The Israeli Canal

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your host at the observation post channel this channel is dedicated to discussing issues of national and international importance security matters and important events from military history you can interact with me on my channel by giving your precious views to the various talks that it delivers you can also get the transcripts of my videos on solicitation at my twitter address which is at selling master 53 the subscription as well as transcripts are greatest that is no fee is charged in this session i'll be discussing about the israeli plan to construct a canal through its territory uh which would be running almost parallel to the swiss canal and will be an alternative to the source canal the discussion has been generated and the israeli plan has come into the limelight as a result of the mishap and the source swiss canal during the last week of march when a chinese container ship carrying its cargo and was heading towards the dutch port of rotterdam and while in the vicinity of the southern end of the canal it was struck by a sandstorm and due to poor visibility it got wedged in it could not be properly piloted and got wedged in between the two ends between the two opposite banks of the canal when it struck the canal got stuck in the canal it caused disruption to the global supply chain for more than a week and resulted in losses amounting to billions of dollars to the world economies now israelis for quite some time had been advocating linking the mediterranean with the red sea in order to create an alternative to the swiss canal but the details about such a canal or about any other alternative arrangement to replace the swiss canal or to be used as a substitute for the canal were never adapted that is they were never cleverly spelt out as early as 1902 theodore herzl the father of zionism had written a novel in which he had suggested pumping sea water from the mediterranean sea through a pipeline to the dead sea and then making use of the differential and the gradient between the mediterranean and the dead sea which comes to about 400 meters generate electricity now the amount of generating electricity as a recent study shows would not be more than 300 megawatts which is not much however by bringing mediterranean sea water to the dead sea would save the dead sea from drying out now during the 1960s israel had diverted the waters of jordan river to its negative desert now since time immemorial jordan river had been emptying it itself into the dead sea thereby keeping it alive this has stopped since then and the experts say that the sea that is the dead sea will die within 50 years another 50 years however this was something through a pipeline this is transporting water through a pipeline between mediterranean and the dead sea never was there any uh mention of a plan to build a canal linking the mediterranean with the red sea so the israeli proposal for a canal the so called ben gurion canal was never spelt out before it is said that recently a secret american feasibility study or report has been declassified which suggested blasting a canal by the united states blasting a canal between the mediterranean and the red sea through nuclear explosions now it would require three more 300 plus nuclear bombs to create such a canal i think anyone who had made such a plan such a mad plan was not in his senses he was high on weight not utilizing 300 plus nuclear bombs to cut a canal through the israeli territory do you understand and do you realize how much radioactivity it would generate so it was a it was a nonsense plan we come to the alternative to another option to digging a canal linking the mediterranean with the red sea and this is the second option is about creating a railway link between the mediterranean and the red sea in 2012 the israeli cabinet had voted for a project that would link the israeli mediterranean port of ashdod with the red sea port of elath however after some time the plan was shelved because it was not considered economically and ecologically feasible we'll discuss how it was and on what grounds it was rejected however in the wake of the recent incident in the swiss canal we again here talks about creating a link a parallel link which would be a substitute for the swiss channel and since digging a canal would be very prohibitive in terms of money as well as loss to the environment the plan now is about a railway link between the mediterranean and the port of elath however there is criticism on such a plan also the plan envisages shipping cargo from asia unloading it at the port of illarth and thereafter transporting it over land uh by railway to the israeli ports mediterranean ports which may be ashdod ashkelon or hefa however the arguments which are being given even in israel against such a plan such such a railroad plan to act as an alternative to the source channel are number one the port of elath cannot be expanded further presently israel shares elath with the with the israeli uh the israeli port of elath with the jordanian port of acaba which is just next door before the creation of israel there is just one port that was the port of acaba after the creation of israel as the war which was fought between the israeli and the arabs the port of aqaba was divided between israel and jordan so half of it was taken by jordan and the other half went to israel the entire coastline of aqaba between the port of elat and the egyptian tourist resort of taba is not more than 13.5 kilometers now such a narrow shoreline is not enough to create an infrastructure for a railway network which would replace the shipping through the source canal also presently all the israeli ports that is the port of eilat as well as all the ports the three main major ports on the mediterranean which are ashdod and heifer they are working at their optimum capacity and no further expansion is possible without creating longer waiting lines which would be next to impossible to handle so only a limited quantum of cargo can be transported by rail between the red sea and the mediterranean sea last year a joint emirati israeli company concluded a deal with the state-owned israeli pipeline company for transportation of emirati oil through a pipeline to the pipeline owned by the israeli oil pipe line company it will be transported through that pipeline to the mediterranean coast and from there to the european coast to the european ports but that would be just a fraction of the total amount of cargo which is presently being transported through the swiss canal hence the plan for creating a link between the mediterranean and the red sea to act as a rival to the swiss canal is just not possible now this talk was based on an article written by israel fisher and the topic was can israel's become an alternate alternative to such canal it was it was published in the israeli newspaper ha arrests on first april 2021 that is on april fools day so it was published on april fool's day but it talks a lot of sense it was not the not the only reference which i used for this talk so this is all i wanted to say during this session see you in the next video till then bye bye
Channel: The Observation Post
Views: 642
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Id: 92X3peRxHDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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