THE HIDEOUT LODGE & GUEST RANCH - As seen on HorseTV Global on Roku.

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[Music] ready for a genuine Western adventure in one of the most beautiful regions of North America where you're surrounded by mountains and natural land formations that have stood as sentinels for millions of years where you're surrounded by wildlife and incredible natural beauty ready for a unique horseback riding experience like no other where you and your horse explore mountains and canyons few people have seen or set foot on [Music] ready for exceptional accommodations hospitality and cuisine that will create lifelong memories well then you need to create your next adventure at The Hideout lodge and guests ranch in Shell Wyoming all in the shadows of the Bighorn Mountains what sets the hideout apart from other ranches is that there's an engrained culture of caring everyone from the owners management staff Wranglers the kitchen staff and housekeeping make it their personal mission to care that your experience will be the best you've ever had anywhere on Sunday afternoon when guests arrive to the hideout myself and Melanie who helps us in the office are the first people that guests will see and they also spend a lot of time communicating with us prior to their arrival sending in their information and emailing questions so it's really nice for guests to be able to put a face to the names that they've been communicating with for sometimes more than a year because of our small numbers we do booked up for in advance sometimes some weeks booked nearly a more than a year in advance with most weeks booking about six to nine months in advance so we've formed a relationship via email and telephone with a lot of our guests prior to their arrival and so it's nice to meet them and could put faces to names so we have a pretty sizable range operation that separates from the hide up with the hot on the hideout we manage about we farm about Feliz and then we have cattle operation events and evangelism and we do quite a bit of the ranch work let's get straight to the whole universe we try very hard to gather all the information that they guests send us and then we get it out to the barn the kitchen and the housekeeping team so that all the departments are ready for the guests they have all of their writing information their dietary information so when guests come in they already feel taken care of we know a little bit about their background with their writing abilities if they have any dietary issues the kitchen's prepared for that so on Sunday evening when they come in for their first meal everything's taken care of when they go down to the barn on Monday morning they have a good horse for them that the barn picks out and they just feel all week like they're taken care of Melanie and I work really hard if they're already issues with it whether it's in the cabin or anything that's going on to get that information out to the department so we can fix it whether it's a maintenance issue something the bar needs to know housekeeping used to know we work really hard we like to think of ourselves as sort of the nerve center of the ranch where we gather the information and then we send it out so we try really hard to take care of the guests while they're here we want them to leave with feeling like they've had the vacation of a lifetime like they've had a week where they haven't had a care in the world where they've been able to see beautiful scenery right on great horses participating cattle work if they want to do that stay in lovely accommodations and that it all seems effortless and we like all the work that goes into their vacation to be unseen and so the guests don't have to worry about a thing when they're here well seasoned travelers from all over the world have come to Wyoming to experience the hideouts passion for excellence and caring in everything they do [Music] the hideout is home to over 130 horses offering a premium riding experience for their guests and 650,000 unspoiled and scenic acres to ride and explore [Music] each week they provide an intimate and personal experience to approximately 25 guests everything at the hideout has a feeling of both quality pride and professionalism [Music] the accommodations and amenities throughout the ranch are exceptionally comfortable and welcoming [Music] and the cuisine is exceptional the kitchen staff will dazzle your palate and surprise you with exceptional meals throughout the day it's the exceptional attributes in everything at the hideout that keep guests coming from all over the world time and time again I think the number one takeaway that I would like guests to feel when they die at the tide out is that they know how much we really care that they have an enjoyable meal that's a little bit healthy that's filling that's beautiful and that they know how much we want to take care of them to make sure that they have the type of food that they want to eat if they have an allergy or a dislike we're gonna make note of that our servers remember our guests names and whether they like tea with milk or black coffee we want guests to have a sense of community when they come to the table that food is recognizable enjoyable worth talking about The Hideout is a really really special place I came here as a guest for three years with my sister and always knew from day one that I would eventually want to be working here I sold my catering business to become a Wrangler first season and was fortunate enough to be asked to be the executive chef the next season so once you come to the hideout it's really hard to let it go a full day of adventure at the hideout starts with the horses coming in from the night pastures reporting for grooming and saddling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the tack room at the stable where you'll start your riding orientation and adventure is impeccably maintained the fleet of eight trucks and trailers to take you out on exceptional trails are cleaned at the end of each ride so guests won't ever find dusty floor mats in the morning The Hideout knows if you know more about riding the horses personality and how people and horses interact the more you'll enjoy the trail experience their goal is to help guests become better riders and so they provide a thorough safety orientation riding instruction and weekly clinics The Hideout is also deeply involved in adopting wild mustangs contrary to many who see the wild mustangs as a problem in land management The Hideout has embraced wild horses as an opportunity The Hideout has approximately 30 mustangs that they have adopted trained and turned into productive trail horses the guests can experience and enjoy Tom virture talks about the writing program at The Hideout so here writing capability most of our rides are going to take place away from the lodge so we trailer out to nearly all of our rides we have one or two rides that we do right here around the barn but everything else we're going to trailer out when we trailer out the reason we trailer out is because we have the availability of six hundred thousand acres and the six hundred thousand acres we can be in the high desert down here about a 4,200 feet we have lots of ups and downs lots of gullies lots of Red Cliffs and if you go on every one of these rides it's not gonna be like the ride that you did before and down here in the valley even if we have guests that have been here 20 some-odd times we can always take them someplace different now we have our basic rides we have our Sodoma and you say why do we have a it's or not in Arizona we're in Wyoming well we have a ride in its all red rocks we have a ride that we call the five fingers so if you're looking at the Big Horn Mountains from the lodge windows you can see what looks like five fingers on the mountain and to the left of the five fingers we have the W which you can ride a canyon up into the Bighorn Mountains [Music] behind us we have a ride we call it Devil's leap um and you ride out and it's an 800 foot or so drop off of cliff no no we don't jump off of that when we go riding [Music] [Music] so the rides are all very terrain we have white Creek Canyon which is a really really nice ride you're going into the mouth of a can it's about 14 miles long you're going to go up in there about a mile we can ride from the bottom and we can also ride from the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have trapper Creek Canyon which is some part of our owners of my property which is very very trees and waters running you're gonna cross the water 13 times and I could go on and on and on about the rides down here in the valley because we can change them up by just 500 600 yards and it's not gonna look like the same the rider you did before here at the hideout it's all about writing and giving you the best riding holiday you can have and so if you come here you're gonna see a wild and varied terrain we see moose we see El we see mule deer antelope and of course cattle we see a lot of cattle because we have a lot of cattle around I came here as a guest and I've ridden in lots of different places in the world and this was by far that truly one of the most unique places ever written so if you come here you're gonna have an amazing experience after a hearty breakfast guests and their horses will trailer out for the day's scenic rides [Music] [Music] helping neighboring ranchers moving cattle to new pastures or play with cattle in the arena and ranch pastures you your horse enjoying this western riding paradise all on 650,000 acres of pure freedom and natural beauty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the favorite places for a lunch break on the trail is the outlook known as the rock where you can enjoy a packed lunch and see one of the most beautiful panoramas of the Big Horn Mountains you will find anywhere [Music] they even offer special natural horsemanship riding and training weeks held at the beautiful trapper Creek Ranch facility limited by design to four guests weekly to be totally immersed in improving their horsemanship and understanding natural horsemanship methods which is somewhat unique among guest ranches I moved here 13 years ago and I was a total novice rider I was afraid of horses because I knew enough to know that I wasn't in control that's not it was very scary to me also the the the terrain here is pretty intimidating because I come from Belgium where everything is flat so I couldn't take those pills and and ledges [Music] but then I really started to go to the barn the first year like two days a week and second year three days a week and then I started out smart decision I started out with a really old 18 year old horse that gave me confidence that gave me a lot of trust and also people here are in America they are very nice they say like take a deep breath it's gonna be okay people are very supporting in Belgium it was like so that's kind of you're not in the thinking mode anymore and I saw a lot of good riders when I wrote here on the ranch with Wranglers and the cowboys and I kind of started to copy them but then when I turned 50 I really wanted to learn more about horses and that's when I did some clinics with Amy Bowers and Miss Peregrine and I learned online liberty and thrive on us writing and I thought why would you need to learn how to ride riderless because it makes you a better rider because so many people ride only with the reins instead of with their body and the reins is the last eight so that's what that taught me and then all the groundwork and especially the Liberty work it gives you such a better connection with your horse because they are so tuned in to you that a little they react to that so yeah so it's it's not that I was talented at all I just wanted to learn it so if there's a will and you have a good teacher anybody can do that so when guests would really like to do a little bit more hands-on groundwork with me that's always a possibility I can teach them all the basics of grounds work with my horses that already know so it's a big advantage because you know if you ask almost correctly with horses that know who will get the correct results and then when you go home and you want to play with your horses you kind of know what you're looking for yeah so it's it's a lot of fun and then in the end they can just play a little bit at liberty with my horses and people really enjoy that like just to run free with the horse that stays with you yeah it's so much fun after a full day of riding adventures you'll head back to the ranch in time for the evening happy hour in the main lodge the Wranglers take photos during the rides playing with cattle and other activities and everyone can see photos from everyone's ride on the big TV screen while enjoying a wide selection of drinks and exceptional hors d'oeuvres and when you hear the bell ring it's time to adjourn to the dining room where you'll be dazzled by what the chef and the kitchen staff have prepared for the guests [Music] I think one of the reasons that people come back to the high road is really because we live strongly under passionately and care very much about a culture of excellence I think that no matter what you do whether it's the horses or whether it's the team any team in the barn in the kitchen in housekeeping in maintenance if you look at the Long's here everybody needs to care and everybody needs to in their eats eats in their department their with their people they need to really strive for excellence we we have a culture of real people professionals who will care deeply Karen and and nothing is one of the reasons that guests come back because the Alice's there are not that many places that really care so deeply and we do it very authentically we do it because because we love to do it really love what we what we are we love what we do make sure that people have liked best ever experience that they learn something and that they see we value things around us also that were so yeah our culture is really important I think I think for me the speciality award really stands out I don't use that one - our teachers really push the value of taking care of course which we later learned was what if I don't call it synthetic horsemanship and it's really the repeat of that and learning experience and reinforcement at that Bank my dad so to me it's the the quality of the water is the ability matched the the horse with the rider and the horses are absolutely wonderful every single also given me I've said when Tom says how was the horse it was perfect and I have never heard that was here so I think the reinforcement of authentic horsemanship the quality of the horses that quality that rides the scenery the food the care and attention that their body lavishes on us yeah basically for us it's a very easy win so we spend we don't have our own horses and holland we take lessons classically try to improve ourselves but when we come back here everything is reinforced we we ride as we've been taught everything is perfectly placements and I think added to that is the quality of the Wranglers who are very dedicated to the happiness of the making sure that the guests have a good time but also it's it's clearly safety first and those young people are leaders and follow them because we know what they're asking us to do and they explain what they want from us and what they don't want from us and we have to follow that under it's clear yeah but it's safety at first for us it's we see the fun first they see the safety test I think also we were so pleased that we read on the website before we came here that it's not nose-to-tail riding so we go out into the most beautiful landscapes here and if if we want to follow a group of horses we can align of course as we can do that but we can also spread out and have our own adventure as long as we're safe and we follow instructions and it's it's beautiful plus all of the cabins everything is neat here the grounds are neat and clean yes the cabins are comfortable as well as neat and clean yeah in Europe that's very often very important is that everything is they keep cleaning and that's what we find here as well yeah we come from Poland it's a good few miles away but it's yeah we look forward to this every single every single year you sometimes we come twice a year we just can't wait for the weeks to tick by yeah to come back to the hideout is I think quite unique experience certainly for us but riding the open range isn't the only activity you can enjoy at the hideout [Music] break out a fly rod and enjoy fishing the beautiful clear water streams of Wyoming and reel in the cutthroat trout brown trout and rainbows [Music] enjoy school shooting on the manicured skeet range with high quality shooting equipment or relax in the hot tub with friends and share stories on your exceptional experiences throughout the day and new is the 60 by 18 foot heated lap pool with panoramic views to infinity [Music] so at the hideout we also we embrace diversity as an asset not for the sake of diversity but when it is an asset so we have crawler horses that we have 30 Mustangs also so this little diversity our horse herd if you look at the background of our staff there's a lot of diversity there big diversity of terrain and then we have actually a really large number of percentage of our guests that actually come from all over the world so about 40 percent of our our clientele is worldwide from that's from all countries in Europe to the Latin America to Israel South Africa Australia New Zealand and there are there are all people that actually go riding vacations they might come to the US for one one year and the next year they might go to Mongolia ride horses or they might go to to Kyrgyzstan to ride horses or to to Botswana to ride with with lions and giraffes and all that so it really brings an incredible diversity to the ranch and and all our guests European guests international guests American guests they really like the whole melting pot I think the high down as hospitality is second to none tamo marine so welcoming food is amazing the accommodation is unbelievable the setting is fantastic what more could you ask for come and check it out so we'd like to believe although I'm a foreigner and I'm about to born in Africa we like to believe that this is really the melting pot the most American Rancho Francis because it's a real melting pot we're all older people from all over the world come together they're all the interesting Ronnie and it adds against to the to the learning that we have because a lot of these people are really great writers with different writing backgrounds they share a fashion and and we learn a lot from them also because if you talk to somebody that writes in in Botswana or guides tours there where you have to go very fast or draw lines around that's a little bit of a different experience and then herding cattle of people well write a Mongolian horse that you have to that you can't stop that you have to turn the circles of one mile before they stop so it's it's really fun to listen to people and and we get like instructors from all over the world to say can I can we come and exchange sour notes and all that so it really adds to the learning and the guest really really enjoyed it's been an amazing experience and there's great team of Wranglers and staff members are well into willing to look after you and help you out and help you improve throughout the week so I think their guidance and they've kind of really let me come into my own and yeah just the all-round experience of horsemanship has been fantastic [Music] the hideout is a complete experience for the soul and senses where everyone from the owners Wranglers staff and housekeeping share a passion for excellence and caring it's the caring environment for the guest experience that sets the hideout apart from other destinations that may offer guests ranch activities [Music] there is simply no place on earth like it when it comes to a genuine guest ranch experience where the passion for caring is ingrained in everything they do [Music] I think a lot of guests come here it's not an insecurity and that's one thing that everybody goes for there was about a diversity in the scenery yeah there's just a lot of good riding out here something that everybody loves as men is to tell you get to get out you do loop and trot and walk and you name it and then we also offer a refreshing ride that's where we drive up on the mountain we'll ride out for about 45 minutes and then we take my fishing got it on it takes you fishing for the rest of the day you're fishing probably three or four hours and you ride back to the trailers it's a very nice mountain stream up there you catch a lot of rookies for lunch we usually catch a couple we'll fry them up over the campfire I had that for lunch and that Wallace it takes parts known for the yes it's a really great time it's a lot cooler up there fish are always biting that's good time so something that you'll hear over and over again is culture so at the hideout we really value the culture that we have here everybody works well together we work as a team and even if it's your first year you'll feel valued as an employee everybody's input matters and it's that with that type of culture that I think you see the staff coming back back year after year you know a lot of the returned guests that we get we ask them all the time you look you coming back and so we get a few variable answers but the most part is that they love the fact that it's so horse oriented but they love the staff and the people they know what they're getting here everything can be different on the rides and stuff because we always change that up a little bit when you get wonderful horses that are well trained you have great equipment you have great staff that work here and there's a lot of attention to detail and they really appreciate that I think what brings people here to hide out for the first time bridge and a smaller group so you're not after year is because the feel like family when you're here I think that guests come to the head of for many different reasons the people here are fantastic all the staff works really hard to ensure that people have the best vacation possible I also think that they come for the quality of horsemanship the head of the horses are one of the most valued members of the team here and I think that people really recognize that I appreciate it and I think that they come for the natural beauty of the place here I mean there's no place like this part of Wyoming no place else in the world it's so beautiful arrives our if you're ready for an experience like no other [Music] if you're ready to ride the range and Bighorn Mountains like you were born in the saddle on some of the most beautiful landscapes you'll find anywhere if you're ready to fish clear streams and hook into the big ones that memories are made of if you're ready for welcoming and comfortable accommodations and cuisine that will create lasting memories [Music] well then you need to make your way to the hideout for an experience you will never forget it's simply an adventure and experience like no other we guarantee you'll create lifelong memories that you will cherish forever we'll see you at the hideout [Music] you
Channel: HorseTV Global
Views: 35,099
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Hideout, guest ranch, dude ranch, trail riding, gourmet, gourmet dining, excellent service, european travel, wyoming, wyoming ranch, cattle drives, mustangs, log cabins, lodge, skeet shooting, cookouts, campfires, travel, fishing
Id: 5JvMy8Xh2Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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