The Heartstopper Cast Interview Each Other | PopBuzz Meets

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[Music] I've been smelling you a lot your head has been in my face so often hi I'm Joe Locke I'm kit Connor my name is Karina Brown hi I'm kizzy agile and today we're going to be interviewing each other about our new show Heart Stopper describe the moment you got a call to be an Ian actually I was having dinner with my family I got a phone call and I was like okay well I know what this could be so I'm going to go upstairs in case it's bad news and I don't really want to be you know some all these eyes on me so I went upstairs got the good news I tried to play it as cool as possible so I ended up going downstairs and say anything and my parents obviously kind of realized that what the phone call may have been about so they were sort of what happened and then I was just like yeah I'm just going to be in a Netflix show and then um yeah I like to think that that's how it went I feel like I probably didn't play it as cool as that yeah I probably you could probably hear it my voice but I was very very excited I was in isolation so I was on my own in my house just me and my dog and I got a phone call from my agent and I was like oh God okay this is it like when I answer this phone call it's typically changed my life or not and answered it and he's like you sat down yeah you got the job and I just screamed came back from the chemistry read got it was really overwhelmed really tired so I had a nap I woke up about three hours later took a couple missed calls I called them back and it was really exciting where were you um I just got back to my flat at the time and my owner called me and I was on the stairs and he was like so you got the wrong and I was like and my housemates were like oh my God what and then immediately after my agent was like and I was like I was like I just stuck and then like went upstairs and celebrated poor Jim had to lie to all his classmates and be like uh I'm just leaving school for a bit I don't know what I can't tell you why I've got some things to do but what was your first impression of me is a big one I thought you were very lovely and very kind and almost too nice I was like I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make fun of him get the band together but then that quickly faded and the real kit Connor came out yeah far last night my nice exterior sort of thing thank you so much dude what was your first impression I think we've said this before my first impression of you was on a very like sort of surface level was the the hands the shape of your hands um I don't know his hands to the camera but it's just I don't know he's got very thick thumbs and I don't know why but that's the first thing first thing kitten knows about me was he was picked up on my bad jeans so it was the thickness really is offending my family no not at all it was the thick thumbs really that just you know not even a bad thing I thought you were really nice and kind and I was focusing on your thumbs yeah absolutely but yeah no I I immediately could tell that Joe is an incredibly intelligent person you know he's very well spoken he's very always right quick not sure about that but he's very quick-witted and obviously you know he's not a bad guy as well in terms of you know just being nice so I keep care I thought you were really really cool I'm not gonna lie when I think people are called I'm like okay I can't talk to them yet because I'm just gonna compose myself you know like can't be dumb can't be like but yeah I thought you're really cool and then I was even more blown away when we did our chemistry I was like like yeah I was so scared of you when I fuss about you I was scared of you and yes look I don't think it's only because it was you I think I was just scared that it was someone that I might work with no one has to know yourself okay aside from your own character who is your favorite hot soccer character and why Tori easy easy Tori love her she's sarcastic she's cold she's sweet though and she's got like a whole universe around her I just love her and I think she's so funny and I think Jenny plays her so well amazingly I was gonna say the same thing I was gonna say Tori as well but I'll switch it up and go with towel because I think will is incredibly funny he's the comic relief all the time and will captures that amazingly perfectly and so yeah he's my close second I tend to say Darcy she's just so like wild and like herself and sort of confident in herself and I find that that's so like refreshing and cool and yeah I love in like for example like volume three on in Paris when yeah yeah I think she's such a a cool character I like Town Town's great tower is just he's very funny and I see a lot of myself in town it's a sarcasm yeah I think I'd like to say more like Charlie I'm probably like a mix of town and Charlie yeah you are you're a good mixer of talent Charlie I think way more talented Harley though let's be honest yeah why do you think it's important to cast real-life teenagers and teenage roles you're not a teenager I think it makes it more authentic I think this gets to a point where you've seen many 30 year olds playing 16 year olds and you're like I just don't believe this anymore like come on take the tie off I think it's important because there are teenage actors you know I know I'm not a teenager anymore but I look young they're really only the roles I can get if you were causing me a support Euro that wouldn't work and teenagers have loads of talent I mean look at us it was it's really good I think that's why it's important when you're watching a show that has for example like a 16 year old character and they look 30 with like you know raging six pack and it can give you an expectation of what it is to be a teenager yeah and you maybe feel like maybe you're a bit sort of behind or you feel like that's never going to be attainable and it can kind of give you sort of slightly problematic mindsets about your own body or your own well as maturity my favorite comment I've read it's so great that they've cast some unconventionally attractive actors yeah well exactly because that kind of confidence and that was as soon as we got we got like announced it was like thank God they didn't pass like you know conventionally attractive because that would have been so awful moving thank you it really means a lot because it's true I also think specifically skin imperfections you see teenagers with acne and if you see an adult playing a teenager you don't see that alongside that like body image Because by the time like you're 25 you're fully developed so seeing a 25 year old playing a 13 year old or 13. I was like why do I not look like that I was like who made you you probably if it's too made you laugh at this who made you laugh the emotions that must have been you or yours yeah yes is a character so she'd make me an awful lot as well my dad loved Jazz when he came on dessert he really loved you though because his dad says Kitty's dad you're amazing thank you Chris Toby or yes I think two of them especially together yeah that's so so funny he's got that kind of um very British it's very British he's very like sarcastic sometimes it's to the point where like you think he doesn't like you because he he makes those kind of jokes and they're so he's so funny the only time when of the only times that we cracked up in a scene was when he just sort of like I think he walked in at the wrong time actually like we were mid-scene he was meant to come in at one time and then it's the antiseptic yeah he was just so funny and Yaz is just like one of the best personalities I've ever seen in my life she's such a she's so funny oh Toby Toby filmed these Vlogs um and he just caught us on camera when there was like a long waiting period and we played this game called the triangle game and it basically goes no no there's a trying there's a triangle between me Karina and the plant whose triangle is it and it's sort of a rule is it the plant no it's mine I'm really bad at this game Friday next question do you have any funny stories from your time on set between takes I honestly was about to say that Day with Toby and antisepter white scene yeah I got told off on set yeah because it was like 10 minutes for the end of day and it's like the last shot of the day we had to get it done we had to get it done and Toby kept coming in and we just kept laughing yeah and Eros the director who is the most sweet and lovely and lovely man we said guys you've had your scene come on come on now yeah sorry can you spot a copy of costume on the first day I was talking about this a lot but um it was the best Icebreaker I felt so comfortable immediately after and yeah it just made for a great two moms fulfillment I wish the pelvis had just turned onto me and seemed dripping and they don't we don't watch the jumper for ages because it would break like continuity like the illusion of time so I had to walk around with this jumper with coldfield over it zoom in the coffee stuff I would say I mean obviously there's a moment that's actually in the Boudreau where will and I are sitting very close staring each other right in the eyes I think my line is you know you're a really good friend and he says I know and he's slowly putting chips into his mouth and it was really hard to film because seeing him just sort of just giving me the eyes like really trying to stare me down while slowly you know putting chips into his mouth was a um it was a difficult difficult time for me to not laugh who did you become closest to while filming and I think it's between you and yours yeah I'd say the same obviously you know because we had so many tears together and so much sort of screen time together that didn't actually sort of happen that we we became a lot closer outside of you because that's a bit obvious yeah as I said earlier will will gal will and I live very close together we've grown up in the same town and I just you know I love what I think he's an absolute hero I think he's amazing um bash as well yeah I think we all have sort of like become like a family like this like we've had this experience that's like completely bonded us all for life no matter what we all do we'll always like we're never gonna lose touch with anyone like everything it's like a fun family um it's a bit of a treat but it is like a fun family yeah it wasn't for Harley stopper I'd be much more lonely so thank you thank you oh there's a good one which of your cast mates smells the nicest oh that is [Music] gone up and smell anyone that's a bit strange but I think I think that's a natural thing Yaz has the spray she uses and it's the um the mint spray from Lush oh it's one of the nicest smells ever and she made me buy it and then it got taken off me at airport security I've been smelling you a lot your head has been in my face I was oh no you weren't I was right under your armpit most of the time because that's like yeah yeah I'd say you smell good sweat through my who smells I would say Yaz and bash has always got like he looks great with his life fashion he's always smelling good so yeah he hasn't bash two nice and smelly smelling people no smelly people it's a nice a nice kind of smelly stinky yeah thanks for watching thank you for watching if you like this video make sure to subscribe to pop buzz if you like this video make sure you subscribe to pop buzz [Music]
Channel: PopBuzz
Views: 1,692,388
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Keywords: PopBuzz, PopBuzz Meets, Netflix, Netflix Heartstopper, Heartstopper, Heartstopper Cast, Heartstopper Cast Interview, Joe Locke, Joe Locke Interview, Kit Connor, Kit Connor Interview, Joe Locke Kit Conner, Corrina Brown, Kizzy Edgell, Heartstopper Charlie, Heartstopper Nick, Hearstopper Charlie and Nick, Alice Oseman, darcy olsson, Tara Jones, Charlie Spring, Nick Nelson, heartstopper audiobook, heartstopper tiktok, heartstopper reaction, alice oseman, heartstopper kiss
Id: VgBEiUaE-Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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