The Imperial Guard, Hammer of The Emperor!
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Channel: DuskSniper
Views: 1,093,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Imperial, Guard, hammer, of, the, emperor, imperium, man, macharius, crusade, lasgun, death, war, destruction, 40k, 40.0000, regiment, valhallan, ice, warriors, cadian, shock, troops, kasrkin, vostroyan, firstborn, catachan, jungle, fighters, tanith, first, and, only, gaunts, ghost, commissar, elysian, drop, troopers, army, conquest, future, warp, valkyrie, chimera, bane, blade, bandeblade, military, world, dawn, general, warmaster, guardsman, tank, charge, ogrin, tyrannic, elder, chaos, tau
Id: rDJKeZjtQf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2012
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