The Impossible Route: FAR WEST TEXAS (Cycling Documentary)

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do   hey jb we uh got the green light to go ahead  and shoot season two so i need the craziest   route that you could possibly think of what do  you got well it's funny you should ask because   i've been doing a whole bunch of research on big  bend it's the most remote place you could think of   not only that i mean it completely defies what you  think of with texas 8 000 foot mountains canyons   i mean these are very very ambitious several  sections goes through super steep mountains   there's this abandoned volcano caldera called  the solitario it's gnarly i mean it spans   basically two bike packing routes plus connecting  them between that you're supposed to do in like   six days i mean that's that's literally  the type of terrain it's like really loose   chundry sand i mean pebbles cactus yeah just it's  just wild out there and so how many water stops or   towns are we going through well i mean that's the  thing i mean this is more remote than the core of   death valley as far as towns i mean it's pretty  out there there's like one town in the middle   turlinga but yeah i mean it's 350 miles i mean  it's gonna be perfect for a three-day trip and   i think the kind of thing where if we use the  grizzle and we have like the water bottle cages   on the fork we should be a lot better off  you know i think it would be our chance to   kind of redeem ourselves from death  valley because we got our castles kicked   uh yes but i spent all of season one complaining  and and uh laying on the ground and contemplating   my existence in the cosmos i need to redeem  myself so you say it's a three-day rout   let's do it in one shot non-stop all 350 miles  through the night okay that sounds terrible i   mean i mean i'm up for it i'll give it a shot  i don't know i don't know if it's a good idea are you cold cold yeah so i put together this route across the big  bend and back and i presented it to tyler   i thought okay this is going to be awesome  350 miles it'd be a great three-day trip   uh but then he said you know that's too easy 350  miles in three days that's nothing man i need   to make it we need to make it harder and this  [ __ ] says hey let's just do it non-stop when   we're doing these it needs to be undoubtedly very  difficult we are self-supported with the exception   of two cash drops uh at mile 80 and mile 210 so  these these treasure chests in the middle of the   west texas desert uh are the only places that  we're gonna be able to get you know resupplies let's see what's in the treasure chest yeah  whoa we need to do something different you   know we always need to push ourselves we need to  expand our boundaries we need to learn new skills   but this this had me really scared so yeah right now vibes are good the  desert is just absolutely gorgeous   we've got perfect conditions a warm day  today it's like the best day of the week and   all this prep and now we're finally riding  and i feel like uh also like it's it's really   dialed now i think we we're kind of  figuring this stuff out a little bit we'll see i don't know why but i feel so  optimistic i'm smiling i'm happy i'm in the right   frame of mind it's beautiful out here the roads  were washboard rough sandy but the suspension   fork was just eaten i mean just just eating this  dirt it was no big deal it is bumpy and this   is very similar to death valley and this what we  learned from that we are applying to this and i am   so much happier with this setup these big 2.0  tires the suspension fork which i really didn't   want to ride i honestly really wanted to ride  my grail with 42s um that had been a bad choice   that would have been a bad choice for this so i'm  very happy with the setup we're starting to hit   some of our first little bit of elevation all  right how much elevation 27 000 feet okay cool so so so yes yeah dude trying to catch tyler he's moving he's  been gunning been trying to chase him for like 10   minutes he's riding good ah riding strong you're  making me struggle a tyler was really riding above   his level on the technical i mean i don't know  if it was the bigger tires or just you know   experience doing all these things but i mean he  was like cleaning stuff usually i'm like you know   riding ahead on this stuff but he was cleaning a  lot of the sections that i didn't expect him to   ride and like i mean it was i was like all right  he's he's together just this uh this morning it's so sandy rocky out of the last six impossible  routes five impossible routes you know i just   been tongue and spoke chomping at his ass dude  all day but right now man i'm actually really   impressed with myself that's douchey but  like good cleaning some of those sections   my fitness right now everything right now is  on the up i'm feeling amazing i'm riding really   smart and good the bike is a beast i don't really  know what else to say i hope we can continue then   we turn off into an even smaller trail and it's  like okay we're going over rocks there's kind of   loose stuff rattling underneath our wheels we're  kind of fighting for traction uh we had a couple   hike-a-bikes look at this look at that what is  this big guys little guys cactus pointy guys   we're good we're good you know we're several hours  in um luckily the water spot that i had scoped out   on the map actually was amazing you know you kind  of roll in and there's a hose pump right there wow um is it on yeah let it roll yep yep nice  what hey you know it's almost like we've done   a few of these before cold not hot bringing  this big boy yeah it adds a little weight   but man i got all the goodies it's 360 calories  in this guy that's insane 95 grams of carbs so   that is exactly what i want i'm so stoked i  brought this let's uh shoot that guy in there   wham bam thank you ma'am nice i am stoked on this  bag all-time favorite cookie so much protein i   know some people will say that lenny's and larry's  or whatever this called tastes like cardboard   this is the only flavor i like  this and let me poppy see but   the white chocolate macadamia nut not sponsored  i'd love to get sponsored what do you got going on   all right time to ride for the rest of my life  you know i think what i liked about this one   was you really were um in sync yeah we went out  from there and started deeper into the mountains   and i thought we were in the solitario but  then we went over another mountain and you   see these jagged rocks on each side of the  hill and you're like oh that's the solitario ah okay it's it's hooked move your arm oh my goodness i know i'm pulling because it's yeah there you go got it watch your leg ah hooked your leg again and  you're like oh boy we're getting deep now   and it was it was pretty evident the change of  terrain you never really know what's out there   um but this section it looked pretty  manageable a couple little hiker bikes   but it was mostly doable but it was it was  really getting tough you know that's when   you know our average speed was dropping from  12 to 11 miles per hour to 10 miles per hour   to you know we're basically carrying our bike up  a staircase we have 300 miles to go like 305 to   be exact let's just say this is going to be pretty  tough do you have a thorn in my left hand that's   just digging deeper and deeper with every bump  i'm trying to tune that out par for the course   i usually block those things or don't talk about  those things that are difficult i promise to talk   about them more um not gonna i'm not going to  be moaning because it's expected but man having   a small needle from one of these sharp  things in your hand like driving in deeper   look at this cactus man purple um  yeah not uh not likely to be good   but hopefully it will go away jeremiah is the  pro mountain biker right he's always the one   that's going so much better than me and i don't  know if it's because i had the suspension fork   and if that made a difference or if it's just  that i've been really working on my skills there   was a lot of times where i was cleaning the  exact section he was doing and so as we we're   going through what usually would be me walking  these single tracks and jeremiah up the road and   and you know being kind of mad that i'm slowing  him down the fact that i was staying with him   it built my confidence to the moon and then i  just started really believing in myself that   i belong i believed in myself that i was an  athlete and i started telling myself like uh i   am an athlete not just a filmmaker and i think  that's usually what i do is is i'm always like   well i'm a filmmaker that rides bikes right  now i'm getting into the mind that no man   i'm i'm hanging with jb we are  doing this together as athletes you ah dang it wow wow is all i can say and you  know i think i've really grown as a person   because last year having this kind of  route i don't know maybe i would have   kicked some rocks maybe when i kick  some bushes this year i'm a new man   he got stuck by this like hook thing i've got  cactuses all over me just sticking out of me   and i'm having the time of my life uh it's warm  i love it and we're about to go down this caldera   pretty sketchy i mean let's take a look at the  rocks real quick all right so we have big boys   yeah we've got medium sharp boys we've  you know more of those we got tiny little   make your front end go in the direction you don't  want it to go in boys um sharp things that stab   you it's a hostile environment out here and it's  really loose and loose and goose and i am thinking   canyon a thousand times over for this suspension  fork yeah i wish i had one i'm not gonna lie um god damn oh no yes whoa tyler said he he said he wanted  hard so i guess here we go and i don't really want to have like  a full on temper tantrum right now but i'm kind of about to holy  [ __ ] i don't even see a trail   i was so happy until this point i have no  idea what i mean this is literally just   wilderness yeah it's uh yeah this is not  good not good we're in big trouble now getting stuck out here in  the dark is pretty not safe it's i'm literally just walking  through a cactus let go let go of me oh my god no i can't i can't i can't go anywhere  we're hiking pushing our bikes dragging   our bikes through brush it is just a brutal  saga i'm just like this is not going well   i mean we are just hitting problem after  problem after problem there's a quote and i   can't remember totally how it goes but it's like  danger is real fear is a choice i'm not afraid   but i am recognizing that there is real danger  here real life threatening danger this isn't just   hey we're on a bike ride and we're trying to make  it look hard for youtube and yada yada yada i mean   we we are in real proper danger so i'm stepping  very carefully i'm watching very carefully   i'm also trying to manage my fueling and my water  because there's no water out here there's zero   water so if something happened and we couldn't  get to the crew because look there's no safety net   even though yeah we're self-supported sure  cool uh but we have a film crew you would say   well right now there is there is no film crew with  us there is no support if something happens and   we have to cheat okay there isn't a safety net  and so i'm really trying to make sure i drink   slowly and not just guzzle even though it's  getting very hot we're baking in the sun oh hey there bud welcome to another  episode of what the [ __ ] am i doing hey   well i'm getting poked by cactuses we  have been walking on stuff like this   i don't know if you can see it it does  know just ow there's cactus everywhere bro   uh this does know justice there's no way  you're gonna look at that and be like he's just making vegan excuses again just  enjoy the ride i am i was enjoying the ride   i mean i'm still in a pretty positive  mental space but as of right now uh things aren't looking up i mean it's taken us  i don't know is it two miles and it's like three   hours it was just terrible yeah i just feel  i'm starting to feel like this project's just   not going to happen i mean it's just a dud you  know i'm i'm really feeling pressure because   i made the route and it's sort of difficult  because you want to make i mean an impossible   route i mean of course you could just make it  completely impossible or you can do a route   that everybody else has done and try to do  it like a minute faster but that's not very   challenging and so every time we do one of these  projects there there's a crux there's something   that's you know a question mark and sometimes the  question mark reveals this incredible trail that   is an old spanish trail cutting through the  mountains and switchbacks and in this case   it was absolute frustration as part of what makes  it impossible throughout episode is that we just   don't know what's out here and that's part of the  magic it's part of the challenge it's part of the   difficulty part of the disappointment i really  think there's no way we're gonna finish this uh   based on how fast we're going and so i just kept  reciting to myself i will finish i will finish   i will finish i will finish i will finish i  will finish i will finish i will finish i will finish so with this gigantic bag on my  back i was able to bring fresh produce this orange is going to be a lifesaver pretty jealous right  now i will absolutely share this with you sir if   you go back in time and don't make this the  route visible track that used to be a road it is improving i will give you that oh thanks  well we get over this ridge and out of this   freaking solitario volcano thing i think we can  do it that's the best orange ever oh my god i   felt like it just oh my god i have orange gas now  this part started off impossibly hard and then   actually as we kept going it got a little easier  and a little easier and when i say easier i mean   you're still hiking and walking every you know 10  15 feet and then you ride for 10 or 15 feet so i'm   easy is not really the word but it's getting  better it's trending in a better direction   so that's giving you a little bit of hope right  when things are getting better slowly but surely   you can project out that it's gonna be okay  we just walked through all that bro i'm such a   rambling man like i'm such a  indigenous species out here your boy's just thriving about to just live hey babe   send you a postcard this is our new home  middle of nowhere exit the solitario i think i think   do yes yeah dude life's a spectre man you know if i sit in my  office for a couple weeks and i edit a video   all of a sudden you know me not  having hot coffee becomes a crisis my computer running slow nine out of  ten like i'm flipping my desk over   right because you have no real spectrum of what   really suck is that's what i love about this you  get out here and you recalibrate your spectrum   and so right now we're on a rough road this is  gnarly but it feels like glass compared to what   we've just been doing for the last three  hours it's smooth it's fast and i love it so all right um that was rough so we finally made it to turolinga  but i'm gonna tell you what that was just   traumatizing that was rough the solitario i've  got spines still sticking out of my shins i'm   gonna try to pluck a couple of those while we  wait for some tacos because i got tweezers in   my little first aid kit tyler i'm rolling  man it's i mean he was in a bad way though   i was angry it's on camera i was angry i  wasn't in a bad way you're trying to make   i've been flying all day i  wasn't suffering i wasn't slow   i was just very angry that we were hiking through  nowhere okay but i'm over it and let's get it done now mentally i am so ready to keep going and  since i'm a night owl just already it just seems   to work with my body well like i'm excited  to write at night this is what i want to do   jeremiah not so much and i'm kind of  going through an energy slump you know   after eating and my motivation level at  this point is definitely at a low water mark   racing cross country racing you know  a six hour 100 mile race but then you   know once you're getting to 10 12 13 hours like  that's that's not my bag you know i like sleep   but i can tell tyler you know his energy's up  looks like he just started riding and you know   he's the one encouraging me oftentimes in these  projects i'm the one that's encouraging him and   picking him up and you know this time he's like  you know you'll come around you're going to kind   of get through this phase and you know once the  daylight comes back your circadian rhythm's gonna   you know it's kind of a change of you  know a change of roles on that one   and that pre pre-dawn business that's what i'm  worried about i'm gonna be like ready to yeah   fall asleep after midnight i think well  maybe the endorphins will kick in yeah the   night time is good i'm telling you it's around  three to four that that witching hour is just   it's brutal but the second you see this you  know just the little blue tint on the horizon   it all changes if i fall asleep you gotta find  a scorpion just put it on my ass okay you know   wake me up when nighttime falls it just gives you  like a whole new body round three four gets really   rough and then this arcadian rhythm kicks in once  the sunrise and then you get another body again   i'll take his word for it i'm feeling kind of like  bloated on eating all those tacos and probably you   ate seventeen i'm paying tacos i'm a taco i mean  of course you're going to feel a little bloated at 10 pm and we're doing this beautiful road  you can just see the outline of the mountains   the moon is up the stars are just hanging like  little crystals in the sky it's just beautiful   and i turn my light off tyler turns his light off  me and jeremiah start riding with no headlights   uh in the middle of big bend national park and all  it is is we're just floating through the universe   the stars are unbelievable we can  see the road from the moonlight   it feels like a virtual reality game because you  can't really see anything peripheral so it just   feels like a treadmill going underneath  you while you're flying through space and there's just this moment of peace i don't really know how to explain  it it's it there's there's no real   vocabulary to explain this moment where  you feel small against the backdrop of   of the cosmos but also that you feel big and  proud of yourself for existing in this moment sir my body my machine my mind  right now trifecta of victory   i'm getting more and more comfortable with  flying through the night on a gravel bike uh   the road is pretty technical washboardy has  some sand pitches and it's rolling i mean you're   up and you're having to go real hard and then  you're flying down you're up and you're down   and you're up and you're down now jeremiah  is kind of quiet and uh and i can tell he's   suffering a little bit all right it's like  just after one i had a low spot back there   half an hour ago i didn't really talk to  tyler about it like i normally don't and uh kind of hard to see in the dark but um yeah  you go through these low spots and uh you   know i was like looking at the map only a third  of the way there it's like 1 30 in the morning   and icy cold air coming down from the mountainside  it's just bleak dark out everything hurts and uh   it's like i don't know if we can make it  but here 20 minutes later have my s'mores   life is good rolling again have a bit of  optimism it goes to show you got to just   wait it out because it's always going  to get better almost a matter what it is   uh or you die one of the two definitely  will happen um so hang in there it's almost three in the  morning and we're rolling along   uh spirits are high it's magical out here  in a really weird way um jeremiah said it's   like dreamlike it really is because there's  not you don't see anything it's just this   and you don't hear anything there's like  it's almost like a sensory deprivation tank good morning it is five in the morning  and jeremiah's gonna take a poop   here's the thing that we've learned over  these is that when one person needs to stop   the other person you know whatever they need to  do try to get that done so that you're not one   person stopping and then the next person stopping  and yada yada like be efficient with your time   so what i'm gonna do is i'm out of water in my  bottles and i have a ton of water in my hydration   pack okay i've messed with camel packs i was i'm  not a huge fan of camel packs but these ospreys   wow um not sponsored i bought this full pop  dude no not even a discount i hit up payson   mcu and i was like bro hit me with a discount and  he said no it is wasted so much water jesus christ bingo what was i saying dude i'm so  delirious i hit it payson and i was like   yo hit me with that discount and he said no also  do you know that one time there was a windstorm   and a tree fell on my house and there was an  osprey in the nest and it plowed into our uh   into our roof and then i went on the  roof and i had to save this osprey   it was my first time ever holding a bird of prey   and the thing was gnarly it didn't make it it  died but we kept it in our house for like a week i should probably clarify i didn't keep the  osprey in my house and and that's why it died   its wing was broken and we were trying to save  it and it was it was a baby but it was huge and   then the mom was flying all around it was like  all mad and dude the beak on that thing but we   tried we tried to feed it we try to do all sorts  of you know just be it loving people whatever nice to sit down for a second um stopping for a  snack took a dump tyler's telling stories about   ospreys other crazy stuff that's part of his life  we're 70 175 miles in um spirits are actually   pretty decent um but i think that's because we're  moving you know i think with the hiking and stuff   that we encountered earlier it was extremely  frustrating but now we're at least able to roll   um lights are working bikes working  great and yeah so let's do this good morning so right now is definitely the  hardest part where you're about an hour before   sunrise and your circadian rhythm is just like  screaming at you to go to sleep but as soon as   the sun peaks over we'll get a second wind or a  third wind but we are what are we 180 miles in   and here's what's so crazy let's say we ended at  that taqueria and that was the ride for the day   we would have been shelled we'd have been just  laying there on the ground and being like wow   what a hard epic day but since the ride is  so much further you just it's not even a   big deal you're just going it's crazy and to be  honest that taqueria is the only time we stopped   at all like the rest of this ride the 16 17  hours of ride time has just pretty much been   on the go like we haven't stopped and hung out at  a gas station or anything it's nuts and tyler's   got the suspension fork really really good setup  and you know for me i'm just yeah getting a really   a lot of shock in my arms from the um bumps  so it's really a challenge you know this is   outside of my wheelhouse you tyler's  got more experience with this uh   ultra stuff i'm just thinking about sunrise i  think the the art for this thing at least for   me is just uh look at the look at the trail  in front of me not think about anything else   the next milestone is sunrise and right now  605 so i mean we should see sunrise in an hour   and we should see the hints of  that sliver of blue and gold so   oh the first rays of the sun are  hitting us it's surprisingly late the   7 30 before we get the first rays of sun uh the  wind is picked up and it's blustery there's a   cold front coming in from the north supposed  to be 29 degrees tonight 30 mile per hour winds   today's highs aren't going to get much  above 45 so we'll see maybe 50 down low   um optimistic we can go until sunset  but now we're going to go after that   so it would take some serious luck to complete  this one it looks like a straight up toss-up so we're able to get that chest  at mile 100 and mile 200. we are a little 10 miles away from that um which is  good because i'm out of water amount of food   uh we definitely definitely need that that  resupply but sun's coming up it's gonna start   getting warm and then we've got to ride another  130 miles 140 miles cool big day man big day big   two days nights it's all running together the sky  is lighting up i can turn off the headlamp we're   rolling through this awesome like mesa and canyon  terrain of chalk-colored rock and brown stones and   i'm having a good time and and i'm a morning  person so i mean i'm like getting some energy   back and this is where jeremiah now has this  huge upswing because he's he's a morning person   so he starts getting all talkative again and and  up and i'm like dude you know you know when you   don't like morning people because they're always  chatting you up in the morning and it's like dude   chill man it's too early that was me man it  was biting cold it was really really frigid   and i wasn't expecting it to get colder as  the sun came up so we're we're putting our   layers on and pushing into the headwind and  yeah tyler was not too happy at that point   man you think it'd be warm in the desert   it is cold and it's windy and we have a gnarly  headwind and it's like 40 i mean it's it is cold   probably more with the wind chill we are closing  in on 200 miles it's just the terrain is so slow it's so hard because people  will be like oh well it took you   24 hours to go 200 miles wow  you're so unbound it takes   peter stetna sex and it's like dude it's  totally different it's not even the same it's not even the same world it's crazy out here me then you want to sprint but you didn't win oh i wish there was a giant thing of pancakes  with like a french press of coffee yeah one of these is gonna disappear right now oh  my goodness and i actually made the small mistake   of laying down uh i don't remember laying down my  body seemed to be like hey you need sleep and then   all of a sudden i kind of like opening my eyes  and i'm eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich   while napping i i honestly think that i sort  of took a like a 20-second nap it was really   strange how my brain shut off but i was still  eating at the same time at the beginning of this i was saying like how good i was feeling  and that i wasn't going to be laying on   the ground contemplating the universe this  time oh damn it there's dirt in my pb and that was so good oh so so to complete the route in its entirety which we  are right now at 210 miles we have to go another   140 miles there's no way really we're gonna  be able to do that within the daytime so that   means we're gonna have to go into a second night  and we have to go through that solitario area man definitely have done more hours  of riding than i've ever done before   most calories i've ever done in a ride  thus far close to 16 000 calories burned   that's cool but looking at the map  i'm realized that we have to go   all the way back across this side of the  national park and then up into the solitario   that shark fin shaped mountain back into  the caldera of the volcano in the dark and being in there in the dark at night  bushwhacking through creosote bush and   cactus i mean it's just dangerous yeah  i think i think this one's impossible um   they tried to do in basically  two days and one night and i'm good with that you know i  think you know we set these uh   constraints you know can we do it non-stop maybe someone can and look forward to seeing them  try but uh for us i think we've reached our limit   at the point which you fail is usually a low point  in the story and then it's just man we this sucks   but since we're not going through that area and  we're gonna change the route look we're still   uh 120 miles or something from from you know  the town that we started in but we get to ride   pavement the whole way and it's got a 35 mile  an hour tailwind so yeah we're not going to go   through the original route but we're still going  to clock over 300 miles and it's going to be   glorious look the impossible route this time kind  of you know there's some good parts out there but   you know in general we you know we failed the  mission but this is a cherry on the top this   is this is a parting gift from texas  yeah thank you texas it's been good uh this is nuts dude 170 miles ago we  were just coming out of that desert   and climbing this climb and it did not feel  the steep i we did this climb 170 miles ago this is crazy what is happening it's  wild man it feels like a different lifetime it's weird how time works that way  time is just this illusion and it's like fluid   and rolls like waves and you ride the wave of  time man it's just weird that we were just here   and when we got here it was like  we had just gone through this   harrowing experience through the  desert barely hanging on by a thread   and then now we came down this now well my  spirits are hot like dude we just been rolling   so my experience of this place is two-faced one  was like and then the other one is like yeah there's just so much to tell i  mean there's so much story to tell   but um well i can't wait to hear  it man i don't even know what   i just remember like walking so much and  being so mad and then now i'm so happy that's the story well i love you and um i  was actually thinking we were almost done   and then travis said we had 65 miles to go  and that kind of cracked me a little bit but it is what it is dude it's  road it's not hike a bike   [ __ ] sorry it's uh not hike a  bike through the middle of nowhere food life is so good i can't wait to be done though yeah pretty looking forward to being done i think we're  gonna ride 300 miles like pretty much non-stop usually you would think the last 65 miles  of a 314 mile bike ride would be the worst   this for me was the best i was so proud of myself  that i didn't completely fall apart i was so proud   of myself that i was still riding strong i'm  so happy man i'm so happy i i can't really even   begin to describe where what what i  should be feeling which is utter just like   i'm cracked and destroyed and we're now at this  point 33 hours into the day 33 hours of riding   we actually hit this like crazy steep climb on  the border of mexico rio grande splitting it   and i'm pushing it up this climb i often  say i'm an average person that i'm just an   average guy and you know just trying to tell  a story and i i genuinely feel that way that i   am just i'm no one special i'm nothing special i'm  just an average dude in this moment i i don't know   how to i felt i guess i would say like elite but  that i don't want to say that word but i just felt   above average i felt like this is the sixth time  we've done something that that i should never   have done i should never have been able to do i'm  not qualified to do these things yet this is the   sixth one i i felt special i felt above average  i felt proud i felt like an athlete i felt pride but there's this moment jeremiah and  i were side by side he's been up and   down i've been up and down and we've just  leaned on each other in such an amazing way   personally i'm just reflecting on all of  the trips of being with jeremiah in hawaii   and in death valley in  virginia in montana colorado and now west texas i'm thinking back  on this the you know what feels like   a lifetime ago which was just the  morning before this riding through   this crazy rock section where i i'm riding well  and then we single track and then hiking and   then through the night so we roll in and  uh come into the park where we had set out   ages ago i mean it felt like two days ago three  days ago like it was just so strange that that was   one continuous bike ride 35 hours and 11 minutes  actually 15 hours longer than my longest ever ride that's when it sunk in that was crazy i i have a i'm usually a man of a lot of  words i don't have many of them right now   but i'll say two things me and this man had to lean each  other lean on each other that   the whole i don't even help 313 miles he didn't quit so i didn't quit  i didn't quit so he didn't quit   and that like pyramid structure  we just leaned against each other   and that was so just inspiring and amazing and  like you when we've done that six times now   it's just really a special bond with some guy that  i kind of barely know like i mean we you know what   i mean like like i don't really we do these crazy  adventures together and we have this crazy thing   but like outside of this you know it's a team  that's what a team is you know we come together   and we do the thing we've done the thing we  do the thing you know and i i think it's uh   and we have mutual respect and but we're different  but when it comes to when the [ __ ] hits the fan   we're together and i think that's that's why it  works that's why it works that's why we do it   or pull it off rather the second thing i want  to say is that if you're watching this there's   probably something that you are afraid to do  there's a climb that you think you can't do   there's a sport that you want to do but  you think you can't whatever it is that you   think that you can't do and you're putting it  off and you're like well one day i'll train and   i'll yeah just do it just go and do it there's no  reason i should have been able to do this there's   no reason i should have been able to do this six  times but especially this one this is 314 miles   i'm not qualified to do this but you just do  it and here's the thing one of two things is   going to happen one you're going to fail okay  but that's no different than you not trying it   okay so you're kind of in the same spot you just  have more experiences when you fail or you succeed   and that's pretty [ __ ] badass and you might  surprise yourself so whatever it is if you're   watching this click hello ads like you know all  that kind of stuff but then go and do the thing   that you are putting off do it now hell  yeah do it now give it a hug connection in a short condensed version the greatest cure  for fear is action boom that's the quote let's go do it now
Channel: VC Adventures
Views: 291,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan cyclist, vegan cycling, health and fitness, bicycle riding, road bikes, cycling, bike racing, cycling tips, the vegan cyclist, go pro cycling, cycling go pro, bike hacks, cycling racing, tips for cycling, vegan athlete, cycling videos, cycling workouts, sufferfest cycling
Id: 9CmT370ySrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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