The History of Ninja Gaiden World Records

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Man Arcus is the kinda dude you look up to, always so calm but so determined as well, after 40k+ attempts the man's still going; and needless to say the video is a masterpiece yet again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 132 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BrynoLad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As always with Summoning Salt, I can't wait to get incredibly invested in the speed records of a game that I've never played

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 365 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Melkor_The_Morgoth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm just gonna pour one out to Shivering Erotic King Banana as the best speedrunner handle of all time. Anyone got any better ones?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 188 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/11448844 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Everytime SummoningSalt uploads it is a "stop-what-you-are-doing-and-watch-this" moment

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 91 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not even gonna lie SS might be one of the best YouTubers I've ever seen. His research is so thorough and the narration is almost always flawless. He has this ability to make people who aren't even a part of the scene so invested into speedruns. In an age where there's way too much pressure for daily uploads SS is living proof that quality > quantity. I've never even played Ninja Gaiden and I was so into this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 131 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/misserray πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man this is just what I needed. I been getting burnt out on some of the channels lately just from boredom binging.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/huffmonster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This videos go so quick. I can't beleive I watched a 45 minute video. Seemed like less than 7.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blueboybob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

lets go Arcus!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FinancialAsk7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Finally, some good fucking content.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/confirmSuspicions πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] this is ninja gaiden from Nintendo Entertainment System it's one of the hardest games ever made but for the past 15 years gamers from around the world have competed with each other to beat it as fast as possible culminating in a world record that has been traded back and forth for years most speed run record progressions have a degree of drama but ninja gaiden is unlike any other it has seemingly unbeatable world records cheaters falsely claiming victory communities hidden from the rest of the world in a streak of dominance practically never seen in a game more than 30 years old let's see how it got there [Music] like for so many other games the very early history of Ninja Gaiden speedrunning is hard to accurately track from looking at old leaderboards the world record was initially traded back and forth between Japanese runners Osaka Ramudu and shivering erotic king banana but it unfortunately seems like most of these runs don't have videos that are around today however over in the West runners were also competing on ninja gaiden submitting their fastest times to the website speed demos archive and while these times were slower than the ones in Japan they at least have video we can look at today this 1349 from team watts appears to be the oldest surviving time with video and is a great introduction to how ninja gaiden speedruns work ninja gaiden is broken into six acts and each act has a few different stages in it stage one one is pretty easy even for non speed runners you simply have to use reuse sword to slash all the enemies out of your way while running and jumping your way through the stage there's a few special weapons that can be picked up along the way there's five total weapons but spin slash blows the other four out of the water when used in the air it deals one damage per frame to every enemy or touching Ryu essentially turns into an invincible hitbox when spin slash is used killing anything he comes into contact with however it takes five ninpo to use spin slash which must be picked up as you go through the levels at the end of each act is a boss who normally takes several hits to kill but since spin slash deals one damage per frames enemies [Music] yeah it's pretty overpowered spin / must be reap icked up in each act so team on quickly did so in 2-1 the general strategy when you're running through stages is to kill each enemy while you're in the air since if you're on the ground you must briefly standstill to slash Lee so whenever team LOC could he was able to jump in kill enemies on the way up and all the way down stage two to featured heavy use of spin slash using it to just obliterate enemies that were in his path it also featured the first notable randomness in the run these enemies nicknamed hammer brothers throw their projectiles at random times and at random trajectories although it often led to getting knocked back this time tomate was able to cleanly get through the - to hammer brothers after another quick boss fight came act 3 the only act in the game to not have spin / so team on instead had to use the throwing star in 3-1 to pick up the art of the fire wheel which he would use later against the AK 3 boss asked for act 3 itself three one was fairly straightforward using the sword wall in the air as much as possible to defeat enemies 3 2 was quite a bit harder and featured more random hammer blows t-mount got good hammer brother luck again but slowed down a few times throughout the level in stage 4 one team want picked up the spin / once again and used it to tear through enemies he had to do quite a bit of wall climbing in the stage where you wiggle the d-pad back and forth very precisely to climb up walls as quickly as possible 4 - featured more random hammer brothers but thanks to the spin slash they were no big deal he did get knocked back a few times by other enemies though four-three is a stage featuring a lot of enemies and a lot of wall climbing team uh took sections of it very slowly to play it safe and avoid dying act five is where the game takes a big step up in difficulty in stage 5 one is one of the toughest in the game there are enemies everywhere many of which have random positionings and random hammer throws this time tomate wasn't immune to all of them 5/2 is similar but this time team watt was more stocked up on tempo so he was able to use spin slash to take most enemies down easily 5/3 was more the same stocking up on ninpo and using spin slash over and over act 6 is the final act in the game and they certainly saved the toughest for last it starts with 6:1 a stage where T Mont had to almost non-stop jump and slash enemy after enemy that prepared over 6 - another one of the hardest and most miranium levels in the game there's enemies everywhere many of them randomly throwing hammers were walking in various directions tima did a lot of standing slashes instead of jumping the slash meaning he repeatedly stopped a standstill throughout the level 6 3 is similar to 6 to spin slash enemies and hectic gameplay everywhere tima made it through with some more staining slashes and then he was on to the final bosses there's three of them in Ninja Gaiden and for the first one you get to keep your special weapon so team up made quick work of him with a spin slash after this is Jackie O one of the hardest boss fights on the NES you can only hit him by leaping into the air and slashing him with your sword all the while jackieo is moving back and forth and hitting you with fireballs tima slowly hit up one shot at a time and after about 45 seconds he was able to take him down finally came to form three of the final boss the demon team on attempted to use a technique here called slash cancelling you can normally only use your sword a couple of times while in the air but by pressing down and B over and over you can use it several more times the faster you can mash those two buttons the faster Rio will attack he ma slash cancel - over and over to destroy the demons head then slashed on the ground repeatedly to take out the tail all the while the so-called shrimp were being launched from the demon randomly potentially hitting and damaging Rio finally t-mount was able to slash kill system more on the demon's heart and after landing the last hit he had defeated ninja gaiden in 1349 it was a solid run there were mistakes and slowdowns but beating ninja gaiden in under 14 minutes was still a great achievement over the next few years the record on speed demos archive would be lowered by several great players eventually even coming under 13 minutes and that was nice and all but the truth is compared to what was going on in Japan they came up way short in September 2007 a Japanese player known as really got a time of 1231 at the time a full minute ahead of the record on speed demos archive it's unknown if this time was actually a world record or not but unlike many times from back then it has a video we can look at this run was essentially a much more refined version of the product on speed demos archive those standing slashes that team on had in his run were few and far between and Reilly's run he also went for more boosts off of enemies in ninja gaiden when an enemy hits you you get propelled up and back this can actually be done as strategic times to reach new areas faster like off of this bullet in 4:3 to avoid falling down and climbing up the ladder thanks largely to boosts like that and fewer standing slashes really was 20 seconds ahead of the speed demos archive record after act 4 acts 5 & 6 had way less slowing down to thanks to knowing when to pick up an info and precisely when to use it he once again didn't need to do as many standing slashes but his biggest time save came against Jackie O the second form of the final boss a cycle of Jackie O is defined as him making a full movement across the screen starting from the right and then making it back their team wants run took 13 cycles to kill Jackie O and the S da record by the time Lily's run happened by lagger of Fortune featured an eight and a half cycle fight but really was able to more effectively slash cancel while avoiding getting knocked around as much as possible it ended up being just a 5 cycle fight saving more than a dozen seconds really steam and fight was similar to the others and it all led to a time way ahead of what speed demos archive had been able to do and over the following years Japan would continue their dominance a player known as our 50,000 lowered it down to 1212 in 2008 the bestest speed that was archived could get by then was a 1244 still more than half a minute behind Japan was on top and they were there to stay until arcus came along by early 2012 more than four years after release run a player known as arcus had been able to match the 12:31 it was celebrated across the community but it's not worth going into detail exactly how he did it since everyone knew that it wasn't really the world record because just like how the Western community had improved over the past four years so had the Japanese community all evidence showed that by early 2012 the world record had been lowered all the way down to a 1205 by Japanese player holder Ruby at the time the Run had no video its existence stemmed from a Japanese leader board that had Hoda Ruby's time at the top but even though there wasn't a video they could access everybody knew that this record was legitimate Hoda Ruby is one of the most legendary speed runners of all time he had held the world records in Super Metroid Ninja Gaiden 2 and several other games each with video proof and during research for this project the video for his ninja gaiden one run was ultimately found so it probably did exist back in 2012 but couldn't be found by anybody in the West so this mystical 12:05 without a video was the time to beat but by this point even the 1231 by arcus was very very optimized where were 27 seconds gonna come off of it to get a 1204 nobody was able to do it so for months it stood as the best known time on speed demos archive half a minute behind the world record but then arcus had a breakthrough it didn't get him all the way there but in April 2012 arcus was able to cut the gap in half compared to release 1231 arcus treated small-time saves and time losses early on but saved a couple of seconds in 4-3 by cleaning up the knock backs that really had taken in 5-3 arcus saved another for second chunk by successfully getting the ESPY boost by climbing your way up this section very quickly you can get to the top and jump to the left just as the enemy trails you allowing you to boost higher and activate the next screen sooner act 6 was just a few seconds cleaner overall - with few slowdowns and knock backs and finally on Jackie O our kisses better Mashroom was able to get him a four round fight instead of a five round one saving a couple of seconds the final time was a 1217 he was getting closer but saving 13 more seconds seemed almost impossible he had an extremely optimal first four acts more boosts than ever before and a four round jacquio fight to cap it off if Farkas was gonna take it to sub 1205 he would need some help and later that year that's exactly what he got a player known as dexter and a third player who will remain nameless started pushing their ninja gaiden one times down near kisses level the third player was later discovered - cheated many of his speedruns so his times will be ignored but dexter quickly pulled up to the same levels argus matching his 12:17 in october 2012 over the following several months arcus and dexter would form one of the best rivalries and all speedrunning they show each other new strategies collaborated to figure out the most optimal places to save time and formulated just how they could take the 13 seconds off their records to beat jota rubia and as they played they realized that 12:05 didn't need to be the final frontier was that 12 minute barrier possible to break here's what they did [Music] done while this TV focus [Music] on February 4th 2013 arcus finally did it the final time was 11:58 there were still slowdowns toward the end of the run most apparent at the start of 62 and 63 but the rest of the run more than made up for that very few mistakes in the early acts lusus used all over the place good luck from the hammer brothers and a cap it off at the end a 3 round jacquio and blazing fast even fight that went straight for the heart arcus had done it sub 12 was achieved and finally after almost a decade of being behind Japan had been beaten at least that's what they thought but they were wrong the timeline for ninja gaiden was about to be put on its head because it turns out who to Ruby's 1205 wasn't actually Japan's fastest time in January 2013 a user posted to the speed demos archive forum that they had found another ninja gaiden run from Japan the runners name was ohon the date of the run was April 2010 three years before Argus is alone 58 and the time of the run was 11 56 it was unbelievable in April 2010 the fastest time outside of Japan was a 1244 which just paled in comparison Oh Hans run was way ahead of its time so that means Hoda Ruby's 12:05 was never the world record this guy Ohan had apparently held the world record ever since March 2009 by 2013 his 1156 was still standing as the fastest time in the world that means our case is 11:58 wasn't the record either ohon alone was ahead of the efforts of the entire Western community nearly four years before they could even get their first sub 12 asked for the run itself it was brilliant he used even more boosts early on to save fractions of a second like the precise double bird boost in three two or a bird is left on the screen to boost off of twice he cleaned up the slowdowns at the start of 6 to that arcus had and then had similar final boss fights at the end it was enough to save about two seconds over arcus overall ohon was the undisputed king of ninja gaiden he had been on top of the world for four years straight and even still he was ahead of arcus by two seconds but if there was one thing people could complain about he was that his 1156 was performed on an emulator instead of an actual nes that technically left the possibility more open of finding the run being cheated or faked somehow so in April 2013 Ohan went ahead and did attempts on an actual console and I guarantee nobody in the world could have anticipated the time that he was about to pull off every now and then a game will get a record that's so good people don't even think it's worth trying to beat this was that run for Ninja Gaiden when ohon completed it it was widely considered to be one of the greatest speedruns ever performed how on earth did he get it down to 11 48 the big thing he did was really good wall climbing when climbing up a ladder it's possible to wiggle the d-pad back and forth while pressing a to jump up the ladder slightly quicker than normal each of these wall jumps saves about 1/10 of a second if done properly so across a whole run it's good enough to save a few seconds it's very difficult to wall climb effectively but ohon got really good at them and executed them all over the run he got the double burg boost again in three two and thanks to good wall jumping in for one he got a boost off of this bird he also manipulated where a hammer brother spawned at the start of five one two boost off of him but outside of that that was about all for the new strats he had a solid 3 round jacquio fight and a good diamond kill but the real time saves just came from good wall jumping across nearly every ladder in the game it was the only sub 1150 it was one of the best speedruns ever performed ohon was 10 seconds ahead of anybody else in the world and so as expected it stood all throughout 2013 and 2014 and 2015 by March 2016 going back to the first record he had said ohon had held the world record in ninja gaiden for the past 7 years straight that is just complete and utter dominance but it couldn't just go on forever someone had to at least try to beat him eventually so years later someone finally decided to attempt to improve enough to get on ohon's level and funnily enough it was the guy who had been beaten by ohon all those years prior it was our keys this time around Marcus was doing things a bit differently he was streaming his attempts alive on Twitch for anyone to watch this time and his personal best was 1154 somehow he had to find a way to save time of our hunts 11:48 but even though 11:48 was so good it wasn't perfect Ohan got knocked back by an enemy in four three and didn't go for a risky faster boost at the end of six two those two combined for about a second and a half of potential time save and his boss fights could have been improved a little bit to better mashing on jackieo could potentially beat him in slightly less time banging for her so-called two-and-a-half round fight instead of a three-round fight and it took him three jumps to take down the hand of the demon that could potentially be done in two jumps with better mashing saving a little bit of time he had to get that on top of all the other crazy execution of long jump and ohon did for 12 minutes straight but at least he had a bit of wiggle room now as his attempt counter climbed into the thousands arcus got better and better for the past 7 years nobody had even attempted to take the ninja gaiden record from ohon but now that was changing there was no turning back arcus was going all-in to beat ohon [Music] that was so good yes 11:52 [Music] oh we got it 1/5 way [Music] [Music] yes oh boy I can't match the Nerds are real yes oh my god that's good enough [Music] I think I got it I think this is it yes I did that was the urn was almost hyperventilating at the end there it had actually happened on March 24th 2016 arcus beat ohon with an eleven forty seven there were a few slowdowns along the way but there were also some time saves a clean for three a fast boost in six two and faster boss fights at the end it had taken him more than five years since learning how to run the game but arcus had finally set a world record what ohon had done to the game for the past seven years was legendary and really cannot be overstated for three years straight he's 11:48 stood as more than just the world record it symbolized near perfection in the speedrunning community but it had finally been broken and now it was our kisses turned at the top and to put it bluntly what arcus did next made that 11:48 pale in comparison the 11:48 stood as the world record for 35 months this is what ARCA stood over the following four months arcus was revolutionising this game what did he done to Ninja Gaiden well starting around the time he first got the record arcus began streaming full-time and one of his first projects was to push the Ninja Gaiden record even lower so he did tons of attempts with his counter climbing higher into the thousands he still had time saves to get there is potential for a faster kill on the AK 3 boss the bird boosted ohon got in for one fewer slowdowns in 5 2 & 5 3 and then even more time saves on the final boss' with really good mashing jackieo could potentially be beaten in just four jumps making for a two round fight where Jackie O isn't able to leave the left side of the screen all of those time saves added together meant several seconds of potential as he did more attempts arcus developed this amazingly calming presence he grew a moustache and started wearing a cowboy hat he had played the game so many times now that he had to add his own sound effects into the game just to mix things up every boost off an enemy was a boom killing a boss with spin slash was a his wall climbing was usually kept track of by counting ingredient this star thorough and tutu was the swag star Venus spin slash usage in the stage was usually accompanied with a spin to Mars fancy other little narrations were thrown into freefall clapping their hands wah made it through all four run after run after run but whatever he did it sure did work oh why did this might even be 11:45 I'll have to frame count it I don't think that did it oh my god did that do it oh we did it it's it's a poverty old record it was just good enough by December 2016 our kiss had set the past World Records in Ninja Gaiden and taken it down all the way to eleven forty four point two nobody else was close to him on the leaderboards he was way ahead of anyone else in the world skill wise and he could have just stopped right there and his record probably would have stood for years but like any good speedrunner arcus wasn't satisfied he knew he could do better mainly because on December 24th 2016 a Christmas miracle came from an unexpected source this is stuck in a plate he's best known for running Super Mario Bros and ghosts and goblins but that December he posted this video to his YouTube account it was a two round jacquio fight but with a different approach he ran straight to the center of the screen then attacked Jackie O on both sides as he moved back and forth this enabled him to get in more hits his Jackie O passed since he even just had to stand in the corner at wait stuck in the plate acknowledged in the description that with this strap he was probably possible to get a one-and-a-half round fight if your mation was good enough it turned out he was right Jackie O started on the right moved to the left and back then was killed before he could reach the center of the screen for a second time a 1.5 round fight the Jackie O kill in the world record at the time was much slower a three-round fight mashing well enough to get a 1.5 rounder on Jackie O would save more than five seconds [Applause] [Music] now that was a lot of potential there was also a fast kill on the demon he was going for the rich kill named after its Discoverer old-school Richard after getting a to jump kill on the head it was possible to jump in the tail in such a way that it never hits you allowing you to kill the heart without ever getting hit the tails hitbox is active wallets in the middle so it's possible the time your jumps perfectly to be in the air while it can damage you then land safely while it can't three jumps without getting knocked back is enough to take out the diamond arcus had been going for the rich coal for a while now and in the record he got one that was almost dead he had to do a fourth jump because his mation wasn't good enough costing him about two thirds of a second add that with the time save on jackieo and that meant arcus could potentially save 6 seconds just on the final bosses now the odds and actually saving those six seconds were staggeringly low the mashing and movement needed for a 1.5 round fight is really good and even getting a two cycle fight is hard the rich kill in addition to being difficult is also insanely and random the shrimp projectiles the demon launches go in random trajectories and none of them are allowed to hit you the entire fight in order to get the kill to work the hearts hitbox also was an active right away and it's random how long it takes until you can begin to do damage to it arc is calculated the odds and he ain't getting a perfect pair of boss fights was well under 1% so he started referring to runs that made it there as lottery tickets getting runs to the end of the game was hard enough but actually getting the boss fights needed at the end even if they weren't perfect was just so unlikely so he kept doing attempts trying to get as many lottery tickets as possible most of them didn't go well but on January 2nd 2017 he got himself a two-round around Jackie oh wow to cycle height were in there [Music] did that do it I think we got it I think this is a new record it's gonna be close 11:43 I did it I did it Wow a week later he got on a run that just kept gaining time more and more and more sustaining a pace like that is nearly impossible so he bled some of it in the later stages some poor wall-climbing lost some time in both five three and six - this is a pretty good illustration of how much a pace can bounce around during a run but still he had a two-second lead going into the bosses Wow we're still in this all right let's see let's see a decent demon bad shrimp I don't know what this is is this a record I don't know we don't know who I don't know I guess keep in mind although these runs were done just one week apart arcus had done 500 runs between them and dozens of those minutes of the final bosses but every time one or more of them went poorly and killed the rug most of these failed attempts are lost the time since there is no point highlighting them on Twitch so they can't be showcased here at this point world records were very small just a fraction of a second was taken off at a time because there was so much that had to go into a run for it to be world record of course there was potential to go lower but for that to happen you would need a winning lottery ticket at the end of an insanely good run so he was going to just keep chipping away at his time tenth of a second by tenth of a second until he approached the 11:40 barrier and remember his 1142 had an amazing first six acts it was two seconds ahead after act six and just about his only time losses were from failed wall climbs so almost every run he had that made it deep was behind going into the final bosses and he was hoping to just make up the time there with a 1.5 round fight or the rich kill and then he had this run [Music] there is 1.5 that might be a new record I think we got it oh this is huge 11:40 holy cow I did it oh my god I wonder if that could be 1139 it was miraculous arcus took two and a half seconds off that world record thanks to a 1.5 round jacquio and a good demon fight at the end of an amazing run there is a pretty good possibility that this run was actually in 1139 since he split a little bit late at the end but after a frame count the Run was retimed to 11 40.000 arcus was a thousandth of a second away from 1139 this was an incredibly clean run he had a beautiful first three acts then got the bird boosted for one act five was excellent to barring a missed boost at the end of five two the only real slowdown was in 6-2 where he got trolled by the hammer brother at the start then messed up a wall climb later on but other than that it was an amazing run into the final boss' the Jackie O fight was a rare one and a half rounder then despite not getting the rich kill he got a solid enough diamond fight after to rounding the head it was a huge gain over the old world record but since arcus only had to take one frame off for an 1139 the next step seemed easy and three months later some four thousand attempts in the future he was on a heck of a run it was even against the amazing 11:40 going in to act 6 with a second and a half to save in 6-2 which he did arcus was 1.5 ahead going into the bosses Wow okay 1.5 really good pace so he didn't but it would all be for nothing if you couldn't get a good Jackie O yes all right we're still in here let's go a two rounder it was good enough with time to save on the demon from a rich kill it's still had a slim chance at 11:39 [Music] did I get it is this it is this 11:39 I sure hope so come on come on I don't know we gotta fight him count this we got a friend and count this one I might have done it no I think I think I might go in it I think this might be it his splits read 1140 on the nose but this time things were looking pretty good arcus was known to usually start his splits a little early meaning the time displayed the end was typically longer than the actual length of the run so he wants to retime it feeling pretty good about himself the final time was 11 40.000 again the odds and getting two runs that physically could not be any closer to 11 39 are staggeringly low but after 24 thousand attempts that's what had happened all he could do was keep on doing attempts all right this is one of those runs where a two-cycle jackieo is good or not we got a 1.5 I like my odds here No that wasn't very good I don't think we got it it's like 1140 dish darn such it's not such a good around there incredibly after being a second and a half ahead going into the final boss' arcus had hit a 1.5 round kill on Jackie O this run would later be retimed to 1140 point 0 7 that's 3 runs within 1/10 of a second of 1139 without quite being fast enough it was nothing short of tragic but just like before Marcus's only choice was to keep going and on May 29th 2017 this is what happened alright I'll see what we can do here that was a good oh my goodness gracious this is it this is the urn I have never been on this pace in my life arcus had done over 27,000 runs of ninja gaiden this was the best pace of all of them arcus never gets noticeably flustered by anything Ninja Gaiden related but it was obvious he knew the magnitude of this moment oh my god he just needed something acceptable on the demon fight No oh is that it I don't know I think it's 11:40 I was a bad demon ah I did it again 11:40 eat 11:40 tragically on the best run of his life arcus had just missed the 1139 again this was the fourth low 1140 that arcus had gotten but of course it's possible he split too late so he had the frame count to be sure so that's what he spent the next several minutes doing I guess I guess we can frame count it right and really it's almost poetic how cool calm and collected earthΓ­s was after finish in this run that's how he had been for the past twenty seven thousand attempts and while it's a shame we don't get to see his reaction we can still at least see the aftermath after we realized what he had just done [Music] understandably our keys took a break from ninja gaiden after this run perhaps 27,000 attempts had finally taken a toll on him but a year later he was once again back to it partially due to a trick that had been discovered just before his first sub 11:40 RNG manipulation this isn't fully understood by the community yet but it seems that hammer brother patterns are dependent upon a timing window the certs counting after the game is turned on or reset every second and a half or so the hammer brothers will change their patterns to move or throw their hammers in a different way that means that as long as you arrive at a particular hammer brother during the correct second and a half window it'll never give a bad pattern arc is found that by starting the game immediately after resetting then playing well he was never getting hit by hammer brothers in the first four acts that cut down on his resets a lot and left the door open to later random events being manipulated in the future to a manipulation for the demon would be amazing with his random shrimp and heart but as of now there's no known way to do that so by April 2018 arcus was back to doing attempts pretty much all of the possible time save over the world record was in the demon fight so arcus was just hoping to get runs deep even if they were well behind in hopes of saving a couple of seconds there and on April 24th he got one of those lottery tickets yes okay we have a chance here finally got the plate kill I don't know if that was it it was really good this might do it and clunk 1139 it is a new record it's not 1138 though it is a new world record he just barely missed the rich kill but besides that his boss fights were essentially perfect so now he splits were oriented the other way with time saves early on but really good boss fights at the end and four days later he gains some of that time back early then destroyed the final bosses again No okay I think I got it I think it's 1138 clunk I did it it is 1138 we got it we got it we got the 1138 this was the first 1138 in the history of ninja gaiden it only took 30 thousand attempts but in all of those attempts there is one thing arcus had never actually done get a perfect pair of bosses at the end of a world-record run they always had something go wrong either a two rounder on Jackie O or a shrimp hitting Ryu on the demon our case just couldn't quite close it out even if it wasn't always his fault so just like he had been doing for the past few years our COS kept going he had done more than 34,000 attempts he just needed one to get the perfect pair of boss fights at the end it didn't need to be a perfect run he just needed the perfect bending [Music] boom oh boy that was the first major mistake of this run all right we have a lottery to get here just not very exciting on them measures man [Music] yes all right [Music] oh I think I might have got it I think that was a rich kill right and clunk yes it is a new record perfect the boss fights we did it we did it thirty four thousand three hundred nine attempts later arcus had himself a world record with perfect boss fights at the end good luck finding anybody else willing to put that sort of dedication into a game where they're already ten seconds ahead of anybody else in the world and that's where the world record stands today but arcus is nowhere near done yet recently arcus has still been pushing ninja gaiden for an 1137 his attempt counter is now over 40,000 ninja guidance time can go lower since rng manipulation pushes the boundaries into the low 11 30s how will they get there we'll just have to wait and see thanks for watching [Music] first summon exalt ha
Channel: Summoning Salt
Views: 1,778,638
Rating: 4.9622545 out of 5
Id: 7u1tVD7UEqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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