The HORRIFIC Crimes Of Kurt Daluege - The Chief Of Hitler's Police

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on the 24th of October 1946 a horrific and terrible war criminal who was very senior inside of the Nazi party and Hitler's government was led to the execution pole inside of Prague within the walls of panra prison Kurt Deluga the former Chief of the order police was secured to a post by the Executioner who then placed a noose around his neck he was someone who showed no remorse for his crimes during the second world war and he claimed he was just following the orders of Hitler the luga had a huge amount of power and influence inside of Germany and he had over 120,000 police officers who rent in their support to Hitler at his disposal and he technically had an army of men who became very loyal to him and who were responsible for Slaughter execution torture and rounding up thousands of people who were then sent to the concentration camps Deluga claimed that he was beloved by 3 million policemen but what did he do during the second world war that led to his execution welcome to the untold past to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe Kurt Deluga was a first world war veteran and he suffered a number of significant injuries during the conflict whilst he was fighting on the Western Front and he was technically declared 25% disabled and was removed from the front lines but he then following his actions in the War Began to side towards more radical political groups and he became a member of the fry Corp whilst he studied at University he joined the Nazi party and was member number 31,900 following the Munich PCH he continued to be a part of the Nazi party in an underground capacity as they were banned and he was a member of the sa Hitler's brown shirts he rose to the position of Berlin's sa leader and aluga was seen as an organizer of men and many people were very loyal to him and he also became the deputy to Joseph Geral the galigher of Berlin daluga was ordered by Hitler to switch his Allegiance from the sa to the SS and he joined hrich kimmer's paramilitary group and inside of this he was involved in spying on the sa his former comrades and he would keep a close eye on them in the lead up to the KN of the Long Knives Deluga also had a number of SS men at his disposal and he put down an attack upon the Berlin party headquarters and Hitler greatly celebrated him in this and he claimed regarding Deluga SS man your honor is loyalty and this then even became the slogan of the SS and it directly related to Kirk the Lugar further promotions for him came and he was made an SS leader in Nazi Germany and himler took control of the Southern units with Deluga taking the North and let's remember this was still very early on as Hitler had not seized power Deluga could have one day become the head of the SS but he would go a slightly different way he was a ruthless man and his words and actions regarding the sa led to the KN of the Long Knives and the executions of many essay members his former friends and the luga at this point was involved in the Nazi police he gained control and authority of the uniformed police forces and he also commanded different groups including the Coast Guard fire brigade and other services the Nazi police force was reorganized in 1936 and the administrative side of this was absorbed into the SS himler then appointed Deluga as a chief of the Oro or the ordinance poit ey this included practically all of Na Germany's law enforcement and Deluga now had hundreds of thousands of loyal men at his disposal the Oro would during the second war war police civilian populations inside of the occupied countries and they got involved in the genocide and Slaughter that came following the German invasions of different lands including the Soviet Union they were involved directly in the einat and the mass murder of civilians during the Holocaust and the luga's men were known for their war crimes and crimes against humanity he commanded the Oro until 1943 and he became an ESS obest grin fura and general obest the poit ey he did have a rivalry with Reinhard hydri and hydri who was in control of the CPO or the security police was not too keen on Deluga and he called him an idiot or a dummy there was a slight struggle for power between the two Del Luger's height of power saw him responsible for over 120,000 active police officers and there were reports of brutality which emerged at the beginning of the second world war relating to his officers there were uniformed police battalions who were to be involved in carrying reprisals inside of Polish towns it was stated the leader of this Battalion is ordered to take the most drastic actions and measures in the upper silesian Industrial Area the hanging of Polish Frank T from light PSE as a visible symbol for the entire population the lugar's men were publicly executing people to strike fear into their hearts of the population and this continued during the occupation he was seen on the front lines of the second world war and inside of occupied lands and he regularly attended executions one mass shooting in 1941 near to breast Leos saw over 4,000 civilians slaughtered by the police Battalion 307 who were under his command and he was seen at many mass shootings he went further and also signed deportation orders for thousands of people who were sent to extermination and concentration camps whether were then killed inside of gas Chambers or by other means and Deluga had the blood of thousands of people on his hands he was close with Hitler and his relationship with him allowed him to continue to rise through Power and following the assassination of his once rival Reinhard hydri Deluga became the deputy protector of bohemia and Moravia he was overseeing the terror inside of Czech lands and his aim was to cause so much fear that the Czech people worked as hard as they could in the armaments factories which were needed to be productive for the German war effort however Deluga was given this role probably due to his friendship with Hitler and following hyrri's death he was made the acting protector of bohemia and Moravia in reprisal for Hy's death daluga was involved in ordering the slaughter and attacks on The Villages of Lis and Aki both of these Villages were raised to the ground and during the Lis Massacre 340 people were killed narzi forces stormed into the village on the 10th of June 1942 and under the Luger's orders they rounded up all 173 men from the village and 11 others who were then forced against the wall of a barn as they were shot in groups of five then groups of 10 were to be executed to speed up the process the women and children of Lis were then taken to the Village school and they were then held for 3 days and the children were separated from their mothers the women were forced onto a train where they were then sent to ravensbrook concentration camp and 88 children were transported to LOD a few were selected for germanization and the children left were massacred being sent to the Helo extermination camp as they were Gass in the gas van similar actions happened in laki as in the afternoon of the 24th of June 1942 150 Gusto men arrived D alongside over 300 SS men they removed all of the inhabitants of the village and destroyed it 33 men and women were shot and just 13 children were spared the slaughter was carried out all for the death of hydri and inside of different police groups more execution and death occurred there were executions of resistance members taking place all over Europe as Nazi police forces under the Luger's command investigated interrogated and tortured in 1941 Kurt Deluga did fall ill as he had a huge heart attack and he was relieved of his command of the police force and he then lived in a large property that Hitler gave him and he recovered but at the end of the war he was arrested by the British and was actually held inside of nurenberg as a major war criminal and he probably should have been brought to the nberg trials but the decision was then later made to send him to Czechoslovakia the land where many of his crimes were committed and he was convicted of crimes against humanity he showed no remorse for the actions of his murderous police officers and he also had no shame for this he claimed he was loved by three million policemen and that he was only following the orders of his close friend Adolf Hitler but he was a man who had personally ordered and witnessed Mass executions of thousands of people and he was as ENT to Nazi as there ever was on the 23rd of October 1946 Kurt Deluga was executed within the walls of panra prison in Prague using the pole hanging method kuga was a Nazi chief of the order police who had under his control and command a huge number of police officers who were all loyal to Hitler's cause his men were responsible for horrific torture inside of occupied lands and also in carrying out executions that struck fear into the hearts of the local population he had no sympathy and offered no apology for his crimes and he went to his death without any regrets he is someone who should be remembered alongside other terrible Nazis as his actions caused a deaths of thousands of people and he even signed the deportation lists as people were sent to extermination centers thanks for watching to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe and once again thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheUntoldPast
Views: 29,589
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Keywords: world war 2, second world war, ww2, execution ww2, executions world war 2, history, nuremberg execution, kurt daluege, execution of kurt daluege, daluege, execution of daluege, daluege world war 2, nazi chief of police, hitler's chief of police, chief of police, death of daluege, kurt daluege execution, death kurt daluege, lidice massacre, lidice, lidice ww2, lidice massacre ww2, kurt daluege death, execution kurt daluege, czech ww2, czechoslovakia ww2, crimes of kurt daluege
Id: Y8erDuP2tCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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