The History of Satan's Religion (CLW-16)

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well thank you John and thank you for having such wonderful friends like Ryan to express in that testimony what Calvary Bible Church has been a route for 82 years seeing men and women turned from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God that's what we're here for not to mow the grass and to reseal the parking lots but to see people's lives turned right-side up you know it says he's turning the world upside down tall actually he was turning people right-side up by the gospel and that's the joy well let's open to the end of the Bible the book of Revelation we're gonna look at the first verse as as we consider this morning how vitally important it is to understand that God wants us to know the future he wants us as his servants verse 1 says to understand the future and the only way to understand the future is to understand the past who the creator is what his purpose was in creating us so we originated from him our purpose is to be his servants and then we understand our destiny the future now the the book of Revelation is indicative of God's desire that we put life into perspective understanding where we came from why we're here and where everything's going now you know most people don't don't have that that's an insider perspective you know almost every month or at least every other month there's some insider trader that's indicted because they knew about some financial event and they profited from it well that's a negative you know the positive is for us as believers we know what's happening around us when we read the news we see it fitting right into the scriptures and and for most of us we need to learn to put on the lenses of Scripture now it's not hard for me I have glasses if I take these off I can't even hear I don't know if you realize huh how much of our hearing is based on seeing who's talking and their mouths move but I mean these are super high index whatever is they're about this thick without the what you pay $600 to have them compress it for but did you know most people go through life spiritually like this they can't hear and I don't they everything's kind of a blur and as you know believers are issued a pair of scripture lenses for life by the Spirit through the word to understand what's going on around us and many believers neglect they're kind of like you know when teenagers they just want to be seen wearing their glasses you know because they look dumb and I don't know what it is that motivates believers but they don't look at life through the lens of the scriptures you see unsaved people try and cobble together their their purpose and and an origin and their destiny and they kind of from what they've read what they've heard some person they like maybe the internet and a couple movies and they get this philosophy of life now they don't call it philosophy of life it's their system they operate on and every time something happens that they don't know how to fit they have to step back and go wait a minute why and now their whole system is loose again and they can't figure it out and that's how most people go through life God says that they're blind they're walking in the dark and they're walking right next to a chasm and they're ready to fall into that and they don't even know it until the glorious light of the gospel is shined upon them God wants us to know that he has shined out his revelation of where we came from why we're here and where we're going and if you look at verse 1 he said that the revelation that's the unveiling the the turning on of the truth about Jesus Christ which God gave him that's Christ to show his servants that's us things which must shortly take place the whole book of Revelation all 22 chapters joins the 25 percent of the rest of the Bible that's all about the future now this morning to understand the future the Lord has told us and you got to turn the page to chapter 2 that God is written down and sent us both for his church and for the world what is going to happen in the future in Chapter two and three where we've gotten to so far we're on the 12th verse of chapter two down through the seventeenth verse is God telling us two separate messages what he saw that was lacking or was commendable in seven historical Geographic churches but if you step back and look at all seven of them at once God also tells us a beautiful prophetic panorama of the history of the church did you know that did you know that these seven churches portray seven stages in the history of the church let me show you what I mean because for a moment I want you to see the patterns the problems in the directions that these churches had that when you put them in the order that Jesus wrote them - they give us the most profound picture of what's happened in the last two thousand years you know what's amazing we exactly fit in the seventh church which is the last era of the church before Christ returns the first era is the Ephesian period it's called and many I'm not I'm just reminding you of old stuff this has been taught for for many many years you know many Bible teacher I just remind you of it the Ephesian period was the early period of the church warmth love labor for Christ the Apostles were still walking around they were still writing and and the Lord was doing supernatural work but to Ephesus Jesus said watch out you're cooling you're leaving your your your first place love for me and that's exactly what we see happening professions began to come in undo exaltation of certain Christians and and leaders and in the early church people were following Paul and Apollo's and this and that and and it gradually happened just as Jesus said that their that their love cooled for him that was the Ephesian period the second period is the Smyrna period that's from about the time of the martyrdom of Paul through the the merger of the church Romanism it was a time of martyrdom these 250 years a time when many believers offered the sweet savour of their sacrifice of their lives faithful unto death but it was also marked by a slow erosion of the simplicity of the gospel what happened was the church was so busy hiding out in the the catacombs and running for their lives that there was not a systematic teaching of the scriptures and slowly errors began to creep in he said what was the first error one of the first ones that came in was baptismal regeneration and people wanted to really be sure they were going to heavens they said you got to be baptized to go to heaven as one of the earliest errors of the church but that period went into the third period the third church is the church at Pergamum and the purga my period from 300 to 500 AD is when the true faith of Christ began to fade in his church and the spirituality of the church grabbed gradually formed into a system in other words the church went from an organism alive to an organization and and the church became monolithic there was this central hierarchical bureaucracy and and that happened when the church was elevated by Constantine to the state religion and we're in the process of looking at that and how that darkened the church and and what happened in this period is the the mystery rites of Babylon began to permeate the church first they were seen as just enhancements to worship you know let's put up some candles let's have some little objects we can carry around with us and as we finger them we can think about different things we should pray and let's let's have different orders and and and and have one supreme leader that'll be Christ on earth and all of those ideas weren't invented by the early church they were they were merged in by this period of time well that led to the Thyatira period the fourth church from 500 to 1500 that's basically the Dark Ages period through the Renaissance into the Reformation the church was as the thio Tyron church was it was a Church of purple and glory a time of corruption in the leaders the priests darkness of the truth it was an age of effeminacy where there was just this effeminate nature if you look at the art I mean Jesus Christ is reduced down to someone that that doesn't look like the Lord of glory and and that was the the weakening by the domination of the clergy the church usurped Christ's place the witnesses the true witnesses of Jesus were given to the dungeon did you know in this period from 500 to 1500 AD if you were caught distributing Bibles you would be taken and burned at the stake true witnesses were brought to the Inquisition if you were taught preaching the gospel they would take hot tongs and cut your tongue out and then burn you at the stake so you couldn't preach from the fire it was a dark time in the history of the church the enthronement of false prophet Isis and it reached all the way up to the days of Luther and the Reformation then the fifth Church Sardis remember Sardis Lord says you're dead well that's seen in the age of the separation return of the rule of Christ but also the age of of the church getting dead through denominations it's almost like they went from one monolithic hierarchical Church the Roman Church too many monolithic hierarchical denominations where people didn't know the scriptures they just trusted they believe that because the denomination said it they never examined the scriptures and one of the legacies of the sardian period is that there was spiritual lethargy for centuries of Protestantism until there became state churches of of entire countries of Europe where there were few personal believers it was just everyone was a Christian and and culture became Christianized then there was the Philadelphian period that's the coming of the great evangelical movements of the last 200 years remember Philadelphia and Smyrna were the only churches that weren't condemned Smyrna was suffering Philadelphia was witnessing and the Philadelphian period in the history of the church was one of the most amazing times it's when the truth of the Reformation were put on to the wings of the zeal of normal individuals and basically it was when the British Empire ruled over the seven seas and they were the most largest land owning Empire ever in the history of the earth but also there was still Christianity so much a force that Britain exported Christianity to every corner of the earth and of course the colonies we contributed to that but in that early time of great evangelistic outreach is and devotional godliness almost every corner of the earth had the gospel only it wasn't moving in and transplanting a British or American culture it was individuals coming and actually living in deprivation among the most needy people of the world and and actually embracing them for the glory of Christ and bringing the gospel and men those people died martyrs deaths but there was a world penetrated with the gospel like no time since Pentecost that's what that period was like but then the Laodicean period started in somewhere and you notice up on the screen it's about 1950 well actually it's about 1948 nineteen forty eight to fifty why because that's when things change the the world changed after the two great wars and people started thinking about that third war that might wipe everything out and so we started United Nations and we started a National Council of Churches in America we started a World Council of Churches surrounding than the the United Nations and then we started the advent of the world we live in now that was when the computer was born the transistor the the beginning of the computer age and also was the birth of Israel in 48 a lot of stuff happened together and this age translates into at least the church in the West the Church of that we know so much about became self-sufficient comfortable and so untested for our faith that as jesus warned lukewarmness materialism empty professions and false peace became accepted in the church people people didn't test people doctrinally they just took him at face value and a general spiritual malaise and lukewarmness jesus warned of this day in matthew 7 he said when I return I'm gonna find an unthinking multitude he said who supposed they're Christians and they're not they verbalize it but there's never been an internal transformation well all that to say Christ's call is to hear his voice and follow him and that call resonates through revelation in fact I want you to see look at chapter 17 and I mean just this morning this is a preparatory for communion because I want to show you how the early church serve communion and it's tied together with this idea of seeing into the future it says in in revelation 17 God describes the coming twin collapses there's a coming chapter 17 global religious collapse all world religions are just going to be collapsing before the coming of Christ and in chapter 18 the coming global financial collapse you see Satan has two systems that he has been using to enslave the world the system chapter 17 of Revelation of religion in all of its forms using idols using allurements of people in a religious nature or if you don't get them that way materialism having them live for just what they can possess an own and hold on to and reign over and those two systems are Satan's Satan's religion the religion of idolatry and and self-effort and and self-expression and the religion of materialism now if you look in chapter 17 we find that this all stems back to a common denominator and just to run you up to where we are remember this that Satan is leading a global rebellion against God remember that that's the missing link for worldlings they can't figure out why why everything happens like it happens remember the most powerful being in the universe ever created the highest created being of all was named Lucifer and Lucifer fell from his place as being the anointed cherub the one who who stood behind the throne of God and hovered there reflecting God's glory back that's in Isaiah 14 Ezekiel 28 Lucifer fell in his rebellion you see he he wanted to not conquer God he just wanted to be equal with God and when God heard and saw and knew that evil was found in him he cast him out and so Lucifer starts all this by his rebellion against God next Satan leads a third of all the angels you say when did all this happen well we know biblically it happened somewhere between Genesis 1 and verse 30 in Genesis 3 because in Genesis 130 God says everything he made was good that it means even the devil he wasn't the devil then he was Lucifer the anointed covering cherub but he fell into sin and evil was found in him and it says in in chapter 12 of Revelation that in that rebellion a third of all the angels fell and became demons you under all those demons are that are pastoring Jesus those are angels he created that have joined in the rebellion and those countless there are more of those than you can imagine these angelic emissaries demons of Satan well after getting the angels to go with him Satan then enlists humanity in his rebellion that's Genesis 3 he tempted Eve and led Adam into sin and then at the Tower of Babel where we ended last week in in chapter 11 of Genesis he enlists all of the world to join in either his materialistic worship or his false pagan idolatrous worship but basically almost everyone is ensnared and one of the other so when God describes the end look at chapter 17 verse 5 when God describes the end in revelation 17 and 18 he is he is judging the twin rebellions of Satan religion and materialism verse 5 of chapter 17 it says on her forehead this is this this woman that that is dressed real fancy holding chalice and totally drunken and look how she's described in verse five on her forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the Great now that to understand the future God takes us to the past now it's interesting when you read about the future you keep seeing this word Babylon five times in the book of Revelation here and and in chapter 14 and in chapter 18 and chapter 16 also what what's the deal why in the future do we see God destroying something from the past because Babylon becomes a description of Satan's rebellion Babylon becomes a picture a symbol of Satan's twin rebellion his work in the in the idol worship and his work in materialism and so God says in Chapter 17 he says this is a mother of harlots look at verse 5 and of the abominations of the earth what is this harlot stuff is he picking on prostitutes I mean they have enough trouble as it is you know with all the diseases they get and all the mistreatment they get what no he's not talking about prostitution humanly speaking God is consistent each time he talks about his people being drawn by idols he calls it harlotry remember when Israel went after the bails it says they went a whoring whu-oh rng whoring they became they became joined as to a harlot they were so allured by those false gods promises of what they wanted fertility prosperity sexuality and it's desires being fulfilled they were drawn to the to those idols the second look at chapter 18 the second of Satan's enslaving humanity means is in Revelation 18 verse 2 and notice what it says in verse 2 and he cried mightily with a loud voice saying and here's that same phrase Babylon the Great now I don't have time but if you read in the Old Testament Zechariah says that God portrays this materialism going out from Babylon by this basket and this LED tablet and a stork taking it and and it permeates the earth the twins of either religion and false idolatrous worship or materialism just living for the moment for as much as I can get I'm gonna build my barns bigger remember that story Jesus told God destroys both of those but the heartland of chapter 17 represents spiritual adultery drawing people from the true and living Creator God to a false God whatever form it might take and religion is mankind seeking all the wrong gods seeking what those gods can offer and and for a minute go back with me to Genesis 11 I just want to review for you and we don't have time to repeat last time but I want you to see what happened in Genesis 11 just flip-flop between the first and last book because in Genesis 11 babbles idolatrous tower was babblings mystery religions that formed into organized religion of today and by the way what you see a Babel is in every religion of the world today every false religion the elements I'm going to show you if they're present that religion is false because they aren't from God they're from the devil and it says in verse 1 the whole earth had one language and it says in in verse 4 come let us build a tower whose top is heaven and what what Satan did is he he he had humanity construct a false way to get to heaven a false way to get to God a physical representation that they could look at and follow and seek after and that tower became the first Idol it was a probably a ziggurat kind of like a corkscrew tower being built up because they worshiped the Stars and astrology started back then and the whole a cultic worship and all of the the the mysteries of sorcery all of that stuff Satan began to permeate the world with well Genesis 11 there on the plains of Shinar idolatrous religions originated from Babylon now you know it's amazing when unsaved people become aware of this if you ever heard of PBS and Bill Maher and all those PBS specials used to do back in the eighties one of his frequent guests was a guy named Joseph Jacob oh and he spent his lifetime he was a mythologist he studied the mythology of Greece and of Rome the mythology of South America the mythology of Africa the mythology of the Mesopotamian area the mythologies of the American natives and all of these things you know what he said it's so interesting this was his last broadcast he died in 87 at 83 years old but this New Age guru this media personality was talking about his book he wrote the masks of God and what he says is the true God wears all these masks but it's one God and he just keeps taking on and off the mask well the God he's talking about is the ephesians 2 god of this world satan satan wears whatever mask he can ensnare the people to believe and follow and this is what campbell wrote he says the dead and resurrected god Tammuz Tammuz that's who israel was worshipping in ezekiel chapter 8 and verses 13 onward Tammuz is the son of the High Priestess of Babel's tower if you read history her name that I mentioned last week was cemre amis Tammuz --is virgin birth he was a virgin born child according to their mythology was a prototype Campbell says of adonus and her consort and son by virgin birth of the goddess mother has many names now this he said this on PBS I mean we taxpayers paid for it and it was what he had found he said she is the same cemre amis is Ishtar Astaroth Artemis of the Ephesians or Diana of the Romans Demeter Aphrodite and Venis now see there is an unsaved unbelieving New Age a cultic driven man who spent his life and he found that what fanned out from Babel was one God with many masks Satan seeking to be worship basically a great Christian by the name of Alexander Hislop H I s L o P he spent his life doing the same thing 150 years ago as Campbell did only he did it for Christians and he tied together all these gods Ishtar and Tammuz Ashtaroth and bale of Phoenicia and the Bible Isis Horus Venus Cupid Aphrodite and eros and what he found is that all of these have the same common denominator now flipped to the other in the Bible we only have two more places to go and we'll be at communion and we'll be going home look at Revelation chapter 9 I want to show you something that most of us don't realize God says that every religion of the world that has any idol whether it be the the Shinto shrine or the Buddhist statue or if it be the the the Kabbalah Blackrock of Mecca it doesn't matter anybody that has a physical representation that they go to and worship behind it there is a very powerful being that is energizing that Idol now watch what says in chapter 9 of Revelation because rebellion against the creator is the common denominator of all world religions why because Satan took a third of all the angels with him and they had become his demonic emissary warriors to energize all these shrines that are built and look at the end Revelation 9:15 we're at the crescendo of the tribulation demons are wreaking havoc hundreds of millions of people are dying and right to know that verse 15 God makes a startling revelation he says this so the four angels have been prepared for the hour and the month and year were released to kill a third of mankind that's the 15th verse that's two and a half billion people die unbelievable verse 16 and the number of the army of horsemen was two hundred I heard the number of them first 20 while they're wreaking havoc and killing everybody verse 20 now the rest of mankind that's the two-thirds that are surviving this demonic horde that were not killed by the plagues look at this this is what I want you to see did not repent of the works of their hands that they should not worship demons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood that can neither see nor hear in our walk yeah did you see what the Lord just correspondent the people with their hands out of gold and silver and brass and would build idols but who are they worshiping what does it say right there in verse 20 worshiping demons and associated with that remember demons there's a demon of alcohol drinking so that if you wanted to get drunk and have a party you just would go to that temple and that demon would encourage your dissolute behavior or if you remember they had they had little idols for everything if you want to have a beautiful body there was a God for that if you wanted to be a sports star there was a God for that if you want to be successful in business there was a God for that and each of these gods was invoked and when they had their little Idol sitting on the shelf it was nothing it was just made of whatever they made it of but behind it was a very powerful supernatural being that affected the people that came to worship that God now here's our last first look at first Corinthians 10 and this so ties together with what we're doing this morning did you know this is what Paul reminded the people of when they came to communion remember chapter 11 is where we get how to celebrate communion Paul describes for the church our celebration that we follow chapter 10 he warns them about preparation for communion first Corinthians 10 look what Paul says because demons promoting Satan's rebellion through idols was what Paul had to deal with in the church at Corinth those early Saints had to face the influence over their city of babbles mothers religion portrayed by the temples of Aphrodite and eros and Apollo and everybody else and you say well oh boy I'm glad we don't have any of those things well wait a minute we might look what he says in verse 19 first Corinthians 10 19 what am I saying then that an idol is anything or what has offered idols is anything rather verse 20 the things with the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God now now understand what were the the civilized people of Corinth what were they doing when they brought an animal to the Temple of Venus well what they wanted to get from that temple was why they came there if he went to the Temple of Venus the first thing you see is in every statue of Venus that exists in this world today in every museum around the country and around the world is all the same she's absolutely naked she would be called a a 3d pornography show is what she was but she was made of stone and so she was surrounded by living women who were also pornographically naked currently offering themselves to those who came the temple so you bring her a little sacrifice but boy you got your mind and your eyes full if you're into that of all kinds of stuff to feed your lusts upon now do you have any temples of Venus around no we have them in the Metropolitan Museum of Art but we don't have them here right but have you ever thought about what 80% of all the movies if you read the critiques of them and they critique them by violence and profanity and if you smoke in them that's real bad don't smoke in movies but do you know what one of the biggest powerful influences in 70 to 80% of all movies nudity and immorality did you know we have temples of Venus it's just we don't bring a sacrifice we pay seven dollars and sit with everybody else and the demons that promote lust have a heyday you say oh boy I'm glad I don't go to movies I don't like movies Oh well there are other demons there were other temples you'd go to to have a beautiful body to show it off there are other temples you could go to to have a successful career and you would sacrifice to that demon for him to help you that God in your business did you look now what Paul says I do not want you to have fellowship with demons verse 20 of 1st Corinthians 10 verse 21 you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons you cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons what he's saying is when you come to the Lord's table you have to say I renounce repent deny of going to any of Satan's outlets to receive the gratification and fulfillment that my physical body wants whether it be pride whether it be power whether it be possessions whether it be sexual desires whether it be just the the whole life just being lived out for my own purposes not God's he says I don't want you going to those temples and getting that gratification because you can't look what it says in verse 21 you can't drink of the cup of the Lord at communion and all week long in your heart in your mind and in your lifestyle the cup of demons do you think that when the New Testament ended and all those temples toppled down that the demons all went home do you think that they just said oh our temples are gone let's go back to the pit they're just as active today and they're just as alluring today and what we have done is we've D super naturalized our world and we've said those are just movies those are just games those are just art they are purveyors of the cup of demons whether it's the games they have occultic entrances whether it be the flesh that has the the hackls of satan in it whether it be materialism for which people will give their soul to prosper lord says you can't have any part of that you cannot drink of the table of the lord of the cup of demons you cannot partake of the lord's table in the table of demons well what's what's the answer well the answer is this Lord told us we are supposed to repent and we are supposed to come to him at this table saying Lord before I take these these sacred pictures of your body and of your blood I ask you to cleanse me from all all filthiness all sin all listening to the rebel through my culture this morning to prepare for communion I'm going to read 2nd Corinthians 6 verses 14 to 71 and I'd like all of you just to bow your heads and listen to this and ask the Lord to bring these words to pass in your life so that every one of us when the elders and deacons pass communion in a few moments that we can with clean hands and pure hearts partake so with heads bowed listen to the voice of the Lord where he says do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers what Fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness what communion has light with darkness what Accord has Christ with Belial what part has a believer with an unbeliever and what agreement has a temple of God with idols you are the Temple of the Living God as God has said I will dwell in them I will walk among them I will be there their God they shall be my people therefore come out from among them and be separate says the Lord and do not what is unclean and I will receive you and I will be a father to you and you shall be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty therefore having these promises beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit and perfect holiness in the fear of God Father in heaven you said do not touch what is unclean and yet you know that in our lives as we go through life there's so much that's unclean and in our weakness sometimes in our ignorance often in our willfulness we touch what is unclean we touch it with our eyes we touch it with our minds we touch it with our lives in so many ways but Lord you said before we partake of the cup of the Lord that we should be cleansed from any contact any touching of the things of this world and so we ask right now that you would help us to have clean hands and pure hearts as we ask for the blood of Jesus Christ your son to cleanse us from all sin from all tainted defiled minds and hearts and lips so that we can with pure hearts and lips that are energized by your spirit worship you as we partake of this table this morning thank you for the privilege we ask for your cleansing inhabit our praises as we worship you this morning in the name of Jesus we pray amen men are gonna pass the bread to us and as they do we are gonna sing to our Lord about his great name that we bow before him and as you're singing just let his his wondrous cleansing work flow over you so that when we get to the end we can all worship Him together at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue confess in King of glory tis a father's pleasure we should call him who from the beginning was a mighty world humbled for a season to receive on from the lips of sea unto which he came faithfully he poor head spotless to the line brought it back victorious went through death he passed in your hearts enthrone him there let him sub to all that is not holy all that is not true crowd him as your captain in temptations I let this will unfold you in its ride and ha I told first service won't it be nice in heaven they only have one service there there aren't two there's just one celebration and we don't have to end it's gonna be wonderful but this bread we hold portrays Christ absorbing the wrath of God by taking all of our sins for all who have put their faith in Christ Jesus Christ became the magnet for which all of my sins went on him and then God's wrath poured out on him and Jesus suffered the penalty the eternal penalty for my sins and for each of our sins who have placed our faith in Christ on the cross and that's what the bread portrays it portrays that Jesus became sin for us so that we when we by faith reached out and received his offer of salvation we become recipients of his righteousness that's what we're portraying every time we eat this not it isn't what does it he did it this is just a reminder it's the picture so jesus said you can't partake of this if you're eating off the table with the demons if you're touching what's unclean don't eat this but if you've touched what is unclean and will repent will say lord I love you more than all of that he said I'll cleanse you I receive you and you will be my child that's all what this portrays and you said this is my body which is given for you do this remembering me let's partake together Lord Jesus there's only one thing that you have told us can constrain us from sin the love that we have shed abroad in our hearts we can love you more than our flesh and bodies love their sin and so we pray that we would at this communion say Lord Jesus I want to love you this week more than whatever purveyor of Satan's lies is before me whether it be the media whether it be the culture squeezing us whether it be the the lusts of our flesh the temptations that so easily beset us may we in that moment of temptations ours say I love you more than this and may we find in that moment your grace that always helps us in our time of need thank you for this cup this cup that portrays your never-ending cleansing your never-ending pouring out upon us your love and the promise of the New Covenant that's in your blood thank you and I pray that we would love you more and more in the precious name of Jesus we pray amen as the men pass the cup we're gonna sing one more song and what I would like you to do is be careful and stand with me and don't tip over the trades just you know do it standing up okay and let's sing to the Lord all hi once held dear built my life upon all this world Revere's and wars to all hi once thought to gain I have counted loss spent and word flesh now compared to the knowing you Jesus and knowing you there is no greater thee you're my heart you're the best you're my joy my righteousness and I love you and now my heart's desire is to know you more to be found in you and known is your to possess by faith what I could not earn all surpassing gift of righteousness knowing you oh Jesus knowing you there is no greater thing you're my aunt you're the best you're my joy my righteousness and love amen and that's what this cup the cup of blessing portrays I Love You Lord more than any cup of the demons that Satan is set up in our world today that's what our Bible study is about the more we read this the more we put on the lenses of Scripture of a sudden nothing has changed the temple of Jupiter and Apollo and Demeter have become different forms same message same allurement same response from us I love you and your cup of blessing more than partaking of any of this world's uncleanness and if I do your blood cleanses me so I can come right back in fullness of faith and know your arms are open wide jesus said this cup is the new covenant that I will never leave you I'll never forsake you I will never let go of you no matter how far you go he says I've loved you with an everlasting love new covenant that's in my blood drink from it all of you let's partake together dear father in heaven I pray for any who are struggling today they've listened they've watched they might have even partaken but they're still struggling I pray that they'd realize that you're here even as the elders come and always are at the end of the service opening your word and praying I pray that anybody in need would not leave if they are struggling with assurance with help with someone to stand with them and pray for them through the struggles of life that's why we've existed in this place in this town as a church for over 80 years to point people to you you're the one that can change lives and and give us hope and give us the power to say no to sin and father I pray that that you would watch over us this day tonight as we come back and journey through the land of the book may it stir our hearts to it really happened those places are all there just like you said and you are the same may we love you and serve you today and glorify you with our lives in the precious name of Jesus and all of God's people said amen god bless you should go
Channel: DTBM
Views: 80,680
Rating: 4.8101544 out of 5
Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, clw, christ's last words to his church, pergamum, satan, world religion, church, revelation
Id: uGeukcQau_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 09 2014
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