The Japan They DON'T Show You! 🇯🇵 OKINAWA (Naha)

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[Music] hello everyone once again from a in  Okinawa as you can see it's a bit of a rainy   day today it was raining a lot yesterday too we  were supposed to do some things but it it's just   pouring it down some storms and today's our last  day so yeah we're just going for it even in the   Rain the forecast does show that it's going to  rain the entire day so in our previous video it   was super beautiful we went on a boat tour some  Paradise Islands nearby and we're hoping to do   some beach stuff in this video but yeah it's not  going to happen however we are walking to a beach   on the coast that has a cool Shrine and we're  obviously not going to be like sunbathing and   stuff but I think it's still going to look nice  and then after that we're going to head to some   castle and a palace and then I'll also be able  to go over a bit of the history of the island   cuz in the previous video it was just like a  Paradise Beach video didn't really talk much   about opening hour itself the other side of  paradise yeah the rain so in the last video   I also didn't show this city naha which is  the main city of Okinawa this is where we   arrived at the airport Airport's only about  a 10minute driveway so pretty close [Music]   yes so right down the name of this park not  actually sure if we're going the the right   way wonder what that says got some other kind  of statue over here looks like a ill or or dead child they did have the okin  hour War here in the world war   so I think there are places where you'll be  seeing like statues related to that don't know   if that was one though this place is almost  jungle looking right in the middle of the [Music] city yeah so it's a pretty unusual  beach with like the big highway road right   in front of it but if you look at pictures  of this place on a nice sunny day like the   water is absolutely absolutely beautiful  I think the shrine is on top of this Cliff   we'll see if we can go to it bit ugly with  that big construction right yeah not the   most beautiful beach I've ever seen because  of that because the water looks really good   but I guess they had to do it to build a like  a big road I don't know yeah so on this island   that we're on I think the best beaches are  further up North so I think there it's more   of a natural setting but this is still a  beach to go to if you're near naha [Music]   yeah so it was just on top of that Cliff looks  like a nice little Shrine namino way Shrine   don't know if I'm saying that correctly always  see this at pretty much every single one more   dragons I always saw dragons were like a Chinese  thing we see dragons everywhere wear in Japan too   it's really beautiful though these two in the  traditional clothing I really like how the the   Japanese still use the traditional clothing  in a lot of other places it's a cool statue so there's actually a few little beaches that's  the first one I went to the shrine looks like   there's a big Beach area here all the way around  here it's pretty cool though this looks just like   southeast Asia I think this is like the Limestone  rock that you see in Southeast Asia didn't know   they had that around here it's definitely a  lot bigger this beach no way it's actually a   on the sand isn't it yeah the highway road  yeah that shows you how safe Japan is in the   majority of the places that we go people just  leave their stuff lying around could never do   that in uh in a lot of countries we see people  leaving their bikes around as well unlocked we've   seen that in Tokyo I guess people just don't  steal around here really nice to see [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   so we ended up getting into a taxi they have  an app here that's like uber called DD and how   much was it 2,100 yes I think it's took around 25  minutes to get here yep and we come to shy Castle   which I think is like the number one attraction  on this island is a bit more busier here it's a   Sunday today so already from the entrance you  can see just how impressive the castle looks   didn't realize the the walls would be like that  W it goes way back as well all the way there in   the distance so really a huge castle this gives  you an idea of how big the complex is so we just   went through that gate we're here right now but  there's all of this there's the palace there's   also some grounds outside the the palace too K  Kon and that's the name of this entrance here   originally built in the 1500s burned down during  the battle of Okinawa 1945 so when you're walking   around like naha and Okinawa you'll see this kind  of statue in front of a lot of the houses the lion   dog so they believe that is like a an island  protector protector of the island hello looks   awesome doesn't it yeah it's like really cool  with the the fort walls I wasn't expecting it   to be all big as well it's really impressive  yeah also looks beautiful with these like   subtropical plants yeah kind of different we're  kind of high up as well I think we get even   better views later on a lot of Tours here now  got another one of those cool lion dog statues [Music] so we just got our tickets from the office  right there it's 400 per person and now we're   going to enter the actual complex also got this  leaflet says that it was constructed around the   14th century it is a distinctively Ruan Castle  showing both Chinese and Japanese influences so   this is one of the Dragon columns that with stod  the fire wasn't damaged look at this beautiful   little doorway with the tree in the middle don't  know what's inside there a tree so unfortunately   there was a big fire in 2019 and it destroyed the  main Palace which would have looked like that but   I think they are reconstructing it so in the  future it'll be back so I didn't actually know   the main Palace was destroyed and till this  morning when we looked at some recent reviews   but at least the grounds are super impressive  either way know why was like the restoration   efforts yeah really impressive yeah I guess  that's the roof back there mhm I think so looks   like it's going to take a while still showing  the kind of tiles a lot of work that's pretty   cool showing the different layers completely  different type of rock beneath actually looks   like Coral so maybe it's coral and then the  outer layer like Stone perfectly cut [Music] [Music]   man so it's raining pretty heavy now I think  we're at the highest point of the castle wall   can see the other side of the city now before we  were just looking over on that side man I wish the   palace was still here imagine that red Palace  there in the middle check that out cool that   Islands so that land in the distance is a  different Island I thought it was part of here   is it yeaha Island so this island of Okinawa and  the islands surrounding it have not always been a   part of Japan it was part of the ryuku Kingdom if  I'm pronouncing that correctly which was from 1429   until 1879 a completely separate country from  Japan and the people here are called the ryuku   they have their own language their own like  culture clothing food but they have been part   of Japan since 1879 so now I think they have more  Sim similarities with Japan so I'm not actually   sure if amongst themselves they speak Japanese  or if they speak their local language still and   during the ryuku kingdom they would trade with  China and apparently there was a time during the   1600s that Japan actually invaded Ed here during  the Tokugawa period the famous Edo period but they   still let the kingdom be independent cuz at  that time Japan and China wouldn't trade with   each other so I think they kind of used the  ryuku kingdom to trade between them [Music] [Music] I want to come back when the restoration  is finished to see I think it will be even   more impressive yeah and when the and when the  weather is nice when the weather's nice and when   it's restored so I guess that's why the leaflet  said the ryuan architecture style is a bit of a   mixture of Japanese and Chinese since they would  trade with both of the countries yeah this would   have been the ancient bath house I don't know if  they would have bathed in the warm water like in   the onson but yeah they would have bathed there in  something so there are other castles like this on   the island I don't think they'll be as impressive  as this one but this was the Royal Palace so this   is where the Kings and the Queens lived at this  Castle the most important one during that Kingdom [Music] [Music]   wow look at this more more jungle like scenery  yeah definitely love what we've seen in Okinawa   overall even though it hasn't been that much Odo  building for worship in the Buddha was built in   the middle of lake enkan in 1502 so that's  this one here really beautiful setting with   the Fortified walls in the background says  that it kept a Korean edition of Buddhist   scripture hos satsu zoko which was a gift  from the Korean King in the late 15th century [Music] [Music]   so we've now come to T MIM which is right next  to the castle just like a 6 or 7 minute walk and   this was built in 1501 and it was for the royalty  the burial grounds so this was 300 per person to   enter nobody here this one for some reason quite  a lot of people at the palace but nobody here so   I read online that 17 of the kings are buried here  including the last king and also um his son he was   his son was buried here in like 1920s I think the  last person to be buried here so this place is a   lot smaller than the castle though I think this  is just about it you're not allowed to go in the   the tombs there's three big rooms overall so one  here and two there but there is like a exhibition   room at the office so that's included too and the  leaflet says that hair was also heavily damaged   during the battle of Okinawa with the Americans I  also read that 75% of the US Army bases in Japan   Okawa I don't know if it's just this island or the  surrounding Islands too man these trees really are   epic though like the ones that we saw when we did  the the Island Tour in the last video it's cool   though that there's still things that you can do  on the island even on a rainy bad weather day it's   not just strictly beaches only the exhibition  has many old pictures Tam before World War II   around 1935 yeah it looks pretty much the  same as what we're seeing now but I think   they they reconstructed it yeah they did  after the world war it was like this oh   was at the tomb door I think so yeah  completely flattened on the top also   got a portrait of one of the Kings King Shin  yeah so this was after the restoration 1975 pretty much how it is now and it was like  that yeah it really was destroyed completely   overgrown too and it has the the tombs inside  since you're not allowed to go inside I was   actually wondering how it is all is this how they  look yeah it's beautiful yeah it looks like a a   Buddhist monk that's the first King show show  in so I'm guessing that must be from the 1400s   this one's kind of different for the the  queen probably the queen of King sh [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're making our way to the city center  now which is supposed to have a popular   shopping street also a market the bars  and restaurants and it's only around like   a 20 minute 25 minute walk from where we're  staying so yeah pretty close really enjoyed   our location since it's near the port where  we did the boat tour and the weather at night   in Okinawa is also amazing I think it's  around 20 22° C so yeah just the perfect   temperature that's like room temperature I  think it's kind of like this all year round   so up here you have the I guess train track I  don't know what you call it like some sort of   [ __ ] it just went by it was like super quiet  though yeah there it is oh just a little sound looks pretty cool and from what we heard  the public transportation here is not as   uh efficient as it is in Tokyo but also  there's not so many people here as in in   Tokyo so maybe that's why but we noticed that  the taxis are cheaper here so that's good not   uh not very expensive like uh we found it  in Tokyo yeah and even our accommodation   was way way cheaper I think that's also cuz  you don't have the cherry blossoms here right   now in this month there is a cherry blossom  season for Oak hour but it's a lot earlier   in the year so yeah we not getting the cherry  blossom prices like all the other places we've   been going so this is the main shopping street  it's called kusai Dori once again it's going   to be one of those places that when it's pitch  black it looks cool cuz of the lights already   does look cool right now and I think we're  going to cut through there to the market so I'm not sure if this walkway already  counts as the market it's called makishi   Market but they're already selling loads  of different things here food yeah I'm   definitely enjoying that it's not so  crowded though like places like Tokyo   are starting to get a bit overwhelming  the people dodging all the time so that   wasn't the public market it's here now makishi  public market oh look at the size of these guys I think that's still alive these guys are  definitely still alive me and Carol are actually   allergic to shellfish so this is just one big  allergy for us wow look at the size of that bigger   than my hand look at this puffer fish dude also  massive multicolored all sorts of different color   Irish Pub Guinness I wouldn't mind  having a Guinness actually that's   a cool one similar to the kind  of bar that you see in Tokyo the isayas yeah these Alleyways are super cool kind  of indoor this one now was outdoor before Japanese   bars are the best I think it's the best bars  I've ever seen on all our travels nice cozy bar   so we chose this place pretty mellow I like  the style though so me and my dad got an Oka   beer it's brewed in okwa Orion 350 350 I  think that's the cheapest we've gotten in   a a Japanese bar and these guys got wine one  red one white good wine it's okay better than   the ones we had before it in Japan yeah yeah  I think that was 500 fing hour beer that's   good beer nice taste so we just order some  beef liver and then it turns out that it's   raw it's not cooked with uh Sesame on the top so  I've never had raw liver before well strong it's   nice though is it yeah I really like it very  interesting tastes better than I was expecting [Music]   so we're heading to another place now  where we're going to get some more food   and drinks it's not far it's just like a  7 minute walkway we're back on that cockus   Dory street so I think it's just down  here it's called kosai food Village I think yeah I think this is the place that we  were looking for Oka so we chose this place   this time this one is kind of outdoor menu is in  Japanese but all I need is the picture looks like   the beer 500 this time oh 00 so judging by the  taste of it it doesn't seem like it's the Orion   one seems to taste a bit different I think it  is though I think it's all it is or it says it   tastes different though doesn't it yeah weird  yeah I thought that too what's that I think it   looks like that Filipino thing they used to drink  K calaman camans but what else just some alcohol   no no it's not alcohol oh it's not alcoholic oh  it's there it is it's very like I can't tell the   difference which SP go go drink in a bunch of  those without knowing it's full of alcohol see   what happens so Carol got this tempura what is  it like a sea seaweed tempura yeah seawe tempura   it was not easy to find the not non meat options  here but this one is quite good I like it yeah I   got a bit I really like the taste of it and before  I ate some s shimi meat Sashimi once again it was   goat and really tasty I've never had meat Sashimi  before I usually get fish Sashimi so even meat   Sashimi is good just the portions are not very  big that's all but yeah this is delicious too [Music]   we're on our way back to the apartment now and  this is going to be it from OK hour definitely   loved it here the mix of Japan with a tropical  island setting and we're going to be heading back   to the main island we don't even know the name  of the main island yet I need I need to actually   check out what the main island is called where  Tokyo is and we're going to be doing the other   famous sites like Osaka kioto Nar maybe  some other place so that's what's coming   up if you like this video just drop a  like as usual subscribe see you more   videos like this follow us on Instagram and  we'll see you in the next video [Music] oh
Channel: Jumping Places
Views: 52,085
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Keywords: travel guide, things to do, places to visit, attractions, vacation, travel, price, jumping places, hotel, best places to visit, travel vlog, cost, tour, japan, japan 2024, japan travel, japan travel guide, tokyo 2024, okinawa, okinawa japan, naha okinawa, japan beaches, beaches in japan, okinawa beaches, paradise, okinawa 2024, naha, naha 2024, kokusai dori, Shuri Castle, ryukyu, Ryukyu Kingdom, shurijo, Naminoue Beach, Naminoue, The Japan They DON'T Show You! 🇯🇵 OKINAWA (Naha), market
Id: zhRFm-6cjW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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