The hover train

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foreign ago the idea of a hovering train may have seemed far-fetched but as the modern ages taught us nothing is impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh how fast is too fast for our eyes to see [Music] did you miss it let's slow it down a bit for you [Music] still didn't catch it that's because it's traveling at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour you like to travel that fast anyway well we have some examples for you to put things into perspective to travel 1000 kilometers it takes an F1 car 3.3 hours for a fushing high-speed train it takes 2.8 hours well for the EMS maglev train it only takes 1.7 hours just 20 minutes slower than an airline [Music] at speeds like that you're basically flying [Music] peace [Music] Engineers charge the electromagnets under the train to levitate the train it's almost hard to believe but it's all based on the principle of magnetism as we've all learned in school the colors of red and blue are used to Mark the magnetic poles based on magnetic principles when the bottom of the train is electrically charged the train achieves traction and voila we have flight [Music] while running the maglev train needs to overcome the acting Force applied by its own weight to the levitation Gap because an excessive gap between the train and the track or a gap too small will have an impact on safety is through a series of sensors the maglev train controls the electromagnetic field down the train in real time with a speed of over one megaflop consistently maintaining the levitation gap between 8 to 10 millimeters it truly is something out of a science fiction and in China this Aero train has a unique application [Music] due to its vast territory China's Metropolitan hubs are usually 1 500 kilometers apart so traveling by maglev train is faster than High-Speed Rail and more convenient than an airplane [Music] the coordinated development between regions requires not only corresponding economic strategies but also the support of modern transportation and if the maglev train is any indication of what's to come who knows what technological Miracle we'll see next it's fantastic China [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: CGTN
Views: 34,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CGTN, News
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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