The Hardest and Easiest Levels in Every Mario Game

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if you've been watching my videos for a while then you'll of course know that I'm absolutely obsessed with studying basically each and every level in the Super Mario Brothers franchise already making several criticizing and showcasing various ones one of those was the hardest in every game which I feel like definitely needs to be revised while also extend to get to see the opposite easy ones which is exactly what's going to be the topic of today's video before I get started with this my name is Copycat and if you want to support me then please subscribe to my channel and hit that Bell button to stay notified when I upload new videos the very first game of the series is Super Mario Brothers that was released for the NES in 1985 where most people would probably agree with me that one of the final levels World A3 is amongst the entry's hardest here you'll find some incredibly unforgiving platforming sections mixed with some of the toughest enemies that you can find including the Hammer Bros that can easily deal you damage I guess this level sharp difficulty does make sense as it's near the end of the game but really isn't terribly hard in comparison to what we'll see later in this video the only other level I want to mention on this side of things are the underwater ones in World 2 2 and 7-2 only because maneuvering in these stages can be painful this is compounded by the fact that you have the bluebird and cheat cheap enemies to deal with which can be annoying without the aid of a fire flower on the easy side of things I guess I can safely put the levels of world 1 1 and 1 2 in this video as they're really just there to teach you how to platform in the world that is the Mushroom Kingdom in one two in particular you can literally just bypass most of the stage by getting on top of the row of blocks which literally just leads you right to The Warp Zone wow Super Mario Brothers 2 is the next to be released in the series where most lists put World 5-1 as the game's absolute hardest because of the pinpoint platforming required during the underground portion of the stage you need to Traverse between the jumping trouters which is definitely tricky as they come up on the screen very quickly and there's only a void to fall into if you mess up there aren't really any tough enemies to face off against meaning people strictly don't like the platforming even though I didn't find it too hard one that's in a very similar vein that people find difficult is world six two where instead of using trouters as platforms you have to ride on the back of the flying Albatross once again where if you fall off there's only a void below honestly it's tough to say these levels are even difficult as I have played this game thousands of times so I'd love to know which ones you had trouble with in the comments below I guess in all seriousness the easiest level is world one two only because you can bypass a large portion of it to do this you need to choose Peach because of her floating ability and use the pigeon's Magic Carpet next hey the carpet as far right as you possibly can then jump and glide where if you did it right then you'll easily make it up to the higher platform skipping most of the stage honestly I've done this so much I don't even remember what the inside portion of this level looks like which is actually quite funny in the final game of the original trilogy Super Mario Brothers 3 most people would choose either World 8's Airship or tank levels as the hardest due to the pesky enemies and fast-paced platforming but I myself have probably lost the most lives in world 8-1 it's really the placement of the voids in spots where you not only have to use enemies to get higher but also Dodge them is why it deserves to be mentioned but honestly if you pick the vehicle levels I wouldn't have blamed you one set of levels that always disappointed me were the world 8 hand traps only because the concept of being pulled into lava by a demonic hand seems so daunting but in reality it isn't these stages are just way too easy and honestly Too Short where they sort of just waste your time during a playthrough rather than being fun I guess I also have to mention treasure ships on the easy side of things as they are technically levels just avoid of any enemies or real platforming where the only goal is collecting as many coins as you can these only appear in Worlds one three five and six where you need to have a hammer bro on the map finish a stage with a coin total ending in a multiple of 11 and having a score that the tens digit also matches that multiple of 11. this honestly doesn't do much other than give you coins but it is at least a cool trick that you can show off to your friends I decided to include the true Japanese sequel to the original Super Mario Brothers the lost levels as it really does have many truly difficult sieges to the point where it's North American release was scrapped and replaced with Yumi kojo Doki Doki Panic skinning over that title with Mario characters and enemies I'd have to say that world C3 is the hardest not only because you have to use the springboards in this windy environment but you also have to do this while avoiding the Myriad of enemies thrown at you especially the respawning flying latitudes as a kid I could never properly get this mechanic down and even in my most recent playthroughs as an adult it gave me problems mainly because it can be hard to tell where you're gonna land another level that many people say they lost many lives on is World D3 as the mixture of Cannon shooting bullet bills and Hammer Bros creates a very hostile environment these factors coupled with the fact that the game barely contains any power-ups means that you can't really Fireball your way out of your problems relying only on skill and some luck to complete it there's one stage that instantly sticks out as the easiest in this title in World 9-3 which is a Face-Off against Bowser's brother this level doesn't really have any lead up to that fight at all and if you want you can literally just skip the battle entirely by using the top platform to get to the end this sort of just seems lazy or a last minute Edition either way it's embarrassingly simple the first handheld game in the franchise is Super Mario Land for the Game Boy where my playthrough is the only level I die many times in is World 4-1 what really gets me here are the tough sections featuring The peon P enemy as I always felt like they moved quite erratically while also having the ability to jump other than this I can't say that the game is overly hard but that is okay and I commend Nintendo for at least making a fun product working through the limitations of the time the easiest levels would definitely have to go to the vehicle-based ones in two three and four three where I'd say the summary one is a bit easier as you can just bypass the boss we're in the airplane you need to fight the tough tatanga once again this game is actually very good for its time but just a bit too short to be considered amazing Super Mario World for the SNES is up next in this video where there's two specific Special World levels that come to mind is agonizingly hard and outrageous and tubular tubular is the one that I picked in my last hardest Levels video as it has this strange mechanic of having to use the P balloon power-up to Traverse forward however this is done across a void where you need to avoid attacks from enemies while collecting more of the power-ups so you don't de-power getting the hang of this is very hard and even to this day isn't something I'm comfortable doing outrageous is a level all you guys in the comments said you had trouble with and I definitely agree as there's tons of enemies that can easily cause you damage the trees in the foreground can really get in your way of viewing Mario properly so that can also give you a bit of trouble honestly I can beat this one very easily in comparison to tubular so I'd love to know which one you had more trouble with in the comments below out of the game's legitimate levels and not a bonus area I'd have to say that Yoshi's Island 2 is the easiest only because it gives you Yoshi who is very overpowered Yoshi can pretty much eat anything in this stage while also tanking a hit for you meaning that you'd have to do something pretty stupid to lose a life the hardest part of this level is the charging Chuck and that could be easily dodged where in the worst case scenario you might lose your Dino Pet in the sequel to The Game Boy Super Mario Land almost everyone agrees that the final level of the game Wario's Castle is the hardest one of the biggest complaints is that this final stage is a huge leap up in difficulty than anything else seen before it and includes sections with spike balls fire spewing piranha plant statues platforms with lava underneath and falling spikes above and strange Wario face creatures that bounce off the walls trying to kill you at the end of it all you finally face off against the big bad in his three forms just his normal self him in bunny form and him powered up with a fire flower this isn't an excruciating fight but it is more difficult than any other boss in the game if I had to pick one easy stage from this entry then I'd have to go with the space Zone secret level only because the enemies here are very slow moving and there's no void that you can fall into and die here you really just collect coins and find what up mushrooms and the little platforming you do have to do is made so much more simple due to the world's low gravity both the worst and hardest level in Super Mario 64 for the N64 is Rainbow ride a course where the majority of it takes place on moving Platforms in the middle of the air what makes things even more difficult is The Game's wonky camera meaning it can be impossible at times to properly see where you're platforming to which is something that's important as there's many pinpoint jumps you have to pull off this is one of the reasons why gaining the hundred star coin is the most difficult in this stage as they're really spread out in Risky places where caution is definitely key I think in general it's just not a fun level to play which is part of the problem as I would actively try to avoid this course meaning I have the least experience with it another level pretty much everyone fails at many times is Wing Mario Over the Rainbow as you strategically have to use the Wing Cap power up to collect the red coins if you do this in the wrong order then you'll pretty much have to restart and try again and controlling Mario in this flying state is not easy so have fun getting frustrated one level that's very easy is the secret aquarium as once again you have to collect eight red coins but this time in an underwater setting honestly it is pretty hard to run out of air especially as it refills every time you collect one of the coins and there isn't many ways to die or take damage either honestly the hardest part about this level is finding it as it's very well hidden near the Jolly Roger Bay painting anyone who's played Super Mario Sunshine would immediately put the Pachinko machine or lilypad ride as their hardest level of the game but I'm going to avoid the obvious tropes as I've talked about them at length and past videos so instead my pick is the pianta village course as a collection the 10 shine Sprites that you can get in this area are incredibly tough where I had problems taming the chain Chomps scaling Through The Village's Underside helping out the giant Chomp and collecting all of the red coins in the chuckster area I love how much this level evolves depending on the episode you're playing and I think its difficulty is what makes it so memorable on the easy side of things if you were to look at every level in the game then I'd have to say that the Delfino airstrip area is extremely simple the first time you visit this place is right at the beginning of the game where you first get the flood and learn how to use it against your enemies later once you unlock corona mountain you then gain the ability to pay 10 coins so that you can return to the airstrip where you can collect eight red coins and find a secret blue one yeah that's it the area is at least a nice little bonus but is a bit Bare Bones Nintendo would return the franchise to its 2D roots with the release of new Super Mario Brothers for the DS Where many agree including myself that the second tower of World 8 is one of the hardest stages this is all because of the snake block sections where you need to skillfully move on top of it without falling into the hazards this is tough as the snake not only moves very quickly but sometimes in awkward ways so understanding its pattern is really key to completing this another level that needs to be mentioned as difficult is World 8-7 due to some tough jumps tons of Koopas and plenty of enemies that want to throw things at you without power-ups this one isn't fun as dodging some of the attacks takes considerable patience to avoid one type of level that's easy only because you don't really do much in them are the secret Canon ones acting as a warp between the world you're in and the one you're going to making this a playable stage never really made any sense to me as you just run straight to the Canon not really achieving anything seriously just a cutscene would have done fine when talking about Super Mario Galaxy's hardest levels in the past I've mentioned the tough hundred purple coin bone pen and Luigi galaxy challenges along with the lava Spire 1 HP Daredevil run but this time I want to look at something completely different in the bubble blast Galaxy here you have to put Mario inside of a bubble and blow him around an electrified maze trying to collect all of the Star pieces this is not an easy thing to control and if you mess up at all you'll burst your bubble and you'll get no mercy just losing a life the fact that it's so unforgiving and not giving you multiple chances is why I feel like I need to Showcase it in this video but if you think I'm wrong or if you think there's something else I should have shown then please let me know in the comments what's the worst level in this game in my opinion is also the easiest as the grand finale Galaxy is literally just you collecting a hundred purple coins in the castle grounds with no obstacles or enemies to face off against why Nintendo put this as the final unlockable secret level is beyond me but at least they learned their lesson and in later titles this would never happen again like they're hard you'll see one of the best but hardest levels of new Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Wii is World 9-7 which is a stage that's covered in Slippery ice blocks for you to platform on to make things even more strenuous there are dozens of pipes containing fire breathing piranha plants that can melt the ice you're standing on revealing munchers that of course yield damage if you touch them along your way you'll also encounter the spiky Goomba enemy that can't be stomped on but are placed in very inconvenient spots so without a fire flower you need to go very slow the ending can also be very difficult as if you don't move quickly then most of the ice can melt away and you won't have anything to platform on towards the Finish Line world 9-4 is another level most people put on the top of their most difficult list as it's a very chaotic four scroller where making mistakes can lead to your death finding all the star coins can also be very tough and I definitely needed to use a guide for this one I guess I have to say the easiest stage in this entry is the first in world 1-1 as it gives you the propeller power up so you really have to go out of your way to lose a life I guess one one could default as the easiest for a large portion of these games this one included obviously one of the hardest levels you'll see here in this video is Super Mario galaxies 2 Grand Master Galaxy's perfect run as you have to beat this already grueling stage but in this version without taking a single point of damage that means you need to make it past the spike balls riding Yoshi Dodge the laser shooting Sentry beams use cloud Mario to navigate through the electrified maze platform across the red blue panels while avoiding the ring Beamers navigating through another electrified maze this time using pole stars and then finally fight off a horde of hammer and Boomerang Bros to make your way to Rosalina this is really one of the hardest Mario levels of all time and to even play it you need to gain all of the game's 242 Stars which is honestly just a feat in itself I guess if I had to pick an easiest level from this game then I'd have to go with the throwback Galaxy as it literally wamps Fortress from Super Mario 64. not only is it a course that I've played hundreds of times but it seems way more Bare Bones and much more fluid to maneuver around stripping away any difficulty it once had next up is Super Mario 3D land for the 3DS where its final level especially Crown is the hardest by far in the game operating similar to Super Mario Galaxy's 2 Grand Master Galaxy here are all of the toughest situations found throughout the entry are compiled in one single stage with no checkpoints and very few power-ups without a super Leaf you are guaranteed to have a rough time as there are so many places where jumping and avoiding enemies is key the only other tough level from this game I want to mention is special 8-5 as it's said in mid-air having you to run away from the cosmic clone across a series of rotating cylinders this is a lot crazier than it seems as the platforms you need to jump on move insanely fast to the point where finding your balance is no easy task I think that this is the level of the game where I died the most during my playthroughs but if there's something I missed or some place that I missed then please let me know in the comments in my opinion the easiest level of Super Mario 3D Land is World 2-3 as it gives you a propeller box so platforming is a breeze I do appreciate the Aesthetics of the stage as it pays homage to the classic 8-bit style of Mario but I could have done without the hand holding as it just made things boring the third game in the new Super Mario Brothers sub series is called New Super Mario Brothers 2 okay they came up for the 3DS in 2012 where by far the hardest levels are the ones that come with the impossible Pack DLC one of my biggest complaints about this entry is that it was way way way too easy never really giving me any type of challenge during the game's regular playthrough I'm at least glad Nintendo listened to what the fans wanted and didn't like from this particular entry and created something that even the most seasoned players would find painstakingly difficult on the easy side I definitely have to include the game's rainbow levels as they're really just places to gain hundreds of coins with literally no repercussions each world has its own of these secret areas which are open by finishing a level when the last two digits on your timer match the current world that you're in putting these in the game but making them common is a huge letdown as there's no risk or really satisfying reward for finding and playing them new Super Mario Brothers for the Wii U has a few levels I want to mention is hard starting with one I've talked about many times before don't touch anything in this coin collection challenge you have to complete the level while not touching a single enemy or by not collecting six or more coins this is really rough as of course the coins are laid out in such a way where you have to be extremely skillful to avoid them and you really do have to exercise your patience another level many people said they had difficulty with is SuperStar Road 8. also known as pendulum Castle here you need to travel across a series of donut blocks while avoiding The Swinging spike balls only giving you a small space to Traverse through if you have ADHD like me then this will test your tolerance of having to backtrack to avoid taking damage but more skilled players shouldn't really have a problem the only other level I briefly want to mention is SuperStar Road 3. swim for your life where you have to do just that while a cheap Chomp chases you down I really just hate underwater levels where you have to avoid hordes of bad guys and once again without power-ups it's really just a pain on the easy side I guess I'll just talk about the game's Nabbit levels as I never really felt like it was a huge challenge to capture this strange character and sort of seems rather unnecessary I know that at least they attempted to try something new but it just feels like a flat task in the grand scheme of things in Super Mario 3D World for the Wii U I think I can safely put Champions road on the top of the hardest levels list as it brings together all of the toughest elements from throughout the century even with a power-up this is still a tall task to complete as it's not a short experience at all and there are plenty of sections that will cause you to lose a life most notable are the squirreling water Spike section the beatbox section that alternate much faster than before in the dash panel section where you need to dodge the shock waves given out by the ring burners this is such a fun experience that perfectly incorporates all aspects of each World you've played and to be honest is exactly what a die-hard fan wants one other level I feel like I need to talk about is called broken Blue Bully belt which is a stage full of lava hazards tons of enemies and rotating Spike bars to add to the chaos being confident with your platforming is a huge must here as if you make the wrong move and fall in the lava then you'll instantly lose a life I think it's pretty obvious that the easiest level in the entire game is Backstreet bustle as it's such a small stage that's really only meant to teach you about the double Cherry power-up honestly you have to be a noob or just bad to fail at this level and sometimes I wish Nintendo realized that their fan base is aging and there's really no need for such a low skill ceiling the hardest level in Super Mario Odyssey is obviously its ultimate in a long Journey's End which can be played once you gain access to the darker side of the moon this stage really does deviate away from the usual gameplay that we see in this title as it's a linear experience rather than a large open world Kingdom what I do love is that you have to use the capture mechanic and use the various different abilities from those enemies to Traverse through the level once again this one has no checkpoints so there's almost no way you can complete this on your first try and it took me several attempts before I finally made it to the Empire State Building honestly I could play a full game with levels just like this one but I feel like Nintendo would never do that as it would alienate a large portion of Their audience you know mainly young kids obviously the cloud kingdom is making the easy Level side of things as it really just is devoid of anything at all I mean look at it it's so Bare Bones I thought that cloud Kingdom would be more cloudy you know and not just a stone circular platform thing but whatever the final game we're going to look at in this video is the Bowser's Fury game mode which was released alongside the re-release of Super Mario 3D World for the switch where I'd have to say that its hardest area is Mount magmao scaling to the top of this enormous mountain is not such a simple thing as there really are a few tough platforming sections especially when you have to Traverse on the switchboards this game in general isn't the most difficult but I definitely struggled a lot during the specific area especially trying to gain all five of the cat shines if I had to pick an easiest area from this game then I'd go with the clear path Tower only because it is a bit underwhelming as navigating through it is a breeze I do get that this isn't a full game and more of a showcase but I think they could have gone further with a specific concept all right that's gonna be it for today's video guys I really hope you did enjoy this one if you want to support the channel then please leave a like and of course subscribe hitting that Bell button to stay notified when I upload new videos also I do have an Instagram at copycat gamer so go give that a follow there I upload some cool clips and Artistry collection that you won't see anywhere else hope you guys all have a good day and I'll see you on the next one bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Copycat
Views: 154,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hard, easy, hardest, easiest, levels, level, stage, area, kingdom, every, Mario, game, Super, bros, Nintendo, Copycat, World, Tank, Airship, World 8, Special, Outrageous, Tubular, springboards, Space, Zone, Warios, Castle, Rainbow, Ride, Wing, aquarium, secret, easter, eggs, Lily, Pad, Pachinko, Pianta, village, delfino, airstrip, cannon, purple, coins, bone, pen, daredevil, run, grand, finale, bubble blast, grandmaster, throwback, Galaxy, 3D, Land, dont, touch, crown, Nabbit, impossbile, pack, champion, Odyssey, Bowsers, Fury, tower, A Long Journeys End
Id: J2DHwlSTX_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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