The History of the Isle

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wowww what a masterpiece

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AloneAd3402 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

More people need to see this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HarryNurpplez 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
and grow survive these are the wars of small indie survival game one that would define the genre and carved the path for many others to follow with over 600 000 players it is now the largest and most famous dinosaur survival game on the market but imagine if we could go back in time the time way before success back across five long years [Music] back to where all began this is the history of the isle [Music] uh in this video we will revisit the aisle all the way back to its initial launch and follow its development throughout the years to the game that it is today note that some maps mechanics and features of the game can be shown due to the lack of servers as well as time since there's more than 500 updates however this will cover most of the game's progress so sit back grab a cup of tea some popcorn and enjoy the video december 2nd 2015 launch day no monitors no v3 no fenya no hypos no progression no music just you a flat image and a menu we go to the settings and only the graphical options are shown we hit play and that takes us to the server list which there's none by hosting a private server we see a very rudimentary set of options and a map that most of you never saw before aisle mesa survival and progression didn't exist yet only sandbox under the name of deathmatch inside the game we can see the og dinos chant pew austral galley cardinal and rex each dinosaur comes with several unique skins varying from dark greens to vibrant blues there are no calls yet only f calls which due to its length seems to have had a different purpose back in the day what there is however is the presence of ai although very basic they don't attack or flee they merely exist following entertainment paths much how current ai operates for the most part but somewhat impressive to see the existence of ai right from the start resting all turn and other similar mechanics are not present yet and drinking and eating must be pressed manually instead of holding down the e button at the first glance it seems there's no hurt there actually is though even though there's no stamina bar as you can see on the bottom right corner the outlines of both food and water storage become more opaque over time letting the player know how thirsty or hungry their dino is very good for immersion and vision clarity but it's not very practical since it doesn't give the player a concrete estimate of how hungry or thirsty the dinosaur is or how much time said dino has left before starvation or dehydration there's also no fall damage bleed or bone break isle mesa is a very small map covered mostly by dense jungles small tall mountains and long rivers surrounded by a vast ocean we can also find both camps and ruins throughout the map assets related to the game's lore the lods are something to be desired but the lighting doesn't seem too far from what we have currently despite night vision not being implemented knights in this version are clean and pleasant to the eye adding the dark atmosphere of the night sky without impeding the player's vision ignoring the outdated textures the map's layout is not abhorrent although improvements can certainly be made this was only the beginning of the journey and a lot more has yet to come january 30th 2016. almost two full months have passed and we can already detect some differences a new ui and the presence of a main menu music [Music] [Music] the settings have now a fourth option dedicated to the game's controls when hosting a server you can see that there's two additional maps region one as well as two inside the game we can also see some ui changes two separate sections dividing herbivores and carnivores from each other however skins have been removed for some reason the first roster addition to the game has also been released throughout the last 58 days our lovely mega turkey the therazinosaurus interesting enough thereby was at the time the fastest dino in the game and with no stamina to speak of you could easily traverse the entire map in a heartbeat calls have also been headed all four of them [Music] and for those who are wondering how the t-rex sounded like hud has been changed he's playing a meter in form of a leaf for herbivores and meaty ribs for carnivores which depletes over time isle mesa seems to have noticeable differences with new vegetation and a lot less water it's a solid improvement for how it was back in december 1 has a different spin on its layout displaying a mostly flat surface open areas and very few water sources which promotes exploration and migration still a small map region 1 has increased size in comparison to mesa and with the elevation not being very irregular or extreme traversal is more appealing region 2 is a completely unique map however with its own textures models lighting shadows and shaders it is clear that this was a test for future maps one thing that can't be discredited though is how beautiful the game looks on this map the culmination of all the small improvements made here create a level of visual detail that i personally never saw before in the aisle aesthetics aside graphically the game never looked as good as this which is even more impressive when we remember that this is present in the game barely two months after the game's launch it only shows its potential [Music] february 21st 2016 same menu same settings same maps skins are back with some additions on top and three more dinos have been released dryer strike and most importantly the table in game we can see a new yet familiar head one that would be the standard for years to come dinos can now rest increasing stem regen until they get up mesa changed drastically being now a landmass rather than an island surrounded by an endless grassland jungles are now temperate forests less dense than before and containing much more open areas similar to region 1. water sources have also been reduced region 1 didn't receive any changes at the time unlike region 2 which has now water sources as well as some landscape changes all in all drastically improvements have been made updates done almost daily until now and the game's future looks promising [Music] march 17 2016 yet another dinosaur edition this time the stegosaurus none of the maps had significant changes during this time excluding region 2 which had their previous shaders and lighting removed a strange and set change but hopefully it will return group system was added akin to what we have currently at this stage the game was moving forward on the frenzy pace having several patches a day at times although most updates are dedicated to the back end meaning that not many assets features or mechanics have been added despite the insanely fast patch releases obstacle router pounce was introduced removed reintroduced removed again and re-reintroduced several times since the game's launch being one of the most troublesome mechanics in the ielts history and probably the one with most iterations of itself until now another mechanic introduced was bone break very similar to how it is today except that at this time all dinosaurs had a chance of bomb break and it seems that it was directly correlated to the opponent's health discrepancy meaning that the higher the player's hp in relation to their opponent the higher the chances of wound break although not perfect this first iteration of bloomberg seems to be much more balanced in comparison to how it is today at least wreckers are not the only ones with this mechanic at the time still no fall damage however [Music] april 9th 2016. audio and gameplay options have been added completing the settings tab four new dinosaurs have been released as well maya anki aloe and suko and finally after four months of the game's launch fall damage has been implemented the night sky has been changed having now an almost pitch-black appearance keeping the luminosity levels intact resulting in a weird illusion as if the game didn't have a skype box mesa had more visual alterations in the form of new flora as well as some minor graphical additions region 1 received the same treatment and region 2 once again gets the most drastic changes of the three with new forest areas lakes the addition of ruins similar to mesas while creating some landmarks that would stay for the rest of the map's development region 2 seems to be the one getting the most attention with the assumption that this is the definitive map in the near future only time will tell may 15 2016 two new dinosaurs have been implemented and rare the bleed mechanic has also been added although unfortunately i could record it since ai has been completely taken out of the game mesa and region 1 are unchanged only region 2 is the only one being updated at this time with even more vegetation changes as well as some rock formation adjustments however these are not the only changes to the game this month two new maps have been added the first is misty valley a massive plateau filled with dense temperate forests and swamps on the lower areas all surrounded by endless grasslands and deep thick frog a map that i personally never saw before either in game videos or even in forums and although it beats the record for the worst lods ever it is a very interesting map with some original ideas and something that would definitely be a fun alternative to the older maps at the time the second map though is one that all of you should recognize [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the first iteration of v3 even though it's completely barren with no water food or even vegetation inside we can already observe similarities to its layout and rock formations to the map that we have today besides the name is on a map not even a year has passed and we already have one of the biggest most popular and recognized maps present in the isle popular not favorite with still half of 2016 ahead of us there's still much more to come and much more to discover july 26th 2016. there's now a new rex model as well as juvenile and several old stages having their own sounds animations and values even though it hasn't been fully released yet the first stages of progression were introduced has a tuggable option on the server menu for those unaware of what progression is aggression is a game mode where players start with the same dyno in this case the dryer and accumulate points over time as long as they keep themselves alive dinosaurs were divided into several tiers each one costing an increased amount of points depending on the dinos selected and its relative tier dinosaurs had also requirements meaning players would need to play as a specific dinosaur in order to progress to the desired dino even though this mod doesn't close the gameplay look that the isle so desperately needs it gives players a sense of pressure a fundamental aspect in the long lasting video game just as the aisle excluding the new rex model it seems that there's no more additions to the game roster however if we select the experimental options on server settings [Laughter] [Music] quests is ready to launch i even need to stop this suffice to say that quads is with our shadow of without the king of speed putting galleys to shame the flame controls are very elaborate however feeling more like a glorified spectator more camera than an actual flying creature still enjoyable nonetheless now that we have the ability to fly we can explore the maps in a way that we never experience or really experience ever again flying high in the sky only shows how small the maps were back in the day with the servers at full capacity the game would feel more alive than ever despite the maps not have been changed excluding v3 bugs are starting to swarm the game making certain maps to the point of unplayable at times updates are less regular than before resuming to one patch every other day or so and sometimes several days without any changes nothing alarming not every game could keep the insane at 8 speed that the isle devs had in the past but it's still a noticeable influence and maybe a foreshadow of what is yet to come september 8th 2016. all maps have been removed with the exception of v3 although it's also not available on hosting a server option in their place a new map was added test 4x sandbox was also removed being replaced by progression under the name of survival fortunately not everything is bad news since july three new dinosaurs have been released utah baryonyx and acrocanthosaurus test for x is well a test similar to mesa in size it's comprised of a beach-like sand desert followed by a vast forest of tall trees with short mountain ranges in between the removal of so much content is worrying perhaps it's the calm before the storm or maybe the storm is already upon us march 6th 2017. main menu background has changed displaying an in-game scene of a nest underneath a fallen trunk deep in the forest as you can see on the menu mod support has been released opening the game to endless possibilities although at the time was mostly used for map creation new dinosaurs have been added since the last covered patch seven months ago taco velo spino giganotosaurus and to my genuine surprise the hyperx sandbox is back as well as yet another new map v4 with v4 came new shaders and even though it's not as detailed as the ones present on region 2 back in january 2016 this new graphical addition improves the game's visual quality sadly the map seems to be broken at this time being impossible to move fortunately with mozart's full swing most part of the player base would be playing on modern maps anyway diminishing the issue to a degree ai growth and nesting mechanics are now a talkable option although non-functional on hosting private servers the growth system would work in conjunction to progression having the player to reach adulthood on their current dyno in order to start gaining points turning the game into a much more hardcore experience since ai didn't exist anymore the game's updates have been consistently slowing down over the past few months indicating that the devs decided to opt for fewer bigger updates in contrast to rapid fire mini patches the game's progress has been steady and solid the question is however how long will this continue april 29 2017 the main menu scene has been adjusted as well as with new lighting the ui has been reworked adding character to the aisle while improving the user experience with quality of life changes avocerotops is the newest addition to the game's roster v4 has been removed and the new map took its place pillar of creation an absolute gargantual map covered by a sea of grass surrounded by giant mountains this is the absolute biggest map that i ever saw in the isle it surprisingly surpasses current v3 in size something i wasn't aware it was possible sadly the map is an empty wasteland with no food water or anything but grass really it is yet another test level that assuming the def's pattern will be yet another map being eventually removed subsequently replaced by a new one on a lighter note nesting is now functional having a very basic ui and very simple mechanics functioning ironically exactly the same way as current nesting ambush has also been implemented increasing predator's running speed after a short charge time while crouching on top of that night vision was added as well and since there's no night time on this map hey you are finally awake dinosaurs also leave corpses after being eaten a certain amount now a mechanic present currently completely intact at this point we can start to see patterns of the game's development one step forward one step backwards things getting added and removed constantly to what it seems to be a never-ending cycle all there's left is to see how far the cycle will take us june 10th 2017. all maps have been removed with only the usual test level remaining although it's not a major issue since modding is already implemented it makes us wonder the reason behind such decision in the meantime two new dinos joined the game's roster camera and oro the replay system has finally arrived not only helping the process of debugging the game but also supporting community servers being a great feature regarding the delivery of evidence in case of rule breaks the game seems to be progressing on a decent pace although the relations with the official map seems to be rather unstable july 5th 2017 on a tournament events region 2 is back with new vegetation and most recent graphical improvements this map looks vastly different when we last saw it 12 months ago for the first and probably last time in the game's development we can now explore caves varying from short tunnels to beautiful subterranean puddles a great improvement and very welcome return of one of the most favorite maps in the ielts community however the surprises are not over yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] redwood is a separate level containing a vast redwood forest alongside functional rivers and other assets that i never saw before on any previous map [Music] the level would be placed inside v2 later down the line on its own merit however redwood is just absolutely gorgeous with amazing high quality textures unique lighting and a sensational atmosphere it is arguably the most beautiful map ever officially released into the public on top of new maps a new mechanic was introduced as well sent very early into development was a toggle that would reveal players tracks through bright yellow dusty clouds wherever they went despite no new dinosaurs have been released this time several dinos have been remodeled aloe trike [Music] and evil being the last two the current models for their respective dinosaurs a surprising improvement with the reintroduction of fan favorite maps new mechanics and remodels the game continues forward towards the end of 2017. august 25th 2017. alongside sandbox and progression survival has also been introduced with only the racks as a playable option three new dinosaurs were released as well alberto serraro and ilo on top of that stegosaurus was remodeled to the one that we have currently [Music] dinosaurs have gender now having slight variation on their skin's patterns as an indication speaking of skins skins were removed never to be seen again unlike region 2 which had minimal changes redwood received significant improvements to its layout increasing its verticality as well as the implementation of lakes waterfalls and swamps great progress on a very promising map october 18th 2017 region 2 changed significantly with an entire new vegetation set fog and a slight lightning change the map looks incredible on survival carnot is now available as a playable option having hatchling juvenile zeb adult and adult stages as for mu mechanics the oxygen meter was implemented making dinos unable to breathe in the water at this point many of you will be asking but where's v3 the answer for that is it's in the game and at this time not only is being played on community slash official servers but it's also been worked on and updated for months the reason why i don't display the map anymore is because well i can't for some reason that have decided to permanently remove v3 from the server hosting section of the game in fact you can check it right now if you go to host the server inside the game you won't see v3 there a weird decision but in the end it's harmless since people don't play the isle on single player server anyway [Music] january 19 2018 a new era to the isle has begun the current ui has been implemented for the most part that includes main menu settings mods server list loading screen character select dev screen and so on [Music] on survival utah joined the roster being the third dinosaur at this point no new dinosaurs or remodels were released throughout the last three months instead mercenaries and tribals joined the ranks very limited on their gameplay they were released into the public for testing purposes although they wouldn't stay for long redwoods was removed joining the dozens of scrap maps that the game gathered throughout the years in its place the first implementation of fania came to be sadly i couldn't record it since it's not available on private server hosting at this time a lot has changed and even more is about to no [Music] may 10 2018 the isle has now a new logo and art tanya is now available to be used on a private server not very different from its current form the map came with new features never seen before such as volcano geysers small endemic life and something that i honestly never noticed before weather t-rex received his last remodel to the one that we have currently since the beginning of 2018 a few members joined the survival roster giga galley and trike which i completely didn't forget to record it the giga also received some attention by getting a new other model and finally the very last dinosaur being introduced on legacy the para pair went straight to survival never to be implemented on progression which was a dying game at this time this marks the beginning of the modern legacy aisle and we are very very close to its end [Music] [Music] august 8th 2018. three months have passed since the last aisle update but with it came a lot of changes survival is now the depth full focus with 6 new additions to the game mode's roster dryo [Music] dilo and devil yuta received the new adult model as well as aloe sand has been updated now also displaying water sources corpses for carnivores and edible bashes for herbivores alongside this mechanic night vision was also updated to the version that we have in 2021 and after a long long while ai was added once again the game has received less and less updates to the point of several months going by without any patches or changes despite each new update has a significant amount of content the time discrepancy between them is worrying not a good sign for the game's future and there will be no news for the rest of the year parent here despite almost three years have passed not much has changed since 2018 mods were removed completely the in-game hud was changed rivers now flow across both fenia and v3 pre-made skins were replaced by the current skin system and suko were both fully remodeled and added to survival and this marks the end of legacy acro alberto anki astro ava barry camera herrera oro taco pu quats chant spino stego theory and velo sadly never came to survival being forgotten in the sandbox abyss mesa region 1 misty valley region 2 and many many other maps would never return mechanics removed features unfinished upcoming dinos never to be released throughout its five years of development the aisle changed to a degree that i never saw before for better or for worse but even though the game has evolved greatly since 2015 its potential is still to be unleashed and with everyone on the horizon the game's future remains uncertain thank you so much for watching and stay safe you
Channel: X Zaguer
Views: 70,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The History of the Isle, The Isle's History, The Isle 2015, The Isle 2016, The Isle 2017, The Isle 2018, The Isle 2019, The Isle 2020, The Isle 2021, Region 2, Hypo Rex, The Isle Region 2, The Isle Legacy, The isle dinosaurs, documentary, Progression, Survival, Sandbox, Dinosaurs, Dinos, The Isle dinos
Id: 3S9fDAzvDPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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