The Heartbreaking Life of Eminem

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I tried to plead and tell him we shouldn't be but he just wouldn't leave he kept choking me and I couldn't Bree many think that these lines from the song brain damage from the album Slim Shady or some kind of a joke however that's not true in these lines Eminem recalls how he was bullied in school beat up in bathroom beat up in the hallways shoved in the lockers and he will never in his entire life forget that specific incident on the toilet when he was only 9 years old older classmate D'Angelo Bailey beat him up so hard that Marshall thought he wouldn't make it out alive he was small plus he had a big mouth recalls Bailey Marshall got a brain hemorrhage blood oozed right out of his ears he didn't slip into a coma but he periodically lost and regained Consciousness for a few days before these figing spells disappear he got so many health problems bruising multiple wounds lacerations nausea and so on my main concern was to get him you know medical treatment and because he was when I when I found my son he was in the floor and he was having a seizure his mom Debbie Ms also had a tough life in which Terrible Things occurred I was sexually assaulted by my one stepdad when I was 12 he didn't get the job complete because he was arrested according to her own words there were always strange men in the house and they were always getting drunk Debbie was abused as a child and the saddest thing is that her mom was also abused and me him grandma is called baddy who was delighted by the news that her mom is dying the way you beat and abused a little child a little child an innocent child I said you know you're going to hell don't you Debbie wanted her own family and she wanted to be a good mother for her children she gave birth to Marshall when she was 18 years old and she thought that her family's life would be good however the reality was far from it when 's dad had to take over his dad's position at a hotel he started hanging out with other women women naturally Debbie didn't like it and one day he told her that she had to get her child and get out of the house Debbie left Bruce because of his constant beatings and his alcoholism the dad left to California and after that nobody saw or ever heard from him again in his book he spoke out about his dad and the following paragraph and I quote I won't lie I will always have questions about my dad but understood that I will never get answers so he can go to hell he can piss off I don't want to know this guy how much of a jerk do you have to be to abandon your own child or to speak to other family members in the way he talked to his uncle and not even call his own child who never wronged him there is no excuse for a parent to do what he has done I don't give a [ __ ] if they're lost in a laska or somewhere in the goddamn desert I would find my daughters and his dad never wanted anything to do with him uh Marshall tried to contact him Debbie tried to contact him Eminem was exposed to weapons and violence from an early age of course he wasn't a gang member nor was he a killer Todd Nelson whom you've just seen used to give Eminem Who was 7 years old at the time a 45 Colt to shoot at beer cans this very cult was used by Todd to kill a guy in a supermarket parking lot he was found guilty in the murder of a guy who allegedly molested children in 2004 and on his birthday he shot himself which shocked Marshall according to M's words he was a well-intentioned guy who just couldn't function in society he had one more uncle called Ronald Nelson even though he was 3 years younger than Marshall he was always up to some crazy stuff when he was seven he burned down Eminem's Grandma's house at 11 he put a hamster in a microwave and it exploded in there apparently he learned these from Eminem who also did a similar thing according to Debbie in her book one day I came home to discover his guinea pig wrapped in plastic wrap in the microwave he's cold I'm warming him up Marshall said as I switched the oven off the guinea pig wasn't cold he was dead Marshall was distraught as I explained his pet had gone to heaven he insisted we bury him properly in a shoe box with little holes cut into it so the guinea pig could breathe on his way to the afterlife Marshall didn't always understand just how delicate some creatures were it all started when my mother took my bik cuz I murder my guinea pig and stuck him in the microwave in 1992 Eminem went through one of his roughest patches ever it was all because at the end of 91 Ronnie shot himself in the head after a breakup with his girlfriend this upset Marshall so much that he couldn't even go to the funeral it didn't sit right with him to look at his uncle lying there without a head I read about your uncle Ronnie too I'm sorry I had a friend Ronnie did Marshall a huge favor he introduced him to hip-hop he brought him the soundtrack for the movie Breaking which included ice te song Reckless know this girl is he then started digging deeper in the topic and when he was 14 years old he understood that he wanted to become a rapper in that same year he met proof in middle school I first met Pro step Eminem was taken aback by proof's kindness toward him one day proof made Marshall get rid of his secondhand moccasins that his mom got him they had the same shoe size one day proof said what the hell do you have on your feet he gave him a few pairs of nearly brand new Nikes this was one of those moments where Eminem wanted to cry from happiness proof taught him to stand his grounds and be a man he was the first person to show him how to fight when they would get home exhausted with blooded fists they would have an exercise where one of them would say a word and they would see how many words they could rhyme with it by the age of 18 he was unsure whether he wanted to become a rapper or not he thought it would be better to become a basketball player than a rapper he played basketball fairly well but what about rap He recorded a few cassettes however they weren't selling well because a lot of people couldn't understand how a white guy could become a rap star the wrong Tre cuz I a diarrhea F at around the same time proof quit his job and decided to dedicate his life to hip-hop he started hanging out with hip-hop artists and everybody thought that proof would be the first to sign a contract for a solo however at the age of 20 something happened that could have gotten these two locked behind bars the whole thing is that sometimes they would shoot at random people in Detroit with paintball guns one day they stopped by Wayne State University and went up to the kids who were skating on their skateboards proof sneaked up behind one one of them and shot him three times in the back of his head at Point Blank Range can you imagine how painful that is and next up came the police sirens one of the cops beat the crap out of them one cop pinned Eminem on the lawn while the second pinched his earring and said you like wearing earrings don't you you little [ __ ] while proof was forced to eat grass literally the cop grabbed a handful of grass and shoved it in his mouth then a female cop said they got video cameras after that they decided to get them in the car they didn't want them to be photographed because of the way they look after this incident the guys got rib injuries as a result they were sent to two Detroit prisons and while they were there they found out that one of them also shot someone in the male genitalia the guy wanted to sue them and they would have been sentenced for a minimum of 5 years and of course they didn't have money for a lawyer and Eminem said screw that here goes our rap career however because one of the victims didn't show up in court Eminem and proof got away with it everything changed when the hipop shop opened up there and for the first time Eminem was able to express himself and show that he could rap people jumped and screamed and the bosses asked proof where he found this white guy at after being humiliated from his early years he received the love that he had dreamt about get a buo St from bottom to top and say this building down cuz that's the only way you're reing [Applause] [Music] shot he won the annual battle at the hip-hop shop and then in 97 he participated in the scribble Jam in Ohio where he got to the finals and lost [Applause] [ __ ] he returned home completely depressed but this wasn't the end of the full struggle he lived with two roommates in one room one of the guys told him that he has cheaper rent that they should move in with him he told his friend all right he has cheaper rent screw it let's move in with him as Eminem says we were paying out rent to him but the SOB was keeping our rent wasn't paying the landlord he took the rent saved up his own money and back bounced on us so one day we come home and all our shits out on the [ __ ] front lawn this period of time in his life was incredibly shitty especially that he was hoping for a contract with Jive Records because he knew a guy there but it turned out that he just worked there at the mail reception Department all of that led to one night when he tried drugs for the first time while recording the song Rock Bottom all he could think about at the time was to to finish the song that would be the last song he would ever record full of promises and Broken Dreams things off openings I feel discouraged hry and maling in this house with furn unfurnished then he went to Los Angeles lost in the finals of the rap Olympics tournament for the final they were giving away Rolex watches which he wasn't sure were real but the $500 was real that was a lot of money for him at that time he went back home with the thought what's next after all he was returning home to nothing the end of the year 1997 was terrible for Marshall he had 40 bucks in his pocket he was fired from his job and Haley's birthday was coming up soon and he didn't have money for a gift I'll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying cuz Daddy felt like a bum on that trip to Los Angeles he gave his cassette to an assistant at inter scope records which is where Dre found him in M and the song my name is was released hi my name is my name is chicka chicka Slim Shady and legal proceedings against Eminem had begun in this song There were some lines mentioning his mother how you going to breastfeed me Mom you ain't got no Debbie was deeply affected by these words in her book she said this line was horrible and upsetting because I'd contracted toxemia blood poisoning when I gave birth to him and hadn't been able to breastfeed Eminem also accused her of using drugs I just found out my mom do more dope than I do the mom sued her own son for $10 million yet only received a $225,000 settlement but $3,354 125 of that went to her lawyer just my law a couple of years later Eminem released the heartbreaking song Cleaning Out My Closet in which Eminem recall the situation when Debbie said that she wishes Eminem would be dead instead of his Uncle Ronald when Ronnie died and you said you wish it was me well guess what I am dead dead that you can be sometime after the funeral Debbie called him and they began arguing about something unrelated to Ronnie during the argument Debbie said that she wished him and him had died instead of Ronnie which she confirmed in her book and I quote I couldn't believe what was happening I hate to say this but I'm sick of you I screamed I wish this was you instead of Ronnie that comment came out of nowhere I didn't mean it but I was just so rattled I phoned Marshall straight back son I am so sorry I didn't mean it I said he hung up on me I've apologized to Marshall so many times for saying I wished he were dead instead of Ronnie of course I didn't mean it I'm so sorry I said that it's something I will regret to my dying day the Marshall matters album contains a song under the name Kim in the song Eminem talks about a traumatic relationship the song was written back in the year of 1998 you were supposed to love me now please [ __ ] please however the most intense song in Eminem's career is the song 97 Bonnie and Clyde in the song Slim Shady asked his daughter to help him get rid of her mom's body and throw it in the ocean and the most interesting thing about it is that the song includes vocals by Haley which seriously angered Kim M's messy a she we let wash in the water and me and you can play by ourselves can't we as 's former bodyguard big Nas says Kim is Debbie reincarnated in turn Debbie says that Eminem often got psychologically abused by Kim she saw how one day Kim took off her shoes and hit Eminem with it while Marshall stood there and did nothing about it if they didn't fight for even one day this would be considered something abnormal by those around them generally speaking it was a serious toxic relationship despite their relationship being a total mess they got married in 1999 however that didn't make things better for Kim the marriage was to tie Eminem to her because women began noticing Eminem and in her opinion he started developing an ego in the year of 2000 Kim saw how Eminem made fun of her using a doll pretending that it's her and she saw the positive reaction he received from the public I made it home and I just I could not gather my senses I just and I went upstairs in my bathroom and I slipped my wrist and ended up in the hospital she like Debbie sued him for $10 million however nothing came of it and who else sued him andm the very D'Angelo Bailey who beat Marshall up in the toilet he wanted to sue him for $1 million but he was also unsuccessful the judge who pinned a section of her judgment in rap likee rhyming language determined that the lyrics were clearly overstated to the public the lyrics is stories that no one could take fact they an exaggeration of a childish act any reasonable person can see that the lyric could only be hyperb it is therefore the skull's ultimate position is that Eminem is entitled to summary disposition the main tragedy occurred in 2006 Emin had never before felt such intense pain before and this pain still accompanies him to this very day the pain that became part of Marshall on April 11 2006 proof was shot three times by Mario athd once in the head and twice in the chest after a dispute broke out during a game of Billiards the CCC Club on 8mile Road in Detroit a pool game between proof and Keith Bender turned into a heated argument and then escalated into into a physical altercation Eminem recounted in his book The Way I Am how precious proof was for him proof was my key to everything it was the only reason as to why they stopped beating me up I won't sugarcoat anything he was my P to the ghetto he stood up for me as if we were brothers I lived in an attic but if it weren't for a proof who got me into the rap game I don't know where I would have been you definitely would have never heard of me he was not only able B to bring out the talent in me he also saw the diamond in the rck this doesn't mean that proof had no talents proof commanded the entire rap music scene in Motor City in the mid90s people loved him I lost my best friend but I guarantee you that a million people would say yeah proof was my best friend as well but proof and I had a mutual understanding that's why I say he was my best friend I was his best friend you telling me this guy's white as as I can D was white D no sunburn sunburn I'm because of the death of a close friend of his Marshall's problems with drug addiction worsened but luckily he was able to overcome addiction and lead a sober life he reconciled with his mom and apologized for everything that he has said about her but I'm sorry Mama for cleaning out my closet at the time I was Ang rightfully maybe so never me that in turn when Eminem was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Debbie Mathers barely held back her tears of Pride as she congratulated her son on his achievement Marshall I could not let this day go by without congratulating you on your induction to the Hall of Fame I love you very much I knew you'd get there and it's been a long ride he reconciled with Kim in 2006 but they let her separated and they now maintain a friendly relationship with one another she currently looks looks like this in 2022 her mother died which led Kim to want to end her life by taking pills however thankfully the doctors managed to save her in a recent interview she said that now she is clean and feels good after a 45-day stay at a rehab center she also maintains a good connection with her children and with Eminem as well to the question of how often they see each other she responded saying not often but enough good a bad hband upon listening to the album The Slim Shady you would think what a repulsive Maniac but after the Marshall Mathers album you understand that the origins of Slim Shady are in Marshall Ma's abandoned rejected and love deprived heart that's carrying a huge bird the abandoned child whom in the end became Slim Shady Eminem is the rapper them Shady will kill you and Marshall mats is the person like behind the whole you know mask the next video that I recommend you watch is about an incredible friendship between Eminem and Dr Dre thanks everybody for watching subscribe to the channel and see you soon
Channel: Music Vibe
Views: 562,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eminem, eminem interview, eminem biography, marshall mathers, eminem diss, lose yourself eminem, eminem songs, superman eminem, eminem lose yourself, eminem reaction, mockingbird eminem, till i collapse eminem, stan eminem, eminem mockingbird, eminem fortnite, eminem kim, eminem mother, eminem diss mother, eminems family, rap, music, hip hop, music vibe
Id: k8ktMqgs46Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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