that's a weak-ass boycott ya know boycott I'm not surprised at all that I think we should be the one team you should boycott that's a fact I'm just saying when you don't play to win you lose the game and the Jags got real conservative in second 1/2 and that's all I'll say you don't deserve to win but they owned up to it they admitted that healthy cells accountable so I'm not mad at that that's that mall what's going on with uh LeBron and these [ __ ] wanting to beat up Kevin Love well how do they want to beat up Kevin Love because Kevin Love left the Thunder game I went to flu with the flu but he ain't stay in the building he went home and watched the game what hey was getting smacked I ever had 25 if you had a flop surprise he showed up to the game with the flu that [ __ ] is dead ball it's hard to yeah okay beat me I gave it a effort I got showed up we trying to have to fight with George are you these jokes off man only if cute that's logic Jordan II know I'm just sayin though how did man how did wannabe Kevin Love a foot for leaving you can't want to beat a [ __ ] up for leaving he got the flu and he shouldn't even be here that's what he was there that's daddy and he left and that shows that shows him like you listen I'm gonna give it a shot but yo you know what you know what y'all got the flu I don't think I can go so would you want to go to the back see some of the best medical staff and the trainers and get some shots in it now I'm thinking just go home I am not mad at Kevin Love I'm goin home [ __ ] y'all y'all figure this [ __ ] out I know they gonna put hands and feet on Kevin Love when he get back he just got named to the all-star game I don't know how but whatever Oh cuz LeBron is picking teams again LeBron is called oh that's Kevin boo that they have to pick me those are the guys that they have to pick because it's not East and West no more so the reserves is like a rule that the captains have to pick from that's weird there might be trash it's gonna be trash I think this be the only yeah they do there they probably go back to standees West nice yeah didn't think it could be entertained why is Kevin Louisville off door uh honestly cuz throne it's a captain you know but LeBron I think LeBron picked him they they just made the reserves are in the pool this is I believe is going now the reserves are in the pool and the captain's which would be who got the most votes for the starters which would be Steph Curry and LeBron I believe right so now LeBron and Steph will pick from the reserve pool so now we might get you could get Steph and Kevin Love on the same team now fam check this out you think you're gonna go home with the flu and then play in an all-star game while I'm there what all-star game is not for another I don't give a [ __ ] if I'm LeBron I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of Kevin Love why at all-star weekend why we just got to be thinking you a [ __ ] all-star I'm mad as hell we traded Wiggins for you now put hands on you if I'm LeBron yeah here's what I'm saying I love Kevin look yeah but I mean having the flu showing up is a effort you got it salute Kevin love for that for even showing up the flu is nothing to play with that's why [ __ ] care that Michael Jordan flu gang and I was not the flu that was called The Hangover SARS in Cognac I saw ice earlier talking about how bad the man flu is the man flu is rough though he was right tell me more about this man from you don't be feeling like you're dying that's every day for me every day you got the food that's not the flu life every day is the flu earlier in bed taking you home I feel like a mother died there's your new show every day flu I would watch it make it had a flu every day on TV oh I don't know how much how many more episodes you have it isn't out of here kicks the bucket like it's any day now miss Nick had the flu for four months it's a need a good that's the other thing things don't what [ __ ] don't want that their flu smoke with me I make a different type of theraflu let me hear you put honey lemon look around even tell you yet you already talking to the public about it I'll tell you a private of no he had a little hammy little cognac low I'll let you go back and tell Brian and Linea we know you might add it to the cocktail list for a producing bluemark god you're all havel to make Joe specialty drink but called the theraflu Palooza y'all are making a cocktail list I'm just talking [ __ ] man I know you know but are y'all gonna make one no it's open bar just go get to do see so get that you say star definitely head on single so Tim's those are shoes tips or the shoe temp to start with star was getting his legend [ __ ] on they never put a camera on but there yeah a little different that if you got and his wave for stock cuz he can't go too young he can't show with some off-white and maximum you can't do it you gotta stay in his goal oh yeah how do you win to see this what did he wear today we get on it was bad no I'm saying that bad but I can't dress so what the [ __ ] do I know but he had a black button down and you know a little polo bunt down south single-lens crazy no we're gonna have to get started out of the button downs be looking at looking at starring the desk and act together starlet label he'd been working out though but his arms look too low and he had blue shirt on I was like well hold up smelling like hear knocking Nick out right now oh no I mean looking at new whose bodies money talk about my body every week you're my friend now I'm your friend no okay okay I know you're for this your first time here ok alright I think that's it is it Oh what else is going on James chuckles no migos cover the Rolling Stone that's a big deal big day we're gonna see a lot of them we're gonna see a lot I mean we've seen a lot of them and we're gonna continue to see a lot of them with this project drop and that's the project that drops March 2nd March 2nd is Google's big of a drop in embark job January 26 I thought it was February imma find out who's dropping Martin Oh Tory Tory Lanez is dropping March 2nd that was just announced today I was confused cuz he he face time he was the venue yesterday and he's a yo March 2nd I'm announcing tomorrow what's March 2nd I don't know I don't think it's coming out yeah albums gonna mark ii you know i was single and he doesn't need a single doubt oh yeah that's true is different yeah if you just that confident in your in your body of work then yeah tell Tori no sketch this album Oh your ego I think he got he already know here ask it or a word that starts with Scott yeah nothing on that can't even eat skittles at all even allowed to like yeah you know yeah no not at all oh damn Youngberg keep talking about this uh Todd dollar sign and Jeremiah but that's not why I brought him up he's wanted on charges in Miami Bert yeah yeah so that he wore now for his arrest of all he kills them to go what did you have charges for first boys help don't just laugh when a [ __ ] say I'm joking no he uh I don't know some wheat [ __ ] I think he missed a court date and that's how the warrant I'm rushing my hand at no crime in Florida mr. Nezzer exactly when you die in a bulletin I think you could have a gun in jail in Florida now he's not going to Joey you got well he didn't go to court so he ain't going to jail no he got money and lawyers he's not going and I'm now gonna call him on the podcast came in trouble now since they're looking for him yes the worst thing I ever did was [ __ ] antagonize the cops when they're looking for you speaking of uh Bill's house tax doing I think attacks in good spirits me I heard him on an interview on a podcast it was good to hear from him and I spoke and I spoke to him this way I did speak to him he's doing I he seems to be in good spirits we exchanged our thoughts on one star hire a lot of the media people hit me and you know that's what I'll say I will say this about that star see I didn't know that he rubs up to so many people to wrong way star like you know but you know we all have done some stupid [ __ ] or some dumb [ __ ] right sure all of the things that star has done like the media and some hip-hop people are still on this like they don't just chalk it up to all that was the past that was the show shock jock like they was on some like oh that's disgusting 2018 like that be unapologetic like no remorse for anything why that's one of the reasons I like them because I'm unapologetic right you know I just denied it's gonna work up there yo so everybody at TDE is a robot I was pleasantly surprised when this sir album dropped if you haven't heard it you should pick it up it's titled November and boy I really love their artwork as well I love just staring at an eyeball and gazing and looking at all the similarities it has between the universe I'm that guy yeah damn it must be a dude sign us you oh yeah what to do time oh you know Internet it's the hole oh we are one with the universe and 67% of us is water and our eyes is the solar you got all that from a dude's I know that's why I gotta have my conspiracy theorist weirdo podcasters every time I talk about weird oh [ __ ] here you guys start thinking I'm gay no I wasn't looking at his eye and thinking he was the apple of my universe okay patchy that's why okay they're good yeah hey Lana's patchy but no no under the podcast new parts have saved that for the conspiracy did y'all not gonna be on a conspiracy project I definitely thank you Bill I'll be on some crazy there's 120 listeners 2020 woke people 20 clicks I'm a handsome clickbait on my conspiracy theorist fog I hope so I was actually thinking about starting like a YouTube channel with conspiracy theories all day because i sat there and watch one day I got caught up I watched one conspiracy theory and next thing I know I was like four or five hours they're watching nothing but conspiracy theories started locking all my doors locking my windows oh this is one thing though you do get paranoid once you start getting all that information and knowledge I thought people in Brooklyn just lock the windows in door Brooklyn is only half of Brooklyn is still better Brooklyn is pretty gentle fine now it's pretty safe yeah Brooklyn to Jersey City remind me a lot about each other now why can they do they both like half and half yeah it's pretty uh Williamsburg Wow yeah that's crazy half of it only had a there was still a left that you making yeah yeah smelling like poverty for real dhanno made that joke last night that he was like I was listening to jay-z record how you make reasonable doubt with this many place not I was right now dancing more I was Anthony oh yeah you know he was right though it was 100% right what he said that I laughed at that I really if you're not from here you hear all the raps about Brooklyn you expect something different when you actually get to Brooklyn like people still think that it's Brooklyn no people still think that the carter building in Harlem is like what it was in New Jack city like they still think it was like it never looked like that ever hey Graham Court is one of the best buildings in Manhattan lake so when people blow wait this is the card I'm like wait you thought New Jack city was like they're like no no this is like a real this isn't a very expensive apartment building a living I thought it was really like that hell no never [ __ ] never that was for the movie and I don't even think that was really tape there I don't I think they just made it look like it was there a really but it really wasn't some people come to it now they look at it like yo this is it like they cleaned us out on my family [ __ ] never was bad I mean I wonder if sin has ever seen New Jack city I would hope so I don't think she having after but girl hadn't seen Purple Rain I was [ __ ] don't be in the purple rain oh that is like an oboe young Spanish when the greatest love stories against young Spanish chicks are not into Purple Rain sin Devils will portray accent if she saw me vida loca I was one I like that movie growing up me Viet I lock up blood and blood out except she seen blood in blood out I'm a player sleeper to [ __ ] out here so uh we have sleepers am I missing anything that's really important if some news gonna break tomorrow there we're gonna go ever star's gonna slap the [ __ ] out of somebody a big complex we know that's gonna happen Oh nun in sports Isiah Thomas you don't care it's over Super Bowl pics yeah [ __ ] the NFL but the Patriots never lost the birds beat the Seahawks beat the Falcons the Eagles beat the Eagles already actually mm in a Super Bowl yeah 2020 Oh was and I never lost the birds what about the Giants birds his eyes will be in a Super Bowl next year no look that fast that New Yorker will say some incorrect [ __ ] with conviction or tries to be right there the Jags that's a good young team man I think they're gonna do some damage in the in the future yeah they gonna be around they gonna be they're gonna be around to play also a few years yeah I'm rooting for them I'm roof I'm Blake couldn't get it done I got about 2 or 3 years it's usually with the cycle is for a team listen man write again [ __ ] the NFL but you know you run it to Brady you can only expect it you know you're not gonna win yeah they're gonna cheat all right well damn it I'm playing my sleeper then uh so like I was saying that sir album came out and I thoroughly whether it was my sister thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed and I no matter cuz I had made my mind up that even if Rory plays a small place turns out I'm still playing a song from sir's out that's how much I like the songs that I like on sirs album so uh I really dam both of these is hard I don't know what to play that's what I was gonna play oh [ __ ] yeah brand-new brand-new this is sir oft Deena song it's called summer in November Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no I don't know where we begin but you don't care about the flame you don't care if I die [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was summer in November sir what's up if you are not you know Rory got his sneakers off for real it's about to be some [ __ ] nom play uh yes I'm playing some thug [ __ ] [ __ ] it's funny shots my Ringo this is Dave East which one is this uh never bid this is Davies over paranoid too joint never been [Music] oh my life was never born now every five dollars counting [ __ ] that sandwich was imported every file of my [ __ ] understanding how I call it low till I'm dead like eggs we would scramble every morning I read Emily actually landing that for me and Locutus paying by the store hope the cameras were so I did my own dirt putting all of my own work how much I can make off these DRAM help us my homework can't understand the highway till you hit the road friend I'm thinking I was the draft pick the minute I had that growth spray see [ __ ] play the corner bodega with no shirt shirt sunflower seeds and sour patches I was asked ass for extensions on the red knives designer fabric - the huorchi furniture not the plastics really Calabi I'm sure - about the madness any hard to buy boat is hard to find the character be hard to find the smokey just a pen holder he blocked us an upper man game don't burn the tips I used to light my bag don't focus on us focus on keeping if you my [ __ ] you ain't never got a question step on the gas I'm standing up cuz I could never see trying to kick my [ __ ] to all the places so real breakfast lunch and dinner was old man I don't drink soda but I'm so familiar with coke bills they robbed him when he bought it and get to see how that cofell might not know her name but I can tell you I know Phil y'all really know me you ain't know me when I sew pills Bob so me don't pour that [ __ ] [ __ ] ain't got no sale she'll never beat the bells mess two races Dale had no TV now pay most important Bell I remember telling me take the world back on free keeps on me wraps they probably gonna make a damn definite my body I hate the way it makes me feel if my [ __ ] sliding I'm sliding I really played the felonies but Charlotte she can never break us talk to Drizzy up and cheer I know I miss Adella paper most of my [ __ ] new bears chasing money gordon often get big might not come home to no crap we got for rolling on us walk with the heat we keep the stove on the stove and my PT just pray I can pull the whole warrants if you sold on us from guards you broke the code on us 5:00 in the morning and your mama crib with no warning I could never sit trying to take my [ __ ] to all the pleistocene ever bit if you my [ __ ] you ain't never got a question network step on the gas I'm standing up cuz I can never sit better take my [ __ ] to all the places they come in Davi still rapping Bell taking care of [ __ ] won't have any [ __ ] like you man [ __ ] I'm joking more look that's Davies never been paranoid sleepers man alright since Joe covered the sir album I just play some other [ __ ] I played this gentleman before his name is mone Corleone the Kenny Burke rising to the top sample record I played uh by him so this is a record he just put out yesterday called the Watchers check when you thinking it's all love posted on the gram they think and you throwing subs these the type of [ __ ] we dub cuz they own hate you they just hate the way that you loved I've seen the same [ __ ] happen to see if they'll do attempt [ __ ] imagine what they planning for me I'm on some different time annually every year all here see it's a gamble with me you play the wrong car to slip up something small that's a hit go giving up the whole [ __ ] deck 52 pickup yeah they hate it [ __ ] love in his life [ __ ] his wife raising his kids my name is bins gotta watch the [ __ ] who be watching [ __ ] you can tell from the eyes and they bust you [ __ ] be the same ones flying for riches dying for [ __ ] yeah all in a fun day in on pictures it's only Instagram fan this ain't real life this ain't real loves it's just a couple likes [ __ ] are selling so turn around and doing twice what they [Music] you gotta watch out for the world [ __ ] to the teams I'm most importantly the hope everyone Queens we gotta do better we gotta be better than lost [ __ ] look what it cost liquors Jam Master Jay freaky top just like bundles and chinks before so click my [ __ ] just think ain't the best person to play perfect I mean I've done the [ __ ] that ain't worth it I've seen a lot of dumbest [ __ ] I might have purchased and resold and so myself is for good purpose [ __ ] was I fooling [ __ ] was my schooling from the streets I was a student under study all real [ __ ] the name maneuvers but you poo it can be the ones you with the school is here you be so clueless and dead over some foolish what was they beeping for what was the reason they stopped speaking for others for money was it overall was it from before from behind the wall didn't send no bread ding collect no calls tell me if I'm closer though I know I'm different I made my peace but I know the difference I was raised by Jesus I'm talking oh jeez you stalking oh jeez we're in different type of psyches you nothing like me that's why I'm neon radiant every yonsama crazy [ __ ] you gotta watch these [ __ ] you having babies with think any crazy yeah he's just a crazy [ __ ] grown-ass man you gotta babysit you got watch the pocket watches the wristwatch Kloppers those are beating Liggins their problem is getting to it on they own wasn't the option they triangles the circle your moves to leave you box there I know they hate it when you cross you gotta watch out for the watch my streets this watch I was born Corleone the Watchers Mon yes Mon hello and II own colione I get a sleeper pick I didn't know the bills were just of course no bills they're all the five words why you get a sleeper pick good friend we are one sitting here cast [ __ ] man I shout to cast well while bills is looking for that a few things I want to point out save on just pointed out Jay Electronica just announced a tour a tour I was just about to say the same yes well eight City joint Fat Joe has Fat Joe is as a podcast on title check it out Fat Joe's got good stories he's one of those people it makes sense for them to have a podcast so Joey badass has a podcast I don't know enough about Joey's personality to give an opinion on that but Fat Joe I'm the raw something Joey was one of the people that Joe said would fit on every day show oh no was it Joey Joey does have personality I like Joey okay he was one of the people yeah yeah yeah they can't they couldn't get him I would love to see the rest of the list that they add though that complex really was trying to aim for the Twitter streets was saying Jim Jones was on there 50 was on there but I think there was just saying [ __ ] I'm going after 50 I don't actually know oh they can't it can't be fit don't think me for the Cap'n whatever I'm interested in Fat Joe and Fat Joe Xie so we'll see about that just him by himself uh yeah I think his first guest was Swiss if I'm not mistaken okay oh it's fine I don't have any commentary on the Jay Electronica tours you don't know what's going on with you go make some money people buy those tickets yeah I'm getting into my sleeper pick now if that's okay with Joe you want to know let's [ __ ] Craig EF pure you had a worst intro [Music] I see me and my soul [Music] oh I wanna be [Music] sighs ago yeah [Music] I just bought a hi baby inside [Music] I [Music] when I'm sad Oh [Music] that was Craig EF pure or quiet oh I like that song who is he from New London Connecticut you do seem like one in Brooklyn [ __ ] that's always in Connecticut no definitely one of those Brooklyn guys that be posting flies a [ __ ] in Connecticut New Haven title of it was be in Hartford all nothing through Connecticut is so funny guy on Twitter he's rash on the podcast the greatest we don't want a I'm only good at talking about myself like y'all here doing your thing got a cave yak-3 we tried to interview me this would have been a whole different thing like so busy trying to say you've seen budding careers turn into other people talking about other careers I'm not gonna do that button all right don't go against button for nothing so see loyalty Rory wouldn't know anything about that but that's your thing though works his work is perfect like yeah the way y'all mesh together is perfect I was just sitting here amazement like it felt like I was just at home thank you brother thank you appreciation for me like to interject I was just enjoying like y'all to be doing your thing thank you that's awesome man thank you bills we appreciate it more you go you don't have don't moralism or anything you went in with you don't care that it does they gonna beat up all the [ __ ] that we're Supreme is out of jail yo yes I thought I was concerned I can't wait to go get some new supreme [ __ ] excuse me don't do what I told me yeah I don't know what I hope I'm with you I hope you whip me too I will never let nothing happen to you oh no it's not about letting nothing happening to me there's nothing gonna show be wearing that supreme Scully no to though I'm not you gonna beat the calories out of Joe yo [ __ ] can't wait for Joe to get beat up over Supremes Scully that would be crazy I give it you can just handle here my [ __ ] I broke my foot two summers ago like a whole fight over a head cold I just I wish you win when you get a certain age like that's a big worry mine like getting in a fight when the timing is bad like mad busy yeah uh so until next time beautiful people I bid you adieu here's to this are some funny breathing uh some uh here's to the stories that will break the rest of the week that y'all will harass us to [ __ ] them to talk about even though our podcast comes out once a week yeah yeah I see my god one [ __ ] to put out an episode every day and that's not happening yeah [ __ ] that alright what's a week is too much oh no they don't know me they can follow me on Twitter at brazilians Instagram said ladies I'm six feet three books I like never bread date like that do like Panera Bread I never read his bio bill don't see how you single man you saying all the right [ __ ] I know that's why I'm single I say the right [ __ ] - too many people behave like any given week I got like six or seven girls that I'm into and it's like him then I'll be like you know i'ma try to get down to one and then once I lose one of them I lose all of them it's like a chain effect so it's like I keep starting over every month that's so that's what I'm talking all the same girls in the same group chatter I won't give a [ __ ] but me you my man I love you so I gotta care till next time beautiful people we're out of here goodbye
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 426,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, #rageandthemachine, rage and the machine, mood muzik, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Love and Hiphop, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, araab muzik, araabmuzik, joe budden 2017, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, drake, drake diss, drake joe budden, drake joe budden diss, drake joe budden beef, star, everyday struggle, dj akademiks, sway, mo'nique, monique, netflix, fredo santana
Id: OKwpetgiLiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 23sec (9503 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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