The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - a reaction to (NO SPOILERS)

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hello it's December the 15th 2012 I've just come back from the cinema where I watched The Hobbit an unexpected journey and I make it I'm gonna make a prediction which is that films are going to be made differently from now on directors are going to have to learn to use their cameras and so forth differently the rules have been changed and they've been changed by the introduction of 48 frames per second now I have craved the introduction of a higher framerate pretty much my whole life at least as long as I can remember human eyes can actually discern about 50 new images a second so 24 frames a second which is the old frame rate just didn't really cut it and if you were sitting in a cinema the animation was really horribly juddery and blurry and so forth and if you're shooting particularly the butterfly shutter at 2 images a second every individual frame is a bit blurred as well which is why if you ever see a still taken from a movie it's usually a bit blurred and disappointing now why are they going to have to change things well because 48 frames a second doesn't just significantly improve the animation it also significantly improves the clarity because you got half as much movement blur between shots everything looks twice as sharp so when an actor picks up a prop whatever it is and that prop you can you see it so much more clearly and at first it looks wrong a lot of the props I saw in that film looked wrong because I was seeing them so much more clearly than I normally see a prop that they just look like oh that's just new he picked up a bag oh that just looks like a bag all I've done is just got a bag listen this is like a watching a school play I mean that's just a bag it's not a a movie bag it's not a special effect bag it's just a bag I can see it's just a but ah so props are gonna have to be made better from now on you won't be able to get away with ropey props because the audience can see everything so much better that makeups going to have to improve as well the dwarves look fine in this film but it was actually characters like like Bilbo Baggins you see a big close-up of his face and you can see that actors wearing makeup it's really quite embarrassingly obvious I suppose the reaction to this is they'll just put less makeup on people and that's probably a good thing more real and but that's not the big change the big change that I wasn't expecting was that I realized that camera moves and cutting are going to have to change you're gonna have to cut less and you're going to have to do far less moving the camera about it's just so much more jarring when I was watching it I kept feeling that out I was also not watching a film I was bit like watching a stage play the actors was so much more real in front of me so much more sharp and better animated that they look more solid more believable and I could believe that that's an actor performing for me on a stage so suddenly if it if cut happens and I'm looking at a completely different actor who's somewhere else at a different angle and the weather's changed everything's just changed that cut is so much more jarring that you've got to be very very careful with cuts now and I hated a lot of the camera moves in the film they really broke the spell because they were so again so obviously fake when the camera makes some movement no human viewer would ever make in real life it so the crab's round to the side and then then cranes up like this and then tilts down and swoops and does all this complicated stuff and it just looks so completely jarring it was it was breaking the fourth wall it was reminding me that I'm watching a film all the time never remind me that I'm watching a film if you can possibly avoid it so um actors are going to have to learn that's out directors are going to have to learn to use the camera differently in a way which suits 48 frames per second when zoom lenses first came in director spent Wow we got this new tool is pretty not you can zoom in it brilliantly can we can zoom out Wow and a lot of films in the early days of zoom lenses have these horrible naff zomes and then after a while people learned oh no they don't work at all let's stop let's stop doing that you've really got to you got to track in and track out you can't just zoom well you're going to have to move the camera a lot less in fact since I've just locked the camera off at 48 frames a second and just let the actors perform in front of it it's alright we'll see them fine even if they're a little bit further away because everything's so much sharper and so much better animated that they'll still look fine a bit like you're sitting in it you're sitting in the seat at a theater watching an actor perform on a stage it's fine if you're if you're in the theater and the actors doing a good job and it's a good story you'd be you'll be there you'll be you'll be gripped by it all and directors are going to have to learn to use the camera differently because of 48 frames a second there's a such a greater reality an illusion of reality in front of you that if you keep jarringly cutting and making moves that are impossible and reminding the viewer that they're watching a movie it'll be more and more jarring and more and more annoying I think actually it's going to be a good thing I hope they should make more movies this way at 48 frames a second or even higher frame rates and I hope that they can set actors a little bit freer as well perhaps you know widen the lens a bit let the actors perform in front of the camera a bit more do their stuff a bit more and perhaps the the age the age of frantic cutting cutting cutting cutting cutting is going to end because that can be really annoying
Channel: Lindybeige
Views: 216,091
Rating: 4.8944283 out of 5
Keywords: hobbit, unexpected, journey, film, movie, peter, jackson, wingnut, frame, rate, 48, per, second, format, cinema, cinematography, directing, camera, moves, cutting, editing, prediction, style, review, reaction, comment, projection, animation, clarity, sharpness, picture
Id: TcnTf_4AdrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2012
Reddit Comments

Is this the same guy who has a video about chainmail? Damn that was a good video

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