The Island (TV-1952) DAVID NIVEN

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Fade Out one fade in three [Music] television division presents David nevitt in the island [Music] beautiful George it's beautiful what the island oh they're all the same but you've seen one you see them all hot uncomfortable full of insects you don't have to go ashore I'm only going to stay longer to see this doctor the judge I've waited two years for this honeymoon we haven't been any place yet but Pete says Laura it's nothing but a couple of palm trees stuck out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean but George all right where did I get my camera Laura I wish you'd stop acting like a tourist no Mrs Masterson very sick come quick [Music] I talk to you no no I'm in a hurry emergency why the innocent what does he think he's brushing off [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] no penicillin I find it infinitely better than shark's milk with the treatment of coral poisoning cat is silly then why the coconut juice if I want them to accept my ways I have to accept theirs look here I said I wanted to talk to you I'm George Masterson I don't care who you are we stand out here in the sun much longer we're all gonna get sunstroke foreign [Music] please I hate to see you get so angry I said my name was George Madison you've heard the name Masterson I own this island I own this soap company that gives you your job your work for me is that clear perfectly sterilize it carefully I do doctor I do you know it's funny I never thought of Masterson as being a man no what did you think Masterson was I don't know a sort of copra devouring octopus that's spewed out soap for sale well now you know mass is a man a man with questions and he wants answers about you doctor what do you want to know about me what is your real name you know my name Madison is on all the records it's Sydney Bartel that's what it says on the records Sydney Bartel but that's not your real name and what makes you jump to that conclusion because I'm particularly who works for me I check into everybody's background it took me a while to get around to you but I finally did it and what do you think I found out about your background doctor what you don't have any you're all the same aren't you you white doctors will go native you think you can change your name and hide out on the tropics you think nobody will find you out what did you do lose your license kill a patient now why should it make any difference to you I do my job here these people respect me and I respect them they don't ask for my credentials where I came from what my name is what is your name Sydney Bartel all right Bartel if that's the way you want it you've got a week to get off this island where do you think you'll find an unclouded doctor to take my place for what you pay we are being overpaid for that mumbo jumbo you practice Mr Masterson yeah here what's that for for you you're sick Mr Masterson did you tell him sure I told him what did he say or could he say he's guilty seems a shame to make a man leave a lovely place like this oh stop romanticizing Laura laughs heyda that Johnny boss in here Johnny you don't quit scrubbing that floor you'll Wash It Away doctor say keep him clean I keep how's the old pill Pusher well as well as can be expected how's Hotel doing he's doing all right you should be back at work in a week or two I gotta hand it to you Doc in the old days Coral poisoning meant amputation you've worked miracles around here don't thank me thank penicillin did um Master doesn't talk to you yet yes look doc I tried to talk him out of it but I'm just a labor boss he wouldn't listen to me it's funny he can sit out there isolated in his yacht and with one word decide the whole course of a man's life oh maybe you could well you know I'll straighten out your record and okay doc forget it bad habit of mine talking too much probably don't accomplish heads if you need me [Music] foreign [Music] George didn't want you I understand [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] you're crazy I've never had appendicitis you've got it now and you had to be operated on immediately not by you all right where's the closest hospital in Tahiti we'll go there George there are doctors there yes there's several fan doctors there there's also a good mortician you don't scare me Doc you think I let you stick a knife into me well I'd cooperate on him doctor now please it's up to you Madison or do something do you want me to lie here and die get one of your crewmen to help me carry him they're not gonna take me off this boat I can't operate here I'm not going to cut me up on that filthy Island there's a blow coming up this boat's gonna bub around like a cork in a bottle you're a liar there's no blow coming up do what the doctor says George please what do you think you're doing I'm going to keep you quiet we get you on the island this is a great opportunity for you doctor [Music] [Applause] where is everybody well these people are walking barometers they don't stay out of doors when there's a blow coming he doesn't look like it will storm it will foreign [Music] boats in got your medical magazine oh miss Masterson anything wrong my husband had an appendicitis attack the doctor's operating on him say that's great oh I didn't mean about the boss being sick but the doc finally getting to use it use it here's what well the operating room you'd think it was the Mayo Clinic the way he keeps it when was the last time the doctor did any surgery oh the natives have got a taboo against hospitals you couldn't get one near an operating room stop don't touch him do you want to contaminate the patient stay out of here is all right [Applause] look at that that's the wind quick blow it'll be over soon [Music] [Applause] he was right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he is going to send you away doctor scalpel [Music] hello this is Marcella Houston do you still have Christmas shopping to do well here's the place to do it your Singer Sewing Center where you'll find everything for the woman who sews and the world's finest sewing machine and say do bring your husband because then you can tell him what you want most for Christmas a Singer sewing machine you know this year singer and Only singer lets you choose from The Big Three the amazing new slant needle singer the world famous straight needle singer and the all-purpose swing needle or zigzag singer this is The Versatile swing needle singer a marvelous machine designed for zigzag and straight sewing it does all sorts of decorative stitching like this we'll also sew on buttons and make buttonholes without attachments now let's take a peek at this world famous straight needle singer here's the smoothest stitching machine of its type Dependable as only a singer can be and here's the amazing new slat needle singer the only Home sewing machine with a needle that slams toward you instead of being straight up and down making it easier for you to see what you're sewing easier to guide your material and look this new slant needle singer is a cabinet and a portable all in one isn't that wonderful yes only singer has them all the amazing new slant needle singer the world famous straight needle singer and The Versatile swing needle singer and it's so easy to own a singer because whichever model you choose singer offers you a generous trading allowance on your old machines and easy budget terms and remember you never have to worry about parts and service when you own a singer select the singer you'd like for Christmas at your Singer Sewing Center tomorrow together [Applause] [Music] your husband's all right but you'll have to nurse him I can't spare marua may I see him sure go on in it better felt good huh what do you mean well you know using the operating room never get a native in there and it took you back the old days huh where did this come from a mailboard came in today I brought it up to you well you know how I feel about people picking up my mail you had no right the skipper asked me to I don't care who asked you to never do it again I'm sorry but I'm glad about Masterson well you'll be all right just rest I suppose you thought I'd wake up full of gratitude tell her you could stay on here now I've long since he's to expect anything I find it makes people more palatable oh I'm palatable I expect to pay for services rendered no because what do you figure your life is worth so that's it how much doctor five thousand ten thousand no more I've already been paid what do you mean my check from the company was on time this month as usual oh that wasn't taking care of them natives this is different not to me Mr Majesty a life is a life how could you talk to him like that how could you be so ungrateful to him a man like that I offered a pan you can't ever pay him every time you take a breath every time you take a step you'll have to remember that he let you do it what did he do work as black magical okay oh Mrs nest I hope I don't eat food no no I'm sorry Dr Lubeck about George what did you call me back I didn't mean to pry I saw it on the medical journal while you were operating on George it doesn't make any difference to me who you are you are I just want you to know I'm grateful you saved George's life you like it here don't you doctor this island means a lot to you I didn't realize that it showed that much I could tell the first time I saw you in the native Hut with a coconut and hypodermic needle what did the coconut mean doctor is it a Superstition no I'd say it's more of a religion the coconut is life to these people you can't say they're wrong after all they eat it they drink it they make their houses of it everything they do evolves from the coconut they even get paid by the Masterson company for riffing it off these beautiful trees so it can be crushed up into soap where would you go who knows somewhere out there there's a place for me another Island somewhere where I'm needed that must be a wonderful feeling Laura Laura where are you hi judge you want something where's my wife she go for Sea Island with Doctor hey it's you get out of here what do you want there's gonna be trouble the natives are unhappy well why bother me with it that's what I pay you for they're unhappy about the doctor leaving the island well tell them he'll be replaced it isn't the case of getting just any doc you've got to find one that'll treat these people like human beings understand them take the trouble to respect their Customs what are you trying to do save his job for him well don't waste your breath he leaves the island day after tomorrow what's the matter that pigh-headed bullheaded what do you think you're doing I'm getting up Not In the Heat of the day you can get up to see I get up when I please not while I Am the Doctor your days are numbered oh George if you flatten his back for at least another week but you're leaving day after tomorrow the great bargaining position you tempt me Madison but there'll be no bargain I'll stay with you as long as you need me and that's all [Music] tomorrow's the last day you like this island don't you yes or is it the doctor good morning Laura good morning how do you feel you're in love with her aren't you George well are you in love with my wife in love with her thank you for the compliment you can go back to the yacht tomorrow then I'm all right physically that's good enough for me yes it would be that's your sickness Masterson you the big you you have to be top man don't you I am top man for the moment what are you getting at you were worried that I was taking your wife away from you when you should be because one day somebody will if you didn't have any feelings for him you might at least have had some for me is it true Laura did I lose you would it matter matter but you're my wife yes I know that what's gone wrong what have I done I thought you were happy is it uh the doctor it's not that simple but what is it then what's wrong you don't know do you all I know is that you're my wife I love you I always have loved you but before I let anyone take you away from me George foreign take my bag out of the yard will you yes I I am not much for apologies but I I did a lot of thinking last night I was wrong about you I I want to make it up uh where do you want to go go surely York London Paris I don't care who you are or what you did I have influence and a barrage of lawyers to square everything for you oh just a minute are you doing all this for me just because I took out your appendix you know that's not the reason yes I know but I can't accept medicine I'm not interested in New York or London or Paris but thank you just the same you don't mean you want to stay here yes if it doesn't stretch the policy of the company too far Laura said you want to stay all right if that's what you want with a lifetime job no questions asked but I still think you're crazy I'm ready George you're right Laura he's not leaving with us ah we're leaving now Johnny I'll table you from Honolulu about the new contract good hope you have a very nice trip thank you for everything Dr lupic goodbye dog goodbye may I say goodbye miss Masterson goodbye Johnny she called you Lubeck I used to think you're a low back too used to once before I saw that name on your medical magazines I'm available before I picked him up and well last month I had to go to papiti got a little curious asked a few questions I found out that Dr lubeck's been dead for four years you've been very square with me Johnny you have a right to know the truth look doc you don't have to tell me anything I want to I am Sydney Bartel Bartel but that's impossible Masterson had you looked up there's no record of you anywhere there's no record of a dog to Sydney Bartel what do you mean well it's a long story Johnny the short of it is I'm not a doctor you're not a doctor how about the work you do here that operation oh it started out to be a doctor I did two years of medical school then the war came along well in a Japanese prison camp even a half-baked daughter like me was better than them I've kept you from going back when the war was over oh a lot of years have gone by and I I just didn't feel like going back to school so I Island hopped for a while I ended up in papiti that's when I met Dr Lubeck he took a liking to me and made me his assistant then when he died he left me everything all his instruments and books I never did get around to canceling that subscription here's to the medical journal well there's only one thing to do now back to school but you're doing fine here what do you want to go back for two little initials MD oh I know Johnny in that operating room I knew I'd have to go back you see that operation was an easy one but if I went on like that one day I'd come across a tough one then I'd be taking a chance I wouldn't want to do that I don't get it if you didn't plan on staying here why didn't you tell Masterson and spoil the first decent thing he ever did in his life yeah come here [Music] your star David Niven will return in just a moment four-star Playhouse is brought to you by singer for over 100 years the most famous name and sewing machines visit your nearest Singer Sewing Center identified by the famous singer red s trademark on the window you'll find it listed in your telephone directory only under Singer sewing machine company foreign we've enjoyed having you this evening as guests of the Singer sewing machine company won't you be with us two weeks from tonight when Charles Boyer will be our star in Four Star Playhouse thank you for being with us and good night [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 11,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IuXUex7jPzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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