The IBM PS/1 was the followup to the disastrous PCjr and it's pretty good!

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well hello everyone and welcome back to adrian's digital basement on today's video we're going to be taking a look at an ibm ps1 computer that a viewer sent in this was actually a mail call item from way back in 2021 and the viewer who sent this in probably thought that i lost it or forgot about it but as i think i mentioned on previous videos i am slowly trying to go back through old mail call items and get to them so today is one of those days so let's dig into this really cute little computer [Music] all right next up is a package that came from patrick in lafayette i think it's indiana and there is the computer it's an ibm ps1 and this computer goes with that monitor the little ps1 vga monitor that i have and interesting is this computer doesn't have a normal power supply and needs the monitor to actually power it up now if people recall from the video where i worked on that monitor i removed the cable that would power this up and i also took the fan out of the monitor luckily i saved that cable because i just need to open the monitor back up reinstall a fan reinstall that cable and then this computer will be able to work all right cool patrick thank you very much let's take a look at this on the bench see if it still works so here it is the ibm ps1 with its matching little monitor here i was given this monitor by a local viewer this was a ways back and i didn't actually have a ps1 to go with it but it works as a normal vga monitor i'll put a link in the description below to where i first show off this monitor but i was reached out to by patrick who said he had an extra one of these ps1s that matches the monitor and he was willing to send it to me as i had mentioned in the unboxing this machine actually doesn't have a mains power supply in it and its power is derived from the power supply that's inside the monitor so you'll notice on the front of this there's no power switch but there is one here on the monitor and this switch not only turns on the monitor but also the pc which is connected to a multi-pin cable that plugs into the back of this thing looking at the back of the ps1 this is where if you come across one of these machines and you don't know its history you're going to be confused as in where's the connector for an external power supply there's a vga connection here with a little monitor icon another monitor connection which is actually the power input but it also has a picture of a monitor printer port we have a very dirty fan and then we have a keyboard and a mouse connection both ps2 style and we have a modem jack for looks like 2 400 bits per second and here under the barcode it says type 2121-b82 and there's the serial number we're going to figure out what the specs of this thing are based on this type number right here there's a cover right here which is going to be a slot i think for proprietary sound card which is sort of unobtainium and very much like tandy 1000 or ibm pc junior style sound capabilities not like a sound blaster compatible and underneath the top of the case here looks like there are two isa slots but again i've never looked inside one of these machines so i'm just guessing by what's on the outside on the front of the machine we have a 1.44 megabyte floppy drive labeled a and over on this side besides additional vents the ibm ps1 badge and what looks like an led labeled c so that'll be for the internal hard drive before i open this machine up and we take a look inside let's take a look on the internet and see what we can figure out about the ps1 line okay over on wikipedia here there's a pretty good article on the ps1 right off the bat it says that this was the replacement for the pc junior which was an utter failure this came out in 1990 and i'm pretty sure that pc junior was discontinued before that so there's a little bit of a gap between the pc junior and this machine as i had mentioned earlier the author of this article suggests that the ps1 did imply a more limited machine than the ps2 which was of course the business line highly expandable highly varied line of machines that ibm sold the ps2 line while pc compatible was based on a new architecture called micro channel and that was designed for ibm to be able to kind of recapture the pc market and not allow people to make clones of their machines but the funny thing is the ps1 as it states right here is based upon the original at architecture like the 286 so this is not really any different than all the clones that are out there it goes on to say the ps1 line was created for new users and sold in consumer electronics stores so that would be like best buy here in the united states circuit city things like that alongside offerings from compact hp pecker bell etc etc now here's a list of all the various types of ps1s that were sold and as we saw on that sticker this is the 2121 proprietary design power supply within the crt and two additional isa slots i actually was unaware that there were other versions like the 2123 which is just a ibm ps2 model 30 with three slots but also some desktop and tower cases that had regular bays so those must have been a lot closer to the aptiva line which i've seen plenty of and those have like normal bays you put a cd-rom drive and stuff in them i guess that's what ibm was doing with this line before they renamed it to aptiva for me when i think of the ps1 i really do think of the 2011 or the 2121 this machine here just because of the interesting form factor and look of this whole machine assembled like this the original 2011 came with a 10 megahertz 286 so it's going to be pretty slow if you end up with one of those when ibm moved to the 2121 they added the isa slots but they also bumped it up to the 36sx processor either 16 or 20 megahertz and remember on the back we saw this was a 2121b82 so it cost 2200. when it was first launched and it has a 16 megahertz 8386. it seems like some of the information on wikipedia here is not complete but it does appear that there were versions of the 2121 that did not have the isa slots so if you're shopping for one of these take note that not all of them have the isa slots and look on the back for those two slot covers in the pictures so you know that you should be able to expand this with an xt ide or something like a sound card there's something else to note if you're shopping for one of these ibm did sell a version of the monitor that was grayscale so it was monochrome and unfortunately i've seen pictures of it it looks very similar to the color one so just watch out for that if you're looking for a system that has a color monitor because you want to run color games the article goes on to show the other models and i'm not really going to cover those because these are just sort of boring pc like machines all right enough waffling let's try to open this thing up there's a button right here something must give which way does this go hmm that's tougher than i thought ah i think the problem is there is tape on here i didn't even notice this okay i got it the case slides forwards i was thinking that this plastic bezel stayed behind on the front and just the metal slid backwards but the whole thing comes off all right patrick left me a note in here now it's funny in a way i know he emailed me about this machine before he sent it and i'm sure he told me stuff about it i it's been so long now i've kind of forgotten about it but here from back in february of 2021 replaced main filter caps and blown 100k looks like m fuse still won't read discs so that's an unfortunate thing i may not be able to fix that this is a very typical problem with ibm's disk drives ps2s have the same problem where very frequently their floppy drives don't work in here we have a bog standard ide drive and unlike a lot of the ps2 machines it's just standard ide and the power cable is a normal power cable so replacing this with just a compact flash card would be super simple right here we can see one 16-bit isa slot so that's perfect for adding like a sound blaster or whatever and there is lots of length here so it could be a long card and it's going to fit in there without any issue and on this side there's another isa slot one thing i don't think you're going to find in a machine like this is a nicad battery that's going to leak and destroy the machine pretty sure there's a battery in here somewhere but i think it is of a type that typically does not leak let's see if we can find it but right here is the modem has a ribbon cable that connects to the motherboard so that is of course proprietary it's funny has a four pin molex connector here i wonder if that is for the sound card which i think mounts right on top of this thing right here it's like a metal bracket there maybe it plugs into there for power oh i just lifted up and that popped out was that supposed to come out like that hmm let's turn that up there we go and trying to hit the modem out looks like there's a screw here okay there it is that comes out oh look at that good old bog standard cr2032 cmos battery how cool is that all right so the hard drive and the floppy seem to be on some kind of a sled here so i'll take out these two screws being an ibm they use these hex screws i mean they're flat blade or hex i've had these two nut drivers forever probably i think i got these in the early 90s like with a tool kit i bought back then the rest of the tool kit is long long gone but these two were clearly for working on ibm's because every time i go to use an i work on ibm now i bust these out and these are the two sizes that are always used all right so the floppy drive doesn't have a power cable it just has this so that means that power is running inside this floppy cable so i won't be able to replace this drive if it's not working with just a standard pc floppy drive all right so this is not coming out it looks like there's a screw on the front so i'll keep taking out screws or it looks like maybe two screws keep taking out screws until it's released okay there it is inside the dusty ibm ps1 there's the normal 386 sx processor and i have a video on the channel about a 46 i think it's an slc upgrade that you push on top of the socket and would upgrade this machine to a 486 so that's definitely an upgrade i may consider depending on if this machine does work there's some type of an expansion connector on the front here and it has an opening in the front of the case i wonder what that's for all right so let me get this floppy drive off of here because we're certainly going to have to work on it it looks like i didn't need to take off this whole thing because there's some type of some type of a sled here that slides in how does this come off exactly all right i think the trick is you push up on that and the drive just slides right out quite easy serviceability you don't have to really take anything apart to get that out nice i'm just going to remove this little bottom tray here so we can take a look at what's going on with this drive so it's not atypical for old drives to have an electrolytic cap that has to do with the motor control or the motor speed for the spindle and that's this cap right here and if it goes bad then you often have trouble with the drive it spins at the wrong speed or it's just not able to read because the speed is inconsistent now patrick said he replaced this or that note said someone replaced it at some point and yeah it doesn't look like it's bad but i'm going to check it nonetheless with my esr meter all right hopefully you can see that it's about 4.4 microfarad at one kilohertz and a d value of 0.228 so that is completely fine usually when i find three and a half inch drives that have a regular electrolytic cap like this here they usually work fine it's the surface mount ones here that leak just like those ones on macintosh's leak or amigas and you'll see corrosion there and i often take those off and then i will just reattach a regular electrolyte just like this into the same spot typically that makes drives work again but i guess in the case of this one it hasn't so let's pop this cover off the top and look under here all right so under these ribbon cables here there's some caps and it's all looking very burned under there so i'm going to carefully remove these ribbon cables and we're going to try to get that pcb out of here i'm not sure if this is even going to be in focus but there's the read write head and whoa it's covered in a lot of brown gunk so it may not be reading just simply because that is filthy but let's try to take a look at this pcb anyways there's a ribbon cable here that's soldered so i have to carefully fold this over and i have removed the ribbons on the other side let's take a look at what we see all right there's quite a lot of crust here i think there would have been a poly fuse or something right here that looks like it's just bridged with a piece of wire so i'm going to remove this stuff and just take a closer look at what's going on under here nice tc colon brand caps there i remove the old solder so a little ipa and i'm just going to scratch away any of this black gunk that's on here so now we can see a little bit better what's going on here you can definitely see like this via here is very corroded so we'll have to check on the other side if that has continuity but like this uh positive rail here let's follow the trace so now i just want to see with these really sharp probes i have it in continuity mode is it getting through so that one is getting through no problem over here to this poly fuse and then from here how about this trace right here let's poke it to it yep that's working and then this side here is good all good and how about the positive here it's not sort of working there how about over here yep none of these other traces look bad everything looks okay right through here it's just this via here let me check the back side of this crusty crusty via even though it's very crusty it's actually working okay and on the back side of the drive this all looks fine there's a little bit of alcohol on here all right so let's replace those caps these are 25 volt caps which makes sense this is probably something to do with the motor control which means it's on a 12 volt rail so i'm going to try to find some surface mount caps to reinstall here let me use these caps on there 10 micro farad 25 volts and these are ceramic caps so they should never fail let's have to make sure that these are actually going to fit the spacing and they will all right there we go it's not the prettiest but it should work and those should never fail i'd normally use hot air to reattach these but i wanted to make sure that that one cleared that via because of course a normal electrolytic cap that would have been on their surface mount one would have had a plastic pad underneath with two little legs so it wouldn't have had any risk of touching that via so i just need to make sure i positioned it that direction so there we go of course maybe i should have tested the computer first but i'm just going to assume that it does work because uh the note made it imply that it works fine all right and now we just carefully reinsert all of these fragile fragile ribbon cables those two and then there are two for the heads here and it's time to clean the heads i'm going to use one of these little things that a viewer sent in from the uk awesome little cleaning pads here well nothing was really coming off now i found that sometimes the gunk that's on the heads so difficult to get off that even 99 ipa which is what i was using didn't work i'm going to use some windex of all things because i find that the soapy action actually cleans a little bit better sometimes and indeed it is exactly like i said it is cleaning it so much better check out that the end of that has some yellow kind of stuff on there that was what was on the heads and it came right off with the windex and the alcohol wasn't doing anything i really need to get a little mirror like the kind of dentist uses so i can get down in there and and show things that are hard to see otherwise and then back to the little cleaning strip here with the ipa on it for a good final clean i had a 1541 kilometer disk drive that had heads that were so dirty as well uh ipa wasn't really doing anything and the windex immediately took off any gunk that was on them and then i just cleaned them the final bit and then they worked great all right so there is the head hopefully you can see that it is nice and white and clean now so that should be good all right next thing is how is the mechanism working let's see if it's oh yeah that that works well has a nice snap to it now i keep a stash of bad floppy disk which is what this is because i don't always want to put a good disc into a dirty drive so i'll probably do my first test with this disk while i have this out i'm just gonna clean the the blue button here because it's really gunked up looking as well all right the button is clean and what i'm gonna do now is just clean the the sliding assembly here i'll use ipa on a clean end of the cotton swab here there's a lot of gunk on there i'm just going to try to clean that off a little bit and then i will try to rotate the head assembly here to move it i don't know if i'll be able to do that i can't seem to move the head because it's locked into the little worm gear or i don't know what this thing is called shaft worm shaft and i'm trying to just turn it it's not turning so what i'm going to do is we're going to plug this into the computer with the lid of the drive off just to make sure that head is moving properly because this this could be seized up judging by the amount of rust and corrosion on the machine just being in a damp place sometimes the motor can seize up there's no easy way to turn and there there isn't with this then you just have to hope you can loosen it up and if i need to i'll take that motor out and then see what i can do okay so i think it's time to power up the machine and i'm going to do that just like this with nothing installed in it because we don't really need anything installed in it to get it working right the only thing of course i do need is the monitor because it is the power supply so i mentioned this at the start of the video when i originally got this monitor i never thought i'd have a ps1 to use it with so i just removed the power cable that went from this to this machine luckily i saved it so i put it back in the monitor and here it is so you can use a normal vga monitor with this machine if you build something external to power it up i'm sure this uses the normal power rails plus five minus five you know plus 12 that kind of thing so if you build on breakout cable go ahead use a regular monitor you will need a cable that's missing that extra pin i think it's pin nine otherwise it won't fit into the connector on here but v west life had a video recently on how you can modify the connector on the motherboard with a little i think it was a paper clip and a soldering iron or something like that or maybe a lighter and you burn or you melt that little hole you can use a normal monitor me personally like for this monitor i have on the bench here i just use needle nose i just ripped the pin out of the vga cable so it would work as well i never actually tested this monitor on a ps1 computer right because i don't know if the power supply is giving the correct voltage rails oh we have a cursor let me turn off the lights all right there it is two megs of ram 301 error and a 162 error i'm pretty sure 301 is because the keyboard is missing and i think 162 is a hard drive error or maybe that's a floppy er and it's telling us to push f1 the ps1 actually came with a model one keyboard but it was a cost reduced keyboard that had buckling springs but it was really cheap looking and cheap feeling and while it had the nice clicky sound and i think it had a good key feel if you take it apart you can never make it work again because it has these horrible zebra strips and a membrane and it's just the whole thing is really bad so um i'm going to be using this keyboard which is an ultra cheap keyboard i got recently hit f1 to continue this thing of a bios or anything oh look there's that cool built-in menu thingy the date even says 212 22 so that's a good battery in there all right the drive is connected and i put on a piece of plastic here because the mouse pad is keep it from shorting the motherboard but sometimes the motor the spindle motor on the bottom will rub on this rubber here so a piece of plastic is uh is all it needs so let's turn this on hopefully we don't have any sparks come out from those caps i just installed okay so far so good all right we got a 162 error and i think this thing actually tried to seek but i don't think it actually did anything so let me put in a disc it says insert a dos disk and it is definitely not reading but what i have not seen is the head move at all let's just watch to see if there's any movement out of the head here ah a little bit but i was not happy it tried to seek let's try to unstick that motor all right i'm using needle nose and i'm turning the motor and it does seem to be turning okay it doesn't feel bound up i've actually moved the head a little bit that way there still could be problems with the drive electronics when it comes to the motor control for the stepper motor here that's causing issues i felt the head move a little bit just normal disk drives when they first power on they usually go to track zero but maybe not maybe not all whatever was going on there i would assume that's just a normal seek that was not working properly i think what i really need to do is get this computer booted off a hard drive so that i can load up imd which is my favorite tool for testing disk drives see if i can exercise the head or hook up the oscilloscope to try to see what's going on it could be whatever blew the fuse on this thing that had to be jumped blew out some of the transistors that also drive the head stepper motor assembly here so i think with imd and the oscilloscope i might be able to see if that's the case all right so i've been thinking about what to do about the bad floppy drive and i actually found online some information on how to hook up a normal floppy drive so we'll do that if we need to but what i try to do next is get this xt ide card working in the machine so i've reinstalled the slots and i just can't seem to get this to work basically it never sees the bios and i've tried all three settings because this is a 256 kilobit bios i've tried all three settings and it never shows up so what i went ahead and did is i connected this which is uh well it's an sd card to ide adapter i plugged it in directly to the motherboard and the problem is here is that ibm machines like the ps2 and this machine there is no way to alter bios settings without a floppy disk and looking online there are those images available to download but without a working floppy drive you can't configure the hard drive or anything like that so right now i don't know if this thing is even going to boot because i didn't try booting with that original maxter drive that was in here the bios has clearly been reset because the battery is changed and the date is right we saw that when we booted up but i just don't know about the hard drive so we're going to do two tests here first i want to boot this computer and see if it can see what's on this card this does 622 i think it's 132 megabyte partition the c drive so it's definitely more than whatever that's like an 80 meg hard drive or whatever is in here but hopefully it's going to be able to read it even though the heads and cylinders aren't quite right these types of controllers here the chip on here does translation with heads and cylinders so it should still work as long as i'm trying to access within the 80 megabytes and next up a little bit of googling and i quickly found the downloads for the 2121 they have rom images they have all the drivers but more importantly they have the utility programs which i have gone ahead and downloaded and i copied them onto this card in the utils folder so if we turn this on and it sees that card we should be able to at least try to configure the bios or see how it's configured also instead of trying to film the screen i have the vga cable connected here to the capture device so this is just going to be blank even though it's powering up the machine and we'll be able to see a much clearer image of everything so here we go all right there we go it's counting up the memory it's cut off a little bit on the edge but don't worry about that that's just the capture device and i haven't configured it okay 162 which of course is the floppy drive error let's hit f1 oh incorrect dos version okay that's a good sign i think that means it was trying to run something off of the autoexec.bat or maybe config sys because i think that's what this launcher does here is it looks to see if you have a hard drive and then it tries to execute some extra files off there all right so if we go to your software it should be able to drop to the dos prompt oh yeah look there's everything it's showing it all right so we'll drop to dos prompt there it is dos version four okay so there is the stuff on the hard drive great all right the ps1 folder is there and there are the utilities so i think it's configure installed memory two mags fixed disk 527 megabytes yeah it seems like you can't actually control the hard drive type so i guess it's auto detecting the card and that is actually like a two gig card i think or eight gigs or whatever it's seen as 512 megs but because that first partition is only 132 megs or whatever it is that means it should totally read it so let's hit enter and then there's another program customize custom is there we go so i see you push the space bar on the one you want to change and we have to cycle through all of these maybe if we had a mouse it would be able to select it keyboard speed why don't we set that fast start from built-in dos try diskette first let's do try disk then fix disk and it looks like here if you are starting with the built-in dos you can decide to pick one of these to always boot directly into like works or prodigy which is an online surface in the us and then here lets you pick whether you have built-in or from disk for your configuras auto exec that's why we're getting that error because that's 622 on here now it should boot directly into 622 and it is now in here there's a program called four quad 6-2 and i think it's the self-extracting archive this is the dash shell that is compatible with dos 622 so here looks like rom shell is going to be that shell right and here's the dash shell running in dos 6.22 perfect all right so what i want to see is if imd is on here and it is indeed okay so i need to plug that floppy drive back in here and let's exercise that head um wait what's happening it's working i just plugged it in to power up the computer it just booted off the day drive what the drive is fixed i'm in check it here which i just ran off the hard drive let's do a diagnostic on the a drive and let's let it do a random seek i'm not gonna do a right test unbelievable so we saw before it was trying to seek a boot it wasn't and definitely wasn't reading the disk or booting so i'm assuming the only thing that was really wrong with this is maybe the heads were dirty but more so just moving the head assembly using the needle nose on that uh shaft there for the the drive heads seemed to do the trick it's just when i moved them it was very easy to turn it wasn't bound up at all feeling so i don't really get what's going on but as we see on the screen here it has completed a random read without any issue at all so let's run configure again and i think i just want to make sure that it sees the disk drive it does all right so with that this machine is working properly so it's now time to put it back together and in the process i'll give it a little bit of a clean inside and out i can definitely tell this was used by a smoker because the fan here is very brown and crusty and it's blowing that nicotine glaze smell all over me and my fingers i could smell it on my fingers from touching the machine so i will give this thing a nice little disinfectant and then i will see you when it's back together all right the ps1 is coming along nicely i have this pretty much configured the way i want it to go back together we have a sound blaster 16 card in here i mounted my sd card reader into here plugged it into the motherboard the original hard drive that was in here i've taken out but this drive actually does work perfectly it had just a the stock installation of the ps1 on here so i didn't need those files so i just formatted this thing but as old as this is 80 meg hard drive working perfectly i did put the original mounting sled back in the machine and in this bag is the original cable and even the stainless steel screws that were attached i'll just leave that inside the machine here the modem is installed underneath the soundblaster card here even though not really needed anymore and before i put all this stuff in i gave this thing a general clean by blowing it with compressed air and just sort of cleaning out all that dust and stuff that was inside i gave the outside of the bottom part of the chassis a nice clean with magic eraser and windex so there's no more grime on it and i took the fan out cleaned out all that caked on dust and cigarette smoke on there and i even added one drop of bearing oil to the bearing that's underneath the sticker here the metal cover that was on the machine was pretty grimy but actually that was just cigarette smoke residue as well so a good cleaning with windex and magic eraser made this thing look pretty much as good as new there's a couple very minor scratches on it though and lastly there is the front cover some people may have noticed when i was taking the machine apart the cover seemed kind of loose and actually what had happened is three out of the four standoffs that holds this on to the metal chassis had broken luckily the screws were still holding on to the little pieces of plastic so i actually used acetone to reconnect the little pieces of plastic but then just to reinforce them i added jb weld and that's what all the silver or gray goop is on there this one hadn't broken but actually had some cracks in it but these three had actually totally broken so with the acetone even before the jb weld they were actually holding firm but the jb weld is just my extra insurance even though it's kind of ugly to hopefully make sure this thing stays attached for the near future magic eraser of course made this thing look really nice and clean again it was also grimy and kind of yellow from the cigarette smoke but after the magic eraser it really cleaned up nicely and there we have it the ibm ps1 monitor and computer is now a complete set i actually do have a model m keyboard a full size one it's in storage so i can't access it easily and i even have the matching ibm mouse that goes with this i found that an e-waste recycler at some point but for now just using this hp mouse and my cheap ps2 keyboard let's boot this thing up i actually went ahead and copied all of the original ps1 utilities windows installation and software onto that sd card that's in this thing so it will still boot up to that special shell even though it's got dos 6.22 in it and yes by the way you notice there was no speaker inside the computer when i took it apart and that's because the speaker is inside the monitor and the volume control is right here and yes even the original windows 3.1 install is on this machine and it totally works i have to copy the win820.386 file over from the original dos 622 install disk for it to run in 3d6 enhanced mode but there it is it's actually working and it has shortcuts to prodigy works things like that now because i was able to add that sound card because of the isa slots that this particular version has you're not limited to that really hard to find ibm card which has really bad compatibility so i can run games and get great sound out of them like this here's ultima 6. if i turn up my speakers there's that very cool ad-lib music that this game supports plus the nice 256 color vga graphics [Music] it runs pretty well too you can see the scrolling here is not super smooth but this game was designed to run even on 286 machines so it's pretty capable of working okay on this 16 megahertz machine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here is outrun from sega now the pc version doesn't support even the ad-lib card so we're stuck with the internal beep speaker coming out of the monitor actually has pretty good sound quality considering it's beep speaker i mean yeah turn the volume up and down here [Music] so yeah you get what you're gonna get with that but the fact is uh the speaker in here sounds a little bit better than the typical pc speaker that you're gonna see inside a lot of computers but you'll notice the performance of the game like the animation is relatively smooth this thing only runs in ega this particular game but it's not too bad here's another game i used to play a lot in high school in the computer lab there was a whole bunch of ibm ps2s i think they were model 30s and if i recall they had monochrome screens but i brought a copy this in and i used to play this game in class all the time and the teacher didn't know about it so let's run this it has ad-lib ad-lib sound yeah indianapolis 500 the simulator and it's a driving game that considering its age at 1989 it's pretty great and i think it's one of the early games that supports the ad-lib card you know 1989 so it came out even before this machine so performance on a 3d6sx is decent this game actually runs too quickly on modern computers but uh on old machines like this it works pretty well and it's a driving game and you use the keyboard so it's pretty good if you've never played this game it's fun and one thing that's neat about it is there's actually a damaged model so when you hit other cards pieces of the cars fly off and stuff like that so one of the things i used to do in class a lot was drive backwards on the racecourse here and head-on collision with other cars which would send both cars flying all over the road and yeah you get little bits of debris and stuff quite a fun game and it has pc speaker sound that is less good of course without the ad-lib which is what i used to have when i played the game in school so there we have it a complete and working ibm ps1 with its matching monitor and with the desirable isa slots so i can add the much more useful sound blaster sound card to it thank you very much patrick for sending this machine and i'm glad it really cleaned up really well and that the disk drive works it was a little bit mysterious why the disk drive didn't seem to work after i cleaned it and changed out those caps and then just started working i'm going to chalk it up to that stepper motor for the head still being a bit gummed up and then just using it seemed to free it up and now it works and yes with the machine fully assembled it's still totally working if you had one of these ibm ps1s back in the old days picked it up at best buy or wherever i'd love to hear about your experiences with it i don't think when i was a kid i ever saw anyone with one of these machines and even though i was working in a computer store around the time this was being sold it just never came into the shop maybe that's a testament to the reliability of ibm that these things just worked and worked and worked but also probably might have had something to do with the fact that they're not really that expandable and people probably just bought them and used them as is without ever really doing anything to them we had a lot of pcs come into the computer store i worked at that needed upgrades or components swapped out or fixes or whatever but something like this pro people probably used it and if it broke they either got a fix under warranty or they threw it away so anyhow if you like this video appreciate a thumbs up y'all the usual youtubey stuff subscribe to my channel if you haven't already that really helps me out and of course thanks to my patrons their names are scroll on the side of the screen and if you want to become a patreon you can do so at the link in the description below don't forget to check out the second channel and uh yeah you know all the usual other stuff so stay healthy stay safe and i will see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Adrian's Digital Basement
Views: 111,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bgHYGW0AmY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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