The Hardest Rebuild on Madden! Rebuilding a 0 Overall Team! Miami Dolphins Rebuild

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what's going on guys Bank Ligonier coming back at you with another video and today we are doing a video from last year that uh is quite the undertaking honestly and believe it or not I do have a series of this going on my channel where it's a 0 overall franchise where we play every single game and if it sounds like a terrible idea it's because it is it is the worst but today we're doing a 0 overall rebuild this is like the hardest possible rebuild you can do because there's absolutely nothing to work with you have only like the the pics that you have and even though we're doing the Dauphin's is not the real life roster so we don't have all their picks we only have the picks that they had going into this season 0 overall everything it's not like we have a star to to build around and some good pieces we have a 0 overall roster everybody's a 0 it is terrible but of course if you guys are new here I would appreciate you hitting that subscribe button and if you're gonna buy tickets for anything might as well use code bangle on C geek and save yourself $20 when you do so but unless I guess let's go ahead and get into it this is gonna be painful and unsuccessful but I mean if we can make this a Super Bowl team that'd be phenomenal but uh I mean we'll see it's tough enough this year as it is with an amazing team let alone whatever this atrocity is it gonna be of course we gotta lay yeah take a look at the roster and see what we have to work with which spoiler alert is nothing there's absolutely nothing here everyone is a 12 overall but that's the absolute lowest it will go because I believe in jury rating when you go into actual ratings you can see that everyone is 0 overall everything except for 11 injury which is the absolute lowest that that can go these are poor players I think you could say like they're not they're not that good and I think this is gonna be a pretty tough season for us like it really is it's gonna be just like cleaning house and and doing what we can to get anybody so I mean like there's no point to even simulate to the mid-season mark really because it's not like I really want to resize any of these players with expiring contracts and they do cost money it's not like these guys are paint or playing for free some of these contracts are not so good to the point of where it's like some of the players were gonna be a little bit stuck with like the Ryan Fitzpatrick for example the penalty for cutting him is six and a half million even though he is a 12 overall at a 36 years old that is a frightening face scan if that's what that is I'm gonna not sleep for days and I might not be sleeping for days because that might take me days to actually rebuild this team but I guess let's go ahead and simulate straits of the playoffs which again we're not going to be making I don't I know some of you might be thinking they could scrape in I don't think so I've had it I don't think this is the team that's gonna shock the world as a real underdog story and make the playoffs I would be shocked if we even scored a point the entire season but we'll see Wow shocker not really a playoff squad here we went 116 which to be fair that was expected I think I think no one's surprised I'm not telling any tales out of school was saying that this was gonna be a winless season but did we get any points nope but at least we only lost by 56 to the cult's pretty good performance of us and or from us and like you know what we let up 105 to the Jets this was a good comeback performance to only lose by 56 that's that's a hell of a team effort and we'll also check out the stats you our main contributors were if you can even say that as a Blake Sims threw for 1,500 yards could have been worse honestly how many interceptions 33 yeah that'll happen not a great year from him as far as Russian goes nobody even had one yard in fact we only had negative yards tough year for Russell Russell shell Rochelle I'm annoyed by your name I'm not even gonna good you rushed for negative 400 yards whatever Evan berry caught 40 passes for 477 hell of a year from him that's pretty much the only noteworthy anything thirst and armbrister though with 125 tackles 124 for de montreuil Wade did we get any sacks no what about an interception of course not I was silly to even think about an obviously no defensive touchdowns as we didn't score any touchdowns of any kind or you in a fuelled goal we didn't do anything and it clearly we're not gonna be in the race for any award it's not gonna happen but what we do have is the number one overall pick I can assure you that much and here's the thing here's the thing we're gonna have to trade down we have to get as much draught capital as possible to rebuild this entire roster because it is viciously bad now we are up to a 10 overall so that's encouraging 18 overall offense 1 overall defense so I mean there there's some positives there I look at Rios here Marcus Rios at a UCLA he went ahead and got star development because he had such a great season that he went up ahead and got star Development Wade to with star dev dude we got so we got some pieces to work with E or defensively call me crazy but we might have some studs here I don't know if you guys saw that on camera I just tried to drink from my bottle there and it had the cap on it because I'm an idiot and that's I'm an idiot because I'm doing this challenge so we'll see we only have 185 million to spend that's a pretty hefty amount of cap room and Andrew Luck is here here's the thing it's a zero overall team at what point do we have to go all out and do whatever we can we're throwing realism aside this is a zero overall team why would we not lure Andrew Luck out of retirement I know what you're thinking Andrew lucky retired he left the Colts pretty good team but you know what there's a bigger appeal to the 0 overall dolphins seem that he would join come out of retirement because you know when his issue was getting injured no protection but he knows injuries are off so the offensive line really doesn't matter Andrew Luck hopefully is gonna be the newest member of the Miami Dolphins we're gonna offer him a big contract if I can take this down though because he's not getting any offers and just stretch out the money we should be in a really good spot ok offseason free agents period 1 we got three big free agents Kareem hunt Austin Hooper and zaevion Howard some free agents I don't usually see we're in there like save Ian Howard decided to go ahead and get them I think Kareem hunt is a big yet Austin Hooper's a big yet we need a whole off of line but I think a lot of that will come in the drafts Davian Howard again is a huge yet for our team bringing him back to Miami this time not as a 0 overall now the problem is we didn't get everybody because I guess Andrew Luck was the only other one I offered on I would like to get him we're still the only offer just pull the trigger Andrew okay big stuff we low-balled everybody and we got everybody Marcus Peters DJ Humphries and Andrew Luck now we have our quarterback of the future that makes this a whole lot easier DJ Humphries is only someone I got because he was super cheap his contract really isn't bad at all for someone with potential we always get rid of him who wanted it's five years overall thirteen point eight with a bonus near seven so his cap it doesn't get higher than five his entire time in Miami which is perfect because if he develops even to being in the 80s I think that's a development or like well or a good purchased whatever probably shouldn't say purchase that's maybe not the best word but Marcus Peters got as well lowball to everybody and it worked out really well so we definitely have potential it's time for the draft there's gonna be a lot of moving around trading I'm not sure I'm gonna show everything probably just drafting players outside of the first move because I feel like I'm gonna have to navigate the board a lot because I'm gonna be moving down probably pretty frequently unless there's like some otherworldly stud prospect here actually it's a pretty disappointing class from what I can tell so I might be just I know this can be weird I might just trade down completely I'm trading number one overall and I probably I don't know I don't know about this trade I know I'm getting three first-round picks number 17 number 31 number 12 next year projected I feel like I should have traded down like two and then like tried that same trade but there goes our first-round pick except we have two more now but I don't know I feel like I should just continue to trade down I haven't decided trading number 17 overall I just don't I don't want the pick I want picks next year because it'll be hopefully a better class and we'll have more picks to work with we're just basically putting our success off another year while we build up the core which again you might not agree but I think it's the best move so he's number 17 overall two fours for a first and a second next year from the Vikings I'm counting on them being terrible will I take my first-round pick at number 31 overall unlikely I'm gonna try to get a first-round pick next year as well depending on you know who I anticipate being really bad looks like the Buccaneers were real bad and the Seahawks too really Packers it's a little bit surprising trading number 31 overall a second-round pick just two picks later even and a fourth next year for a one and A two next year from the Jaguars another team that I'm hoping is real bad I think I finally will take a pick here at the end of the second round provided like the player I want is still there it'd be a cornerback which we already have two decent corners but um if he's still available and I don't even have to say him at 25 if he's like he'll be available in the third round if he's not whatever I'm gonna try my to trade this second round pick for hopefully a first next year if I can figure out how to work that magic all right trading number or a second-round pick this year a sixth and a third next year for a first for the Patriots hopefully Tom Brady's retired and they'll be really bad so that could be a really good pick you never know and there goes the corner he's only 72 but like whatever it's kind of annoying all right let's take a let's take the tackle here John Broyles he's a 69 overall nice it'll be able to play right away because our team's terrible but I think that's gonna do it for the draft we'll uh we'll see what the CPU manages to grab for us it's gonna be bad still I did the CPU get anything good yeah they drafted a 70 overall in the in the seventh round all right that's the best possible thing that we could have hoped for I'm in on that that's that's a great pick alright week one here's the team I'm not gonna bother going into free agency and then like getting a bunch of free agents to fill out the team now should I do that without question I should I mean if anybody's there I guess I will I know I just said I wasn't going to I don't think it's worth it there's no real point and there's not really a whole lot of talent there anyway okay we'll pick ups I want Taylor but other than that nobody else I'm just who cares it's the the second season we're not gonna be good still we're a 59 overall the offense is coming along we have a lot of picks next year we should be able to capitalize on them in a big way we're very very bad but who knows maybe Jonathan Ledbetter will have a big season at 12 overall what are his ratings I was pretty much zero everything he's got a great pursuit alright good for Jonathan Ledbetter okay so there's no point in even simulating to the mid-season mark again because I mean it may be Andrew Luck's gonna carry our team but there's no one to Reese on because we just got you know everyone on long term contract so there's no point to stop we're gonna go straight to the playoffs we're not gonna be good and then we're gonna reassess in another off season we would finish oh and 16 yet again but we scored some points stayed in it with the Jets and we didn't even have the worst offense Andrew Luck I mean could have been worse I guess but you know whatever Kareem Han had a pretty good year maybe can't hate on that Josh Malone stellar year from him defensively save Ian Howard had almost triple digit tackles which isn't great for a corner five sacks for kamalu two picks for Marcus Peters okay did we win any awards I already know the answer is no but you might as well check see if we see you know stray dolphin out there like they think got out of the ocean and they just swam under a bridge and like a they got trapped in a Bay I don't know the stray dolphin we have Defensive Rookie of the Year okay Jermaine Grimes and we also finished in second for that I don't know who they are I don't know how we got them but they won Defensive Rookie of the Year so good for them it's offseason time I'm not bringing back Taiwan Taylor there is no point but I am gonna go into free agency we still have a lot of money it's time to shell out some big money again get some big players to help out this team and Keon O'Neal I mean superstar x-factor 26 year old safety I mean should be a no-brainer right okay so we got Keon O'Neill already a huge addition to our team again I mean this team is starting to come together I've offered on some other guys it seems like we're being outbid on Reuben foster which I don't really care about and Sydney Jones which would be nice but we're not going to match what the Chargers are doing so I'm comfortable still with the offers that I've made I'm not gonna go in on them anymore if we sign them we sign them if we don't we don't want the only player I really wanted was can O'Neal and we got him we got tie a bow sir Sydney Jones decided to go elsewhere which is fine again we expected that we got a 69 overall left guard it was like 24 so that's a big addition and now it's time for the draft we can really capitalize and get our team better we pick it number one overall of course we also pick at number seven I was hoping for a slightly better pick than that but it's 7 8 10 14 we have 3 second-round picks we're in a good spot it's really time to improve this team now I'm gonna trade down from number one to number two in the process we pick up a second-round pick at the very top of the second round and a first-round pick next year from the Lions who were just evidently really really bad and then I'll try to do the same thing with the Bucs if they'd like to do that as a 78 overall cornerback out of oak state goes a number one overall but we know about oak state cornerbacks Justin Gilbert bust we know about anyone named with a J name coming out of Oklahoma State especially named Justin and Jayden that's close enough to Justin Justin Blackmon huge bust so we dodged a bullet that guy's gonna suck trust me all right trading number two back to six for a first-round first-round pick next year and a second-round pick this year from the Chargers and then we'll probably take that pick at number six overall we have three straight pick six seven eight and then skip one and then we have a six seven eight so nine and what's after nine shoots I don't see the number when it pops up so the top guy on my board is actually a running back and the rest of like the actual good players are not first-round guys so I really hate to do this again but I again think the best move is to trade back alright I mean we'll just we might as well just take some pics so having a great pack of running back wouldn't be too bad also gives us maybe some trade flexibility for Kareem huh he's a 76 overall he's got star or better development I know it's a weird thing that one of my first picks of this entire thing is a run back when that's not a position of need but he's a good player and sometimes you got to take good players we're gonna go Dallas Robbins here he's a tackle looks to me pretty good 76 over all-star better development that is fantastic for a tackle so we're building up this offensive line a lot of good offensive line in this class so you know why not why not continue to build up that a that portion of our team our trading number 14 I also trade number 10 by the way 34 in this draft the fourth next year for a first next year and an 80 overall right guard with the decent development rate from the Vikings so I'm doing a lot of trading and I've got a lot of good offensive linemen and I'll probably continue to draft them just because there are some of the best players in these classes or in this class I should say I don't know how much I'm going to continue to draft offensive linemen after this draft but we should be set after this I mean as you can see I have two more two more offensive linemen on here let's take Geron hook so 73 over all-star better development he's right outside linebacker speed rusher type pretty well-balanced not an exceptional player but I could play a big role for us in the future especially depending on his development and I'm definitely gonna take a tackle I'll take both of these picks probably all right I guess I have three is there any reason to stretch there they're not gonna go to the fourth and sixth or slightly before that so I don't I don't know two second-round picks for a first rounder from the Cardinals next year and I will be taking that tackle at number ten overall in the second round I which is number 38 overall I guess technically 30 low and 42 am i stupid i I did it as a joke earlier but that I don't I think I'm just actually stupid here we go let's go Curtis McFarland he is a 77 overall number five in the class only normal development we think my number 42 pretty good player okay so we are up to an 80 overall I did sign some guys at a free agency to kind of fill out the roster a little bit it's a pretty solid team for what we were just a couple years ago we have some great pieces in place some guys that can definitely make a difference I'm gonna move I'm gonna move Mario Edwards over to right end because we have Jonathan Ledbetter still there who is a zero overall which is not good it's not gonna work for me we need somebody a little bit better over there but the team has definitely improved a lot another guy signed was Levi Wallace out of free agency was an ad overall like there are still some really really bad players in here obviously but the draft class is being a little bit lackluster have certainly hurt we're gonna go straight to the playoffs again which I guess we have a chance to make but yeah the draft class is being lackluster have hurt us usually there are a lot better but I mean what are you gonna do a lot of what rebuilding is is building through the draft and we just haven't been able to do that as much as I've wanted to we've done well in free agency every time because we have infinite money to just throw up people but when we get a bunch of draft picks and we can't drive studs it kind of hurts a little bit and when we can't trade those picks for great players kind of hurts a little bit but it looks like we have to superstar development players that we drafted or hire even so that's always a great thing Robin's is super star which is incredible we knew that it would be super star I don't know why he was not starting there and when we looked at that depth chart that's a little bit strange and the team signed Daniel Kilgore for some reason why would that have happened did we not have a center I guess not and hooks has superstar x-factor that is incredible anyway the Pro Bowl his rookie year he's got fearmonger dude we've got we've got a lot of potential on this team again I think we're close and we're definitely getting better we're 87 overall we didn't make the playoffs you finished at 5 and 11 still very bad but I mean it's hard not to get excited about the potential of this team latent Vander Esch is in free agency now that'd be a big addition to our team I think he's gonna be a little bit expensive he's 15 mil I just don't think we can afford that I know we have 70 mil but I'm saying you know based on all the big contracts we've handed out already I don't really think it would be financially sound to offer Layton Vander rush a big deal I think that would suffocate us a little bit from a cap perspective so I would rather not do that and then give money to Michael Gallup who can be a great receiver for us if we manage to land him jaren Reed is a bit old for progression in this game Anthony Miller 27 I know it sounds crazy a bit old I really would like to draft some studs we just haven't been in a position to do that of course the paradise here got up to superstar development what is going on okay so we got Michael Gallup and Deshawn Hamilton I offered Deshawn Hamilton a contract because he was fairly cheap he's 27 years old Kareem hunters up to superstar x-factor by the way and he had superstar development so the fact that he's in 80 overall looks like he's about to be an 81 he's yet more XP gain than the actual thing I don't know what's going on with him but deshan Hamilton is a pretty good pickup for our team good combo for Andrew Luck and let's see your offensive line looks pretty good we have DJ Humphries he's not really doing much at this point might end up trading him tight end is find the offense really looks good and then defensively hooks looks like he's a stellar player as he I assume one Defensive Rookie of the Year big big plays for Jaron hooks what were his numbers looking like I don't really feel like going and checking out the total stats just because again we're not really a competitive team but not have sacks 10 for lost 70 tackles great rookie year for the past rushing outside linebacker what do we need to improve upon safety corner still but mainly defensive line and linebacker so I mean you guys know how much I like drafting defensive linemen we could be in a great spot let's hit the draft and let's capitalize big time on our picks and we should have some really good ones again as we have number one no should mean we have number two and we have number four Broncos pick at number one overall I'm not gonna trade up and they take a 74 overall tight end man just just got him before I could pick him that sucks so this cornerback does look quite good and the fact that his numbers or his attributes are out of order I think that usually means it's a great development because it means they like won the Heisman or something so Jalen Rosemont we're gonna take and we're gonna take the cornerback maybe even move them back somewhere he's number four in the class we took him number 276 overall does have star better development ninety speed 78 man coverage does he profile at all as a safety he's got decent tackling and his own coverage could be a lot better obviously black sheds a bit low but hit powers kind of high I don't I feel like he could definitely play safety maybe not the best safety ever but I think he could do it and now we will take Brian blades out of Louisville which is a sick name by the way Brian blades welcome to the Dolphins not the last time we are first time we drafted a player out of Louisville of court well I guess the Dolphins talking about Devante Parker and a Louisville but hopefully this one turns out to be a little bit better than Devante Parker's been he's number five in the class particular number four star better development 82 power moves 78 speed he's got 75 block shedding I think he's a versatile guy that could do a lot of different things for us and he's a big addition to the team could play him on the edge could play him on the inside if we wanted to do that I don't even know that we have to stick in a 3-4 we really don't we can do anything we want our team is you know pretty bad still so we have the flexibility to move you know around for whatever we want to do and now I'm gonna take Montrell Butler who looks like he's a stud he profiles more as a safety I think he's gonna be great Montrell Butler welcome to the team 76 over all-star better development number three in the class we took him at number 11 92 speed he definitely looks like more of a safety oh for sure mantra of Butler's gonna play free safety for us I think he's gonna be a studded ready number 13 overall a third-round pick in a fifth round pick for Khalil Mack this is a no-brainer he's 31 now so he's very easy to trade for in the grand scheme of things so I'm so happy to do that and I want to trade it for some good off the ball linebackers know what you're thinking why didn't you just get like late Ventura I want to get somebody a little bit cheaper is there any way I can get row Quon Smith pretty much no okay I'm just gonna keep trading back a little bit because I've pretty much done all I can in this draft so got to get the most value that I can so first-round picks next year that I could potentially trade for players or or even like four picks next year I mean who knows I refer like two draft players trading DJ Humphries and a third for Quintin Nelson it's quite an addition on our offensive line he is way too easy to trade for so I'm gonna take advantage of the system when we're rebuilding a zero overall team has to be done I haven't really done a whole lot of cheesing in this particular episode I probably should have done way more if I wanted to win a Super Bowl like year two or something like that I could have really had taken a long time and and done it a different way but that's just not as much fun as building the team like actually so yeah we're gonna make some some trades for some stud players if they're available and that was just a trade that had to happen so this is gonna be the same for a season four season three I have no idea I think it's prize season two for right I don't know I've moved to a four three blades is gonna move inside a play defensive tackle he's a little light for the position but he'll be fine Butler's been moved back to free safeties and even higher overall there Rosemont would be a 77 overall strong safety but he's gonna stay a cornerback it's a good third corner we are in a really good position I'm just missing like a few players like a slot receiver would be nice I would like to draft one but they're just really we're not any good ones available and I definitely want to get blades as a rushdie tackle I don't know why he wouldn't be in that role so just gonna make some quick adjustments in the depth chart and I will actually see you guys at the mid-season mark now instead of actually simulating the playoffs midseason mark we are 6 & 1 so we've completely turned it around here in Miami one loss on the season who's even fries I saw mark Walton but like anyone that notes still nobody ok so there's no real reason to even stop here we'll upgrade the team this looks like a playoff team just based on how well everyone's performing Andrew Van Ginkel is way too low of an overall so he's someone that can never be upgraded Butler has at least superstar development maybe even higher so that is awesome to see as yeah I mean offense is looking pretty good and then defensively Butler's got superstar development that is awesome blades has superstar development too okay we are a defensive tackle and some linebackers away but this is a really really good-looking team playoff bound for sure maybe even this Super Bowl first round by killer we went 15 and 1 what do you mean I can't go 15 1 with a God Squad yet go 15 and 1 here no force ones obviously we lost the bills 15 and 1 a 2 point went over the Jets 3 point went over the Steelers a 15 win season unbelievable that is the last thing I expected Andrew Luck had a hell of a year we had the first offense what about defense 11th defense in terms of yards so that's not great Kareem hunt had 19 rushing touchdowns we were first in point scored and then defensively we were seventh in points allowed so really really good season all accounts Andrew Luck rate year Kareem hunt unbelievable year receiving Michael gallop great year day shot Hamilton great year defensively code areas McCann at a decent season can't say much about that Khalil Mack 13 half sacks 11 and a half for jarana hooks interceptions two for Keyon O'Neill Rosamond Butler and zaevion Howard now we probably won something maybe as MVP it's Russell Wilson Andrew Luck finishes at four AFC Offensive Player of the Year is patch from home to Andrew Luck at two no Kareem on he's at number 10 ok Defensive Player of the Year Ryan shazier offensive a clear goes to tame mace defends work of the year Jalen Rose Monde got mantra Butler - Brian Brita Brian blades at three so first round bye we're gonna do another season after this regardless of what happens but wow what a hell of a team we've assembled there they're performing in a huge way now and we are ready to face who's ever gonna meet us in the divisional bring them on alright not gonna jump in here we're just gonna see if we can beat the Colts they went ten and six and we are advancing you got the fourteen and two Browns in the conference championship this one is going to be a we can't you can operate Andrew Van Ginkel but this one is gonna be very very tough to win we'll see if we can manage it to the Super Bowl the O or 0 overall dolphins that we don't do it of course not a 0 overall anymore but the Browns end up facing the Cowboys but that's fine man we didn't have any impending free agents anyway we can just have another free agency a period another offseason of being fantastic there's nobody to re-sign just will use all of our money and we'll have a great draft we have only 20 mil that's why I didn't want to sign late in Van der ash but Nick Bose is here we just don't need them Oh Bobbi Wagner's here who's old Leonard Williams could play defensive tackle and we need to defensive tackle pretty badly how expensive he's gonna be over 11 come on now all right we got Bobby Wagner he's old now so he's less good but this is a rental contract anyway offensive line is definitely good enough Michael gallop got up to the superstar development we need a receiver that's gonna be our biggest focus in the draft I'm missing anything we just need we need off the ball linebackers in a corner maybe so D tackle off the ball linebackers two of them well I mean McCann who is this Guderian I can you can play off the 83 zone coverage okay we really need one off the ball linebacker a corner a D tackle and a receiver so we have more than three first-round picks I think we should be able to do that very easily so we pick it number two we'll just see who the Lions take and it is a 77 over all right end pretty good trading down from 2 to number 9 picking up a first-round pick next year in the process and the reason is because I think I could end up trading that for something not a great draft class again for the things that I need for the most part they're the no receivers who are all that good but um we should be able to take a sick defensive tackle here in David Patterson at a Stanford welcome to the team he is a 78 overall number one in the entire draft we took my number 9 star our better development really really solid player 80 speed 93 strength good blocks a great power moves yeah he's a stud I read taken cornerback here Tim beat him just because he looks really good so might as well add him to the team he is a 78 overall number two in the class also star better development we took him in number 12 really really good player another guy that I could see moving back to safety low tackling so maybe not but a really really good cover player next picks gonna be a defensive tackle providing still on the board and he is so I mean we're gonna be we're just gonna be set like we could take Carlos sample he looks like he's really good but we're gonna opt for another defensive tackle in Le'Veon O'Neill who is a 77 overall star a better development ranked number six in the class we did whenever fifteen he honestly looks even better than the first defensive tackle we took he's just a bit slower so he looks like he's an absolute stud we're we're just having a hell of a draft like where was this season one man we're just gonna take a running back here Jamal Jeffries just because he looks like he's really good and he is 77 over all-star better development number four in the class we don't need him but he's a really good player could trade him for something I need a stud receiver still so why not we're just we're just taking all the best players in the draft why not continue the trend all right Gregory Hill House out of Ohio State welcome to the team 77 overall normal development over five in the class we took my number 41 did we just take like the entire top six pretty much maybe another offensive lineman here Tyler Ackerman 76 overall number 11 the class we took about 44 only normal development but still a pretty good player as we have like so much depth on this team I'm just gonna simulate to the end of the draft we're gonna look to make some big trade for a receiver probably or an off the ball linebacker they just really weren't as good in this class as I would have liked them to be but we can definitely move some players around and and get some sick players in this team to make a Superbowl run here in what should be the final season so we had the number one player in number two number three number four skip number five Number six number eight we just had so many top players we had a lot of top picks so I mean I guess that makes sense alright trading for Mike Evans Tyus Bowser and I think the left tackle we drafted this year as well as a first-round pick for Mike Evans big receiver addition to our team obviously not just in ability but in stature as well obviously six foot five he's a huge target superstar x-factor receiving Cornell is great could use another like a good fourth but um still looking to make some trades because I want to pick up a really good inside linebacker oh okay the runningback we drafted in year one as well as the left guard Ackerman just straight up for Luke Kuechly so I mean that happened that's that's pretty cool and I guess I could use since we're at three four could use another defensive tackle just for depth two coming in like goal line situations I have a first round pick I don't know what I can get for it I might like trade Marcus Peters as well if I can for a really good defensive tackle just to kind of make the cap work a little bit better because I think we have three quarterbacks still that are pretty good regardless of that anyone on the Broncos probably not okay first-round pick Marcus Peters and a fourth for Chris Jones who is way better than we needed to get like he's way of a better defensive tackle than what I was actually thinking about going after but it happened so here we are yeah alright so the team is pretty amazing at this point only thing holding us back might be a bad attitude I don't know I we've got a great team I think we should be doing all right we're coming off a loss at the mid-season work worth five and three I mean that's not bad obviously but we just went fifteen and one last season that we got a lot better I was kind of expecting and silly me for expecting this by the way but I was kind of expecting a really good season if five and three is not terrible but it's not like next level amazing playoff time we are ten and six we just snuck in labia on O'Neill has a good development rate we're 94 overall like we've obviously built an absolute juggernaut as I usually strive to do great offense and then defensively superstar development for O'Neil any other rookies we drafted you see just has star a little bit disappointing but it's a really really good team we're in a great spot I think we are set up in a really good position to win the Super Bowl we just got a we got to win the games that we need to win I'm gonna write that one down that's why that's a wise statement right there Andrew Luck good season Kareem Hunt good season I mean everybody is gonna have a pretty good season when we have a you know these great players on this team Commack had a really good season where is it where is the like jordan jarana hoax only had two and a half sacks I feel like he didn't really even play a lot what's going on with that because he's not even he's not even a primary rush edge even though he's a really really good player he just didn't even really play like he's amazing and he's not even on the field that's my fault all right new team I'm ready to face the Texans they're an 82 overall the wire 94 which certainly means a loss is inbound yeah we're pretty much dominating this isn't even close 35 3 it's too late for the Texans they can have a run it doesn't matter 35:10 is your final this Dolphins team advances to the divisional round the Texans were simply no match Chargers in the divisional at dignity health Sports Park prestigious venue that is ooh close game here it is 21 will 28th okay two scores we might jump in here with three and a half minutes to go just to see what we can do I mean Phillip Rivers is still playing there's no way he's over a 75 overall by the way but we need to stop like really really badly and Melvin Gordon's breaking tackles a lot of them I guess thank god there's gonna be a hold that brings this thing back yeah that's that probably just saved the game for us in a big way all right big third and 15 and Phillip Rivers missed I mean I tried to take over the middle a Whitaker not they gave him 17 I feel like that's in bad taste he's thrown for five touchdowns on our defense today so I guess the weakness of our team is the secondary that much is clear to me now I don't run at me that's a blitz that's not fun on the run Andrew Luck finds Mike Evans I think we're gonna get in the end zone here might even go for two oh that's a great block up the middle Kareem hunt down to the one we just got to kick this thing in there clearly that's what Kareem hunt does best third and goal that's babe let's shut up with the Kareem hunt or whatever we're gonna score a touchdown here I want to go for two I do I'm gonna call the timeout and go for two if we don't make it whatever we had a good time in the video anyway it's not about that can we run on this I think so we're gonna give it to Kareem on and he is into the end zone two-point conversion successful that one was really close to not being successful 23 seconds to play defense good Drive all right last play for the Chargers we'll see what they do they just lob it up that's gonna be the game I hope so one second left are we joking here I was fourth down anyway no it was first what am I talking about the red line screwed me up all right Luke Kuechly is gonna blitz hopefully we just get to the quarterback nice job Lukey there's no point even blitzing anymore that's intercepted though by Beecham and the game is over 36:35 is your final we've got the Chiefs in the conference championship we're gonna go ahead and upgrade the team this got me a Super Bowl squad I know I jumped in and I kind of I didn't force us into a win there but I made sure that it happened pretty much I could have made a mistake as I usually do in fact my mom did about 21 years ago that's how old I am we have another hefty lead here this is looking a lot like the Texans game in it it's already over thanks for playing it's over 45 to 9 as this Dolphins team murders the Chiefs this is a real it's another Trail of Tears sorry Super Bowl time let's put on a smile so this is your final team before the Super Bowl it is a it is just a bunch of studs here we're ready to go we have so many superstar X factors we have so many superstar development players we've just got we just had a great squad ready to go out there and have some fun now we want to win who cares about fun they're an 89 overall the Cowboys are coming to play ok let's let's show them how it's done here the last time the Dolphins matched up with the Cowboys in the Super Bowl was a 1972 from the 71 season the Dolphins were murdered by the way twenty four two three someone call peta is is like some SeaWorld devastation Tom Landry against Don Shula for the head coach and then of course it was a stop back against greasy or was it with believe so I don't know I can't find it anyway it doesn't really matter though those are probably the two quarterbacks for those teams but yeah let's see if we can go ahead and get our revenge here in the Super Bowl against the Dallas Cowboys and we are playing where is this I don't know close game here in the third quarter as the Cowboys are really fighting to stay in it and they go they tie 20 to 20 but we go ahead by a touchdown it is 27 27 43 seconds remain and we're gonna try and win this one maybe I'll run the ball a little bit and and kick the game-winner or maybe believe it score a touchdown there's enough time we have curry mutton he's a bit of a beast good block spin back ok first down we have 500 total yards this offense is unreal they don't have any timeouts to Isis but can we get into the end zone Kareem hunt down to the three we are so close to winning this game imagine if they stripped the box I'm trying to run it in that'd be very sad third and goal I don't want to risk the field goal miss so we're gonna go up the middle Kareem hunt meets him in the hole but he is shut down but with just a few seconds left we're calling our final timeout that we're gonna need we have one left but we're not gonna need it we're gonna try and win this thing kick is up I think I got it well it's not up but it's gonna be up snap kick field goal successful and the Dolphins have beaten the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl the 0 overall rebuild is successful we built a fantastic team we have fantastic results here winning a Super Bowl and whatever year that it happens to be of this I hope you guys enjoyed the video this was a lot of fun to do it's always fun to build really really good teams but um yeah thank you so much for watching I had a blast hope you did as well and I will see you guys in the next one take it easy [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bengal
Views: 512,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden 20 gameplay, madden 20, madden 20 franchise, madden rebuild, rebuilding, 0 overall, 0 overall team, rebuild 0 overall team, madden 0 overall team, rebuilding worst team possible, hardest rebuid, rebuild 0 overall, 0 overall rebuild, madden 20 hardest franchise, madden 20 hardest rebuild, madden 20 impossible rebuild, madden 20 impossible franchise, madden 20 0 overall rebuild, madden 20 0 overall team, madden 20 0 overall franchise, madden 20 0 overall, bengals
Id: VqGMtAslRyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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