The Inaccuracies Of Ice Age

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hello everyone turn up the diner here if any of you were born mid 90s to the early 2000s such as myself drain your childhood youtubers come across the Ice Age films at some point the film franchise would 5in Christopher made over 14 years bleach film argue be getting worse over time as seen by the towards the first film being centered around three unlikely friends is the heartwarming plot of them trying to return a human baby after his family and scrapping there's occasional comedy relief whereas in the fifth film collision course scratch that nd causes the end of the world by launching an asteroid towards Earth forcing our main characters and their many new friends to team up and save the world now the reason that blue sky studios kept on making Ice Age films was because ice age was and still is their most successful and famous franchise it's even made more money than film series at Kong James stop Superman and Star Trek however I'm not here today to talk to you about I say from film Chris respective but rather paleontologists as today we will be exploring the inaccuracies of ice age as a disclaimer I am completely aware of the ice ages fictional story set in a fictional world which isn't meant to be realistic this video is not meant to criticize but rather to educate and inform using the series as an example today we're going to hear a closer look at the main three species of repairing the franchise which also happened to be the main three of protagonists from very forceful they are ground sloths like Sid Bream am asleep money and smiled on also known as saber-tooth cats by Giga as you could tell from the title these films take place during the Ice Age which is correct for our main three species did all live during the last ice age not only that but all three have found the same for the world on the continent of North America however whether all three would have been able to meet in the same environment is much less likely a lot of people assumed that during the Ice Age the whole world was completely frozen this isn't exactly true as seen by this map of what the world was really like during the Ice Age you can clearly tell the world is not completely covered in ice however the two polar ice caps that live towards the equator still leaving a massive amount of room tropical and warm environments to grow creating a world with varying climates and varying creatures on each continent much like today the reason why all this climate talk is relevant to our three main characters could have met it's because like the rest of the world during the Ice Age North America had a variant alignment causes continent getting warmer the more Southey were this meant certain animals would prefer certain parts of the continent William amis would have preferred cold open plains in the north of the continent across Canada and northeastern America whereas ground saucer lived in warm tropical environments near the South in Central America and South America as you can see these two we lived in completely different environments making extremely unlikely they would have met however smile done also in a safety of cats lived an environment on temperate forest edges across the USA placing it somewhere in the center as we have plenty of evidence I smiled on hunted grants lost as well as living in cool environments like mammoths hopefully she's not better to be able to see where I've been unlikely that all the animals would have met in the same environment together during the Ice Age now I'm going to take a closer look at each creature individually starting with by far the most popular wall during the William Alice physically speaking I see just a fiction the way mammoth isn't actually that bad it correctly gives it a larger front him giving a diagonal posture along with short hairs and a hairy coat making it easier to adapt and give in cold and harsh environments it may be little errors here and there such as the thickness of the trunk and the weird haircut has but over it's a good job geographically speaking harder despite being found in North America William amis were far more abundant across northern Europe and northern Asia in cases such as Siberia for the originated from way manless also were adapted living in vast hold Lupin steps stretching from Europe to Canada which had many different plants William after the freedom he also lived alone with Willy rhinos bison and wild horses William have habitats also weren't completely covered in snow and ice as the films in a clear depict as this would have prevented William amis from being able to eat any of the food in their habitat but there were still plenty of other types of relatives to the William mammoth found in North America such as is cousin the Columbian mammoth Columbia mammals when larger and stronger than William Ellis with even taller front limbs and herd earned heads and much lesser Columbia Mars lived him roamed across the north of the United States all the way down to Mexico across grasslands and savanna another relative the woolly mammoth found in North America was the American masters all these were longer muscular and more squat relatives to Mars Mastodon lived in woodlands ranging from as far as Alaska down to central Mexico despite both woolly mammoths relatives being much more likely to have encountered ground sloths and smiled on in North America as well as being more common they both sadly never appeared in any Ice Age films moving on to a next feature we have this wild one it's a member of the slaves of cats and supported to address that is not has no relation to Tigers there was no such thing as safe you tiger which is a common mistake the film also makes repeatedly physically speaking ice ages Milan is much more slender with a more elongated face and a less robust body than an almost wild on this is an important attribute smileand since they relied more on power than ideality when hunting large prey smilin originated in North America but also ended up becoming an apex predator in the South however the film's focus only on the North American species Fatalis which lived in an environment ranging from warm Savannah's in the South to call it grasslands and temperate forests in the north but the film inaccurately places spoiled on an icy cold environment which may be where a few species would have lived but miss Mallon could have called this environment home such a frozen wasteland smullin would have hunted many Ice Age creatures in its time such as deer bison mammoths mastodons and ground sloths loss of our three main creatures we have the ground sloth as their name suggests they were prehistoric sloths and lived on the ground at one big difference sighs some of the largest like Megatherium to reach up to four meters in height on their hind legs giant ground sloths like Smilodon were found on both american continents from tropical forests in the central and south america as well as grasslands in the north based on Sid the sloth small size and occasion the closest sloths relative would have been the megalonyx as it is the only ground sloth to have traveled as far as north as territories in Canada so it like said would have preferred cooler climates but even then grouse could not survive in such frigid and cold conditions Australian ice age yes my belongings as a closest relative to the ice age sloth is because megalonyx is around the average size of sloths three meters long which is still quite impressive size compared to modern tree sloths but also a class size ice age was granted off even then the ice age ground sloth is far too small and schooling by far the most inaccurate animal of the three foster ice ice ages loss only appeared bipedal which is wrong because brown sauce would have only appeared on bipedal stances if they were trying to reach food or to intimidate predators size wise ground sloths were far more stocky oh and powerful with their sharp claws against predators where's Ice Age a sloth is skinny weak with his only option as predators being able to run despite grants or fighting or smilin across both continents which concludes today's analysis on the main three creatures appearing in Ice Age now I could go on to analyze every single creature that spear in the franchise so far but I can easily categorize them to explain their inaccuracies which are quite simple there are creatures that appeared before the ice age and off the ice of the extinction of the dinosaurs such as gas tourists a large flightless Tara bird and more theorem the common ancestor to modern elephants then there are creatures our life during the Ice Age but weren't found in North America such as glyptodont which despite the films showing them more like turtles were actually ancestors of armadillos Gigantopithecus which were large apes relatives or orangutangs found in Southeast Asia and then lastly of the dinosaurs which live long before any creature the ice age so they would have never met creatures like smile runs a mouse but the reason the films do include them is because of a fiction explanation which Islands for today and most them all do have inaccuracies but by far the most inaccurate is a forms main antagonist really which is meant to be a Baryonyx a medium-sized fish eating dinosaur but for some reason trade is a manger apex predator throughout the film much larger than any way malice a t-rex and lastly we are scrap he gets his own category since there was no such thing as him actually during the Ice Age instead he's a fictional species made up juste the pun in his name which you get by mixing a scroll under up but that includes today's videos on the inaccuracies of Ice Age if you enjoyed please feel free to like and comment below of any other future videos Jurassic Park all prehistoric related you would like to see if I have left out any creatures please do ask in the comments below and I will answer any questions I know I've been absent from YouTube for a while now but I do hope that we'll get another video out by the end of the summer and a few more gameplay episodes up soon until then feel free to follow me on Twitter and thank you very much for watching bye you
Channel: Dinop The Dino
Views: 6,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ice Age, mammoth, smilodon, sabre tooth tiger, sabre tooth, cat, ice, age, meltdown, continental drift, collison, course, sid, manny, diego, dinosaur, giants, sloth, america, ground sloth, inaccuracies, dinop, dinopthedino, dinop the dino, dino, DINOPTHEDINO, extinct, prehistoric, continental, drift, acorn, squirrel, movie, kids, scrat, accurate, science, clone, tiger, Ice age baby, baby, ice age, meme, thanos, cenozoic, size, real, life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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