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hey there I'm James you're watching Accounting Stuff and in this mini-series i'll show you how to make financial statements with an example financial statements are accounting reports that summarize a business's activities over a period of time there are three main ones that you should know about they're called the income statement the balance sheet and the cash flow statement in this video i'll show you how to make  an income statement we'll cover the other two next on this channel so if you'd like to watch those then consider subscribing the income statement is a financial report that summarizes a businesses  revenues and expenses over a period of time it works like this if you take a business's revenue and subtract its expenses then you're left with a profit or a loss that's why it's sometimes called the profit and loss statement   or the P&L but we'll call this one the basic income statement it's nice and simple but it doesn't give us much information we need to expand it out to see the full detailed income statement at the top we have operating revenue which is the income earned from doing business and then we take away any direct operating costs these are the cost of sales and that leaves us with a gross profit or a loss beneath that we subtract any indirect operating costs or overheads to reach an operating profit or loss and finally we take away the indirect non-operating costs things like interest expenses and tax which brings us down to the bottom line the business's net profit or loss if you'd like to learn more about these terms then  you can check out my other income statement video   and i also summarize it all on my income statement  cheat sheet and I'll leave links to both of those down in the description how do you make a basic income statement the first thing you'll need is a trial balance a trial balance is an accounting report showing the closing balances in all general ledger accounts at a point in time here's one for a dating app called Tumble it's an adjusted trial balance which means that all of Tumble's  adjusting entries have already been posted   and it was run on December 31st which happens  to be the end of Tumble's financial year this trial balance holds a complete list of  Tumble's accounts and closing balances debit balances go in the left column and  credit balances go in the right column but how does this help us make an income statement  well we can start by drawing a line because accounts in a trial balance are usually arranged in order above this line we have Tumble's assets   liabilities and equity these are all balance sheet accounts which we can ignore we're interested in this stuff below the line Tumble's revenue and expenses which are their income statement accounts the basic income statement is Tumble's revenue minus its expenses in this case they earned 60 million dollars in revenue and incurred 50,350,000 dollars in expenses that leaves them with 9,650,000 dollars in profit baby but how do we make the detailed income statement the method is pretty much the same if we go back to Tumble's adjusted trial balance then all we need to do is categorize their expenses like we did before cost of sales is a direct operating cost general, administrative, selling, marketing, depreciation and amortization are all indirect operating costs and finally interest and tax expenses are indirect non-operating costs but please please be careful with depreciation and amortization if the long-term assets that they relate to aren't used in operations then these would also be indirect non-operating costs in this video I'm assuming that they are used in operations right that's the hard bit out the way all we need to do now is lift these numbers out of the adjusted trial balance and put them in the corresponding sections of the income statement that leaves us with a revenue of 60 million dollars just like before less 17.5 million dollars in cost of sales which is a direct operating cost which gives us a gross profit of 42.5 million dollars then we deduct indirect operating costs to reach an operating profit of 10,450,000 dollars and below that we subtract the indirect non-operating costs interest and tax which leaves Tumble with a net profit of nine million six hundred and fifty thousand dollars on the bottom line shout out to all of my channel members for  your support in the next videos I'll show you how to make a balance sheet and a cash flow statement in the same way I'll see you then
Channel: Accounting Stuff
Views: 200,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: income statement, profit and loss, p&l, profit and loss statement, p&l statement, how to make an income statement, how to prepare an income statement, accounting, accounting basics, accounting stuff, income statement tutorial, p&l tutorial, accounting tutorial, tutorial, income statement accounting, statement of profit and loss, income, statement, profit, loss, revenue, expenses, financial statement, income statement explained
Id: 0--AvwZabIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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