The iRacing Indy 500 (2020)

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[Music] right boys let's do it Indy 500 time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well first of all I wanna say thank you to Adam the Batman before we even started dropping 20 pounds I don't know why looking for this big time he says I got paid today well congrats man well I was starting to slowly open up which is a good thing but make sure you wash your damn hands still and keeping away from others fuck'em hey guys Jimmy here bhindi 500 race starts the race goes live in half an hour because I am the most prepared person ever to grace a sim steering wheel I have not qualified [Music] here also 1800 members that happened last night which is which is crazy Thank You greasemonkey let's go yes let's go now I've got to say I'm not going to say who gave this up but it was someone who is watching he'll know who it is so thank you very much for giving me this out for this race it feels pretty good yeah I know I know because basically I kind of forgot qualifying was different from like the race in Indy like oh yeah I know it's stupid all right don't worry about it but we're out here to have fun now the reason why I'm doing this race now is because if we have a big crunch which is you know it's very likely which is very likely then we're gonna end up doing something else we'll end up maybe doing cam or maybe even doing the next Indy we'll see but we'll see Thank You Gavin blank I love a new member coming in see his body but you're actually running last year's livery which I still think is sexy know about you guys I really love this thing so let's recap my last two Indy 500 so 2018 a mistake called by me and Sam it cost us a win and became faithful sick for the end 2019 we were leading and got taken out by a bat marker pretty much just doing whatever the you want on the circuit and I got blamed for it which is normal 2020 where we gonna crash this time the crashing t1 it should be fun though just decided to have a try have a good time today and I'll take things too seriously thank you Adam also a member as well as that crazy donor later on you need to register for the race as well which I as I opened Jeff hasn't even opened yet we'll see [Music] how do I spell pageant oh you know I remember when I was throwing a post about that and I had to look up how to spell it because I'm Dyslexic AF and I was like hash now which is actually kind of how this spell doesn't spell spell forever Thank You torrent yeah well it goes bad if you've got one more race coming up in the evening and we have the potential we're doing camel which I'm not practice or either so I will see what happens there'll be some racing today where rabbits help I get with this I know me I'm a I'm a RC boy when it comes to racing so hopefully I don't throw my toys out of the pram Abbey were doing today yeah man we're gonna race up doing doing some practice as you can see out in the circuit do a couple laps quick and just get back up to it so I'm fortunate I can't turn this halo off or make it transparent I don't think because ten out of ten I'm ready to turn left man how many people are going to come in here making the same term left joke thinking they're a comedian I think we should make an effort chat every time comes in makes that joke we have to like really laugh profusely like really over the top I've never actually heard anyone say that before it's that's the best Wow that's the bow yes [Music] [Applause] three in case you forget which idiot is driving he got the dick broadband sticker there [Music] I wonder my greta saved our life because now having the entire the entire street this actually feels pretty nice it needs a little bit of a jacket towards the end of the stem which that might have reteach me how to use [Music] Thank You Wade [Applause] but the car itself feels like it is capable fo have over stead or it feels like it's quite loose soon really have minimal turning you in the first slide in the car a lot [Music] Peggy Reese tears buddy and safety is just a pure Simpson gear a good night under sixty me don't you sit dear so I'm weighing police if gear come to rise up again hold on Oh God why is it alright look everyone [Music] we can find it quite close as well on the first couple laps go be careful if it does get worse as this thing goes on [Music] [Applause] it's tender here a larger stream is blessed now we are we willing a race and pencils here [Applause] [Music] I had some drawers let's see newsy a like about 360 KS when you want to start thinking about self gear I know it's SP on the chap ugly thing FINA maybe I'll put the move the things you can see though [Music] Thank You Bryan oh it's all making a joke [Music] good so you want to get super close to that white curb but don't actually touch it [Music] if you touch the white curb broad Jimmy [Music] we don't want that to the white curve immediately this is pretty much what you want to do is have a drive like this but there's no one around you but of course that will be the people around you after other races [Applause] good up shifting a downshift tomorrow we are using a sequential gearbox it does slow you down [Music] we try and avoid doing as much as possible and I sure got a draft of course you know I might move the Epistle you can see be nice like that thank you everybody thank you for tuning in today laughs over here I won't be paying in these public spaces risk quite hard to pay attention to chair because I know like it's just turning left along meme but you are telling laughter no 220 mile an hour you have to be so precise see ya the feel comes out of the car it starts to slide law it's been a little slide so you feel it in the force feedback though something that I arias think of stuff pretty well is kind a lot of negativity really so that's give me some positivity alright so pretty well is the feel of the fly in the wheel here you know exactly what the winners do it there she is ginger nut thank you my going but it's not quite the same we've understeer and it's a more visual oh my Tyler we deliver Jesus Tyler dropping what you doing man that's good luck thank you buddy luck is what we need around here really I love to say it's still big kind of a 50/50 rindy but thank you so much man that's so crazy frankly generosity there thank you dude it out while my qualifying time my qualifier time is I forgot to do it so we're starting we are going to be an interesting field over I have practiced you know it Walter I'm taking the serious is like the other big events I did practice for it the stars mainly so I can be okay and also courtesy for the other drivers Thank You Marion what issue who can ruin a race if you not that your race you ruin I should say sorry if you make a mistake so [Applause] [Music] they'll avoid screens I'll show you sure and then we do my green flag pit stop fantasy like up all these this is actually important to do here because if you overshoot or hit the brakes too hard you just commit the big die [Music] how that was not a penalty but that's pretty much perfect to do that way if what do is our sinks and hit refresh the YouTube premium thing sort of the YouTube membership thing is only for premium people I think this is that in the poster yes boys you know you if you're not first you're last all right so here's a car it was painting by Sam last year so we're really nice thank you Tyler thank you again of smoke on there the boys going to work now you can see my greatest my greatest shame chair can you see what color the the license is there and in one a bailout okay so no one ever got duty parents stuff on their massive everybody do oh I still do I can write something I want but I don't but and the although the eros screen just sort of break the delivery a little bit it still looks fine I think it looks okay massive thank you everybody who is donating etc double stream wasn't that last it didn't happen last year this thing where I started doing like two streams at once right also if you hit exclamation mark Jo in the chat I think he has timing or it's exclamation mark timing I don't really know one of the two that it's there I'm just gonna see if the race is available time for you let you guys watch this thing go around looks good in motion I think that's a really nice looking car one of Sam's sounds best in my opinion Sam I don't race it ball I meant to this is why I painted it and I just didn't race it so Sam hates me maybe it's timing the timing or Joey I don't know I wasn't hitting timing and audio so I took that which one is the one but Tara's where I can tip it up some timing for us again he's an absolute mad lad like that alright let's get ourselves sign up [Music] I thank you drive man yeah it's been a pretty crazy few years of you been that then this recent who's an events of as much as I hate saying it has helped me a bit but we'll see I mean the car on its own okay the commander stamping Thank You Bailey then the car on its own if I'm on my own it's actually pretty quick like I think we're in the top kind of like third of cars in terms of just pace driving around on their own but in the draft of course it will comes undone very quickly [Music] yeah I think it was also on country as well duh nearly so yeah I mean like there are some mustn't you have to click view to see be eligible really right we have signed up for the rice let's get rid of that let's get you guys cursed temporarily and then you're like a bit of cursing you mean you say you don't like the cursing but I think you kind of do you know it's like a chat has calm syndrome for the Rothman's anime we've cr-z let's see how's that I don't know that cough cool man just hit 1k likes tears guys appreciate it let's hit 14 billion by the end of this stream shall we let's start reaching out to other solar systems get them to like the stream that's that's the real influence of strap man's launching rockets to other worlds to get them to like the stream thank you Matt yeah I mean I thought I wish I could have grown physically I'm still like 5 for 8 on a good day if I'm in peak gamer mode where I want the the hunchback going on I'm like 2 foot start the race now I can't start the race mate that's not on my control it starts at two oh --is that's a lot of boys let's just go round for a bit I put in my ovals yeah like in general not great at Indy I think I'm okay no pun Torito Jimmer there's just formula cars right why not no maybe it was okay it was look at me I'm learning chat how about that there is that a good place to have it why is there a gun on this who goes you know I need a my pit board a gun that would show everyone how serious I haven't raised and I've got a gun on my pit board thank you everybody definitely one probably man hopefully not though America yeah [Music] [Applause] like imagine me had like another hobby like I know repairing lawnmowers and sterile guns I use pearl warmer up there I said shy when I grant your little burrows [Music] [Applause] [Music] clear up top Salida box exit boss man [Applause] [Music] was it hard to learn attractor a always if map hard to sing honestly is this learning how to get the car through the corner and doing it efficiently that sounds like a really easy thing right because you're just turning left but you can feel the car slide you can feel it push and the idea it's habit not do that at all [Music] we've got my sex please mate clear so this would be damaging for the race already so I'm just trying to think of how I would say this guy is some house ready wouldn't you [Music] let's get prancercise clear up cop what's the tire pressures it's copter come out for me so I can shop from speed in the story line [Music] I get it yeah it's not I don't need to be isn't sick hereby and I [Music] okay this is the thing that I need to learn this is the thing that I'm not good I was just kind of like Racecraft and knowing when to just wait I dressed he saw happened last night if I'm driving the life when we lived in here next act out there the whole always getting antsy [Music] [Applause] [Music] doing creet hard that's how you call the crash [Music] [Music] he's a lot better in the draw flam it seems like he's so right on me so good this is good though say hi for the car [Music] [Music] I feel same thing I don't know I didn't ask SAP my preparations this race has been a long great [Music] they can't be quite easily just like there will be a lift in the straight here not ready we use point two less all that just just lifting there like that so maybe this could be a strap we can't get by just follow the guy and save fuel [Music] think of saving a green flag pit stop then or a caution them [Music] the whole point of Indian something like to also get into my head in a certain it doesn't matter where you are on the race and already the last like 30 laps or so that's when you have to have your strategy saw it out yeah this guy's quicker I think I can't quite stay with him in the grass know properly anyway [Music] the thyroid put the weight jacker on give myself more oversteer but make it a bit looser or I could crash into a wall that nearly [Music] I attempted like back seating I'm gonna be ignoring all of you the entire race hope you realized that there might be a point where I got like hey cha what do you think of this then though might look at you but otherwise I am NOT going to be taking any of your advice at all look I don't like you but because you say the cut like this you just contradict yourself all the time and you are driving the car now the car feels so [Music] [Music] Thank You bunny lemon you remember so actually quite slow here seems I'm actually losing out maybe that little bit contact I had gave me some damage drop here low [Music] this concert run quick innovative lemon [Music] oh my god Tritan dubbing his war or something because now i can't drive the way I did before of course this is typical while racing you go into several sessions and some of the one you're in is different one for the race [Music] [Applause] nd it's really fun though it's a really fun race not good - you trying to do I want this a lot oh nice basically just a chest at 220 miles an hour once I can get behind that [Music] Alexander [Music] my god [Music] Roma Conover Weymouth died you the big stupid shot on this [Music] I did the big stupid chat yeah wrong stuff never fix it up why am I like this boys [Music] [Applause] ah sorry ma [Music] I think if the will was inquires offset it before and the car isn't reacting the way [Music] and my brain is pretty big guys one light equals one like you Thank You Bradley I've got a good race scene man I don't think you're watching a stream first point but we will survive til I wonder somebody could survive chats all I want [Music] I didn't I was good at chess man I've never won a game of chess there you go that's how it is ready to go thank you very much another new member [Music] [Applause] the fill we're now actually doing the speeds I should be doing [Music] I can turn in now holy [Applause] [Music] think if she named Philip master-maid I didn't I just had the wrong cell phone for like 10 minutes tell me that him from me man [Music] [Applause] the FFP is now a shoe that so that hi it just picked out the bumps for me I'm holding the ball very loosely as well so I'm letting a news like I'm fighting it [Music] [Applause] give me that draught I can't see the guy after look at the relative to see how far away is if I go to sick portal that's how big IQ having a halo is on the single monitor as I race give us a transparency option please [Music] wait there is why I just don't know it is there a transparency option and why complaining for no reason i go [Music] oh man slow for the new ink Oh God another is okay hi right sir transparency option for this please you know how vision works you say they're the f1 game does it you can do it to IndyCar [Music] now it's bear this out this is I hit the wall and hit me okay [Music] Chuck can you let me know which direction are going around if there's a good event loss if you could type a direction of the corners for me as they come up I'd really appreciate that go I'm not really sure where I'm going [Applause] [Music] thanks guys I do appreciate it oh [Music] chat slight term right this is why I see guys I give you one option I know that say which way am I going I expect to see of less the people are telling me to turn right that's why I don't listen to yourself or fight alright [Music] you see the problem we have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well so I have to apologize to iOS and for moaning about the track temperature changing when I didn't have the right setup on that was me doing a bad I'll be going to be killed here oh it's old brothers hello Bradley [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not be afraid of the wall but also be terrified a bit at the same time [Music] do ask Andi thick all right here we go oh yo don't you scaredy flicks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] easy [Music] let's go boys race time argh I'm so nervous I wouldn't know because like it's a really fun stream people like watching it and then it just gets like it just gets ruined by even me being sued or someone else being stupid so please no bannerino Jima thank you everyone thank you everyone who's been like donating and while I've been going around the bench being terrible thank you guys aim for the wall but don't hit it it's good advice man if you're in an understeering mess like me all the time this is Jimmer aim for the wall don't bottle it thank you guys I really appreciate your your faith in me which is to be fair probably correct in game orders that'll sink then hit refresh alright first of all let's get our correct setup on chat see that I learned from my mistakes it only takes me a long time and then let's see who we got in here 15 when they practice and 200 after course oh do I know anybody in here with a number 8 car which is concerning so where do we start then oh I start 8 because of the dude that's better than actually qualifying who needs to qualify when you can just start [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like everybody [Music] if you've got it got us popular so the idea is just to trying to stay out of trouble right will that happen shadow I've got such a bad feeling about this race man I wish I didn't I've been hurt before you know [Music] we have a fast repair no [Music] Thank You Sparky [Music] it's gonna be lit now it's not bad it's not gonna be lit my gosh you scared the entire race [Music] crash equals Chim it does man I got bottle of Jim waiting to me [Music] the thing is though camel duties are Daytona man like Earth was rat [Music] [Applause] [Music] the steering wheel is like this because oh my god more than what you do it man and live inside there a share you're here more than you dig around dude out man thank you so much [Music] did that yesterday - you're that thank you buddy [Music] absolute my lad [Music] Thank You Man [Music] hope you enjoyed see how you're putting yourself out either you know I always appreciate your support of a channel but you come first of course [Music] there are no good Robles changed my mind [Music] it's China's and vote now Robles [Music] that pattern is not here so we are safe thank you everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how Terry by searing it sideways gives purpose the officer so what I'm telling we will I mated is turning it straight like this it just keeps the world movement quite small you don't really turn right long purpose anyway so it's keeps your world we've been really really nice and nice and easy not buying it too much [Applause] on either we challenge I have do I have a time for the pre-race three we're eating brie pre-write I just got into the bar from the start Arion let's have a look I've got oh I've got at you got time I'm gonna go for a luxury how sweet absolute luxury Thank You Alan I'll be back in a second guys you can watch the band today of practice I guess [Music] you're doing [Music] no pun Torito Jimmer [Music] but the wine on this Oh [Music] [Music] please no fun Torino Zuma [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drive fast beat ass [Music] please no punto Reno chairman now you guys better not be crab Posen Oh God I didn't actually complete the speedrun yesterday I got bored I like three and a half hours I should I got to this one where I can see and I wasn't in the best mood such as left it yeah I'll come back to another day it's segmented now [Music] Thank You Devin his body a thousand people watching a chair for free minutes us case you guys know entertainment we chair stream now my mic is fine I can see that it's fun next one is well [Music] oh yes the engagement wine on this Oh Thank You guru cheese buddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sameera are you busy now you can be busy are you doing it frays [Music] [Music] [Music] you better hope his body eating on second it might be a good idea for me to have like someone to Chacho me now and then about what's going on if you don't mind of course [Applause] [Music] there is no time when the trace Dunlap's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay was that birthday nothing [Music] okay which guess what I'll do is I'll pull over here get off the line quick [Music] thank you David thank you for that good that my yeah over there guys okay if not then you [Music] that's disturbed Sam's [Music] Disturb is a lunch I I'm here to disturb you yes hold on let me put push-to-talk on I will be on this if you don't mind just going to see easy for you to just a shout and get mad that's fine do some Chatham for us Sam hello Chad I'm here like okay good I think that's a good balance I can see ya [Music] do you think I was calling you sorry sorry chat I wasn't calling you I'll call you next time now load up into your session then kill [Music] please no Punta Reno Jimmer thank you David jeez me I hope you guys okay dude how do we can get free us together my goal was always just to finish finish on the lead lap that's my goal I know that like I tend to outpace at Indy so hopefully we'll do okay but there are some quick guys out there thank you Marmaduke good to see you buddy are you doing this one [Music] when does the rice start and just under a minute just every minute sorry yeah that's what I'm gonna do I want to take a lander well alright I'm gonna take him out from the pit lane and then that's how I'm gonna a song when I get my Indy car seat that seems to be acceptable so doing the six one though I'm at don't worry because then I'm gonna set you a lap target to try and beat where I crash out and you've got to try and be that I got the pre-race shakes man [Music] hmm out Thank You Elliot lights out on the way we crash yes yes I'm AI I'm Kirsten India man I don't I don't foresee a a result like that just getting finishing on the leave that would be absolute pug there is a second session later on today so maybe a wine they'll be our last race depends how long this one goes oh boy here we are guys welcome on in if you just joined us to the iRacing Indy 500 open set up which means we can have whatever setup we like we didn't qualify because my IQ as you guys all know it's very very high but we're starting in pH regardless because thank you I rating system and hopefully we'll have a good race last couple of years haven't been too good for me in terms of well having's have gone but hopefully you know we'll we'll be okay in this one make sure I've got the right fuel which I kind of see where is my fuel I'm fairly sure it's race fuel 60 liters like race tools no 60 layers then 70s there we go you're on outside we've got Sam who's accompanying us Sam and I have nearly one in D before mmm Sam and I wasn't your mistake it was our mistake Sam we're together all right hashtag blame Sam no way Oh Tosh tags today is our first IndyCar race with a halo or arrow screen oh here we go man half starting to ramp up as it tends to do Fitbit says that I am dying cool yep it's lion tiem it tip it knows I'm always done I don't have my fuel map set though but I can do that in the you do that in the black boxes yeah first gear to start right yes shed a carpenter yes that's me [Music] fireman's shed know man the heart the start of India is always the worst of me I think because you just to realize that you're about to all be miss Arling round the circuit at over two and a mile an hour oh it takes one little mistake just a small one crowds all here that you are chat just chilling out on the stands they're not socialists on it yeah chat just not be that Shetty chief Oh for sake all right here you go deep breath I guess watch the leader see what he does then make any city moves don't take on you site for the stuff in your sign [Music] the gun at the green green green [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we go boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll see the next lap that's the way that oh yeah I don't want to know already - getting crazy up there yeah exactly [Applause] skies I know marbles of a pet [Music] three rubber cone you should be able to get this gutter next [Music] bastard [Applause] well it gets me anyway to take it it's always never about I did a liftoff and see if some field went on ER no you'd rather do the car Claire hi [Music] [Music] my lights are different to that for the first corner I'm really low through there they're quite high [Applause] everyone's still probably finding themselves remember like everyone that in this split house mollified okay I just said that beer he knows I'm here I'm just out this is gonna make sure I get the cooler I want to do that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very low through the car clear out God [Applause] [Music] a try but the wash them I think it's hot on the open side sure you wouldn't want to try the depicts at last coming back away company report drafted in the NAS pretty large so you should be able to get up please go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] still there now God creates one [Music] [Music] you know in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] without God the guard the lay down Korea Terra's fast man [Music] I don't know I've had to put away though play must be worth staying here for a bit okay Eureka it always trimmed some wing oil inner anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] the record is saying for a while [Music] mez brother Cyril well my turn off cell phone hello they Patara but as well yeah [Music] they put it away as well I don't mean much and ever that's nice in occasionally expect a bit later on maybe yeah [Music] and as I say you can always take away my litter when when you do get the front [Music] [Applause] [Music] balance you put one on the field which is nice [Music] [Applause] where's the wind at a moment [Music] it's pointing towards turn walk okay towards the wall the APEC [Music] but it's not a lot of one [Music] so David started to catch [Music] very case of wind it's not much [Applause] [Music] [Music] nobody bought about the cat among the players again Oh already go someone found pits [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that tells me that David's fastened this guy in the lead on his own I do I think I'm a bit quicker than this on my own maybe like a tenth quicker it's about how fast David's classic aspire that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] trying to take a bit of a different line and see one this one I can't just much to see the day you know was softened from as well okay I'm starting to get a bit of push come out of too now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'd be yelling black is a speciality single pie so we've got 37 liters left half a tank or so [Music] this is right no matter whether this is annoying this I'm trying to remember how big fuel tank was 70 minute when the lot you kinda have to work backwards it in its 170 140 110 90 know it e52 so how far outside there with a moment five laps too early what see what this does that's all right good Bastardo tarz quick yeah so happened one tech I'm gonna cut for now I'm gonna just follow leader I think we'll see what David does behinds as well he's very he's quite quick he'll though he was starting to fall off a bit Mark's patent to be fluent if you want to have one fin what happened was that conan turn one from a guy trying to go around the earth what was that cat that's my guy there is Oh nuts okay goes let's line up single file get that for ya so I think we're still one second it should be no Luke - that's Jade oh but they're a lot stop second go it almost too far forward yeah almost I hope you guys been doing the stream by the way I'm a bit quiet during this plan focus on the race of it but if you're on Jordan I'd appreciate you just tap in the white bun feel free to subscribe as well also go over to SoundCloud and check out my boy M phobias he does the intro and outro for this well we you did the intro you do the outro anymore no I never good teacher it's a regular intro so you should go check them out with a good boy now steering's off it's like this on purpose if the car is designed to kind of turn left you can adjust the steering offset and car setup so yeah it is kind of built to do that because the car is always turning left but it's also a driver prep I always like it a bit to the right so because it's easier on my left arm when because you're putting in less lock so you're putting in less effort you think you're gonna get by these cars or look I know I got a look at the old off dog find clutch as much as I can right there I hope everyone's not fitting fight six I think like we have like some pace here the guys behind us I think it's me mark and David right now guys behind her a bit slower they were squabbling a bit much think it's why I started losing out but you were still pulling away from them I think if people are smart they just want to get to the front to see it themselves pretty much know what kind of why this I might rather be like here than in eight just remember that you can pass on the outside like the rest of us why everyone hugs the wall so I'm not gonna be trying anything I'm happy where I am right now thankfully both now back to where were a few lies so doesn't matter but I'm confident if I started to push I could get by him but I don't want to push [Music] Oh get ready going green [Music] the tide carried off be ready nice green flag green flag the of the later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but you think this guy's gonna start liking me behind if you feel more comfortable going for late go [Applause] about God [Applause] hello [Music] outside in Korea [Applause] [Music] oh I it's playing nice you might be able to work with you [Music] the diarrhea God [Music] they're hearing her clear swap but doesn't quite work they kind of need to get though they need to get the run earlier on he's gotten around early on you it's not working [Music] [Music] Oh God [Music] go low [Music] taking us out the stomach rumbling who s going behind that they're a bit more punchy this guy's seems to know the deal you can never go there yeah [Music] [Applause] clearing God [Music] nobody work and this isn't we just know if I start lifting he's gonna guidelines heavy on me it's different situation isn't it [Applause] [Music] saving put away conduit gun [Music] the of the later [Applause] [Music] Macario god till there think someone like that you gotta get steak it yeah yeah [Music] hey boy queer [Music] [Applause] seems giving me a cup [Music] [Applause] eight life [Music] [Music] can be enjoyed [Music] or setting a fight in the sky at the end this may be difficult for the happens me quite the run this time [Music] thing is your walnut sticky to get it done early almost says Oh probably up more windy the later so you're getting it only done by tarpaulin he's doing it pretty much as you get side [Music] in fraud we're inside double mock boss tonight [Music] [Music] the car outside ruining our tires just be wandering like this every time I really got traffic coming up you see how that plays into it they sawed off there as well so this might be a good chance to to Athens it wouldn't be able to go over here we're just gonna pull [Music] [Applause] I got a bit of a draw from this by marca hair hopefully they've been and hearing her Plus be able to draft Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clear inside [Music] we have a jackrabbit [Music] the nick account of the later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys quickness very long last wicked high on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can always take a bit of wing I next up with that fancy car feels nice I don't wanna start maybe towards the ends if we are in our situation okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] starting to pull a bit [Music] right now Marcus best friends but he won't be best friends for all the rows [Music] [Applause] they were put on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] staying here isn't the worst thing either because you couldn't sieve which is always gonna make the window a bit bigger so we can get back into that wait to be honest a car is like where I am now understand where I am behind Mart like it's not really the place where I want to push it any harder than I am but I can really fill the front tires scrubbing no time I suppose I might just not lift on the Australian I could get back into the good time again you know yeah he's going wider and wider at1 he's it closes that wall [Music] as well you could always soften the front of our stick [Music] and then undo that when you're out of the dryer some of okay where is that's the things like it's got a nice balance I'm not it's not under steering too much and when it does I can feel it come in and just a bit of jackers help to be honest about it really but yeah [Music] Christ following him pretty one the wind change a to one who is getting warmer no I don't think what you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the jacket back starting to get a bit slowly not a lot just you know you're just feeling obits [Applause] [Music] seems basically ourselves don't fall off the waves as do is they've got two seconds now to us [Music] mark Stephanie Pannonia well how long though [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you say which way of alb to give me a bit more turning he can soften the front or stiffen the rear soften from the Front's Brawley but I've only got front maps anyway so Oh oh it just grazes the world I think he'll be lucky if he hasn't got damaged a slow clear out doggie do you want this [Music] I don't want to be here a slight [Music] he's pinning well you have the lead at this point a radius near one so you may as well just run your back in the lake [Applause] [Music] [Applause] women hasn't changed [Music] [Music] it's just three years a row that we've been laughs [Music] [Applause] oh I describe the will myself but like a tiny tiny touch be careful ma'am Calkins sorry they made the track temperature but called her on purpose to make less poverty [Music] turn it makes a bit more difficult to go in deeper on your own it does of the suck [Music] [Applause] on my way [Music] your last office supported one for the last guy behind right now we've got three tents on most uh most of everybody when I feel starts to like what happened I will take a look for you Shane about markets good relevant catch the pace car they'll be pitting tomorrow but already in the window we kind of have to really at this point of time I feel we have left I don't it I'm on 17 liters so you know I've 72 17 I'm quite near the bottom to tank yeah here you are it laps out of the window but at this point you're inevitable are you gonna have a spot so Marisol roll get the steering fix that is that the mean that the steering's broken nice meme chat I can see pain losing this and chat like it's not broken for like baby don't worry alright let's just say it's broken there is an empty box video about IndyCar steering people were interested Donald Inc in the empty box with you some of the against like 10,000 views people saying watching snowing broken let the pipe carboy they're showing you the black flag well beep ha the paid car I've got a black are you seeing me they can pay no Pete well okay well what passing the pace car apparently on the way into the pit lane hopefully they'll do it here out man all right yeah you kind of did actually kind of seven now don't scare and do it again you have to go for it again that'll be under green flag runner really want it okay I know that or I'll drop you to the rear tell you you drop the rear no head I'll be under his black breath oh well it's okay if they never got pace you can make that lead back cut how annoying it was oh it's one of us things happen let me pop past it before the cones if that's our rules that's a rules man you can't blame iRacing for that I should have known them before I came in there was marginal of course but in a game nothing some marginal to be yes or no so it's okay so I don't know that rule I'm not really a big mobile guy so why just coming to get it sorted out but they don't matter to be fair to you there is a wall in the way and you can't really see the Pierce car especially when you're on a single screen you can't really sit beside I or the relative thing you know yeah people do that under green that's like a lap down then you might get away of it but you'll be right at the back of the field you make sure got me all my stuff haven't I you may as well throw a little bit weighing on I guess what I'll be able to get through the field a bit quicker up and take it off later okay oh wait no you can't do that sorry because yeah black like you wouldn't be able to service the car you'll need to turn everything off did and once we in our office I love to out chat press b for bottle while justin into that let's jam man we're about to hand lead someone but luckily this happened early and not like with Twain hours ago got to thats down what if I eat it at the start will come back no more that's tells you where my mikemaya my Stratis to leave the apps every year which I'm that Oh mods I'm sorry you might be safer at the back then at the front you know knowing you're a lot I doubt it be worse about that man once you know yeah I still got a long way to go let's not get crazy about it it's obviously not ideal but hey we're still in the race which is surprising to me at this point so how many laps I have to serve it go 1 2 3 on the first half I think because well if it goes yellow again weapons then then you'll have to we're going green that suspends a penalty I carried off be ready green flag green flag [Music] so you holding hold for a second though now you'll be i under back of the field so you can extend the gap any you're doing yourself here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] brights or green flag stops [Music] that date goes [Applause] just remember you can use the line on the exit turn turns one play here don't need to in this up [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're out luckily that 12 seconds go yeah I passed the pace car when I was healing round my mistake first pair behind us now we're still in the race still wanna leave that importantly we're quick that there's the 1995 9500 I watched race they were a jerk Villeneuve fastest car he got assess - you love penalty and still won the routes so you never never give up I am Jacques Villeneuve well my hair is like attempted jab donor so [Music] I had a penalty sights a bit that's why the parts in the pace car as you guys know it's not pork it happens so we got to continue so 15.2 17.1 seven seconds we are kind of the same pace the guys behind that we know they drop off tires a already up to pressure yet probably out now though if they work together which is quite hard around here we want to see them catch me a bit shocked bill cut down our guys I love you guys sometimes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean using a lot of fuel though let's be honest about it you have to got to beat the burning fuel anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] class again oh well as you guys know Chow I do stupid stuff reviews so that is the current conspiracy theory so let's hit this it is Matt mark and I show it dude stay there our wife it's a scary man this is why I asked everyone this bum please move back mark Arena Jimmer it does help that's a proven fact yeah we're pulling away from the leaders [Music] definitely I'm actually feeling okay right now because if although we are 26 we are on our own then I think probably some of the faster signs on the circuit hopefully and they'll be another pace car imagine at some point so we'll definitely crunch up a bit there and it's just that's when it's the toughest going to be is getting but getting by people [Music] hope you guys are enjoying the stream anyway one way to go yet still free calls the race left if you want enjoy that I appreciate you tapping the light maybe subscribe into got a long way to go yet a lot of work to do as well so hopefully you guys are going to be around what job will hopefully be a bit of a comeback will they put up a second on the leaders which is nice catching the guys who are up the road by about second and up it feels like maybe a half a second you get a caution air and you can be a back into this room [Applause] [Music] I'm not finding I feel impatient right now I'm not feeling the usual white school gym or age which is stuck this game there's the reality of it if I made a mistake do the crime got to do the time [Applause] and we've still got a really fast car underneath us faster Terrence eka I think so now that Marc's gone [Music] and on my own the car is to solve it I can just February easy so I thought let's make sure really easy the lines not scrubbing at all shoots out few leaders to doing 41 1 41 to 41 to 41 to in the air doing 41 0 about temple to a lap on the leaders [Applause] [Music] all right second a lot quicker than fellas ahead as I could see that now they do be getting kind of close though let's hope that that doesn't really so our charge too much with this if with this much quicker why are the shortly there they are into the story you got to see them there wasn't a big pit are there [Music] I still like Jacques Villeneuve that's my favorite wire thing for today [Music] [Music] [Applause] so interesting out like that the scrabble attires cost you that little bit of an advantage you have [Music] what kind about second and a half of them since we're at the penalty also came out anyway [Music] over there but the mother for seven seconds to 25th six to the next bat marker [Applause] suppose when you come up to them date just pray that they go there so much we can't really do I'm gonna be careful though because again I know how to speed so I don't know about that looks like Chris is actually making us worry about markers and self what making with tofu the field himself see what he does nice and smooth [Music] great [Music] [Applause] never conference which now entity one this is no one for tu-144 the one 941 six for the top three you're still for long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Picasso is quick big-big a lot of people now he's like 20k slower on spirits this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] probably have some damage I forget him after two then although it's that much so am I going before them [Music] today it's it's weird because in real life you're a lot slow you'd get black like as it is just to see if compositor you got that as a push [Applause] [Music] we are going to yes BC if I'm trying to do as the guy down the bottom innit like as a pit stop [Applause] guys doing he's been dodging over this there should be easy [Music] fear of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] by sacking snorer for life the news to you again and hands up same with the guys top had him Kevin scholar my second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to save that cooperative it's a rice offer all but still you're seeing item 15 seconds back you Maura just give it up [Music] gettin to the point in the run when they're tired she started to be going at their band or any lies that they make you chicken [Music] [Applause] pick up that push so early [Music] [Music] oh my god the push been spoiling these last two that somewhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the carryout dog clear heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's enough [Applause] [Music] they exist now [Music] so I get down as much as I can't let's no one's going through there so that's a bit nicer how much field we got in st. 21 on the line probably leaders yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our outside Kriya hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] Karen thought Dale oh it was a car organic dye let's go sorry man I slogan right now what's under sit into him forget about 27 that just happens all the time around here especially if the chat condition like we got about 27 so I'm gonna pick just because now you guys know that that shit's not intentional just misjudgment you know I'm super I thought I feel worse about that than I do about our penalty but you know it just kind of happens you're gonna have to scale move it there's a small list of touches too but that's all it takes to that speed I'm really sorry man no it's throw a p.m. later and try to make it up yeah that's not much you can really do now it's soap which isn't a pageant of it yeah it's on me hundred percent on me there's no there's no excuse sir but then what do you do you know what can you do now odds keep going [Music] the deep roads open [Music] [Music] [Music] no sorry my if you watch any of you are but lying about that murder it's just how things go really it and it card their tires start to go I'll leave you the concentrate you get in the box but yeah where is it you're a year should be the it box of further done [Music] [Music] see this is why you should be using the new pin as your top really space as a pit board and then you know I mean you know because we got a send chat the wrapping this race and we recognize you know like this I can't just excuse that like rubbing it was just my my mistake doesn't matter valves in front I still went up on them you know I'm taking a don't I'm taking full blame on that taking full blame I'm not so there's nothing else that could be said there but as I it's the same thing the penalty we can sit here and think about it you know I'm gonna remember to send the guy at DM at DM afterwards and just say you know sorry who else can you do so that's the my happen to me soon it's just you just washed up that's all it is nothing malicious is just sometimes happened that doesn't excuse it of course but it's what happened Oh send him a DM later but for now let's go trumpet that's a back of our head so let's get back into race 11 we got about 20 you never meant to wait for yellow not cause it cut that it leave me alone all right I thought that more the draft I think you have the draft - so I just think I managed to get it done and we just know when you're racing like that you want to be able to get in the corners I don't want to go side by side anymore after this you know but hmm that has to be me being a bit impatient really so where our then we're going to be p23 I think funny okay so okay let's go in some places there's some people behind that bit of our stop it seems about 27 yes last degree one I'll be right back if it being the quickest on the track doesn't entirely used to do stupid you know that's a bit of a weird thing that people seem to think with simracing we only cook it at that point you know I'm sorry because I caused them to DNF I don't want that have something that to me I'd be mad you know so got to think about how that would be for them anyway no more right now we're done with that so Pete 20 lap 69 nice starting hopefully we can get through this bit now we did that some nice laps just previously where we were base is cutting through the field and well gaining time and everyone with the green flag on our own eye cars quick on its own so we have that so that'll gap to drive into and I will try and get four here as you guys know precautions breed cautions going green open it by me ready the grain grain grain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh God career high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eight white upper [Music] or widen [Music] [Applause] it's Parkin [Applause] he's Savin up ahead as well he's probably broken too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] carry on the dark [Music] stay low through the car we announced our [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little bit patient here got America we're up [Music] [Applause] that's low [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bella got hopper a sand bar to go though yeah it's not find a way to get by if I got the right of - here's one tend to be quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] no we're letting another guy we are [Applause] that mr. Gallagher him [Applause] I'll have the win for it that's so slow through that that's what my wooden comes in you see yeah that's just the normal industries to run more wing than you think you need to because it really helps in situations like this come on let's go [Music] a lava the guy around the dog [Music] it sounds great yeah there you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Macari outside a bit clear [Music] [Music] cuz so fast man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] clear everywhere I wouldn't worry about it become got two for one Chinna arrests already uh I think I thought he hit me by hit bump it stairs but he he almost swiped I didn't see me there I'm seeing what you did there is that you scared the other deal to let you through [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the let a polite maitika oh my god Korea [Music] [Applause] [Music] during the job can samurai lamb [Applause] [Music] so start again more difficult for me that's another couple of cautions and you'll be right at the front [Music] mahalo babies in greenfly stops actually are some guy using this gear for toys at the wall that's a gun [Music] [Applause] [Music] doing a good job in the night will flow oh Oh watch out how [Music] huh and all died by a sound that happens happen tonight do they hold your line good boy clear out dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] about God [Music] they hold you on 3r up top all right well that's p7 [Music] [Applause] [Music] - put the washed up for the corner them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Music] it's alright BRF dog I love we're outside now the Kratt if you want if you if I told you he was a Cu licensee really register [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] iris stepping in the master xandred by haria hired by damn we should be fairly clean your way clear to that all right let's go settle night let's not about [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you don't want to get back in fear [Music] nice long so we're gonna play I think the reckon we are within the window to deliver from here that's a nice run that plus past plenty of cars [Music] nice and clean and you know you're quicker than the guys have had [Music] [Applause] [Music] they really I feel that one it clumsy at the start I think both kind of nature of things around here but something that's a bad one you've got a good one is kind of hard to sit behind him I also have to think about it from their perspective as well as that if they can think that they can hold you by I can keep their position they've got to do it there's a race after all yeah under percent man and they're never gonna be upset I'm with her racing me except in the first few minutes of the six hours now I hate the bastards use quite a bit of fuel that I think there like I said read in the window no I said doesn't matter too much hope you guys enjoyed this stream guys this will come back home can continue have you enjoying it I'll appreciate I like on the screen feel free to subscribe to go and for that half a million subs do a little way off yet but man's can dream [Music] [Music] there's a guy if a blown up engine that's not good psych now he sent me battery on the shoots and over shoot them [Music] we always tense rattle and so that can go ahead of me it's alright me nobody can pass him see this is the time where you could play the never get off but I wouldn't get in wait nah man I'm in the zone today God's keeping it as usual only less state out so no one had where they shouldn't be so we have Bam Benton in here I was known as I'm phobia she probably knows one of the most of my shot is a bit of an indie of that so I thought I'm along this year my pleasure my mum it's good to have someone to speak to canonize is going on because we were communicating like via chat last time was just a disaster so this is a lot asked chat hi trying to get me to help you chat didn't go so well I don't know what you're talking about my actually say oh yeah you're the one who gives me for that well we're in the window now as Sam said we've got back into the pit window which is good happy we can say in it the next lap number you're currently looking for is anywhere after green tip okay and 140 and then 170 if you're before that you have to stop you'll love to splash again yeah sure I don't let me let me careful on the restart here I want to see why one else does ideally to get to the front of the backend and just off but not on a rush to do it I know they get worse over time and I do they really understand a lot for it to you while I'm watching him do it and the tires to give up life - well that kind of slide that looseness into there which is looks like you got you have to lift off but you still you're only losing a tenth while they're losing four to factory yeah makes me wonder how much crisp it is on your setup then I'll show you afterwards it's not like I can drive it right now anyway are you what I didn't yeah is it getting [Music] resource like what do they call it an hour an RMA yeah that goes good alright guys thank you for joining so I'm not talking to you lot so much I'm sure you understand that traffic's on the race a bit but yeah great to have you all here I'm enjoying this hopefully we can can continue to enjoy it no rush off a start here I think everyone's now starting at the idea that it's a long race still got half way to go yeah about to go green Dave Baker I'd carries off to do your job girls Green Flag green flag [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a girl's name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's get this guy come on stuff and get him get up Macario god [Music] [Applause] [Music] get back in pit I'm already sauce and he's got sorry I'm saying it [Music] [Applause] I've got dropped from the guy ahead of study I no he's lighting good good lad [Music] [Music] I see a crush pleased to have already got online position [Music] they're getting really silly not [Music] [Applause] we've got the run knife clear inside [Applause] [Music] backing to keep hustling [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on lass don't about [Music] I love this guy for hopefully and parting stuff the later coming down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yet do dig that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're just what are you doing what is this I won't have a crash simulates what is the crowd and the lay down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] follow the guy on the outside here because he's got the run watch it this man we are just like making it possible for anyone else to ever take it since oh they're just doing this really weird racing I can't get a draft on one of them this bad guy is trying to the same sort of thing so it's super close I don't even got back [Music] if you want to let them head and just hop a crash bulkhead and get away no I do I sent Ruska hi mrs. Hank I think he's the problem I said let him go ahead and cross him to them [Applause] [Music] [Music] so much weaving I I don't wanna go outside in any of them if I see them wash up like I did this I want to be because I are killed doesn't matter I first get ahead some be aware there's a town I just like I can just say while I decide you can always set behind him sieve [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I mean I don't work together now they're racing they're racing as if it's the last lap just dumb [Applause] [Music] so if the children I guess [Music] that's our to start going to sentence well and I'll sweep it Yee [Music] understand we got to keep changing places just going straight on the straight so I'm gonna move I'm lazy I try not break each other's toe but the problem is I've never will [Music] okay and less again what boy less eating oh they're not black flag at this point no idea but [Music] I want to take my time is public events [Music] [Music] oh my god I thought coming up Oh God well you sounded mean glorious sounds like if you notice 200 laps now the thing it's 100 obviously [Music] [Applause] [Music] my less is less adjust viber man but he does have must be arrival on the live IndyCar track Matt I don't want to harsh his vibe you know but you know I mean like you gotta be careful so I always say get over way [Music] so I sweeten so much so much protests will man law it's crazy I think it's because it's not blocking its weight and really yeah technically it isn't hot everybody walking because they're moving ahead of the guy but not to do it just keep just well I guess then the drop [Music] [Music] our numbers in time job because I put away we were looking for [Music] be one nearly in the hall [Music] they're the left hand for me as well I'm just lifting to save the fuel really I was like is this dropped yeah I can't lie back involved whenever I like I just stand in now [Music] gapping Chris it was a good thing just doing the same thing though I see it building up a couple of times [Music] right yeah you guys I sweat in a way like you know nobody inside [Music] ray please I'm tired [Applause] [Music] [Music] here goes down Kress is disappeared of the coders [Applause] [Music] hit the wall between one and two socks - dude then they were free [Music] yeah my tires starting to show now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I come back and do this right here let's get it done I'm thinking about it it always undercut them in Wales I yeah [Music] possibility yeah yeah definitely we'll think about it slightly is left [Music] it's lacking like 7/7 elapsed lo I would have my own [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] having to like actively stop myself from sending a toy I've don't need to do it here I would also say if you did do it you just wash up ended the many yeah exactly may as well just play the wedding dear as mr. a would stop and stay on his line man life I don't get what he's doing because he doesn't need to turn anymore [Music] [Applause] some advanced I wearing strata [Music] it's getting the point where you can't just ignore them if they just start waving [Applause] they crash let them crush ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] still guys Rashad said your statements broke [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I mean of course it's a race after all raisin child defender splitting like that IV once but it's just one of those things where you're aggressive too early now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if it's a green flag stop our stop will be a lot or be shorter with the fuel as well we've been saving a lot [Music] we are in the window right now yeah Bob okay well I want to go as long as I can sir my sister brings back one hour seems like right I don't to be back in the back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my tire started about now I think [Music] how my father sent Austin that's one way to get over again that's the best right now I love it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I put on the white house tire wear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because they're far less fuel [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna tip onto that worry I have about five remaining or so okay [Music] let's try and get a little bit of an undercut oh maybe [Music] [Applause] and the window go to while you're in a doesn't really close - tubing it all in spicy life yeah you do always kind of work backwards it indeed this is starting to feel good than 30 was there he goes to suck the late [Music] back in bacon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave them on your own you'd never come you struggle to catch up you'd stand out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like a car number it on the left [Music] okay punches going on [Music] deleted bidding now [Music] I've been in a position to fight Raymond here as you exit we can get that you'll be able to get that done night [Music] [Applause] [Music] quantized pressure please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my down rectus Livia show up over the bill [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was our toe - god damn it back in the same position [Music] and elated pity now [Music] [Music] hey Lugosi beside your on the bottom rea wine clear you back in fourth position well done men that's a ballsy boot I gotta keep it low I just offered and suck carry on God [Music] clear now [Applause] [Music] have [Music] you either later [Music] [Music] I know you'd like through the car career high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] just enough to keep the air off their No [Music] [Applause] [Music] the car we uh [Music] if I you see the brakes eliminate an on clickin [Music] [Applause] [Music] ain't give me the height let's go run embarrassed a minute son [Music] bloody good move [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the naked cows delayed up from [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's washed up [Music] I'm Thomas at that's hard on his time I guess that Shetland air I copy that [Music] coercion yellow clack I'm gonna step out file peejoe get closed right now ketchup 11 girly had stopped quite know lots ago yeah [Music] say if he's looking to come in I'd follow him until the commit line just check their own behind you it's no point Payton now I don't think we're going to use 20 liters [Music] [Music] okay thing really as tires but see him time fuel it's gonna matter hello [Music] yeah this guy's just like hey that's not all later and in IRAs think Mauser you're not on the throttle it's got to be a way around and maybe some wing adjustment maybe I don't really know can't even do that yeah you can adjust the weighing on the stuff the balance is really nice though it's a thing like there's a one other adjustment you can make is to the tire pressures come antsy come on I don't know I can't see my chemist is filming in [Music] that young [Applause] they want you in single file have about 1100 really masculine to get back with your card I think you may have spared oh really which case you'll pick up them to dropped your rare doughnut able to bribe me whether though man we'll have to wait and see personal mush I don't have you got pace from people around us so only one guy stayed oh and you're a quick with Adam there you go have you guys been doing a stream 130 laps down 70 to go or so we're in a good position at the moment and we all know that can change very quickly though so we're going to keep our head down if you are enjoying the stream I'll appreciate you just tap in the like button subscribe to like in the stream does help it get pushed to other people so if you want to help share as a good we're doing it again the reminder that if you are a YouTube Premium Member I mean all that is but yeah if you're a beauty premium there is an option to below via the join button to basically give me a membership on my channel for free and I get the revenue from it so yeah I think the guys that are petting actually not no relative lie to me so wherever you go when's our next few window for the end 140 so in ten laps and after that at the end is once emanate say well we're try and get to 170 then basically can we go from here we can't can we no it's obvious fast Robley I think Reagan penalty he's been sent to the rear so he he was a naughty boy and see how he just positive when I won't we uh-huh he must have been trying the thing where you don't use a limiter and try to drive to LA limit why don't do that not here my wheel isn't centered because of the offset of a steering it's actually a setup decision whose cars won't go left anyway so you're already you're always kind of steering against it so disease you type of there how the car is set up or is it broken who knows thank you fun is totally broken of course it's broke thank you don't use the metro the car is broken he passed the pic Kanpur Andrea would do that no I didn't do that because he didn't have a stop on garlic I did this is an open set up so we're using a table I was given by someone I wouldn't they don't mean he wants me name or I don't know there he goes up to the wall yep I'm ready from ready going green the pipe carries in [Music] Green Flag green flag the got the lay down [Music] the carrot hallo career up top [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that lets not do this night again but we have a deal a doctor [Music] [Music] [Applause] I think this is the point where people are starting to kill their clearing god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the of the later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Bakara dog [Music] they love quia hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've been back to step out of it but [Music] for what it's worth I'm going down one each from career of kitten see America okay okay you on the radar Mason well I've just checked the set up in the in the gosh okay [Music] I died on that stop it's a reminder if I if I forget okay I just have to remember how the balance goes on this carcass in summer cars it's not like [Music] [Applause] [Music] doing side the naked cows the later Korea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm being told by a Bailey's Nick you see it feel what am i doing I don't know but he's yelling at me [Applause] [Music] you can see my input slats [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I'm gonna try and go as long as I can on this fuel tank [Music] Marta it's put in last year yeah pretty much in case we got a couple of cautions maybe yeah I mean you definitely step in again so it's like why did wife wipe [Music] but count on the wheel tell me that's all that's not how many that's where in weird like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're really slow now and they were starting to catch us [Music] I think I want this to be our freeways fly really [Applause] use your best judgment here [Music] I think he's saving fuel to as the thing he's lifting all the other feminine 40kg on the state say what you cannot nail for a bit keeping clear hi okay cue out the radar [Applause] he comes back and others that know her back again but [Music] tire wear maybe factoring in nicer never doubt [Music] [Music] here's our favorite driver of the day [Applause] is he doing he's coming out that's what it's doing no flares clear up top [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no they're inside clear inside [Music] I can get away I think but I just wondering do I want to do it feel or not I want involved with the ideas if you see if you could go longer than that but all I see is flashing this our welfare splash at this point not C of 10 loves just what her baby [Music] [Applause] the Knicks Gaza later comes to nail this is what I'm talking about I look kinda so soluble on this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many 8:10 faster on my own and you know [Applause] [Music] I said well going yeah I don't think it is given how close people are still [Applause] [Music] that's great home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] males got the same idea behind down down a drop down earlier in the Bourbons [Applause] [Music] but me as the sun's open ourselves up now to the rest behind us laughing so slower than nearly 42 s now [Music] it's just this is just the compromise of them running we're starting for us that it's costing me in the corners but [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think what happens is I get down to the maybe like and 15 liters maybe I'll go for an overtake I'm trying make a gap every week to under a green flag okay I think we've probably got enough for a couple us extra we're saving I obviously can't tell you how much to put in so you're going to preach at the do you know you've got a just full tanker at me well for the last I mean this was a little bit of splash we're using about two point let's say two point four lap what says here [Applause] at that site two point four which 0.35 is like max all that so will see me laughs we have left towards the end then we can calculate from that your chats better than me don't chat my god okay I do my numbers at Mars they are better than me quick maths bring up calculator type in 2.4 times and then when we get to the number of laps that's that yeah that's what Chuck worried about driving rise back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] don't know what rain would do I must have been fighting hard to get back up it I could make the guest is tired to done he's probably stuck more weighing on as well as help to now I couldn't as I was sent to - - what one whole degree I'd go just one click down on each side give you something to play up on the street I feel like that you can do thy kin this blob [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so don't think it's car violence to see issue it's just drag [Music] if we're using 2-liter lab because we're saving feel a lot you won't be doing that on our own this guy is lifting my is lifting big-time mm-hmm [Music] [Applause] well I can't really save another that in 20 liters or anything so next I'm going to start [Applause] just raise coming to India it's often fight nail all right I'm gonna go all right okay maybe wanted it closely we're not doing the same thing I mean they can hear me if they can hear you they've got time to think about other thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] the IRS died till then take the note ayat where note [Applause] [Music] we had a deal a doctor [Music] [Applause] yeah white LEDs don't ruin this America tonight [Music] [Applause] good last say that perfect I would suggest under your wing Jim does not [Music] ready you're leading at 12 if you can get the gap [Music] [Applause] but set them now maybe I'll draft [Music] [Applause] you go to their far left to appeal where [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] timing an ox crib [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] found some place somewhere stand back at me [Music] [Applause] [Music] sliding [Music] behind anyway you can go to neg on the way a jacquard missed it [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the end and the next time I think it is who left the fuel [Music] [Applause] don't really want to sputter down the pit lane here oh my god it's getting spicy [Music] Neal and Ray are going for it heart [Music] so I'm gonna come in this slap yeah [Applause] [Music] we can show up in a better film both fuel and and short hill at the end that's what I do you reckon said I'll prolly try the opposite it was so good into the pitlane there it's be carefully that's paid [Music] a lot of people practice pedantry Oh create budget [Music] so it's gonna be about ten laps I think a fuel related meeting now that should be eleven to be safe but that our fave for years [Applause] [Music] but that's my way yeah [Applause] [Music] for the Raiders Benny now everybody's in [Music] about 30 billion lesson though a time-lapse is about 25 leads and that's a book for you well I just under 30 I think that should do us a bit of fuel and Pietro 225 should be okay thanks so 26.5 there you go [Music] I'll take tires off you're any things weapon well there they are at the same time was filled how looks my boy are you gonna run this marathon tonight and if you out a reader nicely played move legs your pillock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Raymond's sped up today and again I think [Music] [Applause] you've laughed less fourteen times called [Music] I'll do it down here cover him off try to take the air off his nose going on the corners it's the best [Music] it's as Rifton [Music] you're saying about a laughter nothing I want you like maybe tell deny [Music] we have you got we've got a Pentagon so and there's nowhere of iron that you will up but so will everybody wherever it is on the same book [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's got a driver I guess now that much I can really do pop and just drive I've been trying to save a bit you know get a bit closer I don't know I don't think saving much this point is going to work out too well for us creating your Massholes use for you [Music] nothing you can do about it it's just a big old vhss point so I've been down a bit of a bigger draft or a bit letting a gap but [Music] he's really good on pedantry you know and I went did he break you know [Music] honestly it's been too long I've been able to drive [Applause] [Music] just breakfast oh come on and our sons coming out not now son it always does this man's overcast all day than the Sun it's like yo that time of day again [Music] [Music] if it's just closed it's going to get us in the stop man light of the thing the summers better have been taking a little fuel too [Applause] [Music] if you want to learn by and see if feel yourself just look out behind us seven seconds okay is he gaining or pulling back [Music] [Applause] [Music] equal at worst Festa he's falling back to none [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so obviously left alive [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I got here I didn't know I'll be the yellow surely she do something awareness no he doesn't but due to the unlimited quo yeah stop like there's no reason not that's thought tank bro 171 that's 172 with a full tank when you still a fuel in the car so it will be a short stuff I'll just hit her up then you can jump down on the star it will give yourself a bit it's gonna be a bit am I just the wing or not but nothing in the straight lines yeah I checked some of the wing up to happen so I'll have to still have ear it's worse here's your judgment for what you think you need to do it's just you don't want to make the car worse than the coroner's up no right remember where the peer struck it wanna help or for sub you we should be okay because we've got a bit of time behind the pace truck yeah so if you'll be even less anyway it's got say that all I think then just push to the end okay go he's on the field I had a better jump off the job single file we bug you barked a little bit uh come but he was really like I'm the food you must have done I had it done that's alright all the cars are loved on don't worry about him it's just done from okay well there's a straight flight now at least bit less wings and they will be okay last 30 laps the Indy 500 mayor's although she shares the whole movements text I mean he's gonna have to surely well maybe he's got a full tank I don't know you'd save no there's no saving anymore child this is it till the end not a bath Nilo however this ends out this has been a great race so far hopefully we can put away from the guys behind really quickly and not it's probably too much it's gonna get a bit a bit filthy I think towards the end of this so if you remember passion 2 vs. Rossi last year yeah you're get your elbows where they go and what burning fuel I'd rather save it and then have it then get rid of it then and then need it at the way but you have the time you lose from having fuel at the car is neck it's only matters for the length of a stop I'll cut right on this oh thank you guys [Music] couple Wang on this oh good luck there get ready going green we paid Kerry doll [Music] black green black the knick the later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll then [Music] Kalea [Music] [Music] No [Music] clear inside think about us [Applause] [Music] [Music] sorry I'm sorry [Applause] hey pride very hard because he'll have me there at the end of Ivins clear in god it definitely might be drag on the car though because he's happened to do it and what he has to do the previous runs [Music] [Applause] and I'm not if you wanted [Applause] [Music] and money later there I just got to the line before whose testimony [Music] [Applause] [Music] without God clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ji-hye clear inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh God clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh P and gave the bike so I'm trying to push him into doing right now [Music] say hi to the car on the low side clear inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the guy outside [Music] right [Music] we're up top [Music] [Music] she's less [Music] [Applause] grandpa shot please no mark arena [Music] till they all go on clear inside the [Music] [Music] right through the car behind clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] David you do something Thurman God what to me though Clea [Music] [Applause] there it's tired you're starting to go not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are outside the laid out clear out guard if you want it potentially start just told me inside and I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his tires would be the point where he'd have to do it on the outside and I'll just put them in the wall [Music] if I cut you out the radar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] without God Korea [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's pushing bad month [Music] give up mum [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tend to go a line [Music] [Applause] that's half second there galloping him [Music] [Music] right nine ago [Music] the guy's dick gone by [Music] [Applause] [Music] point six here Gaffigan [Music] [Music] he's got nothing for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna have another lesson calendar before the end [Music] I just had to that he says all the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's great sex off Pierce [Music] nearly got the second bump down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but not the person those walls we want [Music] all hopping you do hell of runs [Applause] [Music] last man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're too good [Applause] Thompson comenzar you are the way up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no it's for get a bit sliding [Applause] [Music] something where if you got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please move Fernando [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you go to whew [Music] you've got very Latin to go [Applause] [Music] hurry up God clear up top my clearer [Applause] last not bragging Oh banane one more good laugh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've got to you of the three of the triple crimes all right Congrats oh oh that's for you granddad man that's for you [Music] you know how much the stress is getting to me what's in that wow thank you so much sir it's no worries man finally did it oh my god this car finally saw W I can took long enough oh I think that's what I like guys what you think I kinda turn off my brain so now is yeah well done down man I was a really good deal there oh I cannot believe it actually cannot believe it we won India I know I almost didn't do this now I've four eyes no point doing this what is it killed I only did it just as the Sun was about to do that hacking blind as it likes to do Thank You Sandman I think that's I think that's more than payback for for 2018 what you did at man we did it you you owe yourself a pint of milk a pint of you do I get a pilot and really drink milk that much I'm not sure on that tolerant to lactose but shall we just have some milk you know while I'm gone while I'm getting the milk I don't have the boys aren't actually currently here just because of how my my scenes work please now couldn't he like turn over so we have a tradition around here it's audition that we've not had for a long time because we're not only good results for a long time a complete man emotionally in that course right one poor dreamer there is so I have any of the boys here do I have any boys here is that a bird I was a flirt I found one there's a boy I've got one too one that bird - now it's ready about what I should really start later than this map-21 savvy - it's up a big bird one can't leave him man oh it NZ - oh back in a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Holly well chess lands got his milk it's not a lot of milk and I'm not gonna do it myself because I wanna sit here again verse 3 any 500 boys finally [Music] oh my daughterís pack the Indy 500 editions gone that's it Oh oh wow so lotion dudes out you have every right to be Fatman my shoulders were so tense I was almost biting my fingers [Music] oh my god [Music] one two three Fung pleeeeaaase man speech thus now speaker and just like tired the exhaustion they're like you might think that race is an easy race to drive it isn't like I gotta give such big props to down man he really kept me guessing for the entirety yeah yes a lot of people tend to say oh Bull Racing's easy well you just proved I tell what the the relief of the end when I kind of realized hang on with Cap'n him like we're getting away and I just started no pun Torito drive like it my al look at it look at that beautiful car man look at that it's nothing better than a dirty racecar especially a Indy 500 winner Oh what's better than 100 mile the last few laps you know like it starts to creep into your mind there might happen and that's not the worst time I think you can't think that's when you that's if you remember like when was weldin won in 2011 when Hildebrand what lost it and turn four and bend it on the line he thought he won the race and then he didn't please no punch I got a nice screen so how can I even try go on oh really I'll do it I'm gonna save this though save this replay for the last can we save all lap with the translatable in fact it okay got the entire you play nice I don't know what to say man I've got no idea what to say that was crazy Shack the owner know we all once when where were we 26 after the penalty yep nearly nearly a lap down two women it and I knew I knew that we had speed I knew that we had speed like that was obvious but oh my god so was the final results they're down second David for Neal fourth nice safe and seventh waited Raymond end up 11 full lap down things made that mistake ah 10k likes about a billion Jimmer donations and memberships that I've all missed yeah I was so I was so worried man those bat markers at the end the wedding less finished less finished mate Ethan Ian that's time yeah in 16th so you know gotta be in it to win it man he kept going yeah I mean at the restart with a lot of it no I kind of saying out loud I was just kind of trying to work out where what would the deal be if we went like if we were side by side in the last lap yeah so that was like a tricky one I kind of felt out to the bit where I think it would have been okay you know would have been alright if we kept going no Punta Reno Jimmer but yeah absolute madness absolute madness concealing still one exactly we would say the moment you got it was where you were behind the money you had the checkup lens between I would say that's the moment where you won the race so that after that point is know if you got by him you'd be passed I honestly can't believe it you know I I came in today thinking about we'll just try and get to the end of this one because I've had so many disappointments at Hindi especially after last year's well we were in a kind of similar position then we just got yeah I'm gonna p.m. the guy I killed a rod is a half a stream though I gave you that in jest ma'am but yeah we'll do that don't worry that kind let me just enjoy this bit first and I'll get to that bit afterwards that you know I was worried that the two cows don't come with us to think I was David there yeah for grandad man definitely it's a nice to be able to actually get a result for him as corny as actually it sounds and a lot people do I'll even subscribe to that stuff but it's a nice a nice thing to do I've I've had my milkman it's probably a bad idea I'm pretty sure that I'm starting to become lactose-intolerant as I get older so we'll see what happens next but to do it in front of so many people I think there are nearly 20,000 people here at the end around there but how do I get the how do I get the Triple Crown I don't like it how do I get a Monaco no I roses wanna go well 230 no the big event few notes ah Mars I realized someone mentioned in the chat I glanced at the chat a couple of minutes to the end but it was pretty mad you know so I've got win the virtual GP okay then we just go break Charles's legs I'm just enjoying this decompression right now I think I needed this as well like I needed a good result I've got we got it yeah I remember I think the first time I watched and push through teeth - I was like okay here we go you know like you can't quite stay there anymore it's just you had enough time for us to keep him behind you I think I think right I think it was just good to have that that wing off that little bit of wing at the end there gave me a tiny bit more but that car's pretty man it made a pretty race car pretty race cars usually quick right it lasts in 40 well no we have to retire that livery nice I think so man well the Triple Crown if you guys don't know is them on the Indy and won the Coe Grand Prix I think only one person has it this is why miss Graham Hill isn't it there's no one else just for a melt yeah a lot people have to I'm on tires got Monaco and yeah as Monaco and to Indy 500 real nerve has is 500 and the championship [Music] roll roll or do is will enter a trial race will just go murder Oscar and Lewis and Kira and most the field and they'll still crash anyway man I just still like I wasn't when I went from 25th 26th to 15 once Tim yeah I mean it was there were some moves Alonso soon he's in da does [Music] oh my I'm just enjoying sitting there right now I don't even care watching this Batman [Music] it's nice to have a little bit of indulgence every now and then I cry it's an emotional moment man you trying to win this race rages you know the context of the win as well it's good to cry dude it's emotion like everything else in lo camel today that mate I know I can always do it tomorrow tomorrow I've got gran turismo duty so layin around all day well I guess the session closes I can't watch the end now but I have the reedplate I don't give a please no well I think that's it then guys I'm gonna go soon because I'm starting to have this the the sunburn through me you can see thank you everyone for your super generous like support of the channel tons of new members as well nearly 19-hundred now all that stuff I do have some gin although I do have to get up early tomorrow and my my I'm terrible Terri Blair with any sort of alcohol I'll out-of-context iRacing me what have they done to me apparently they've to lead it but though there's a picture they Carson's me man look where's my display CAPTCHA cars and me need a picture of life Joe Swanson behind me in the wheelchair it complete I think they deleted it because I can't see anymore but I'm gonna take them having that though that's mine now Oh God some added half sitting that well I think I should probably go now just so I can go relax again Sam thank you so much man like I thank you for coming back I know that the the chat is a fickle a fickle mistress it might be a bit scary to come in after the laughs last couple of times but I'm glad you came back well you can help more efficiently when you can actually chat to someone so yeah definitely man definitely 10k likes to madness people still like God people still being super generous and I'm missing though I should probably stay here until and say thank you to everyone shouldn't oh really me on the wiki I didn't so look for ing 500 with you this is how you get banned by Wikipedia go thank you so much thank you man Johanna wiki you well there are somebody else can't put weight on this oh maybe there's a different place there is a Jimmy but it's not me Jimmy ah sir oh the Triple Crown of motorsport okay can't put weight on this triple professional wrestling no ash I feel nerve right on the bottom Somali flag as well where is this how much well there is Shack film like God buying good lads yeah that's how you get button from my page oh my god I'm taking that I'm taking that wasn't me or I don't blame me for it and when discord journal disgorge on wikipedia Chatham finds out about this and please know it's people up true though true though true facts Shack true though I'm gonna go relax I think I mean I said now is there anyone anywhere we can send you that you guys are wanting some more motorsport probably watch who is live to my knowledge that show is streaming now you guys I know you guys like bat Joe if you don't like bad show that in the wall what's wrong with you go and give him all the love you can give him tell him Shaq Villeneuve sends you there is over on over on the big twitches thank you so much everyone for watching for being here I love you very much give bat show the love you show make in the follow as well he's a really cool guide some great streaming you know I'm afraid a bad show take care have an awesome evening this evening now afternoon I guess it Sam thank you again the love you man but worries and catch you guys next time bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah and thank you everyone who was crazy enough to support the channel the dealers haven't caught up and they won't catch up sir thank you love you [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Jimmy Broadbent
Views: 949,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z2PSpAjMx0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 59sec (14279 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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