The HORRIFIC Afterlife Of The Last Medici

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welcome to her remarkable history remember to support our Channel please subscribe the horrific afterlife of the last Medici the Medici family and house while one of the most influential and Powerful families across Europe during the 16th century and in the Years After the family produced four popes of the Catholic church and two queens of France they were a family that were incredibly wealthy and they had a huge degree of sway across European politics about the final lineal descendant of the main branch of the house was Anna Maria Luisa de Medici who had a very interesting and intriguing life following her death there were many questions about her and her remains were Disturbed and this occurred much more recently than you would imagine but what is the story of the horrific afterlife of the last Medici and Maria Louisa de Medici was the only daughter of Cosmo III Medici the Grand Duke of Tuscany and his consort Marguerite Louise diorlin she was born in Florence on the 11th of August 1667 and her parents regularly argued her mother took every opportunity to humiliate her husband and during one time she classed him as a poor husband and the pair regularly fell out later Anna's father would consent to his wife being sent to a Convent and it was said that upon his wife's death or her assets and wealth would be inherited by her children Anna Maria Louisa who was less than eight at the time never saw her mother again after she fled in the June of 1675 her father did love her but she was raised by her grandmother but in 1669 she was considered a possible Bride for Louis XIV of France her father did not like the idea of her marrying a Frenchman and he was never really behind the idea she was offered to Peter II of Portugal but his ministers declined and they were worried Anna would be like her mother and may want to dominate her husband and embarrass him finding a husband for Anna was tricky and refusals came from France Portugal Spain and then James II of England put forward his brother-in-law Francesco the Duke of Modena however this was refused as he was considered too lowly then Johann Wilhelm the elector Palatine was proposed who had been given the title Royal Highness from the Holy Roman Emperor Johan was chosen and he and Anne married by proxy on the 29th of April 1691. Anna was described as in her person she is tall her complexion was fair her eyes large and expressive both those and her hair were black her mouth was small with a fullness of the lips her teeth were as white as Ivory Anna then left for her husband's Capital Dusseldorf and the couple married at Innsbruck the platinate and Maria Louisa as she was known arrived during the nine years war and the French King was assaulting her lands however in 1692 she became pregnant and then miscarried many believed that this occurred as she had contracted syphilis from her husband in her Royal Court she enjoyed dances playing games and Mick Helsey and she also arranged the marriage of her younger brother the nine years war would end bringing some stability to her and her husband's region however her father Cosimo III wished to change the male-only line of succession in Tuscany to allow Anne to succeed the plan was not met with much support and the question was left but then the succession issue came more urgent over the following years than after the death of his Heir Apparent Cosimo made a bill saying that if his new Heir died early then Anna would take the throne this caused upset but it was said that Anna's succession was unquestioned however her husband died in June of 1716 when she returned to Florence the year later on the 4th of April 1718 England the Dutch Republic and France selected Don Carlos of Spain as the Tuscan air and by 1722 Anna was not acknowledged as Sierras her mother then died but on the 25th of October 17 23 six days before he died Anna's father gave a proclamation saying Tuscany must remain independent that Anna Maria will succeed after Gian Gaston and at the Grand Duke reserves the ride to choose his successor however the powers of Europe ignored it and the Grand Duke jianga Stone and Anna were not on good terms and was the rightful Aaron Gian made huge changes to the lands repealing a lot of her father's laws and I was forced out of the Royal Palace but she remained a key player in politics at the time Janka Stone would die from diseases in July of 1737 and Anna Maria Lucia was offered a nominal Regency by the grand Duke's Envoy but she declined all of the House of medici's possessions including two million pounds and a huge art collection were given to Anna Maria she became incredibly wealthy inheriting all the historic artifacts and also clothing she was allowed to live at the time in relative isolation and was allowed to receive a number of guests however her power was ultimately limited she regularly gave four thousand pounds to charity which today would be around seven hundred thousand pound a year however on the 18th of February 1743 Anna Maria Lucia died of Oppression on the breast and a British resident in Florence would say that the common people are convinced she went off in a hurricane of wind a most violent once began this morning and lasted two hours and now the sun shines as bright as ever however the significance of Anna's death was that with her the Royal line of the House of Medici died forever and became extinct she left a huge sum of money and wealth as she was then interred in a crypt in San Lorenzo she was 75 when she died and it was said she had a long painful death which was mixed with a sudden fever at the time many believed that this was caused by syphilis which had been spread to her by her husband shortly after their marriage and they believed that this caused her childlessness and made the Medici line extinct however in October of 2012 Anna's remains were exhumed from her Crypt in the basilia of San Lorenzo as part of a research project a tent was raised around her bones which remained intact for a week open to the elements for the first time in around 300 years the point of this research was one which seems rather futile and that's was to see if she actually had syphilis and died from this and it was said Anna Maria Louise's skeleton does not indicate late stage syphilis which is characterized by skull Remodeling and Bone outgrowth but it does not rule out earlier stages of the disease which can result in organ failure and death researchers analyzed every part of her remains and interestingly when they opened her coffin they saw that she had been buried with a palatinate crown on her head which was still there resting on her skull it was said to have been Testament to the connection she had to this title and the passion for it she had but also the reason her Crypt was broken into was to see the damage that a flood in 1966 of the Arno river that drenched Florence may have done to her remains it was said that 22 feet of mud and water had swamped the Medici tombs and the researchers were intrigued to see what had happened to her remains however Anna's skeleton practically remained in one piece and was in good condition so Anna Maria Louisa was the final heir of the Medici Royal Line and she was a woman who deserved to rule over the lands she believed she was entitled to her father wanted her to but this was met with some opposition her remains were tampered with over 250 years after her death to see what did kill her and it's interesting to consider whether the historians should have just let her be if historians did this to every person of significance in power in European politics throughout the years it would cause chaos and outrage but Anna is remembered today as the last Medici thank you for watching and to support please subscribe to her remarkable history thank you [Music]
Channel: Her Remarkable History
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Keywords: the last medici, anna maria luisa medici, anna maria luisa medici the last medici, the afterlife of anna maria luisa de medici, de medici history, de medici, last de medici, anna maria luisa de medici afterlife, remains of the last medici, catherine de medici, the serpent queen, catherine de medici serpent queen, de medici history italy, the medici family italy, medici family history, anna maria de medici, death of anna maria luisa de medici, death of the last medici, history
Id: 0aXCqjFKn50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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