The History of Halloween for Kids!

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hey mr. Delaney I'll pretend I didn't hear that jeez Andy next thing just give me a warning at least what are you supposed to even be anyway well I wanted to be a pouf or Halloween but I guess the guy at the costume store got confused or try like this kind of poo I got more no thanks so Halloween around the corner I have a couple questions do you want to know that history of Halloween nah I'm just curious why do kids still say trick-or-treat everyone takes treats nobody does tricks anymore will they understand that we have to learn the history of Halloween 2,000 years ago there was a Celtic Festival called salad Oh Sammy hey I know him we shared hotel room together during spring break 94 no not Samhain Sally it's what they called the Halloween anyway the Celts lived in an area that is now Ireland the UK and northern France we have to go all the way there I'm kind of craving me some KitKat bars no I think you're good where you are anyway the Celts celebrated the new year on November 1st remember first I thought Halloween was the day before on October 31st hum getting there this day mark the end of summer and the harvesting of their crops and the beginning of the dark cold winter a time of the year that was often associated with human death yeah any you scary creatures seen my Red Hat I can't see but Oh everybody's on my head sorry guys sorry sorry didn't Rob continue your ghost day festivities what you're telling me when fall started to come around the Celts got all creepy and started talking about death and stuff well pretty much Celts believed on the night before the new year the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred Shh I'm listening to see if anyone says that they'll fight of a man in a blanket why do I have a cup in my hand on the night of October 31st which we call Halloween they celebrated saben when it was believed that the ghosts of the Dead returned to earth somebody somebody wave back to me leave me hanging imagine being a ghost during that time let's go get Chinese food from their new place across town for the last time Bethany we can't go anywhere until October 31st that's when that non-existent barrier is weak and we can go through and scare people and stuff Mundy Chinese food so what would they do when the ghost would come first they would leave food and wine to keep the spirits away calling all ghosts come and get it I got some toasty nose pizza rolls I got some wine Doritos whatever you need just don't scare me cuz I'm scared of you a little bit no Reese's peanut butter cups I'm totally covering their house and toilet paper they would also wear masks to try to blend in ghost hmm um ghost - I'm definitely not a human please don't hurt me what so when kids dress up as Harley Quinn or transformer they're trying to keep ghosts away well yeah that's how it started even though I don't think these costumes work very well at blending in with ghosts kids listen to me just scary for Halloween no more Darth Vader or Peter Pan I want Frankenstein monsters and zombies from here on out yeah leader the Christian Church chinks salad - All Saints Day and then again - All Hallows but guess what the night before was called Arbor Day no 4th of July no think of the night before Christmas what's that called Christmas Eve uh-huh so that means the night before All Hallows was All Hallows Eve hey that sounds like Halloween correct now are you curious about how trick-or-treating got its start sure one out of a few more houses to go anyway the origin of trick-or-treating dates back to the early All Souls Day celebrations in England during the festivities poor citizens would beg for food in exchange for food families would give them pastries called soul cakes as long as they promise to pray for the families dead relatives this was called solely imaginet here's a gross cake now pray for my Great Aunt Alice look there's more there was another tradition called guising what about girls in you get it like guys and girls Inge huh yeah I get it but for this tradition young people would dress up in costume and accept things like or money in exchange for singing or telling a joke okay okay here's a good joke um what kind of music do mommies like to listen to let me guess rap music nope Creedence Clearwater Revival yeah they're big fans oh no imagine that you go up to a random person's house seeing a Taylor Swift song and get a pizza what a world we live in and when all the people learned about these traditions came to America that's when Halloween really took off wow that's pretty cool so there you have it that's the history of Halloween so you're gonna change your costume into something scary so you don't get bothered by ghosts no way I figured since I'm boo bear what's scarier than a Bears poop
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Views: 530,274
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Keywords: halloween, history, story, explained, trick or treating, children, kids, learn, learning, facts, school, lesson, mr. demaio, demaio, mr demaio, holiday, origin
Id: W4uI3iMZyWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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