The Hunt For Hitler's Lost Mega Plane | Messerschmitt 323 Gigant | Timeline

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- My name's Dan Snow, and I wanna tell you about History Hit TV. It's like the Netflix for history. Hundreds of exclusive documentaries and interviews with the world's best historians. We've got an exclusive offer available to fans of Timeline. If you go to History Hit TV, you can either follow the information below this video, or just google History Hit TV, and use the code 'TIMELINE.' You get a special introductory offer. Go and check it out. In the meantime, enjoy this video. (soft music) (tense whimsical music) - [Narrator] Hidden beneath the waves for 70 years, concealed and forgotten. The quest for the last remaining wreck of its kind. - [Translator] I tried to focus on what it was exactly. Very slowly, I began to understand One, two, three, four, five, and then I was sure there it is. (water burbling) - [Narrator] A daughter is given back the memories of her father. (nostalgic music) (Herta speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] Seeing as we knew so little, I didn't really think too much about him. - [Narrator] Hitler's mega plane, super weapon or misconstruction. (melancholic music) (Antonio speaking indistinctly) - [Translator] I still think of him, again and again. Those poor lads. (Antonio speaking in foreign language) - [Narrator] A tragedy on a sunny island, forgotten for so long. (melancholic music) German born, Herta Salzmann, never found out about her father's true fate. She's been in the United States for 40 years now. This film tells her for the first time, his complete story. - [Translator] When I see these pictures, then I can think of him, and yet I can't really remember him. (soft music) - [Narrator] Slowly, the memories flood back. In 1943, Arthur Busch was a soldier in Hitler's war. (melancholic music) (camera shutter clicking) His daughter, Herta, was only eight years old. One of the keepsakes she still has, is her father's only letter to her. In 1943, he writes from Sardinia. - [Arthur] My darling child. I was thrilled by your sweet letter. Write again soon, will you? Take good care of yourself, so nothing bad happens. (soft music) (Herta speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I wasn't really afraid that my father wouldn't come back. I couldn't grasp the fact. Just as he went to work, I was sure he would come back. (Herta speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] This was not to be. (whimsical music) In the summer of 1940, Hitler's Luftwaffe fly their daily attacks on England, The Blitz. The military commander plans the invasion of Britain. To deploy the landing forces over the charnel, Hitler commissions a secret transport plane. (ominous music) (instrumental music) The propaganda celebrates the "Dictator," as an aircraft designer. (man speaking in foreign language) (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The development of the Gigant, was an invitation to tender for the construction of a massive glider to land in England. (whimsical music) - [Narrator] The Messerschmitt proposal is simple and solid. 14 tons of loading capacity. This airship swallows quite a pile. Messerschmitt's, Gigant, is manufactured without engines. A super glider. (whimsical music) (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The Gigant is derived from the construction of a transport glider. Transport gliders have to be lightweight. In other words, a metal tubing construction was covered with fabric. Meaning it's extremely light. But when fully loaded, also rather immobile, the wings were severely unstable, and the plane was difficult to maneuver. It's an impressive aircraft from the outside. You couldn't tell it was just fabric. - [Narrator] The name speaks volumes. The Gigant, is the largest operational aircraft in World War II. To take off, it has to be towed by other aircraft. A one way plane. Doors still need some attention. (whimsical music) (upbeat music) La Maddalena, an island Northeast of Sardinia, an Italian holiday paradise far from the packed beaches. Anyone who has experienced this island's magical tranquility is bound to return. (upbeat music) Holy funeral of the grueling war that raged here 70 years ago. - Wow. (bomb exploding) (Sonke speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] Let's try to imagine what the Europe of 1945 looked like. It was stroom with smashed war machinery, demolished houses, blasted landscapes, shot down planes. Kids played with weapons that were just lying around in the woods. That's all gone now. The broken machinery cleared, and scrapped houses were rebuilt. Without the trained eye, today, you practically can't see any scars of the war. - [Narrator] For the Italian Federico Peyrani, La Maddalena has become something like a second home. He comes here every summer. The native Milanese, is an expert on historical military literature. A French publication about the Gigant, reveals a reference that fascinates him. In 1943, two of Hitler's mega planes were apparently shot down here. The details apache. One Gigant supposedly crash landed onto the island. The other one into the sea. Is Peyrani able to reveal anything about the fate of these planes after almost 70 years? (Federico speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] The first thing I did when I heard about the legend of these planes that crashed near La Maddalena was to contact the local papers. Then I talked to the islands inhabitants. Maybe there is someone still alive, who could remember. (Federico speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] It is the start of a passionate hunt for traces above and below water. Peyrani collects everything he can find about the Gigant. (camera shutter clicks) (whimsical music) Only if he's able to reconstruct the tragedy, is there a remote chance to solve the mystery. He has no idea about the dimensions of the project about to unfold. (whimsical music) What motivates him? (whimsical music) (Federico speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I think it's the relatives who don't know where their deceased are. It is still very painful for them. I wanted them to find out where and how their loved ones lost their lives such a long time ago. (ominous music) - [Narrator] Nobody knows exactly where the Gigant crashed into the sea. The reports are contradictory. Peyrani is adamant he can find the wreck. (whimsical music) (Federico speaking foreign language) - [Translator] It was the distinct stories of both planes that fascinated me. Both were equally important to me. Compared to the plane on land, there was absolutely no trace of the San Carnera plane. At the same time, not a single person could report anything about the incident. It was nothing to go by. Yet my desire and hope to find something at the bottom of the sea was tremendous. (Federico speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] Peyrani asks the diver, Christina Fragieri, to search for remains of the Gigant. Through his research, he has initial clues to where the plane might have crashed down. To begin with, the team attempts to find the wreck with the help of an underwater camera. The search proves more difficult than expected. The area is huge, and there are only few points of reference. Then, Fragieri discovers unusual objects on the sea bed. (indistinct) Could these be parts of the Gigant? Fragieri feels confident. The position is marked for a later dive. (water burbling) (whimsical music) (bright upbeat music) Antonio Demuro was born on La Maddalena. In 1943, he was five years old and lived with his grandfather on this hillside. Because of the war, most inhabitants had left the island. (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Translator] My grandfather and I lived alone here. It wasn't a good life. It was hard, very hard. (Antonio speaking foreign language) You had to survive with what you could grow yourself or with anything else you could find. I would've eaten the rocks, God damned. (Antonio speaking foreign language) At night we would creep through the gardens and take whatever we could find. To survive, we would gobble up anything. It didn't matter whether it was raw or cooked. (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] On the morning of July, the 26th, 1943, Antonio Demuro is out in the fields. What happens next, changes his life forever. (bright upbeat music) (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Translator] It was about 11:45 when we heard a loud bang, saying that, my grandfather was sure it happened 15 minutes earlier. If we had been on the road, the plane would've crashed right into us. We weren't quite at the top of the hill, just a little bit further down. That's why we didn't see everything. But it was a huge bang. Like an explosion. (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] Antonio and his grandfather run to the crash site. The plane has caught fire through the impact. (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Those poor soldiers inside tried to find an opening to get out. It was such a dreadful site. Absolutely dreadful. (Antonio speaking foreign language) (camera shutter clicking) - [Narrator] One of these soldiers is Arthur Busch. (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I was only five when it happened, but I saw everything and can still see it quite clearly even now. I had to watch how those soldiers tried to escape out of the plane. The faces of those young soldiers are a sight I will never forget. Not one of them was older than 30. (Antonio speaking foreign language) (camera shutter clicking) - [Narrator] Another witness, is the 15 year old Antonio Cossu. (Cossu speaking foreign language) - [Translator] My mother helped the soldiers as much as possible. She tried her best. She ripped up some bedsheets and attempted to cover their burns. (Cossu speaking foreign language) After a while some ambulances arrived, and picked up some of the wounded. There were 13 in total. (Cossu speaking foreign language) (camera shutter clicking) - [Narrator] The wounded are brought to the military hospital of Maddalena. Their names are registered. (somber music) Arthur Busch is not on the list. Most of the soldiers didn't survive the crash. (Cossu speaking foreign language) - [Translator] At first, I thought there were only about five or six dead. Towards the evening, I went back and went in again. I saw a whole heap of them. You could hardly tell the difference between them and burnt wood or something. There was a pile of bodies all on top of each other. (Cossu speaking foreign language) (camera shutter clicking) - [Narrator] Herta Salzmann's father is also amongst the dead. (somber music) (Herta speaking foreign language) - [Translator] As a little girl, I really just didn't understand what was going on. I have no recollection of how terrible it was. I was just confused that everybody was crying. When everyone said that I would never see my father again, I didn't know what they were talking about. - [Narrator] All that remains are memories, and some photos. (men chattering indistinctly) Aldo Ferrucci, is one of Europe's most experienced divers. On more than 250 days a year, he descends into the deep. Wrecks are his passion. He's found countless wrecks, and he's going to help find the Gigant. (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] It's the very moment when a story ends. A wreck displays that exact moment, when everything suddenly stops existing for these people. That is what attracts me specifically. To be able to reconstruct the true story. (Aldo speaking foreign language) It enables us to bring light onto something that nobody knows of, or what might have been forgotten. (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] Even for Ferrucci, this search is something special. Never before has a wreck of a Gigant been found. The discovery would be a sensation. The search starts exactly where the first team found the promising objects, marked at the bottom of the sea. (whimsical music) Diving in extreme depths requires specialized equipment and has to be planned meticulously. (whimsical music) (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I have a lot of experience, and don't dive on the off chance. I tackle a search more scientifically and with logic. So I can make best use of the time spent underwater, and it leads to results. But that only works if the wreck is really there. If I add up all the dives I have been on, and how many wrecks I've actually found, well, the ratio is about 1%. - [Narrator] At a depth of 100 meters, divers have a time slot of approximately 20 minutes only. Nobody knows what the wreck might look like, or whether it still even exists. Numerous dives, all without results. (whimsical music) The summer of 1942, the Vemat is gaining ground. To acquire so-called Lebensraum, living space, Hitler's war drives them further east. Moving supplies is a problem. The expansion of the front is immense. The Blitz Crete has turned into a logistical war. (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The Germans were losing the logistical war. Because logistics never played a large role in the strategic German way of thinking. It never played a role in the German operative reasoning. The Germans set out to win a battle, to win an attack. (Sonke speaking in foreign language) - [Narrator] Hitler demands immediate transport solutions. Supplies for troops are now to be airlifted as well. A powerful carrier is needed. The proposals for the Gigant accord upon once again. (Sonke speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] The Gigant is an improvisation, a typical German element. You somehow have a task, you have now to offer. And therefore you just have to improvise. And so you improvise this required aircraft. As they say, out of the blue. Which of course has some technical problems. The first colossal heavy load transporter in aerial warfare history is constructed out of virtually nothing. - [Narrator] On that account, the large transport glider was equipped with six powerful engines. The radial engines rated each at 1,300 horsepower are taken from a French production. The plan works out. Even excessive equipment, heavy ordinance, can now be airlifted to almost anywhere. The Gigant, Messerschmitt 323, workhorse of the skies. (Sonke speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] It certainly closed a gap in demand. Today, we have the Galaxy, the Antonov, they're capable of holding bulky machinery, tanks and so on. The Gigant was able to do just that for the very first time. Or be it in a primitive and not well engineered form. (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] The Gigant is classified as the forerunner to modern military transport aircraft. There's no mistaking the structural resemblance. (instrumental music) Whether lorries or assault troops, the whole company of 120 men fitted in the hold. The field of application is vast. And yet only 200 of the planes were built. (whimsical music) (airplane engine roaring) One of the Gigant's last surviving crew members, is Alfons Ullmann. Hardly anyone has more knowledge of the Me 323 than him. (whimsical music) (camera shutter clicks) The 19 year old was one of the first to be trained for the top secret prototype. (camera shutter clicking) (Alfons speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] The plane was a top secret piece of machinery, we were only a very small circle assigned. At that time, there were only about 30 people dealing with the subject. (camera shutter clicks) - [Narrator] Ullmann is trained to be an aerial gunner. (camera shutter clicking) His new workplace. He is to avert enemy attacks with his machine gun. (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The actual crew members and people on this sites ended up making improvements themselves. They realized pretty quickly in Italy that something had to be done. They installed the first shooting stands on the top of the fuselage, or the front of the nose, but comparably quite high up to defend against other planes flying higher and so on, or coming in from great heights. (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] Rare footage, shows a crashed Gigant. American soldiers are inspecting the wreck. They want to find out all they can about the secret special transporter. (whimsical music) - The machine (speaking in foreign language). - [Translator] The machine was kept top secret down in the south so that not a single plane could fall into enemy hands. That was what mattered. If any one of them didn't get out, they were blown up or destroyed. (whimsical music) - [Narrator] Not one of these colossal flying machines survived the war. The Gigant becomes a legend. (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I would never go into the sea without a plan that wouldn't be very clever. I'm always searching for additional information. The ocean is vast, and it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The more information gathered from people who experience the sea every day, like fishermen or divers, the better. (bright upbeat music) - [Narrator] Mario Vitiello is a fisherman from La Maddalena. Everyday he sells his catch at the market. (bright upbeat music) He knows everything about the sea surrounding the island. For decades, he's been casting his nets here. (bright upbeat music) One day, he made a very unusual catch. A tag inscribed in French. (bright upbeat music) (Mario speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] I pulled up my net, and there was a tag card in it, that was 25 years ago. As you can see, it is written in French. I've kept it at home ever since. (Mario speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] The fisherman believes the tag, is off a French aeroplane. He knows little more. (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] When we came back from a dive, again with no luck, Vitiello, the fisherman, led us to the place where he suspected another wreck. It was here that he had found this French tag. This was nowhere near our area. It was a totally different place. (whimsical music) - [Narrator] Ferrucci is of the same opinion as the fisherman. The tag can't be from the Gigant. He's absolutely desperate to finally discover something more. And he strikes it lucky. (whimsical music) (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] When I reached that piece of metal to the left of me, it looked like an electricity supply pole. (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] Something huge lies at a depth of 65 meters. (whimsical music) (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I followed the pole until I spotted the first engine. And only then it dawned on me that we had found an airplane. (Aldo speaking foreign language) (whimsical music) - [Narrator] Ferrucci can hardly believe how big this wreck is. (whimsical music) (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] My hopes rose when the fourth engine was visible. With the fifth engine, I thought, okay, even if I don't find the sixth one, it doesn't matter. But then it appeared. It was submerged in sand. I had absolutely no doubt. There never was an airplane of this size and with six engines. I realized we had found the Gigant. (whimsical music) - [Narrator] To date, this is the only discovery of a Gigant wreck. (whimsical music) For 70 years, it is laying on the sea bed. (whimsical music) (Aldo speaking in foreign language) - [Translator] As soon as we left the wreck to return to the surface, the active phase was over, and the adrenaline level sank. It was only then that we realized we had actually found what we had been looking for for over such a lengthy span of time. To be perfectly honest, after all the days of searching in vain, I had stopped believing. I thought that it might just be a modern day legend. (Aldo speaking foreign language) (upbeat music) - [Narrator] Autumn, 1942, Rommel, Hitler's favored general, is fighting in Africa. He depends on the aerial supply line. (whimsical music) The Mediterranean shipping lanes are under allied control. A large part of supplies for Rommel's Africa core is airlifted in, with the Gigant. Without it, the desert war would be impossible. (upbeat music) (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Five U-52's would be needed to equal the hauling capacity of the Gigant. Another difference was that it could fly heavy bulky cargo, artillery cannons, armored patrol vehicles, over the streets of Sicily. The U-52 was unable to do that. - [Narrator] To the occupying German troops, it seems that the allies are observing the giant plane from a distance, without attacking. (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Everyone knew that the first flights towards Crete were monitored from a distance. They just left the field as they were unsure what exactly was going on there. (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] These planes have one major flaw, their flight characteristics. - [Translator] It was extremely difficult to maneuver. It was very slow, and it was easy to shoot down. (Alfons speaking foreign language) If you had to fly a sharp turn, it was impossible. You were better off with a bomber. This was clearly visible when approaching for landing. You had to fly a long way around and descend flatly way before. A steep approach with the machine was totally impossible. (upbeat music) - [Narrator] Instead, it could land on almost any surface. (upbeat music) Hitler's vemat is advancing towards the east. House to house combat in Stalingrad. (whimsical music) In November, 1942, the Soviet counter offenses Hughes. The Germans are encircled. Hitler's orders, "The pocket is to be held under all circumstances." Head of the Luftwaffe, Goring, promises an airlift with supplies to the troops. (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] With the exception of the Gigant, everything and anything was sent to Stalingrad. We're talking about the NS elite shuttle aircraft, Focke-Wulf, 200 planes. U-90s. Literally all transport planes. Even all the flying schools were emptied and their machines deployed as transporters. More just wasn't possible. (upbeat music) - [Narrator] 100 tons is the daily load of equipment and full supplies flown into the pocket. An insufficient amount by far. The situation of the soldiers becomes increasingly desperate. - [Translator] The conditions of the Russian winter, the frontline air fields of the dawn step, bad weather conditions, wind and snow storms, to fly in there with a fabric covered six engined aircraft would've been utter nonsense. (gunshots blazing) - [Narrator] Towards the end, the German forces are totally exhausted. Most of the soldiers are not killed in combat. They die of malnutrition and hypothermia. (gunshots blazing) On the 31st of January, 1943, the 6th Army, led by field marshal, Paulus, finally surrenders. Just under half of the 230,000 German soldiers survive and go into Russian captivity. Would the use of the Gigant have changed anything? (whimsical music) - The Gigant- - The Gigant would've changed nothing in Stalingrad. The ultimate problem was serving an army from the air, in the Russian winter, and from such a distance. That just wasn't possible. (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] The battle of Stalingrad is deemed the psychological turning point of the war. (bright upbeat music) Federico Peyrani's quest has put the wheels of something quite magical in motion. Helping him along, is a journalist, Giovanna Soro Saba. (Giovanna speaking foreign language) - [Translator] When I looked over the Italian and German documents, I realized that there hadn't been any proper communication with the families concerned. (Giovanna speaking foreign language) I felt it was my moral duty to conclude the research of the Messerschmitt airplane with a memorial service. (Giovanna speaking foreign language) (church bell chiming) - [Narrator] Exactly 70 years to the day that the two Gigant crashes, people gather together on La Maddalena to remember the dead. A service for the 63 German and four Italian victims. (congregants chattering) The ceremony has a very personal meaning for the bereaved, especially for Herta Salzmann. (nostalgic music) - (speaking foreign language) is for me- - [Translator] The mere fact that someone has shown an interest is wonderful to me. First of all, I didn't think about it too much anymore as I didn't have much left with my father, but the few pictures. Well, I don't want to say he was completely forgotten, but as we knew so little, we didn't think too much about him anymore. (Herta speaking foreign language) (soft music) - [Narrator] Up here on the hillside of Mongiardino, above the town, is where the crash site lays. (somber music) The cross is erected as a symbol to never forget. (somber music) The images of the ceremony bring back memories. (man speaking in foreign language) (man playing flute) (somber music) An emotional moment for Antonio Demuro. (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The plane was hit, and if it hadn't smashed against the wall, then everything would've been all right. It was because of the impact that the plane caught fire. It was here, against this wall, that is still standing. - [Lady] The last one who described it, he actually saw it. (Herta speaking foreign language) - Carl Decker, Woodolf Burtmann. - [Narrator] The names of the dead are read out. - Peter Roet. Johan Benguham. Arthur Busch, Vinmont Hunk. (somber music) - My father (speaking foreign language). - [Translator] My father was mentioned less and less, and I had no one to talk to about him. And now the memories are flooding back. I think this is very important. The memory of him and the others, of everyone who died here. - Anger comes in. (somber music) - [Narrator] 67 families destroyed by the tragedy of Maddalena. - My mother (speaking foreign language). - [Translator] My mother never married again. And I think she must have missed him terribly. (Herta speaking foreign language) (soft music) - [Narrator] On Maddalena, The Gigant caused some headlines. They are a part of the islands history. (soft music) (Giovanna speaking foreign language) - [Translator] One has to consider the situation on Maddalena. In 1943, most of the inhabitants were evacuated. The island was practically deserted and isolated. And those few who were still here mainly worked for the military. (soft music) - [Narrator] One piece of the Gigant has been preserved until today. Only it's shape has changed. (soft music) Gina Poggi's pan reminds her of her husband, and the Gigant. (soft music) (Gina speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Well during the war, we had to make do without so many things. When the plane crashed, my husband, he got himself a piece of it. And he said, "I'm going to take this piece of aluminum, and if I can, I'll make a sauce pan out of it." (Gina speaking foreign language) - [Narrator] Gina Poggi's fiance worked at the ammunition depot on the island. He intends to capture Gina's heart. (Gina speaking foreign language) - [Translator] So when he brought me the pot, he said, "Gina, I have got a present for you." And I asked him, "Oh, is there something to celebrate today?" He said, "No, it's a day just like any other. But have this. Now you finally got a pot for your sauces." (soft music) - [Narrator] The maritime museum of Maddalena features many findings of the island's history. (soft music) Gina Poggi's sauce pan will find its final resting place here. Even if the owner is slightly reluctant about the separation. A most unique exhibit. (somber music) (whimsical music) The war theater of 1942, North Africa. Ramos troops are forced into a retreat back to Tunisia. The commander in chief says no retreat. - [Sonke] Hitler- - [Translator] Hitler wanted to keep Tunisia unconditionally under all circumstances, at all costs. Tunisia had to be kept. (boat engine roaring) - [Narrator] After the allies landings, the situation becomes critical. (gunshots blazing) (whimsical music) The Africa cop puts up a desperate fight. Eventually they face in settlement. Hitler, once again, forbids a retreat. - [Translator] Could not be diverted. Tunisia had to be held. Everything brought in like a one way street over the streets of Sicily. A constant supply of troops on anything that was available. - [Narrator] Continuously, the Gigant planes fly in new troops and materials to North Africa, and back out empty again. The army group, Africa surrenders, 250,000 German and Italian soldiers are taken into captivity. (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] If only the troops had been pulled out, then the Germans might have had a way to defend Sardinia or Sicily. It was just sacrifice, and there's no way around it. It was like being caught with your pants down. - [Narrator] The 26th of July, 1943, the fateful day. The two Gigant planes are ready for a morning takeoff. From Grosseto airfields, in the Italian region of Tuscany. Their destination is Olbia, Sardinia. (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Everyone knew, that it wasn't much fun up there anymore. Every flight was pretty much a one way ticket. - [Narrator] The Gigant planes always stay close to land, for safety reasons. Water is a real danger. - [Translator] But landing on water was totally impossible because water decelerates too rapidly. It's like a shock impact where in most cases, the wings are lost or ripped off. - [Narrator] At 11 O'clock, the two transporters land safely in Sardinia. (whimsical music) At the same time in Tunisia, Royal Air Force fighter planes of the 144th squadron, are preparing. Eight British Bristol Beaufighter planes take off, and are heavily armed. Because of their reduced noise engines, they were often referred to as, "The whispering death." (whimsical music) (Sonke speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The British at some point developed tactics to attack ships. So they have these beaufighters. Some are equipped with torpedoes, and some are their escort fighters. They always work together like airborne search patrols, trying to locate German ships, attack them and attack German planes. (whimsical music) - [Narrator] The squadron is on its way due north, along the coast of Sardinia. - Then, and the beaufighter- - [Translator] If a beaufighter encountered a Gigant, well as a pilot you really have to admit the fight was over, we land and call it quits. There was absolutely no chance of winning. - [Narrator] With their heavy artillery, the beaufighters were far superior. (whimsical music) In the meantime, the two Gigant planes are loaded up for the return flight from Sardinia. (whimsical music) 83 soldiers are to be dispatched to the Italian mainland. (whimsical music) - [Translator] The passengers on board were predominantly wounded and being flown out. (Herta speaking foreign language) - [Lady] I don't know why my father was on this flight on that day. Of all the days it had to be this one. (soft music) - [Narrator] Arthur Busch was not wounded. The person was due to fly to the mainland to collect pay. (camera shutter clicking) Time is of the essence. The Gigant planes were to take off as quickly as possible. (whimsical music) (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The clear disadvantage was the enormous size. You couldn't hide that plane anywhere. Regardless of what airfield we landed on, they were all terrified that because of our plane, they would surely be attacked next. (alarm sounds) - [Narrator] When the Gigant planes roll out to take off, air surveillance raises the alarm, "Enemy aircraft approaching. A fighter plane takes off as escort. When the fighter had left the airstrip, the two Gigant planes lift off as well. The passengers anticipate, their winds of destiny are about to change. A few minutes after take off, the Gigant planes are discovered. Four beaufighters take out the pursuit. The two Gigant planes veer away and try to find shelter over the island. When the pursuers are in shooting range, they open fire. One Gigant is shot down over the sea. (Alfons speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Of that speed, those who weren't buckled in didn't stand a chance. They were thrown around. It's just like sitting in a normal plane that collides with something. Water has that similar effect. The water breaks much more. (airplane engine roaring) (whimsical music) (Alfons speaking foreign language) If the machine can't stay buoyant, there's no chance. In the waters of the Mediterranean it's very difficult. It's more likely that the pilots were hurled out first or managed to escape through the fuselage. But for the others, that was highly unlikely. They probably just went down with all the rest. (water burbling) (whimsical music) - [Narrator] Only few managed to escape the wreck. (whimsical music) (Antonio speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Some were saved, there were 10 of them. They were picked up by a military tugboat and taken to the hospital. After that, I'm not sure what happened. They were probably here in La Maddalena. (Antonio speaking foreign language) (gunshots blazing) - [Narrator] The second Gigant is also shot down. It crashes into the island. The fighter follows the attackers and shoots one down. Then the fight is over. Is it possible to find out anything about the crash into the sea, 70 years after the tragedy? Aldo Ferrucci is quite sure. (whimsical music) (Aldo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] The plane did land on the surface of the sea. If the pilot would not have managed to land on the sea, then the wings or the propellers would've been smashed. But they are all practically undamaged. (nostalgic music) - [Narrator] The whole wreck outside Maddalena is in an unusually good condition. (nostalgic music) - [Translator] If the Gigant had lain in a tidal area, there would be nothing left. Everything would be gone. Here to, there will be a current. You can see that by the underwater growth. If there was no current, then the plane wouldn't be covered with all those corals. However, this tidal current is not very strong. Such a fragile construction would have been destroyed over 70 years. (nostalgic music) (Aldo speaking foreign language) If you get close and see all those details, the smallest parts, even some special objects, like a book or a piece of clothing, a gun, anything, the power of your imagination is activated. Immediately, you imagine how the wreck sunk, what actually happened here. (Aldo speaking foreign language) And of course you think of the sheer desperation of the people in there, and of how they died. (Aldo speaking foreign language) (soft music) - [Narrator] Aldo Ferrucci is fascinated by the wreck and its history. A silent witness to a human tragedy. (soft music) (airplane engine roaring) These images are also very special to Herta Salzmann. (soft music) (Herta speaking foreign language) - [Translator] It was of course a saddening moment. But on the other hand, it was also quite fabulous to see where my father spent the last hours of his surviving life. And for me, this truly is a wonderful thing. (Herta speaking foreign language) (bright upbeat music) - [Narrator] The conference is being held in the town hall of La Maddalena. The two Gigant planes, have become a part of the island's heritage. (bright upbeat music) A heritage that needs further reflection. For the mayor, it's an obligation to deal with history. (Angelo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I've been thinking about what the situation was like back then. Because, if you look back, you can understand your own identity, much much better. (Angelo speaking foreign language) This is the first year of our commemoration. And I'm sure it will continue into the future. (Angelo speaking foreign language) (soft music) - [Narrator] The people of La Maddalena feel strongly connected to the wreck and its crash victims. (soft music) (Angelo speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Of course the wreck of a plane or a ship will always be fascinating. One has to consider whether or not the site should only be accessible with guided visits. (Angelo speaking foreign language) I think this plane has a significant meaning and that it should be protected. (soft music) - [Narrator] On this anniversary, the victims of the sea crash are also commemorated. Four kilometers from the coast, exactly where the plane crashed, a reef is placed on the water. (somber music) (Herta speaking foreign language) - [Translator] So much time has passed, and all the memories are coming back only now. And only now, I can start to understand. When I was eight years old, I didn't understand. (man playing flute) This is a real tribute. (Herta speaking in foreign language) (water burbling) (nostalgic music) (Herta sighs) (Herta speaking foreign language) Although I don't really know these people, I'm so grateful to them, and sincerely hope that one day I'll get to visit. (nostalgic music) - [Narrator] Federico Peyrani, hasn't just found a missing aircraft. He has handed back memories to these people. (nostalgic music) (Federico speaking foreign language) - [Translator] I really believe that the airplane lying on this sea bed is a sacred site, and a war grave. (Federico speaking foreign language) It should be protected and left in peace. (Federico speaking in foreign language) I hear rumors that the wreck might be lifted. That would be very sad. To me, the peace of those dead humans is far more important than that flying machine. (Federico speaking foreign language) (nostalgic music) - [Narrator] 70 Years after the tragedy, what remains is the memory of the people. The Gigant planes of La Maddalena, symbol and monument to a cruel war. (nostalgic music)
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 843,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, messerschmitt gigant, megaplane, hitler's superplane, giant transport plane, germany ww2, luftwaffe, messerschmitt gigant me 321
Id: tAxakgS0Pq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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