The Hardest Level in Every Nintendo Franchise

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over nintendo's illustrious history they've always tended to create games that people of all ages can enjoy meaning that they're almost always on the easier side when it comes to difficulty that's why when there's a hard moment in one of their titles it sticks out like a sore thumb and at times can actually lead to a frustrating experience being very fascinated with this topic led me into wanting to create today's video about the hardest level in every nintendo franchise of course not every game has conventional levels so i will take some liberties and will try to showcase something comparable oh yeah and by the way my name is copykat and if you haven't yet then please subscribe to my channel and hit that bell button if you want to stay notified when i upload new videos of course mario is the very first nintendo franchise we're gonna look at who really is the company's mascot where his home console debut came on the nes in 1985. quite honestly there are many titles in this series that have hard levels that deserve to be showcased in this video but you might be surprised to learn that that honor will go to the impossible pack which consists of three levels released as dlc a new super mario bros 2 for the 3ds this was almost intentionally made difficult mainly due to fans complaining about how easy the base game is these levels will absolutely destroy you starting with a swimming section where you need to dodge some very angry spiny cheep cheeps and one very angry porcupuffer after this you need to navigate a pinwheel through midair having to avoid the crowberrys that are flying towards you or the bob-bombs that are falling out of the pipes above you believe it or not this is actually the easiest of the three parts where the next is an incredibly tough platforming area where you have to wall jump between rotating blocks while avoiding the insane amount of fire bars this actually took me many many many many tries to complete where i must have died hundreds of times before i reached the level's end the final section isn't as hard but still gave me tons of trouble as it all revolves around having to avoid the rising poison while seeking shelter in some ingenious ways these levels were definitely unexpected and although short is some of the most frustrating content ever made trust me when i say that a long journey's end or champions road definitely could have taken the spot it's just that i died way more times during the impossible pack than anywhere else the next franchise in the company's history is metroid that debuted on the nes in 1986 where many people picked that original title as the hardest in the series due to its rudimentary controls lack of a mini-map and tough areas one of the toughest from this title is actually the very first of the game as you're only given 30 health have no power ups and really have no idea where to go that was one thing that always frustrated me about the original game being that you don't really know what exactly you have to do which is really exemplified in the starting area as a young kid first playing the ported version of this game on the game boy advance i died dozens of times right off the bat as i really could never get a proper handle on the controls as they are nowhere near as polished as in future installments next up we're going to look at my all-time favorite franchise the legend of zelda where there are two specific areas that instantly come to mind as the hardest in the series the first should be obvious to those who've played the n64 version of the ocarina of time which is home to one of the hardest areas in any zelda title the water temple what makes this specific dungeon in this specific version of the game so hard is that you need to constantly put on and remove your iron boots meaning that you have to pause select then unpause the game several times this coupled with the fact that you move incredibly slow with the boots equipped makes things extremely tedious during those underwater sections especially because many of the access points to progress are hidden so finding them will take even longer this was at least fixed a bit in the 3ds version of the game when they added quick selection item buttons on the system's touch screen but the level itself is still grueling due to its slow pace however without a doubt almost everyone online says that the great palace in zelda 2 the adventure of link for the nes is the hardest level in the entire franchise this is the final stage of this particularly hard title as it's full of tough enemies and takes an insane amount of patience to progress while defeating them without taking any damage even if you manage to make it to the end of the stage you still have to face off against the thunderbird and shadowlink bosses that just so happen to be the strongest in the entire game the next franchise we're gonna look at is donkey kong which technically came out in the arcades in the early 1980s but it wasn't until 1994 where he made his home console debut on the snes there quite honestly could have been several stages that could have made this list from the rocket barrel ones and dk country returns the arcade game you need to complete in donkey kong 64 or the brambles levels in donkey kong country 2. but the actual toughest i'm gonna go with is the snow barrel blast level from the original country title why this level beats out every other one in the series has to do with a combination of having to traverse on the icy platforms and your skillful use of the barrel cannons that now rotate 360 degrees instead of landing on a fixed position this led to many instances of death throughout several of my playthroughs as there really is no second chance if you miss a barrel of course there is a very simple shortcut if you know its existence but i'm trying to approach these videos as if you've never played these levels before which makes this one definitely one of the hardest the fire emblem franchise is the next one we're gonna look at in this video we're picking the hardest level is nearly impossible as at times the gameplay in the series is a very individual experience depending on the difficulty setting your party members and just overall how smart you are in understanding the mechanics of the game that being said i've seen a lot of people online say that the fire emblem the blazing blades chapter called battle before dawn is extremely difficult one of the main reasons behind this is that it contains a fog of war meaning that you can't see what's going on outside of your little bubble on the map on top of that you have to recruit nino and have her talk to jafar while also ensuring they stay alive the entire time this is a lot harder than it sounds as these two characters can easily die but do have a fail safe when they get to low health by using an elixir but from time to time they move into a terrible spot when they use it sometimes being targeted by enemies i remember thinking this level was extremely unfair when i was younger and i don't think a single person i knew beat it without a guide up next is wario's wacky franchise that started in the 2d platforming genre and now has transitioned fully into the series that produces fast paced mini games the hardest level by far is wario land 2's steal the syrup's treasure aka the really final chapter which is actually a hidden chapter only accessible after you collect the 50 hidden treasures complete the picture panel and unlock each of the five endings of the game that alone should be enough to put any level near the top of the difficulty charts not to add that it was actually intentionally made hard to clear with insane platforming sections tough enemies and a final boss battle against the giant spearman this is actually considerably harder than the previous face-off against this foe as he's now walking on a platform that you can't traverse on meaning that you have to use some skill to defeat him i do hope that one day nintendo creates another wario platforming game as they're usually full of wacky fun like this level in all honesty there isn't much difficulty at all to be found in the yoshi series but there is one hard level in super mario world 2's yoshi's island called k-mix revenge this level starts off with you having to traverse across logged platforms floating in mid-air while kaimik tries to swoop down and knock mario off yoshi's back this can easily happen especially as there's also green glove enemies that are throwing a constant barrage of eggs at you which is another way that you can be heard the second part of this level has yoshi transforming into a ski version where you then have to go full speed down a hill while skillfully platforming and dodging k-mec swoop attacks it's extremely easy to fail during this section as there's a few gaps you need to jump over where if you make one small mistake you'll fall to your death the final part of this level ditches the skis and has yoshi transforming into his helicopter version where he once again has to dodge kamik while moving towards the finish line there really isn't anything else like this extra level in the franchise and it would be interesting if nintendo flipped the script and all of a sudden release an extremely hard yoshi game in the series up next in this video is the pokemon franchise which doesn't really have distinguishable levels so instead i'm gonna focus on an area in the original generation 1 games called the rock cave now i only chose to highlight the specific area as when i was a young kid i didn't realize you needed the hm flash to light up the cave and make your way through easily of course as a six-year-old with no real access to the internet and parents who wouldn't buy me the game's guide i had to figure everything out all by myself and i remember deciding to just trudge through the darkness which gave me tons of trouble and anxiety okay i am sure there is a much harder moment somewhere across the vast amount of titles i just remember being the most frustrated during this specific one [Music] although the next franchise we're going to look at luigi's mansion only has three games in total in the series there is one tough level in the third entries basement two which is the very bottom floor of that title's hotel here you traverse through the building sewers having to solve a series of guige-based puzzles while navigating through the treacherous dank waters below i died several dozen times for some reason during the specific section as there are shark ghosts in the water spiked obstacles waiting to sink you and minds that want to blow you up which is made more difficult due to it being hard to maneuver in the floatie on top of that at the very end of it all you have to face off against arguably the hardest boss in the series clem needing to skillfully dodge his attacks then send him flying against the spike wall leaving him vulnerable as an older gamer i rarely get stuck through my playthroughs but in this specific fight for some reason i never could quite get a hand of controlling the ducky inflatable the next franchise we're gonna look at in this video is pikmin where almost everyone online says that the whole of heroes is the hardest level in the series which appears in the second installment's perplexing pool area what makes this so difficult is that the dungeon contains 15 sub-levels and repeats many encounters with bosses from previous moments in the game meaning that you'll have to bring at least 20 pikmin of each type to complete it it's really the boss fight moments that can leave you in disarray and honestly you'll have to redo this challenge several times properly learning how to make it through each sub-level losing the least amount of pikmin you can [Music] the first nintendo multiplayer franchise i want to talk about is mario kart where almost every fan will agree that the wii version's rainbow road is the hardest in the entire series this is mainly due to the fact this course has several areas where there are no guard rails meaning that it's easier than ever to fall off into the void below greatly slowing you down even as a skilled driver that's played this series for years it's very easy to fail as there are so many twists and turns in the track and ways of being stopped by opponents leading to a frustrating experience this took me dozens of tries to finally complete on 150cc and definitely attributes to me being a much more skilled player to this day the last franchise we're going to look at in this video is nintendo's ensemble fighting one super smash brothers where i'm only going to briefly mention one tough stage that i always hated playing growing up because it was too difficult in brinstar depths from super smash bros melee what makes this stage a pain and almost impossible to play on is that it's constantly turning meaning that there are different platforms and places to fight depending on its resting spot although the stage itself didn't really work as there was a very limited area that you could fight on making certain characters with much easier recoveries a must to use or you'll almost definitely fall off to your death a few times i was about to give the distinction to the n64 brinstar stage as it has a very annoying rising and lowering lava mechanic that is until i remembered all the frustrating matches i played on this monstrosity alright that's gonna be it for today's video guys i really hope you did enjoy this one if you did please leave a like comment below what you thought about it and of course subscribe to my channel also i do not have an instagram so go give it a follow at copycat gamer there i upload some cool clips and items from a collection that you won't see anywhere else hope you guys all have a good day and i'll see you all in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Copycat
Views: 53,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hardest, Level, every, Nintendo, Franchise, super, mario, metroid, Zelda, ocarina, time, water, temple, donkey kong, charizard, Kart, Brinstar, Depths, Star, Fox, SNES, NES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Copycat, Switch, smash, bros, brothers, melee, brawl, impossible, pack, new, 3ds, gba, fire emblem, battle before dawn, battle, before, dawn, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Hole, of, Heroes, donkey, kong, country, Metroid 1, Pokemon, Flash, Dark, Cave, Blue, Red, Generation, One, copycat, Mario, Party, Rainbow, Road, wii, snow, barrel, blast, rocket, hard, tough, worst
Id: oFqw5YP2eM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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