The History of Stealing Riot Points

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Riot points the primary currency of the riot Universe riot games is a billion dollar company and most of its Revenue still comes from selling in-game currency with any company this big there will be people who try to steal and exploit the system to try and get free Riot points today we explore the most popular ways that people have been getting RP for free how people have been stealing other people's RP and of course how people have been stealing other people's accounts this is League of documentary this was the skin I was trying to unbox for three thousand dollars this is the skin I spent three thousand dollars trying to get on my uh me big brain account 3K no way nope [Music] so as you can see on my EU account I have spent 991 pounds and 72 Pence and on my n a account I've spent 424.86 okay actually you know what I'm I'm actually pretty smart with my money I am actually smart with my money we have only spent 1500 all right oh no I didn't change my skins wait how much money did you spend on this game on this free game I don't want to talk about it now if you're someone who's spent a lot of money on RP and you're looking for a way to get some of that money back maybe I have some bad news for you you won't if you thought cars depreciate quickly in value they got nothing on RP a car generally depreciates up to 20 percent of its total value once it's driven off the lot for RP as soon as that RP hits your account and as soon as you purchased it it depreciates up to 50 percent as soon as you get it and once you spend that RP on skins depending on which skin you buy that RP can depreciate up to another 100 of its total value there are hundreds of different markets offering RP at various prices most of these markets will offer your RP at around a 50 discount generally speaking an account with thousands of dollars of skins on it can only really be sold for a few hundred dollars this is because there's a limit to how much buyers actually want to pay and how much they want to risk buying somebody else's account there are two main types of RP sellers one hackers that are trying to exploit the system in order to generate free RP for them to resell and two people who are trying to steal other people's genuinely purchased RP in order to resell on the black market in terms of safety from a customer perspective usually speaking genuinely bought RP is much safer than cracked RP when the money is already in Riot's pocket they're generally less likely to actually do something about it and less likely to ban you once they've made their money they already have their incentive to not care anymore so how do you steal somebody else's ride points how do you get your hands on their account if you go to the black market today you will find Millions upon millions of account logins throughout every single website many of these account logins are from various websites that have poor security data leaks or hacked in some way by professionals look looking for a quick score many people use the same email and passwords for multiple different sites so among the millions upon millions of accounts there will be at least a few hundred where you can use those to log into a ride account but wait that doesn't necessarily mean that you can actually take this RP just like that just because somebody's login is yours doesn't mean that you can just immediately take everything that's on it and resell it for your own gains if that person simply goes to the support and says hey my account got hacked and all my RP got stolen they can just go to Riot support and then all of that RP will be returned to them and anyone who purchased RP will be banned so what do you do you use ride support system against them instead of just take taking all the RP and then reselling it take all the RP resell it and then get the account permanently banned so what's the best way to do that well everybody knows that intentionally feeding is not necessarily the best way to get banned because often it can take many many many games before Riot ever actually does something the easiest way to do it is by scripting right has automatic systems in place to be able to detect scriptures and any scripting offense is automatically a permanent ban these hackers have better things to do with their life than going into a game running it down and typing the n-word they're running a business here and they need to be efficient scripting is by far the easiest way to just get an account immediately banned and you know what the sick beauty of this process is ride support actually turns against the victim in this case if you see that your account has been permanently banned you're gonna go to Riot support and Riot support will say hey we banned you because you were scripting which while their account was scripting and we don't do anything about that we don't revert these bands you're permanently banned sorry good day that's it but then if you're the victim and you've obviously never scripted you go but I didn't script I I didn't why would I script and here's the thing every scripter who actually does script says that same [ __ ] it's like going to prison every prisoner says I'm not guilty everybody else here is guilty why'd you do it I didn't as you asked him you can fit right in everybody in there is innocent and you know that hey what about you waiting for didn't do it lawyer [ __ ] me Brian checks these accounts checks if they were scripting confirms that they were indeed scripting and then doesn't do anything further than that as much as these thieves are scumbags for stealing other people's stuff you got to admit that there is an incredible level of creativity here going into fooling Riot systems this method was abused for years before Riot finally caught on to the fact that there are just simply too many of these people for it to be a coincidence and started looking into the actual cases once they realized that the IP addresses of the scripted accounts and the actual IP addresses of the original accounts were different they started to revert these bands and give people their RP back this was probably the most legitimate way and one of the most scumbag ways of stealing RP and it was abused for years but that doesn't mean that's the only way of getting legit RP [Music] the most common way that people use to resell legit RP was through transfers countries vary in wealth and not all have RP priced equally in 2020 Brazil had a poverty rate of 20 percent most people couldn't afford food let alone ten dollars on a kitty cat caterita skin depending on the currency difference you could get RP much cheaper in countries like Brazil or turkey just transfer your account to that server buy the RP and transfer back right remove this option by disabling transfers from servers like Brazil and turkey now the transfers method was often abused but it wasn't actually that effective because it's not pure profit you would still need to actually spend the money in those countries and then resell that RP later all you're really doing is buying Riot's product and then reselling it to people in a richer Nation sort of like an e-smuggler back when League of Legends was an up and coming game and needed new people to continue driving their player base League had a system that is commonly used by just about every single company for growth the referral system refer a friend originally allowed people to get 20 krp medieval twitch and gray Warwick with just 100 referrals hundreds of thousands of players purchased false accounts to get this huge boost of RP including a certain YouTuber who makes League of Legends documentaries in the post where they originally retired refer a friend and announced that they would be ending the program Riot stated that around 99 percent of all accounts who were introduced through refer a friend were actually just Bots well today there's a new system that's just about as abusable as refer a friend and it's thanks to a little company you might have heard of called Amazon Amazon is the biggest company in individual shipping often big companies want to work with each other in order to drive each other's growth Amazon wanted to break into the gaming space so they purchased twitch and they offered Prime gaming loot to a variety of games such as Hearthstone Pokemon go and of course league and valorent in the League of Legends bundle you would get an exp boost skin shards a loot box and of course Riot points 650 to be exact all you had to do was sign up for Amazon Prime and every single month you get this capsule the words free and RP are all that are required for people to start abusing this the Amazon method is the same thing as the referral method with just newer and better Bots see all you really need to be able to sign up for a Prime membership is a credit card but on the dark Market you can actually buy lists of hundreds of credit cards so all you really need to do is make a bunch of level 30 accounts then get a list of credit cards and then get a bot that constantly signs you up for these Prime memberships while it would be very slow if you were doing these things one at a time thanks to automation encoding you can do hundreds or thousands of accounts at a time and after just a few short months the RP will have been stocked up on these accounts and you can just take them to the black market and resell them safely potentially this could be a huge problem for Riot and Amazon's Partnerships a lot of business deals like this are based on signups how many signups have Amazon actually getting from their deal with Riot some companies base the value of their deal off of how many subscriptions and how many signups they get the refer a friend system had a fraudulent rate of 99 if the Amazon Prime method is anywhere near that did Riot just get a bunch of free money from Amazon who knows Riot's partnership with Amazon did seem to be fairly successful since they both decided to renew it but they did end up nerfing the RP from 650 down to 300 and added Mythic Essence instead despite the fact that the RP has been cut in almost half that doesn't really make a difference to these botters it's been proven again and again that if it's free people are going to abuse the [ __ ] out of it stealing other people's RP while it's often safer for your customers it's obviously not as easy or profitable as just generating RP if you could find a loophole to get infinite amounts of RP then wouldn't you want to just do that well at one point this actually did exist introducing the German iband method iband stands for international banking number it's sort of like a swift number for when you want to do International transfers there was an exploit in which you could use a fake iband number to purchase as much RP as you wanted when you put your information into league in order to purchase a skin usually it's through one of the approved methods from Riot games but when your game accepts payments from dozens of different currencies and even more countries it's pretty hard to be able to have a good grasp on how money flows through all of these different banking systems one system that Riot clearly did not have a good grasp on was Germany's iband system here's what happened usually when you purchase RP right asks you for a bank number or some sort of payment system Riot system recognizes this as a real number accepts the payment and then you get your RP but for some reason Riot system would accept any random iband number whether this account actually had funds or not so you could just use an iband number generator put it in and then free RP these iband numbers weren't actually real numbers they didn't have any funds attached to it but for some reason Riot's system was still registering them as legit numbers and so they just thought oh yeah these fake Banks actually have money in them when in reality they didn't to give you an idea of just how much this was overly abused if you type League of Legends German iband the next word that automatically comes up is generator when your ship is as big as Riot there's gonna be at least a few leaky holes exploiters are constantly looking for these and guard those Secrets very carefully because whenever you find one it's basically free money so how does Riot actually detect if someone has bought RP from the black market how do they know these exploits even exist exist well oftentimes it's not the hackers themselves that give away their methods but rather the customers that they service Riot has a really neat system that I like to call whale watchers basically Riot looks at how many loot boxes and orbs that you've opened throughout your entire lifetime and it constantly keeps track of it once you've opened past 200 orbs or loot boxes they make sure that you're actually a real person you know how if you type the n-word into chat you automatically get banned well 200 orbs is basically the n-word equivalent for these gamblers as much as gaming companies want to deny or tell us otherwise loot boxes are gambling all right it's basically a slot machine in a modern form see what's funny is that these hackers are actually aware of this magic number number 200 and they do warn their customers guys we sold you this RP please whatever you do don't open 200 orbs you can open a hundred you can open 50 you can open 199 just please please please don't go to 200. and you know what their customers do they don't open 200 they don't open 100. oftentimes they open up to 500 [ __ ] orbs because gambling is very addictive just like in real life when they're warned that if they gamble too much and if they let their addiction take over not only is it gonna end their real life it'll end their league life as well [Music] so we've talked about people getting RP from legitimate and non-legitimate ways both of which have their flaws hacked RP is risky but legit RP is harder to get your hands on wouldn't it be nice if you could just get accounts that had hundreds of thousands or millions of RP to be able to resell RP is just a digital currency if you have access and if you have the right buttons to press you could just make infinite RP while infinite RP doesn't necessarily exist on one single account right accounts certainly exist pretty much everyone working at Riot games gets a ride account and of course traditionally that came with a lot of free RP that policy has been slowly changing due to the fact that Riot wants their employees to have more of a genuine experience within the game however there are still hundreds of these accounts out there with millions of Riot points on them Riot has thousands of employees but that doesn't mean every single one of them actually plays League or valorent many are Gamers but when your main job is ride games you don't necessarily want to come home and play more ride games to relax so a lot of this free RP is unused so how do resellers actually get their hands on these accounts according to my sources the most common way that resellers are able to get their hands on these accounts is either by directly hacking them or by purchasing them from Rider themselves some claim that there are Riot employees who are selling their colleagues accounts these reports are obviously not 100 confirmed as nobody would be stupid enough to try and leave any sort of trail for something like this but we have talked about hacking and scripting before on this channel in the past and we know that Riders do come into these communities to try and work with the hackers and scripters and occasionally give them some perks according to the sellers out there this is also the case for resold RP except it's just the digital equivalent of riders stealing pens from the office and reselling them later for a profit if it it's true that Riders have been the ones that are supplying this RP to people on the black market then this could be the biggest and most potentially safest way to get cracked RP of course whether or not these sellers are actual rioters or just hackers pretending to be them no one knows for sure except the rioters themselves if you watch this video up to this point thank you very much I want to make one thing really clear to my viewers is that you shouldn't go out and buy this RP I'm not saying this because I'm scared of Riot or they have some sort of contract telling me not to promote this I'm pretty sure Ryan hates my guts already anyway so that's not going to change I'm telling you this because it is a genuine risk to purchase any of this RP Ryan doesn't care about a lot of things within their ecosphere whether it's when trading toxicity running it down but this this is something they really care about if anything this is the only thing they really care about which is making sure that their bottom line stays High scripting ruins the game toxicity ruins people's mental this this ruins their bottom line and that more than anything else they can't have while a method might go hidden for years and perhaps never be discovered all it really takes is one leaky idiot and your entire account is banned my name is stopwatch thanks for watching
Channel: DongHuaP
Views: 299,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, dong huap, league of legends gameplay, riot games, League of Documentary, Streamer,, league of legends worlds, season 12, league of legends music, Riot points, RP, riot points giveaway, riot points amazon, riot points gift card, riot points to valorant points, Valorant, Giveaway
Id: AOzF9AqYcgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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