The HaseKara Calamity: A Doxing Saga (ft. Nihongo Johnny)

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[Music] doxxing is a practice whereby personal information such as home address phone number or a place of work is dishonestly obtained in an attempt to harass an individual or group occasionally doxxing is used as a form of vigilantism in order to enact justice sometimes the motivation is a personal vendetta but in one instance a daxing saga unfolded which was purely for sport and its rapid escalation soon included vandalism grave desecration and even bomb threats issued to major city centers under the victim's name several people are believed to be making bomb threats under Kalla Sawa's name defendant Liotta under is one of them a court today found him guilty of making a bomb threat against the local government and gave him a suspended sentence this saga became so culturally significant that daxing became a new pastime for the country's rebellious youth he writes that he saw the lawyer as a toy on the Internet and that he was having fun playing with the toy taken from the names of its two main victims Hasegawa and cara Sawa this online saga has been appropriately dubbed the hosik horror calamity the story began in 2009 when a high school student by the name of Hasegawa began making inflammatory post on the anonymous message board - Chan intending to get an emotional response out of his fellow posters a Hasegawa would regularly derail conversations in order to write something along the lines of the following for those familiar with trolling these types of posts are nothing unusual and tend to be especially prominent on anonymous boards but what was unusual about Hasegawa was that he opted to post under a trip code or as it's called in Japan a code ahan which serves as an identifying handle attached to all forum activity using a trip code while making such post as risky behavior as it signals to your fellow posters that not only are you proud of what you're saying but you welcome the negative attention at brains and the certainly seemed to be the case for Hasegawa for years under the coda haunt ihe agony in reference to the digimon character Hasegawa continued making similar post successfully making a name for himself but in 2012 his notoriety began to backfire having previously made insulting posts toward individuals without a college education Hasegawa posted an acceptance letter from a prestigious japanese university in order to brag about his own academic success although he took precautions revealing only a portion of the document this small revelation was enough for the detectives of to chan to begin identifying the young man who had been trawling their boards for years beginning with what they had at their disposal members of - Chan were able to link the formatting of the letter to koku sheikhan University and using house ago was trip code to filter through all of his previous post they cross-reference seemingly innocuous information such as snowboarding field trips with classmates with the university he'd been accepted to within mere hours the young man's high school was found and shortly after his name as well as the names of his family members had all been made public naturally Hasegawa was scared he'd been provoking the members of - Chan since 2009 and now they had a tangible way to retaliate after attempts to control the situation himself had failed Hasegawa approached the coach in law firms seeking legal assistance online conflict especially on an anonymous message board is not an easy thing to take legal action against typically it's advised that the victims stop posting and wait for the whole thing to blow over but a young ambitious lawyer named Takahiro Kurosawa who claimed expertise in solving Internet related problems took the case the two of them returned a to Chan where Kurosawa began threatening legal action against those who were Daxing his client ordering them to turn over their IP addresses or face repercussions many of the members of - Chan didn't want to get wrapped up in legal matters especially from someone who boasted expertise in the matter it's likely they simply wanted a scare House ago out of his inflammatory behavior but when the lawyer made his first post onto Chan the intimidation he initially was quickly replaced with ridicule may I request somebody to create a thread titled thread requesting IP disclosure karasawa posted on an unrelated thread I would like to why my post there please could somebody cooperate despite the inconvenience I'm sorry for causing trouble the lawyer who advertised expertise in online bullying didn't know how to create a thread on a message board while Takahiro Kurosawa successfully diverted bullying away from his high school client what he didn't realize was that he'd shifted it upon himself using this cartoonish depiction of the lawyer memes were created and spread throughout to chant sports board the lawyer didn't take this new development well he pivoted his focus from defending his client to defending himself he demanded the disclosure of the IP addresses of not only those who are mocking him but anyone on the message board who was speaking about him at all but the lawyer had already revealed an unexpected level of incompetence so these threats no longer held any sense of urgency the mocking continued and it wasn't long before it spread throughout all up to chann similar to what message boards in Western countries referred to as a lull cow someone who has teased and provoked into providing comedy for a group of spectators the attention placed on the lawyer was largely exacerbated by his response to it whether than letting the fire die out naturally karasawa attempted to extinguish it with the brute force of legal threats and in doing so only managed to feed it and what started as a relatively light hearted attempt to tease a naive lawyer on a message board quickly escalated into what can only be described as a wide-scale character assassination using the most potent means of propaganda available in the digital age meems [Music] [Music] [Music] creating depictions of the lawyer became one of the most popular pastimes across to chance pictures animations songs there was scarcely a medium which hadn't been used in order to tease Karasawa karasawa continued urging them to stop ordering IP disclosure and threatening to sue but this only managed to emboldened them soon merely producing mocking images and songs wouldn't quite suffice as widespread as they had become they were still after all easy enough for the lawyer to ignore it was time to get creative in 2015 a ransomware virus known as the kr SW Locker was created and spread throughout the country infecting countless business and personal computers the ransomware would introduce itself as karasawa a lawyer informing the victim that their computer had been locked and if they wanted it back they would have to pay karasawa 30 thousand yen in Bitcoin within 3 days complete with a countdown clock by way of mocking the name of the law office karasawa was employed which was a word originally meant to represent a Japanese Taoist faith those who participated in the harassment adopted an almost religious fervency calling themselves kosher knights these people set about to deify Takahiro Kurosawa to spread their message kosher knights posted Flyers across the university campus and even developed a currency they refer to as cara coins similar to an extremist religious organization the kosher nights became militant and organized any who wish to join in the ritualistic doxxing were assigned to one of four unique factions there was the research division whose job was to gather intel on Karasawa going to such extreme lengths as stalking taking pictures of him his law offices and even sending drones to map the location of his home this resulted in a practice known as Ken MA in which a coach Knight would livestream themselves visiting either carasau was home or law office and placing a sticker somewhere on or near the property and it wasn't long before these areas had been riddled with stickers there was the missionary division whose purpose was to disseminate information both real and fabricated about karasawa members of this division would take to editing Wikipedia entries forging Twitter post and changing the names of Google Maps locations to reference the lawyer in one notable event which garnered widespread media attention a kosher night posting under a fake Twitter profile meant to represent Cara Sawa's law firm announced the death of beloved TV personality and cancer survivor Mayo Kobayashi of course this was completely false the arts and culture division was established in order to create songs videos Pokemon cards and food I guess and finally the most extreme division and easily the one most responsible for the infamy of the saga the waru emo division those with a strong enough stomach to participate in this division found themselves calling in death threats to Kurosawa and his family and even issuing bomb threats across the city and Karla's name a man was given a suspended sentence after being found guilty of sending emails threatened to blow up Matsuda city hall Chiba Prefecture municipalities have been hit by a series of similar threats this year has learned that nearly 140 threats have been sent to 66 prefectures and municipalities this email had been sent to the Nagano Prefecture office the message says the airport in the prefecture and other prefectural facilities will be blown up on October 19th and in 73 emails the sender was named takehito Kurosawa this division became so active that the kosha knights boasted on their Twitter that karasawa had appeared number 2 on a list of individuals who have received the most death threats although it's important to note that I can't find the sources to these numbers listed so this may or may not be true by 2015 the harassment of kar Sawa had largely entered the public sphere having spread well beyond the point of mere online bullying the city of Tokyo was receiving daily bomb threats sent from concealed IP addresses the lawyer appeared on the popular Japanese news show Newswatch 9 in an attempt to save his reputation by explaining what was happening to him as well as offer some chilling testimonies of just how bad it had gotten cut Osama's family grave was also vandalized he says the name on the grave has been defaced and somebody had spray-painted his name near the bottom by this point this phenomenon had extended well beyond Kurosawa and had become a form of retaliation against those the kosha knights deemed worthy of daxing the lawyers advice for those finding themselves in these situations close your account request the deletion of threats by the forum moderators and if necessary sue those responsible although this is clearly easier said than done as an abate between Kurosawa and two Chan founder Hiroyuki Nishimura the two disagreed with how to proceed who to hold responsible and the amount of accountability the plat itself holds in such instances by 2017 the ha Sakura saga had permeated Japanese culture according to the square write-up many have reduced their own online presence for fear that something similar could happen to them I asked my friend and fellow youtuber Nyong'o Jonny who previously lived in Japan and whose channel covers Japanese urban legends to appear in this video and speak more about this issue I do want to take a moment to say that everything I'm about to say has taken from my experience in Japan it should in no way shape or form be taken as me talking on behalf of Japanese people these are all just personal observations and should be taken to reflect my experiences and nothing more well it's easy to generalize from incidents like this there are a lot of Japanese people who are perfectly fine showing their real names and pictures of themselves online however there are many people who take incidents like this much more seriously which is why you may see faces blurred out in pictures and videos and people using fake names on social media this might be why so many Japanese people prefer Twitter over Facebook well some people still do use Facebook in Japan Twitter seems to be a much more popular option perhaps this is due to these concerns about online privacy you can go by a screen name your choice of words are limited and it's not expected that you post pictures of yourself even before this incident there's always been this tendency for people to be more respectful for other people's privacy and more cautious of their own information that being said this incident did seem to make this tendency even stronger regardless of whether bragging is done online or in person and my experience is generally looked down upon to brag in Japan even more so than in the United States and it can be said that there's less tolerance for misbehavior in all forms as well that's probably what got this man into so much trouble when he said the things he did online a common saying they have in Japan is the nail that sticks out gets hammered down and this does hold true in many cases it's important to remember that while Japan is a very different culture it's not quite as different as you would think as we saw in this incident a lot of what determines a person's behavior is their own personal beliefs I think the tendency towards caution that you've seen so many Japanese people is probably smart because incidents like this really do happen the Haas a car calamity isn't widely known outside of Japan but according to sources the saga is still unfolding and these individuals still receive harassment today as well as countless others who have been caught in the crossfire Hasegawa the young man who kick-started the saga and to Qin didn't get off lightly he as well as his family have all been doxed I managed to find a wiki dedicated to sharing the names home addresses and places of work of all of his family members although I'm not going to show that here the main victim of this saga Takahiro Kurosawa still works as a lawyer specializing in cases of online harassment claiming to be one of the leading authorities in this area due to his personal experiences and although he was perhaps a little naive and inexperienced at the beginning of his career at this point there are likely very few people more familiar with daxing than taki here Kurosawa Kurosawa says the problem started after he intervened on behalf of a teenager who was being subjected to cyberbullying on an online notice board a huge thanks to fellow youtuber Nyong'o Johnny for joining me this video would not exist if not for his assistance in locating and translating sources I'd love for you all to check out his channel and show him support I'll leave a link in the description below hey second thanks to Korra user code Rohan OA for writing this incredibly detailed overview which served as inspiration for this video I'll leave a link to this as well as many other sources in the description below and thank you to the tuna guy who suggested this topic in the comments of a previous video this has become a valuable resource and discovering these topics so please keep the suggestions coming I want to give a heartfelt thank you to all of my patrons I just launched my patreon recently and already the support has been amazing if you'd like to help out the channel a link can be found in the description below [Music]
Channel: Atrocity Guide
Views: 367,510
Rating: 4.9493709 out of 5
Keywords: HaseKara, The HaseKara Calamity, Takahiro Karasawa, Karasawa, Hasegawa, Koushin, Koushinism, Koushinite, Koshin, Kenma, 2chan, Futaba, Futaba Channel, Atrocity Guide, Doxing, Doxxing, Rabbit Hole, Weird, Bizarre, Online Saga, Nihongo Johnny, 4chan, 4 chan, stalking, stalker, cyberbullying, cyber bullying, lolcow, Japan, Japanese, stalk, harassment, online harassment, online stalking, chris chan
Id: fa9O1cBQV_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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