The Haunted Hinsdale House

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[Music] the Hinsdale house also known as the dandy house is located in upstate New York the home has been featured on various paranormal TV shows most recently the home was featured on an episode of paranormal lockdown Nick Groff and Katrina wiedemann star as lead investigators in the show the home has a mysterious history which includes strange sightings unexplainable events and even an exorcism Clara and Phil dandy lived in the house along with their children in the early 1970s during their time there they were visited by many spirits a priest was at the home more than once to perform an exorcism the exorcisms worked for a while but as time went by the dandy family lost the battle and ended up leaving the house for good as the years passed by a few families have lived in the home but none stayed very long the last occupants of the Hinsdale house were joe and florence ms nick both Joe and Florence passed away within a few months of each other so as the Hinsdale house full of demons and ghosts or is it just a regular home that has been glorified by legends I along with the other member of my team spent 16 hours locked down in the home alone stay tuned for part two where we will share portions of the investigation as well as our final thoughts I have seen this house nuts it's not to be it's a like I said when I pulled in and even he heard it I turned around and we heard something right by the car now when I first started that like I was here like three times I saw cher man with my own eyes like he walked right up to me I saw paper flying the living room you did a lot of people trespassing moving here good night College I don't know I haven't been here where they haven't been here okay because we just want to know what we're you know getting the two of a lot you've come up a long way you know you know getting into of a lot he's come up I'm William you know Lauren Andy died great mm-hmm he sees her she is here now there's a big girl that's the daughter right right okay should she was a sex mangas no no okay I talked to Mary okay I haven't heard from her in ages I gotta get over her Mary's the youngest okay but Mary seems to think there was foul play really but there's no proof of that no I don't put that on the internet no no no no so proof Wow but they can't even have Mary's mouth so Laura de lourdes the oldest daughters and i can't youngest second yet Mary was the youngest but the ages went and Michael because they're about my age now Michael recently passed away he won't be here he hated this house he hated how everybody turned it into some it wasn't and the stories that were natural right everything he even she came to hate this house but he was the oldest son Beth was the second oldest then Laura and Mary was the youngest but Mary and Laura and I'm guessing they were about 10 or 12 ish because we haven't were on the same era yeah you know I was born in 58 and I would have been about the same ages about yeah but they were swimming in the pond and Laura looked right at Mary and she said you know I'm gonna die in my thirties Wow she died right before 32nd birthday cold predicts the room yeah right Wow that's crazy yeah what she did and did the house they have something to do with it I don't know now some people have said that they were after the Laurel it goes for nothing what they were after buff Beth is the one whose eyes change color if you ever saw a dark forest of haunting and it's about this house but they change though Michael the real Michael a little clear ordinary but they only have two kids they don't use the same house they they didn't take a pic you know they did take a picture of the road because the dead end sign does Aaron Enza but the whole story was just changed but it was best eyes that were changing color her whole personality changed her son something just something Oh wasn't me no it was I thought it but what would a move there's nothing anyway sorry oh it's okay though come on the mess with you this is our wall of fame except for that we have to paint over that some team thought that they were oh that is nice yeah they signed it but this is like Brian Kane oh yeah I love him yeah his ideology and mine are quite a bit alike I look I debunk everything yeah that's what we try to do too I mean it's not like oh that's paranormal no anyway this was Michael's room if you heard about the story he had like snuck my mom shelf like a whole watches stuff you going oh at door um that you're not going in there the XS - is Earthcare from Annette just our drunk okay yeah whole bunch of stuff on the shelves and in the middle of all the announce ups I mean books magazines games was a chest that he was laying here nothing came off that nothing moved but the chess set oh yeah the old stop showing me a hole we get orbs constantly you know when you have the security camera set that's all you see you know however if you see one that looks out of place and it's like you know it's up sagen yeah that's totally different right but yeah everybody's dorms yeah dust dust moisture and bugs yeah yep sorry now you start Paul talked about that he saw a face in the window yeah that's the window okay I've heard him talk about it he got up and he's like you know that's it I'm out of here I'll deal with the snow Wow right as soon as he thud then he's sitting over there putting on his shoes this was best room and you can see where the wall was and this was the doorway yeah she comes shooting out of here whatever he saw at that window came in her bedroom and she saw it in her bedroom Wow who saw that I mean I've heard pop out a million times and I do believe that to be true you are standing right where the exorcism which is a house cleansing yeah do qualms bother you guys at all no okay cuz that yeah oh yeah it was me for her she's she loves taking pictures of creepy dolls so yeah I do I am someone long with her yeah she's pretty awesome look at her because these crackle paint they just took a regular doubt yeah is cool please we love her if dad doesn't ever want her I want yeah that's cool she's gorgeous her name's Beatrice hi Beatrice there's bees here got it yeah Beatrice so what is there any furniture that was original to the house we believe that the atomic Wars okay you made me go buy it with the money from the people in one night he's like where you got the morning from the rental right I go yeah and he goes to go by the trauma anywhere it was I thought it then I was like I don't want to pay this much wine for this man do you have it it so he got it I it is a little unsettling in this house today which is kind of a good thing for us yeah um from here you can see the courtier pit this was Laura's room believe it or not originally it was a bathroom oh yeah what is hard to breathe in here isn't it yeah Laura is here usually if there's a whole team I will tell one person and the team what could smell or to look for it and sent to know she's rhombuses the two of you try very hard not to just make it up in your head and think you know you're smelling it right thanks if you smell Vicks everywhere he sees her he comes up here he sits down he talks to her now he doesn't know he didn't at the time he didn't know about the Indian here or you know the massacres or anything he was sitting up here looked out the window saw his father at the fire pit he was sitting up here looked out the window saw his father at the fire pit I it is a little unsettling in this house today which is a good thing for us yeah um from here you can see the courtier pit this was Laura's room believe it or not originally it was a bathroom oh yeah what is hard to breathe in here isn't it yeah Laura is here usually if there's a whole team I will tell one person and the team what could smell what to look for and sent to know she's rhombuses the two of you mm-hmm tried very hard not to just make it up in your head and think you know you're smelling it right thanks if you smell Vicks a little he sees her he comes up here he sits down he talks to her now he doesn't know he didn't at the time he didn't know about the Indian here or you know the massacres or anything he was sitting up here looked out the window saw his father at the fire pit then he said mom who's angry Indians tournament daddy my jaw dropped oh wow Wow he saw he can see shut that's pretty cool whooping autistic and admire he's blind in one eye and felt yeah yeah he's got the gamut of crap with him you know well but you know what they're more sensitive so he's open hmm now all back here is all Indian burial ground is that right or Indian burial ground over there but we're not allowed near it I would never say nut okay wait is there a lot of freaking flies out this window she won't let us near it and they're supposedly and animals were around where they are there are others possibly four to five I've heard wow I haven't seen any yet our property goes 3/4 of the way up the hill she will let us go she's fear drums which you probably won't because it's a weekday but once in a while she'll play drums just totally freak people out here so here comes from the interaction what yeah yeah is your the chanting that's funny I've never heard the chanting I didn't hear the change now up the road is where that tree is right no you already passed it oh and it's not even there it's it's I fell down it got hits on the road that we drove it's not even no well it showed that on that show it was knocked over yeah it's right when you first turned up the first dirt road right there on your left hand side it would have been okay I have driven where it was and my radio was turned on like right as I'm driving away Wow yeah we'll walk up there yeah you what's this the claw only closet in the house okay the Tim Shaw not Tim Shaw we see you got me talking about Tim Shaw Nick Groff slept in front of them oh that's the last place in the house that bleep is anywhere near this closet yes there's a mirror somebody put a mirror in here so what goes on in the closet um don't have to chair there yeah yes actually thank you but there's nobody here right now that they can use yourself through yeah well mom hangs out in here you lie the same to me this is one of the morning whistles okay well that's good yeah I don't know how you would I mean you'd have to be pretty damn strong to get them in there yeah that's they lift them up and get them in there I don't know about never basement oh I forgot about the basement it's up next to toilet through that door but I don't like it stairs are not connected and no no lights down there nope don't okay yeah would be really good work yeah you she said we need to do a session of us closet do okay yeah wasn't no it wasn't I promise it's been there the whole time dude what look back at your video I worked out it was right here no it wasn't it was back there cuz I walked in here and said oh there's a chair back there did she move the chair it wasn't right there there was a chair right here I swear to God promise it wasn't I swear to God every chair once you get out here there was just that one chair and then there was something in it yeah oh the mirror no that's right was that promise you
Channel: Dawn Frank
Views: 15,099
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: #paranormal, #haunted, #paranormal Lockdown, #Nick Groff, #Destination America, #ghosts, #demons, #spirits, #paranormal investigation, #haunting, #film, #documentary, #female investigators, #Hinsdale, #Hinsdale House, #Dandy, #Dandy House, #demon, #ghost, #paranormal activity
Id: fjL1IJSZvRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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