The hidden Maybach bunkers found and explored

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yes yes yes yes this is exactly what i was looking for what the hell was that thing looks like a vehicle mine there's another one i thought they only left one added bonus for the day this looks more like it question of the day what was that one of the most iconic looking bunker complexes that has ever been constructed must be that of the maybach one and two complexes built in sussen as headquarter buildings for the german army during world war ii they were enormously secret and they were built to fool aerial photography as if they were just another simple row of houses each complex consisted of 12 three-story buildings with an enormous underground network of hallways and tunnels including access to the enormous zeppelin bunker for the reich past where all communications around the reich went through the maybach complexes started building in 1937 and were finished in september 1939. now sussen has always been a military town ever since the time of the kaiser so all the buildings are built like huge military structures barracks quartering and of course an enormous amount of binkultuon and other shelters against bombing for those who worked there which is why one of the iconic structures you see in sussen is the winkletoon i did a special on wrinkletones that you might want to catch i also did a special on the mybach complex from last time i was there now as you may remember from the last episode from here my bug one is a government-run museum and complex for the underground tunnels and what remains of the my back structures the other mybach complex i spent quite a lot of time looking for in the forests however without luck i found another site of a huge bunker complex that is yet unidentified but i wanted to go back because i wanted to find what to me was the missing my back complex i wanted to get into one of these large buildings that they would not allow me to or anyone else at the museum site i will say here i was in for somewhat of a surprise the russians occupied the area after the war a lot of the bunkers i've been told were demolished and scrapped for their iron and the russians built a lot of motor pools barracks and other facilities around the same neighborhood generally right on top of the bunkers so i had to go exploring and since i'm still traveling i'm taking you with me finally i'm back in sussen i'm back by the maybach complex but this time on a little bit more intel i found the my back complex that was missing the one that's destroyed it's hiding in here behind these walls upon which i found a little hole to jump wearing my brand new russian army boots because i'm tired of getting wet because it's been raining since i got here but now i want to see that thing and show it to you don't get your hopes up remember the east germans and the russians dismantled a lot of it however there's the first building and there's a people live right over there so i'm gonna go in here what i'm looking for is in the middle of this complex somewhere and oddly enough i have not seen any signs telling me to keep out which is shocking the house is interesting did not know there was any buildings still standing here this looks like a regular building this looks kind of nice to be honest previously occupied by the russians we'll take that later and see if we can't find what remains of the big bunkers as i understand there's one left or part of one they've all been demolished and then they were further demolished for the scrap iron inside now if the layout of that my button i visited is somewhat similar to this the bunkers would have been on either side of me there's another building also not what i expected this is not what i expected to find russian era building observation tower or chimney what the hell is this thing this could be the old post-war soviet garages and they're breaking rock right on the other side of this building within the fenced off area i don't know why i don't know if they're destroying the old bunkers i'm curious as to what they're actually doing a nice arch and the bricks are not straight on top of each other so it could be german but it is a garage so yeah these were russian garages i think the bunkers are behind me and i guess whatever they're breaking over there they readily i really don't need to know i am curious [Music] these garages was bigger these garages will break it and the ones down there don't like machinery near historic landmarks especially from world war and there's a very large building that also looks post wars not reinforces not cement i can't tell what they're doing but i figure that i'm looking for is behind me so i'll gracefully retreat that way let them do whatever they're doing i'll sneak in here instead there's a large row of buildings wood you would think i would find a large reinforced bunker looking like the house there's another large buildings looks very much like storage it looks very much like post-war as a hanger for vehicle garage but there are no platforms this is not turning into exactly what i thought it would be this is rather strange this is another one of those big hangers wood walls stone sides post war which makes it less interesting for the mission of the day they are working on something there's another one or is that the wall there's another one the hell is this what the hell was this not big enough to be what we're looking for looks like an old russian building and over there there's large wall surrounding one down there was the garage i did not know the russians built that much in here it's all pretty much abandoned well i mean if you come across a door that's open right [Applause] i'm not pulling my line wooden forest barracks maybe the russians did go for large barracks for a third of their guys now the third being out in the nature i think this is a theric area a lot of broken glass again this is not what i'm looking for but it is interesting we'll post war russian barracks left like that there and no remains of any of them here they simply wouldn't be picked clean that looked like 1960s tylenol i've ever seen it all right broken cements perhaps they're too thin to be of any protective value and here is a hole in the ground that was to be expected all right the bird flew away these things i don't need just a sewage access a fire hydrant there's a piece of wall and barbed wire and wire so that area or this one was further fenced off i hope i'm inside the fenced off one two story building i think this is behind what is fenced off again that's not what we're looking for it's actually beautiful out here the barracks down there and then now this looks more like it this looks reinforced and it looks like it's the wrong angle of course this door is bricked up this looks more like what i'm looking for aha i see needless to say it's been blown up i know there's a ventilation shaft this could be it lots of rebar what the hell is that it's an old truck yes yes yes yes this is exactly what i was looking for one of the last remaining structures of the mybach complex well the one that's not a museum ish yes this yes yes yes this is an upside down radio truck bed strange place to put it but sure they had their reasons ah a table and a door but yeah let's put them on the sides walk around it before we walk in it oh yes this is definitely it oh yes that's kind of strange though i don't see the triangular all right so that's the basement this is where i am annoyed that i left my repelling rope in the car but you know what i think we can find a way in any way we just have to do all climbing yes here we have the roof i think there's another one there's another one i thought they all left one here you have the roof yes yes oh i found it i finally found it mass is a ton of reinforced steel rebar cement and i couldn't find it i guess that says something about my lacking tracking skills right behind the solar panels where they said they were amazing amazing time for the flashlight now i finally get to go inside one of the my back bunkers i command center for the german army intelligence state lifting these oh look how high up the ceiling is and we also look noticeable this piece of cement hanging there by a piece single piece of rebar but yes i think somebody's been digging there is an underground there's a way down into the tunnels and i'm not entirely sure what looks like it looked a little bit like that i see i guess the stairs doesn't go all the way up anymore ah i'm just happy i found it finally i need to show to you see how big this place actually is of course you have to reinforce roof as always have this huge space here and you have it actually peeling a little bit well a lot of crap once again looks like a firehose oh it's nice and tight and i believe that is the way down i think it is this is the way down to the underground tunnels well they blew it up fairly well it's a little crooked in here all right let's take this floor first and then go downstairs and if you're seeing this video you know i came back up all right look at this look at the demolition i mean this looks like this was done with explosives not just for the iron and if they wanted the iron well no idea what that is well know what that is there's another way under the building right there all right so we have plenty of options and hooks and crap that is a russian ammunition case so i wonder if they didn't use this as storage for stuff or they just has another russian ammunition case and another one that was in there but you can imagine how big this building was when it was you know in one piece this i mean they were very well built because they have really tried to destroy them so i have seen people crying down there enjoy that in a holy i see how high up everything goes the rebar just holding it together and they just besides all the rubble this looks like what was an old truck again or a piece of a vehicle that was here when it was blown up probably uh i guess the walls will rain up there that's a lot of stuff just hanging this was very large building looks like a piece of an engine block i kind of see from down here the whole roof just kind of twisted that's where i was that'll hold my fat ass of course it will giving all the boot marks here it helped everybody else here's a heavy steel door here you can see how the walls have split wow look at this yes i just want to stand there look at it this is amazing piece of construction makes you look from the air like a row of houses i already done an extensive episode on my bach it's construction why it existed and who was there so on this one you can just sort of bear with me for just looking at it taking it all in and showing it to you there's something so fascinating about destruction even when it's facilitated by explosives i suppose and at least when they blew it up nobody was in here look at this look at how the wall has just bent down there is what used to be well what used to be a piece of truck maybe we don't really know kind of makes me wonder who who resided here who worked here in this one another varnish russian post-war ammunition case this is such an amazing structure such a damn chain would have to blow them up and it's equally such a damn shame that the people running at my museum are so unwilling to show history and share oh this is this is a lot of camouflage netting i'm standing on since it's been raining i was looking to get a uh i wanted to get a punch aligner functional liner what's this coat this is an old russian coat just like the one i wore and brothers wore with you old russian summer jacket still sitting here wow it's probably pants ah russian dude shed his uniform there's some better shape i'll clean it up and wear it in the next movie but i am i don't think i'm playing brushing anything coming up all right if i listen to what my fellow explorers have told me then this is the only one you can get into underneath and the other one i'm not sure staircase and of course used to be this was the higher up so they had heavy doors to the upstairs floors which is interesting i can probably get to that from the outside that staircase is all flimsy wow all right we'll do the we'll do the navy side still it's good they breaked up this wall it makes it it's so much harder to get in here looks like another shirt makes me wonder if this is downstairs or outside or there's more room not with a boot that needs to work all right this is the room that was covered up and here let's see we'll see the length of the house this camera hanging out by a thread unfortunately it's a steel thread all right all right well more than there already are down here okay this would be interesting with a another camera on a stick so you're gonna have to go sideways oh that's it that's just the room with what could have been a staircase why would you break this off there's nothing in here there's nowhere to go nothing you can break and the roof is actually solid all right we'll crawl back out again since it's raining this will be a good time to go down inside see the saw steel beams that was the roof hinges for i don't think these had motor pool access or and here's a little cup a russian cup post war washington cup all right all right down in the dark yay this was breaked up post-war all right i guess there's plenty of timber i can pull myself out with if i need to this is the room we were in before and this is the downstairs and it's not like somebody hasn't been here and put beans everywhere so we could walk here somewhat safely come on they've got to get me you got to give me access to the tunnels here sorry i need both hands for a second thank god there's rebar sticking out everywhere to hold on to wow all this stuff down here including a bed now there would be access to the tunnels down here but i don't exactly know how except we'll find small holes and crawl through them and see what happens yes there's another piece of russian uh post-war cutlery or a dining set a bowl sardine cans ammo cans barbed wire and a lot of boots and a lot of gas mask boots i just bought boots i could just come here wow so this is the below ground floor that looks new and that looks old and more shoes and that a little tube for electrical communication i would imagine something oh there's more to it down here wow this is where you guys really want me to put on the big light isn't it is that better damn i come all this way crawled all the way underground hiked through the forest for miles i think the last step of putting out the proper lighting is absolutely meredith communication up i think it doesn't it does not look world war two but everything is kind of hard to tell and here's another russian jacket and another one and ventilation tubes since we are underground see how the cement has cracked well i guess i could use that to take down the brick wall upstairs but i don't really need to anymore some russian riding a fire extinguisher that's a little late isn't it wow that's a plate i wonder where the underground is wow i'm so glad i left my helmet in the car because there's nothing here to hit my head on i was there it looked like an old bunker oven oh it says a milk jug but it probably was not a milk jug engine block well yes interval question why is here there's a lot of stuff down here i don't exactly understand why is here little wet little mildewy little nasty not gonna wear it a lot of destruction damn i wish they left these things alone stop destroying everything wouldn't lose a draw good cause bad cause i keep the memory alive no idea what i'm standing on but it's moving lots of boots ah piece of roof tile i love those of you guys who write in and say by the way don't kick these they're asbestos i love that you do it because it's really nice to know that you guys care waving through the shoes all right so maybe this is the way underground it's got to be a way underground here there must be tunnels under here wow and there is another underground i see that look at this rebar this is uh heavy duty stuff this is bigger than the regular we see there coming through and i really do appreciate the germans that built this so sturdy because otherwise i probably wouldn't be crawling around in here today now so there's a level underneath this i'm not gonna make it through there so we'll see how the whole building is just sliding this is the floor above i was just walked on but there's some access to a floor underneath this cooking more boots smaller wait a minute what have we there we have an access to all right yeah do this sideways the room got a little smaller here this is not breaking down what is this sorry about that guys it's a little hard to crawl through here and hold the camera steady yes this is the downstairs now how the hell do i get down there and get back up again damn it that's a good all right let's see if we can find another way down there's another one here this is this is a pipe i came through here and then come through here as well i'll take the narrow gap inhale all right sorry guys ah so hold on that's the hole in the floor that will lead down here so okay so that's another way so then there's this way this does not look any more promising than the other one i did well so this is the sub not the quite sub-basement the parts of basement well it's not raining anymore maybe i can get access to the bottom and one of the others otherwise we gotta come back someone else mr jones you know i'm completely and utterly talking about you so this is the actual roof this is the this was the peak that just fell over on this side and a city on one of the long sides just rolled over the center of the building see those bricks used to be vertical so that is in effect the long side of the roof and i guess a piece of it was blown over here yeah there's tar on the side of this so this was the side that was facing outwards into the wind and weather possibly one of the sides of the roof it's amazing to think this whole thing just shifted sideways almost rolled over you must have used a lot of explosives but that is what we find when we visit bunkers that have been demolished a constant stream of large explosives and it shows but at my back they wouldn't let us in you see we got inside one and there's a sub basement to explore there's also one more room yeah that's the other side that's the room we were in down there alright so there's another one the first one we saw let's see what is inside that puppy now it's getting interesting now i know where i am now i know where things are this is where i really wish some of you guys have been here with me i have a repelling rope in the car it's not that bit of a climb but you need two people for cameras and bags i really wanted to get down there but you know i keep preaching safety first i do don't i i must have done it sounds like something i would do um so i'm gonna take that precaution myself for a change you see why it's a little hard to find even though it's rather large the other one is right there it's barely 150 meters away you can't see it one of the two i found so far i'm hoping there's going to be more since they would be on a line or actually two rows of them many of them we know were destroyed since there's two might be a third and i know there's a way in to the underground in one of them this one is clearly more broken up than the other one see the inside structure with the two doors for the two levels and see this is part of the roof makes me sort of wonder works the other part something over there but oh well we'll find it when we start circling it there's an abundance of car parts down here russian cups more russian cups and here's a russian sign what's left of it somebody stepped on i mean this was clearly where a bunch of russians at some point in time just dumped all their because they couldn't be bothered bringing it home and with all the respect that is pretty much what a large part of this area looks like there's a triangle why is there trying there's another cardboard this would have been inside the building had the wood to mount things on all right and the staircase that we know that of course has been demolished it's a little about being see it's a little bit like being seasick when the whole house is is sort of listing to one side it's like being on a ship in heavy weather and he's just waiting for it to write itself the other way more russian jackets troops i think it is what is this damn these things at this point in time should probably be in a museum and more boots and the two doors that would lead to the upstairs floor that is no more so it was part of post world war well it's russian post war could be could actually be war but i don't think that it really is very weird standing in the building that's crooked it's not just because i'm holding the camera wrong i guess the building have an excuse oh this was the down this is low enough to be the subfloor possibly that's the door out i just toss a rope over that and climb down oh no the other one seemed to be a better bet okay we have a hole that's full crap start walking into things now this is there's no rubble out here nothing out there strange so we go out there maybe that might be a way in well that might be your way in this will be time for breakfast soon all right there's a way in oh and i found the rest of the roof which is uh have collapsed onto itself here so go out here yes no yes no yes always bring it back because you always need stuff but you always get stuck with the backpack yep that's the roof that's the other side or camouflage netting well if we ever need any i guess we know where to find it this is where the roof came down so away in under would be either this way or that way let's take a look wow this almost looks like an imaginary line moat the man of the buildings all the way over there and this is the basement well this definitely looked like the way down don't it yes [Applause] mosquito certainly thinks so all right and get some light on all right so up there last this building the remnants of the russian jacket now i get one level down here what i want is the level below that [Applause] so of course there's a tire in here i don't know why every abandoned place in the world always have a tire so this is a big tire how was that unless that thing is a vlog that blackened thing is the corner of that maybe he's blacking from a fire campfire something a pipe that got squeezed a bit now this thing isn't i don't think it's world war two issue so this is the basement below in the crooked building which is really annoying holy hell for a lot of crap again all right that would have been another way in ah it's a roof of a headcomb truck pipe clamps god damn it well there's proof that there's another underground here as well [Applause] but i have i do not see any way down there well maybe i do damn it well there's a way underneath one of these buildings even for people that are not as skinny as mr jones mr jones is a very very talented youtuber that you should all follow his channel because he likes to climb around and crawl underground in very tight confined spaces where fat people like me can't go although i'm gonna go with him at some point and he lives here in germany now and the wood dowels for attaching things on the walls all right see we can find another one not the last time we were visiting this place there would have been a lot more of these large maybach reinforced buildings a lot of them were taken down destroyed for their metal so i don't know if they carted off the rubble they pried the metal from here i don't know what process they used but you have these large overgrown holes in the ground i think there's another one over here makes it a little bit symmetric which means they literally dismantle them and just peel everything out of the area and here's a metal box of some sort something i do not recognize that but most of the stuff here more camouflage netting i'm guessing there's another hole over here i'm walking on rubble huh see the side of a bunker right there is that another one maybe i'm approaching the first one from a different side but i have been walking away from it i can't be another one can it i think you can i'm not near where i was that's another one there's another one yes what remains of another one this is our third my back bunker right here i thought they were all destroyed short of one piece of one sitting there so you get a little closer get through all this mess so this would probably be the roof again looks very well might blown more demolished than the others oh yeah this is the roof this is the triangle that would be the roof oh dude dude lost his hat well casey come back for it that's and he lost his cup too a bunch of other things now if i'm not all mistaken i might be this is a test mine this look like a training mine and when i say it looks like a training line i'm just hoping i'm right because honestly i don't know what russian minds look like at the time they left that's all i need short sharp detonation well yeah this has been demolished more than the others wow all this crap they left in here oh you see the pipe sticking out the metal that would be the roof beam some support beams that's the point of the roof this whole building kind of came over sideways just like the others and what have we here we see a lot of remains of gas masks i guess the last thing that won't bother carrying around is a gas mask after the cold war is over and their gas shoes like riding pants those look like oh here you can clearly see again i'm holding the camera straight so you see what the building did it just blew to one side and settled on that side of the roof [Applause] wow [Applause] camouflage netting of course nobody seemed to want to carry that home either so if they were going to scrap this for the steel well here it is and they didn't but they certainly left adolph's killer mosquitoes to protect the place wow this is a great little exploration here well this part of the sink yeah this is a floor that is completely comprised of crap hanging on rebar so you know what i'll be happy to walk it but not when i'm here alone because it's a long way for someone to come get me out of there this is definitely a two-man exploration i don't discriminate it could be a man and a woman exploration that's all good with me as long as somebody pull my butt out when i get stuck under something so the other ones are over there all right we'll go back out the way we came in see if we can find more i really want to find the underground access looks like a vehicle mine and right across from this thing is a building and over there is another building wonder why well i guess i don't really wonder why anymore that's the solar panels huh washing kit just falling down there that's interesting bars in front of the windows i guess this could have made this ammunition storage yep that's pretty much what ammunition storage i don't think it looks like so of course they dumped camouflage nets in here as well yeah bars on the windows there's another i'll just store it more crap yeah these looks like shells for storage brick all right you guys will not believe this so there's two down there there's one right in that bush in there and here's another right next to where the russians put up a very crudely built brick building where the east germans built it definitely not world war ii quality so in here and here and here yes here's another one well there's not that much left of it there's actually just a door there is literally just the door in the vent they started from one side to dismantle these and they sort of stopped a good part of the way and i guess this is pretty much where they stop because most of this has been removed and scrapped see this i see the work pipe pipes there and then the inside and of course there's another whole underground to the level down there so they would blow them up and then pick the pieces which i guess makes sense if that's what you're into so that would be make another right there or there would have been another one right here well there's something in there yeah i'm standing on i'm standing on rubble of one i'm very this is just rubble that's left [Music] ceramic why do you not want to come home with me it's an offer i'm giving to all the mosquitoes that's clearly that's whatever it hang on the wall with hung on the wall with i'm sorry huh that's interesting it looks ceramic that's definitely world war ii don't know what it was though but question of the day what was that i'm gonna leave it here and if someone writes me that it's worth a million dollars i'll come back and get it you see here a little bit of steel sticking out metal signs and then there's something upright right there rubble i don't know what that is see if i can find a way oh that looks like this is part of the roof of the one where there was just the door yep that's exactly what this looks like all right all right come on this is not yeah there's another one in there or this is part of the one we had the door let's see okay guys look at this tree look at the bend in this tree look at the bend industry how does a tree do that i guess it grew around something this whole forest in poland full of trees that changes direction and have this notch some people say was blast i don't know there's a botanist out there how does a tree do this that's healthy it's got green on it well okay i've seen healthier trees never mind it's still there and it still survived whatever bent it looks like i'm on top of one weird trees down there yep this is one where the roof caved in look at that hook over that large hook there that was probably when they were reclaiming the metal that gets left behind we can go through this crooked little broken bed seriously these perfect buildings really really are weird a nice hole i stepped over there this is the staircase this is the upper floor yeah these are the two upper floor doors and of course there's another tire why wouldn't there be more shoes a lot of interesting pickings if you know something about post world war ii russian equipment and gear so there's a lot more here you can climb through than i thought and beware where you walk because there's something like that i'll catch your foot piece of reinforced cement sitting right there and it's in there you have to look for it though but if you find one and you make your way back you'll find the others and you just let me know i'll send you the coordinate he promised to be careful one in there and pour metal sticking out of the ground but see in order to find things you've got to get off the road there's something standing right in front of me but here's something else look at these trees look at this unnatural bend again this is less than the other one but you couldn't see how the tree bent and then came back into shape there's one over there too and there's one that sort of changed direction and this one changed direction all right you guys who know stuff about trees why do trees do this here's one there's one yeah well this looks like just the inside foundation with the roof missing a lid to something full of stuff see this looks like but there's no doorways [Music] must be see that tree down there as well now i don't know if that tree bent out of shape because of that piece of rebar hanging over there all right granted i didn't come here to look at trees but i find them a little strange you gotta apologize for the shaky camera sometimes i gotta crawl under things and you wanted the whole experience well this is the whole i have experience now [Music] oh this i know it is as a gas mask filter um what the hell happened here you just tossed in all your empty cans in here this looks like i am on the top lower one here's your damn postwar refrigerator we just filled up the whole bunker with old cans the other way in but most of this is missing so this was probably demolished to be picked first more really than the others but there's an underground to all of these one of them i can get into that would be a bit more fun little company oopsy daisy there's someone over there [Music] there's one down there as well what am i looking at this pile of rubble so i can follow the line they're still here parts of them are still here [Applause] i think there's a road that was a very interesting russian building with an observation tower you saw coming in i want to see that before it gets dark and here is pieces okay so scrappers were here took the metal starting the process becoming clear and you see these hollow tubes that were were in the walls for air communication here's another one that looks fairly intact from here a lot of rubber i'm walking on that looks like one over there too i'm standing in what looks like feel the ruins [Music] hunting tower over there i'm just gonna wait hoping i'm not in season [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the old building so the my back row is down there this is all just [Music] probably this one another building [Music] this is the side of the last of them oh the first one that was cracked i'm guessing another side it's what used to be a brick building foundation no idea what buildings were surrounding the mybach complex during the time of the war here i know the russians built a few things that looks rather interesting that i want to have a look at well this is the foundation on one of those big buildings remnants of the glass windows flooring tile there's another one so now i am sure we are walking away from the maybach complex into post-war russian construction and there was a couple of interesting buildings that i wanted to have a look at of those now usually a fence is sort of an indication that beyond there you should not go this fence would have got my attention because it is guiding a oh water wrestle this is fireworks more all right this is one of the fire pits okay that makes sense yeah these are one of the fire dishes we've seen these at wolf's lair we've seen them at wherever the germans had bunker complexes there would be a huge fire pit full of water they could draw water from in case of fire and it's fenced in so idiots like me can't fall in which is very nice of them so we'll keep going this way still want to see what that russian observation tower was okay what is that i think that's the entrance building or the new apartment blocks but the hell is that oh okay that doesn't look russian that does well actually it doesn't this looks like one of the my back houses what looks like one thick windows these windows are cemented up for a reason this looks far more reinforced than a regular house but this is not looks like lodgings hospital oh white tile sort of gives it away now the bathtub with axes on both sides of this wall i have not seen that before this was must have been a hospital safely kitchen you would serve through these windows i'm guessing kitchen still doesn't display the bathtub for axis from both sides i'm not even explaining that a little broken kitchen bathrooms maybe the toilets if they're still here from it's the outside yeah this looks like we would serve food out through and this would be the mess hall this is nice but where's the upstairs obviously there's a mandatory piece of a car seem to find that way here i'm not expecting to find anything sinister upstairs more bathrooms sinks wallpaper and white socket 220 gives you an idea i don't understand why i can't give you staircase [Applause] feelings of the outdoors [Applause] [Applause] but how do i get upstairs there's no stairs to the upstairs [Applause] that thing i'm a little curious about somewhat it looks like a platform for observation with another one with amazon that looks like big donut so there's that thing that seems like a straight through route get off the damn road before some lone watchman shows up because he's bored well this looks like recently used and i'm standing on something that is about to get it's interesting green and red color this was a newer building or at least it has been in use fairly recent i think this is a sauna i actually think it is a sauna it is a sauna all right so they have a sauna building must be russian am i profiling i'm so sorry obviously the kids will come here and barbecue not the worst place for it below them i think all those things says don't go or something like this [Music] huh nice chimney don't know what i'm looking at a lot of pipes leading up there are you tech guys seems like a very large chimney just for a furnace although all these looks like we'll break ovens makes no sense somewhere in the back of my mind i say we keep thinking this looks like a damn crematorium two metal pipes covered in plastic running up to the large circular there the donut on the first platform and then probably funnels it into the chimney which would if it was hot air possibly diluted with the colder air so it wouldn't stand out but this is not exactly a secret not like any one of the allies had any it's not like any of the americans had any doubt this was here or the west germans did just don't know what it was well yeah generator room machine room boiler room that makes more sense so there's probably a couple of boiler rooms here [Applause] this is where it's going to be for the there's really energy for the russian detective you come from see over there the green thing on the rocks it's camouflage netting you're not surprised by now are you and here you see russian building brick straight on top of each other so we know the russians built this power station that's fenced in so auxiliary work tunnel utility tunnel a utility tunnel there a little power plant boiler room chimneys up there it's a little brick building there and of course there's more the russian barracks all right something [Music] three ah eight nine months after i thought i found my buck i finally found it finally show it to you and there's so many more of those left than i thought and there's an extra underground passage that i need to bring a little company to get myself into other than that there's the whole russian encampment here that built after the war which is interesting but that leaves me a question the huge underground structures that i found last time what were they guess we got to go back there now at the very end of the maybach complex there's this building and if i look at this this does not look like russian construction this look german construction nice quality stucco [Music] see what is in here look at this polished wood maybe a chicken id food don't know something was here got wood floors i don't know what this building was all right we almost guessed off of the quarters remnants of the wood floors in some places and some of the charges roll up the carpet and there's the ceiling well there's nothing up there except the the ex vents from the fireplaces that would be these meet up on the roof beneath the chimney so there's probably a boiler room underneath here possibly this is of basement again the other one had a second floor without any stairs so what the hell is that thing that is a large reinforced piece of cement right outside the door here the hell is this this is far away from the my backpackers there's a shape to it people on the balcony they can see me now this part is overlooked by a residential area no way mrs this was brick with masonry over so is is it a part of me that says monument what on earth is this i know what this is no it can't be it's not big enough could this be a vintage one i think this is i think it is it is this is a vinkletorn laying on its side wow added bonus for the day here's the peak of the finkel to one little spike that's fantastic that is so fantastic not that it's laying on its side that's not fantastic so that was officer shelters in their buildings from before the war and then he was a wrinkled one outside case of aerate oh here's the side of it here's another side of it ah look at this look at that in here you would never know that in here as a poor little winkleton that's lying on its side that's almost worth having to try to get into a piece of the foundation you see how it rounds oh that poor thing so it used to be taller than it's now sitting on its side so this was and the officers building there gotta see if we can get in there gotta see if we can get in there oh that poor thing ah i see that's correct see it fell down and it cracked and then they bricked it up this is after it had fallen someone break this up so i guess people like me can't get in there i couldn't get in there but yeah i can get through there i just can't get through there put my backpack on i need some light in there let's see if there's a if there is an inside at all besides mosquitoes oh look at that look at that oh you're damn right i can get in here she's gonna have to turn the camera off for a second first oh i made it inside oh this poor little sideways mental to one oh look at that i need to get my ass out of this it's full of very spiky metal let me go exploring there are spikes too this was the top of it here's the bottom floor here and it wasn't i don't think this was as tall as some of the others and here's the room up here and the roll on arrow higher up you got that's the inside the inside of the dome right there so the nose is solid that's all of my bullet and the pipes are ventilation you know what you can actually read stuff up there you see where to say issues in i think that's as close that thing be i will have to disseminate that when i have a still shot at home but these things obviously if under attack these would be closed and these are probably for ventilation i should know i did a documentary about winkletones here you see how how thick the inside floors are which is not really that thick i see how it cracked but it's still amazing that it fell on its side and it still it still holds its shape let's see if i get my butt back out of that thing again see somebody break that one up after it fell had a decent amount of rebar all right outside i said well cool guy laying down here i don't know why they had to break this thing but why would you have to demolish this thing and there's the outside of that vent i will say there are there's one good thing about doing this alone is if i had to put the camera down and i can't feel myself ungracefully navigating through very tight holes climbing crawling and falling it's always good but there's no one to document that this is much bigger and there's a lot of rubble in there large stones in there that's interesting see this is one of the floors so this was the same height as all the others it has just part of it fell to this side and the other and the other part fell to the other side see it used to much bigger and with all the rubble in there that's embedded in the cement that's rather interesting and see the other floors somebody made themselves a little bench where they could sit and smoke there's a door going in there or the place is haunted you guess see this building looks a lot different than the one built by the russians this does look closer to reinhardt caitlyn's house doesn't it and since it's right next to the winkleton line behind it this was probably one of the offices buildings and what do i see i see another winkleton it is slowly turning into my mission i guess to photograph every existing wrinklethorn because i keep running into them this is identical to the one that is broken at the entrance to my back one so here you can see what uh it would look like in erect condition looks nice when it's all self-camouflaged by nature hi my name is tino strockman and this is my youtube channel i hope you enjoy history and military history as much as i love bringing it to you and if you want to see more of the photos and documents i've used for these episodes documentation so on you can go to and if you feel like helping me out traveling around the world to some of these far-flung locations like venom brown's first test stand behind me or deepness nuclear reactor down there or the magical line over there you can donate on paypal protection at it'll be right here and it is also on you absolutely don't have to but i appreciate any help and i love all you guys for all the support you've shown me because history is important we all know that and i'm gonna bring it to you
Channel: Lost Battlefields w Tino Struckmann
Views: 60,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9AWeelaH8ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 19sec (7099 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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