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join kids had family tear and tofu are going on a school trip while traveling in the bus I am so excited tear this is my first school camp it'll be so much fun tofu I know you are excited but you should remember what parents told us we have to be safe and careful throughout Tia I am a big boy and this is my first adventure I'll be cautious throughout I promise I am so happy we are going together nananana it's a camp tofu so I don't want you wandering around alone at all we'll have lots of fun but we'll stick together and be like a team like Batman and Robin like Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel I haven't seen that movie it's not a movie little one it's a story of two siblings just like us I think this is the best time for me to tell you this story so sit tight [Music] hansel and gretel once a poor woodcutter had a son and a daughter named Hansel and Gretel one day they get an evil stepmother [Music] one night the stepmother tells the woodcutter the kids eat too much we'll be starving soon so let's leave the children in the forest and get rid of them what are you saying no but the wife was very persistent and she kept talking until he was convinced Hansel overhears their conversation so that night Hansel goes out and collects shiny white stones we'll find our way back home stop crying Gretel Hansel tomorrow we are going to die what do we do don't worry we will survive good night Gretel Hansel hides the stones and sleeps [Music] the next morning the stepmother takes the kids to the forest Hansel keeps dropping stones on the ground thinking we can follow these stones home [Music] [Music] children weights by this big tree just sit quietly here and I'll be back to get you but she never comes back to get those let's wait for nightfall Gretel I dropped a trail of white stones all the way here so with the moonlight shining on them we could get back home I am so scared so at night Hansel and Gretel follow the shiny stones out of the forest the stepmother was secretly angry a few days later the stepmother again tricks the children let's go have a picnic in the forest here take this bread to eat later we'll go in the morning this time the stepmother locked their room at night and so Hansel couldn't pick up any shiny stones next morning on their way to the forest Hansel crumbled his bread and left a trail of crumbs instead [Music] deep in the forest this looks like a good spot you both can take a nap here while I go and cut some wood Hansel and Gretel knew she wouldn't come back again [Music] they slept and waited for nightfall again when they woke up the birds and wild animals had eaten up all the crumbs now we will never find our way home I am so upset for us Gretel Hansel don't lose hope let's walk and maybe we find our home [Music] [Music] after walking the entire day they find a small house look there a cookie house Wow oh the house is made of chocolate with a roof of cake and sugar windows come come the hungry children didn't even stop to think I want a big piece of the cake roof YUM suddenly they hear a voice children come inside you seem hungry I'll make you yummy food right now the lady was an evil witch the kids go in the house with her [Music] it's a trap I like to eat kids I made this house to lure you in now i'll fatten the boy up and make a tasty treat for myself her eyes were red she had terrible eyesight but a good sense of smell she locks Hansel in a cellar she makes Gretel do all the housework all the chores Hansel and Gretel cried and begged but she had no mercy on them [Music] come on girl cook something delicious for your brother he should be fat enough to be cooked by the end of this month a week past Hansel ain't delicious food while Gretel was always hungry [Music] every morning the old witch went to Hansel cellar and shouted show me your fingers boy let me check how much fatter you've gotten but Hansel would always stick out a little bone for her to feel because the witch couldn't see very well she was furious that Hansel was staying so thin [Music] one day she lost her patience and shouted at Gretel I don't care anymore I'll cook thin Hansel today and eat him anyhow and start the oven Gretel had no choice and she started doing what the evil witch told her now get in and see if the water is boiling enough how can I get inside the oven please show me so that I can check the water stupid girl what is wrong with you it's so easy [Music] [Music] look you just need to step here and ah Gretel cleverly pushed the old woman in the oven and shut the door the vicious witch burn to a crisp Gretel rushed to the cellar and set Hansel free Hansel My dear brother the witch is dead now let's run out of here and find our home how happy they were while running out of the house they saw wooden chests all over in the witch's room they were filled with gems and gold [Music] the children fill their pockets with as many gems as possible and left the house [Music] Hansel and Gretel walked for a few hours when they got to a bridge that they knew well and was close to their house Hansel and Gretel could finally see their father at the port looking miserable because his wife had died my dearest children I'm so happy you both are alive I am sorry for letting you go the three hunt and precious gems started to fall out of Gretel's pockets both the children empty their pockets in their father's lap they told their father about the evil witch and how they got her treasure oh my god I am happy my kids came back safe I will never leave you alone now finally they could have a carefree life and lived together happily ever after Oh witches are scary we are about to reach the forest come very soon don't leave my hand when we go hiking in the forest I want us to be like Hansel and Gretel I promise not to go anywhere alone does this forest have a cookie house or a witch tear tofu it's just a story Hansel and Gretel shared an adventure like a team don't worry about any witch it's just a camp I hope we find a cookie house like Hansel and Gretel cookie house YUM that sounds Wow I am hungry now give me the chocolates from the bag dear please [Music] [Music] whoa that was odd wasn't it Leah yes it reminds me of Hendren the ghost of the Warren family house what is Henry's story once upon a time they lived a beautiful family of the Warren's Jim and Alice and their two children penny and Rick they had just moved into the new house penny and Rick loved the new house no Craig I can see till the lake from my bedroom window that's awesome penny come and see from my window I can see our garden I am glad you love your rooms children maybe you can tire swing for them on the large tree Jim the children were excited by the moms suggestion they quickly went to the garden and helps their dad tie the swing for them later they came back into the house had a lovely supper and everybody went to sleep it must have been a few hours into the night when Ric was awakened by a noise in the garden he looked out of the window it was the swing and someone was on it who was there during the Sun whoever was on the swing quickly got off and ran away Ric also went back into his bed and fell asleep the next morning the Warrens gathered for breakfast I saw someone on the swing last night I couldn't see clearly in the dark but it was someone shot what that's not possible honey I'm sure it was the wind playing tricks with you Oh mother it is possible I did see someone last night the day wore on and everybody forgot about the person on the swing Gregg and Penny were playing in their room when penny called [Music] hey Rick look there's someone on the lake but there was no one that Rick could see the next morning the children told their parents about what they saw on the lake and the parents dismissed their fears yet again a few days passed the children kept seeing all shapes and the parents kept refusing them one day Benny found that her mads homework book was missing some Rick found that his favorite cricket bat was missing [Music] but mom dad you have to believe us the grown-ups were about to disagree with Rick and Benny again when suddenly mrs. warrens to walk came flying at them everybody ducked looks like the children were right there is a ghost in this house yes there is we must figure out what the ghost wants and so everybody decided to talk to the ghost they waited Penny's room at night hoping that the ghosts will come to take more of her books and write as they were the ghosts came and went to Penny's desk [Music] hello mr. ghost oh hello there everybody was shocked [Music] the ghost was no more than a boy how can we help you help me really yes we would love to that would be nice I am stuck here like a ghost because I died before my last wish was not fulfilled really tell us please how can we help my name is Henry I was a very good student and a loved man [Music] in the last week of my life for had written on Matt's exam I knew I would drop the class but before the teacher could declare my results I died I want to make my mother proud of me I wish the teacher would check my test paper and she still keeps in her desk and tells my mother the score as Jim and Alice watched Henry's ghost go out of the window they decided to help him out [Music] the next morning they inquired about Henry school and teacher once they had found her they went to her and requested her to please check his paper just as Henry had said he scored the highest in class next we must find Henry's mother let us talk to the principal and so the Warren's got Henry's mother's address from the principal they set off towards this address [Music] they found Henry's mom and explained their case to her is my Henry all right yes ma'am and he loves doing math and he wanted you to have this [Music] my son Henry he stood fast in class again I am so happy suddenly henry appeared in front of her mother mother I am so happy to see I kept my promise mom I came first in class all I wanted was for you to know that I came first I feel free to go now Henry my son I will always be proud of you Jim Alice Rick and Penny I will never forget this thank you so so much as everyone watched Henry turned into a bright light and vanished the Warrens returned to the home never to be disturbed by any ghosts again Wow dia I never knew but there can be some good goes too well tofu like there are good people and bad people in this world there are good and bad ghosts too you know I have decided what I want to become for Halloween this week let me guess Henry absolutely how did you know TIA I just did not come on let's go home before the cold wind comes back these cookies are so young I can eat them forever tofu have you ever imagined what if these cookies become alive alive hmm this reminds me of a story the gingerbread man long ago there lived an old couple [Music] one day the old woman cooked a gingerbread cookie in the shape of the line [Music] as soon as the gingerbread man was cooked he jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shouting don't eat me he ran away as fast as he could the old couple tried to chase the gingerbread man but he was too fast for them soon a hungry Pig saw the gingerbread man and said stop I would like to eat you he too joined the chase the gingerbread man was too fast and said you can't catch me I am the gingerbread man a little further a hungry cows saw the gingerbread man and said stop I would like to eat you [Music] she too joined the chase you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man next he met a horse the horse to join the chase [Music] finally the gingerbread man came to a river and stopped as the river could make him soggy a clever Fox came by and wanted to eat him up but he pretended to be nice and offered help to the gingerbread man he asked the gingerbread man to climb on his head so that he could take him across the river the gingerbread man was so scared of water that he agreed [Applause] as soon as they reached the other side the Fox tossed up the gingerbread man in the air he opened his mouth and ate him up that was the end of the gingerbread man I don't want my cookies alive and get eaten by a wolf ha ha ha enjoy your cookies though here [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear I can't do it try to Fuu you can [Music] tear I can't anyways it's too high for me and I'm too short listen to Fuu I have a story for you would you want to hear it sure the sour grapes once in a forest the lift of furry fox [Music] he was wandering around the forest in search of food I am so hungry I need to eat something [Music] [Music] the Fox was passing a vineyard but he was an affair it was one I am so hungry that I can't even see what that round thing is he went a little ahead but stopped as he noticed the smell of the delicious grapes Wow there are so many grapes in this vineyard my mouth is watering the Fox looked at the pre point and jeweled the fox jumped up towards the creeps but the grapes were too high for him he tried and tried but the effort was futile he tried again and this time he was about to touch them but failed again oh I am so tired these grapes are too high I can't reach them at any cost he sat there and thought for a long time that how he can get those grapes he suddenly got up and said to himself those grapes are probably Sam in fact I don't like grapes why should I try so hard for them the Fox couldn't reach the grapes and hence escaped by making excuses but his tummy kept growling of hunger and he had to go without eating anything [Music] so tofu the Fox had to go empty-handed because he just made an excuse always remember you won't achieve your goals if you give up by making excuses so let's go and try again [Music] hey TIA yes tofu my teacher wrote a report that I need to get signed by mom what why she said that I didn't do things as asked oh why is that uh I just thought she's giving instructions just like that I didn't think there was any meaning to her instructions that's not a good thing to fool yes but why does she give so many instructions and why do I have to follow them always hmm I think you should follow your teachers instructions otherwise you will experience something similar to beat a rabbit why what did he experience Peter Rabbit once upon a time there lived a rabbit called Peter Rabbit he lived with his mother and brothers Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail one day the mother told them that she was going out for some work children I have to go finish some errands till then you can go and play in the lane just be careful that you do not go to Mack Brothers garden at all you all remember that your father had an accident there don't you mrs. McGregor had put him in the pie once the mother had gone all the brothers went down the lane to play [Music] Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail the very good kids and they followed their mother's instructions but Peter Rabbit was a naughty one he went to the McGregor's garden all by himself and squeezed himself under the fairies the garden was full of delicious vegetables Wow so many vegetables I will eat them all and quickly Peter Rabbit filled his stomach with lettuce French beans and radishes [Music] oh I think I have eaten too much I need some fast way to help my stomach and so Peter went looking for parsley deeper in McGregor's garden he was just crossing the cucumber patch when he ran into mr. McGregor thief stop stop right there mr. McGregor ran after Peter trying to catch him the moment Peter saw him coming he took off oh no I must run if I get to the shed I should be okay [Music] Peter quickly dashed into the tool shed and dived into a can the can was filled with water but Peter had no choice mr. McGregor had followed him into the shed where did that rabbit goat mr. macgreggor couldn't find PETA anywhere and so he decided to check outside the shed [Music] as soon as he turned away Peter got out of the can and dashed out but mr. McGregor spotted him there that tea after hit I won't let him go this time [Music] somehow Beto managed to get away [Music] he cut his breath and sat down under the blueberry bush just then he heard someone talking to him are you okay can you help me find a way out of here the mouse showed Peter the way out of the garden Peter quickly got out of the garden and headed home Oh Peter good you're home what took you so long nothing mom I'm just worried tired I think I will sleep the mother was very surprised she left Peter go to sleep early [Music] at suppertime she made the children's favorite dinner and serve them the carrot pie that she had got for them from the market but Peter Rabbit was so tired that he slept through the entire dinner and missed his favorite meal oh no I don't think I ever want to experience anything like that I will think twice before not following any instructions from my elders that's awesome tofu come on now we'll get you some carrot pie and then you can get the report signed by mom yes let's go TIA [Music] for your favorite crimes stories and more join github family subscribe here [Music] you [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 56,191
Rating: 4.3684211 out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for children, rhymes for nursery, children rhymes, twinkle twinkle, johny johny, kids rhymes, stories, children stories, poem, things you want to know, parenting, kids learning, tia, Hut rhymes, Tofu, The Hansel And Gretel
Id: a5QZYfvQ4rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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