The Hotel of Sleep: A Cozy Winter Sleep Story with Calming Sounds

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hello my friend welcome to your sleep story my name is Stephen Dalton I'm an Irish Storyteller and it's my great privilege to be the voice that you listen to as you go to sleep tonight just before I start a lot of you ask me how you can support the channel you can do this by becoming a patron of the channel the link is in the description below thank you now a little while ago I released a story called the hotel of sleep I had the idea of making you The Listener the only guest in this amazing hotel by a stormy sea and it was so popular that I listened to your requests and I have now created a new hotel of sleep this time the hotel is in a very distant Place High in the northern hemisphere a cozy Haven of Peace in a snowy icy world and once again you will be the only guest I hope you like it now let's do the relaxation session which will take a few minutes before tonight's sleep story I'm going to count down from 10 to 1 and as I do allow yourself to let go more and more 10 feel the support of the bed beneath you and the floor beneath that feel the support of the Earth how the Earth constantly supports us and as you tune into that feeling of supported be curious see what it does to your body whether it allows you to give in to let go a little more nine tune into to your body now notice where you're holding are you holding in your hands in your belly in your neck in your feet maybe wherever you're holding just release now your body is has worked hard for you today it's time to let it rest eight you are safe enjoy that fact also remember that my voice is a friend of safety my voice will only bring you to Safe places so trust in that as you move closer toward sleep this evening allow my voice to be an anchor of safety seven snuggle in a little more now maybe you need to adjust slightly maybe you just need to pull your covers over your head a little more just enjoy the coziness of this moment enjoy the Peace of this moment six peace lives within you it is always there just waiting to be seen to be acknowledged to be felt see if you can find it this evening five the day is done whatever has been has been whatever will be will be whatever thoughts are arriving in your mind tonight they might be about the day that was they might be about what is to come they're not useful right now They don't serve you but don't fight them don't get frustrated with them they are just a part of Being Human so welcome them see them and then gently ask ask them to leave see them floating away like leaves on a river or clouds in the sky for you deserve rest you deserve sleep it is your right so know that enjoy that and just continue to sink into this moment more and more three you have nowhere to be nowhere to [Music] go nothing to do how lovely is that feel the peace that is offered by that fact and continue to let go two begin to engage with your imagination now begin to see a snowy white landscape underneath a Starry Sky and begin to see a beautiful old hotel a Haven of Rest waiting for you in this snowy world one completely let go now as I tell you tonight sleep story in the far reaches of the northern hemisphere where Winter rains with a Serene and unyielding grasp lies the hotel of sleep in the snow it's a place where the sun barely Rises leaving the world in a Perpetual state of Twilight a realm of endless nights and snow covered Tranquility tonight you are the sole guest of this wonderful old hotel most people don't know it exists some question if it really does exist but tonight you will find out that for you it certainly does your journey to the hotel is like no other it's like traveling to another world you're driven through a landscape shrouded in darkness the only light coming from the soft glow of the moon and stars reflecting off the endless expanse of snow the world outside is silent save for the gentle hum of the [Music] car and the soft crunch of snow under its tires you are traveling far away from all that you know each meter covered is another step towards complete relaxation and as you travel further from civilization the quiet beauty of the winter wilderness envelops you it's serenity seeping into your bones finally the car begins to slow and the hotel of sleep emerges from the darkness it stands like a beacon of warmth in the cold night it's windows are glow with a gentle invite liting light the architecture of the hotel is a harmonious blend of classic elegance and rustic charm with deep roofs toward of heavy snow and large Windows offering glimpses of the Cozy interior a kindly looking elderly man in a cardigan is waiting to welcome you he is Mr Slumber the hotel's owner and as you step out of the car you realize that this is a man whose very presence is as comforting as the hotel he runs he is one of those people that when you meet them you feel like you can take a big sigh and just be at peace in their company with a gentle smile and a soft spoken voice Mr Slumber welcomes you to his establishment his demeanor embodying the tranquility and warmth that the hotel of sleep promises welcome he says to your Haven of Rest as you enter the hotel you're immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of warmth and quiet luxury the lobby is elegantly decorated with plush carpets and a large crackling fireplace that fills the room with a gentle Heat and the soothing sound of firewood burning it's like nowhere you've ever seen before it's hard to imagine that such a place exists so far from everything else the dim lighting combined with the rich warm colors of the decor creates an Ambiance of relaxation and comfort a stark contrast to the cold silent World outside here in the hotel of sleep The Long Winter night is not a thing to be endured but to be embraced and enjoyed in comfort and serenity you feel so warm and cozy here you take a big breath of relief from everything that normally plays on your mind you let it all go now and allow yourself to indulge in this wondrous place of Peace you are then introduced to the staff there's Mr and Mrs Herbert the cleaners there's M deont the chef there is Fred and Nina The Spar stuff and there's Mary and Roberto the reception staff each human that stands before you as a genuine desire to make your stay the best possible stay you can have you see it in their eyes you see it in their smile smile and in this moment of connecting with these other humans you feel perhaps a warm little glow inside at this most basic of human needs connection now Mr Slumber speaks would you like to see around the hotel I'd like to give you a tour if that's all right with you of course you want to see this amazing place and so your bags are taken to your room while you begin a tour of the hotel first at the back of the [Music] lobby you approach a very simple door and Mr Slumber opens it for you this is the forest room but what the open doorway reveals is not just a room but an entire Forest magically transported to within the walls of the hotel of sleep it's as if you stepped through a portal into a snowy moonlit Forest a world away from the hotel's interior and even further away from all that you know the scene before you is breathtaking towering trees dusted with snow their branches reaching up to a clear night sky where the moon casts a Serene glow over the landscape the air is crisp and invigorating filled with the scent of Pine and the fresh clean smell of snow Mr Slumber and you a thick warm War jacket ensuring your comfort in this wintry Wonderland as you Dawn the jacket and step into the snow your feet leaving gentle impressions the sense of being in an actual Forest is complete the ground is soft beneath you the snow muffling your steps and the sound of your breath visible in the cold air as you walk beside Mr Slumber he shares a piece of wisdom that seems to resonate with the surroundings in the Stillness of nature he says his voice calm and clear in the quiet of the forest we find the clarity we so often seek in the hustle and bustle of daily life the forest teaches us to be present to appreciate the beauty of the moment and to listen to The Silence the silence that speaks volumes the walk through the forest is both peaceful and invigorating the Moonlight filtering through the trees creates a play of light and Shadow a natural Artistry that soothes the [Music] soul the experience is not just a visual one it's a journey of the senses of the Mind Guided by Mr Slumber gentle wisdom in this magical forest you feel a deep connection to Nature and a profound sense of Peace perhaps it reminds you of the Simplicity and beauty of the natural world around us now you leave the forest back into the lobby and to another other door this is the hot springs room and as Mr Slumber opens the door a wave of warm moist air greets you contrasting pleasantly with the crisp coldness outside this room that isn't really a room is a breathtaking open air hot spring surrounded by a landscape of snow and ice the steaming water of the hot spring forms a natural warm pool nestled amidst the snow creating a surreal and beautiful sight above the night sky is clear the stars shine down upon you along with the gentle glow of the Moon Mr Slumber offers you a robe and some swimming attire and once you're ready invites you to step into the Super soothing Waters of the hot spring this is a place of healing and Tranquility he says softly the wmth of the water the beauty of the night sky and the quiet of the surrounding snow create a Harmony that soothes the soul his words carry a comt comforting wisdom echoing the peaceful essence of this place he then says like these Waters let your thoughts flow gently in the Stillness of the night under the watchful eyes of the Stars find your inner peace here surrounded by the Embrace of nature allow yourself to simply be with those parting words Mr Slumber leaves you to enjoy the Tranquil environment you slowly sink into the hot calming Springs the contrast between the hot water and the cool air is invigorating yet deeply relaxing you lean back gazing up at the stars twinkling in the vast night sky and maybe in this moment you dwell on your place in this vast Cosmos remember you may be a small part of it all but we all are but we are all significant we all matter you matter now as you lie back The Healing Waters surround you and you let go of all your worries you are slowly being prepared for a night of restful and rejuvenating sleep after some time Mr Slumber comes back to escort you to the next room this room he tells you is designed for a unique healing therapy set within a snowy landscape the room is known as the Aurora therapy room you walk in through the door and you can't quite believe what you're seeing it is a glass doed room that looks onto the Northern Lights this beautiful ancient dance of light in the night sky is putting on a wondrous personal show for you the room is beautiful it is filled with books and so you sit still warm and cozy in your bathrobe and a crackling fire continues to keep you warm as you look out on the snowy land and the Northern Lights dancing above and you pick a book to read it's a book about how the Ancients viewed the northern lights but instead of you reading the book Mr Slumber reads it to you the Vikings he says known for their seafaring prowers interpreted the lights as Reflections from the Shields and armor of the Valkyries Warrior maidens of Norse mythology who chose those who may die in battle and those who may live they believed that these lights were a bridge to the heavens a glowing path Leading The Souls of Fallen Warriors to Valhalla the whole of the slain where they would join the god Odin but in Finish folklore the lights were believed to be caused by a mystical Fox as the fox ran across the snow its tail would sweep up snowflakes into the air causing Sparks to light up the sky this tale gave rise to the Finnish name for the Aurora revon toet which translates to Fox fires similarly many indigenous North American cultures held their own beliefs the monmy Indians of Wisconsin believed that the lights were the Torches held by Giants living in the north who used them to guide hunters and fishermen at night in contrast the Inuit of Alaska interpreted the Aurora as the spirits of animals they hunted like seals salmon and deer Mr Slumber stops reading and offers you a moment of reflection you lie back and look up to the lights seeing them in an entirely new way now thinking perhaps of those ancient people who looked at those lights hundreds and thousands of years ago those same lights that same dance that you look at now the human imagination is a wonderful thing now Mr Slumber offers to bring you to your final room your bedroom the ultimate sanctuary of rest a room that defines luxury and comfort tailor made for the most peaceful sleep you can imagine as you enter the room the first thing you notice is the large crackling fire in an elegant stone fireplace the Flames dance with a hypnotic soothing Rhythm casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the room the fire not only adds warmth but also creates a cozy homely atmosphere the centerpiece of the room is a magnificent four poster bed its frame is beautifully crafted and the soft opulent drapes at A Touch of Elegance and privacy the bed is dressed with the finest Linens silky smooth to the touch and pleasing to the eye before you retire to bed the staff of the hotel of sleep present you with a delightful surprise your favorite comfort food prepared to Perfection and also a projector appears and you are offered the opportunity to watch your favorite childhood movie as you eat your comfort food you settle in to a plush couch or on the bed with the movie play and your comfort food at your side and you feel a childlike joy and contentment wash over you the combination of the crackling fire the luxury urious bed the delicious food and the Nostalgia of the movie creates an atmosphere of absolute Bliss in this hotel of sleep Leep in the snow as the movie ends and you finish your meal you feel a pleasant sleepiness begin to take over you slip under the covers of the four poster bed the softness of the Linens like a gentle embrace the fire continues to crackle Softly As you settle into the pillars now it's time for sleep for you the only guest in the hotel of sleep in the snow for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for that for for for for for for for for for
Channel: Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories
Views: 131,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sleep story, bedtime stories for grown ups, bedtime stories
Id: 1mqAN4Jf7G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 59sec (4799 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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