The History of UNIX

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[Music] foreign Bell invented the telephone in 1874. one year later he formed the Bell Telephone Company in 1880 he founded the Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory known today as Bell labs at T at the time a subsidiary of bell was given control of bell labs in 1809 due to restrictive Massachusetts corporate laws and in 1969 two employees of bell lab Kim Thompson and Dennis Ritchie created units what is now known as Unix was initially intended for internal use as a development platform that retained the community and interaction of its users and to play a video game this would be several years before the release of palm which began the video game industry as we know it today and they were writing that OS for an old unused mini computer Kim Thompson had written the game space travel on an early Mainframe running moltix the multiplexed information and Computing service a time-sharing OS being developed by MIT with the support of bell labs and General Electric but Bell Labs withdrew support when MIT was unable to deliver a production-ready multics in time and instead installed the ge's own OS the General Electric comprehensive operating system or gcos onto the Mainframe as gcos was written in Assembly Language this required Ken Thompson to convert everything to Fortran via Punch Cards for the new operating system which was not only tedious but gcos was not as full-featured as multix moreover reorganization within Bell Labs split the research department and the compute Services Department which tracked time-sharing usages where it was discovered playing space travel cost the company between 50 and 75 dollars per game played discovering an older unused deck PDP 7 mini computer in another department Ken started to once again Port space travel but decided there had to be an easier way Dennis Ritchie had some ideas for how to incorporate the things about multics they liked and based on that Ken Thompson authored his own file system floating Point libraries and assembler for the PDP 7. while Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language in which to construct utilities to the hardware and re-implement the unit's kernel as they didn't have to share this box to play their game as a play on words from multiplexed information and Computing service they called theirs uniplexed information and Computing service or Unix for short the rest as is often said is history shortly after Unix was developed it was released only to Academia and government institutions where it grew its foothold also where it branched in 1975 Ken Thompson took a leave of absence from Bell labs and returned to his alma mater Berkeley where he installed Unix on a pdp-11 mini compute and he continued to grow and develop it it diverged into its own operating system known as BSD for Berkeley software distribution there was a rivalry between BSD being mostly supported by colleges and programmers and Unix which was now being exploited commercially and sold to businesses many of the Big Iron systems that being SGI Sun HP Microsoft and of course IBM developed their own flavor of Unix for their own in-house architectures and running on their own Hardware some choosing but is now known as system 5 for the at T version and the others BSD these are both terms you'll still see today when using Unix though they've mostly been combined through the efforts of the posix standard is outlined by The Institute of electrical and electronics Engineers IEEE for portability and conformability making management easier prey research developed unicost Unix in 1985 for their supercomputer a highly specialized computer which was used primarily for research prey was a subsidiary of HP which was purchased by SGI in 1996 but when SGI later went out of business HP ended up buying them back in 2019 coming full circle craze Unix is not noteworthy but the resistance today are consistently the fastest supercomputers in the world all running cray OS a virgin of susei Linux developed in conjunction with Hewlett-Packard SGI or silicon Graphics Incorporated develop the mips processor A reduced instruction set or risk CPU for running their version of Unix Iris While most of sgi's clients were government energy and scientific communities they were more colloquially known for their high-end Graphics capability well suited for computer-aided design and special effects companies in the movie Jurassic Park where the little girl sees the computer and says it's a Unix system I know this they were showing an SGI SGI is also responsible for bringing the dinosaurs to life in the movie after purchasing prey research they rebranded their server system interconnects cray-link to highlight the sheer speed at which they operated iris is responsible for the xfs file system which is made available in all modern Enterprise Linux systems Sun Microsystems so named for Stanford University networks developed the popular spark risk processor on which to run their version of BSD Sun OS later system 5 Solaris a render Farm of sun Microsystems computers also brought us the first Toy Story movie Craig researches Enterprise division made a supercomputer from spark processors but that division was sold to Sun Microsystems after the SGI acquisition who rebranded it and sold it as a sun product running Sun Solaris Solaris is responsible for the ZFS file system which is used today in storage area networks and network attached storage nodes for its ability to address 256 quadrillion zettabytes the Z and ZFS purportedly standing for zettabyte which is 1 billion terabytes Hewlett-Packard developed first PA risk then later in collaboration with Intel the titanium CPU for their version of Unix a HP ux to note titanium isn't risk rather very long instruction word or vliw SGI also migrated from their mips processor to itanium but simultaneously moved away from Iris to Susie Linux on these chips HP currently sells the cray supercomputer running crayos hbux is responsible for giving us ACLS or Access Control lists used in all Linux distributions today IBM developed their version of Unix AIX for a number of processor architectures they've owned AIX is responsible for Journal file systems also used in every file system of every distribution of Linux today lastly Microsoft Microsoft was one of the largest license holders of Unix at one time with their xenix operating system one of the few unixes to be made for the x86 architecture this eventually turned into sco Unix which smaller businesses used as it was far less expensive than risk Hardware when Linux was released for x86 sko sued Novell at the time the owner of susei as they believe they owned the right to x86 based Unix code the courts disagreed handing the victory to Novell and susei Microsoft is responsible for file locking in semaphores which are used in all Linux distributions today of these big Iron Unix systems only AIX is still developed today though many government military and corporate clients still run many of these operating systems under Legacy support for a variety of reasons hobbyists continue to use and develop these systems in an unofficial capacity BSD is also still being developed albeit under three distinct umbrellas FreeBSD openbsd and netbsd which brings us to present eunuchs see that MacBook in front of you under that shiny Aqua GUI since the Darwin kernel the Beating Heart of Mac OS and pulling up a terminal gives you the full power of a posix's compliant Unix system [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Eric Howton
Views: 49,498
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Id: AEsdyAeumVQ
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Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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