The Hardest Game on Roblox! Pabby's Cart Ride

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this has got to be the most rage inducing cart ride on Roblox the game is called pabby's cart ride and no I don't know who pabby is but his car ride is impossible there's glitches giant drops and not to mention other players you get stuck behind but I'm going to see how far I can get combo crew so drop a like on this video and now let's [Music] play oh P's cart ride let's go first we need a cart and now we got a ride let's go beep beep when I got a horn there we go now we're moving can up our speed I don't know I don't want to go too fast or else my cart's going to fall off but let's go faster faster faster faster and I'll care okay okay I should have cared I should have cared all right well lamp did not go well am I coming back okay there we are pabby's cart ride you only get one life all right yep let's I was right the first time let's not go too fast I do want to go up this hill but no Slow Down slow down slow down oh okay good yeah we didn't go too fast got to take these turns carefully beep beep get out of the way you slow pokes just a bunch of slow pokes Pokemon in the way Slowpoke we're making it through the uh the cart on top of the lava you don't want to make it through the lava then then you're oing oh oh no oh no oh okay we're okay okay I thought I was going to O there the downhill made me go way too fast okay now we got a lot to go up uhoh and someone's gaining on me I'm about to be the Slowpoke slowpoke oh no no slow down okay okay I got to get away from this person run like a highp speeed cart Chase race uh yeah uh-oh now I'm gaining on this person okay we're okay beep beep come on go faster please go faster now we're going way too slow should I slow down let this guy like move forward uh okay now we're all stopped oh no we got another person coming okay I think my cart is now connected to his I do not have a good feeling about this am again a four cart pile up pby is not going to be happy about this can I make his cart go faster come on come on let me make you go faster just going to use my telekinesis to press the the green butt no wait no oh we're going down the hill I'm so down oh okay we're okay somehow I don't even know how we made it through that this guy is still going so slow please go faster yeah dude you might beat the game but you're going to beat it in like a million years go go do playing pavy's cart ride please go faster faster no no no no no no I got yeated I had some speed boost and I fell off and he didn't how did I O but not him right at least he's far away from me now oh oh I hit a checkpoint I think oh no I just went on the way different one all right well I'm going to go this way see what's going on around this pabby's cart right wait wait a minute uh the cart is ending let's ride oh I'm still just back on the same path this took me longer over The Lava and through the woods why is Grandma's house so scary to get to oh I got it for a great deal I only have to deal with an evil werewolf next door this game's nice cuz it slows you down for all the turns oh oh no up and it makes you flip over if you go too fast downhill I just honk my horn I'll I'll make it through right all right I think I got to O myself we reset move to point no I'm not trying to spin robot up there we go okay I jumped out all right we're back back at this again retry oh it's like the fourth time it's the re re retry so I can go fast through all this then I have to slow down whenever I hit the [Music] hill okay good I made it through this time great now now I'm got to make it up this hill turn slow you down though so can I go fast up here let's go fast come on 55 is working almost to the top I think am I yep yep I'm almost to the top daylight I'm playing this game so long it's gone from night to day you know in Roblox it's only been like 10 minutes for me it hasn't really been that long and down the hill again oh yeah upside down it's not as scary when you know it's going to happen now we're going back up the hill this time we got no one else near us but that other guy already beat the game what if I end up meeting up with him again cuz he's just going so slow and I guess I'm just going to have to wait behind him lunk my horn a bunch to get my anger [Music] out whoa whoa like going through like the solar system where are these buildings I don't really know what they are we're going through it down and then we slow down but now we're going right back through it going fast again oh yeah super [Music] speed 200 speed oh oh oh I thought I you yes combo buer you made it to the top oh wao oh no oh no oh no [Music] okay oh we made it through again and it's become night time again this is the this is the only theme park ride that you ride that literally takes like two days oh are we going to get launched back up yeah we are go go go all right maybe I see why that guy took it slow you just never know when the game's just going to start yeting you forward all right got to make it around these turns the cart takes turns really well though so I can kind of use my speed for this we don't have to take so long going around all these turns just got to make sure I slow down before I hit the big ramp at the end you don't see anyone else this time it's actually a little scary up here all alone so dark and I'm so high up oh now we're about to go up a really big uh Hill and then we got a big drop here it comes the big one this might not even be the big one what if there's a bigger one later on oh let's go combo crew oh yes we made it up again yeah yeah coma now it's time for the big drop three two [Music] yes no no what happened my car no a like barely it's just not on what happen how Warren why aren you saving me I don't want to get off here I made it so far maybe I can walk pabby's combo ride that's it it's not fall oh man now my cart's gone all right we can walk the rest of the way unless there's another big hill oh no no no no I was like right there at the end this cart ride's impossible combo Crow with any of you guys beaten it cuz I know I can't I'm going to go try a different cart ride but if you guys want to see me play more Roblox games more fun cart rides ones that actually work unlike this one then be sure to hit that subscribe button for me and drop a like on this video if you had fun if you like watching me o I'll see you in the next game bye what's up combo Crow it's show time and today I'm going to be doing more cart riding cuz we're doing cart riding into Giga Noob look at him look at the noob he's so Giga don't even really know what Giga means it's like a a unit of measurement for something I'm not I'm not really sure look like a Pokemon move Giga Impact big squirrel Giga squirrel I want to turn into a giga Panda I know I'm like I know my I'm technically a giant panda I'm a tiny little Panda but I should be a giga Panda Ultra giant F it's basically with gig means all right let's Giga in the car no no no no no no okay okay a toat reversed right off the right off the course not what you should do that's what I was showing combo crew what not to do that was it all right let's get on the road back on the Roadie again oh okay a little fast a little fast get up the hill this car can really get away from you bro that guy like his car disappeared his car said we're trying this again I'm not having a bacon hair drive me you BAC in here though and you don't even have like need air freshener in your car you don't want the pine tree when you got to sleep smell a bacon who needs cart ride when you can drive a car how long does this go okay it looks like no no no no no no slow it down slow it down we go and take it slower go careful gig the gig P like holding a dumb Bell you should be holding a smart Bell though the Bell that knows all y Bell from Beauty and the Beast she was kind of a smart B no yeah I'm okay we're okay we're okay person couldn't get up the hill but I can oh okay maybe I spoke too soon yes there we go oh yeah I better be able to get my driver's license after this I'm doing some really awesome driving I don't think so Mister what's up here no no no no no no no no why I was so close I think I actually don't really know if it was that close or not but oh I got really far let's do the cart ride yo bro that's my cart no that's my cart bro hijacked my cart this car no okay he just wants to play with me he wasn't trying to hijack he was trying to say hi Jack but my name's combo but my middle name's Jack no it's not who excuse me Mr Man in the Yellow Hat you and Carri George please get out of the way okay our C disappeared can this guy's cart disappear though please look everyone's mad at you they all want your cart to go away even the fury princess let's try let's do this one no no no no no no no can't see yes no move all right dude get out of the way all right that's it I'm going to a new server no one else is here someone else's here it's okay though they're giving me a push they're not blocking me bacon hair no don't do it bacon hair made it pass baconer is just floating with me look he's going with me this just like lagging dude please come on you're going to make me oh I know I I know I said I wanted the bacon hair air freshener but introducing bacon hair air freshener makes your car smell like bacon oh okay we need some more Planks on that yeah there we go there we go we got another straggler hanging on although she does not smell as good as the bacon here cuz no one smells as good as bacon here we still really far away from him got all of that to go up and like some flamy sword over there hopefully the gigo does not pick up the flamy sword it's like a final part you have to avoid him while he attacks you with the flame sword wait oh I made it to a checkpoint oh yeah com funka oh sweet wait does that mean I'm only halfway there this is going to take forever Ariana says that she likes Ariana Grande I know wait thanks babe but to be honest who doesn't like me very very surprised all right yeah going up the flame sword hello Mr flame sword or Mrs flame sword got to keep going up up up the flame sword's cool but would be nicer if the spirals went a little faster okay now where we going we got lot lot of stuff to go Thomas the Tank Engine around here real quick no no no no I thomased theend got to do the flame sword again now at least I hit the checkpoint so you know it's not as bad let's try to go super fast and I fell off all right that what happens when you go super fast you Super O super fast cart ride to Giga o that's what I just did what what the okay the C wasn't even going that fast come on what I don't know what just happened there Ariana that was not Grand do you guys know what size starbu Ariana likes to order Grande boo boo wait there's two flame swords look at that we got to go two flame swords whoever made this was just they they just got uh they just got tired at the end they're like we're just copying the flame sword just coffee pasta there we're having some coffee pasta for dinner hooking it up with flame sword I want to be able to grab this little flame sword it could be my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh card The Flame Swordsman and now I'm going to play the best Yu-Gi-Oh card there is you won't stand a chance against sag points someone like Joey likes to play all right we're getting up to the top crew here really close to the end I can hear the Giga Noob Giga Giga Giga Noob I I don't know is that what the gig Noob says is he like a Pokemon just repeats his name oh yeah let's go down the hill you go around here take Bring It Around Town bring it what the Ariana uh oh did Ari fall off no Ari oh poor Ari I don't know what happened she was doing really good the whole time and then she glitched off there maybe she got scared of the gigoo all right let's take it real easy just go around go around yes I think I'm near the end got to do our final catwalk oh are going into his mouth who's going to eat us it's like an Obby dude we have to do an Obby through his body after this no what's inside the G are you ready to find out combo creb Here Comes Who G whoa well what's going on oh we made it to Winners yeah coma boom nice now I get to see the back of the Ki noops head oh yeah I got that prize got the badge thank you [Music] roblo no winner circle look it's the official Winner Circle you know it's the winner circle cuz it's shape like a circle I will join it since I am the winner who give me a sword oh gosh oh I don't have to fight The Flame Swordsman Giga Noob do I or is this just my prize yes love the cart riding games oh we got Sonic up there ready to be readying into with our carts oh combo crew you guys ready to play this and we are get our cart going got like two tracks here though well wait hold on this track doesn't seem to go anywhere okay I'm going to beat the easy level first Danger on chy off or is this just uh the easy level you know it's a really short track it's c right into invisible Sonic invis Sonic oh no I'm supposed to be invisible ping combo see me he's my Sonic OC you know original character part R into invisa Sonic let's go wait I got to press the green button there we go yo yo yo yo yo let's go invis Sonic invis Sonic all right now that we've done that uh that was oh we got twins got twin Noob girls all right now that we've done that we can actually try the real one I don't think invis Sonic is actually a real character Sega just sends me a lawsuit who oh that gu just launched himself off way too fast that's why you can't go too fast oh he's going with me though let's go bro let's go yes this is the speed look we didn't launch ourselves off dude don't stomp dude stop it no you launch just up come on bro way too fast this blue Air guy he's got like blue hair like Sonic and he wants to go fast like Sonic oh Sonic wait for me no no D do not get in the cart with me thank you no he's right there he poked in there I thought he lagged out oh no no no now we're going off the road come on I'm not going to go off-roading here good go jump in there their cart go join someone else dude all right bye I'll be in my cart no he jumped out of his cart and got in my cart the dude is trying to sabotage me go away happy you're not making me happy good e himself away let's go go before anyone else can get in the car no no no no no no no dude go away I do not want you here please stop [Music] please stop bro bro you're making me sad you're not making me happy thought your name was Happy Lemon you just make me sad lemon now we got all these cards here just go yes yes into the cart into the cart no no no no no no there is no come on why out of my cart out of my cart I oh and he at a SP me up come on stop this guy is the biggest troll in all of Roblox he's literally about to change the name of Roblox to troll bloxs you're ready to rage quit yet go away usually I like playing with the combo crew but I don't think it's guys in the combo crew no no get out of my car stay out yes yes bacon hair the bacon hair can be in here oh my gosh now he's holding us up now he won't move his cart this guy this guy no go stop it why is he going this toly now there's a million baconers standing on me I did not order a double bacon cart and yep that one's going off ride a cart into Sonic is going to be like can you even ride a cart for feet without someone else messing you up well he's just standing in the way now this doesn't want to let anyone have fun we no no no no no oh no he's floating no he can just hop on our car and mess with the buttons that's not fair dude you are ruining this game for me what can I do to make you stop seriously ly you're already going to be in like featured a ton in my video whether I like it or not bro Happy Lemon you are the worst happycore lemon are you real yes I'm real oh he does know who I am he's just wanting to troll combo Panda no combo yes hello I am combo Panda right now I'm trying to bribe this guy with Robo to stop trolling look at him look at him he's ruining the game forever he's walking closer to me though he's like don't worry I just want to ruin the game for combo you may all go oh he's messing them up though dude I'm a fan thank you I appreciate the actual fan we have here though I just want to try to get away from the troll no no no no no he's trying to come back to me no no no Robux free what no dude seriously I would give you robot if you just stopped Happy Lemon is ruining this Happy Lemon why do you have to make me sad lemon an angry lemon yo yo he was typing he was typing to me and he didn't notice no no no no no no no no no he noticed come on oh oh the cart and the cart how is it even balancing what we're not on the tracks right no oh this is just going this is the farthest I've gotten and I know it's just all futile I'm not going to make it this this isn't good oh we're shaking we're shaking we're shaking like a bacon says see no fast he says see see I'm not doing anything as our cart is literally like barely hanging on F guess we're actually making it kind of far yo maybe this maybe this is the glitch of how you win I I don't think Happy Lemon is going to let me win when is he going to troll me oh no and we're about to we're about to bump into somebody oh no no no no no no football player got to wait for the football player to go all right Mr football player could you like turn up your speed maybe can we change his speed from here or maybe maybe I can hop in the football player's cart get away from Happy Lemon and be able to control another cart wait for him to go far yeah nope I'm going to try to push him no no no no come on let me get close let's go no no the football guy [Music] jumped what no back in the beginning no oh and Sonic hair is back here oh I missed him let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go yes yes yes yes I'm actually doing it I escaped him bye Happy Lemon no no I messed myself up Sad Panda all right we're just going to grab this one thank you very much sad lemon is still back there finally I've made it away from him got bored of trolling me said combo Panda has run out of Tears we got to do the float I don't even know how we're doing that one just float across nothing it's like Aladdin's cart ride just a flying a cart ride I can show you [Music] Roblox take you pixel by P have you cart rid into Sonic and hopefully Happy Lemon doesn't ruin it a whole new game all how much of that song would I have to sing before Disney Su me we here at Disney would never Sue anyone that's Mickey's job H that's right you better lawyer up H like have you guys heard about this panda singing really bad parodies of our songs I got a bacon here behind me whoa whoa what just happened to her girl in front of me she just like collapsed I'm going to try it slow you need to be on a slow ride take it easy what you need to do right now I've never made it this far and I want to keep making it this far I have to be sent back to the beginning I'm not sure if I'm going to keep going with this cuz I know what emotional lemon waits for me back there there's an emotional piece of fruit back there a very Happy Lemon whoa no no what happened in my cart what just happened in my C why did it go up the tracks like this oh that's not good guess maybe it is good it's like an ultra balancing cart okay keep going up the curves yeah keep curving it okay I want to slow it down a little these curves are starting to get scary oh no my cart is glitching come on cart come on carty Carter the cart let's go carter my name is Jeff come on Carter I know you can work harder and take me further cuz you are my Carter oh yo I might actually beat this let's go I can see Sonic I can see his legs this the final turn just going to make it up here my cart my really sus cart oh oh no no no no no no why what happened why I was right at the end no Happy Lemon said he wanted revenge and he used his mind powers to knock me off please go please go before Happy Lemon notices no no no no there he is no the Happy Lemon W oh ah why why must you make me angry Lappy lemon I knew lemons were sour but this guy is just downright mean this is what I get this this is how a Roblox game would go for me I was like I was like right there at the end then I of knowwhere I fall off and now I just got this guy trolling me again and I can't even make it past the beginning can't even Oh I thought he almost knocked me back onto the middle of the path he messes me up so that he makes me normal again let's try to speed through this done playing Mr Nice Panda we to go through this super speed ride a cart a Sonic then were're supposed to go like Sonic Speed you know be cool if we had Super Sonic Speed where he's like all golden and just can fly around just fly your cart right into Sonic all right we're doing it we got this combo crew taking it back although I do not know how far I'm going to make it since this is how I O Last Time come on come on Sonic I'm coming to you I'm going away from the Happy Lemon more like a mean mean trolly lemon uh I didn't click the oh no I didn't click the stop button ah the cart got stuck oh so much for cart writing into Sonic let me gu Happy Lemon is waiting for me right here y there he is he immediately walks Stu he's just like hi combo yeah yeah I know you're waiting for me fine dude you win he just says well well well yeah bro you win you win I didn't get to ride my cart in the Sonic happppy lemon wait happppy lemon's twin oh no I'm getting out of here
Channel: Combo Panda
Views: 110,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Combo Panda, Combo Crew, let's play, video games, gamer, game play, kids gameplay, game review, Ryan ToysReview, Ryan's Family Review, animated, animated character, vtubers, Ryan's world, pabbys cart ride
Id: t2O3CqsF6ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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