The Home Inspection Routine - The Houston Home Inspector

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on today's video we're going to cover the home inspection routine [Music] the home inspection routine is extremely important it's the backbone of your business this routine makes you look more professional expedites the home inspection and prevents you from missing things you always want to follow this routine and Brian is going to cover why so this part of the routine we're going to start by entering the home and we go set up in the kitchen we set out our tools on the kitchen countertop in a professional manner so it doesn't scratch surfaces or anything like that then we move over to the kitchen sink and we turn on the hot water first the purpose for turning the hot water on first is to make sure we have hot water for the rest of the inspection if for whatever reason we don't have hot water we go ahead and do our troubleshooting at this point in time and we go to the water heater make sure the breakers on make sure the elements are working or the gases on to the water heater once we have the hot water on we make a quick pass through the house the purpose for this quick pass is not really to do the inspection we're giving the house prepared for inspection so we turn on all the lights we raise all the blinds we adjust the thermostat whichever season it is the opposite direction so the condensers on or the furnace is on during the inspection we're in each room that we enter as we're turning on their lights raising the blinds we're looking for cracks in the walls or water stains but we're not trying to diagnose the problem we're just identifying the location that way we know when we're in that side of the house or on the exterior portion of the home or on the roof of that part of the house or in the Attic we know we need to troubleshoot that area once we made this quick pass through the house and we have all the lights on basically the purpose for that is loading the panel box and getting it heating it up and that type of stuff we're gonna start on the outside of the house where we start on the outside of the house if we're in an area that has fences we go to the side of the house without a gate and we start on that side of the home basically we do the micro inspection in the macro inspection and then and then we take we hook all right we stay right we don't pass up any work so we approach the condenser we stop at that part of the inspection and we inspect the condenser and then we go ahead and carry on and make our way all the way around that helps expedite that way we're not bouncing back and forth and doing different parts of the inspection so we get on the roof we take a look at everything on the roof we get down we take a look at everything on the exterior of the home we go into the garage take a look at everything in the garage then we go into the attic area and take a look at everything in the attic area by this point in time we probably hit all of our majors like our water heater or a condenser our panel box and we've gotten in the Attic now our hands are all dirty so whenever we leave the attic we go and wash our hands so that way we're not leaving dirty fingerprints everywhere and then we go back to the kitchen and from that point in time we want to start to the right of the kitchen because we want to end up in the kitchen so we hook a right stay right don't pass up any work and by the time we get all the way through the home we're back in the kitchen that leaves us about thirty minutes to kind of finalize the report and clean up a report perfect so I know that was a lot of information really fast so what we're gonna do is document each step as we go and it's going to be a little bit slower and we're gonna cover all the points so the one thing that Brian didn't cover was if you have a two story or a three story house you hook a right from the stairs and then you come downstairs and you hook a right from the kitchen so you treat each floor separate but all right so let's let's go check it out okay so what we're going to cover is the introduction with the client so it's super important no matter where you're at in the process of the inspection when the client shows up you stop whatever you're doing and you go and greet your client because you remember they're the ones paying you and they're the most important person at the time of the inspection so whenever you introduce yourself you introduce who you are and first and foremost you thank them for hiring you to perform a professional home inspection for them and then just kind of give them an idea of what's going to happen during the inspection so if they show up at the very beginning you just kind of walk through the process while you why are you doing it and the reason why you're doing it and then at the end after you've kind of gone through the process you let them know whenever I get to the kitchen there's about thirty minutes left then we'll go over all the information at one time because during the inspection it takes time to gather the information and some things you know tell stories along the way and you don't know the whole story until you're at the very end and then you'll go over everything with the client at the end of the inspection line by line at that point in time ok the client shows up to the inspection and the process is always the same if you're on the roof or if you're in the crawlspace you always stop exactly what you're doing and you approach the agreed the client and the conversation is exactly the same so it's so it goes hi I'm Chris your home inspector thank you for hiring me today do you have any major concerns about this about this property they normally always go I'm worried about the roof and the AC right because it's Texas you always repeat back what you have to say to them so you say I'll make sure I keep a keen eye on the roof and the AC for you but what do you would you like me to go over my routine with you they always say 90% of time they say yes but if they say no you give them a quick routine so say they say no first you say okay well I'm going to do my routine and you'll see me in the kitchen and judge about 30 minutes left and it'll go over everything at one time this keeps everyone on the same page but say they say yes they would like you to go over the routine you go over the expedited version of the routine that Brian covered or earlier so you say all right well the first pass is a quick pass you might see me moving a little bit quick but I go I like to get a full load of electricity on the property so I turn on all the lights you're more than welcome to play with the light switches while I'm doing the inspection but try to leave them on in the on position after that I go outside I get on the roof I knock out the roof I do the exterior I do two passes of the exterior then I come inside get in the Attic come out of the Attic and then you'll see the detailed pass at the inside that's where I like to touch everything I like to get all turn on all the lights I like to operate the EC units I put a stress on the heater I operate all the doors you'll see me operate all the fixtures and the plumbing so you cover everything after that you'll see me end in the kitchen give me about 30 minutes and then I'll cover everything at one time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the home a home inspection process actually starts as you're pulling into the neighborhood so it's super important not to actually park in the driveway itself or park directly in front of the house you want to reserve that for either the clients the homeowner or the real estate agent so you always Park just past the house or across the street so let's go start the inspection so this is kind of just where the home inspection process start so I'm going to start by ringing the doorbell if I don't hear the doorbell I'm going to knock on the door then I'm going to open the door announce myself and then make my way to the kitchen hello home inspector anybody home this is my favorite part of the home inspection is the display of your tools a lot of people think this is silly but it is not this is one of the most important parts of the home inspection this is where you start to gain the trust of the client and then also you don't get the dough unless you put on the show so it's really important to display your tools it is okay to display the tools that we have chosen because if you noticed everything that we have is plastic so it's plastic and plastic will not scratch hard surfaces so that is the purpose of displaying your tools you display the tools you show them hey I'm here I'm here to work for you and it's time to start that home inspection the inspection actually starts right here in the kitchen this is where we're going to determine if we have hot water we have gas and electricity if we have if we don't have any of these items then you're going to go into problem-solving trying to determine where you are missing these items we're not covering that today we're only doing the routine so starting the inspection you're gonna figure out if you have hot water the kitchen sink today we do but before you turn on the water you always want to open up the cabinets and see if there's a drain there you don't want to throw a whole bunch of water in there then that's going to send you in a spiral so you're going to open it up open up the cabinets and turn on the hot water you typically you're gonna have this going on for a while as as hot waters roll in so you actually just don't sit there and wait for the hot water of a roll you actually start doing several things at one time this is part of expediting the inspection so you're gonna actually activate the dishwasher the microwave the stovetop the oven all at the same time that is part of putting a load on the property [Applause] [Music] so Chris just illustrated on how to set up in the kitchen what to set out and then kind of prepare the house for inspection so what we're going to do is this is where we start our quick pass we're not doing a full-blown inspection we're not checking every outlet every switch every fixture we're not operating doors and windows we're turning on all the lights raising on raising all the blinds and getting the house ready for inspections so let's get started so it's super important whenever we're raising the blinds that we use two hands the reason why we to use two hands because these blinds can be booby-trapped and what may happen is if you just use one hand it's the the blind may fall down on your head then we're gonna make the other part of the room we're just going to stop and we're going to be looking for any type of cracks and water stains then we make the next room we're going to stop we're going to look for any type of cracks and water stains that way you remember we're wanting to give those areas extra attention whenever we're when we're outside or on the roof part of the real quick inspection is just making sure or looking for water stains around the window so we know to get those windows extra attention so whenever we make it to the front door it's important that we always double-check the locks to make sure that they're unlocked so we don't lock ourselves out of the house I've been locked out on balconies before and then what we'll do is just kind of keep moving right when we get to our first door here what we're going to do is we're gonna open the door and we're gonna leave it open for one that way when we make our second and final pass through the house we'll close the doors and when the doors are closed that means we've been there we're also going to be looking for cracks on the outside of the wall and cracks on the inside of the wall we're gonna poke our head in shine our flash up flashlights to the ceiling to check for water stains and then we'll look keep hooking right and making it throughout the house for our quick pass fall in the strategy of hooking the right stay and right we're reaching our first bedroom entering a bedroom is going to be going to be the same every single time so as we enter it we're gonna grab the door handle they're gonna open it you're going to look at the the ceiling and then you're gonna look at the floor as you're doing this you're just developing the big picture of the property remember this is still the quick pass you're not looking for anything dramatic you're not doing all the little things you're just getting the layout of the property as you go remember as you approach the blinds you want to use two hands so you use two hands as you open it and as you as Brian said before the same process happens again you want to make sure that you are looking for water stains around the window and I like to get to each section of the room so you can see I looked up and down in that section of the room you want to look up and down at this section of the room too as well so this you can see the process repeats itself over and over and over again coming to the thermostat this is the one of the next important steps as you approach the thermostat this is how you're going to determine if you're going to need to turn on the heat or the cool depending on the season so if it's hot outside you're going to turn on the AC if it's cold outside you're going to turn on the heat first you're going to be able to operate it in both settings during the inspection so as we come up to it before you even touch the thermostat you want to make sure that you take a picture of it this can help remind you what settings the homeowner had it at so you can reset the thermostat back the way habit so remember it's important to always hooker right stay right and stay in routine this quick pass is all about structural deficiencies and water stains and just giving a load on the house by turning on all the lights and you know in raising all the blinds so it's going down the hallway here and I notice that we have a water stain in the hallway remember we're not going to try to diagnose this problem now we're just going to take a mental note of where the water stain is so during the the main part of the inspection will give the attic area in this area and the roof in this area extra attention so we've already covered how to make the way through a bedroom so what we're gonna do now is just kind of give you a live action shot of it and just remember always stay in routine hooker rights stay right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so remember this is the very first quick pass through so we're not doing any part of the inspection of the bathroom right now we're just looking for stress indicators and we're looking for any potential water stains since this has a stall type shower this is a good time to go ahead and set our shower pan tester that way it allows the water to run 20 30 minutes and we're doing a flood test on the shower pan this is the only time that you're allowed to leave a bathroom with the water running because of the type of shower pan tester that we use so so we'll go ahead and set the shower pan tester now [Music] [Applause] [Music] entering into the next room you can see that we're gonna start to repeat ourselves a lot we're gonna be hooking a right staying right as we enter into any room bathroom living room bedroom it all in all is the same and you're always repeating so here as I enter in the living room you're gonna notice I'm gonna hook all right I'm gonna be staying right I'm gonna scan the ceilings I'm gonna scan the floor and remember this is just structural defect and you're setting the property up for the detailed inspection as I approach the fireplace you'll notice that I'm not going to inspect it but I'm going to set it up for the inspection so what I do is I remove the grate and I'm not going to even dive in and look in there I'm just setting it up for the inspection you can see I'm very gentle with it these can easily scratch floors so be very careful as you approach the door same process that happens again you're gonna open up the blinds you're gonna make sure the door is unlocked and then you repeat as you can see now I'm entering into the kitchen I'm back we've hooked a right stayed right through the entire property I'm back to the kitchen so the property is now set up to do the detailed inspection so where I go now so I go from the outside and work my way in starting from the top bottom this is you're gonna hear us say this several times top to bottom and keep that ingrained in your brain hooker right stay right top to bottom so we're gonna go outside get on the roof through the roof and work on the exterior all right follow us along [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay I chose a spot right here because I could get on and off the ladder safely you can see right here I can step to the side I can hop right into a valley and there is no gutter so there's no risk of damaging the property either so let's head up to the roof and let's go check it out okay so now we're on the roof and it's time to inspect it the first thing that we always like to do is I stick to the ridges and valleys and I go to the the tallest portion of the roof possible the main reason why we do this is so I can figure out the path that I'm going to take to inspect this roof I want to identify all the penetrations and then that is what I hit first I hit all the penetrations and then I do another inspection of all the shingles so this forces me to take a look at the roof twice so let's head up to the top of the roof and you can watch me do this in live-action as you can see I'm sticking to the ridges and valleys as you little slippery so you can see that it's the safest spot to walk as I get up here you can see I start to pinpoint all the penetrations on the roof I see a chimney I see the flues I see the plumbing stacks and I'm I'm coordinating the path that I'm going to take on this roof so right here I see all my plumbing stacks and the flus I'm gonna go to these items individually and inspect those first [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay you can see right there I'm finished with all the flashing and plumbing penetrations anything that's sticking through the roof you want to focus on those areas the most because those are going to be the areas that are highly likely to leak after that we're gonna move to the shingles this is going to be your second pass of the roof covering this is important too to make sure that you take a lot of general photos because people are going to use these photos to either get quotes on their roofs or just so you can prove that you're on the roof and it was in good condition when you were there so make sure even if the roof is good or bad you're taking an average of 10 to 15 photos of all the plumbing penetrations and the roof covering all together so you can see here I'm hooking the right staying right on the roof just like you would inside and you're not gonna pass anything up you can see right here it's really important to take any pictures of any damage any lifting shingles so remember stick to the routine top to bottom hooker right stay right two passes of everything alright let's go start working on that exterior now that we've completed the quick walkthrough on the inside of the house and we kind of designated any points that may have seen water intrusion or structural stress of the home we're going to step outside and start on the exterior this is where the true inspection actually starts and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go off to the side of the house that has the fence without a gate we're gonna step back and we're gonna get the big picture review so we're gonna be far enough away from the property that way we can see two sides of the property we can see the roof structure and the roof covering from the ground level to be able to pick up some stuff that maybe we couldn't see from the actual roof itself stuff like hi male heads and then we're also going to look at the grading and drainage and then the different components of the home as well after we get the the big picture what we want to do is kind of scoot in get closer to the home and do the more micro part of the inspection that way we get to each component we start in one corner we hook a right we stay right we don't pass up any work with that being said we're move off to the fence we're gonna work our way down the wall we're gonna stop at the condenser take a look at everything on the condenser and then work our way off down the wall some more and then hooker right make it to the front of the house so we're starting the micro portion of the inspection what we want to do again we pick the side that has a fence without a gate then we're gonna try not to be any closer than 10 feet you have to move in periodically to be able to get a closer view of things but what we're gonna do is start at the roof we're gonna look at the fascia board the soffit the frieze board then we're gonna look at the brick and the grading and drainage and then we're just gonna move over ten feet and do it all again again we don't want to pass up any work so we start at the roof level fascia boards soffit fries board we're gonna look at the brick for any type of deficiency stress cracks that type of stuff and then here we are we had the anti-siphon device for the sprinkler system we're just going to pause real quick again not passing up any work and we're gonna do a quick inspection of this component we move off to the ten feet and now we're going to take a look at it again fascia free soffit freeze board now we're looking at the window components and we're going to inspect each different part of the component the sealant around the window then we're going to look at the brick again for deficiency grading and drainage make sure the water is still moving away from the house then we're gonna move off to the condenser and do all the inspection components that we would normally do with a condenser that will show later on in the video then we just continue to move on stop over ten feet we have the fascia board soffit freeze board brick again looking for all the deficiencies that we'll talk about in more detail on the detailed part of the inspection and here we can document the fact that we know where the secondary condensate drain line is and then we just hook a right stay right and keep moving our way around the house so what we're going to do here is we made herself around the house we've already taken the big picture so we can continue just to move along and then we look again roof fascia boards soffit frieze board all the window components the window screens and then we'll look at the gradient and drainage here we'll document some of the foliage being too close to the house and then what we do is we move over ten feet and we repeat the whole thing again ten foot sections at a time now that we've done two sides of the house we basically we move to the next corner and we just repeat the whole series again we get the macro version taking a look at the roof roof covering and then looking at the grading and drainage then we move up close and we just repeat the whole process again on the next two sides of the house [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so you can see we made all four sides of the house if you notice that we were taking some general photos as well so we take just a general photo of the gas meter we'll put that into the gas meter section of the inspection report and document the location of it we took some general photos of where the cleanouts our general photos where the water supply shut off valve would be so next we're just going to move into the panel box again we didn't pass up any work and then from here we're going to move over to the detached garage because we want to do the garage before we go inside and we want to try to get all the dirty stuff out of the way first so on this particular property we have a detached garage so we're just going to repeat the same process we're gonna find a corner do the big picture do the macro picture and then we're gonna move into it then we'll do the micro part portion of the inspection same thing with every structure pick a corner hooker right stay right don't pass up any work and then we'll move into the interior of the garage and do all the components on the interior the garage entering into the garage this is actually where the detailed part of the inspection of the inside starts you're gonna hook a right stay right hugging the wall and this is where you start hitting all the light switches the outlets and typically in the garage this is where the sprinkler boxes and you're going to knock out the sprinkler system and then if the panel box is in here too you're going to inspect the panel box it's extremely important that you knock all of this stuff out on the inside of the garage first before you go into the interior of the property because this is typically where you get dirty you want to clean yourself up before you get inside to start inspecting it so right here you can see the sprinkler system this is at the point where I would start to do the sprinkler system you always want to knock it out first and then knock document everything can with the sprinkler system and then you move on and then you play some Olympics and all the stuff in the garage you always want to do a real detailed search from top to bottom the garage is the best place to find termites whatever you're doing the inspection of the garage - before you ever operate the garage door make sure you disconnect it make sure you check out the further video on how to properly inspect a garage door opener okay so we finished the inside of the garage let's start on the inside of the property and knock out the rest of this inspection all right we got a good one today so we're starting in the attic space and one rule that you never want to forget and you will go by 100% as you don't look and move at the same time you plant your feet then you look at the problems and then if you want to move you watch where you're walking plant your feet and then look for the problems all right we're gonna move to Brian and he's gonna break down the routine of how to inspect the attic space so now we're gonna break down the attic routine remember everything has a routine and every everything has a system so that's what helps you get through the inspection so as we get into the attic area we want to remember safety first so always keep your feet planted firmly somewhere then look around never answer your cell phone while you're in the Attic you'll get distracted foot through the ceiling that costs money so as we're in the attic area we want to break it down a component by component often in the attic area you're gonna have heat and air equipment you're gonna have water heaters you're gonna have electrical wiring you're gonna have plumbing stacks you're going to have bathroom exhaust systems so what we want to do even in the Attic we want to go through the routine you know hooker right stay right don't pass up any work when you approach something you do everything with that particular component so if you're in the attic area and you get to the heat in there equipment you stop do ever thing with the heat and air equipment and then you firmly plant your feet and move on throughout the attic and continue to move through the attic once you get to the water heater you do everything with the water heater plant your feet firmly and then start moving through the other parts of the attic it's important to always know where your foots going to be while you're in the Attic so before you step down with all your weight you step down you test it to make sure you are truly on a ceiling joist and then you move on to the next ceiling joist this will get easier for you over time okay so what we're gonna do is break it down by component to component so we'll start off by looking at the top ridge board then we'll go down and we'll start looking at the rafters each and every one of the rafters and what we're looking for is split rafters and those type of things then we look at the purlins we look at the purlins supports we follow the rafters all the way down to the soffit area and what we're looking for on the soffits is we do want to see some daylight from the soffit area that means we're going to have good ventilation then we take a we take a look at the insulation and record the depth of insulation for our clients so once we have taken a look at all the structural components what we do is we look at all the other components that we'll find in the attic as well like plumbing vent stacks the bathroom exhaust system we're looking for spliced wires and all the other stuff that goes along with the attic and we don't necessarily have to move you know from this particular location we can use a good flashlight and still be able to look around the attic area and find those other things from one location that way we're not traversing across too many of the ceiling joists with the potential of stepping through the ceiling okay now we're in a different part of the attic remember just making the Attic right stay right safely make your way through the attic so we made it to a different part of the attic same routine top to bottom we're gonna start at the top ridge board then we look at the rafters then we look at the purlins then we look at the purlins supports then we look off to the soffit area for that daylight once again see if there's any changes in the the insulation in this particular area we're gonna now that we've done that part we're gonna look at all the ductwork that's in place then we'll look at the kitchen exhaust fan that's running behind me we'll look at the wiring again again just break it down component by component again with a good flashlight you don't have to go all the way to that side as long as you can see the corners of the roof line so back here we can see the kitchen exhaust fan we can see the plumbing we can see the electrical wiring we can see all the ductwork again safely making it through the attic area hooker right stay right okay now that we're almost done with the attic area we went in we hooked the right we stayed right so the last component that we ran into while we were in the attic area before we left it as the heater so what we do is we pause we do a full inspection of the heater and then we go downstairs you know button up the attic area and then wash your hands and get ready to start on the inside okay so we finished the entire exterior of the property now we're working on the inside of the property this is the part where it gets a little tedious but it's very important that you put your hands on everything so we're in the kitchen we want to end in the kitchen so we're gonna do everything in the kitchen last so we leave this all the equipment in here running as long as possible so we're gonna hook our right out of the kitchen and we're gonna start checking all the outlets the fixtures the plumbing the hot and cold water we're going to flush all the toilets we're going to operate all the windows we're going to check all the door handles and the doors so you can see what I'm talking about it being tedious and anything that you can get your hands on you're going to operate and it check and make sure that it's performing okay so let's start this inspection knock it out get back into the kitchen and finish the job okay as you can see I'm entering in this room right here I'm going to scan up and I'm going to look down at the the floor again you're going to see that we're going to repeat some of the basic steps that we did the first pass because it's important to look at everything twice but this time you're going to see checking every outlet window and anything I can get my hands on alright let's go check it out [Music] [Music] as you finish each area make sure that you turn off the lights as you go because if the windows are closed you checked all the outlets you checked all the switches by you knowing that the lights are off that means with the doors closed you know that you have completed that room okay approaching the door here you could the first time we looked at it we just made sure that it only locked it wasn't locked right so now this is the time that we fully inspect the door we're checking it taking a look at the glass the weatherstripping making sure it operates and then we're always a little aggressive with the doors if you want a full video of how that we fully inspected or check out our other videos we're gonna write staying right you see we're still consistently checking all the outlets and operating any doors we accidentally had this one closed but you want all the doors open as you approach them you're still gonna do the same thing you did the first time you're gonna look up into the closet area because you don't know from all that water that you ran that you could see some water stains and then you're gonna close the door operate it and move on hooking arrived from the front part of the property we're gonna start entering into the hallways you still want to make sure that you're always scanning up and down constantly a lot of home inspectors make this mistake by only looking down most of your problems come from up top so you'll see I constantly look up look down operating anything that I can get my hands on on the right side of the property as you complete so we're hooking a right stay and right you can see I'm approaching into a room here and you can see I'm still gonna do the same thing I did before I'm going to scan the top of the roof I'm gonna scan the floor and this is still hooking a right I'm gonna operate the door and inspect the equipment as I go through take a look at all the hardware I'm gonna make sure that it locks too as well hooking a right and we're going to repeat the same process over and over and over again of how to inspect the property so if there's something in the outlet that's easily removed you still take a look at it you operate it you try to put it back the way the homeowner had it operate the window just like before so you've seen this three times now probably don't need to put in the video again something easily documented right come-up operate the window down close it put it back the way they had it even though it broke as best you can check it and set the window back the way they had it get to the corner of the room you're gonna do the same process again you're gonna skin scan again because a water stain might not show up from that side but it will show up from this side so important stick to that process hooker right stay right top to bottom operate anything you can as you can see I'm exiting the room I checked the ceilings floors outlets windows and I'm going to shut it down I'm going to turn out the light I'm going to close the door knowing that I am done with this room but moving around the corner here this is very important step a part of the home inspection I reach the thermostat so whatever season you're in either you when you first turn it on you turn it on heat or cool this part is very important you've been cooling the house or even heating the house it is very important to stop what you're doing take the time and shoot all the registers with your infrared thermometer you're going to hit and see if there's hot or cold air coming out of those vents depending on the season then you're going to come back where you're at right here in your routine turn the thermostat off let it rest before you switch it over to the next system and you're going to continue the routine move a little bit further down and then come back and then turn it on two opposite setting of whatever you had before moving on with the inspection you can see I hit another bedroom I don't need to go through this process again because I think we've hit it pretty well so just make sure that you repeat the same process in every bedroom look up look down check all anything that you can get your hands on operate anything you can get your hands on turn out the light close the door now that we've covered the bedrooms really well let's go ahead and move on to the bathrooms and really break down those bathrooms okay now we're in the bathroom Chris did a really good job breaking down room to room a bathroom is no different than any of the other rooms in the house other than it has a components like the plumbing you have the commodes you have showers bathtubs sinks and then you have also have bathroom exhaust fans to work with as well so what we want to do is when we enter the bathroom we just don't forget gotta look up for water stains we got to look down for any type of water stains or water damage that may occur from the other component plumbing components within the bathroom and then we also operate the windows like we normally do and then we're going to check the electrical outlets and check and make sure that they have GFCI protection in these areas as well then what we do is we'll make our way through the bathroom and we're just going to inspect each component of the toilet make sure the Atilla gets flushed at least three times then we're going to check the shower and check each and every component of the shower and then we'll make our way over to the window will open and close the window and we'll also run all the water in the sink will do a flood test with the sink or a load test with the scene we'll run the hot water cold water separately and then we'll run them together after that we make sure that we button up the bathroom we make sure the exhaust fans off the lights are turned off the GFI is reset and then we move on to the next room [Music] [Music] now that Bryan has covered the bathrooms we're going to start moving into the living room area or hooking a right staying right it doesn't matter which room you're going into but you can start to see this process doesn't change the entire time you're going through the structure this process prevents you from missing things so as you can see as I enter into the living room you can see here I'm going to if I whenever I get to this point I'm going to inspect the fireplace if you'd like to see how we inspect a fireplace check out those additional videos then the same thing with the door I'm going to inspect the door I'm going to put it back the way it was whenever I showed up and then we're gonna just keep hooking all right staying right as we move through the property checking any outlets fixtures plumbing constantly looking up constantly looking down as we go through the property documenting taking pictures of any damage that we have and we're shutting the property back down turning off all the lights in the structure here we only like to leave the lights on for the kitchen because it's where we closed and then we haven't hit the laundry room and now let's go break down this laundry room real quick entering into the laundry room there's a lot going on especially with this particular laundry room you were actually ending with our last major component as we go through the property so you can see as we hook a right stay right we're going through and you can see that we're going to eventually hit all the major components of the properties so as you approach the major component just like we did the furnace in the Attic you're going to start from the top and then you're going to work your way down to the bottom of the water heater for more information on this the specific topic of the water heater make check out our additional videos so as we're gonna hook a right stay right I'm going to hit this door right here and then I'm going to get to the washer and dryer washer and dryer inspections in Texas are not required or not part of the home inspection because most people take them but if the client asks us to operate them sure why not I'll turn on the dryer for them and I'll turn on the washer machine and I'll make sure that they run through a cycle but whenever the most important part of look a washer and dryer is you want to look behind them that's actually where most of the damage is going to occur because there's hose bibbs about here there's power and then also the dryer lint dryer lint and heat together causes fire so make sure you look over and into things of anywhere that you can't see or you have to make an effort to see because those are where you're going to find the problems in the property so as you can see we're about to hook a right out of the laundry room we finished we're going to knock out the light and then you're going to see that we're going to end in the kitchen and Brian and I we're gonna break down and talk about the finish of this home inspection as you can see we walk through the entire inspection we ended in the kitchen I finished up in the kitchen I shut it down I inspected all the outlets I knocked out everything I could in the kitchen shut all the appliances back down I went through the property I made one more time to the one more time and closed it up so you can see the importance of this routine and sticking to it so the routine is works really well it doesn't matter if it's a 10,000 square-foot house or if it's a 1,000 square foot house the routine works on every single property that you go to you know and that's really important that you that he's saying that it's because if you follow this routine on a 10,000 square foot house or a 1,000 square foot house the most important thing is is whenever you're done the report is written on-site your client is happy because they've received the report right then and there and then also you especially you feel comfortable walking away from this property because you know you didn't miss anything because you've repeated the same process hundreds of times and you know that you're going to cover those major components so one of the things that really sets you apart is you did 100 percent of the inspection you got the report delivered on-site so your referral base is really going to be happy with you as well because they received the inspection report immediately after the inspection did not have to wait a day or two for it and that is one of the biggest selling points in the real estate market is it has to be right then and there real estate markets fast and we have to keep up with it but also still provide a very detailed home inspection report so what we're going to do is there's additional videos to go along with this one and you can we break down each and every one of the components a detailed bathroom inspection a detailed appliance appliance inspections detailed heat mayor detailed water heater detailed roof and everything so look watch the additional videos this video is really important just to show you routine and then from here what you get to do is watch the other videos to watch the detailed breakdown of each component all right perfect alright check us out on the other videos thanks guys bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: A-Action Home Inspection Houston
Views: 29,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home inspection training video, Home Inspection, Home Inspector Real Estate Home Inspection Checklist, First time home Buyer, building inspector, building inspector fail, chris murphy, home inspection, home inspection checklist, home inspection cost, home inspection tips for buyers, home inspector, house inspection, house inspection checklist, inspection services, property inspector, what do home inspectors do, what do home inspectors look for
Id: OBgFwkSd1As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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