the IMPOSSIBLE RISING - Card Magic Tutorial

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up guys it's me the Russian genius welcome to the video I want to post my face a lot more in these videos and if you want to know me a little bit better as a person I know I say this a lot but I want you guys to check out my second channel wits there will be a link in the description because I want to post vlogs where you see my face where I do different stuff magic and rap and other stuff you know I've been enjoying making these videos and I want to put my face more in them so that's what I'm gonna do and that's what I'm doing now this car trick that I'm gonna be teaching you is a trick that does work in real life kinda practically anything that works on camera would work in real life as long as the angle is right but this is more for Instagram or video purposes rather than real life performing also if you have ever found any one of my videos to be helpful could you then check out my second channel check out the vlogs and just comment what you think about them because man you know I look at my face a lot when I make the vlogs even you know just in the mirror and you do get sometimes insecure about yourself and I've been feeling that lately and I wanna post more vlogs which I will but I don't know man I sometimes I feel like do people want to know more about me as a person or are they just interested in you know clickbait the crazy stuff and I want to do something both not click baiting necessarily I don't know man check it out if you want to I would appreciate it and I want to post a lot more vlogs in the near future short ones and long ones and vlogs and Amsterdam and America I'm gonna be visiting Amsterdam in April month and then later this year I want to visit California New York Los Angeles and just visit America film a lot of videos and I've never been there before so I'm quite excited for that anyways check it out I appreciate you know I love making these videos and I just enjoy having a channel where I'm able to interact with you guys so thank you for joining the channel and let's move on into the tutorial there are two ways of doing this I'm gonna show you the original way and then I'm gonna show you my way of doing this so first for this I'm gonna need the Joker this is the Jack of Hearts and it changes like that into the Joker so you are gonna use any card you want to make a special card that takes maybe like 30 seconds to a minute to make so I have the Joker and then you're gonna need three different things which everyone practically has you're gonna need one of these I guess you call it a cutting board and then you're gonna need a knife a knife and by the way if you are under age then kids do not use these fancy objects or weapons whatever you want to call it yes a cutting board a knife and maybe some scissors scissors are not necessary neither is the cutting board so practically all you need is a knife but I recommend the cutting board and the scissors maybe what does it say body apart man okay also what you may need is a pen basically all you need is a knife and everything else is kind of optional boom boom boom now this is the original way that I saw this being done you take a cart I'm using the Joker for this matter this is not the way I recommend doing this but this is the original way I saw this being done I'm gonna use the two jokers for this but this is the Joker I'm gonna cut it in two I'm gonna take it and put it face down on the cutting board and then I'm gonna take another Joker and align it about this distance which is roughly speaking my thumbs length now what you're gonna do you can use a pen for this and you know just draw an outline or if you want you can take a knife and you can cut it just a tiny bit what you're doing is you're cutting into the top layer or the top two layers of the cart when you have a small cut in the cart you are going to bend it and the cut is gonna make sure that the cart is clean on the bent all right like that so now I'm in this position and the original way that I saw this move being done was like this you took the cart and you would place this card at the bottom of the deck somewhat like this and then you would move your index finger up to make it look like the cart is jumping on top so this was kind of the original way I saw this being done and I didn't like it for a few reasons so I kind of adjusted it a little bit and let me show you what I did here's the way that I recommend it I'm gonna be using the same Joker but what you're gonna do is you're gonna take one more card now look this is the Joker the Joker is gonna be at the bottom and you're gonna make sure that the top Kart is aligned near the center of the Kart but a little bit below so this is the center but this is a little bit below the center approximately and you are gonna take a pen and you're gonna draw an outline off the top Kart it's gonna be somewhat like this you should be able to see the outline which is right there and you need to make sure that the outline is drawn from this side rather than from this side if that makes any sense you will experiment with it and you will find out what I mean by that now what you're gonna do is you're gonna cut off the outline and keep the top Kart you can do it with a knife or with scissors I'm gonna give it a try with the scissors make sure to take your time with the border the border needs to be cut as cleanly as possible and the line needs to be very straight so take your time all right you cut above the pen marking this is not perfect but as you can see this side turned out pretty good you can see the border the inverted border pretty good I guess you could call it but this side it's not the best but it's fine when you have this card if you want you can put like I don't know you can put like double stick tape you know at the bottom because then the index finger will stick to the card but once you have this this is the way that I did it in the performance and when I did it in the performance I had a piece of tape at the bottom so it you know stuck to the finger now once you have the piece here's what you do the border is very important because I mean I'm gonna show you why but this is how I this is how I like doing it basically what happens is this inverted border which is cut out as you can see when I align the car but I make sure the border is on the deck it looks like the cart is a regular card in the middle of the deck I'm making sure that the border is aligned and the middle finger is making sure that I'm not flashing this corner the middle finger is right on the side so it's not flashing this as you can see and the thumb is on the other side to keep support together with the middle finger off the card and the index finger is gonna be at the bottom of the card and these three fingers together they're making sure that the card is not going up or it's not going down the card needs to be stable balanced it needs to be parallel to the deck at all times if it slightly goes up or down while performing it should be fine but if it goes you know like two months or if you know like this happens then you know that's it the trick is over and then the middle finger is gonna be at the top of the card and the reason I keep the middle finger there is because the middle finger and the index finger they have really good control over the card and the balance it's a lot easier to manage when the middle finger or the index finger is on top and what you're gonna do is you're gonna slide the card slowly up until you reach near the top and when it's near the top you're gonna put your hand like this and simply use the thumb to pull the top card up and then I like to square it up like that you can even you know steal off the card if you want to now from this angle here's what it would look like the gimmick is not perfect it could have been better but I'm gonna try to give it a try right now and you can see if you just stare at the card how would slowly but surely moves up like that blow on it and it jumps all the way on top I could have done it a bit better but I still hope that you enjoy this this works really good for Instagram but you could practically do it in real life you could try it for drunk people first the cart is near the bottom so we're close if I just lift my hand slightly up you will see the cart moving slowly but visually to the top off the deck just like that so that's something that definitely is possible if you wanted to do it for a real audience probably you could you know Palm off the cart in the pocket so if you wanted to you could maybe do this you could get a card selected and you could do the trick where the card goes on top snap the fingers and it jumps on top right you could do it a few times where you put the card near the center snap the fingers and it would you know jump on top but then after you do it sometimes you would say look even with one hand and then it jumps on top and what you're doing is you're palming off the card you would palm off the card and then you would act like you're putting it in and then you could get ready like that to make it rise on top and that's actually believe it or not but that's actually really really possible another tip would be make sure the deck is beveled like that right now it's square but you have to bevel it forward and when you babble it forward it's gonna be a little bit easier to do the rising card without you know flashing as much and you should have more control over it because when the deck is beveled forward it's gonna be like walking up the stairs with the cart yeah so just like that man that was horrible I could have done it way better all right so in speed it would look like this a cart would be selected let's say the ace of clubs and I'm gonna take the ACE and just roughly put it in the center of the deck approximately and then it jumps on top and you can do it once again put it in the center and then it's a jump on top just like that how about we do it one last time would you be impressed if the ACE jumped on top look it's already on top of the deck like that quite impressive right look how about we do this all right in the center of the deck what's how would slowly but surely is gonna rise all the way to the top of the deck look how it passes through visually as yeah and when it reaches near the top I'm just gonna wave over the cart and just like that it would jump all the way on top so you know that is something that you could do if you want to there's better ways of hiding the card after it's on top that is the tutorial hope you guys enjoy it let me know what you think in the comment section below and also once again check out my second channel if you haven't if you want to check out some of my products and learn how to do you know moves like this where you can get the card to actually jump on top then check out my website I would HIGHLY appreciate that so thank you for watching check out my second channel right over there and I will see you guys in my next video
Channel: TheRussianGenius
Views: 275,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRussianGenius, Vladimir Jenko, Tutorial, Revealed, Tutorials, Easy, Beginner, How To, David Blaine, Reveal, Coin, Amazing, Magical, entertainment, Card trick tutorial, easy beginner, card tricks revealed, for beginners, magic card trick tutorials, how to do trick, david blaine, force, control, learn magic, impossible rising card
Id: OWjhgXcBGb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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