The Iliad by Homer | Plot Summary

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[Music] in the introduction the reader is illuminated to the ongoing epoch that is the Trojan War which has been raging already for ten years Apollo input to plague on the Aegean army after Agamemnon keeps one of his priests daughters a surprise and this dates back to the origins of the war itself in which Paris Prince of Troy took Helen from King Menelaus the Greek army the achæans are closing in on Troy warriors the Trojans have refused to back down and are determined to drive off their invaders during the rising action Agamemnon takes Briseis from Achilles the mightiest of all akkyun warriors Zeus agrees to punish the achæans for Achilles who is refusing to fight because of his pride and honour they've been besmirched mortals and gods fight and are who indeed and devil gods even take sides sometimes switching back and forth gods cannot die but when they are wounded they have been returned to Zeus houseless mortals do die in these battles which are brutal and arduous Zeus forbids the other gods to interfere in the war with Zeus's help Hector son of King Priam and brother Paras break through to the Achaean ships hoping to burn them Patroclus achilles closest friend tries to persuade his comrade to fight instead achilles unable to get over his injured pride gives Patronus atomic tells him to leave Kean's into battle himself hack your kills patrollers and then takes the armored Achilles had given his fallen friend and wears it around as a sign of disrespect achilles learning his beloved friend has been killed joins the battle at last and the gods even return to fighting during the climax of the Iliad Achilles chases and then kills Hector in single combat in doing so he resigns himself to a faith of glory in exchange for life itself he will soon die having a Venice's friend during the falling action achilles rage is hardly sated he essentially holds Hector's body hostage and Priam Hector's father begs Achilles for his sons body so he can give it a proper burial his humility strikes a chord with Achilles and he returns Hector's body to his father during the ilion's resolution Hector is buried in Troy the characters in life and death can now achieve the honor of closure not just a battle but through the important ritual of burial you
Channel: Course Hero
Views: 64,294
Rating: 4.8687091 out of 5
Keywords: Homer, The Iliad by Homer, the iliad summary, the iliad synopsis, The Iliad Plot Summary, the iliad, the iliad analysis, Iliad summary, The Iliad, trojan war, homer
Id: nig3gDWwISA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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