The Grey Man | Creepypasta

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when I was 17 my best friend Mike kept a YouTube channel for Let's Plays he was a fan of old and not so well-known games most of which he played on a PSX emulator on his laptop the channel wasn't particularly popular he had about 30 subscribers most of which were just his friends I used to watch his videos for a few minutes when I got home from school to raise his views and help him out a little he was as entertaining as any game commentator I guess but some channels just don't lift off we took the same chemistry class and sat next to each other and every morning at school one day he asked me if I heard of a game called LSD dream emulator I hadn't he concluded that if I hadn't heard of it it was definitely obscure enough for his channel he had uploaded some videos of it that night it was a very peculiar game the objective seemed to be only to walk around various Japanese environments colliding with things that transported the player to other environments various animals and people glided through the game usually taking no notice of the player although there was one NPC known as the gray man he was as the name would suggest a gray man in a hat and coat he tended to appear without warning and slide senly toward the player the player got too close the screamed a flash white and he would disappear each time this happened Mike would gasp then nervously laugh at off and continue playing the game play was divided up into days each day lasted only a few minutes after which the player would be taken back to a menu and prompted to start a new dream Mike played up to day 12 over the course of a week and had clearly enjoyed the game as it was apparent in his videos he seemed immersed in it almost captivated by it however one night he posted a bolletin on his YouTube channel stating you know it's time to stop when the grey man pops up in your real dream what should I play next I wasn't phased by this casual joke and he told me in chemistry following morning that he was mainly stopping because he just wanted to play play something new to him I'd have recommended something but an exam was nearing and I wanted to concentrate on my work I suggested that he take a short break from YouTube and do the same he agreed that this was a good idea and we arranged to meet at his house that evening to revise saddled with several chemistry textbooks I walked through town that evening to his house the lights were on but there was no reply when I knocked out of politeness I waited a minute before I knocked again this time it opened instantly Mike stood in the doorway his hair wet looking extremely shaken without saying a word he led me to his room where various papers and books were sprad across his desk he seemed surprised to see them after a few minutes of pretending to read while actually curious as to why he was so anxious and jumpy I finally said what's wrong to which he mumbled some incomprehensible response my efforts continued until he finally confided in me he said that about 10 minutes before I arrived he had fallen asleep in the bath had a dream he said that in the dream he was drowning under the bath water completely paralyzed and unable to lift his head for air the quivering silhouette of the gray man towered over the water watching him I sympathized that this may have caused a few seconds of distress when he woke up but could not understand why he was still petrified I tried to comfort him but he sensed that I didn't understand grabbed my shoulders and screamed at me it lasted for weeks 10 minutes I was sleeping I was choking underwater in that dream for weeks and I Wouldn't Die Mike grew increasingly distant after that we exchanged no words in our chemistry lessons and he began to look extremely unwell size became pink and sunken into his head surrounded by purple rings over a week his neat writing deteriorated into a careless scraw until he stopped running completely and instead spent the duration of the lessons with his head buried into his hands occasionally he would accidentally fall asleep in this position and wake up several minutes later shrieking furiously and pounding the table with his fists after two instances of this this he was removed from the lessons and taken to be educated in private but after his refusal to sleep made him too tired to be angry he returned to normal lessons and sat through them completely emotionless I found new friends and he existed as a shell of a human being it was around this time that a new brand of graffiti began to appear frequently throughout the town on walls and such resembling a Japanese word or phrase the placement and color of the paintings varied greatly I didn't think much of it at the time the new artistic vandals were always trying to get themselves reputations this way however one night I was walking home from a party with half a bottle of vodka and noticed the Moonlight glowing on the fluorescent red of fresh paint down a thin alley to my left I walked down it and found a half finished piece of graffiti above Mike was slumped on the ground weeping with a can of spray paint rolling away from his hand I sighed sat next to him and offered him a drink of my vodka he drank a very large amount of it and handed the bottle back to me wheezing his eyes were closed I don't think he knew where he was I can't rest what I go to sleep and wake up in another version of where I was exactly the same except he's there torturing me what does that mean Mike I indicated the Japanese symbol above him but all he did was hang his head lower the pain doesn't stop when I wake up Mike didn't speak again for half an hour and I eventually persuaded him to go home he stood up and stumbled into the night I found a completed piece of graffi on the next street and took a picture of it with my phone then went home myself next day I Googled list of Japanese symbols and matched letters of the Japanese alphabet to the image on my phone in order to get typed symbols I could search for this took a good while as the Japanese alphabet is extensive and to me the symbols all looked very similar after I finished finding the symbols I entered them into Google it turned out to be the Japanese name of the violence District a region in the LSD game consisting of dark city streets littered with graffiti and corpses lying on the ground around hanging by the neck from lamposts or headless I had seen Mike encountered this area many times in his videos I woke up in the middle of the night to find Mike standing in the corner of my room a hood hiding the stone Dead face I had grown to associate with him his laptop was under his arm and he placed it on my bed telling me to delete the game delete the videos and delete the YouTube channel I asked why he couldn't and he replied I don't want to touch them before climbing at the window he had entered through too bewilder to go back to sleep I opened his laptop debery said I deleted all the videos from his documents folder and canceled his YouTube account which was signed into automatically I then noticed the file PSX fexe on his desktop I double clicked to run up the PlayStation 1 emulator and opened the LSD dream emulator CD image into it I then loaded his file which was still at day 12 mic was clearly unstable I figured many people had played the game and been unharmed I could easily do the same I continued where mic left off and wandered aimlessly through the dream worlds as he had done the game was very strange as I remembered from the videos perhaps even a little unsettling but after I shut off the laptop my state of mind was completely normal the one thing that confused me somewhat was that I had played another six days of the game and not encountered the grey man at all regardless I drifted off to sleep I dreamed that night I was on the Brown Mountain that I had seen in the game in a dark green sky with thick fog nearby was a poorly rendered figure facing away from me it was difficult to tell through the fog and simple Graphics but it appeared to be wearing a green parka and blue jeans like Mike I was unable to move and it slowly glided toward me though facing away from me finally it turned around and I saw a still image of Mike smiling face plastered across the sphere of the figure's head where I woke up Mike wasn't at school the next day or the day after or the day after that I had started my own file of LSD dream emulator and continuously seen The Gray Man concluding that there was no issue with that copy of the game and yet he never appeared on Mike's file I frequently searched the internet and asked fans of the game why the grey man would stop appearing each of them insisted that this wouldn't happen and that at that point in the game the player should expect to meet the gray man at least once per dream the police knocked on my door that weekend asking if I knew anything of Mike's whereabouts or if I knew what had been troubling him I calmly replied that we didn't talk much anymore putting the whole situation out of mind I started thinking about my future and concentrating on getting a Good Chemistry Grade A couple weeks later they found him in the woods a few miles out of town fentic concluded that he had bludgeoned himself to death with a rock very soon after the day he went missing I dream about him sometimes
Channel: Sayagain Narrations
Views: 5,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the gray man, creepypasta, creepy pasta, paranormal, movie event, letsnotmeet, nosleep, thriller, horrifying, video games, scary true story, horror, reddit, narration, horror movies, scariest video ever, scary, disturbing, blockbuster, novel
Id: 6mIHxGnq6CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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