The Hoarder That Refuses to Throw Anything Away | Hoarders | FULL EPISODE | Filth

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[Music] great yarma [Music] Norfolk 48-year-old Esther lives in this two-bedroomed flat that is packed to the rafters with clutter unfortunately this has become a Dumping Ground it's got so bad Esther is under threat of losing her home they have given me conditions so I don't have my home repossessed she's been given an ultimatum clear the hoorde now or be evicted I have holded before but not to this extent but death triggered her so when my dad died that was 2004 I I kept things I should have thrown away and then when I lost my brother in 2015 I started again thinking I might need this I might need this in future I might need this this is to me Rock Bottom basically well it affects me physically socially and mentally mentally I think is the worst and I've had enough of it I've just had enough of it the threat of eviction has given Esther a wakeup call that's when I realized that I need to get help and I I I accepted the Mah she has no choice it's clear up or clear out the anxiety would be having people in the house and obviously going through my things I don't know how I'm going to feel but with her home at risk she's about to find out she's sent an SOS to extreme cleaners Cass and te the majority of our clients are on a notice to see eviction and we try to get there before action actually takes place we don't want it to lose their home no so nobody deserves to lose their home today they've got an extra pair of hands Stefan hi Esa hello you okay yeah fine thank lovely to see you coming let's squeeze through oh [Music] okay watch your [Music] St stairs hasard you know you're climbing down the stairs at the side so basically we've got 3 days to clear everything out a lot of things have got to go today because the clock is ticking and we need to get it sorted cuz we don't want you to get into any trouble so a lot of things going to go and they're going to go quickly so hopefully you can keep up with the paste that we're working at okay okay all right all right then while Esther braces herself for a major transformation on Mery side there's a hoarder who had his home decluttered 8 years ago but you wouldn't know that now 64-year-old naigel shares his three-bedroom flat with seven sewing machines yards of fabric and his cat Bindy I have many Hobbies sewing sheine knitting crochet hand knitting quilting Patchwork I use one bedroom for mining room one bedroom as sewing room we have the lounge the bedroom the kitchen and the bathroom things of sort of spread a bit try to explain to to people who don't have the ho in disorder how things are and how your mind goes how your emotions go but they just don't seem to understand it Nigel started hoarding when his partner Sid passed away in 2002 he got help in 2011 when his home was cleared by cleaning experts the declutter Divas but since then he has gone back to his hoarding ways I tried not to get into this situation again but I think losen Sid was one of the major things that happened that sort of took me a long time to come to terms with I think that would probably just tip me over the top many hoarders are reluctant to find help because they feel ashamed humiliated or guilty it can be embarrassing so there's no nobody really been in the flat for a few years now but being one of over a million recognized hoarders in the UK does give Nigel some comfort there are other hoarders out there that are in the same situation as me it would be good to maybe have contact with some of them at some point coming up we meet a hoarder who's not giving anything no this AR To Go Nigel gets a wakeup call now is the time to act before we are digging you out of this in five 10 years time and tea uncovers more than she bargained for there's some white dust in the room oh my God in Great Yarmouth Esther is suffering from pre- declutter nerves it's not sentimental to them but for me to catch 22 I think I have to let them make some decisions but Extreme cleaners C and T have just 3 Days To Save Esther from eviction apparently Esther's lost some keys in here somewhere so I'm just trying to find them so I've got to be careful how I pick the stuff up and how I throw it away cuz I could be throwing away the keys and that's the last thing we want and it's not just the flat that needs decluttering don't ride off anywhere will you yeah try my best not to you found them Brits are the biggest hoarders in Europe the NHS estimates up to 2% of them have a hoarding Disorder so Esther and Nigel are not alone and in Liverpool 65-year-old Janice I don't really have any hobbies only going out buying [Music] clothes I go out and I buy clothes and then I come back and I try them on it fills my day it's not just her day it fills it also fills her three bed semi detached hoarders are often blind to the clutter around them I didn't notice it all that all the St piles of it it was a visit from a stranger that opened Janice's eyes to how she was living it was only recently when I applied for a boiler that the lady said oh no we can't do anything you have to get rid of all this stuff it wasn't until then I realized it's quite a bit of stuff here it was quite an eye opener when I realized what I'd [Music] [Applause] done the hoarding started pure out of loneliness when you go out you always end up talking to someone the only problem is you're buying stuff so you're bringing that home and now Janice is ready to change her ways I've got to get rid of I've got to get rid of [Music] it the vast majority of Hoarders live in denial and never see their hoorde through someone else's eyes but today Janice is visiting Nigel could this be a breakthrough moment for one or both I was hoping to get some tips on maybe not doing it again you know me would help wouldn't it feeling a bit apprehensive um because nobody really visits the flat I don't invite people in hopefully because she is a hoorde of herself she will understand more the [Music] situation H hello it's a real eye opener for Janice I don't know what to say honestly do you need so many sewing machines uh yeah do you think people understand hoers no most of the people just think you're lazy dirty can't be bother you think that yes I've had it previously oh have you yes so I didn't know that yeah people just don't get it this is the kitchen not the [Music] tidiest wow [Music] it frightens me a bit that if it hadn't been for a a broken Broiler I could have gone further you know and [Music] just I think it's actually it's quite good to talk to other hoarders because you don't really get the chance no you don't and you can't really talk to other people it's someone who understands exactly because they're they're in it yeah yeah it's now got to stop and I've got to get back to back to how I want it basically yeah it will make an awful lot of difference to your life as well as you know you you would be able to invite people in you're probably one of the first one that's been in here for a long long time yes um so but I'm hoping that will change it is actually it was nice to chat with another hoarder and pick up their thoughts on my hord and little suggestions about what might help it was good to talk to somebody else who understands there's too much stuff and it was smelly um and I couldn't breathe I was quite shocked that you could put so much in one tiny space whereas I have a house it's food for thought [Music] in Norfolk Kass and T are battling Against Time put the stuff in [Music] there go PR quickly then I can get on with the clean you see brilliant that's it keep going keep going Esther is facing eviction if her horde isn't cleared once the kitchen is done you'll be able to cook again I love invite people over for dinner yes you like hosting yeah I do I'm a social person I like cooking for people I like have people people around and I've been hiding for a very long time what's the last time you've actually socialize properly in your home I can remember it's embarrassing I come from a culture where you're proud of where you live I don't let people in I don't want them to see me living like this it's a very African thing to eat together it it means something don't it yeah yeah because I mean even with West Indians we always say a family that eats together stays together as a Kenyan we tend to be very house proud so you actually wear slippers to the house you don't take shoes in when I leave the house I'm dressed nicely or whatever so I have one side of me which people see then the other side which I hide this has been really brave because in the black community and within Black Culture um there's no such thing as hoarding um there is but there isn't and for her to make it known and seek help that to me is the way forward your home reflects how you feel yeah yeah what you've done is you've enclosed your world in your home it's protecting yourself but it's also pushing away people and I think because of the losses are B maybe I don't want people around because I don't want to lose anybody now I'm opening up it's yeah you you've cocooned yourself with with your protection yeah don't get me wrong I know it's really difficult to let go and as much as we laugh and joke I know it's a it's a very serious Journey for you and I'm really proud of you thank you you what I'm saying to you you know what mean I'm really really proud of you just as they starting to make a breakthrough what is that tea makes a discovery that could derail everything there some white particles the white dust in the room and oh my God T saying that there's a white dust and stuff like that so she's gone got the mask and everything the thing is there is asbestos in the property but it shouldn't be live it shouldn't be it's in the ceiling so that's concern now if it is asbestos no no no the work will have to stop and Esther could lose her home that's washing powder it's just washing powder back in Liverpool Janice has decided enough is enough and she started to clear her horde I don't know where I found the strength from to get rid of the stuff but I knew that I had to just for my own well-being after seeing Nigel's flat she's determined not to suffer the same fate I felt that I had to clear it myself and now it's time for the return visit as Nigel heads into Liverpool hi Janice shows Nigel her clearing is still far from over come out here and I'll show you in here this I haven't done yet yes yeah you got quite a lot to go through like yes it's a lot but I'll get it done in the end it's good you're managing to to tackle it I know it takes time yes maybe just sort one box or one bag at a time and go through it yeah but if you if you do it that way it takes too long I just want to get rid of it you know I just want it gone now yeah the kitchen was like yours it was completely full yes and you couldn't see the worktops it's a lot less than it was it was completely full I'll show you upstairs this is my bedroom a lot of clothes to go through yes yes well I've done it all myself and I'm quite pleased that it's all going to go although they are united as hoarders Janice and Nigel don't agree on the causes of hoarding this is a mental health issue it was made a mental health issue a few years ago I don't agree I think it's more loneliness than anything well I can't say I'm lonely really because I'm out 3 4 days a week but this is the different ways it affects people and how people feel yes it will do well it's been lovely to come over and meet you and see how you're progress in and I think really you've done well to get all this organized and sorted just keep up the good work I will I will and determined very nice to see felt very uncomfortable having Nigel in the house I felt really embarrassed to show someone else my ho Janice may have started the clearance but she's going to need help to finish it so she's invited the boys round my name is George today we've come to see you Jan she's got herself in a bit of a rout and where they are to help her what we're hoping to achieve today is to get her back to normal where she can invite the friends around and be proud of her home basically H George hello John how are you come in I want all this to go yeah hoarders come in all different shapes and sizes it doesn't matter what you are who you are where you're from what age you are you could speak to someone who was a hoarder and you wouldn't even know and in here I don't know it's it's all it's all a mess I don't know which but well that's what we're here for I mean we're going to help you we're just going to be your arms and legs and eyes you know it it won't be don't stress self you know okay with a hoarder they've got an emotional attachment to every item don't throw that away I want to keep that you can identify what you want us to take what you what you want to keep and then we'll get rid of the IDS that you don't want okay and then we'll TI you up all right that'll be fine yeah but it's not going to be that easy clearing with somebody terrifies me I I feel feel like I'm going to be rushed and then I'm going to I'm going to let something go that I did want to keep see it's going to be hard this P work begins but it's not long before Janice spots an unscheduled departure no these aren't to go I did say that these are not to go oh I told you not to take the suit where's the other suitcase I've already bagged everything up that's ready to go not the suitcases just 6 miles away in Wy Nigel has got previous as a hoarder in 2011 his home was cleared but since then he's gone back to his hoarding ways I think sometimes when you hold in you don't always see what you've got around you you tend to blank it out it is very complicated because your mind works so differently than other people but they don't understand the emotions what goes off in your head how you feel how things make you feel so today help is at hand psychologist and hoarding expert CLA darill is paying a visit to to help him on the road to recovery the problem is always up here for the way the hoarder thinks so people think I will clear the house and that'll be fine and it'll get rid of the problem but the problem is the hoarders faulty thoughts and feelings about their [Music] possessions hi an Nigel hi I'm Claire com in yeah thank you how long has this taken to reach this level I would say it's got this bad over the last 12 months okay so a lot of it is things that I'm in the middle of doing things that I keep saying I must get around to finishing off but then instead of finishing one then I wanted to start another one and then another one and so on and so on maybe you're distracting yourself a lot of the time the way that you really feel you know we're keeping busy I see your body's feeling uncomfortable yeah because we're were coming to the root of something that makes you feel uncomfortable that you don't want to talk about you don't want to think about so so tell me about the bement I lost my partner through cancer it was quite quick in a way there wasn't a lot of time to think really about what was happening it was just a case of you just got to do what you can do and that's it so that was quite traumatic what would he think if he saw this he would be horrified really cuz we were both very house proud what happened with so many hoarders is that process that digestion has has stopped it's not a favored thing so we'll do other things instead we'll collect we'll accumulate we'll keep busy rather than have the time to sit and think about the bereavement the depression the illness and so what you've done here you've blocked loed all of that up perfectly you've gone back to A coping mechanism so a little bit like if somebody had a drug or an alcohol problem when things came to crunch time in their life they will often slip back and that's in effect where you are right now yeah I sort of I suppose I realize it's becoming bad but I don't know I just think well it's not as bad as it was I think it's just I've got me hobbies and they've just sort of got a bit out of hand you need to accept how bad this has become this is not just a little bit of gotten behind this is we've relapsed okay that's fine but now is the time to act before we are digging you out of this in five 10 years time I think it's like many hoarders Nigel's got a lot of issues around undigested grief a lot of the regulation has gone from his life with the loss of his partner and I think that's been huge and I don't really think Nigel's accepted the gravity of that and the impact it's had on him and his behavior Nigel and I have talked today about the things that he can do that would be helpful for him some coping strategies just spending 10 minutes a day sitting with his thoughts maybe allowing himself to process some of the grief and the loss that he has experienced rather than just this keeping busy mentality that he seems to have that's just added to his hord and problems coming up Caz unveils her secret weapon it's actually a garden H and Nigel welcomes some old [Music] friends in Liverpool work is underway but Janice is struggling to let go so what are we doing in here I want to keep everything do you yes for many hoarders their possessions are almost part of them a lot of people who hoard do not want to engage there's always something in the back of the mind which go no I'll keep this I'll keep that I'll keep that it's a stressful job for both them the hoarder the family of the hoarder the neighbors of the H and the people who are clearing the H what is the hardest part about I I I know I got to get rid of this mhm and and I want to get rid of it yeah but when I get to the getting rid of it part it falls to bits okay I Fall to Pieces how I think you should deal with it right is anything which is rubbish which has got no use to you no use to anyone get rid of it okay like this here for instance no but I mean I want to fix it do you really you can't buy it again do you really what is it it's a table yeah but I mean it's are you going to fix it yes how are you going to I couldn't fix that do you know what I mean you can buy something similar no you can't you can I've never seen them I've seen them in that color maybe not in that color I mean do you really really want it no think about it no I don't want it you don't it it's it's the it's that little thing on your your shoulder saying keep it keep it keep it one n George I knew I had some of those I can't make my mind up over that I'll leave it here for now you want to get rid of the rubbish basically oh I need the address oh [Music] dear I've got my dirty washing in here as well I've been looking for that [Music] everywhere it's an era yeah I've got loads of them I had two yeah and because I couldn't get to them I went out and bought another one yeah if Janice is to conquer her hoarding she's going to have to learn to let [Music] go that's rubbish that you have nothing in there at all why am I keeping this why that's what I mean is it you know if you think thinking on the on the lines that you are if you're identifying this in here and asking me why are you keeping that that now is an achievement in itself because you you can see what I can see what everyone else can see yeah so congratulations thank you no problem you are now cured across the Mery in Wy and with a new sense of determination Nigel has raised the alarm and cleaners the declutter Divas are back for a second time to help him with his hoarding ways sort of feeling quite excited about seeing the Divas but a bit apprehensive as well I'm really interested to see how extreme it is obviously because we're back I feel that it's obviously going to be quite a lot to do we will um have a chat to Nigel and see where he is see where it all went wrong and see how we can go forward I hope you going to be firm today second time round now i' got to play hard ball with him as you know I'm the softer one out of the two now you need to firm [Music] up coming in we certainly are come on then wow I can spell it can you Ellie I've got a little problem with little Madam she tends to P in the I can smell it a little can you well no cuz I've got no sense of [Music] smell it's chaos it's chaos at the moment yeah you've got one tiny area to sit you don't like it like this do you really yeah I love it no you don't why are we're here you don't do you no I don't how many knitting machines you got darling uh two three four probably five plus the two in there it seems an awful lot of machines you need them all yes no that's I'm just checking it's a tall order and there's no time to spare right plan of action this morning 's the hall and the lounge it's a shame but unfortunately because of the things that have happened to Nigel that is what's caused it all I think what we have to understand is when traumas happen and episodes losses whatever you know we don't all act the same we're all affected by by this differently some of us are able to pick ourselves up sometimes health comes an issue I'm pleased with coming back but I do feel this time I've got to be a little bit firmer and I want him to really work and I think he knows we really mean business but I really want to give him back his home they have two days to clean clear and declutter the [Music] flat Esther's kitchen is cleared and now it needs kaz's secret weapon it's actually a garden H it can get anything up this this won't just take a mop this it's too embedded yes it's all about the garden hoe right now love it love me a garden hoe I [Music] do the pots and pans have been removed from the bath but there's still left overs to deal with what was that rice it was rice in there that's probably What's blocking the plug hole meanwhile in Walla SE Nigel is preparing himself for the [Music] clearance it's quite a good feeling knowing that I'm starting to get get rid of the things that have been causing me problems Perfect come on Nigel so we're going to try and put these things into order but you need to identify things that you know that can go whether it's to charity whether it's to your knitting ladies whatever but so in here in this box here start to declutter those bits for me just so I can see what's worth keeping you're not list L to me now are you yes I am she switched up I know what I'm doing sometimes it can be a bit over facing if you're trying to do too much at one time so am I going too fast for you n no I'm all right now um you needed to sit down now I needed to sit down yeah okay got it yeah there's no point in carrying on when someone's starting to feel jaded and overwhelmed so that'll be the key watching him I can be very stubborn at times if somebody pushes and pushes and pushes I will just dig my heels in and just won't get anywhere not going there yet you got it yeah it's coming to the end of the first day I think n just worked really hard today yeah considering how much stuff is in here and how long we've been going today I think you've done well yeah and you're still smiling still smiling up to now yeah he's been more focused more committed than I expected we've tried to concentrate on getting the rubbish out today the things that he really doesn't need he has got to lose a lot of stuff [Music] tomorrow in Liverpool George and his team have worked tirelessly for 2 days to clear Janice's horde but it's still a work in progress we're nowhere near finished I mean I'm happy with the last few days how we've got on um it's going to get easier from now but they have rediscovered parts of Janice's home that she's not seen for [Music] years where once there was a wall of clutter she now has somewhere to sit and enjoy her garden Jan right we are finished and she no longer shares her bedroom with tons of clothes oh great what you want to try and do is not bring anything else in here no try and keep it like this so when was the last time you've seen it like this oh it must be at least 10 years 10 yeah oh it's fantastic it certainly make a difference I'm never going to put anything else in here because it's just so pleasant and it's so nice that's what I mean this fish here yeah Spurs me on to do that yeah to do all that so this isn't goodbye it's just aoir until next time yes yeah yes I'll speak to you soon it means a lot to get the con servatory back um and now I can look out and see the garden and watch the birds it just makes me feel better within myself I don't feel as lonely [Music] now in wesy it's the last day of Nigel's clearance and there's still lots for the Divas to do but there's something blocking their progress now we're going to start this room which as you can see it's a huge challenge so here goes this is the one you're going to go through here's your shredding bag for anything that's confidential so this is my homework while the girls start emptying the other room when we're working in a confined space it just makes everything so much more difficult a lot of people have the Hobbies they spend their time collecting everything unfortunately the one thing they really want to do they can't get to do because actual horse stops them enjoy what they really need to enjoy it's that's the shame of it we've got a hell of a lot to get through but before anything can be thrown away Nigel has to give the goahead Kate [Music] yeah bin bin that one going charity yeah yeah thank taking all no the cream I know I've got a blanket ped on it's the cream and that that need to be kept we have to get the space to bring all this stuff in to make sure we can categorize it and make sure he's keeping the right stuff and then he can actually enjoy what he's got so we have our first full bag of donation W fantastic Nigel but as fast as Zoe is making space Nigel wants to fill it I can actually now hopefully bring one of the machines back out the bedroom in to here what big machine yeah but where are you going to put [Music] it an hour to finish off what we're doing we should still still quite a lot of stuff to get through it's never fast work when you're working with people like Nigel and um you can only declutter so much because that's as much as you're going to get away with before they would get really distressed with you right let's finish these last bits Nigel right she got all of her little time left coming up Esther reveals her tricks of the trade there's a house at the corner there they just left all the stuff at the back so I took it and it all ends in tears for Nigel oh don't please don't cry it's all right in Great Yarmouth Esther is under threat of eviction so if she wants to keep her home her daily routine is going to have to change I collect almost everything basically so this is where I take my walk and sometimes during my walk I see some good things people put stuff in the alleway hoping someone will find it to be honest it can be anything obviously you don't take something broken but I found bags balls sometimes Furniture but don't take electrical stuff cuz I don't know if it's going to work like there's a house at the corner there they just left all the stuff at the back with the gate open so I took what I need it has to be specific use and useful and especially if it's something you need it's brilliant I think it's an adrenaline rush I think the finding stuff it's like maybe if someone goes fishing they're excited about a big fish so I think I get excited I got something I can use that you know you can't take but someone who does computering and maybe they need that for spares it's been removed some people will take that I don't know what there for but there's something it's not just Al people will write free like my mirror it was one of my neighbors but they would put free ticket and like here I know the lady she moved out so she left a step there a bicycle and stuff a little ladder so it's free to take so I took it over in Wy the declutter Divas are making plans for Nigel some of these items in here he hasn't seen for many years so he's going to play a bit of a game with himself saying it's going to be saying to him all come to me come to me I want it I want it because his passion is is is the craft but he's also got to actually really be honest with himself and say am I really liking it that not am I going to do that am I going to achieve that now before I thought I could but now I know it's not reasonable it has to let [Music] go Zoe and Allison have finally finished cleaning and reorganizing Nigel's flat where Nigel well done Nigel I think You' worked really hard than you oh please don't cry it's all right when there's somebody there it gives you the motivation to do it whereas if you're on your own and and that is it a lot of people just need that helping hand because it is difficult to do on your own those tear now are tear of Happiness so that's good for me you take care see you later come here bless you take care Nigel all the best all right talk to yourself yeah bye I didn't actually expect him to have tears but it was tears of joy it is difficult for him but I think this time he's actually got it it looks great in here the difference is amazing got all the space back having everything tidy clean will make a big difference because it will make it a lot easier for me to get around the flat to do the things I want to do maybe have visitors back in it is going to make a big difference yeah after three grueling days work have kazen done enough to save Esther from eviction Essie yes we're finished now come on up okay after you my darling oh thank you so much what do you think I think it's awesome [Music] what looked like landfill is now somewhere to sleep this is your new living room oh W was again awesome you know I wasn't spending a lot of time in here no but now I'll be happy to spend time in here and there is a kitchen so at least it's clear now there's nothing on the floor wow it's so bright it is isn't it yeah it's really bright honestly so Essie how you feeling now you've seen all your place and I would actually cry I'm kidding don't cry I'm touched come here come here you need a group hug you do that it's been so good it's been a stressful experience but the outcome is populous I feel like my mind is free you know me I don't need the stress I feel you don't even know what you've done for me yeah I put myself out there and I said I don't care I don't care I don't want to um be a secret anymore I Want to Be Free of her cuz then it has a hold on me and I'm not I'm not a person who shuts people out and I don't want to be shut out because of things you know what I mean and what you've done for me is given me that aspect okay the BL it's so good to be understood you know yeah yeah I'm [Music] touched there was a notice of eviction but as we've come in there should be no reason to go ahead with it because it's in a good place right now I am very very very grateful I think it takes a lot of guts or humility to put myself out there but the end of the day if I need help uh for me I actually am proud of myself that I got help I might be a holder for life but I'm aware of the steps to take not go back to that place a up B done for us as usual high five high five [Music] girl [Music]
Channel: Filth
Views: 111,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimefighters, filth fighters, extreme cleaners, marie kondo, home renovation, disgusting homes, how to clean, house clearance, Aberystwyth, grime fighters episode 3, grime fighters full episodes, grime fighters episode 1, grime fighters full, grimefighters full episodes, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, grimefighters season 2, grimefighters season 1, TLC, filth, filth fighters full episodes, filth fighters tv show, filth uk full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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