The Hardest Bosses of Season 3 | Dorki Guide

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hello everybody Welcome to My Advanced guide for dealing with the harder bosses in M plus for season 3 I know a lot of you guys have been struggling with some of these bosses on tyranical weeks and hopefully this video will help so starting off with far Spain Triad this is generally where I want my first Blood lust the most common mistake I've seen is people not interrupting the right targets the way it works is the main target with the iris which is Selena in this situation will only cast on the tank vver 2 witches will always be casting on V 4 members in your party and generally the DPS and the Healer are the one in trouble in this boss fight which means you will usually be wanting to use your interrupts on the off targets can see here we go into the fight and I like to drag Selena closer to Brier right away that way when you interrupt Brier Brier will not melee the closest Target you can see here I use my interrupt on Brier and another common mistake too is whenever you're interrupting these off tar targets these off targets will melee but because they don't move they will always melee the closest Target since they can't reach their aggro target so if someone was standing next to malady here and you interrupt malady malady will melee and kill that person and that's why I would like to tank Selena next to Brier once we push Selena I move malady over to the stack of the witches the next important thing is unstable marks unstable ruining Mark is the main mechanic you'll be wanting to use defensives and healing cool Downs on you'll want to be rotating through party CDs like Darkness whatever healer CDs you have available and just personal CDs the only other important thing is Brier Jagged nettle is a physical attack and can be immune with things like blessing of protection in this case we use never walk here from junkrat and it can be removed with augmentations called Rising flame that's something I haven't been seeing augmentations using enough in pugs but that's that's really obious too this fight soulbound Goliath this will be the true wall of wakest manners everyone's been struggling on this boss and this boss is the hardest boss in this dungeon one of the hardest bosses in M plus at the moment actually so the key to defeating this boss is very dumb but necessary requires using a PVP trinket The Medallion trinket that removes CC on a 2-minute cool down this can be acquired from the auction house or from farming some PVP honor and you can can spend that over at the training dummy area in valren so this is where we want our second lust we cleared out trash until around 11 minute Mark then we had all our DPS zone out to equip The Medallion you can use your plus 20 dungeon port to zone out or you could just like die to a fire and walk out of the dungeon to swap your trinkets so we had our guys swap out weed smoke is coming back and when you start the fight there's one thing you can do with these forns you can actually pre-immune them and see here sorns is coming up and right as the cast is about to finish we have weed smoke using breath of eons and junkrat uses his meta immune here unfortunately it goes on ventor it's completely orangey who it goes on but there is a chance that you immune it off allowing you to save damage and not have to hit the forns and as you can see ventor just pops his trinket and gets rid of the forns right away so as for when to clear the boss Stacks you will want to get the boss to about between 15 and 25 Stacks before you start looking for a fire every single tank should have enough defensive CDs to get to that point you should always try to have at least one backup CD in case of a bad fire so at this point you're going to want to start looking around the room for fires you want to look for fresh fires ideally you don't want to just go into a fire that is going to disappear as you're dragging the boss in and you're also only going to want to clear after a fors you can see here I kind of run out of CDs and I'm starting to look for a fire we get junkrat out of the forns there's a fresh fire right here boom get him in this is where you want to be using your CDs we had a Darkness a bunch of personal defensives then reposition back to roughly where the boss spawns so you just want to rinse for piece V the entire time get to about 20 Stacks when you want to start looking for new fighs soul forns is coming up so you're going to want to kill at least one more soul forns and I should be able to hold out for at least one more Soul fors yeah so we break ventor out here and then after we break him out is when we want to bring him into a fire but that's about it as long as you are clearing at a proper time as long as your team is attempting to immune the fors and using PVP trinkets VES will be the best solutions to defeating this boss all right Lord and Lady W Crest so a couple of things that people don't know one is that you can interrupt lady wakest with a range interrupt like a hunter interrupt in this case will prevent a good bit of group damage the second thing is when she does the swirlies that come out of the piano they will only target the closest two or three Targets in your party that means if you want to prevent the swirlies you can have your casters standing in the back so we can free cast you can see these swires here they're going on the closest three targets here and these guys over here in the back they can just free cast it's super useful for the Healer if the healer is struggling to heal this fight one other thing is Mortal strike effects are really big on the boss fight it actually reduces the amount of healing Lord Wess receives it's actually just more damage than almost any other ability you can have in the game demon Hunters have a talent called mortal dance viin back into that makes Lord West receive 50% less healing so those are a coup of tips that I'll help a lot with this fight it's not too hard of a fight but some people will struggle with this fight this is also a very good usage of your F blood Lust by Blood lusting this boss you can quickly get lady West down and once she's down you can just rotate interrupt on her and there's pretty much no more group damage so it's really just the first two phases of Lord W Crest that are challenging we're kind of trolling here we're fighting it in the corner which makes all of a swirlies go on our casters but you can kind of see there are no swirlies here on our melee at all but it should usually be the opposite where you have the boss and the melees dodging the swirlies and the casters back here okay yasma this fight this fight breaks many atal desar atals are all about you do a key you have infinite time left and you get to the last boss and you wipe 10 times so the key here is to maintain a stack you have to be stacking and moving at all times so the first bait we could drop in the middle it's not a big deal this should be killed pretty quickly and then you're going to want to move in One Direction whether it's clockwise or in our situation anticlockwise and you just want to fate these Echoes of shadra in this General location whenever they grow big and they start to glow like this that's when they're moving they fix it on on a specific player and you can have them all baited into this corner then they'll go small again and rinse repeat so you see we maintain this stack big grow bag we bit them in Echo of shadra soon or Soul Ren it's RNG which spell gets queued first generally with s Ren I would prefer if it's baited ahead but back here is not too big of a deal too it just makes it a little bit cramped we have echo of [Music] shadra the idea is as a tank you're going to want to move every time they grow big you want to let them walk in a bit so I'm going to grow big here walk in a bit then move and we're going to grow again soon venue move as for defensive usages if you're not going to get one shot by the Soul Rend or the racking pain which only happens in extremely high keys by the way like this is a 26 and it still doesn't one shot us you ideally want to be using your defensive only for racking pain plus the soul Ren cuz the racking pain leaves a DOT there will be an overlap at some point but yeah as you can see here we're baiting for movement Big R big we move echo of shadra we move again and this might be an overlap here yeah so like this one's an overlap weed uses his defensive here oh it's not a hard overlap it's a soft overlap so yeah ideally ads are baited ahead and you move as a group with the spiders at some point into the fight you'll have a ton of spiders but because they're all well stacked you shouldn't R into any issues all right ancient protectors so this fight is one of the tougher ones you're going to want to have a blood loss tier we opted for first blood loss on this pole but you can also have your second blood loss going into this if you follow the normal pathing going into wither bark so on this fight we actually have a really good com for it warlocks can have curse of tongues or an amplified version of it if they spec into Amplified curses making their cast significantly longer because the boss has no lock out so there's really not a whole lot of do this just rotating interrupts ideally you're interrupting as late as possible as you can see here with the amplifi curse is a 6C cast we do interrupt a little bit early here but it happens this it's mostly a group of friends playing not some super hardcore group for these charge puddles you're going to want the range to be stacking and moving at all times this will help a lot the melee 2 ideally you want the melee to be out whenever the charge happens and you're not covering up Tu here because you're going to want to be killing Tu first for the tank tanking the boss you want to maintain as much uptime and mitigation as possible and move out last second for a charge but that's really all vers to it make sure you have one important interrupt on T and one important interrupt on goola you're going to want to stick on t blue until you have some interrupts available then you can go over to the other side with the charge for some interrupts you can see here where toing also interrupts over [Music] there try to get interrupt here oh and it switches but you just want to you're just going to want to hard burn Tu after you burn Tu the fight becomes significantly easier since you won't have one of the mobs doing their AOE cast anymore this uh torrential show Fury here all right Arch Mage Soul this boss will be hard to blood loss because of bloodless timings but if you can somehow find a route where you can bloodless both this boss and count so that's probably a good idea going into this fight she will always do fire right away and fire means death that means you'll generally want to have defensives right off the bat our group does have a bunch of small defenses right away the healer is going to want to pre- ramp before you pull this boss so you should never pull this boss ASAP you're going to want to do like a little bit of a pull timer or something to get your group mentally prepared to perish within the first 3 seconds so the way this boss works is it'll always do danger danger safe that's the order of her abilities so this is like the first set of danger then there'll be another set of danger coming up which is centerbolt plus glacial EV then after that is safe so you you basically want to space out your defensives and group CDs in a way so that you're covering the two danger parts and you have that little downtime for coold Downs to come back up on this fight you're also going to want one person baiting out and everyone else in melee you can see over here we have the four stack here with our warlock sitting out ideally the person staying out is either the Healer or the tank EST person and in this case we have our warlock staying out what this does is it makes the suck orb the spatial compression have a ton of travel time allowing the team to react you can see here everyone has plenty of time to get out and then the suck happens so that was a safe one right then there's going to be another danger up ahead the way it works out you'll generally have about a minute between the first danger set and the second danger set so here we have a darkness and if it's going to be one more danger then it'll be safe and basically you just want to have CDs planned out for all the danger parts once again danger danger safe danger nature safe have one person tanky stand out everyone else Stack Up in melee that's about it okay y do this guy is actually deceptively hard especially on a higher key level this boss is is insane it takes really long and it's really difficult so there's not a whole lot to this but I will say the most common mistakes I've seen are people not pulling damage for the ad and misusing cool Downs so in this situation horse boy used the blur here and there's no add out you do not want to be using defensives here like Jun used his dark back too you ideally want to be holding on to defensives until this ad here comes out when this add is out there will be a very deadly overlap of add damage plus colossal blow as you can see here so here's like a little bit of better defensive usage we have a desperate prayer plus scales here and when the blow's coming out boom we have the blow happening plus the ad rotting us down but really the fight is just having defensives rotated for the ad and just having as much damage pulled up for vad as possible all right shade of zavius so there's one important thing to know about this fight the rest are pretty self-explanatory at 50% when the boss does apocalyptic nightmare he'll do a new mechanic where he starts shooting out swirlies all around the map you'll see here in a second so V swirlies whenever they touch the boss the boss actually gains a 5% damage increase a lot of people are actually unaware of this but if you tank in in this corner here there actually aren't really spawns here there only spawns that are baited on players like junkrat so there's one baited on junkrat the boss gets one stacking see here for 9 seconds left but as long as you tanking in this corner here and the range are out baiting the swirlies you will generally avoid most of the stacks this will make the last half of zavius significantly easier you can see here we're already 30% and the boss has only gotone one stack May was like two stacks all right time way I've seen so many people do this fight wrong so starting with the fragment of time mechanic which will happen in a couple of seconds the first thing is you usually want to be dodging right as long as you're moving anticlockwise around the move you will always be able to safely avoid these balls ideally you're moving quick you just want to be quickly moving around so when the debuffs come out this is the mechanic people are not doing properly you want everyone to be starting on dark you want everyone in dark then one person standing still in light and getting dispelled as long as that person stands still you can dispel them you can see here ventor dips really low but because he's standing still and we dispel him he takes zero damage from his own dispel the other person with the debuff has to be very worried about their life and once you get the spelled everyone should go back into dark standing in dark makes you take 20% less damage so you can see here weed Stood Still and got dispelled because he was standing still he took zero damage you're only going to need to top the person with the debuff and make sure everyone is healthy enough to survive with the spell I also have this weak over here that I was working on where if the person is standing still with the debuff it'll glow of their frames you can see here weed is standing still his frames are glowing and it'll tell you a perfect time to be dispelling them also ideally you're always dispelling the squishier person in your party first so in this situation we're ideally dispelling ground or ventor or weed if weed doesn't have the scales up can also preimmune you can see here ventor used his Turtle before the debuffs came out it's RNG but if you are able to pre-immune it that means you'll only have one debuff to deal with you can also preeta you can pre- cloak pre-bubble Etc so once again junk R is still he got dispelled ideally don't dispel the Demon Hunter first but that was the call that was made and then then you immediately get back into dark grow stands still afterwards but because ventor didn't get topped in time he does die that's pretty much all VAR is to this fight always move anticlockwise make sure to stand still in the light if you have the debuff and everyone else the four party members should always be in dark blight of galron this fight a lot of people fail in pugs it's kind of a messy fight and there's a lot of chaos going on for the first part of the fight there's really not too much to it it's just take the debuff get reclaimed get to 80% and then this is when the fight gets really hectic so if you have a Fain def in your group vanish invis you can see over there you can completely negate this mechanic making the fight significantly easier though it's highly recommended to have night elf in this fight if you can make sure you use your vanish just just for removing that or Mage invis F def those types of mechanics when you are dealing with this mechanic though ideally you have the person sitting on the debuff all the way up until this part of the fight so say it went on junkrat ideally junkrat sits on the debuff with blur up until around this part then he should be passing it to the tank and if you do that you'll only need to pass once for the blite comination this is one of the harder parts of the fight phase two you have blood lust this would also be a good time to be using lost now for phase three phase three if you can get the F deaths or the vanishes Etc on this it's actually massive ventor didn't have Fain def here since he oh actually no he did have it yeah so you can see here like we feed off the mechanic and now it's just a complete joke so one important thing to make this fight not as messy let's go back a little bit is to have everyone baiting towards the middle right here these guys are positioned poorly but they still have 7 seconds for this incinerating blight breath since this mob daack only moves whenever it's doing incinerating blight breath which is baited on a DPS so here I call for drunk rat to bait towards the middle you can see here he finishes eyebeam walks over boom beautiful baited on junkrat now a boss moves to the center instead of being all huddled up in this corner here and we just stack and move accordingly with the group I like to stay on the Outer Edge since usually I'll have a debuff here then everyone else stands towards the middle now when this mechanic happens this route could be removed with either freedoms disengages or you can actually CC off these necr Frost with disorient type CCS so like fear freezing trap probably disorienting Roar probably paralysis I'm not too sure what else CC's work on it but you could remove these instantly making it significantly easier here we use a Fier sigil boom it's gone growl can also use his psychic scream and here's another bait towards the middle now it's super clean not as chaotic and this third phase is actually pretty simple as long as you're playing it properly okay this guy or dick Ron there's not a whole lot to him but there are a couple of things that people don't really do properly so one is the boss can actually Parry it's probably because this guy will end up being a raid Boss Next patch or something next expansion but because the boss can Parry you're going to want to be positioning the boss in a way so that your melees aren't getting par carried as you going see here in a second another important thing too is on this boss fight oh you see oh yeah so I flip the boss around right before Earth surge happens I'm just tanking him here and now that boss has shielded and is standing still can just have full up to in the boss without getting parried but yeah so ideally you're not using cool Downs on the shield unless you have to if you you have to break the shield fast for your healer you can but ideally you're using your damage cool Downs like here we have ventur 2minute cd here and meta we're just holding it for after we break the shield this is also that we can skip one of the shields the boss phases at 90% And if we can put in as much damage as possible into the actual boss Health that means we have a chance of skipping the Shield or skipping a shield if you can't skip a shield then it's kind of whatever then you can just send CDs on CD but that's really obvious to it so just couple of important things turn the boss so that it doesn't Parry your melees and try to use damage on the boss's actual Health instead of The Shield unless you're not going to skip a shield all right so tier this boss is actually one of the bosses that people really don't do properly so once you pull a boss and at the start of every phase he will always do spark of tier first which is for dispel you're going to want this dispelled ASAP and ideally you prioritize the squishier player so the Spells come out boom that was a good spel on himself of healer and from here he will do one of three different abilities at random there are two frontals and the Divide but Titanic blow is the frontal on the tank you just want to be facing it to the outer edge you also want to be tanking this guy at the outer perimeter of the circle the entire time or he'll do infinite Annihilation which is aimed at the DPS or healer so this is why we have everyone positioned over here or in the worst case scenario it would be dividing strikes dividing strikes as the first ability is the worst because we have a debuff out and we are needing to top off everyone from the initial debuff so in the case of dividing strikes you will only want two people soaking if you can that's assuming you have an immunity in your group it'll be the tank plus we have horse boy use never walk here you only need two players to be soaking to deal with this mechanic but obviously if you don't have a person that has an immunity or a massive defensive to soak this you're going to want everyone else to soak so the general convention for my group would be the four players stand in front of the boss and the one person with the circle stand behind behind the boss and use a major defensive but that's only if you don't have an immunity if you do have immunity and it is dividing strikes plus your's debuff out you want the tank plus the person with immunity soaking so you can see here we soak pretty safely it's just me with brand and meta and horse boy with an immunity and now you can just freely dispel whenever since we haven't taken any group damage so beautiful bait there with the nin now the boss will be doing two more abilities as you can see from his energy it's 25 energy per attack so Titanic blow I baited against the old crap on the ground then one more bait here infinite Annihilation this is baited ADV the players so bad positioning from our group but ideally they're standing over here and baiting it outside so now we've covered up the middle part which is not great but we can make it happen still so when the boss is at 25 energy it'll do one more attack if that was the final attack you're going to want to start dragging the boss towards the middle so once again at 25 energy look towards going to the middle this way the melee can maintain full up time we position our melee next to tier so that he can attack the boss while collecting the orbs coming in I basically play goalie here and I'm only taking whatever orbs happen to come into this uh painted area here you can also extend your buff you can see here I grabbed one of the orbs ideally you have your DPS extending their Buffs then we go right back into spark of tier again instant dispel boom baits the everyone's baiting here that was a bit of a bad positioning from chune fronto here and posting outside so we didn't get dividing strikes in this case also not getting dividing strikes here is the best case scenario that means we have time to top off everyone get a dispel off before the next dividing strikes so here another bait on the Outer Perimeter then comes theing strikes and then 25 energy one more bait so I'm positioning towards the middle one more bait and I'm gone now we're back to the middle melee's attack the boss while collecting orbs everyone else positioned to the opposite side but Chun got a little bit boxed in here so he's also fighting for the orbs with horse boy but ideally we didn't have this bait here initially but yeah that's the entire fight back to the Spells bait outside move the boss to the middle whenever the boss is 25 energy and once again if you do have an immunity two people deal with the dividing strikes if there's an overlap with the dispel otherwise just soak it okay time lost Battlefield this is actually one of the more unintuitive fights that people don't do properly so this fight is where we want to be using our third blood lust we paed towards morchi first so that we can have blood lust back for this boss we've been blood lusting off cool down for the most part so right away you're going to want to take the boss towards the center but not directly in the center the best way to understand this fight is there are two sides you can split the room in half there's this side where we are located that's uh where the boss spawned and that'll be where most of the boss B mobs are then there's the opposite side in this case The Horde side you will want to be facing the enemy side at all times see how we have everyone baiting on this side also before mortal strikes make sure if the tank is topped and has a defensive ready because if you are not topped you will take a ton of damage and it'll be very hard to recover from so here the shock waves we are baiting I have these two markers down skull and moon these are like the spots you ideally want to be baiting on or like just like roughly in this area and as long as you're baiting these shock waves properly the boss won't be getting Stacks boss did get one stack here but one stack is fine you see the boss has two stacks total as long as you're not baiting along this side if you're baiting anywhere on this side it will cause Vos to get a lot of stacks and as long as you're tanking it close to the center is you'll be able to to quickly take out the enemy mobs whenever they spawn especially the Archer the Archer has to be taken out quick so that's really obvious to this fight as long as you're positioning the boss somewhat close to the center baiting the shock waves properly staying topped for the Mortal strikes and focusing Down The Archers also interrupting the Caster is pretty important for reducing tank damage all right lady Nar so there's one really important thing to know about this fight and it's about the focus Tempest mechanic which is like really the only important mechanic this mechanic will Target one of the four nontank members in the party it can only target the same person one time and it hits them once then it bounces to the closest Target you can see here it hits growl then it bounces to me then it hits ventor and it bounces to me and then it hits junkrat and bounces to me it can never Target growl twice or ventor twice or junkrat twice and we have this formation where we have a little bit of a square around the boss with me standing in the center so that it will always jump to me if you do it like this it becomes extremely easy even though you see us dipping dangerously low we're never in any danger of dying because we've already been targeted once and it can no longer hit us again as long as you have this formation so as long as you have enough to survive the focus Tempest you'll never die to this fight to melee interrupts on the water bolts then shock blast this will be the only mechanic where you really have to press something big you can see here ventor uses turtle and then oh all right it's a little bit messy here okay so that was messy I think it hit ventor and it jumped on weed or other way around ideally we got back into formation quick enough to the point where it would just do like one person then bounce the tank one person bounce the tank Prince repeat we look at it one more time here shock blast on growl gets back into position soon it hits junkrat but it bounces to me then Valas ventor and it bounc to me and finally weed been a bounce to me as long as you do this this boss fight will be pretty easy a lot of these strats aren't necessarily required but will help a lot for those pushing hard keys I've noticed a lot of keys this season do require a good level of coordination and will probably require team coms anyways thank you guys for watching this longer form video hopefully helped and if it did I can continue with these types of [Music] videos [Music]
Channel: Dorki
Views: 75,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dorki, dorkibear, world of warcraft, wow, mythic, plus, m+, spec, tier, list, dungeon, tanks, best, 10.2, new, dragonflight, expansion, ptr, test, cat, boomy, boomkin, dorkiboar, all, tank, healer, dps, ranked, rank, fun, high, level, realm, talents, io, top, prot, warrior, war, paladin, pally, pal, bear, guardian, vengeance, vdh, blood, frost, unholy, dk, death knight, havoc, demon hunter, monk, brewmaster, brm, meta, rogue, mage, shaman, druid, evoker, aug, augmentation, warlock, priest, hunter, class, classes, specs, stream, twitch, live, lego, weekly, clips
Id: rVR8ZgZfbcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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